2020-09-30 17:12:29 +02:00

260 lines
7.1 KiB

@rem Copy the Daytona or Cairo FreeBins/ChkBins trees to the corresponding flat (CD) shares.
@rem %1 is the build number to update.
@rem __________________________________________________________________________
@echo off
if NOT "%Verbose%" == "" echo on
@rem ________________________________________________________________________
@rem (
@rem ( Invoke Subroutine
@rem (________________________________________________________________________
if "%1" == "Subroutine" (
goto SubroutineLoop
@rem ________________________________________________________________________
@rem (
@rem ( Check and Set Environment
@rem (________________________________________________________________________
for %%a in (./ .- .) do if ".%1." == "%%a?." goto Usage
if "%ShareDrive%" == "" set ShareDrive=D:
if "%ToolPath%" == "" set ToolPath=c:\tools
if NOT exist %ToolPath%\ErrorChk.Cmd (
echo Error: %ToolPath%\ErrorChk.Cmd does not exist
goto End
set ScriptName=%0
set BuildNum=%1
@rem ____________________________________________________________________
@rem (
@rem ( Sets %MyDir% equal to the current directory
@rem (____________________________________________________________________
if "%MyDir%" == "" echotime /n /N set MyDir=> %tmp%\tmp.cmd & cd >> %tmp%\tmp.cmd & call %tmp%\tmp.cmd
cd /d %ToolPath%
call ErrorChk %1
if not "%ErrorCondition%"=="" goto Usage
@rem ________________________________________________________________________
@rem (
@rem ( Script Specific Work outside of Subroutine should be done here
@rem (________________________________________________________________________
where Compdir.Exe | findstr -c:"Could not find" > nul
if NOT ErrorLevel 1 (
set ErrorCondition=Compdir.Exe not found
goto Usage
set TimeDifference=
echo %2 | findstr -i "\/t \-t" > nul
if NOT ErrorLevel 1 set TimeDifference=st
@rem ________________________________________________________________________
@rem (
@rem ( Check if Target is Daytona or Cairo
@rem (________________________________________________________________________
set ProductType=
if "%1" == "" goto DoneParameterLooping
echo %1 | findstr -i "\/ \-" > nul
if NOT ErrorLevel 1 (
goto LookForProductType
echo Daytona | findstr -i %1 > nul
if NOT ErrorLevel 1 set ProductType=Daytona
echo Other | findstr -i %1 > nul
if NOT ErrorLevel 1 set ProductType=Other
goto LookForProductType
@rem ________________________________________________________________________
@rem (
@rem ( Get Target information from SeTarget and call Subroutine
@rem (________________________________________________________________________
if exist %Tmp%\%ScriptName%.Log del %Tmp%\%ScriptName%.Log
if NOT "%ProductType%" == "" goto ProductSet
set ProductType=Daytona
call SeTarget FlatNames
call %ScriptName% Subroutine %FlatNames%
EchoTime /t %ScriptName% for %ProductType% is done. 2>&1 | tee -a %Tmp%\%ScriptName%.Log
set ProductType=Other
call SeTarget FlatNames
call %ScriptName% Subroutine %FlatNames%
EchoTime /t %ScriptName% for %ProductType% is done. 2>&1 | tee -a %Tmp%\%ScriptName%.Log
set ProductType=
if "%ProductType%" == "" goto ProductNotSet
call SeTarget FlatNames
call %ScriptName% Subroutine %FlatNames%
EchoTime /t %ScriptName% for %ProductType% is done. 2>&1 | tee -a %Tmp%\%ScriptName%.Log
goto End
@rem ________________________________________________________________________
@rem (
@rem ( Subroutine: This is where the real work of the script is done
@rem (________________________________________________________________________
@rem ____________________________________________________________________
@rem (
@rem ( Make the Daytona or Cairo WS and AS flat shares. Raise the hidden
@rem ( shares as needed
@rem (____________________________________________________________________
if "%7" == "" goto DoneLooping
if NOT exist %2\* (
echo Error: %2 does not exist
goto End
set _NTBOOT=%1
set _RETAIL=%4
md %_RETAIL% 2>nul
EchoTime /t Copying %_NTBOOT% files to %_RETAIL%...
if "%ProductType%" == "Daytona" set ASInfDirectory=SrvInf
@rem Link the Server inf's:
if %3 == lmcd (
compdir /ldrest %_NTBOOT%\%ASInfDirectory% %_RETAIL%
call flat.cmd %BuildNum%
@rem Link the Internet Server files:
if "%3" == "lmcd" (
del /q %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\inetstpw.inf
del /q %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\inetstpw.hlp
rd /s /q %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\htmldocs
md %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\htmldocs
compdir /ldest %_NTBOOT%\inetsrv\htmldocs.srv %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\htmldocs
rd /s /q %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\help
md %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\help
compdir /ldest %_NTBOOT%\inetsrv\help.srv %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\help
rd /s /q %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\htmla
md %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\htmla
compdir /ldest %_NTBOOT%\inetsrv\htmla.srv %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\htmla
compdir /ldest %_NTBOOT%\inetsrv\htmla %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\htmla
rd /s /q %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\html
md %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\html
compdir /ldest %_NTBOOT%\inetsrv\html.srv %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\html
@rem Link the Internet Workstation files:
if "%3" == "ntcd" (
del /q %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\inetstp.inf
rename %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\inetstpw.inf inetstp.inf
del /q %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\inetstp.hlp
rename %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\inetstpw.hlp inetstp.hlp
rd /s /q %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\htmldocs
md %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\htmldocs
compdir /ldest %_NTBOOT%\inetsrv\htmldocs.wks %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\htmldocs
rd /s /q %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\help
md %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\help
compdir /ldest %_NTBOOT%\inetsrv\help.wks %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\help
rd /s /q %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\htmla
md %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\htmla
compdir /ldest %_NTBOOT%\inetsrv\htmla.wks %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\htmla
compdir /ldest %_NTBOOT%\inetsrv\htmla %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\htmla
rd /s /q %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\html
md %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\html
compdir /ldest %_NTBOOT%\inetsrv\html.wks %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\html
@rem Remove extra Internet Files:
rd /s /q %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\htmldocs.wks
rd /s /q %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\help.wks
rd /s /q %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\html.wks
rd /s /q %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\htmla.wks
rd /s /q %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\htmldocs.srv
rd /s /q %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\help.srv
rd /s /q %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\html.srv
rd /s /q %_RETAIL%\inetsrv\htmla.srv
if "%TimeDifference%" == "" goto SkipTimeDifference
if %3 == lmcd (
compdir /ldre%TimeDifference% %_NTBOOT%\%ASInfDirectory% %_RETAIL%
goto SubroutineLoop
goto End
if NOT "%ErrorCondition%" == "" (
@echo Error: %ErrorCondition%
@echo Usage %ScriptName% BuildNumber [Daytona Other]