185 lines
6.1 KiB
185 lines
6.1 KiB
* *
* *
* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1995. *
* All Rights reserved. *
* *
#ifndef _HCW_HEADER_
#define _HCW_HEADER_
#include ".\resource.h"
const int WMP_STOP_RUN_DLG = (WM_USER + 100);
const int WMP_WH_MSG = (WM_USER + 1000);
enum {
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define ASSERT(exp) { if (!(exp)) AssertErrorReport(#exp, __LINE__, __FILE__); }
#define Ensure( x1, x2 ) VERIFY((x1) == (x2))
#define VERIFY(exp) ((void)(exp))
#define ASSERT(exp)
#define Ensure(x1, x2) ((void)(x1))
#define APP_WINDOW AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd->m_hWnd
#define MACRO_LIMIT 1024
const int MAX_CNT_LINE = 1024;
extern HFONT hfontSmall, hfontSansSerif, hfontSansSerifBold;
extern int cySansSerif, cySansSerifBold;
extern PSTR pszHpjExt;
extern BOOL fBuildStarted;
extern PSTR pszHcwRtfExe;
extern int m_nDefCmdShow;
extern int m_nDefCmdShowOld;
extern BOOL fTranslator;
extern BOOL fExitWhenDone;
extern HANDLE hfShare; // used for sharing memory between hcrtf and hcw
extern HANDLE hfMsgShare; // used for sharing memory between WinHelp and hcw
extern PSTR pszMap;
extern HWND hwndGrind;
extern char szHlpFile[MAX_PATH];
extern char szHpjFile[MAX_PATH];
extern BOOL fHelpRunning;
extern ERROR_COUNT errcount;
extern BOOL fTrackErrors; // used when processing an .HMK file
extern BOOL fNoCompress;
extern LCID lcidSystem;
extern const char txtNotePad[];
extern const char txtWritePad[];
extern const char txtDefine[];
extern const char txtPoundInclude[];
extern const char txtColonInclude[];
extern BOOL fMinimizeWhileCompiling;
extern BOOL fRunWinHelp;
extern const char txtSettingsSection[];
extern CTable* ptblHpjFiles;
extern CTable tblLangId;
#define RemoveGdiObject(p) RemoveObject((HGDIOBJ *) p)
void STDCALL AddCharsetNames(CComboBox* pcombo);
void STDCALL AddFontNames(CComboBox* pcombo);
void STDCALL AddTabbedComment(CString& csz);
PSTR STDCALL AddTabbedComment(PSTR psz); // returns ptr to end of string
void STDCALL BevelRect(CDC& dc, RECT &rc, RECT &rcExclude,
CPen* ppen1, CPen* ppen2);
void STDCALL BevelRect(CDC& dc, RECT &rc, CPen* ppen1, CPen* ppen2);
BOOL STDCALL BrowseDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
BOOL STDCALL ChangeBasePath(PCSTR pszOldBase, PCSTR pszNewBase, PSTR pszFilename, BOOL fDirectory = FALSE, BOOL fVerify = FALSE);
void STDCALL ChangePathCase(PSTR pszPath);
PCSTR STDCALL ConvertCharsetToString(BYTE charset);
BYTE STDCALL ConvertStringToCharset(PCSTR pszName);
BOOL STDCALL ConvertToFull(PCSTR pszBaseFile, PSTR pszFile, BOOL fDirectory = FALSE);
BOOL STDCALL ConvertToRelative(PCSTR pszBaseFile, CString* pcszFile, BOOL fDirectory = FALSE, BOOL fVerify = FALSE);
BOOL STDCALL ConvertToRelative(PCSTR pszBaseFile, PSTR pszFile, BOOL fDirectory = FALSE, BOOL fVerify = FALSE);
void STDCALL DDV_EmptyFile(CDataExchange* pDX, CString const& value, UINT idMsg);
void STDCALL DDV_NonEmptyString(CDataExchange* pDX, CString const& value, UINT idPrompt);
void STDCALL DDX_TextHex(CDataExchange* pDX, UINT idCtl, UINT &value);
void STDCALL FillListFromTable(CTable* ptbl, CListBox* plistbox, BOOL fRedraw = TRUE);
void STDCALL FillTableFromList(CTable** ptbl, CListBox* plistbox);
void STDCALL HelpOverview(HWND hwndOwner, DWORD dwHelpID);
void STDCALL InitializeSharedMemory(void);
BOOL STDCALL IsDbcsSystem();
BOOL STDCALL IsValidFile(PCSTR pszFile, BOOL fConfirmReadOnly = TRUE);
BOOL CALLBACK Locale_EnumProc(PSTR pszValue);
BOOL CALLBACK NotifyWinHelp(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam);
void STDCALL OOM(void);
void STDCALL OpenLogFile(int idType = IDS_LOG_TYPE);
BOOL STDCALL OurExec(PCSTR pszCmdLine, PCSTR pszFile = pszHcwRtfExe);
void STDCALL ProcessHmkFile(PCSTR pszFile);
void STDCALL RemoveListItem(CListBox* plistbox);
void STDCALL RemoveTrailingSpaces(PSTR pszString);
BOOL STDCALL SelectCharset(CComboBox* pcombo, BYTE charset);
void STDCALL SetChicagoDialogStyles(HWND hwnd, BOOL fCsHelp = TRUE);
void STDCALL SetTmpDirectory(PCSTR pszDir);
BOOL STDCALL SetupBrowseDirectory(UINT idsCaption, UINT idsDescription, BOOL fSaveDirectory, PSTR pszNewPath, HWND hwndOwner, PCSTR pszBaseFile, PCSTR pszOldFile = NULL, UINT idsError = 0);
BOOL STDCALL SetupExecBuffer(PSTR pszBuf);
void STDCALL SizeButtonToFit(CButton *pCtl, RECT& rcWnd);
void STDCALL StartCompile(PCSTR pszFile);
PSTR STDCALL stristr(PCSTR pszMain, PCSTR pszSub);
enum MINSIZE {
MS_HPJ = 1,
#define MSF_CAPTION 0x0001
#define MSF_BORDER 0x0002
#define MSF_MENU 0x0004
#define MSF_STATUS 0x0008
#define MSF_TOOLBAR 0x0010
#define MSF_MASK 0x001F
BOOL STDCALL CalcMinSize(POINT &ptRet, enum MINSIZE val, UINT uFlags);
#ifndef __CFILE_HISTORY__
#include "filehist.h"
extern CFileHistory* pHpjFile;
extern CFileHistory* pCntFile;
extern CFileHistory* phlpFile;
extern CFileHistory* pMapFile;
#ifndef WM_CONTEXTMENU // Chicago header file?
#define WM_CONTEXTMENU 0x007B
#define WM_HELP 0x0053
#define HELP_CONTEXTMENU 0x000a
#define HELP_FINDER 0x000b
#define HELP_WM_HELP 0x000c
#define HELP_TCARD 0x8000
#define HELP_TCARD_DATA 0x0010
#define HELP_TCARD_NEXT 0x0011
typedef struct tagHELPINFO
DWORD cbSize;
int iContextType;
int iCtrlId;
HANDLE hItemHandle;
DWORD dwContextId;
POINT MousePos;
#define DS_3DLOOK 0x0004L
#define WS_EX_MDICHILD 0x00000040L
#define WS_EX_SMCAPTION 0x00000080L
#define WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE 0x00000100L
#define WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE 0x00000200L
#define WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP 0x00000400L
#define WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW 0x00000800L
#define WS_EX_RIGHT 0x00001000L
#define WS_EX_LEFT 0x00000000L
#define WS_EX_RTLREADING 0x00002000L
#define WS_EX_LTRREADING 0x00000000L
#define WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR 0x00004000L
#define WS_EX_RIGHTSCROLLBAR 0x00000000L
#endif // _HCW_HEADER_