384 lines
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384 lines
12 KiB
// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1993 - 1993.
// File: ole2int.h
// Contents: internal ole2 header
// Notes: This is the internal ole2 header, which means it contains those
// interfaces which might eventually be exposed to the outside
// and which will be exposed to our implementations. We don't want
// to expose these now, so I have put them in a separate file.
// History: 12-27-93 ErikGav Include uniwrap.h for Chicago builds
#if !defined( _OLE2INT_H_ )
#define _OLE2INT_H_
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// System Includes
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Prevent lego errors under Chicago.
#if defined(_CHICAGO_)
#ifndef _CHICAGO_
// For TLS on Nt we use a reserved DWORD in the TEB directly. We need these
// include files to get the macro NtCurrentTeb(). They must be included
// before windows.h
extern "C"
#include <nt.h> // NT_PRODUCT_TYPE
#include <ntdef.h> // NT_PRODUCT_TYPE
#include <ntrtl.h> // NT_PRODUCT_TYPE
#include <nturtl.h> // NT_PRODUCT_TYPE
#include <windef.h> // NT_PRODUCT_TYPE
#include <winbase.h> // NT_PRODUCT_TYPE
#endif // _CHICAGO_
#include <wchar.h>
#include <StdLib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// Cairo builds use DBG==1; old OLE2 code used _DEBUG
#if DBG == 1
#define _DEBUG
// Guarantee that WIN32 is defined.
#ifndef WIN32
#define WIN32 100
#ifdef WIN32
#include <pcrt32.h>
#endif // WIN32
// BUGBUG: Where should this really go?
#define BEGIN_BLOCK do {
#define EXIT_BLOCK break
#define END_BLOCK }while(FALSE);
#include <windows.h>
#include <olecom.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Debug Aids
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#define ComDebOut CairoleDebugOut
#if DBG==1
#include <debnot.h>
// recast the user mode debug flags to meaningfull names. These are
// used in xDebugOut calls.
#define DEB_DLL 0x0008 // DLL Load/Unload
#define DEB_CHANNEL DEB_USER1 // rpc channel
#define DEB_DDE DEB_USER2 // dde
#define DEB_CALLCONT DEB_USER3 // call control & msg filter
#define DEB_MARSHAL DEB_USER4 // interface marshalling
#define DEB_SCM DEB_USER5 // rpc calls to the SCM
#define DEB_ROT DEB_USER6 // running object table
#define DEB_ACTIVATE DEB_USER7 // object activation
#define DEB_OXID DEB_USER8 // OXID stuff
#define DEB_REG DEB_USER9 // registry calls
#define DEB_COMPOBJ DEB_USER10 // misc compobj
#define DEB_MEMORY DEB_USER11 // memory allocations
#define DEB_RPCSPY DEB_USER12 // rpc spy to debug output
#define DEB_MFILTER DEB_USER13 // message filter
#define DEB_ENDPNT DEB_USER13 // endpoint stuff
#define DEB_PAGE DEB_USER14 // page allocator
#define ComDebErr(failed, msg) if (failed) { ComDebOut((DEB_ERROR, msg)); }
#else // DBG
#define ComDebErr(failed, msg)
#endif // DBG
#ifdef DCOM
// class: CDbgGuidStr
// Synopsis: Class to convert guids to strings in debug builds for
// debug outs
class CDbgGuidStr
~CDbgGuidStr() {}
#if DBG==1
CDbgGuidStr(REFGUID rguid) { StringFromGUID2(rguid, _wszGuid, 40); }
WCHAR _wszGuid[40];
CDbgGuidStr(REFGUID rguid) {}
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public Includes
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <ole2.h>
// BUGBUG: prevent scode.h from being included. remove at some point since
// scode.h must go away.
#define __SCODE_H__
#include <ole2sp.h>
#include <ole2com.h>
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal Includes
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <utils.h>
#include <olecoll.h>
#include <valid.h>
#include <array_fv.h>
#include <map_kv.h>
#include <privguid.h>
#include <tls.h>
#include <tracelog.hxx>
#include <memapi.hxx>
// We are Unicode enabled
// #define _DBCS
// Macros for Double-Byte Character Support (DBCS)
#ifdef _DBCS
#ifdef _MAC
#define IncLpch IncLpch
#define DecLpch DecLpch
// Beware of double evaluation
#define IncLpch(sz) ((sz)=AnsiNext((sz)))
#define DecLpch(szStart, sz) ((sz)=AnsiPrev ((szStart),(sz)))
#define IncLpch(sz) (++(sz))
#define DecLpch(szStart,sz) (--(sz))
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// DDE Externs
// The following routines support the DDE server window. They are
// implemented in objact
// The following structure is passed to the class factory table
// to retrieve information about a registered class factory.
// The routine that finally fills in this structure is in
// CClsRegistration::GetClassObjForDde.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct _tagDdeClassInfo
// Filled in by the caller
DWORD dwContextMask; // Class context to search for
BOOL fClaimFactory; // True if class factory to be
// returned in punk
// Filled in by callee
DWORD dwContext; // Context registered
DWORD dwFlags; // Use flags registered
DWORD dwThreadId; // ThreadID registered
DWORD dwRegistrationKey; // Key for registration.
// Used later for calling SetDdeServerWindow
IUnknown * punk; // Pointer to class factory
} DdeClassInfo;
typedef DdeClassInfo * LPDDECLASSINFO;
BOOL GetClassInformationForDde( REFCLSID clsid,
BOOL SetDdeServerWindow( DWORD dwKey,
HWND hwndDdeServer);
BOOL GetClassInformationFromKey(LPDDECLASSINFO lpDdeInfo);
// This function is shared between the DDE layer and the ROT
HRESULT GetLocalRunningObjectForDde(LPOLESTR lpstrPath,
LPUNKNOWN * ppunkObject);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Activation Externs
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <olerem.h>
#include <iface.h>
// Internal version of CoGetClassObject without parameter validation.
STDAPI IOldCoGetClassObject(
REFCLSID rclsid,
DWORD dwContext,
LPVOID pvReserved,
REFIID riid,
void FAR* FAR* ppvClassObj);
#ifdef DCOM
// Internal version of CoGetClassObject without parameter validation.
STDAPI ICoGetClassObject(
REFCLSID rclsid,
DWORD dwContext,
COSERVERINFO * pvReserved,
REFIID riid,
void FAR* FAR* ppvClassObj);
#define ICoGetClassObject(a,b,c,d,e) IOldCoGetClassObject((a),(b),(c),(d),(e))
#endif // DCOM
// Internal COM Init/Uninit routines
INTERNAL wCoInitializeEx(COleTls &Tls, DWORD flags);
INTERNAL_(void) wCoUninitialize(COleTls &Tls, BOOL fHostThread);
// Main thread Init/Uninit routines
BOOL InitMainThreadWnd(void);
void UninitMainThreadWnd(void);
// Main thread window handle and TID
extern HWND hwndOleMainThread;
extern DWORD gdwMainThreadId;
// called by marshaling code on first marshal/last release of ICF interface
INTERNAL_(BOOL) NotifyActivation(BOOL fLock, IUnknown *pUnk);
// flag value used by the Activation ObjServer in ServerGetClassObject
// global count of per-process COM initializations
extern DWORD g_cProcessInits;
// Messages on OLE windows. RPC MSWMSG uses other values too.
// Messages Sent/Posted by OLE should have the magic value in WPARAM as this
// is used by USER32 to enable/diable SetForegroundWindow. The magic value is
// also in ntuser\kernel\userk.h.
const DWORD WMSG_MAGIC_VALUE = 0x0000babe;
LRESULT OleMainThreadWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message,
WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
extern DWORD gdwScmProcessID;
#ifdef _CHICAGO_
// Chicago presents this new interface for internal use
STDAPI CoCreateAlmostGuid(GUID *pGuid);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ORPC Externs
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <sem.hxx>
#include <olesem.hxx>
extern COleStaticMutexSem g_mxsSingleThreadOle;
extern COleStaticMutexSem gmxsOleMisc;
STDAPI ChannelRegisterProtseq(WCHAR *pwszProtseq);
STDAPI ChannelProcessInitialize ();
STDAPI ChannelThreadInitialize ();
STDAPI_(void) ChannelProcessUninitialize( void );
STDAPI_(void) ChannelThreadUninitialize ( void );
STDAPI_(void) ThreadStop ( void );
STDAPI_(void) ObjactThreadUninitialize(void);
INTERNAL_(void) IDTableThreadUninitialize(void);
INTERNAL_(void) IDTableProcessUninitialize(void);
#ifdef DCOM
extern BOOL gSpeedOverMem;
STDAPI_(void) ChannelStopListening(void);
STDAPI ChannelControlProcessInitialize(void);
STDAPI_(void) ChannelControlThreadUninitialize(void);
STDAPI_(void) ChannelControlProcessUninitialize(void);
#ifdef DCOM
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Marshalling Externs
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// internal subroutines used by COXIDTable ResolveOXID and GetLocalEntry.
INTERNAL MarshalInternalObjRef (OBJREF &objref, REFIID riid, void *pv,
DWORD mshlflags, void **ppStdId);
INTERNAL MarshalObjRef (OBJREF &objref, REFIID riid, LPVOID pv,
DWORD mshlflags);
INTERNAL UnmarshalInternalObjRef(OBJREF &objref, void **ppv);
INTERNAL UnmarshalObjRef (OBJREF &objref, void **ppv);
INTERNAL ReleaseMarshalObjRef (OBJREF &objref);
// internal routines used by Drag & Drop
INTERNAL_(void) FreeObjRef (OBJREF &objref);
INTERNAL CompleteObjRef (OBJREF &objref, OXID_INFO &oxidInfo, REFIID riid, BOOL *pfLocal);
INTERNAL FillLocalOXIDInfo(OBJREF &objref, OXID_INFO &oxidInfo);
// internal subroutine used by CRpcResolver
INTERNAL InitChannelIfNecessary();
// Internal routines used by objact
BOOL CheckObjactAccess();
INTERNAL HandleIncomingCall(REFIID riid, WORD iMethod, DWORD CallCatIn, void *pv);
#endif // DCOM
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Access Control Externs
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT ComDllGetClassObject ( REFCLSID clsid, REFIID riid, void **ppv );
HRESULT InitializeAccessControl ();
void UninitializeAccessControl();
#endif // _OLE2INT_H_