479 lines
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479 lines
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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1992.
// File: publicdf.hxx
// Contents: Public DocFile header
// Classes: CPubDocFile
#ifndef __PUBDF_HXX__
#define __PUBDF_HXX__
#include <dfmsp.hxx>
#include <chinst.hxx>
#include <ole.hxx>
#include <revert.hxx>
#include <pdocfile.hxx>
#include <ref.hxx>
class PDocFile;
class CPubStream;
class CPubIter;
// Class signatures for object validation
#define CPUBDOCFILE_SIG LONGSIG('P', 'B', 'D', 'F')
#define CPUBDOCFILE_SIGDEL LONGSIG('P', 'b', 'D', 'f')
// Class: CPubDocFile (df)
// Purpose: Public DocFile class
// Interface: See below
class CPubDocFile : public PRevertable
CPubDocFile(CPubDocFile *pdfParent,
PDocFile *pdf,
DFLAGS const df,
DFLUID luid,
ILockBytes *pilbBase,
CDfName const *pdfn,
CMStream MSTREAM_NEAR *pmsBase);
// C700 - Virtual destructors aren't working properly so explicitly
// declare one
virtual void vdtor(void);
inline void vAddRef(void);
void vRelease(void);
// PRevertable
virtual void RevertFromAbove(void);
virtual SCODE Stat(STATSTGW *pstatstg, DWORD grfStatFlag);
SCODE Commit(DWORD const dwFlags);
SCODE Revert(void);
SCODE DestroyEntry(CDfName const *pdfnName,
BOOL fClean);
SCODE RenameEntry(CDfName const *pdfnName,
CDfName const *pdfnNewName);
SCODE SetElementTimes(CDfName const *pdfnName,
FILETIME const *pctime,
FILETIME const *patime,
FILETIME const *pmtime);
SCODE SetClass(REFCLSID clsid);
SCODE SetStateBits(DWORD grfStateBits, DWORD grfMask);
SCODE CreateDocFile(CDfName const *pdfnName,
DFLAGS const df,
CPubDocFile **ppdfDocFile);
SCODE GetDocFile(CDfName const *pdfnName,
DFLAGS const df,
CPubDocFile **ppdfDocFile);
SCODE CreateStream(CDfName const *pdfnName,
DFLAGS const df,
CPubStream **ppdstStream);
SCODE GetStream(CDfName const *pdfnName,
DFLAGS const df,
CPubStream **ppdstStream);
SCODE GetIterator(CPubIter **pppiIterator);
inline SCODE CreateDocFile(CDfName const *pdfnName,
DFLAGS const df,
DWORD const dwType,
CPubDocFile **ppdfDocFile)
{ return CreateDocFile(pdfnName, df, ppdfDocFile); }
inline SCODE GetDocFile(CDfName const *pdfnName,
DFLAGS const df,
DWORD const dwType,
CPubDocFile **ppdfDocFile)
{ return GetDocFile(pdfnName, df, ppdfDocFile); }
inline SCODE CreateStream(CDfName const *pdfnName,
DFLAGS const df,
DWORD const dwType,
CPubStream **ppdstStream)
{ return CreateStream(pdfnName, df, ppdstStream); }
inline SCODE GetStream(CDfName const *pdfnName,
DFLAGS const df,
DWORD const dwType,
CPubStream **ppdstStream)
{ return GetStream(pdfnName, df, ppdstStream); }
inline SCODE GetIterator(BOOL fProperties,
CPubIter **pppiIterator)
{ return GetIterator(pppiIterator); }
void AddChild(PRevertable *prv);
void ReleaseChild(PRevertable *prv);
SCODE IsEntry(CDfName const *pdfnName, SEntryBuffer *peb);
BOOL IsAtOrAbove(CPubDocFile *pdf);
inline BOOL IsRoot(void) const;
inline CPubDocFile *GetParent(void) const;
inline LONG GetRefCount(void) const;
inline PDocFile *GetDF(void) const;
inline void SetDF(PDocFile *pdf);
inline SCODE CreateScratchStream(ILockBytes **ppsst, CDfName *pdfn);
inline void DeleteScratchStream(CDfName *pdfn);
inline SCODE CheckReverted(void) const;
inline void SetClean(void);
inline BOOL IsDirty(void) const;
inline void SetDirty(void);
inline void SetDirtyBit(void);
inline CMStream MSTREAM_NEAR * GetBaseMS(void);
static SCODE Validate(CPubDocFile *pdf);
static SCODE CopyLStreamToLStream(ILockBytes *plstFrom,
ILockBytes *plstTo);
CPubDocFile *_pdfParent;
PDocFile *_pdf;
CChildInstanceList _cilChildren;
BOOL _fDirty;
CMStream MSTREAM_NEAR *_pmsBase;
ULONG _sig;
LONG _cReferences;
ILockBytes *_pilbBase;
// Member: CPubDocFile::GetDF, public
// Synopsis: Returns _pdf
inline PDocFile *CPubDocFile::GetDF(void) const
return _pdf;
// Member: CPubDocFile::SetDF, public
// Synopsis: Sets _pdf
inline void CPubDocFile::SetDF(PDocFile *pdf)
_pdf = pdf;
// Member: CPubDocFile::AddRef, public
// Synopsis: Changes the ref count
inline void CPubDocFile::vAddRef(void)
// Member: CPubDocFile::IsRoot, public
// Synopsis: Returns _pdfParent == NULL
inline BOOL CPubDocFile::IsRoot(void) const
return _pdfParent == NULL;
// Member: CPubDocFile::GetParent, public
// Synopsis: Returns _pdfParent
inline CPubDocFile *CPubDocFile::GetParent(void) const
return _pdfParent;
// Member: CPubDocFile::GetRefCount, public
// Synopsis: Returns the ref count
inline LONG CPubDocFile::GetRefCount(void) const
return _cReferences;
// Member: CPubDocFile::SetClean, public
// Synopsis: Resets the dirty flag
inline void CPubDocFile::SetClean(void)
_fDirty = FALSE;
// Member: CPubDocFile::IsDirty, public
// Synopsis: Returns the dirty flag
inline BOOL CPubDocFile::IsDirty(void) const
return _fDirty;
// Member: CPubDocFile::SetDirty, public
// Synopsis: Sets the dirty flag and all parents' dirty flags
inline void CPubDocFile::SetDirty(void)
CPubDocFile *ppdf = this;
olAssert((this != NULL) && aMsg("Attempted to dirty parent of root"));
ppdf = ppdf->GetParent();
} while (ppdf != NULL);
// Member: CPubDocFile::SetDirtyBit, public
// Synopsis: Sets the dirty flag
inline void CPubDocFile::SetDirtyBit(void)
_fDirty = TRUE;
// Member: CPubDocFile::Revert, public
// Synopsis: Reverts transacted changes
// Returns: Appropriate status code
inline SCODE CPubDocFile::Revert(void)
return S_OK;
// Member: CPubDocFile::ReleaseChild, private
// Synopsis: Releases a child instance
// Arguments: [prv] - Child instance
inline void CPubDocFile::ReleaseChild(PRevertable *prv)
// Member: CPubDocFile::AddChild, public
// Synopsis: Adds a child instance
// Arguments: [prv] - Child
inline void CPubDocFile::AddChild(PRevertable *prv)
// Member: CPubDocFile::IsEntry, public
// Synopsis: Checks whether the given name is an entry or not
// Arguments: [dfnName] - Name of element
// [peb] - Entry buffer to fill in
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies: [peb]
inline SCODE CPubDocFile::IsEntry(CDfName const *dfnName,
SEntryBuffer *peb)
if (SUCCEEDED(sc = CheckReverted()))
sc = _pdf->IsEntry(dfnName, peb);
return sc;
// Member: CPubDocFile::IsAtOrAbove, public
// Synopsis: Determines whether the given public is an ancestor
// of this public
// Arguments: [pdf] - Docfile to check
// Returns: TRUE or FALSE
inline BOOL CPubDocFile::IsAtOrAbove(CPubDocFile *pdf)
CPubDocFile *pdfPar = this;
// MAC compiler can't support natural form with two returns
if (pdfPar == pdf)
while (pdfPar = pdfPar->_pdfParent);
return pdfPar == pdf;
// Member: CPubDocFile::CreateScratchStream, public
// Synopsis: Asks the TL for a scratch stream
// Arguments: [ppsst] - Stream return
// [pdfn] - Stream name return
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies: [ppsst]
// [*pdfn]
inline SCODE CPubDocFile::CreateScratchStream(
ILockBytes **ppsst,
CDfName *pdfn)
if (SUCCEEDED(sc = CheckReverted()))
sc = CreateFileStream(ppsst, pdfn);
return sc;
// Member: CPubDocFile::DeleteScratchStream, public
// Synopsis: Delete a scratch stream
// Arguments: [pdfn] - Stream to delete
inline void CPubDocFile::DeleteScratchStream(CDfName *pdfn)
// Member: CPubDocFile::CheckReverted, private
// Synopsis: Returns STG_E_REVERTED if reverted
inline SCODE CPubDocFile::CheckReverted(void) const
// Member: CPubDocFile::GetBaseMS, public
// Synopsis: Return pointer to base multistream
inline CMStream MSTREAM_NEAR * CPubDocFile::GetBaseMS(void)
return _pmsBase;