2020-09-30 17:12:29 +02:00

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; Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
; Module Name:
; spdetect.asm
; Abstract:
; This modules detects a SystemPro or compatible. It is INCLUDED
; by SPIPI and other binaries whom need to know how to detect a
; SystemPro type MP machine (ie, setup). It must assemble more or
; less standalone and run in protect mode.
; Author:
; Ken Reneris (kenr) 13-Jan-1992
; Revision History:
include halsp\i386\spmp.inc
include callconv.inc ; calling convention macros
; spSystemType: SystemType is read from 0c80-0c83h.
; 0c80-0c81: 0e11: Compressed CPQ (5 bit encoding).
; 0c82: System Board type.
; 0c83: System Board revision level.
spSystemCpuTable dd 0e1101h ; CPQ01xx 386 ASP
dd 0e1111h ; CPQ11xx 486 ASP
dd 0e1150h ; CPQ50xx plug in processor
dd 0e1159h ; CPQ59xx plug in processor
dd 0e115bh ; CPQffxx plug in processor
dd 0e1115h ; CPQ15xx (smp version)
dd 0e1152h ; CPQ15xx (smp version)
dd 0e1108h ; CPQ15xx
dd 0592a0h ; ALRa0xx PowerPro
dd 0592b0h ; ALRb0xx PowerPro plug in processor
dd 047232h ; Acer SP clone (4p version)
dd 246c00h ; ICL MX
dd 246c02h ; ICL (acer 700xx)
dd 352310h ; Micronycs MPro motherboard
dd 352311h ; Micronycs MPro
dd 0592a1h ; ALRa1xx PowerPro (DX2-66 mobo)
dd 0592a2h ; ALRa2xx PowerPro (reserved mobos)
dd 0592b1h ; ALRb1xx PowerPro (reserved p2's)
dd 4dc901h ; Siemens Nixdorf PCE-4T/33
dd 4dc950h ; Siemens Nixdorf PCE-4T/33
dd 047219h ; AcerFrame 700
dd 047232h ; AcerFrame 3000MP560
dd 0h
CPUTABLE_SIZE equ ($-spSystemCpuTable)/4
; Types match up to CpuTable.
spSystemTypeTable db SMP_SYSPRO1 ; CPQ01xx 386 ASP
db SMP_SYSPRO1 ; CPQ11xx 486 ASP
db SMP_SYSPRO1 ; CPQ50xx plug in processor
db SMP_SYSPRO1 ; CPQ59xx plug in processor
db SMP_SYSPRO1 ; CPQffxx plug in processor
db SMP_SYSPRO2 ; CPQ15xx (smp version)
db SMP_SYSPRO2 ; CPQ15xx (smp version)
db SMP_SYSPRO1 ; CPQ15xx
db SMP_SYSPRO1 ; ALRa0xx PowerPro
db SMP_SYSPRO1 ; ALRb0xx PowerPro
db SMP_ACER ; Acer SP clone (4p version)
db SMP_ACER ; ICL (acer 700xx)
db SMP_SYSPRO1 ; Micronycs MPro motherboard
db SMP_SYSPRO1 ; Micronycs MPro
db SMP_SYSPRO1 ; ALRa1xx PowerPro (DX2-66 mobo)
db SMP_SYSPRO1 ; ALRa2xx PowerPro (reserved mobos)
db SMP_SYSPRO1 ; ALRb1xx PowerPro (reserved p2's)
db SMP_SYSPRO1 ; Siemens Nixdorf PCE-4T/33
db SMP_SYSPRO1 ; Siemens Nixdorf PCE-4T/33
db SMP_ACER ; AcerFrame 700
db SMP_ACER ; AcerFrame 3000MP560
TYPETABLE_SIZE equ ($-spSystemTypeTable)
; Order to check eisa ports in..
SpPortOrder dw 0000, 0F000h, 0C000h, 0D000h, -1
public _SpType, _SpCpuCount, _SpProcessorControlPort
_SpType db -1 ; Lowest SMP_SYSPRO type found
_SpCpuCount db 0 ; # of Cpus found
_SpProcessorControlPort dw 00000h+PCR_OFFSET
dw 0F000h+PCR_OFFSET
dw 0C000h+PCR_OFFSET
dw 0D000h+PCR_OFFSET
RestoreESP dd 0
RestoreESP1 dd 0
Sp80386 db '80386'
Sp80486 db '80486'
_DATA ends
page ,132
; DetectSystemPro (
; OUT PBOOLEAN IsConfiguredMp
; );
; Routine Description:
; This function is only called on EISA machines
; Determines the type of system (specifically for eisa machines).
; Arguments:
; IsConfiguredMp - If the machine is a SystemPro, then this value is
; set to TRUE if it's an MP SystemPro, else FALSE.
; Return Value:
; FALSE - not a supported machine for this HAL
; TRUE - is SystemPro
; etc...
cPublicProc _DetectSystemPro ,1
push edi
push esi
push ebx ; Save C Runtime
movzx edx, SpPortOrder[0] ; Check system board for
call CheckEisaCard ; SystemPro belize ID
if 0
or eax, eax
jz dsp_idnotknown
cmp al, SMP_SYSPRO2
je dsp_belize ; if belize, go count belize style
xor ebx, ebx ; CpuCount
xor esi, esi ; Base EisaCard address
dsp10: movzx edx, SpPortOrder[esi*2]
cmp dx, -1 ; End of list?
je short dsp30 ; Yes, done
call CheckEisaCard ; Check Eisa card for cpu
or eax, eax ; If not cpu, then skip it
jz short dsp20
cmp _SpType, al
jc @f
mov _SpType, al ; SpType = min(SpType, eax)
cmp ebx, 4 ; MaxSupported CPUs already found?
jae dsp20 ; Yes, then skip this one
movzx edx, SpPortOrder[esi*2]
add edx, PCR_OFFSET
mov _SpProcessorControlPort[ebx*2], dx
inc ebx ; CpuCount += 1
dsp20: inc esi ; Next EisaCard I/O addr to check
jmp short dsp10
dsp30: xor eax, eax ; Assume FALSE
ifdef SETUP
cmp bl, 2 ; Did we find at least 2 CPUs?
cmp bl, 1 ; Did we find at least 1 CPU?
jc short SpExit ; No, then exit
mov _SpCpuCount, bl
mov al, 1 ; return non-zero
mov ebx, dword ptr [esp+16]
mov byte ptr [ebx], al ; *IsConfiguredMp = TRUE
SpExit: pop ebx
pop esi
pop edi
stdRET _DetectSystemPro
mov _SpType, al ; SpType = SYSPRO2
; Put Belize SystemPro into Symmetric mode
out dx, al
; Count CPUs, belize style. And assign logcal IDs to CPUs
xor ecx,ecx ;physical cpu
xor ebx,ebx ;logical cpu
mov al,cl ; al = physical CPU slot number
out dx, al ; select physical CPU slot in al
in al,dx ; read CPU number
jae short dsp60 ; n:Check next physical CPU slot
mov al,bl ; y:Make physical CPU a logical CPU
out dx,al
inc ebx ; next logical CPU to assign
inc ecx ; next physical CPU slot to check
jb short dsp50 ; look in next cpu slot
jmp short dsp30 ; ebx = number of cpus found
if 0 ; Note: this code is not fully working (did not pass hct's)
public dsp_idnotknown
; The eisa ID was not recongonized - attempt to use the protect mode
; int-15 interface to determine if this is a SystemPro compatible
; computer. Any SystemPro detected in this manner is assumed to
; be of type SMP_SYSPRO1 which only has 2 processors.
; Note: There is a fair amount of paranoia in the following code
; becuase we trust the rom as little as possible.
xor eax, eax
xor ecx, ecx
mov cx, ss ; Verify SS value is what it is
cmp ecx, KGDT_R0_DATA ; expect it to be; otherwise this code
jne short SpExit ; can't work
pushf ; Save current DF & EF
sub esp, 15*8
sidt fword ptr [esp] ; get IDT address
mov esi, dword ptr [esp+2] ; (esi) = IDT
mov edi, esp ; (edi) = address to copy vectors to
push es ; Save selectors in case rom
push ds ; trashes state
push fs
push gs
push esi
push ebp
; Save and hook some IDT vectors. If we get some type of trap
; here or in the rom, then we will restore the state and return
; back that a systempro was not detected
mov eax, esi
mov ecx, 15*8/4
rep movsd ; Save IDT vectors
mov RestoreESP, esp ; Save current ESP for restore
mov ecx, offset FLAT:dsp_handlefault
mov dx, cs
shl edx, 16
mov dx, cx
mov cx, 08E00h ; Install int32 gate for vectors
mov [eax+0*8+0] , edx
mov [eax+0*8+4] , ecx ; Trap IDT 0 Divide Error
mov [eax+4*8+0] , edx
mov [eax+4*8+4] , ecx ; Trap IDT 4 INTO
mov [eax+5*8+0] , edx
mov [eax+5*8+4] , ecx ; Trap IDT 5 BOUND
mov [eax+6*8+0] , edx
mov [eax+6*8+4] , ecx ; Trap IDT 6 Invalid OpCode
mov [eax+11*8+0], edx
mov [eax+11*8+4], ecx ; Trap IDT 11 Segment not present
mov [eax+12*8+0], edx
mov [eax+12*8+4], ecx ; Trap IDT 12 Stack fault
mov [eax+13*8+0], edx
mov [eax+13*8+4], ecx ; Trap IDT 13 GP fault
mov [eax+14*8+0], edx
mov [eax+14*8+4], ecx ; Trap IDT 14 Page fault
; Map in 64K of the ROM in order to use protect mode int-15 interface.
; (see Compaq eisa spec)
stdCall _HalpMapPhysicalMemory, <0f0000h, 16> ; map 64K of ROM
mov ebp, eax ; save ROM starting address
; Verify there is a ROM, search for the word 'COMPAQ' in the ROM
; addresses FE000-FE0FF. (see Compaq eisa spec)
lea esi, SpCOMPAQ ; 'COMPAQ'
mov ebx, 6 ; strlen ('COMPAQ')
lea edi, [ebp+0e000h] ; address to scan
mov ecx, 0ffh ; length of scan
call SpScanForString
jne dsp_handlefault ; if not found then abort
; Also verify the 'EISA' work at rom address FFFD0-FFFFF
; (see Compaq eisa spec)
lea esi, SpEISA ; 'EISA'
mov ebx, 4 ; strlen ('EISA')
lea edi, [ebp+0ffd0h] ; address to scan
mov ecx, 02fh ; length of scan
call SpScanForString
jne dsp_handlefault ; if not found then abort
; Look in slot 11 and slot 15 for processors
sub esp, 400 ; make space for Config Data Block
mov ecx, 11 ; check slot 11 first
xor ebx, ebx ; assume no processors found
push ebp ; save virtual rom address
push ecx ; save current slot #
push ebx ; save # processors found
xor eax, eax
lea edi, [esp+12]
mov ecx, 300/4
rep stosd ; clear destionation buffer
mov ax, 0D881h ; Read Config Info, 32bit
lea esi, [esp+12] ; destionation address
mov RestoreESP1, esp ; Some roms don't iret correctly
sub esp, 10h ; Some roms clobber some stack
push cs
lea ebx, [ebp+0f859h] ; 'industry standard' int-15 address
call ebx ; INT-15 (trashes most registers)
mov esp, RestoreESP1 ; restore ESP
jc short dsp_110 ; Not valid, check next slot
; Check type field
lea edi, [esp+12+23h] ; address of type string
lea esi, Sp80386 ; '80386'
mov ebx, 5 ; strlen ('80386')
mov ecx, 80
call SpScanForString
je short dsp_105
lea edi, [esp+12+23h] ; address of type string
lea esi, Sp80486 ; '80486'
mov ebx, 5 ; strlen ('80486')
mov ecx, 80
call SpScanForString
jne short dsp_110
; string was either 80386 or 80486
inc dword ptr [esp] ; count one more processor
pop ebx ; (ebx) = number processors found
pop ecx ; (ecx) = slot #
pop ebp ; (ebp) = virtual rom address
or ebx, ebx ; if a processor is not in the first
jz short dsp_handlefault ; slot, then don't look in second
cmp ebx, 2 ; if # of processors is trash
ja short dsp_handlefault ; then abort
mov eax, ecx
cmp eax, 11 ; Did we just test slot 11?
mov ecx, 15
je dsp_95 ; Yes, now test 15
cmp eax, 15 ; Did we just test slot 15?
je short dsp_cleanup ; Yes, then we are done
; slot # isn't 11 or 15, abort
dsp_handlefault: ; Sometype of fault, or abort
mov eax, KGDT_R0_DATA ; make sure ss has the correct value
mov ss, ax
xor ebx, ebx ; No processors found
; (ebx) = # of processors
mov esp, SS:RestoreESP ; Make sure esp is correct
pop ebp
pop edi ; (edi) = IDT address
pop gs ; restore selectors
pop fs
pop ds
pop es
mov esi, esp ; (esi) = original IDT vectors
mov ecx, 15*8/4
rep movsd ; restore IDT vectors
add esp, 15*8 ; cleanup stack
mov _SpType, SMP_SYSPRO1 ; assume original systempro
cmp ebx, 2 ; at least 2 processors found?
jc short dsp_150 ; no, continue
; Verify that the second processor board is enabled
movzx edx, SpPortOrder[1*2]
add edx, EBC_OFFSET ; (edx) = 0zC84
in al, dx ; Read control bits
test al, 1 ; Is Eisa CPU board enabled?
jnz short dsp_150 ; Yes, continue
dec ebx ; don't count it
jmp dsp30 ; exit
stdENDP _DetectSystemPro
; SpScanForString
; Routine Description:
; Scans address range looking for matching string
; Arguments:
; (edi) = Start of address range to scan
; (ecx) = Length of address range
; (esi) = String to scan for
; (ebx) = Length of string
; Returns:
; ZR - String found
; NZ - String not found
SpScanForString proc
sub ecx, ebx ; don't go past end
inc ecx
mov al, [esi] ; (al) = first char to scan for
inc esi ; skip past first char
dec ebx
ss10: repne scasb ; look for first byte
jecxz short ss20 ; byte found? No, exit
push ecx
push edi
push esi
mov ecx, ebx ; length of string to compare
repe cmpsb ; is string at this location?
or ecx, ecx ; ZF if strings match
pop esi
pop edi
pop ecx
jnz short ss10 ; continue looking
ret ; ZR
ss20: inc ecx ; NZ
SpScanForString endp
; CheckEisaCard
; Routine Description:
; Used only by DetectSystemPro.
; Arguments:
; (edx) = Eisa ID port to check
; Returns:
; (eax) = 0 card was not a valid cpu
; non-zero Cpu type
CheckEisaCard proc
push edi
push esi
push ebx
mov esi, edx
add edx, PRODUCT_ID_OFFSET ; Product ID port
xor eax, eax
in al, dx ; 0zC80
test al, 80h ; if bit 8 off?
jnz short NoMatch ; no, then not an Eisa card
shl eax, 8
inc edx
in al, dx ; 0zC81
shl eax, 8
inc edx
in al, dx ; (eax)=dword of ports 0zC80-0zC82
mov ecx, CPUTABLE_SIZE ; Scan CPU table looking for
lea edi, spSystemCpuTable ; matching board ID
repne scasd
jecxz short NoMatch ; Was it found?
sub ecx, CPUTABLE_SIZE-1
neg ecx ; (ecx) = index CPU was found at
movzx ecx, byte ptr spSystemTypeTable[ecx]
or esi, esi ; SystemBoard?
jz short @f ; Yes, then it is assumed enabled
cmp cl, SMP_ACER ; If acer, assume it's enabled
je short @f ; (machine incorrectly reports
; 'disable' on every other proc)
mov edx, esi
add edx, EBC_OFFSET ; (edx) = 0zC84
in al, dx ; Read control bits
test al, 1 ; Is Eisa CPU board enabled?
jz short NoMatch ; No, then skip it
mov eax, ecx
jmp short cei_exit
xor eax, eax
pop ebx
pop esi
pop edi
CheckEisaCard endp