397 lines
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397 lines
14 KiB
// (c) Copyright Wang Laboratories, Inc. 1995 All rights reserved.
// Project: Norway - Admin OCX
// Component: Admin Control
// File Name: nrwyactl.h
// Class: CNrwyadCtrl
// Maintenance Log:
$Header: S:\norway\adminocx\nrwyactl.h_v 1.24 10 Nov 1995 16:04:28 MFH $
$Log: S:\norway\adminocx\nrwyactl.h_v $
* Rev 1.24 10 Nov 1995 16:04:28 MFH
* Changed dispatch IDs for methods to allow for future expansion
* Rev 1.23 03 Nov 1995 15:59:48 MFH
* Added hidden method GetVersion
* Rev 1.22 02 Nov 1995 11:56:24 MFH
* Added code to load oiui400 and oiprt400 at runtime
* Rev 1.21 17 Oct 1995 12:48:32 MFH
* Added help window data member for common dialog modal and
* help support.
* Removed OnRegMessage
* Rev 1.20 12 Sep 1995 17:07:18 MFH
* New defines for JPEG
* Rev 1.19 12 Sep 1995 10:59:28 MFH
* Changed JPEG literals
* Rev 1.18 21 Aug 1995 16:58:56 MFH
* New functions for verifying page type, compression. Changed
* args to VerifyCompression
* Rev 1.17 04 Aug 1995 15:26:10 MFH
* Changed JPEG #define values
* Rev 1.16 27 Jul 1995 16:27:32 MFH
* New private function VerifyCompression
* Rev 1.15 20 Jul 1995 17:30:48 MFH
* SetPrivateStatusCode takes UINT instead of int
* Rev 1.14 18 Jul 1995 12:51:14 MFH
* Added optional window parameter to ShowFileDialog and ShowPrintDialog
* Rev 1.13 17 Jul 1995 10:14:32 MFH
* New private method ResetStatus. Change to args to SetPrivateStatusCode
* New variable m_szError
* Rev 1.12 12 Jul 1995 14:36:32 MFH
* AboutBox method, Converted member variable props to use set/get
* methods
* Rev 1.11 11 Jul 1995 17:01:02 MFH
* New method VerifyImage, CancelError and DialogTitle changed to have
* get/set methods and moved member variables to just be part of class
* Rev 1.10 05 Jul 1995 11:24:44 MFH
* Removed pagetype arg from append, insert, replace
* Rev 1.9 22 Jun 1995 17:08:56 MFH
* Change to dispid stuff because of stock property testing
* Rev 1.8 08 Jun 1995 16:59:16 MFH
* JPEG stuff added (#defines and extra arg to for private function)
* Rev 1.7 06 Jun 1995 09:45:10 MFH
* Removed oihelp.h from includes
* Rev 1.6 23 May 1995 09:40:32 MFH
* 32 bit version
* Rev 1.5 21 Apr 1995 13:58:08 MFH
* Include of oierror.h moved here from code file
* Rev 1.4 19 Apr 1995 17:47:00 MFH
* New OnRegMessage and OnSetClientSite functions
* Rev 1.3 13 Apr 1995 13:49:22 MFH
* New private conversion functions, New arg for ShowFileDialog,
* SetSystemFileAttributes input parameter order changed
* Rev 1.2 12 Apr 1995 14:14:32 MFH
* New properties, new methods, removed methods, GetFileAttributes is now a
* private function
* Rev 1.1 27 Mar 1995 18:20:06 MFH
* Added log header
// CNrwyadCtrl : See nrwyactl.cpp for implementation.
// ----------------------------> Includes <-------------------------------
#include "HelpWnd.h"
// the Oi includes
extern "C"
#include "oiadm.h"
#include "oiui.h"
#include "oifile.h"
#include "oierror.h"
// Format is 2/7/7 for res/lum/chrom
#define MakeJPEGInfo(x,y,z) ((x<<14)+(y<<7)+z)
#define COMP_LO 2
#define COMP_MD 1
#define COMP_HI 0
#define QUAL_HI 90
#define QUAL_MD 50
#define QUAL_LO 20
#define MAX_LO 33
#define MAX_MD 67
typedef UINT (FAR WINAPI *OIDLGPROC)(void * lpParm, DWORD dwMode);
typedef int (FAR __stdcall *OIGETOPTPROC)(void * pPrtOpts);
typedef int (FAR __stdcall *OISETOPTPROC)(void * pPrtOpts, BOOL bPermanent);
class CNrwyadCtrl : public COleControl
// Constructor
// Overrides
// Drawing function
virtual void OnDraw(
CDC* pdc, const CRect& rcBounds, const CRect& rcInvalid);
// Persistence
virtual void DoPropExchange(CPropExchange* pPX);
// Reset control state
virtual void OnResetState();
// Implementation
DECLARE_OLECREATE_EX(CNrwyadCtrl) // Class factory and guid
DECLARE_OLETYPELIB(CNrwyadCtrl) // GetTypeInfo
DECLARE_PROPPAGEIDS(CNrwyadCtrl) // Property page IDs
DECLARE_OLECTLTYPE(CNrwyadCtrl) // Type name and misc status
void OnSetClientSite();
// Message maps
afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);
afx_msg void OnDestroy();
// Dispatch maps
afx_msg BSTR GetFilter();
afx_msg void SetFilter(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
afx_msg BSTR GetHelpFile();
afx_msg void SetHelpFile(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
afx_msg long GetFlags();
afx_msg void SetFlags(long nNewValue);
afx_msg BSTR GetImage();
afx_msg void SetImage(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
afx_msg long GetStatusCode();
afx_msg BSTR GetDefaultExt();
afx_msg void SetDefaultExt(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
afx_msg BSTR GetInitDir();
afx_msg void SetInitDir(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
afx_msg long GetCompressionInfo();
afx_msg short GetFileType();
afx_msg long GetFilterIndex();
afx_msg void SetFilterIndex(long nNewValue);
afx_msg short GetHelpCommand();
afx_msg void SetHelpCommand(short nNewValue);
afx_msg long GetPageCount();
afx_msg long GetPageNumber();
afx_msg void SetPageNumber(long nNewValue);
afx_msg short GetPageType();
afx_msg short GetPrintRangeOption();
afx_msg void SetPrintRangeOption(short nNewValue);
afx_msg short GetPrintOutputFormat();
afx_msg void SetPrintOutputFormat(short nNewValue);
afx_msg long GetImageHeight();
afx_msg long GetImageWidth();
afx_msg long GetImageResolutionX();
afx_msg long GetImageResolutionY();
afx_msg short GetCompressionType();
afx_msg BSTR GetDialogTitle();
afx_msg void SetDialogTitle(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
afx_msg BOOL GetCancelError();
afx_msg void SetCancelError(BOOL bNewValue);
afx_msg short GetHelpContextId();
afx_msg void SetHelpContextId(short nNewValue);
afx_msg BSTR GetHelpKey();
afx_msg void SetHelpKey(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
afx_msg long GetPrintNumCopies();
afx_msg void SetPrintNumCopies(long nNewValue);
afx_msg BOOL GetPrintAnnotations();
afx_msg void SetPrintAnnotations(BOOL bNewValue);
afx_msg long GetPrintEndPage();
afx_msg void SetPrintEndPage(long nNewValue);
afx_msg long GetPrintStartPage();
afx_msg void SetPrintStartPage(long nNewValue);
afx_msg BOOL GetPrintToFile();
afx_msg void SetPrintToFile(BOOL bNewValue);
afx_msg BSTR GetUniqueName(LPCTSTR Path, LPCTSTR Template, LPCTSTR Extension);
afx_msg void CreateDirectory(LPCTSTR lpszPath);
afx_msg void Delete(LPCTSTR Object);
afx_msg void ShowPrintDialog(const VARIANT FAR& v_hParentWnd);
afx_msg void Append(LPCTSTR Source, long SourcePage, long NumPages, const VARIANT FAR& v_CompressionType, const VARIANT FAR& v_CompressionInfo);
afx_msg short GetSysCompressionType(short ImageType);
afx_msg long GetSysCompressionInfo(short ImageType);
afx_msg short GetSysFileType(short ImageType);
afx_msg void DeletePages(long StartPage, long NumPages);
afx_msg void Insert(LPCTSTR Source, long SourcePage, long DestinationPage, long NumPages, const VARIANT FAR& v_CompressionType, const VARIANT FAR& v_CompressionInfo);
afx_msg void Replace(LPCTSTR Source, long SourcePage, long DestinationPage, long NumPages, const VARIANT FAR& v_CompressionType, const VARIANT FAR& v_CompressionInfo);
afx_msg void SetSystemFileAttributes(short PageType, short FileType, short CompressionType, long CompressionInfo);
afx_msg void ShowFileDialog(short DialogOption, const VARIANT FAR& v_hParentWnd);
afx_msg BOOL VerifyImage(short sOption);
afx_msg BSTR GetVersion();
afx_msg void AboutBox();
// Event maps
// Dispatch and event IDs
enum {
dispidFilter = 1L,
dispidHelpFile = 2L,
dispidFlags = 3L,
dispidImage = 4L,
dispidStatusCode = 5L,
dispidDefaultExt = 6L,
dispidInitDir = 7L,
dispidCompressionInfo = 8L,
dispidFileType = 9L,
dispidFilterIndex = 10L,
dispidHelpCommand = 11L,
dispidPageCount = 12L,
dispidPageNumber = 13L,
dispidPageType = 14L,
dispidPrintRangeOption = 15L,
dispidPrintOutputFormat = 16L,
dispidImageHeight = 17L,
dispidImageWidth = 18L,
dispidImageResolutionX = 19L,
dispidImageResolutionY = 20L,
dispidCompressionType = 21L,
dispidDialogTitle = 22L,
dispidCancelError = 23L,
dispidHelpContextId = 24L,
dispidHelpKey = 25L,
dispidPrintNumCopies = 26L,
dispidPrintAnnotations = 27L,
dispidPrintEndPage = 28L,
dispidPrintStartPage = 29L,
dispidPrintToFile = 30L,
dispidGetUniqueName = 101L,
dispidCreateDirectory = 102L,
dispidDelete = 103L,
dispidShowPrintDialog = 104L,
dispidAppend = 105L,
dispidGetSysCompressionType = 106L,
dispidGetSysCompressionInfo = 107L,
dispidGetSysFileType = 108L,
dispidDeletePages = 109L,
dispidInsert = 110L,
dispidReplace = 111L,
dispidSetSystemFileAttributes = 112L,
dispidShowFileDialog = 113L,
dispidVerifyImage = 114L,
dispidGetVersion = 115L,
// Members
// Common Dialog properties
CString m_szDialogTitle; // Title of open/saveas dialog box
CString m_szFilter; // filters for file dialogs
long m_lFilterIndex; // Which filter is highlighted
long m_lNumFilters; // Number of filters in m_szFilter
CString m_szHelpFile; // help file
short m_nHelpCmd; // Specifies how Help comes up for commdlg
short m_nHelpContextId; // Help context id of topic in help file
CString m_szHelpKey; // Help key to find topic in help file
CString m_szDefaultExt; // default file extension
long m_lFlags; // Flags for get file name dlg box
CString m_szInitDir; // initial directory for ShowFileDialog method
BOOL m_bCancelErr; // TRUE if throw error when user hits cancel
short m_nPrtRangeOption; // What is to be printed
short m_nPrtOutFormat; // Format of printed image
long m_lPrtNumCopies; // Number of copies to print
BOOL m_bPrtAnnotations; // Print Annotations boolean
long m_lPrtEndPage; // Last page to print in range
long m_lPrtStartPage; // First page to print in range
BOOL m_bPrtToFile; // Print to File boolean
// Current image properties
CString m_szImage; // Image file
long m_lCompInfo; // Compression information of m_szImage (PageNum)
short m_nCompType; // Compression type of m_szImage (PageNum)
short m_nFileType; // FileType of m_szImage
long m_lPageCount; // Number of pages in m_szImage
long m_lPageNum; // Specifies a page in m_szImage
short m_nPageType; // PageType of m_lPageNum of m_szImage
long m_lImageHeight; // Height of page in pixels
long m_lImageWidth; // Width of page in pixels
long m_lImageResX; // dpi in x direction for page
long m_lImageResY; // dpi in y direction for page
// Status of setting any property or invoking any method
long m_lStatusCode; // error repository
private: // Private functions
void GetFileAttributes();
// Constant Conversion Routines
short FileType2Norway(WORD OIFileType);
WORD FileType2OI(short NorwayFileType);
short CompType2Norway(WORD OICompType, WORD OICompInfo);
WORD CompType2OI(short NorwayCompType);
long CompInfo2Norway(WORD OICompType, WORD OICompInfo);
WORD CompInfo2OI(long NorwayCompInfo);
short PageType2Norway(WORD wImageType);
WORD ClassifyImageType(short ImageType); // ImageType to ImageGroup
// Translate/throw OI error
void SetPrivateStatusCode(long lStat,
int nStringId = 0,
UINT nHelpId = 0);
// Reset status code and error string
void ResetStatus(void)
{ m_szError.Empty(); m_lStatusCode = S_OK; }
// Make sure compression type and info are compatible
BOOL VerifyCompression(short sCompType, long lCompInfo);
// Make sure page type and compression type are compatible
BOOL VerifyPageAndComp(short sPageType, short sCompType);
private: // Private data
BOOL m_bExist; // TRUE if m_szImage exists
CString m_szError; // String to throw on errors
HINSTANCE m_hCommDlgInst; // Instance of comdlg32.dll
CHelpWnd m_HelpWnd; // Processes help for dialogs
HINSTANCE m_hinstOIUI; // Instance handle for OIUI400 DLL
HINSTANCE m_hinstOIPRT; // Instance handle for OIPRT400.DLL
OIDLGPROC m_pOiCommDlgProc; // OiUIFileGetNameCommDlg
OIGETOPTPROC m_pOiGetPrtOptProc; // OIPrtGetOpts
OISETOPTPROC m_pOiSetPrtOptProc; // OiPrtSetOpts
friend CHelpWnd;