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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993.
// File: tutils.hxx
// Contents: Generic test utilities
// History: 06-Aug-93 DrewB Created
#ifndef __TUTILS_HXX__
#define __TUTILS_HXX__
#ifndef UNICODE
#define tcscpy(d, s) strcpy(d, s)
#define tcslen(s) strlen(s)
#define tcscmp(s1, s2) strcmp(s1, s2)
#define TTEXT(s) s
#define TFMT "%s"
#define ATOT(a, t, max) strcpy(t, a)
#define TTOA(t, a, max) strcpy(a, t)
#define WTOT(w, t, max) wcstombs(t, w, max)
#define TTOW(t, w, max) mbstowcs(w, t, max)
#define tcscpy(d, s) wcscpy(d, s)
#define tcslen(s) wcslen(s)
#define tcscmp(s1, s2) wcscmp(s1, s2)
#define TTEXT(s) L##s
#define TFMT "%ws"
#define ATOT(a, t, max) mbstowcs(t, a, max)
#define TTOA(t, a, max) wcstombs(a, t, max)
#define WTOT(w, t, max) wcscpy(t, w)
#define TTOW(t, w, max) wcscpy(w, t)
#ifdef WIN32
#define ATOX(a, t, max) mbstowcs(t, a, max)
#define XTOA(t, a, max) wcstombs(a, t, max)
#define WTOX(w, t, max) wcscpy(t, w)
#define XTOW(t, w, max) wcscpy(w, t)
#define ATOX(a, t, max) strcpy(t, a)
#define XTOA(t, a, max) strcpy(a, t)
#define WTOX(w, t, max) wcstombs(t, w, max)
#define XTOW(t, w, max) mbstowcs(w, t, max)
#define Mthd(this, name) ((this)->lpVtbl->name)
#define SELF(p) (p),
#define Mthd(this, name) (this)->name
#define SELF(p)
// BUGBUG - Remove for Cairole when they exist
STDAPI CoMemAlloc(DWORD cBytes, void **ppv);
STDAPI CoMemFree(void *pv);
BOOL GetExitOnFail(void);
void SetExitOnFail(BOOL set);
void Fail(char *fmt, ...);
char *ScText(SCODE sc);
HRESULT Result(HRESULT hr, char *fmt, ...);
HRESULT IllResult(HRESULT hr, char *fmt, ...);
char *TcsText(TCHAR *ptcs);
char *FileTimeText(FILETIME *pft);
char *GuidText(GUID *pguid);
void BinText(ULONG cb, BYTE *pb);
TCHAR *TestFile(TCHAR *ptcsName, char *pszFile);
#if WIN32 == 300
char *TestFormat(DWORD *pdwFmt, DWORD *pgrfMode);
void CreateTestFile(char *pszFile, DWORD grfMode, BOOL fFail, IStorage **ppstg,
TCHAR *ptcsName);
void OpenTestFile(char *pszFile, DWORD grfMode, BOOL fFail, IStorage **ppstg,
TCHAR *ptcsName);
// Defined by test, called by Fail
void EndTest(int code);
// Class: CStrList (sl)
// Purpose: Maintains a list of strings
// History: 30-Nov-93 DrewB Created
struct SStrEntry
SStrEntry *pseNext, *psePrev;
void *pv;
unsigned long dw;
} user;
TCHAR atc[1]; // Actually contains the whole string
class CStrList
SStrEntry *Add(TCHAR *ptcs);
void Remove(SStrEntry *pse);
SStrEntry *Find(TCHAR *ptcs);
void Empty(void);
SStrEntry *GetHead(void) { return _pseHead; }
SStrEntry *_pseHead;
#endif // #ifndef __TUTILS_HXX__