119 lines
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119 lines
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SHFLAG PASCAL PHExactCmp ( LPSSTR lpsstr, HSYM hsym, LSZ lpb, SHFLAG fCase )
NEW: Compare the two strings <lpsstr> and <lpb> and returns ZERO if
they are equal. If <fCase> is true, make the compare case
NOTES: Not in public interface, is the routine used by
CV? The second argument <hsym> is not used and this routine is
only compiled in PH.C if "SHS" is not defined. Should require no
changes for Coff API.
LOCAL void PHCmpPubAddr (SYMPTR pPub, PADDR paddr, PHSYM phsym,
CV_uoff32_t *pdCur)
WAS: Returns How far (in bytes) the found symbol is from
the address. CV_MAXOFFSET is returned if non is found.
NEW: Checks that the Symbol <pPub> is in the same seqment
as <paddr>, that the delta offset is >= zero, and that
the delta offset is less than the value in <pdCur>.
If so, return the delta offset in <*pdCur> and the
symbol handle in <*phsym>. Otherwise <*pdCur> and
<*phsym) are unchanged.
NOTES: Not in public interface, is this routine used by CV?
Original comment suggests that error test is being
used, check assumptions. Should not change for Coff.
int PHCmpPubOff ( UOFF32 FAR *lpuoff, SYMPTR FAR *lplpsym ) {
NEW: Returns the difference between the offset <*lpuoff> and the
offset for the symbol <*lplpsym>
NOTES: Not in public interface, does CV uses this? Should not
change for Coff.
unsigned long PHGetNearestHSYM(LPADDR paddr, HEXE hexe, PHSYM phsym)
WAS: This returns the nearest symbol before the given address in
the given EXE. This is useful for finding the first label
before a given assembly language instruction. The return
value is the distance of the label from the given address
in bytes. MAXLONGOFFSET is returned if no symbol is found.
NEW: First Argument changed
NOTE: part of public interface. Would need to be rewritten for
NEW: Given a symbol name, returns its address.
NOTE: Not part of public interface, Does CV use it? Should not
Require changes for coff.
CALLS: PHFindNameInPublics() SHGetNextExe() SHAddrFromHsym()
NEW: Compare Public Name? Jacket routine to map <NAME> argument
between 16 and 32 bit address spaces. Calls the <pfnCmp>
routine with the following arguments:
routine(hInfo, pPub, NAME, fCase);
NOTES: Not in public interface, Does CV use it? Should not
require changes for coff.
HSYM PHFindNameInPublics(HSYM hsym, HEXE hexe, LPSSTR lpsstr,
SHFLAG fCaseSensitive, PFNCMP pfncmp)
WAS: This searches the publics table using the function pfncmp
to determine if a public symbol has been found. Only the
publics for the executable represented by hexe will be
searched. Since publics are global to the executable, there
is no need to search for publics at the module scope.
NEW: Third argument changed.
NOTES: In Public Interface. Requires changes for coff.
CALLS: PHCmpPubName()
int LOADDS PASCAL SHPublicNameToAddr ( PADDR loc, PADDR pMpAddr, LSZ lszName)
NEW: Given a public symbol name <lszName>, find the symbol and
return its address. returns TRUE if found, and FALSE if
NOTES: Not in public interface, does CV use? <loc> is assigned to a
local variable but not used.
CALLS: PHFindNameInPublics()