2020-09-30 17:12:29 +02:00

369 lines
19 KiB

; Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 Wyse Technology
; Module Name:
; wy7000mp.inc
; Abstract:
; Wyse 7000i MP include file
; Author:
; John Nels Fuller (o-johnf) 3-Apr-1992
; Wyse 7000i MP defines
WyModel740 Equ 00170335Fh ;EISA id for model 740 system board
WyModel760 Equ 00178335Fh ;EISA id for model 760 system board
WyModel780 Equ 00978335Fh ;EISA id for model 780 system board
; ;(model hasn't been named, but
; ; 780 is as good as anything)
WyUPcpu Equ 00171335Fh ;EISA id for UP-cpu (can only be
; read through EISA_ReadId)
WyMPcpu Equ 00179335Fh ;EISA id for MP-cpu (can only be
; read through EISA_ReadId)
WyIDmask Equ 00FFFFFFFh ;mask out rev/speed for cpu id
WyShadowArea Equ 0000F0000h ;physical address of BIOS RAM shadow
WyShadowLength Equ 000010000h ;length of BIOS RAM shadow (64Kb)
WarmResetVector Equ 000000467h ;address of low mem reset variable
EISA_Functions Equ 00000F859h ;offset into BIOS of EISA Int 15h
EISA_ReadId Equ 00000D884h ;function to read EISA slot ID
MPFW_FuncTable Equ 0FFFE0100h ;physical address of F/W function table
fnICU_Sync_Mstr Equ 25h ;function number of F/W routine to
; cause specified cpu's to sync and
; report back (used to verify that
; installed cpu's are running)
fnICU_Send_Mstr Equ 23h ;function number of F/W routine to
; send command/data packtets to other
; cpu's (cpu's must be running in
; F/W or Diag as at boot time).
fnOS_Diag_Mon Equ 0Dh ;function number of O/S transfer
; to Diagnostic monitor
fnOS_Panic Equ 0Ch ;function number of O/S transfer
; to Diagnostic monitor for NMI/crash
; panic
; These four reigisters access the bus control unit chip (BCU) for the
; Wyse Wyde Bus(tm) (WWB), CpuIntCmd and CpuPriortyLevel are read only
; except for the local cpu (i.e. My+CpuIntCmt and My+CpuPriortyLevel).
CpuPtrReg Equ 0800h ;cpu pointer register (add WWB slot*16)
CpuDataReg Equ 0804h ;cpu data register (add WWB slot*16)
CpuIntCmd Equ 0802h ;cpu interrupt cmd reg (add WWB slot*16)
CpuPriortyLevel Equ 0806h ;cpu int priority level (add WWB slot*16)
; These two registers access the cache control unit chip (CCU)
; (80486 mp-cpu's only)
CpuCCUptr Equ 0C00h ;CCU pointer register (add WWB slot*16)
CpuCCUdata Equ 0C02h ;CCU data register (add WWB slot*16)
; These three registers access the three Wyde Bus Interface chips (WBI)
; (80486 mp-cpu's only)
CpuWBIlow Equ 0C04h ;low WBI register (add WWB slot*16)
CpuWBIhigh Equ 0C06h ;high WBI register (add WWB slot*16)
CpuWBIaddr Equ 0C08h ;addr WBI register (add WWB slot*16)
; These two registers access the WWB Data Controller chip (WDC)
; (Pentium cpu's only) (DON'T add WWB slot*16 to these addresses)
MyCpuWDCptr Equ 0CF0h ;WDC pointer register
MyCpuWDCdata Equ 0CF2h ;WDC data register
; These two registers access the WWB Data Path chip (WDP)
; (Pentium cpu's only) (DON'T add WWB slot*16 to these addresses)
MyCpuWDPlow Equ 0CF4h ;low WDP register
MyCpuWDPhigh Equ 0CF6h ;high WDP register
; Each cpu has a 16450 uart connected to the diagnostic serial port
; on the back of the machine, only one cpu's 16450 is enabled (normally
; processor 0) so the WWB slot for that cpu must be used for other
; cpu's to access it. However, not all variations of cpu boards
; support access to this uart from another cpu.
CpuDiagUart Equ 0808h ;16450 base address (add WWB slot*16)
; Use these fixed WWB slots numbers for modifing above i/o addresses
My Equ 00F0h ;WWB slot number specifies local cpu
Sys Equ 0000h ;WWB slot number for system board
; use for 760/780 system board only
; and only for BCU/ICU registers
; The following registers are accessed by writing the register number
; to CpuPtrReg and then reading or writing the 16-bit data at CpuDataReg
; each 16-bit access to CpuDataReg toggles bit 1 of CpuPtrReg so, for
; example to access both ICU_IMR0 and ICU_IMR1 write ICU_IMR0 to
; CpuPtrReg and do two 16-bit i/o's to CpuDataReg to access first the
; low word and then the high word of the mask register.
ICU_SYS_CPU Equ 00h ;system cpu config register
ICU_CPU_MASTER Equ 04h ;system cpu master register
ICU_CPU_SYNC Equ 08h ;cpu synchronization register
BCU_STAT0 Equ 0Ch ;BCU status register 0
PERR_LOW Equ 02h ;parity error, low 32-bits of data bus
PERR_HIGH Equ 04h ;parity error, high 32-bits of data bus
PERR_ADDR Equ 08h ;parity error, address bus
PERR_CCU Equ 10h ;cache control unit error
PERR_TAG Equ 20h ;snoop tag parity error
NOT_FAIL Equ 80h ;when zero red LED on CPU is on
CPU_STAT Equ 10h ;CPU status register
BCU_ID Equ 14h ;Slot identification (bits 0-3)
WWB_ID_MASK Equ 0Fh ;these bits are WWB slot number
BCU_GPR Equ 18h ;General purpose register
BCU_BCTLR Equ 1Ch ;BCU control register
A20M_WWB Equ 01h ;when set gate A20 comes from 8042
A20M_CPU Equ 02h ;when set forces A20 to be masked
SLOW_ENB Equ 04h ;when set allows CPUSlowDown from
; EISA chipset to drive CPU Hold
; (for 8Mhz emulation)
SNP_ENB Equ 08h ;when set the cache snoops bus cycles
BCU_FWT Equ 10h ;when set two extra clocks are inserted
; in cache line operations
BCU_ERRCTLR Equ 20h ;BCU error control register
ERR_MODE Equ 03h ;error mode field mask
ERR_MODE0 Equ 00h ;report no errors
ERR_MODE1 Equ 01h ;Local CPU gets NMI (only local CPU
; can see this)
ERR_MODE2 Equ 02h ;report to WWB NMI line (all CPU's
; may see this)
ERR_MODE3 Equ 03h ;report on WWB PCHK line (all CPU's
; and ISP may see this, ISP may assert
; WWB NMI in response)
NMI_ENB Equ 04h ;enable NMI's to CPU
WWB_NMI Equ 08h ;enable WWB NMI to cause NMI this CPU
WWB_PCHK Equ 10h ;enable WWB PCHK to cause NMI this CPU
BCU_STAT1 Equ 24h ;BCU status register 1
NMISRC_WWB Equ 01h ;NMI source is WWB NMI
NMISRC_PCHK Equ 02h ;NMI source is WWB PCHK
NMISRC_BTO Equ 04h ;NMI source is WWB bus timeout
NMISRC_EXT Equ 08h ;NMI source is NMI button on CPU
NMISRC_ICU Equ 10h ;NMI source is ICU (send NMI to Slot)
ICU_DATA Equ 40h ;ICU data register
ICU_ICTLR Equ 44h ;ICU control register
WWB_INT Equ 01h ;specifies this ICU to be master
IACK_MODE Equ 02h ;set for MP interrupt mode
ICU_AEOI Equ 04h ;automatic EOI for ICU interrupts
INT_ENB Equ 08h ;enable interrupts from ICU
TMR_TEST Equ 10h ;select timer test mode
IVP_TEST Equ 40h ;select Int Vector Processor test mode
MSK_CPURST Equ 80h ;set to prevent 8042 from reseting cpu
ICU_IMR0 Equ 48h ;ICU int mask register (low 16 bits)
ICU_IMR1 Equ 4Ah ;ICU int mask register (high 16 bits)
IMR_MASK Equ 007FFFFFh ;only bits 0-22 are valid
ICU_MSKPND0 Equ 4Ch ;ICU masked pending register (low)
ICU_MSKPND1 Equ 4Eh ;ICU masked pending register (high)
ICU_VB0 Equ 50h ;vector base register 0
ICU_VB1 Equ 54h ;vector base register 1
ICU_VB2 Equ 58h ;vector base register 2
ICU_STAT Equ 5Ch ;ICU status register
INSERV0 Equ 01h ;int in service bit 0
INSERV1 Equ 02h ;int in service bit 1
ICU_PSR0 Equ 60h ;pending status register (low)
ICU_PSR1 Equ 62h ;pending status register (high)
ICU_CNT_VAL Equ 64h ;timer count current value
ICU_CNT_REG Equ 68h ;timer count register
ICU_LIPTR Equ 6Ch ;local interrupt ptr register
;each field specifies the Local/IPI
;interrupt level of a local bus intr.
;with 0 meaning the intr. is disabled
;Each Local/IPI int level maps to a
;specific CpuPriorityLevel (CPL)--see
;chart in WYIRQL.ASM. CPL is also the
;bit # in ICU_IMR to mask the level.
lipSlot Equ 7000h ;mask for slot IPI interrupt
lipSlotShl Equ 12 ;shift for slot IPI interrupt field
lipSlotVal Equ 1 Shl lipSlotShl ;IPI level used by this Hal
lipSlotCPL Equ 1 ;CPL / IMR bit number
lipGlobal Equ 0700h ;mask for global IPI interrupt
lipGlobalShl Equ 8 ;shift for global IPI interrupt field
lipGlobalVal Equ 3 Shl lipGlobalShl ;IPI level used by this Hal
lipGlobalCPL Equ 3 ;CPL / IMR bit number
lipSerial Equ 0070h ;mask for diagnostic uart interrupt
lipSerialShl Equ 4 ;shift for uart interrupt field
lipSerialVal Equ (lipGlobalVal Shr lipGlobalShl) Shl lipSerialShl
;use same as Global
lipSerialCPL Equ lipGlobalCPL ;CPL / IMR bit number
lipTimer Equ 0007h ;mask for local timer interrupt
lipTimerShl Equ 0 ;shift for timer interrupt field
lipTimerVal Equ 2 Shl lipTimerShl ;IPI level used by this Hal
lipTimerCPL Equ 2 ;CPL / IMR bit number
lipDefault Equ lipSlotVal+lipTimerVal+lipSerialVal+0 ;Global off
ICU_CNTREC Equ 70h ;recovery count register
ICU_VIN Equ 74h ;vector in register
ICU_VOUT Equ 78h ;vector out register
SYS_WBI_LOW Equ 0F0h ;low WBI register (system board only)
SYS_WBI_HIGH Equ 0F4h ;high WBI register (system board only)
SYS_WBI_ADDR Equ 0F8h ;addr WBI register (system board only)
; The following describes the CpuIntCmd register
ICU_CMD_BUSY Equ 0100h ;do not issue command while set
ICU_IPI_SLOT Equ 0060h ;IPI cpu in slot (add WWB slot number)
ICU_CLR_INSERV0 Equ 00E8h ;clear interrupt in service bit 0
ICU_CLR_INSERV1 Equ 00E9h ;clear interrupt in service bit 1
ICU_XMT_INT_SND Equ 0020h ;rebroadcast int (add CPL of int)
;(cannot be used for CLOCK2/IPI)
ICU_XMT_GLB_INT Equ 00E0h ;Send global interrupt
; The following describes each WBI register
WBI_SLT_MSK Equ 000Fh ;WWB slot number
WBI_FPAR_ERR Equ 0010h ;force parity error for diagnostics
WBI_IACK_MODE Equ 0020h ;set for MP interrupt acknowlege mode
WBI_FWT Equ 0040h ;force 2 clock cycles on Cpu bus
; Equ 0080h ;reserved
WBI_PE_IN_0 Equ 0100h ;for data WBI's:
; parity err in 1st inbound data phase
;for addr WBI:
; parity err in inbound address
WBI_PE_IN_1 Equ 0200h ;for data WBI's:
; parity err in 2nd inboud data phase
;for addr WBI:
; parity err in inbound address
WBI_PE_OUT_CPU Equ 0400h ;data parity err outbound data from cpu
WBI_PE_OUT_CSH Equ 0800h ;data perr outbound data from cache
WBI_PE_BYTE0 Equ 1000h ;parity error in byte lane 0
WBI_PE_BYTE1 Equ 2000h ;parity error in byte lane 1
WBI_PE_BYTE2 Equ 4000h ;parity error in byte lane 2
WBI_PE_BYTE3 Equ 8000h ;parity error in byte lane 3
; The following describes the bits in the WDP register that concern HAL
WDP_IACK_MODE Equ 0020h ;set for MP interrupt acknowlege mode
WDP_FPE_EN Equ 0040h ;enable CPU FERR onto WWB (to IRQ13)
; The following registers are accessed by writing the register number
; to CpuCCUptr and then reading or writing the 16-bit data at CpuCCUdata.
CCU_CR Equ 00h ;CCU control register
CACHE_EN Equ 0001h ;enable secondary cache
BURST_EN Equ 0002h ;enable CPU burst cycles
WWB_FPE_EN Equ 0004h ;enable CPU FERR onto WWB (to IRQ13)
;(reset to use int 10h trap for
; floating point errors, thus
; preventing IRQ13's for FP err)
TPEN Equ 0008h ;cache tag parity enable
SHADOW_ROM_EN Equ 0010h ;enable BIOS ROM shadow in 1st Mb
AMOD Equ 0020h ;enable local memory mapped I/O to
; cache data/tags for diagnostics,
; flash rom write area, diagnostic
; ROM area.
SRAM_MODE Equ 0040h ;specifies type of SRAM used for
; cache, standard/~synchronous
SYSCONFIG Equ 0080h ;allows configuration cycles to be
; run on WWB
PCD_EN Equ 0100h ;enables use of cpu PCD output
RDWT Equ 0200h ;adds one wait cycle to reads
WRWT_MSK Equ 0C00h ;mask for write wait cycle count field
BRWT Equ 1000h ;adds one wiat state on cpu burst reads
FST_ODD Equ 2000h ;force odd parity on cache state bits
; for diagnostics
FTAG_ODD Equ 4000h ;force odd parity on cache tag bits
; for diagnostics
CCU_FWT Equ 8000h ;force two clocks for cache-WBI data
; transfers (cache fill, copy back,
; intervention, & snoop update)
CCU_ERR0 Equ 18h ;CCU latched error status register 0
TPAR Equ 0001h ;tag parity bit
SNP_ERR Equ 0002h ;snoop error
TAG_DATA Equ 1FFCh ;tag data bits
CCU_STATE Equ 6000h ;cache line state bits:
; 0=default, 1=exclusive, 2=shared
; 3=modified
SPAR Equ 8000h ;state parity bit
CCU_ERR1 Equ 1Ah ;CCU latched error status register 1
TAGINDEX Equ 3FFFh ;tag index address
CPU_DPE Equ 4000h ;cpu data parity error
VALID_ERROR Equ 8000h ;set when CCU_ERR0,1 have valid info
CCU_ID Equ 1Ch ;CCU has WWB slot number
; end of list
; The kernel leaves some space (64 byte) of the PCR for the HAL to use
; as it needs. Currently this space is used for some efficiency in
; some of the MP specific code and is highly implementation
; dependant.
PcHalData struc
; pchStallCnt dd ? ;per processor stall count
pchCurLiptr dd ? ;per processor current ICU_LIPTR
pchPrNum db ? ;NT's processor number
pchPrSlot db ? ;WWB processor slot
pchPentiumFlag db ? ;non-zero if current cpu is a Pentium
pchHwIrql db ? ;Irql to which CpuPriorityLevel is
;programmed. Due to lazy Irql's this
;may be different than PcIrql
PcHalData ends
cr equ 0ah
lf equ 0dh
enproc macro pn
if DBG
%out enproc pn
ifndef _ProcSub@4
extrn _ProcSub@4:NEAR
endif ;_ProcSub
push pn ;save routine number
call _ProcSub@4 ;write to BCU_GPR
endif ;DBG
exproc macro pn
if DBG
%out exproc pn
push (pn) or 80h ;save routine number and exit flag
call _ProcSub@4 ;write to BCU_GPR
endif ;DBG
enproc macro pn
if DBG
%out enproc pn
ifndef _ProcSub
extrn _ProcSub:NEAR
endif ;_ProcSub
push pn ;save routine number
call _ProcSub ;write to BCU_GPR
lea esp, [esp][4] ;remove parameter w/o altering flags
endif ;DBG
exproc macro pn
if DBG
%out exproc pn
push (pn) or 80h ;save routine number and exit flag
call _ProcSub ;write to BCU_GPR
lea esp, [esp][4] ;remove parameter w/o altering flags
endif ;DBG