2020-09-30 17:12:29 +02:00

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*chdir.c - change directory
* Copyright (c) 1989-1995, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This file has the _chdir() function - change current directory.
*Revision History:
* 06-06-89 PHG Module created, based on asm version
* 03-07-90 GJF Made calling type _CALLTYPE2 (for now), added #include
* <cruntime.h>, fixed copyright and fixed compiler
* warnings. Also, cleaned up the formatting a bit.
* 03-30-90 GJF Now _CALLTYPE1.
* 07-24-90 SBM Removed '32' from API names
* 09-27-90 GJF New-style function declarator.
* 12-04-90 SRW Changed to include <oscalls.h> instead of <doscalls.h>
* 12-06-90 SRW Added _CRUISER_ and _WIN32 conditionals.
* 01-16-91 GJF ANSI naming.
* 05-19-92 GJF Revised to support the 'current directory' environment
* variables of Win32/NT.
* 04-06-93 SKS Replace _CRTAPI* with __cdecl
* 11-24-93 CFW Rip out Cruiser.
* 11-24-93 CFW No longer store current drive in CRT env strings.
* 12-01-93 CFW Set OS drive letter variables.
* 12-07-93 CFW Wide char enable.
* 01-25-95 GJF New current directory can be a UNC path!
* 02-08-95 JWM Spliced _WIN32 & Mac versions.
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <cruntime.h>
#include <oscalls.h>
#include <mtdll.h>
#include <internal.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <tchar.h>
*int _chdir(path) - change current directory
* Changes the current working directory to that given in path.
* _TSCHAR *path - directory to change to
* returns 0 if successful,
* returns -1 and sets errno if unsuccessful
int __cdecl _tchdir (
const _TSCHAR *path
_TSCHAR env_var[4];
_TSCHAR abspath[MAX_PATH+1];
if ( SetCurrentDirectory((LPTSTR)path) )
* If the new current directory path is NOT a UNC path, we must
* update the OS environment variable specifying the current
* directory for what is now current drive. To do this, get the
* full current directory, build the environment variable string
* and call SetEnvironmentVariable(). We need to do this because
* SetCurrentDirectory does not (i.e., does not update the
* current-directory-on-drive environment variables) and other
* functions (fullpath, spawn, etc) need them to be set.
* If associated with a 'drive', the current directory should
* have the form of the example below:
* D:\nt\private\mytests
* so that the environment variable should be of the form:
* =D:=D:\nt\private\mytests
if ( GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH+1, (LPTSTR)abspath) != 0 )
* check if it is a UNC name, just return if is
if ( ((abspath[0] == _T('\\')) || (abspath[0] == _T('/'))) &&
(abspath[0] == abspath[1]) )
return 0;
env_var[0] = _T('=');
env_var[1] = (_TSCHAR) _totupper((_TUCHAR)abspath[0]);
env_var[2] = _T(':');
env_var[3] = _T('\0');
if ( SetEnvironmentVariable(env_var, abspath) )
return 0;
return -1;
#else /* ndef _WIN32 */
#include <cruntime.h>
#include <internal.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <macos\osutils.h>
#include <macos\files.h>
#include <macos\errors.h>
*int _chdir(path) - change current directory
* Changes the current working directory to that given in path.
* char *path - directory to change to
* returns 0 if successful,
* returns -1 and sets errno if unsuccessful
#define CurDirStore (*(long *)0x398) //directory id
#define SFSaveDisk (*(short *)0x214) //negative volume number
int _CALLTYPE1 _chdir (
const char *path
char st[256];
OSErr osErr;
ParamBlockRec parm;
if (!*path)
errno = ENOENT;
return -1;
strcpy(st, path);
wdPB.ioNamePtr = _c2pstr(st);
wdPB.ioVRefNum = 0;
wdPB.ioWDDirID = 0;
osErr = PBHSetVolSync(&wdPB);
if (osErr) {
/* error occured -- map error code and return */
return -1;
osErr = PBHGetVolSync(&wdPB);
if (osErr) {
/* error occured -- map error code and return */
return -1;
CurDirStore = wdPB.ioWDDirID;
SFSaveDisk = wdPB.ioWDVRefNum;
memset(&parm, 0, sizeof(ParamBlockRec));
osErr = PBSetVolSync(&parm);
return 0;
#endif /* _WIN32 */