914 lines
30 KiB
914 lines
30 KiB
$Header: o:\src/RCS/MTXCURS.C 1.2 95/07/07 06:16:27 jyharbec Exp $
* Revision 1.2 95/07/07 06:16:27 jyharbec
* *** empty log message ***
* Revision 1.1 95/05/02 05:16:29 jyharbec
* Initial revision
* name: mtxcurs.c
* description: routines that manage hardware cursor (in RAMDAC)
* designed: Christian Toutant
* last modified: $Author: jyharbec $, $Date: 95/07/07 06:16:27 $
* version: $Id: MTXCURS.C 1.2 95/07/07 06:16:27 jyharbec Exp $
* static bool toBitPlane(PixMap *pPixMap)
* static bool chargeTVP3026(PixMap *pPixMap)
* static bool shiftCursorTVP3026(word o)
* bool mtxCursorSetShape(PixMap *pPixMap)
* void mtxCursorEnable(word mode)
* void mtxCursorSetHotSpot(word Dx, word Dy)
* void mtxCursorMove(word X, word Y)
* CursorData * mtxCursorGetInfo()
* bool checkCursorEn()
#ifdef OS2 /* nPhung Tue 23-Aug-1994 10:41:33 */
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "switches.h"
#include "mga.h"
#include "defbind.h"
#include "bind.h"
#include "mgai.h"
/*** global variables ***/
extern volatile byte _FAR* pMGA;
extern HwData Hw[];
extern byte iBoard;
/*--------------- Static internal variables */
static byte planData[1024] = {0}; /* Maximum cursor 64 X 64 X 2 */
/* The cursor in TVP3026 rev x can not go out of visible display */
static byte* planTVP[NB_BOARD_MAX] = {planData,0,0,0};
static byte revTVP[NB_BOARD_MAX] = {0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff};
static word currentTVPDelta[NB_BOARD_MAX] = {0};
/* Prototypes */
bool checkCursorEn(void);
static bool toBitPlane(PixMap *pPixMap);
static bool chargeTVP3026(PixMap *pPixMap);
static bool shiftCursorTVP3026(word o);
extern void WriteErr(char string[]);
extern void delay_us(dword delai);
#if defined(ALLOC_PRAGMA)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,toBitPlane)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,chargeTVP3026)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,shiftCursorTVP3026)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,mtxCursorSetShape)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,mtxCursorSetColors)
//#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,mtxCursorEnable)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,mtxCursorSetHotSpot)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,mtxCursorMove)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,mtxCursorGetInfo)
//#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,checkCursorEn)
PVOID AllocateSystemMemory(ULONG NumberOfBytes);
/******** Local Definition ****************/
| name: toBitPlane
| description:
| parameters: - pPixMap: pointer on cursor definition
| calls: -
| returns: - mtxOK
| mtxFAIL
static bool toBitPlane(PixMap *pPixMap)
word plan1 = (pPixMap->Width == 32) ? 128 : 512;
word i, pos, pixels;
case 0x0102 :
for(i = 0; i < plan1; i++)
pixels = ((word *)pPixMap->Data)[i];
planData[i] = pixels & 0x01;
pixels >>= 1;
planData[plan1 + i] = pixels & 0x01;
pixels >>= 1;
for (pos = 1; pos < 8; pos++)
planData[i] <<= 1;
planData[plan1 + i] <<= 1;
planData[i] |= pixels & 0x01;
pixels >>= 1;
planData[plan1 + i] |= pixels & 0x01;
pixels >>= 1;
return mtxFAIL;
| name: chargeTVP3026
| description:
| parameters: - pPixMap: Pointer on cursor information
| calls: -
| returns: -
| note: If we have a NULL Data buffer,
| The initialisation will be done without
| modifying the CURSOR RAM DATA.
| pPixMap->Height == 0 -> cursor disable
| pPixMap->Height != 0 -> cursor enable
static bool chargeTVP3026(PixMap *pPixMap)
byte reg1, curCtl, curPos[4];
bool valeurRetour = mtxOK;
int i;
if (pPixMap->Data)
if (!pPixMap->Data) /* If Data Empty, no Load */
WriteErr("chargeTVP3026: data empty no load\n");
/* Hide cursor */
dacReadBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_XLOW, curPos[0]);
dacReadBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_XHI , curPos[1]);
dacReadBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_YLOW, curPos[2]);
dacReadBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_YHI , curPos[3]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_XLOW, 0x00 );
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_XHI , 0x00 );
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_YLOW, 0x00 );
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_YHI , 0x00 );
/* update TVP Revision */
dacReadBYTE(TVP3026_DATA, revTVP[iBoard]);
case 32:
/* Transfer 1st 256 bytes */
dacReadBYTE(TVP3026_DATA, curCtl);
reg1 = curCtl & 0xf0; /* CCR[3:2] = 00 */
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_DATA, reg1);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_WADR_PAL, 0); /* address RAM cursor to 0 */
for(i = 0; i < 128; i+=4)
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planData[i]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planData[i+1]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planData[i+2]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planData[i+3]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, 0);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, 0);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, 0);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, 0);
/* Transfer 2nd 256 bytes */
reg1 = reg1 | 0x04; /* CCR[3:2] = 01 */
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_DATA, reg1);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_WADR_PAL, 0); /* address RAM cursor to 0 */
for(i=0; i<256; i++)
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, 0);
/* Transfer 3rd 256 bytes (Start of second PLAN) */
reg1 = reg1 & 0xf0;
reg1 = reg1 | 0x08; /* CCR[3:2] = 10 */
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_DATA, reg1);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_WADR_PAL, 0); /* address RAM cursor to 0 */
for(i = 128; i < 256; i+=4)
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planData[i]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planData[i+1]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planData[i+2]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planData[i+3]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, 0);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, 0);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, 0);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, 0);
/* Transfer 4th 256 bytes */
reg1 = reg1 | 0x0c; /* CCR[3:2] = 11 */
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_DATA, reg1);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_WADR_PAL, 0); /* address RAM cursor to 0 */
for(i=0; i<256; i++)
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, 0);
case 64:
/* Transfer 1st 256 bytes */
dacReadBYTE(TVP3026_DATA, curCtl);
reg1 = curCtl & 0xf0; /* CCR[3:2] = 00 */
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_DATA, reg1);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_WADR_PAL, 0); /* address RAM cursor to 0 */
for(i = 0; i < 0x100; i++)
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planData[i]);
/* Transfer 2nd 256 bytes */
reg1 = reg1 | 0x04; /* CCR[3:2] = 01 */
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_DATA, reg1);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_WADR_PAL, 0); /* address RAM cursor to 0 */
for(i = 0; i < 0x100; i++)
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planData[0x100+i]);
/* Transfer 3rd 256 bytes (Start of second PLAN) */
reg1 = reg1 & 0xf0;
reg1 = reg1 | 0x08; /* CCR[3:2] = 10 */
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_DATA, reg1);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_WADR_PAL, 0); /* address RAM cursor to 0 */
for(i = 0; i < 0x100; i++)
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planData[0x200+i]);
/* Transfer 4th 256 bytes */
reg1 = reg1 | 0x0c; /* CCR[3:2] = 11 */
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_DATA, reg1);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_WADR_PAL, 0); /* address RAM cursor to 0 */
for(i = 0; i < 0x100; i++)
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planData[0x300+i]);
/* Fix bug TVP3026 rev x */
if (currentTVPDelta[iBoard])
/* Display cursor */
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_DATA, curCtl);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_XLOW, curPos[0]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_XHI , curPos[1]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_YLOW, curPos[2]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_YHI , curPos[3]);
if (iBoard)
if (!planTVP[iBoard])
#ifndef WINDOWS_NT
if ( (planTVP[iBoard] = (byte *)malloc( 1024 )) == (byte *)0)
if ( (planTVP[iBoard] = (PUCHAR)AllocateSystemMemory(1024)) == NULL)
WriteErr("chargeTVP3026: malloc failed\n");
return mtxFAIL;
for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
(planTVP[iBoard])[i] = planData[i];
return valeurRetour;
| name: shiftCursorTVP3026
| description: shift right Cursor ram data by o.
| parameters: - word o // shift value
| calls: -
| returns: -
planTVP[board] hold cursor data ram
---- 32 bits plan 0
col00 | col01 | col02 | col03 | col04 | col05 | col06 | col07 |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------
row 00 | p[00] | p[01] | p[02] | p[03] | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 |
row 01 | p[04] | p[05] | p[06] | p[07] | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 |
. | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
. | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
row 20 | p[7c] | p[7d] | p[7e] | p[7f] | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 |
row 21 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 |
. | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
. | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
row 3f | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 |
---- 32 bits plan 1
col00 | col01 | col02 | col03 | col04 | col05 | col06 | col07 |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------
row 00 | p[80] | p[81] | p[82] | p[83] | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 |
row 01 | p[84] | p[85] | p[86] | p[87] | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 |
. | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
. | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
row 20 | p[fc] | p[fd] | p[fe] | p[ff] | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 |
row 21 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 |
. | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
. | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
row 3f | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 |
---- 64 bits plan 0
col00 | col01 | col02 | col03 | col04 | col05 | col06 | col07 |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------
row 00 | p[00] | p[01] | p[02] | p[03] | p[04] | p[05] | p[06] | p[07] |
row 01 | p[08] | p[09] | p[0a] | p[0b] | p[0c] | p[0d] | p[0e] | p[0f] |
. | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
. | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
row 3f | p[1f8]| p[1f9]| p[1fa]| p[1fb]| p[1fc]| p[1fd]| p[1fe]| p[1ff]|
---- 63 bits plan 1
| col00 | col01 | col02 | col03 | col04 | col05 | col06 | col07|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------
row 00 | p[200]| p[201]| p[202]| p[203]| p[204]| p[205]| p[206]| p[207]|
row 01 | p[208]| p[209]| p[20a]| p[20b]| p[20c]| p[20d]| p[20e]| p[20f]|
. | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
. | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
row 3f | p[3f8]| p[3f9]| p[3fa]| p[3fb]| p[3fc]| p[3fd]| p[3fe]| p[3ff]|
static bool shiftCursorTVP3026(word o)
byte reg1, regCtl, curPos[4];
int i, j, r_o;
dword plan[2];
dword plan32;
byte *planByte = (byte *)plan;
/* If an error occur in memory alloc */
if (!planTVP[iBoard])
return mtxFAIL;
/* Hide cursor */
/* I use this way to minimize noise problem when we acces the index
dacReadBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_XLOW, curPos[0]);
dacReadBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_XHI , curPos[1]);
dacReadBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_YLOW, curPos[2]);
dacReadBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_YHI , curPos[3]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_XLOW, 0x00 );
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_XHI , 0x00 );
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_YLOW, 0x00 );
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_YHI , 0x00 );
r_o = (int)32 - (int)o;
/* Transfer 1st 256 bytes */
dacReadBYTE(TVP3026_DATA, regCtl);
reg1 = regCtl & 0xf0; /* CCR[3:2] = 00 */
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_DATA, reg1);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_WADR_PAL, 0); /* address RAM cursor to 0 */
for(j = 0; j < 256; j+=8)
if (Hw[iBoard].CursorData.CurWidth == 32) /* only 128 bytes */
i = j >> 1;
i = j;
plan[0] = plan[1] = 0;
/* read first 32 bytes */
/* display
| byte 0 | byte1 | byte2 | byte 3 |
byte 0 have to be the hi part of the dword
((byte *)&plan32)[3] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i];
((byte *)&plan32)[2] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+1];
((byte *)&plan32)[1] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+2];
((byte *)&plan32)[0] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+3];
if (o)
if (r_o > 0) /* => o < 32 bits */
plan[0] = plan32 >> o; /* left part of slice */
plan[1] = plan32 << r_o; /* right part of slice */
if (Hw[iBoard].CursorData.CurWidth == 64) /* complete right slice */
((byte *)&plan32)[3] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+4];
((byte *)&plan32)[2] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+5];
((byte *)&plan32)[1] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+6];
((byte *)&plan32)[0] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+7];
plan[1] |= plan32 >> o;
else /* o > 32 bits => left slice is empty */
plan[1] = plan32 >> (-r_o); /* right slice */
else /* no shift, put back data */
plan[0] = plan32;
if (Hw[iBoard].CursorData.CurWidth == 64)
((byte *)&plan32)[3] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+4];
((byte *)&plan32)[2] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+5];
((byte *)&plan32)[1] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+6];
((byte *)&plan32)[0] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+7];
plan[1] = plan32;
/* Write to slice (hi part of each slice first */
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[3]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[2]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[1]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[0]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[7]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[6]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[5]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[4]);
/* Transfer 3rd 256 bytes (Start of second PLAN) */
reg1 = reg1 & 0xf0;
reg1 = reg1 | 0x08; /* CCR[3:2] = 10 */
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_DATA, reg1);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_WADR_PAL, 0); /* address RAM cursor to 0 */
for(j = 256; j < 512; j+=8)
if (Hw[iBoard].CursorData.CurWidth == 32)
i = j >> 1;
i = j + 256;
plan[0] = plan[1] = 0;
((byte *)&plan32)[3] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i];
((byte *)&plan32)[2] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+1];
((byte *)&plan32)[1] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+2];
((byte *)&plan32)[0] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+3];
if (o)
if (r_o > 0)
plan[0] = plan32 >> o;
plan[1] = plan32 << r_o;
if (Hw[iBoard].CursorData.CurWidth == 64)
((byte *)&plan32)[3] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+4];
((byte *)&plan32)[2] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+5];
((byte *)&plan32)[1] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+6];
((byte *)&plan32)[0] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+7];
plan[1] |= plan32 >> o;
plan[1] = plan32 >> (-r_o);
plan[0] = plan32;
if (Hw[iBoard].CursorData.CurWidth == 64)
((byte *)&plan32)[3] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+4];
((byte *)&plan32)[2] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+5];
((byte *)&plan32)[1] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+6];
((byte *)&plan32)[0] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+7];
plan[1] = plan32;
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[3]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[2]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[1]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[0]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[7]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[6]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[5]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[4]);
if (Hw[iBoard].CursorData.CurWidth == 64)
/* Transfer 2nd 256 bytes */
reg1 = reg1 & 0xf0;
reg1 = reg1 | 0x04; /* CCR[3:2] = 01 */
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_DATA, reg1);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_WADR_PAL, 0); /* address RAM cursor to 0 */
for(i = 256; i < 512; i+=8)
plan[0] = plan[1] = 0;
((byte *)&plan32)[3] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i];
((byte *)&plan32)[2] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+1];
((byte *)&plan32)[1] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+2];
((byte *)&plan32)[0] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+3];
if (o)
if (r_o > 0)
plan[0] = plan32 >> o;
plan[1] = plan32 << r_o;
((byte *)&plan32)[3] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+4];
((byte *)&plan32)[2] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+5];
((byte *)&plan32)[1] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+6];
((byte *)&plan32)[0] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+7];
plan[1] |= plan32 >> o;
plan[1] = plan32 >> (-r_o);
plan[0] = plan32;
((byte *)&plan32)[3] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+4];
((byte *)&plan32)[2] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+5];
((byte *)&plan32)[1] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+6];
((byte *)&plan32)[0] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+7];
plan[1] = plan32;
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[3]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[2]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[1]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[0]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[7]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[6]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[5]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[4]);
/* Transfer 4th 256 bytes */
reg1 = reg1 & 0xf0;
reg1 = reg1 | 0x0c; /* CCR[3:2] = 11 */
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_DATA, reg1);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_WADR_PAL, 0); /* address RAM cursor to 0 */
for(i = 768; i < 1024; i+=8)
plan[0] = plan[1] = 0;
((byte *)&plan32)[3] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i];
((byte *)&plan32)[2] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+1];
((byte *)&plan32)[1] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+2];
((byte *)&plan32)[0] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+3];
if (o)
if (r_o > 0)
plan[0] = plan32 >> o;
plan[1] = plan32 << r_o;
((byte *)&plan32)[3] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+4];
((byte *)&plan32)[2] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+5];
((byte *)&plan32)[1] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+6];
((byte *)&plan32)[0] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+7];
plan[1] |= plan32 >> o;
plan[1] = plan32 >> (-r_o);
plan[0] = plan32;
((byte *)&plan32)[3] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+4];
((byte *)&plan32)[2] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+5];
((byte *)&plan32)[1] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+6];
((byte *)&plan32)[0] = (planTVP[iBoard])[i+7];
plan[1] = plan32;
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[3]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[2]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[1]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[0]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[7]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[6]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[5]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_RAM, planByte[4]);
/* Display cursor */
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_DATA, regCtl);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_XLOW, curPos[0]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_XHI , curPos[1]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_YLOW, curPos[2]);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_YHI , curPos[3]);
return mtxOK;
| name: mtxCursorShape
| description: Defines the cursor shape and size
| parameters: - PixMap *pPixMap // pointer to a PixMap structure
| calls: -
| returns: - mtxOK: successfull
| mtxFAIL: failed
bool mtxCursorSetShape(PixMap *pPixMap)
if (pPixMap->Data)
switch (pPixMap->Width)
case 32:
Hw[iBoard].CursorData.HotSX = 32;
Hw[iBoard].CursorData.HotSY = 32;
Hw[iBoard].CursorData.CurWidth = 32;
Hw[iBoard].CursorData.CurHeight = 32;
case 64:
Hw[iBoard].CursorData.HotSX = 64;
Hw[iBoard].CursorData.HotSY = 64;
Hw[iBoard].CursorData.CurWidth = 64;
Hw[iBoard].CursorData.CurHeight = 64;
default: return mtxFAIL;
/* Verify if bitmap square (we support 32 x 32 and 64 x 64) */
if ( pPixMap->Data && (pPixMap->Width != pPixMap->Height))
return mtxFAIL;
case TVP3026:
case TVP3030:
default: return mtxFAIL;
/* Hot spot by defaut = 0, 0 */
Hw[iBoard].CursorData.cHotSX = 0;
Hw[iBoard].CursorData.cHotSY = 0;
return mtxOK;
| name: mtxCursorEnable
| description: Enable/disable the cursor
| parameters: - mode 0 = disable, 1 = enable, others = reserved
| calls: -
| returns: -
void mtxCursorEnable(word mode)
byte reg_cur;
case TVP3026:
case TVP3030:
dacReadBYTE(TVP3026_DATA, reg_cur);
reg_cur = reg_cur | 0x03; /* CCR[3:2] = 11 X-Windows cursor */
reg_cur = reg_cur & 0xfc; /* CCR[1:0] = 00 cursor off */
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_DATA, reg_cur);
| name: mtxCursorSetHotSpot
| description: Defines the position of the cursor with respect to xy
| (0,0) corresponding to top left hand corner
| parameters: - x, y offset with respect to top left hand corner
| < size of cursor
| calls: -
| returns: -
void mtxCursorSetHotSpot(word Dx, word Dy)
Hw[iBoard].CursorData.cHotSX = Dx;
Hw[iBoard].CursorData.cHotSY = Dy;
Hw[iBoard].CursorData.HotSX = Hw[iBoard].CursorData.CurWidth - Dx;
Hw[iBoard].CursorData.HotSY = Hw[iBoard].CursorData.CurHeight - Dy;
| name: mtxCursorMove
| description: move the HotSpot to the position x, y
| parameters: - x, y new position
| calls: -
| returns: -
void mtxCursorMove(word X, word Y)
word xp, yp;
xp = X + Hw[iBoard].CursorData.HotSX;
yp = Y + Hw[iBoard].CursorData.HotSY;
case TVP3026:
case TVP3030:
int delta;
if(Hw[iBoard].CursorData.CurWidth == 32)
yp += 32;
xp += 32;
/* Patch for TVP3026 rev 2 the cursor can not go out of */
/* visible space */
if ( revTVP[iBoard] <= 2 )
delta = (int)xp - (int)(Hw[iBoard].pCurrentDisplayMode->DispWidth - 2);
if (delta < 0) delta = 0;
if (delta < 64)
xp -= delta;
if (delta != currentTVPDelta[iBoard])
currentTVPDelta[iBoard] = delta;
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_XLOW, xp & 0xff);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_XHI, xp >> 8);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_YLOW, yp & 0xff);
dacWriteBYTE(TVP3026_CUR_YHI, yp >> 8);
| name: mtxCursorGetInfo
| description: returns a pointer containing the information describing
| the type of cursor that the current RamDac supports
| parameters: -
| calls: -
| returns: - CursorData *
CursorInfo * mtxCursorGetInfo(void)
return (CursorInfo *)&(Hw[iBoard].CursorData.MaxWidth);
| name: checkCursorEn
| description: Return the state of the cursor
| parameters: -
| calls: -
| returns: - != 0: Cursor is enable
| == 0: Cursor is disable
bool checkCursorEn(void)
byte stat;
stat = 0;
case TVP3026:
case TVP3030:
dacReadBYTE(TVP3026_DATA, stat);
stat &= 0x40;
return stat;