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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993.
// File: getif.idl
// Contents: Definition of private RPC interface to an Object Server
// to get an interface attached to a window.
// History: 29-Dec-93 Ricksa Created
// Notes: We use InterfaceData structures here because this is
// a regular RPC interface rather than an Object interface.
[ uuid(D0B6FA10-E69E-101A-88A5-02608C4D1A7F),
pointer_default(unique) ]
interface IInterfaceFromWindowProp
import "iface.idl";
HRESULT RemGetInterfaceFromWindowProp(
[in] handle_t hRpc,
[in] const GUID *pguidThreadId,
[in] DWORD hWnd,
[in] HAPT hApt,
[in] const GUID *riid,
[out] InterfaceData **ppIFDunk,
[in, string] WCHAR *pwszPropertyName,
[out] error_status_t *prpcstat);
HRESULT RemPrivDragDrop(
[in] handle_t hRpc,
[in] const GUID *guidThreadId,
[in] DWORD hWnd,
[in] HAPT hApt,
[in, unique] InterfaceData *pIFDDataObject,
[in] DWORD dop,
[in] DWORD grfKeyState,
[in] POINTL pt,
[in, out] DWORD *pdwEffect,
[out] HRESULT *phrDragOp,
[in] DWORD dwSmId,
[in] DWORD hwndSource,
[out] error_status_t *prpcstat);