2020-09-30 17:12:29 +02:00

177 lines
21 KiB

{\rtf1\ansi \deff0\deflang1024{\fonttbl{\f0\froman Times;}{\f1\froman Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss Helvetica;}{\f3\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}{\f4\fswiss Arial;}{\f5\froman Times New Roman;}}{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;
\red127\green0\blue0;\red127\green127\blue0;\red127\green127\blue127;\red192\green192\blue192;}{\stylesheet{\s244\sa120 \f4\fs16\up6\lang1033 \sbasedon0\snext0 footnote reference;}{\s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 \sbasedon0\snext245 footnote text;}{
\s251\li360\sa120 \f4\ul\lang1033 \sbasedon0\snext0 heading 4;}{\s253\li360\ri360\sb120\sa120\keepn \b\f5\fs36\lang1033 \sbasedon0\snext0 heading 2;}{\s254\sb60\sa120 \b\f4\fs28\lang1033 \sbasedon0\snext0 heading 1;}{\s255\li720\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033
\sbasedon0\snext255 Normal Indent;}{\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 \snext0 Normal;}{\s2\li360\ri360\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 \sbasedon0\snext2 Topic Text;}{\s3\li360\sb120\sa120 \b\f4\lang1033 \sbasedon0\snext2 Topic Heading;}{\s4\li180\sa120
\b\f4\fs28\lang1033 \sbasedon0\snext3 Topic Caption;}{\s5\li144\ri144 \f4\fs16\lang1033 \sbasedon0\snext5 right click;}{\s6\fi-274\li360\sa240\tx360 \f4\fs20\lang1033 \sbasedon0\snext6 proc step;}{\s7\fi-360\li720\ri360\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033
\sbasedon2\snext7 Topic Text Item;}{\s8\li720\ri720\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 \sbasedon2\snext8 Topic Text Indent;}{\s9\fi-360\li547\sa120\tx547 \f4\fs20\lang1033 \sbasedon0\snext9 bullet text;}{\s10\li360\ri360\sa120 \b\f4\fs22\lang1033
\sbasedon0\snext10 See also;}{\s11\li360\ri360\sb120\sa120\tx4680 \b\f5\fs28\lang1033 \sbasedon0\snext11 popup head;}{\s12\li360\sa240\sl-220 \f4\fs20\lang1033 \sbasedon0\snext12 proc response;}}{\info{\author Laura White}{\operator Laura White}
\paperw12240\paperh15840\margl1800\margr1800\margt1440\margb1440\gutter0 \widowctrl\ftnbj {\*\template C:\\WINWORD\\ROBOHELP.DOT}\sectd \linex0\endnhere \pard\plain \s253\li360\ri360\sb120\sa120\keepn \b\f5\fs36\lang1033 {\plain \f5\fs16\up6\lang1033 #
{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_CONTENTS}} {\plain \f5\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} HP JetAdmin Utility}} {\plain \f5\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote
\pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} HPMSTOR:000020}} HP JetAdmin Utility
\par \pard\plain \s2\li360\ri360\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033
\par The HP JetAdmin Utility is an administrative tool used to install and configure Hewlett-Packard pri
nters connected to a network using an HP JetDirect print server (network interface). The HP JetAdmin utility operates as a Microsoft Windows utility and can be used for networking when a Novell NetWare server is available or using Peer-to-Peer networking
in Microsoft Windows 95.
\par \{bmc LINE.BMP\}
\par \pard\plain \s253\li360\ri360\sb120\sa120\keepn \b\f5\fs36\lang1033 \page {\fs16\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_PP_disk}} {\fs16\up6 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $}
Disk Property Page}} {\fs16\up6 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} Disk Property Page}} {\fs16\up6 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} HPMSTOR:000040}} Disk Property Page
\par \pard\plain \s2\li360\ri360\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033
\par Lists the total free space and capacity of the {\ul\cf11 optional disk}{\v IDH_disk_optional} in the printer. From this page you can perform the following operations:
\par \pard\plain \s9\fi-360\li547\sa120\tx547 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\uldb\cf11 \{bmc BUTTON.BMP\}\tab Write-Prote}{\uldb\cf11 ct the Printer Disk}{\v IDH_disk_write_protect>task}
\par {\uldb\cf11 \{bmc BUTTON.BMP\}\tab Initialize the Printer Disk}{\v IDH_disk_initialize>task}
\par {\uldb\cf11 \{bmc BUTTON.BMP\}\tab Verify the Disk is Initialized}{\v IDH_disk_verify>task}
\par {\uldb\cf11 \{bmc BUTTON.BMP\}\tab View Fonts on the Printer Disk}{\v IDH_fonts_viewing>task}
\par {\uldb\cf11 \{bmc BUTTON.BMP\}\tab View Details of a Font on the Disk}{\v IDH_disk_view_details>task}
\par {\uldb\cf11 \{bmc BUTTON.BMP\}\tab Delete a Font from the Disk}{\v IDH_disk_delete_font>task}
\par \pard\plain \s2\li360\ri360\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033
\par \{bmc LINE.BMP\}
\par \pard\plain \s11\li360\ri360\sb120\sa120\tx4680 \b\f5\fs28\lang1033 \page {\fs16\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_PP_access}} {\fs16\up6 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $}
To Access Property Pages}} {\fs16\up6 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} To Access Property Pages;access property pages}} {\fs16\up6 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} HPMSTOR:000060}}
To Access Property Pages
\par \pard\plain \s6\fi-274\li360\sa240\tx360 \f4\fs20\lang1033 1\tab With the printer highlighted in the list of available printers, click {\b Printer} at the top of the main window, then click {\b Properties}.
\par \pard\plain \s12\li360\sa240\sl-220 \f4\fs20\lang1033 The available property pages appear.
\par \pard\plain \s6\fi-274\li360\sa240\tx360 \f4\fs20\lang1033 2\tab Click the tab for the property page you want displayed.
\par \pard\plain \s2\li360\ri360\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033
\par \pard\plain \s10\li360\ri360\sa120 \b\f4\fs22\lang1033 Hints
\par \pard\plain \s9\fi-360\li547\sa120\tx547 \f4\fs20\lang1033 \{bmc BLTBLK.BMP\}\tab To access property pages from the printer list, double-click the printer you want.
\par \{bmc BLTBLK.BMP\}\tab Click Help for additional information on the currently displayed property page.
\par \pard\plain \s2\li360\ri360\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033
\par \{bmc LINE.BMP\}
\par \pard\plain \s11\li360\ri360\sb120\sa120\tx4680 \b\f5\fs28\lang1033 \page {\fs16\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_disk_write_protect}} {\fs16\up6 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $
} To Write Protect the Printer Disk}} {\fs16\up6 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} To Write Protect the Printer Disk}} {\fs16\up6 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} HPMSTOR:000080}}
To Write Protect the Printer Disk
\par \pard\plain \s6\fi-274\li360\sa240\tx360 \f4\fs20\lang1033 1\tab With the {\ul\cf11 property pages displayed}{\v IDH_PP_access}, click the {\b Disk} tab.
\par 2\tab Check the Write Protected box to write protect the printer disk or clear it to enable users to modify the contents of the disk.
\par 3\tab Click {\b OK} when you are finished.
\par \pard\plain \s2\li360\ri360\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033
\par \pard\plain \s10\li360\ri360\sa120 \b\f4\fs22\lang1033 See Also
\par \pard\plain \s2\li360\ri360\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\ul\cf11 Optional Printer Disk}{\v IDH_disk_optional}
\par \pard\plain \s10\li360\ri360\sa120 \b\f4\fs22\lang1033 Hints
\par \pard\plain \s9\fi-360\li547\sa120\tx547 \f4\fs20\lang1033 \{bmc BLTBLK.BMP\}\tab Initialize the disk to enable font downloads to the disk. After downloads are complete, write protect the disk to protect its contents from being accidently deleted.
\par {\*\bkmkstart IMAGE}{\*\bkmkend IMAGE}\{bmc BLTBLK.BMP\}\tab If the disk is write-protected, you cannot download fonts to the disk from the printer driver.
\par \pard\plain \s2\li360\ri360\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033
\par \{bmc LINE.BMP\}
\par \pard\plain \s11\li360\ri360\sb120\sa120\tx4680 \b\f5\fs28\lang1033 \page {\fs16\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_disk_initialize}} {\fs16\up6 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $}
To Initialize the Printer Disk}} {\fs16\up6 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} To Initialize the Printer Disk}} {\fs16\up6 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} HPMSTOR:000100}}
To Initialize the Printer Disk
\par \pard\plain \s6\fi-274\li360\sa240\tx360 \f4\fs20\lang1033 1\tab With the {\ul\cf11 property pages displayed}{\v IDH_PP_access}, click the {\b Disk} tab.
\par 2\tab If the Disk Initialized box is not checked, click the {\b\cf1 Initialize} button.
\par 3\tab After the initialization process is complete, click {\b OK}.
\par \pard\plain \s2\li360\ri360\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033
\par \pard\plain \s10\li360\ri360\sa120 \b\f4\fs22\lang1033 See Also
\par \pard\plain \s2\li360\ri360\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\ul\cf11 Optional Printer Disk}{\v IDH_disk_optional}
\par \pard\plain \s10\li360\ri360\sa120 \b\f4\fs22\lang1033 Hints
\par \pard\plain \s2\li360\ri360\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 Initialize the disk to enable users to download fonts to the disk. After the downloads are complete, write protect the disk to protect its contents from being accidently deleted.
\par \{bmc LINE.BMP\}
\par \pard\plain \s11\li360\ri360\sb120\sa120\tx4680 \b\f5\fs28\lang1033 \page {\fs16\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_disk_verify}} {\fs16\up6 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $}
To Verify the Disk is Initialized}} {\fs16\up6 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} To Verify the Disk is Initialized}} {\fs16\up6 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} HPMSTOR:000120}}
To Verify the Disk is Initialized
\par \pard\plain \s6\fi-274\li360\sa240\tx360 \f4\fs20\lang1033 1\tab With the {\ul\cf11 property pages displayed}{\v IDH_PP_access}, click the {\b Disk} tab.
\par 2\tab Verify that the Disk Initialized box is checked. If not, click the {\b Initialize} button to initialize the disk.
\par 3\tab Click {\b OK} when you are finished.
\par \pard\plain \s2\li360\ri360\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033
\par \pard\plain \s10\li360\ri360\sa120 \b\f4\fs22\lang1033 Hints
\par \pard\plain \s2\li360\ri360\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 If the disk is not write-protected, users will now be able to download fonts to the disk using the HP LaserJet 5Si PCL printer driver.
\par \{bmc LINE.BMP\}
\par \pard\plain \s11\li360\ri360\sb120\sa120\tx4680 \b\f5\fs28\lang1033 \page {\fs16\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_write_protect_verify}} {\fs16\up6 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {
\fs16\up6 $} To Verify a Disk is Write Protected}} {\fs16\up6 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} To Verify a Disk is Write Protected}} {\fs16\up6 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +}
HPMSTOR:000140}} To Verify a Disk is Write Protected
\par \pard\plain \s6\fi-274\li360\sa240\tx360 \f4\fs20\lang1033 1\tab With the {\ul\cf11 property pages displayed}{\v IDH_PP_access}, click the {\b Disk} tab.
\par 2\tab Verify that the Write Protected box is checked. If not, check the box to write protect the disk.
\par 3\tab Click {\b OK} when you are finished.
\par \pard\plain \s2\li360\ri360\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033
\par \pard\plain \s10\li360\ri360\sa120 \b\f4\fs22\lang1033 Hints
\par \pard\plain \s2\li360\ri360\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 Initialize the disk to enable users to download fonts to the disk. After the downloads are complete, write protect the disk to protect its contents from being accidently deleted.
\par \{bmc LINE.BMP\}
\par \pard\plain \s11\li360\ri360\sb120\sa120\tx4680 \b\f5\fs28\lang1033 \page {\fs16\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_disk_optional}} {\fs16\up6 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $}
Optional Printer Disk}} {\fs16\up6 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} Optional Printer Disk;disk;printer disk}} {\fs16\up6 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} HPMSTOR:000160}}
Optional Printer Disk
\par \pard\plain \s2\li360\ri360\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 If you have an HP LaserJet 5Si, an optional 410 MByte disk can be install
ed in the printer. This disk is for PCL or PostScript operations and can be used to permanently store downloaded fonts and forms in the printer. Unlike the standard printer memory, permanently downloaded items remain in the printer even when the printer i
s turned off.
\par PCL fonts downloaded to the printer disk are available to all PCL users of the printer. PostScript fonts downloaded to the printer disk are available to all PostScript users of the printer. Macintosh users can use the HP LaserJet Utility and
Windows users can use the HP PCL printer driver software to download fonts.
\par \{bmc LINE.BMP\}
\par \pard\plain \s11\li360\ri360\sb120\sa120\tx4680 \b\f5\fs28\lang1033 \page {\plain \f5\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_fonts_viewing}} {\plain \f5\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain
\s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} To View Fonts Downloaded to the Disk}} {\plain \f5\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K}
To View Fonts Downloaded to the Disk;downloaded fonts;verfying fonts on the disk}} {\plain \f5\fs16\up6\lang1033 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} HPMSTOR:000180}} To View Fonts Downloaded to the Disk
\par \pard\plain \s6\fi-274\li360\sa240\tx360 \f4\fs20\lang1033 1\tab With the {\ul\cf11 property pages displayed}{\v IDH_PP_access}, click the {\b Disk} tab.
\par \pard\plain \s12\li360\sa240\sl-220 \f4\fs20\lang1033 The list of downloaded fonts appears on the lower-right side of the page.
\par \pard\plain \s6\fi-274\li360\sa240\tx360 \f4\fs20\lang1033 2\tab Click the arrows in the scroll bars to view fonts listed offscreen.
\par 3\tab Click {\b OK} when you are finished.
\par \pard\plain \s2\li360\ri360\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033
\par \{bmc LINE.BMP\}
\par \pard\plain \s11\li360\ri360\sb120\sa120\tx4680 \b\f5\fs28\lang1033 \page {\plain \f5\fs16\up6\lang1033 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_disk_view_details}} {\plain \f5\fs16\up6\lang1033 ${\footnote \pard\plain
\s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} To View Details of a Font on the Disk}} {\plain \f5\fs16\up6\lang1033 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} view font details;font details}} {\plain \f5\fs16\up6\lang1033 +
{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} HPMSTOR:000240}} To View Details of a Font on the Disk
\par \pard\plain \s6\fi-274\li360\sa240\tx360 \f4\fs20\lang1033 1\tab With the {\ul\cf11 property pages displayed}{\v IDH_PP_access}, click the {\b Disk} tab.
\par \pard\plain \s12\li360\sa240\sl-220 \f4\fs20\lang1033 The list of downloaded fonts appears on the lower-right side of the page.
\par \pard\plain \s6\fi-274\li360\sa240\tx360 \f4\fs20\lang1033 2\tab Select the font that you want {\ul\cf11 details}{\v IDH_RC_fontd_details} about from the font list.
\par \pard\plain \s12\li360\sa240\sl-220 \f4\fs20\lang1033 Click the arrows in the scroll bars to view fonts listed offscreen.
\par \pard\plain \s6\fi-274\li360\sa240\tx360 \f4\fs20\lang1033 3\tab Click the {\b Details} button.
\par 4\tab Click {\b OK} when you are finished.
\par \pard\plain \s2\li360\ri360\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033
\par \{bmc LINE.BMP\}
\par \pard\plain \s11\li360\ri360\sb120\sa120\tx4680 \b\f5\fs28\lang1033 {\*\bkmkstart PLACEHOLD}{\*\bkmkend PLACEHOLD}\page {\fs16\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_disk_delete_font}} {\fs16\up6 ${\footnote
\pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} To Delete a Font from the Disk}} {\fs16\up6 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} To Delete a Font from the Disk}} {\fs16\up6 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120
\f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 +} HPMSTOR:000260}} To Delete a Font from the Disk
\par \pard\plain \s6\fi-274\li360\sa240\tx360 \f4\fs20\lang1033 1\tab With the {\ul\cf11 property pages displayed}{\v IDH_PP_access}, click the {\b Disk} tab.
\par \pard\plain \s12\li360\sa240\sl-220 \f4\fs20\lang1033 The list of downloaded fonts appears on the lower-right side of the page.
\par \pard\plain \s6\fi-274\li360\sa240\tx360 \f4\fs20\lang1033 2\tab Select the font you want to delete from the font list.
\par \pard\plain \s12\li360\sa240\sl-220 \f4\fs20\lang1033 Click the arrows in the scroll bars to view fonts listed offscreen.
\par \pard\plain \s6\fi-274\li360\sa240\tx360 \f4\fs20\lang1033 3\tab Click the {\b Delete} button.
\par 4\tab Click {\b Yes} to confirm the font deletion.
\par 5\tab Click {\b OK} when you are finished.
\par \pard\plain \s2\li360\ri360\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033
\par \{bmc LINE.BMP\}
\par \pard\plain \s5\li144\ri144 \f4\fs16\lang1033 \page {\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_RC_tips}}
\par Tips gives a brief description of the tasks you can perform on the currently displayed page or window.
\par \page {\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_RC_help}}
\par Click Help to access online documentation for tasks and features for the currently displayed page or window.
\par \page {\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_RC_cancel}}
\par Click Cancel to cancel all changes made since the last time changes were saved by clicking OK.
\par \page {\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_RC_ok}}
\par Click OK to apply all setting changes made since the last time changes were saved.
\par \page {\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_RC_disk_details}}
\par Lists the current details for the optional printer disk including its amount of free space, its total size, its write protect status, and whether the disk is initialized.
\par \page {\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_RC_disk_free_space}}
\par Free Space lists the amount of disk space currently available on the optional printer disk in kilo bytes (KB).
\par \page {\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_RC_disk_size}}
\par Total Size lists the total amount of disk space on the optional printer disk in kilo bytes (KB).
\par \page {\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_RC_disk_write_protect}}
\par Check this box to write protect the optional printer disk or clear it to enable users to modify the contents of the disk.
\par \page {\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_RC_disk_initialized}}
\par If this box is checked, the optional printer disk is initialized and ready for use.
\par \page {\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_RC_disk_initialize_button}}
\par Click this button to initialize the optional printer disk.
\par \page {\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_RC_fonts_list}}
\par Lists the fonts that are currently on the disk. Click the arrows in the scroll bars to view fonts listed offscreen.
\par \page {\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_RC_fonts_details_button}}
\par Click this button to get details of the currently selected font.
\par \page {\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_RC_fonts_delete_button}}
\par Click this button to delete the currently selected font.
\par \page {\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_RC_fontd_details}}
\par Lists details of the selected font including the font name, its description, the name of the user who downloaded the font, the file size (in bytes), the font version, and the device ID of the disk where the font is located.
\par \page {\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_RC_fontd_name}}
\par Lists the name of the font.
\par \page {\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_RC_fontd_description}}
\par Lists the description of the font that was provided by the individual who downloaded the font.
\par \page {\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_RC_fontd_device}}
\par Lists the device ID of the disk that contains the font.
\par \page {\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_RC_fontd_version}}
\par Lists the version number of the font.
\par \page {\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_RC_fontd_size}}
\par Lists the file size (in bytes) of the font.
\par \page {\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245\sa120 \f4\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 #} IDH_RC_fontd_owner}}
\par Lists the name of the individual who downloaded the font to the disk.
\par }