2020-09-30 17:12:29 +02:00

213 lines
8.5 KiB

#include "mktyplib.h"
// data that should be internationalized
// this is the only file that should be altered by localization
#define BETA
CHAR * szBanner =
"Microsoft (R) Type Library Generator Version 2.02"
#if defined(BETA) || defined(DEBUG)
#include "verstamp.h"
#define STRING(x) #x
#define VERSTRINGX(rev) STRING(. ## rev)
#endif //BETA || DEBUG
#ifdef DEBUG
" (Debug)"
#endif //DEBUG
"\nCopyright (c) Microsoft Corp. 1993-1995. All rights reserved."
#ifdef MAC
#define cPREFIX "-"
#define cALIGN "\t\t "
#define cALIGN1 "\t\t "
#define cINDENT "\t\t "
#define cWRAP " "
#else //!MAC
#ifdef WIN16
#define cPREFIX "/"
#define cALIGN "\t "
#define cALIGN1 "\t "
#define cINDENT "\t\t "
#define cWRAP "\n" cINDENT
#else //WIN16
#define cPREFIX "/"
#define cALIGN "\t "
#define cALIGN1 " "
#define cINDENT "\t\t "
#define cWRAP " "
#endif //WIN16
#endif //!MAC
CHAR * szUsage =
"Usage: MKTYPLIB <options> [inputfile]\n"
"Valid options are:\n"
cPREFIX "help or " cPREFIX "?" cALIGN "Displays usage.\n"
cPREFIX "tlb <filename>" cALIGN "Specifies type library output"
cWRAP "filename. Defaults to input name\n"
cINDENT "with extension replaced by \".tlb\".\n"
cPREFIX "h [filename]" cALIGN "Specifies .H file output filename.\n"
cPREFIX "<system>" cALIGN "Specifies kind of type library to"
cWRAP "make (win16, win32, mac, mips, alpha, ppc or ppc32).\n"
#ifdef WIN16
cINDENT "Defaults to win16.\n"
#ifdef WIN32
#ifdef _MIPS_
cINDENT "Defaults to mips.\n"
#else //_MIPS_
#ifdef _ALPHA_
cINDENT "Defaults to alpha.\n"
#else //_ALPHA_
cINDENT "Defaults to win32.\n"
#endif //_ALPHA_
#endif //_MIPS_
cINDENT "Defaults to mac.\n"
cPREFIX "align <#>" cALIGN "Override default alignment setting.\n"
cPREFIX "o filename" cALIGN "Redirects output from screen to"
cWRAP "specified file.\n"
cPREFIX "nologo\t" cALIGN "Don't display the copyright banner.\n"
cPREFIX "w0\t" cALIGN "Disable warnings.\n"
#if FV_CPP
cPREFIX "nocpp\t" cALIGN "Don't spawn the C pre-processor.\n"
cPREFIX "cpp_cmd <path>" cALIGN "Specifies path for C pre-processor.\n"
cINDENT "Defaults to CL.EXE.\n"
cPREFIX "cpp_opt \"<opt>\"" cALIGN1 "Specifies options for C"
cWRAP "pre-processor. Defaults to:\n"
cINDENT "\"/C /E /D__MKTYPLIB__\".\n"
cPREFIX "Ddefine[=value]" cALIGN1 "Defines value for C pre-processor.\n"
cPREFIX "I includepath" cALIGN "Specifies path for include files.\n"
#endif //FV_CPP
// for titles of message boxes
CHAR * szAppTitle = "MkTypLib";
// Error message strings.
// WARNING -- must be the same order as items in ERRORS.H !!!
CHAR * rgszErr[] = {
// Parser/lexer errors. These have line # and column # information.
"unterminated comment block", // PERR_UNTERMINATED_COMMENT
"unexpected end-of-file", // PERR_UNEXP_EOF
"error reading input file", // PERR_READ_ERROR
"undefined interface/dispinterface", // PERR_UNDEF_INTER
"unknown type", // PERR_UNKNOWN_TYPE
"duplicate definition", // PERR_DUP_DEF
"duplicate 'uuid' attribute", // PERR_DUP_UUID
"duplicate 'id' attribute in type", // PERR_DUP_ID
"attributes inconsistent with this type", // PERR_INV_COMBO
"missing 'id' attribute", // PERR_ID_REQ
"missing 'uuid' attribute", // PERR_UUID_REQ
"missing 'in' and/or 'out' attribute", // PERR_IN_OUT_REQ
"missing 'dllname' attribute", // PERR_DLLNAME_REQ
"missing 'entry' attribute", // PERR_ENTRY_REQ
"missing 'odl' attribute", // PERR_ODL_REQ
"'importlib' sections must be first", // PERR_IMPLIB_NOTFIRST
"invalid use of 'void'", // PERR_VOID_INV
"numeric value out of range", // PERR_NUMBER_OV
"invalid attribute combination", // PERR_INV_ATTR_COMBO
"invalid attribute for this item", // PERR_INV_ATTR
"invalid numeric literal", // PERR_INV_NUMBER
"invalid string literal", // PERR_INV_STRING
"invalid UUID literal", // PERR_INV_UUID
"invalid identifier", // PERR_INV_IDENTIFIER
"invalid constant definition", // PERR_INV_CONSTANT
"specified id is out of range", // PERR_INV_ID
"invalid use of 'lcid' attribute", // PERR_INV_LCID_USE
"invalid use of 'retval' attribute", // PERR_INV_RETVAL_USE
"invalid use of 'vararg' attribute", // PERR_INV_VARARG_USE
"unsupported keyword", // PERR_UNSUPP_KEYWORD
"expected: ", // PERR_EXPECTED
"expected: end-of-file", // PERR_EXP_EOF
"expected: identifier", // PERR_EXP_IDENTIFIER
"expected: keyword", // PERR_EXP_KEYWORD
"expected: attribute", // PERR_EXP_ATTRIBUTE
"expected: operator", // PERR_EXP_OPERATOR
"unsupported operator", // PERR_UNSUPPORTED_OP
"invalid numeric expression", // PERR_INV_EXPRESION
"expected: numeric expression", // PERR_EXP_NUMBER
"expected: string", // PERR_EXP_STRING
"expected: interface or dispinterface", // PERR_EXP_INTER
"no more than one dispinterface allowed in a coclass", // PERR_TWO_DISPINTER
"specified calling convention invalid here", // PERR_INV_CALLCONV
"invalid array declaration", // PERR_INV_ARRAY_DECL
#ifdef WIN32
"missing definition of IDispatch. STDOLE32.TLB must be imported.", // PERR_NO_IDISPATCH
"missing definition of IUnknown. STDOLE32.TLB must be imported.", // PERR_NO_IDISPATCH
#else //WIN32
"missing definition of IDispatch. STDOLE.TLB must be imported.", // PERR_NO_IDISPATCH
"missing definition of IUnknown. STDOLE.TLB must be imported.", // PERR_NO_IDISPATCH
#endif //WIN32
"attributes must follow 'typedef' keyword", // PERR_TYPEDEF_ATTR
"property put function must have at least 1 argument and must have exactly one argument after any LCID argument", // PERR_INV_PROPPUT
"return type inconsistent with property type", // PERR_INV_PROPFUNC
"unknown LCID", // PERR_INV_LCID
"source attribute only valid on objects and VARIANTs", // PERR_INV_SOURCE_ATTR
"'out' parameter must be a pointer", // PERR_INV_OUT_PARAM
"Base interface of Dual interface must be IDispatch, or an interface that derives from IDispatch", // PERR_INV_DUAL_BASE
"Base interface of OleAutomation interface must be IUnknown, or an interface that derives from IUnknown", // PERR_INV_OA_BASE
"Type is not OleAutomation-compatible", // PERR_INV_OA_TYPE
"Invalid return type for OleAutomation-compatible interface", // PERR_INV_OA_FUNC_TYPE
"references to this type not allowed", // PERR_INV_REFERENCE
"specified type is not supported by IDispatch::Invoke", // PWARN_INV_IDISPATCHTYPE
// output errors (these also have the name of the current item)
"forward declaration but no definition", // OERR_NO_DEF
#define TYPELIBERR(name,string) string
#include "typelib.err" // TYPELIB.DLL error strings
// This shouldn't ever be seen if the list in TYPELIB.ERR is complete.
"TYPELIB.DLL returned an error",// OERR_TYPEINFO
// general errors (no line/column # information)
"out of memory", // ERR_OM
"unable to open input file", // ERR_CANT_OPEN_INPUTFILE
#if FV_CPP
"unable to pre-process input file", // ERR_CPP
#endif //FV_CPP
"unable to open .H output file",// ERR_CANT_OPEN_HFILE
"error writing .H output file", // ERR_WRITING_HFILE
// general warnings (no line/column info)
"using non-standard alignment - some structs in the .h file may need to be padded", // WARN_STRANGE_ALIGNMENT
// strings for error display/formattting
CHAR * szFmtSuccess = "Successfully generated type library '%s'.";
CHAR * szFmtErrFileLineCol = "%s (%ld) : fatal error M0001: Syntax error near line %ld column %d: %s %s";
CHAR * szFmtWarnFileLineCol = "%s (%ld) : warning M0002: Warning near line %ld column %d: %s %s";
CHAR * szFmtErrOutput = "%s : fatal error M0003: Error creating type library while processing item '%s': %s.";
CHAR * szFmtErrImportlib = "%s : fatal error M0004: Error processing type library '%s': %s.";
// This shouldn't ever be seen if the list in TYPELIB.ERR is complete.
CHAR * szFmtErrUnknown = "%s : fatal error M0005: Error creating type library while processing item '%s': %s (SCODE = 0x%lX).";
CHAR * szFmtErrGeneral = "fatal error M0006: %s";
CHAR * szFmtWarnGeneral = "warning M0007: %s";
// strings for header file output
CHAR * szHeadFile = "/* This header file machine-generated by mktyplib.exe */\n"
"/* Interface to type library: ";
CHAR * szHeadModule = "\n/* Functions defined in module: ";
CHAR * szHeadInter = "\n/* Definition of interface: ";
CHAR * szHeadDispinter = "\n/* Definition of dispatch interface: ";
CHAR * szHeadMethods = "/* You must describe methods for this interface here */\n";
CHAR * szHeadDispatchable = "\n/* Capable of dispatching all the methods of interface ";