153 lines
5.4 KiB
153 lines
5.4 KiB
*istream.h - definitions/declarations for the istream class
* Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This file defines the classes, values, macros, and functions
* used by the istream class.
* [AT&T C++]
#ifndef _INC_ISTREAM
#define _INC_ISTREAM
#include <ios.h>
// C4069: "long double != double"
#pragma warning(disable:4069) // disable C4069 warning
// #pragma warning(default:4069) // use this to reenable, if desired
// C4505: "unreferenced local function has been removed"
#pragma warning(disable:4505) // disable C4505 warning
// #pragma warning(default:4505) // use this to reenable, if desired
// C4103 : "used #pragma pack to change alignment"
#pragma warning(disable:4103) // disable C4103 warning
// #pragma warning(default:4103) // use this to reenable, if desired
// Force word packing to avoid possible -Zp override
#pragma pack(4)
typedef long streamoff, streampos;
class istream : virtual public ios {
virtual ~istream();
int ipfx(int =0);
void isfx() { unlockbuf(); unlock(); }
inline istream& operator>>(istream& (*_f)(istream&));
inline istream& operator>>(ios& (*_f)(ios&));
istream& operator>>(char *);
inline istream& operator>>(unsigned char *);
inline istream& operator>>(signed char *);
istream& operator>>(char &);
inline istream& operator>>(unsigned char &);
inline istream& operator>>(signed char &);
istream& operator>>(short &);
istream& operator>>(unsigned short &);
istream& operator>>(int &);
istream& operator>>(unsigned int &);
istream& operator>>(long &);
istream& operator>>(unsigned long &);
istream& operator>>(float &);
istream& operator>>(double &);
istream& operator>>(long double &);
istream& operator>>(streambuf*);
int get();
istream& get(char *,int,char ='\n');
inline istream& get(unsigned char *,int,char ='\n');
inline istream& get(signed char *,int,char ='\n');
istream& get(char &);
inline istream& get(unsigned char &);
inline istream& get(signed char &);
istream& get(streambuf&,char ='\n');
inline istream& getline(char *,int,char ='\n');
inline istream& getline(unsigned char *,int,char ='\n');
inline istream& getline(signed char *,int,char ='\n');
inline istream& ignore(int =1,int =EOF);
istream& read(char *,int);
inline istream& read(unsigned char *,int);
inline istream& read(signed char *,int);
int gcount() const { return x_gcount; }
int peek();
istream& putback(char);
int sync();
istream& seekg(streampos);
istream& seekg(streamoff,ios::seek_dir);
streampos tellg();
void eatwhite(); // consider: protect and friend with manipulator ws
istream(const istream&); // treat as private
istream& operator=(streambuf* _isb); // treat as private
istream& operator=(const istream& _is) { return operator=(_is.rdbuf()); }
int do_ipfx(int);
int getint(char *);
int getdouble(char *, int);
int _fGline;
int x_gcount;
inline istream& istream::operator>>(istream& (*_f)(istream&)) { (*_f)(*this); return *this; }
inline istream& istream::operator>>(ios& (*_f)(ios&)) { (*_f)(*this); return *this; }
inline istream& istream::operator>>(unsigned char * _s) { return operator>>((char *)_s); }
inline istream& istream::operator>>(signed char * _s) { return operator>>((char *)_s); }
inline istream& istream::operator>>(unsigned char & _c) { return operator>>((char &) _c); }
inline istream& istream::operator>>(signed char & _c) { return operator>>((char &) _c); }
inline istream& istream::get(unsigned char * b, int lim ,char delim) { return get((char *)b, lim, delim); }
inline istream& istream::get(signed char * b, int lim, char delim) { return get((char *)b, lim, delim); }
inline istream& istream::get(unsigned char & _c) { return get((char &)_c); }
inline istream& istream::get(signed char & _c) { return get((char &)_c); }
inline istream& istream::getline(char * _b,int _lim,char _delim) { lock(); _fGline++; get(_b, _lim, _delim); unlock(); return *this; }
inline istream& istream::getline(unsigned char * _b,int _lim,char _delim) { lock(); _fGline++; get((char *)_b, _lim, _delim); unlock(); return *this; }
inline istream& istream::getline(signed char * _b,int _lim,char _delim) { lock(); _fGline++; get((char *)_b, _lim, _delim); unlock(); return *this; }
inline istream& istream::ignore(int _n,int delim) { lock(); _fGline++; return get((char *)0, _n+1, (char)delim); unlock(); return *this; }
inline istream& istream::read(unsigned char * _ptr, int _n) { return read((char *) _ptr, _n); }
inline istream& istream::read(signed char * _ptr, int _n) { return read((char *) _ptr, _n); }
class istream_withassign : public istream {
istream& operator=(const istream& _is) { return istream::operator=(_is); }
istream& operator=(streambuf* _isb) { return istream::operator=(_isb); }
#ifndef _WINDLL // Warning! Not available under Windows without QuickWin:
extern istream_withassign cin;
inline istream& ws(istream& _ins) { _ins.eatwhite(); return _ins; }
ios& dec(ios&);
ios& hex(ios&);
ios& oct(ios&);
// Restore default packing
#pragma pack()
#endif // !_INC_ISTREAM