2020-09-30 17:12:29 +02:00

169 lines
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/************** ToolBox.h ***************************************************
The purpose of ToolBox is to isolate all the Windows vs Mac Toolbox
instead of including Windows.h or "using" MemTypes.P, etc.
#ifdef WIN32
#define huge
/************** Includes ****************************************************/
#define NOHELP /* No help engine stuff */
#define NOSOUND /* No sound stuff */
#define NODRAWFRAME /* No DrawFrame stuff */
#define NOCOMM /* Disable Windows communications interface */
#define NOKANJI /* Disable Windows Kanji support */
#define OEMRESOURCE /* Enable access to OEM resources (checkmark, etc.) */
#include "windows.h"
#define sizeofMacDWord 4
#define sizeofMacPoint 4
#define sizeofMacRect 8
#define sizeofMacWord 2
/************** Public Data *************************************************/
#define Far far /* for use with function parameters only! */
#define Pascal /* default set with compiler options */
#define NA 0L /* use for 'Not Applicable' parms */
#define NIL NULL /* alternate name for empty pointer */
#define cNULL '\0' /* alternate name for null char */
#define sNULL "" /* alternate name for null string */
#define NOERR 0 /* success flag */
typedef unsigned Char; /* MPW unsigned char */
typedef char SignedByte; /* MPW signed char */
typedef int Integer; /* MPW Pascal integer. Hide int type of compiler*/
typedef long LongInt; /* MPW Pascal name */
typedef double Real; /* MPW Pascal name */
typedef BYTE Byte; /* MPW Byte. Hide Win/PM unsigned char type */
typedef unsigned Word; /* MPW Word. Hide Win/PM unsigned int type */
typedef DWORD DWord; /* Hide Win/PM unsigned long */
typedef LongInt Fixed; /* MPW fixed point number */
typedef LongInt Fract; /* MPW fraction point number [-2,2) */
typedef void * Ptr; /* MPW opaque pointer */
typedef void far * LPtr; /* Opaque far pointer */
typedef HANDLE Handle; /* MPW opaque handle */
typedef char Str255[256]; /* MPW string type. 255 characters + null */
typedef char String[]; /* Indeterminate length string */
typedef char StringRef; /* AR: String reference type? */
typedef NPSTR StringPtr; /* MPW string type. Hide Win/PM string pointer*/
typedef LPSTR StringLPtr; /* Hide Win/PM string far pointer type */
typedef HANDLE StringHandle;/* MPW string handle */
typedef BOOL Boolean; /* MPW Pascal name */
typedef unsigned BitBoolean; /* Boolean type that can be used as a bitfield */
typedef RECT Rect; /* MPW rectangle structure */
typedef POINT Point; /* MPW point structure */
typedef DWORD Size; /* MPW size. AR: size_t if included stddef.h */
typedef WORD Param1; /* Hide Windows/PM message param differences */
typedef LONG Param2; /* Hide Windows/PM message param differences */
typedef unsigned Style; /* MPW text style */
typedef Integer Interval; /* Array/RunArray/Text intervals */
typedef Integer OSErr; /* OS Error */
typedef union
{ Handle handle;
Ptr ptr;
LPtr lptr;
Word word;
DWord dword;
} LongOpaque; /* A 4-byte quantity whose type is unknown */
#define TwoPi (2.0*3.141592) /* math constant */
/* The following macro defeats the compiler warning for unreferenced vars.
Use it only where a statement would be permitted in C. */
#define UnReferenced( v ) if(v)
#define private static /* alternate (understandable) name */
/* largest Integer value, expressed in an implementation-independent way */
#define MAXINT ((Integer) (((Word) -1) >> 1))
/* MAXLONG is defined in winnt.h as 0x7FFFFFFF */
#ifndef WIN32
#define MAXLONG ((LongInt) (((DWord) -1) >> 1))
Rect NULLRECT; /* empty rectangle */
Rect UNIRECT; /* rectangle encompassing the universe */
Point ZEROPT; /* zero (0,0) point */
Point UNITPT; /* unit (1,1) point */
void PASCAL BreakPoint( void );
/* Execute a software breakpoint to the debugger if it is loaded, otherwise
continue execution. */
/* private */ void AssertionFailed( String file, Integer line, String expression );
/* Print the fact that 'expression' was not true at 'line' in 'file' to the
'logFile', then execute a software breakpoint. Treat this function as
private to ToolBox; it is only exported because Assert() is a macro. */
#define /* void */ Assert( /* Boolean */ expression ) \
/*=====================*/ \
/* Provides an Assert function for use with Windows. Note that the \
expression in the Assert should NOT be a function/procedure call which \
MUST be called, since Asserts may be disabled, disabling the function or \
procedure call. Also note that Asserts expand inline, therefore to \
minimize code size in cases where several Asserts are done at once, you \
can code the Assert as \
Assert( assertion1 && assertion2 ... ); \
This has the drawback of possibly not fitting on a source line or \
localizing an assertion failure accurately enough. */ \
{ \
if( !( expression ) ) \
AssertionFailed( _FILE_, __LINE__, #expression ); \
} /* Assert */
#define /* Size */ Sizeof( expression ) \
/*======================*/ \
/* Return the Size of the 'expression' */ \
((Size) sizeof( expression ))
#define /* Word */ ToWord( /*DWord*/ d ) \
/*=====================*/ \
( LOWORD( d ))
#define /* Integer */ ToInteger( /* LongInt */ l ) \
/*===========================*/ \
((Integer) (LOWORD( l )))
#define /* Boolean */ RectEqual( /* Rect */ a, /* Rect */ b ) \
/*===========================*/ \
/* Return TRUE iff Rect 'a' is identical to Rect 'b'. */ \
(Boolean) EqualRect( &(a), &(b) )
/* HGET(pointer, field, structure name, type)
* Accesses a field from a structure without using the "->"
* construct. This is because "->" has a bug and does not work
* correctly with huge pointers. Instead we use "+" and obtain
* the offset of the structure field by casting 0 to be a
* pointer to the structure. The last argument is the type of
* the structure field.
#define HGET( p, f, s, t ) ( *(( t huge * ) ((( char huge * )p ) + (( WORD ) &((( s * )0 )->f )))))
#define /* Integer */ Width( /* Rect */ r ) \
/*=======================*/ \
/* Return width of the rectangle 'r'. */ \
((r).right - (r).left)
#define /* Integer */ Height( /* Rect */ r) \
/*========================*/ \
/* Return height of the rectangle 'r'. */ \
((r).bottom - (r).top)