2020-09-30 17:12:29 +02:00

181 lines
6.5 KiB

PAGE 60,150
;* Routines used to give a cleaner interface to the VTD.
;* This interface also works on a 286 by calling GetTickCount() in
;* this case.
;** Symbols
;** Imports
externA __WinFlags
externFP GetTickCount
sBegin DATA
dwLastTimeReturned dd 0
wLastCountDown dw 0
sBegin CODE
assumes CS,CODE
assumes DS,DATA
; TimerCount
; Returns the count from either the virtual timer device or from the
; Windows function GetTickCount() depending on the processor.
; Prototype:
cProc TimerCount, <FAR,PUBLIC>, <si,di,ds>
parmD lpTimer
localD dwJumpAddr
mov ax, _DATA ;Get our data segment
mov es, ax
;** Point to the structure
lds si,lpTimer ;Point to the structure
;** Make sure the size is correct
xor ax,ax ;FALSE
cmp WORD PTR [si].ti_dwSize[2],0 ;High word must be zero
je @F
jmp TC_End
@@: cmp WORD PTR [si].ti_dwSize[0],SIZE TIMERINFO ;Low word must match
je @F
jmp TC_End
ifndef WOW
;** If we are in standard mode, always use Windows entry point
mov ax,__WinFlags ;Get the flags
test ax,WF_STANDARD ;Standard mode?
jnz TC_TryMMSys ;Yes, don't even try VTD
;** Try to get the VTD entry point
mov ax,1684h ;Get device entry point
mov bx,5 ;VTD device number
int 2fh ;Win386 entry point
mov ax,es ;Did we get a value?
or ax,di ; (zero means no device)
jz SHORT TC_UseWinAPI ;No VTD--use Win API
;** Get the VTD values
mov WORD PTR dwJumpAddr[0],di ;Save the address
mov WORD PTR dwJumpAddr[2],es ;Save the address
mov ax,0101h ;VTD: ms since start of Win386
call DWORD PTR dwJumpAddr ;Call the VTD
jc SHORT TC_UseWinAPI ;Carry set means error
mov [si].ti_dwmsSinceStart,eax ;Save in structure
mov ax,0102h ;VTD: ms in this VM
call DWORD PTR dwJumpAddr ;Call the VTD
jc SHORT TC_UseWinAPI ;Carry set means VTD error
mov [si].ti_dwmsThisVM,eax ;Save value in structure
jmp TC_ReturnOK ;We're done
;** See if mmsystem timer is installed
cmp WORD PTR es:[lpfntimeGetTime][2], 0 ;Installed?
je TC_UseWinAPI ;No, do this the hard way
call DWORD PTR es:lpfntimeGetTime
;** Fill the structure with this information
mov WORD PTR [si].ti_dwmsSinceStart[0],ax
mov WORD PTR [si].ti_dwmsSinceStart[2],dx
mov WORD PTR [si].ti_dwmsThisVM[0],ax
mov WORD PTR [si].ti_dwmsThisVM[2],dx
jmp TC_ReturnOK
endif ; ndef WOW
;** Use the Windows API
cCall GetTickCount ;Call the Windows API
mov WORD PTR [si].ti_dwmsSinceStart[0],ax ;Save the value for now
mov WORD PTR [si].ti_dwmsSinceStart[2],dx
;** Read the countdown timer. Note that the timer starts at 54 * 1193
;** and counts down to zero. Each count is 1193 ms.
xor al,al ;Prepare to read tick count
out 43h,al ;Send to timer
in al,40h ;Get the low byte
mov ah,al ;Save in AH
in al,40h ;Get the high byte
xchg ah,al
mov dx,0ffffh ;Get total countdown amount
sub dx,ax ;Get number of counts expired
mov ax,dx ;Get the number in AX for div
xor dx,dx ;Zero the high word
mov cx,1193 ;Divide to get ms
div cx ;Divide it
mov cx, ax ;cx == saved Curr count
;** Now fill the structure. Note that the 'ThisVM' entry is the
;** same as the 'SinceStart' entry in standard mode.
xor dx, dx
add ax, WORD PTR [si].ti_dwmsSinceStart[0] ;Add this count in
adc dx, WORD PTR [si].ti_dwmsSinceStart[2]
;** Check to make sure we didn't mess up. If we did (if the timer
;** was reset right in the middle of us reading it). If we
;** messed up, do it again until we get it right.
mov bx, _DATA ;Get our data segment
mov es, bx
cmp dx, WORD PTR es:dwLastTimeReturned[2]
jne TC_TimeOK
cmp ax, WORD PTR es:dwLastTimeReturned[0]
jae TC_TimeOK
; New time is less than the old time so estimate the curr time
; using LastTimeReturned as the base
mov ax, WORD PTR es:dwLastTimeReturned[0]
mov dx, WORD PTR es:dwLastTimeReturned[2]
xor bx, bx ;check for wrap
cmp cx, word ptr es:wLastCountDown
jae TC_NoWrap ;if wrap
add ax, cx ; += curr count
adc dx, 0
jmp short TC_TimeOK
TC_NoWrap: ;else no wrap
mov bx, cx ; += Curr - LastCountDown
sub bx, word ptr es:wLastCountDown
add ax, bx
adc dx, 0
mov word ptr es:wLastCountDown, cx
mov WORD PTR es:dwLastTimeReturned[0], ax
mov WORD PTR es:dwLastTimeReturned[2], dx
mov WORD PTR [si].ti_dwmsSinceStart[0], ax ;Save good count
mov WORD PTR [si].ti_dwmsSinceStart[2], dx
mov WORD PTR [si].ti_dwmsThisVM[0],ax ;Save in structure
mov WORD PTR [si].ti_dwmsThisVM[2],dx ;Save in structure
mov ax,1 ;Return TRUE