277 lines
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277 lines
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/* */
/* DISPDIB.H - Include file for DisplayDib() function. */
/* */
/* Note: You must include WINDOWS.H before including this file. */
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 1990-1996, Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. */
/* */
// DisplayDib() error return codes
#define DISPLAYDIB_NOERROR 0x0000 // success
#define DISPLAYDIB_NOTSUPPORTED 0x0001 // function not supported
#define DISPLAYDIB_INVALIDDIB 0x0002 // null or invalid DIB header
#define DISPLAYDIB_INVALIDFORMAT 0x0003 // invalid DIB format
#define DISPLAYDIB_INVALIDTASK 0x0004 // not called from current task
#define DISPLAYDIB_STOP 0x0005 // stop requested
#define DISPLAYDIB_NOTACTIVE 0x0006 // DisplayDibWindow not foreground
#define DISPLAYDIB_BADSIZE 0x0007 //
// flags for <wFlags> parameter of DisplayDib()
#define DISPLAYDIB_NOPALETTE 0x0010 // don't set palette
#define DISPLAYDIB_NOCENTER 0x0020 // don't center image
#define DISPLAYDIB_NOWAIT 0x0040 // don't wait before returning
#define DISPLAYDIB_NOIMAGE 0x0080 // don't draw image
#define DISPLAYDIB_ZOOM2 0x0100 // stretch by 2
#define DISPLAYDIB_DONTLOCKTASK 0x0200 // don't lock current task
#define DISPLAYDIB_TEST 0x0400 // testing the command
#define DISPLAYDIB_NOFLIP 0x0800 // dont page flip
#define DISPLAYDIB_BEGIN 0x8000 // start of multiple calls
#define DISPLAYDIB_END 0x4000 // end of multiple calls
#define DISPLAYDIB_MODE 0x000F // mask for display mode
#define DISPLAYDIB_MODE_DEFAULT 0x0000 // default display mode
#define DISPLAYDIB_MODE_320x200x8 0x0001 // 320-by-200
#define DISPLAYDIB_MODE_320x240x8 0x0005 // 320-by-240
// a Win32 app must use the window class the function
// versions are not available
#ifndef _WIN32
// function prototypes
UINT FAR PASCAL DisplayDibEx(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi, int x, int y, LPSTR lpBits, WORD wFlags);
// DisplayDibWindow class.
// simple interface to DISPDIB as a window class.
// draw images and create a fullscreen window in one easy step.
// advantages over calling the APIs directly.
// if you show the window it will handle enabling/disabling
// fullscreen mode when it has a activation.
// while in fullscreen mode, window will be sized to
// cover entire display preventing other apps from getting
// clicked on. (when visible)
// if window looses activation, fullscreen mode will be disabled
// DDM_DRAW will return DISPLAYDIB_NOTACTIVE if you try to draw
// forwards all mouse and keyboard events to owner, easy way
// to take over entire screen.
// alows interop with a Win32 application (via WM_COPYDATA)
// NOTE WM_COPYDATA does not actualy copy anything if the
// window belongs to the calling thread. it will do a copy
// if the window is owned by another thread....
// you can use a DisplayDibWindow in two ways.....
// hidden window
// if the window is hidden, you must use the
// DDM_BEGIN and DDM_END message to enable/disable
// fullscreen mode manualy when your app is activated deactivated.
// visible toplevel window
// if you show the window it will take over the entire screen
// and forward all mouse/keyboard input to its owner.
// it will enter fullscreen automaticly when it is shown.
// it will leave fullscreen and hide it self it another app
// grabs the focus.
// class name: "DisplayDibWindow"
// class is registered when DISPDIB.DLL is loaded.
// as a global class.
// messages:
// DDM_SETFMT set new DIB format or program a new palette
// fullscreen mode, will use best mode
// for displaying the passed DIB format.
// defaul is 320x240x8 tripple buffered
// the palette will be programed with the color
// table of the passed BITMAPINFOHEADER.
// the format is a BITMAPINFOHEADER followed by a color table.
// you must set a format before doing a begin, end or draw
// you can set a 320x200 or a 320x24 mode by selecting
// a DIB of the format you want.
// if you do a setfmt while fullscreen mode is active only the
// the palette will be changed the new size (if any) wont
// happen until the next begin.
// wParam = 0
// returns 0 if success else DISPLAYDIB_* error code.
// DDM_DRAW draws DIB data to fullscreen
// format is assumed the same as format passed to
// wParam = flags
// lParam = bits pointer.
// returns 0 if success else DISPLAYDIB_* error code.
// DDM_CLOSE destroy window *and* free the DLL
// DDM_BEGIN enter DISPDIB mode.
// wParam = flags
// lParam = 0
// returns 0 if success else DISPLAYDIB_* error code.
// DDM_END leave DISPDIB mode.
// wParam = flags
// lParam = 0
// returns 0 if success else DISPLAYDIB_* error code.
// WM_COPYDATA allows a Win32 app to send a DDM_ message, that requires
// a pointer.
// wParam = hwnd of sender
// dwData - LOWORD: DDM_* message value.
// dwData - HIWORD: wParam for message
// lpData - lParam (pointer to a BITMAPINFOHEADER or bits)
// cbData - size of data
// returns 0 if success else DISPLAYDIB_* error code.
#define DISPLAYDIB_WINDOW_CLASS "DisplayDibWindow"
#define DDM_DRAW WM_USER+1
#define DDM_END WM_USER+4
// inline function to send a message to a DisplayDibWindow
__inline UINT DisplayDibWindowMessage(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, DWORD cbSize)
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)
cds.dwData = MAKELONG(msg, wParam);
cds.cbData = lParam ? cbSize : 0;
cds.lpData = (LPVOID)lParam;
return (UINT)SendMessage(hwnd, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)(HWND)NULL, (LPARAM)(LPVOID)&cds);
return (UINT)SendMessage(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
// inline function to create a DisplayDibWindow
__inline HWND DisplayDibWindowCreateEx(HWND hwndParent, HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwStyle)
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)
DWORD show = 2;
DWORD zero = 0;
LPVOID params[4] = {NULL, &zero, &show, 0};
return NULL; // loading DISPDIB did not work
return NULL; // loading DISPDIB did not work
return CreateWindow(DISPLAYDIB_WINDOW_CLASS,"",dwStyle,0, 0,
hwndParent, NULL,
(hInstance ? hInstance : GetWindowInstance(hwndParent)), NULL);
// helper macros for a DisplayDibWindow
// DisplayDibWindowCreate
// used to create a toplevel WS_POPUP window.
// DisplayDibWindowCreateEx
// used to create a non-toplevel window, of a custom style.
// DisplayDibWindowSetFmt
// macro to send the DDM_SETFMT message.
// DisplayDibWindowDraw
// macro to send the DDM_DRAW message
// DisplayDibWindowBegin
// macro used to show the window
// DisplayDibWindowEnd
// macro used to hide the window
// DisplayDibWindowBeginEx
// macro used to send a DDM_BEGIN message, used with hidden windows
// DisplayDibWindowEndEx
// macro used to send a DDM_END message, used with hidden windows
// DisplayDibWindowClose
// macro used to send a DDM_CLOSE message
// this will destroy the window and free the DLL.
// warning DisplayDibWindowBegin/End will show the DisplayDibWindow
// this will steal actiation away from your app. all mouse keyboard
// input will go to the dispdib window and it will forward it to
// its owner (make sure you set the right owner on create)
// this may cause a problem for your app, you can keep the window
// hidden be using the DDM_BEGIN/END messages in this case.
#define DisplayDibWindowCreate(hwndP, hInstance) DisplayDibWindowCreateEx(hwndP, hInstance, WS_POPUP)
#define DisplayDibWindowSetFmt(hwnd, lpbi) DisplayDibWindowMessage(hwnd, DDM_SETFMT, 0, (LPARAM)(LPVOID)(lpbi), sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 256 * sizeof(RGBQUAD))
#define DisplayDibWindowDraw(hwnd, flags, bits, size) DisplayDibWindowMessage(hwnd, DDM_DRAW, (WPARAM)(UINT)(flags), (LPARAM)(LPVOID)(bits), (DWORD)(size))
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define DisplayDibWindowBegin(hwnd) ::ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL)
#define DisplayDibWindowEnd(hwnd) ::ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_HIDE)
#define DisplayDibWindowBeginEx(hwnd, f) ::SendMessage(hwnd, DDM_BEGIN, (WPARAM)(UINT)(f), 0)
#define DisplayDibWindowEndEx(hwnd) ::SendMessage(hwnd, DDM_END, 0, 0)
#define DisplayDibWindowClose(hwnd) ::SendMessage(hwnd, DDM_CLOSE, 0, 0)
#define DisplayDibWindowBegin(hwnd) ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL)
#define DisplayDibWindowEnd(hwnd) ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_HIDE)
#define DisplayDibWindowBeginEx(hwnd) SendMessage(hwnd, DDM_BEGIN, 0, 0)
#define DisplayDibWindowEndEx(hwnd) SendMessage(hwnd, DDM_END, 0, 0)
#define DisplayDibWindowClose(hwnd) SendMessage(hwnd, DDM_CLOSE, 0, 0)