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419 lines
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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1996.
// File: dllcache.hxx
// Contents: Classes which implement cache of class Dlls previously
// located and local server class registrations.
// Classes: CDllCache
// CDllAptEntry
// Structures: SClassntry
// SDllPathEntry
// Functions:
// History: 09-May-93 Ricksa Created
// 31-Dec-93 ErikGav Chicago port
// 24-Jun-94 Rickhi Add Apartment Crap
// 13-Feb-95 BruceMa Change class object registration so
// volatile addresses are not used
// 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Rewrote
// Notes: The dll/class cache was rewritten to simplify and to improve
// performance. Since only a few entries (max ~16) are expected,
// linear search is deemed sufficient. The inclinaton then is to
// store entries on a linked list. However, since the cache is
// visited infrequently there is a good chance that it will have
// been paged out. So, instead of a linked list of different
// allocations which may touch many pages, the entries are
// stored in an array occupying a single area of memory. There
// are two arrays, one storing dll paths, etc. and one for
// class registrations. These arrays are initialized small and
// dynamically expanded as needed. Also, the CDllAptEntry
// was eliminated for the same reason. Instead, threadId's
// associated with a dll are stored in the CDllPathEntry to
// nominally 16, and thereafter it is dynamically expanded.
// SDllPathEntry and SClassEntry were originally implemented as
// classes but were made structures and their management was
// moved to the CDllCache level, since during an outgoing call
// it is possible that another thread may come in causing the
// cache to get reallocated and moved. This would invalidate
// any internal 'this' pointers. Because of the WOW we can't
// hold a mutex across outgoing calls. Therefore class entries
// and dll path entries are managed from the top level via
// indices.
#ifndef __DLLCACHE_HXX__
#define __DLLCACHE_HXX__
#include <olesem.hxx>
const DWORD CLASS_CACHE_SIG = 0x53534c43;
const DWORD DLL_PATH_CACHE_SIG = 0x534c4c44;
const DWORD DLL_APT_CACHE_SIG = 0x53545041;
#define DLL_GET_CLASS_OBJECT_EP "DllGetClassObject"
#define DLL_CAN_UNLOAD_EP "DllCanUnloadNow"
const DWORD NONE = ~0UL;
// Flags
#define SIXTEEN_BIT 0x00000001
#define IS_OLE32 0x00000002
#ifdef WX86OLE
#define WX86_THUNK 0x00000004
#define WX86_LOADASX86 0x00000008
#define DELAYED_UNLOAD 0x00000010 // delay unloading this DLL
#define DLL_DELAY_UNLOAD_TIME 600000 // 600,000 ticks == 10 minutes
// Typedef for pointer to DllCanUnloadNow function
typedef HRESULT (*DLLUNLOADFNP)(void);
class CDllCache;
class CObjServer;
// Structure: SClassEntry
// Purpose: Provides cached information for a class object
// History: 09-May-93 Ricksa Created
// 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Rewrote
struct SClassEntry
DWORD _dwNext; // Next entry in in-use or avail list
DWORD _dwSig; // Marks entry as in use
CLSID _clsid; // Class of this server
IUnknown *_pUnk; // Class factory IUnknown
DWORD _dwContext; // Class context
DWORD _dwFlags; // Single vs. multiple use
DWORD _dwReg; // Registration key for caaller
DWORD _dwScmReg; // Registration ID at the SCM
HAPT _hApt; // Thread Id
DWORD _cCallOut; // Count of active call outs
ULONG _fRevokePending:1; // Whether revoked while calling out
ULONG _fRevoking:1; // Prevents recursive revoking
ULONG _fReleasing:1; // Prevents recursive releasing
DWORD _dwDllThreadModel; // Threading model for the DLL
DWORD _fAtStorage; // Whether server is an at bits server
DWORD _dwDllEnt; // Associated dll path entry
DWORD _dwNextDllCls; // Next class entrry for this dll
HWND _hWndDdeServer; // Handle of associated DDE window
CObjServer *_pObjServer; // object server interface
// Class: CDllAptEntry
// Purpose: Abstracts per apartment info for a Dll.
// Interface: Init - loads the Dll and retrieves the entry points
// IsValidInApartment - TRUE if data valid for given apartment
// History: 27-Jun-94 Rickhi Created
// 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Rewrote
class CDllAptEntry
void Init(DWORD j);
void Create(HAPT hApt);
DWORD _dwNext; // Next entry in avail or in use list
DWORD _dwSig; // Unique signature for apt entries
HAPT _hApt; // apartment id
HMODULE _hDll; // module handle
friend class CDllCache;
// Structure: SDllPathEntry
// Purpose: Represents a DLL.
// Interface: Init - Complete initialization
// MakeValidInApartment - make Dll valid for current apartment
// GetClassInterface - Gets DLL to return the class factory
// CanUnloadNow - Asks DLL if it can unload
// AddClass - Adds class object to list of classes
// served by DLL
// CleanUpForApartment - cleanup per apartment entries
// History: 09-May-93 Ricksa Created
// 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Rewrote
struct SDllPathEntry
DWORD _dwNext; // Next in-use/avail entry
DWORD _dwSig; // Unique signature for safty
LPTSTR _ptszPath; // The dll pathname
DWORD _dwHash; // Hash value for searching
LPFNGETCLASSOBJECT _pfnGetClassObject; // Create object entry point
DLLUNLOADFNP _pfnDllCanUnload; // DllCanUnloadNow entry point
DWORD _dwFlags; // Internal flags
DWORD _dw1stClass; // First class entry for dll
DWORD _cUsing; // Count of using threads
DWORD _cAptEntries; // Total apt entries
DWORD _nAptAvail; // List of available apt entries
DWORD _nAptInUse; // List of in use apt entries
CDllAptEntry *_pAptEntries; // Per thread info
HMODULE _hDll32; // Module handle if this is a 32 bit dll
DWORD _dwExpireTime; // Time until safe to unload dll
// Class: CDllCache
// Purpose: Provide unified access to the cached class/dll information
// Interface: GetClass - Get a class factory for a class
// Add - Add a DLL and class
// FreeUnused - Free DLLs which are not being used
// RegisterServer - Add a server object to the registration
// Revoke - Revoke a server object
// Notes: This class *must* be allocated statically, since it includes
// a COleStaticMutexSem.
// History: 09-May-93 Ricksa Created
// 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Rewrote
class CDllCache
// Top level methods
IUnknown *GetClassInterface(DWORD dwDll,
DWORD dwDllThreadModel,
REFCLSID rclsid,
REFIID riid,
HRESULT CanUnloadNow(DWORD dwDll);
void RemoveAndUnload(DWORD dwDll);
BOOL Init(void);
// Get a class factory interface for a class
REFIID riid,
BOOL fRemote,
BOOL fForSurrogate,
#ifdef WX86OLE
BOOL fWx86,
IUnknown **ppunk
IUnknown *GetOrLoadClass(REFCLSID rclsid,
REFIID riid,
BOOL fRemote,
#ifdef WX86OLE
BOOL fWx86,
DWORD dwContext,
DWORD dwThreadingType,
BOOL GetClassObjForDde(REFCLSID clsid,
BOOL GetClassInformationFromKey(LPDDECLASSINFO lpDdeInfo);
#ifdef _CHICAGO_
BOOL GetApartmentForCLSID(REFCLSID rclsid, HAPT &hApt);
// Add a new entry to the class/dll cache and
// get a class factory if requested.
IUnknown * Add(REFCLSID rclsid,
REFIID riid,
DWORD dwDllThreadModel,
const TCHAR *ptszDllPath,
BOOL fGetClassObject,
BOOL fSixteenBit,
#ifdef WX86OLE
BOOL fWx86,
void FreeUnused(void);
HRESULT RegisterServer(REFCLSID rclsid,
IUnknown *punk,
DWORD flags,
DWORD dwTypeToRegister,
LPDWORD lpdwRegister);
HRESULT Revoke(DWORD pdwRegister);
BOOL SetDdeServerWindow(DWORD dwKey,
HWND hwndDdeServer);
void CleanUpDllsForApartment(void);
void CleanUpLocalServersForApartment(void);
void CleanUpDllsForProcess(void);
ULONG AddRefServerProcess(void);
ULONG ReleaseServerProcess(void);
HRESULT SuspendProcessClassObjects(void);
HRESULT ResumeProcessClassObjects(void);
#ifdef WX86OLE
DLLUNLOADFNP *ppfnDllCanUnload,
BOOL fSixteenBit,
BOOL *pIsX86Dll,
BOOL fLoadAsX86);
DLLUNLOADFNP *ppfnDllCanUnload,
BOOL fSixteenBit,
void InitClsent(DWORD dwCls, DWORD k);
HRESULT CreateClsentLSvr(DWORD dwCls,
REFCLSID rclsid,
IUnknown *punk,
DWORD dwFlags,
DWORD dwContext,
DWORD dwReg);
HRESULT CreateClsentInProc(DWORD dwCls,
DWORD dwDll,
DWORD dwDllThreadModel,
DWORD dwNextDllCls,
#ifdef WX86OLE
,BOOL fWx86
BOOL GetClassObjForDdeByClsent(DWORD dwCls,
HRESULT Release(DWORD dwCls);
void InitDllent(DWORD dwDll, DWORD k);
HRESULT CreateDllent(DWORD dwDll,
LPCTSTR ptszDllPath,
BOOL fSixteenBit,
#ifdef WX86OLE
,BOOL fIsX86Dll,
BOOL fLoadAsX86
BOOL NewAptEntries(DWORD dwDll);
DWORD AllocAptEntry(DWORD dwDll);
void FreeAptEntry(DWORD dwDll, DWORD dwAptent);
HRESULT MakeValidInApartment(DWORD dwDll);
BOOL CleanUpForApartmentByDllent(DWORD dwDll, HAPT hApt);
// Search for a class entry by registration key
DWORD Search(DWORD dwRegkey, HAPT hApt);
// Search for a class entry for specific apartment
DWORD Search(REFCLSID clsid, DWORD dwContext, HAPT hApt);
// Search for a dll path entry
DWORD SearchForDll(const _TCHAR *ptszDllPath
#ifdef WX86OLE
, BOOL fWx86
// Allocate/free class and dll entries
DWORD AllocClassEntry(void);
DWORD AllocDllPathEntry(void);
void FreeClassEntry(DWORD dwClsent);
void FreeDllPathEntry(DWORD dwDllent);
// For dll path entries
BOOL IsValidInApartment(DWORD dwDllent, HAPT hApt);
// Compute a hash on the pathname
DWORD Hash(LPTSTR ptszPath);
COleStaticMutexSem _mxs; // Protects from multiple threads
DWORD _cClassEntries; // Count of class entries
DWORD _nClassEntryInUse; // First in-use class entry
DWORD _nClassEntryAvail; // First available class entry
SClassEntry *_pClassEntries; // Array of class entries
DWORD _cDllPathEntries; // Count of dll path entries
DWORD _nDllPathEntryInUse; // First in-use dll path entry
DWORD _nDllPathEntryAvail; // First available dll path entry
SDllPathEntry *_pDllPathEntries; // Array of DLL path entries
ULONG _cRefsServerProcess; // global refcnt for this process
#endif // __DLLCACHE_HXX__