2020-09-30 17:12:29 +02:00

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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993.
// File: propdbg.hxx
// Contents: Declarations for tracing property code
// History:
// 28-Aug-96 MikeHill Added a Mac version of propinlineDebugOut
#ifndef _MAC
#define DEB_PROP_EXIT DEB_USER1 // 00010000
#define DEB_PROP_TRACE_CREATE DEB_USER2 // 00020000
#define DEB_PROP_MAP DEB_ITRACE // 00000400
#ifdef _MAC
inline void propInlineDebugOut(DWORD dwDebugLevel, CHAR *szFormat, ...)
#if 0
if( DEB_PROP_MAP >= dwDebugLevel )
CHAR szBuffer[ 256 ];
va_list Arguments;
va_start( Arguments, szFormat );
*szBuffer = '\p'; // This is a zero-terminated string.
if( -1 == _vsnprintf( szBuffer+1, sizeof(szBuffer)-1, szFormat, Arguments ))
// Terminate the buffer, since the string was too long.
szBuffer[ sizeof(szBuffer)-1 ] = '\0';
DebugStr( (unsigned char*) szBuffer );
#endif // #ifdef _MAC
#if DBG
# define PropDbg(x) propInlineDebugOut x
# define DBGBUF(buf) CHAR buf[400]
CHAR *DbgFmtId(REFFMTID rfmtid, CHAR *pszBuf);
CHAR *DbgMode(DWORD grfMode, CHAR *pszBuf);
CHAR *DbgFlags(DWORD grfMode, CHAR *pszBuf);
# define PropDbg(x)
# define DBGBUF(buf)
# define DbgFmtId(rfmtid, pszBuf)
# define DbgMode(grfMode, pszBuf)
# define DbgFlags(grfMode, pszBuf)