2020-09-30 17:12:29 +02:00

123 lines
3.1 KiB

// OFS stress test
#include <direct.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <process.h>
#define namelength 13
#define pathlength 200
int main( int argc, char *argv[ ], char *envp[ ] )
void usage (void);
int errcode=0;
char destination [pathlength];
char newdest [pathlength+13];
char olddest [pathlength+13];
char numstr [10];
int makecopies;
int delcopies;
int iterations;
int makeloop;
int delloop;
int iterloop;
if (argc==5)
if (_getcwd (destination, pathlength)==NULL)
printf ("error: Destination path is too long.\n\r");
return (0);
else if (argc==6)
strcpy (destination, argv[5]);
if (destination [strlen (destination)-1]=='\\')
destination [strlen (destination)-1]=0;
strcat (destination, "\\ofsstres.");
usage ();
return (0);
if ((makecopies=atoi (argv [1]))==0)
printf ("<makecopies> must be greater than 0.\n\r");
usage ();
return (0);
if ((delcopies=atoi (argv [2]))>makecopies)
printf ("<delcopies> can't be greater then <makecopies>.\n\r");
usage ();
return (0);
if ((iterations=atoi (argv [3]))==0)
printf ("<iterations> must be greater than 0.\n\r");
usage ();
return (0);
strcpy (newdest, destination);
strcat (newdest, "0");
printf ("************** Creating %s ***************************************\n\r", newdest);
if (_spawnlp (_P_WAIT, "cmd", "/c", "md", newdest, NULL)==-1)
printf ("Error creating directory.");
return (0);
if (_spawnlp (_P_WAIT, "cmd", "/c", "compdir.exe", "/e", argv[4], newdest, NULL)==-1)
printf ("Error running compdir.exe. Make sure it is in the path.\n\r");
return (0);
printf ("No errors in compdir/n/r");
for (iterloop=0; iterloop < iterations; iterloop++)
for (makeloop=0;makeloop < makecopies; makeloop++)
strcpy (olddest, destination);
strcat (olddest, _itoa (iterloop*makecopies + makeloop, numstr, 10));
strcpy (newdest, destination);
strcat (newdest, _itoa (iterloop*makecopies + makeloop + 1, numstr, 10));
printf ("************** Creating %s ***************************************\n\r", newdest);
if (_spawnlp (_P_WAIT, "cmd", "/c", "md", newdest, NULL)==-1)
printf ("Error creating directory.");
return (0);
if (_spawnlp (_P_WAIT, "cmd", "/c", "compdir.exe", "/el", olddest, newdest, NULL)==-1)
printf ("Error running compdir.exe. Make sure it is in the path.\n\r");
return (0);
for (delloop=0; delloop < delcopies; delloop++)
strcpy (newdest, destination);
strcat (newdest, _itoa (iterloop*delcopies + delloop, numstr, 10));
printf ("************** Deleting %s ***************************************\n\r", newdest);
if (_spawnlp (_P_WAIT, "cmd", "/c", "rd", "/q", "/s", newdest, NULL)==-1)
printf ("Error deleting directory.");
return (0);
void usage (void)
printf ("Usage: OFSSTRES <makecopies> <delcopies> <iterations> <datasource> [datadestination]\n\r");