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728 lines
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title pinboot - Pinball boot loader
name pinboot
; The ROM in the IBM PC starts the boot process by performing a hardware
; initialization and a verification of all external devices. If all goes
; well, it will then load from the boot drive the sector from track 0, head 0,
; sector 1. This sector is placed at physical address 07C00h.
; The boot code's sole resposiblity is to find NTLDR, load it at
; address 2000:0000, and then jump to it.
; The boot code understands the structure of the Pinball root directory,
; and is capable of reading files. There is no contiguity restriction.
; The boot sector does not understand the Pinball file system's hotfixing --
; there isn't enough room. So if NTLDR is hotfixed, we're out of luck.
MASM equ 1
include macro.inc
A_DEFINED equ 1 ; don't "extrn" A_xxxx functions
include const.inc ;get the file system's headers.
include chain.inc
include misc.inc
include fnode.inc
include dir.inc
include superb.inc
DoubleWord struc
lsw dw ?
msw dw ?
DoubleWord ends
; The following are various segments used by the boot loader. The first
; two are the segments where the boot sector is initially loaded and where
; the boot sector is relocated to. The others are the static locations
; where the mini-FSD and OS2KRNL are loaded. There is no segment definition
; for where OS2LDR is loaded, since its position is variable (it comes right
; after the end of OS2KRNL).
BootSeg segment at 07c0h ; this is where the ROM loads us initially.
BootSeg ends
NewSeg segment at 0d00h ; this is where we'll relocate to.
NewSeg ends ; enough for 16 boot sectors +
; 4-sector scratch
; below where we'll load OS2KRNL.
LdrSeg segment at 2000h ; we want to load the loader at 2000:0000
LdrSeg ends
ScrOfs equ 0f800h - 0d000h ; offset of 2K scratch area.
MOVEDD macro dest, src ; macro to copy a doubleword memory variable.
mov ax, src.lsw
mov dest.lsw, ax
mov ax, src.msw
mov dest.msw, ax
;/********************** START OF SPECIFICATIONS ************************/
;/* */
;/* SUBROUTINE NAME: pinboot */
;/* */
;/* DESCRIPTIVE NAME: Bootstrap loader */
;/* */
;/* FUNCTION: To load NTLDR into memory. */
;/* */
;/* NOTES: pinboot is loaded by the ROM BIOS (Int 19H) at */
;/* physical memory location 0000:7C00H. */
;/* pinboot runs in real mode. */
;/* This boot record is for Pinball file systems only. */
;/* Allocation information for NTLDR may not */
;/* exceed an FNODE. */
;/* */
;/* ENTRY POINT: pinboot */
;/* LINKAGE: Jump (far) from Int 19H */
;/* */
;/* INPUT: CS:IP = 0000:7C00H */
;/* SS:SP = 0030:00FAH (CBIOS dependent) */
;/* */
;/* DL = INT 13 drive number we booted from */
;/* Jmp to main in OS2LDR */
;/* */
;/* EXIT-ERROR: None */
;/* */
;/* EFFECTS: Pinball mini-FSD is loaded into the physical */
;/* memory location 000007C0H */
;/* NTLDR is loaded into the physical memory */
;/* location 00020000H */
;/* */
;/* MESSAGES: */
;/* A disk read error occurred. */
;/* The file NTLDR cannot be found. */
;/* Insert a system diskette and restart the system. */
;/* */
;/*********************** END OF SPECIFICATIONS *************************/
BootCode segment ;would like to use BootSeg here, but LINK flips its lid
assume cs:BootCode,ds:nothing,es:nothing,ss:nothing
org 0 ; start at beginning of segment, not 0100h.
public _pinboot
_pinboot proc far
jmp start
; The following is the default BPB for Pinball hard disks. It may
; be modified by FORMAT or SYS before being installed on the disk.
; Parameters such as Heads, SectorsPerTrack, and SectorsLong are
; set up for a 20MB hard disk, so that a binary image of this boot
; record may be written directly to a test hard disk without having
; to reformat the drive.
; Note that this is really just a place-holder--anyone who writes
; the boot code should preserve the volume's existing BPB.
Version db "IBM 10.2"
BPB label byte
BytesPerSector dw SECSIZE ; Size of a physical sector
SectorsPerCluster db 4 ; Sectors per allocation unit
ReservedSectors dw 1 ; Number of reserved sectors
Fats db 2 ; Number of fats
DirectoryEntries dw 0200h ; Number of directory entries
Sectors dw 0 ; No. of sectors - no. of hidden sectors
Media db 0f8h ; Media byte
FatSectors dw 0029h ; Number of fat sectors
SectorsPerTrack dw 17 ; Sectors per track
Heads dw 4 ; Number of surfaces
HiddenSectors dd 0011h ; Number of hidden sectors
SectorsLong dd 0a2c3h ; Number of sectors iff Sectors = 0
; The following is the rest of the Extended BPB for the volume.
; The position and order of DriveNumber and CurrentHead are especially
; important, since those two variables are loaded into a single 16-bit
; register for the BIOS with one instruction.
DriveNumber db 80h ; Physical drive number (0 or 80h)
CurrentHead db ? ; Variable to store current head number
Signature db 28h ; Signature Byte for bootsector
BootID dd 64d59c15h ; Boot ID field.
Boot_Vol_Label db 'C-DRIVE',0,0,0,0 ;volume label.
Boot_System_ID db 'HPFS ' ; Identifies the IFS that owns the vol.
; The following variables are not part of the Extended BPB; they're just
; scratch variables for the boot code.
SectorBase dd ? ; next sector to read
CurrentTrack dw ? ; current track
CurrentSector db ? ; current sector
SectorCount dw ? ; number of sectors to read
lsnSaveChild dd ? ; sector to continue directory search
; First of all, set up the segments we need (stack and data).
xor ax, ax ; Set up the stack to just before
mov ss, ax ; this code. It'll be moved after
mov sp, 7c00h ; we relocate.
mov ax, Bootseg ; Address our BPB with DS.
mov ds, ax
assume ds:BootCode
; Now read the 16-sector boot block into memory. Then jump to that
; new version of the boot block, starting in the second sector
; (after the bootrecord sig).
mov SectorBase.lsw, 0 ; read sector zero.
mov SectorBase.msw, 0
mov word ptr [SectorCount], SEC_SUPERB+4 ; read boot/superblock.
mov ax, NewSeg ; read it at NewSeg.
mov es, ax
sub bx, bx ; at NewSeg:0000.
call DoReadLL ; Call low-level DoRead routine
push NewSeg ; we'll jump to NewSeg:0200h.
push offset mainboot ; (the second sector).
ret ; "return" to the second sector.
_pinboot endp
; Low-level read routine that doesn't work across a 64k addr boundary.
; Read SectorCount sectors (starting at SectorBase) to es:bx.
; As a side effect, SectorBase is updated (but es:bx are not)
; and SectorCount is reduced to zero.
DoReadLL proc
push ax ; save important registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
push es
mov ax, SectorBase.lsw ; (DX:AX) = start sector of next track
mov dx, SectorBase.msw
add ax, HiddenSectors.lsw ; adjust for partition's base sector
adc dx, HiddenSectors.msw
div SectorsPerTrack ; (DX) = sector within track, (AX)=track
inc dl ; sector numbers are 1-based, not 0
mov CurrentSector, dl
xor dx, dx ; prepare for 32-bit divide
div Heads ; (DX) = head no., (AX) = cylinder
mov CurrentHead, dl
mov CurrentTrack, ax
; CurrentHead is the head for this next disk request
; CurrentTrack is the track for this next request
; CurrentSector is the beginning sector number for this request
; Compute the number of sectors that we may be able to read in a single ROM
; request.
mov ax, SectorsPerTrack ; could read up to this much
sub al, CurrentSector ; offset within this track
inc ax ; CurrentSector was 1-based
; AX is the number of sectors that we may read.
cmp ax, SectorCount ; do we need to read whole trk?
jbe DoRead$FullTrack ; yes we do.
mov ax, SectorCount ; no, read a partial track.
; AX is now the number of sectors that we SHOULD read.
push ax ; save sector count for later calc.
mov ah, 2 ; "read sectors"
mov dx, CurrentTrack ; at this cylinder
mov cl, 6
shl dh, cl ; high 2 bits of DH = bits 8,9 of DX
or dh, CurrentSector ; (DH)=cyl bits | 6-bit sector no.
mov cx, dx ; (CX)=cylinder/sector no. combination
xchg ch, cl ; in the right order
mov dx, word ptr DriveNumber ; drive to read from, head no.
int 13h ; call BIOS.
pop ax
jb BootErr$he ; If errors report
add SectorBase.lsw, ax ; increment logical sector position
adc SectorBase.msw, 0
sub SectorCount, ax ; exhausted entire sector run?
jbe DoRead$Exit ; yes, we're all done.
shl ax, 9 - 4 ; (AX)=paragraphs read from last track
mov dx, es ; (DX)=segment we last read at
add dx, ax ; (DX)=segment right after last read
mov es, dx ; (ES)=segment to read next track at
jmp DoRead$Loop
pop es
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
DoReadLL endp
; BootErr - print error message and hang the system.
BootErr proc
mov si,offset TXT_MSG_SYSINIT_FILE_NOT_FD +2
jmp short BootErr2
call BootErr$print
mov si,offset TXT_MSG_SYSINIT_INSER_DK +2
call BootErr$print
jmp $ ;Wait forever
lodsb ; Get next character
cmp al, 0
je BootErr$Done
mov ah,14 ; Write teletype
mov bx,7 ; Attribute
int 10h ; Print it
jmp BootErr$print
BootErr endp
include pinboot.inc ;suck in the message text
; Names of the files we look for. Each consists of a length byte
; followed by the filename as it should appear in a directory entry.
ntldr db 5, "NTLDR"
ReservedForFuture DB 22 dup(?) ;reserve remaining bytes to prevent NLS
;messages from using them
.errnz ($-_pinboot) GT (SECSIZE-2),<FATAL PROBLEM: first sector is too large>
db 55h,0aah
; mainboot -
mainboot proc far
mov ax, cs ; get the new DS.
mov ds, ax
add ax, ((SEC_SUPERB + 4) * SECSIZE) / 16 ; address of scratch.
mov es, ax
mov ax, ds ; get DS again.
shl ax, 4 ; convert to an offset.
mov sp, ax ; load new stack, just before boot code.
; First find the root FNODE on disk and read it in.
MOVEDD SectorBase, [bx] ; SectorBase = sblk.SB_ROOT.
mov SectorCount, 1 ; it's one sector long.
sub bx, bx ; read at scratch segment:0.
call DoRead
; Now find the root DIRBLK on disk and save its address.
; Load NTLDR at 20000h.
mov si, offset ntldr ; point to name of NTLDR.
MOVEDD SectorBase, RootDB ; start at root dirblk
call FindFile
mov ax, LdrSeg ; load at this segment.
call LoadFile ; find it and load it.
; We've loaded NTLDR--jump to it. Jump to NTLDR. Note that NTLDR's segment
; address was stored on the stack above, so all we need to push is the offset.
; Before we go to NTLDR, set up the registers the way it wants them:
; DL = INT 13 drive number we booted from
mov dl, DriveNumber
mov ax,1000
mov es, ax ; we don't really need this
lea si, BPB
sub ax,ax
push LdrSeg
push ax
ret ; "return" to OS2LDR.
mainboot endp
; DoRead - read SectorCount sectors into ES:BX starting from sector
; SectorBase.
; NOTE: This code WILL NOT WORK if ES:BX does not point to an address whose
; physical address (ES * 16 + BX) MOD 512 != 0.
; DoRead adds to ES rather than BX in the main loop so that runs longer than
; 64K can be read with a single call to DoRead.
; Note that DoRead (unlike DoReadLL) saves and restores SectorCount
; and SectorBase
DoRead proc
push ax ; save important registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
push es
push SectorCount ; save state variables too
push SectorBase.lsw
push SectorBase.msw
; Calculate how much we can read into what's left of the current 64k
; physical address block, and read it.
mov ax,bx
shr ax,4
mov cx,es
add ax,cx ; ax = paragraph addr
; Now calc maximum number of paragraphs that we can read safely:
; 4k - ( ax mod 4k )
and ax,0fffh
sub ax,1000h
neg ax
; Calc CX = number of paragraphs to be read
mov cx,SectorCount ; convert SectorCount to paragraph cnt
shl cx,9-4
push cx ; save cpRead
cmp ax,cx ; ax = min(cpReadSafely, cpRead)
jbe @F
mov ax,cx
push ax
; Calculate new SectorCount from amount we can read
shr ax,9-4
mov SectorCount,ax
call DoReadLL
pop ax ; ax = cpActuallyRead
pop cx ; cx = cpRead
sub cx,ax ; Any more to read?
jbe DoRead$Exit64 ; Nope.
; Adjust ES:BX by amount read
mov dx,es
add dx,ax
mov es,dx
; Since we're now reading on a 64k byte boundary, cpReadSafely == 4k.
mov ax,01000h ; 16k paragraphs per 64k segment
jmp short DoRead$Loop64 ; and go read some more.
pop SectorBase.msw ; restore all this crap
pop SectorBase.lsw
pop SectorCount
pop es
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
DoRead endp
; ReadScratch - reads a block of 4 sectors into the scratch area.
; ENTRY: SectorBase = LSN to read.
; EXIT: 4 sectors at AX read at BootSeg:ScrOfs
; USES: all
ReadScratch proc near
push es
push bx
mov word ptr SectorCount, 4 ; read 4 sectors.
push ds ; address scratch area.
pop es
mov bx, ScrOfs ; with ES:BX.
call DoRead
pop bx
pop es
ReadScratch endp
; FindFile - finds a file in the root directory
; ENTRY: DS:SI -> name of file to find.
; SectorBase = LSN of first DirBlk to read
; EXIT: ES:BX -> dirent of file
; SectorBase = lsn of current DirBlk (for next directory search)
; USES: all
FindFile proc near
push ds
pop es ; address data with ES too.
call ReadScratch ; read DirBlk (SectorBase already set)
sub cx, cx ; prepare to store name length.
mov cl, [si] ; fetch the length byte.
inc si ; and skip to the name.
mov dx, cx ; save a copy of it.
ff1: mov bx, DB_START + ScrOfs ; point to first DIRENT, in scratch.
jmp short ff12
; bx -> last entry examined
; cx = length of the name we're looking for
; si -> name we're looking for, without the count byte ("search name")
ff10: add bx, [bx].DIR_ELEN ; move to next entry.
call UpcaseName
ff12: mov ax, si ; save search name address.
mov cx, dx ; reload search name length.
lea di, [bx].DIR_NAMA ; point to current DIRENT name.
repe cmpsb ; compare bytes while equal.
mov si, ax ; restore search name address.
jne ff20 ; not equal, search on
; Looks like the names match, as far as we compared them. But if
; the current name was longer than the search name, we didn't compare
; them completely. Check the lengths.
cmp dl, [bx].DIR_NAML
jne ff20 ; not equal, try downpointer if any
ret ; equal - Found the file
; Names don't match. If the current entry has a downpointer,
; search it.
ff20: test byte ptr [bx].DIR_FLAG, DF_BTP
jz ff30 ; no downpointer, check for end
; Follow the DownPointer.
; Load the child DIRBLK and search it.
add bx, [bx].DIR_ELEN ; move to next entry.
MOVEDD SectorBase, [bx-4] ; fetch last 4 bytes of prev entry.
call ReadScratch ; read child DIRBLK
jmp short ff1 ; search this dirblk
; We don't have a downpointer.
; If this is the end entry in the dirblk, then we have to go up to the parent,
; if any.
ff30: test byte ptr [bx].DIR_FLAG, DF_END
jz ff10 ; not end of dirblk - check next DirEnt
; Check to see if we have a parent (not the top block). If so, read
; the parent dirblk and find the downpointer that matches the current
; sector. Then continue searching after that point.
mov bx, ScrOfs ; point to dirblk header
test byte ptr [bx].DB_CCNT, 1 ; 1 means top block
jz ff40 ; not top, continue with parent
jmp FileNotFound ; top block - not found
; read in parent dirblk and find the dirent with this downpointer -
; then continue after that point
ff40: MOVEDD lsnSaveChild, SectorBase ; save this sector number
MOVEDD SectorBase, [bx].DB_PAR
call ReadScratch ; read the parent
mov bx, DB_START + ScrOfs ; start at first entry of child
jmp short ff44
; find our current downpointer
ff42: add bx, di ; move to the next dirent
ff44: mov di, [bx].DIR_ELEN ; downptr is 4 bytes from end of dirent
mov ax, [bx+di-4].lsw
cmp ax, lsnSaveChild.lsw ; compare low 2 bytes
jne ff42 ; not equal, try next DirEnt
mov ax, [bx+di-4].msw
cmp ax, lsnSaveChild.msw ; compare high 2 bytes
jne ff42 ; not equal, try next DirEnt
jmp ff30 ; continue from here
FindFile endp
; LoadFile - reads file in at the specified segment.
; ENTRY: ES:BX -> fnode of file to load
; AX = segment address to load at.
; USES: all
LoadFile proc near
push ax ; save segment to load at.
; Here, we have found the file we want to read. Fetch relevant info
; out of the DIRENT: the file's FNODE number and its size in bytes.
sub bp, bp ; a zero register is handy.
MOVEDD FileSize, [bx].DIR_SIZE ; get file size
MOVEDD SectorBase, [bx].DIR_FN ; prepare to read FNODE
call ReadScratch ; read in the FNODE
pop es ; restore segment to read at.
mov si, ScrOfs + FN_ALREC ; address the FNODE's array.
mov bx, ScrOfs + FN_AB ; address the FNODE's ALBLK.
test byte ptr [bx].AB_FLAG, ABF_NODE ; are records nodes?
jnz lf_donode ; yes, go get a child.
; Here, we have a leaf block. Loop through the ALLEAF records,
; reading each one's data run.
mov cl, [bx].AB_OCNT ; get count of leaf records.
mov ch, 0 ; zero-extend.
MOVEDD SectorBase, [si].AL_POF ; load run start.
mov ax, word ptr [si].AL_LEN ; load run length.
mov SectorCount, ax
push bx ; save ALBLK pointer.
sub bx, bx ; read at ES:0000.
call DoRead
pop bx ; restore ALBLK pointer.
mov ax, es ; get segment we just used
shl SectorCount, 9 - 4 ; cvt sectors to paragraphs
add ax, SectorCount ; get new segment address
mov es, ax ; store new segadr in ES
add si, size ALLEAF ; point to next leaf
loop lf_loop ; go get another run
; Here, we've exhausted an array of records. If we exhausted the
; FNODE, we're done. Otherwise, we re-read our parent block, restore
; where we were in it, and advance to the next record.
cmp word ptr ds:[ScrOfs+FN_SIG+2], FNSIGVAL shr 16 ; in FNODE?
je lf_alldone ; yes, we've read the whole file.
MOVEDD SectorBase, ds:[ScrOfs+AS_RENT] ; fetch parent sector pointer.
call ReadScratch ; read in our parent.
pop si ; restore where we left off.
pop bx ; restore ALBLK pointer.
add si, size ALNODE ; move to next node.
; Here the block contains downpointers. Read in the next child
; block and process it as a node or leaf block, saving where we were
; in the current block.
mov al, [bx].AB_OCNT ; get number of records.
mov ah, 0 ; zero-extend.
shl ax, 3 ; (AX)=size of array.
add ax, bx
add ax, size ALBLK ; (AX)->after end of array.
cmp si, ax ; are we done?
jae lf_blockdone ; yes, we've exhausted this blk.
push bx ; save ALBLK offset.
push si ; save current record offset.
MOVEDD SectorBase, [si].AN_SEC ; get child downpointer.
call ReadScratch ; read the child ALSEC.
mov si, size ALSEC + ScrOfs ; address the ALSEC's array.
mov bx, AS_ALBLK + ScrOfs ; address the ALSEC's ALBLK.
jmp short lf_go
; All done, return to caller.
LoadFile endp
; UpcaseName - Converts the name of the file to all upper-case
; ENTRY: ES:BX -> dirent of file
UpcaseName proc near
mov cl,[bx].DIR_NAML
xor ch,ch ; (cx) = # of bytes in name
lea di, [bx].DIR_NAMA ; (es:di) = pointer to start of name
cmp byte ptr es:[di], 'Z' ; Is letter lowercase?
jbe UN20
sub byte ptr es:[di], 'a'-'A' ; Yes, convert to uppercase
inc di
loop UN10
UpcaseName endp
jmp BootErr$fnf
RootDB dd ? ; LSN of root DIRBLK.
Flag db ? ; used to store AB_FLAG.
AllocInfo db size ALLEAF * ALCNT dup (0) ; copy of FNODE alloc info.
FileSize dd ? ; size of file that was read.
.errnz ($-_pinboot) GT (SEC_SUPERB*SECSIZE),<FATAL PROBLEM: main boot record exceeds available space>
BootCode ends
end _pinboot