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235 lines
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{\rtf1\ansi \deff7\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f7\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2 MS Sans Serif;}}{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green255\blue255;\red0\green255\blue0;\red255\green0\blue255;\red255\green0\blue0;
\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar \f7\fs16 \snext0 Normal;}{\s1\li115\ri130\sb280\sa40\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar \b\f7\fs16 \sbasedon0\snext0 heading 1;}{\s2\li115\ri130\sb120\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar \b\f7\fs16 \sbasedon0\snext0 heading 2;}
{\s3\li115\ri130\sb120\sa60\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar \f7\fs16 \sbasedon0\snext0 heading 3;}{\s4\fi-245\li360\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar \f7\fs16 \sbasedon0\snext0 heading 4;}{\*\cs10 \additive Default Paragraph Font;}{\*\cs15 \additive\cf6
\sbasedon10 annotation reference;}{\s16\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar \f7\fs16 \sbasedon0\snext16 annotation text;}{\*\cs17 \additive\up6 \sbasedon10 footnote reference;}{\s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar \f7\fs16
\sbasedon0\snext0 footnote text;}{\s19\li720\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar \f7\fs16 \sbasedon0\snext0 Normal Indent;}{\s20\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar \f7\fs16 \sbasedon0\snext20 Jl;}{\s21\li115\ri130\sb80\nowidctlpar \f7\fs16
\sbasedon0\snext21 Pop-up;}{\s22\fi-317\li432\ri130\sb120\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar\tx432\tx576 \f7\fs16 \sbasedon23\snext22 Tbr1;}{\s23\fi-187\li302\ri130\sb48\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar\tx302 \f7\fs16 \sbasedon24\snext23 Lb2;}{
\s24\fi-187\li302\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar\tx302 \f7\fs16 \sbasedon0\snext23 Lb1;}{\s25\li302\ri130\sb60\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar\tx302 \f7\fs16 \sbasedon23\snext23 Lp1;}{\s26\fi-158\li461\ri130\sb48\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar\tx461
\f7\fs16 \sbasedon23\snext26 Lb3;}{\s27\fi-187\li274\ri130\sl-120\slmult1\nowidctlpar\brdrb\brdrs\brdrw15\brsp20 \tx302 \f7\fs16 \sbasedon23\snext23 a/k link;}{\s28\li115\sb240\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar \b\f7\fs16 \sbasedon0\snext28 oem proc head;}{
\s29\li115\ri130\sb120\sa120\nowidctlpar \f7\fs16 \snext0 bitmap;}{\s30\li115\ri130\sb160\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar \f7\fs16 \sbasedon0\snext30 oem normal;}{\s31\fi-187\li302\sb160\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar\tx302 \f7\fs16 \sbasedon0\snext31 oem Lb1;}{
\s32\li115\ri86\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar \f7\fs16 \sbasedon33\snext33 oem tb text;}{\s33\li115\ri86\sb280\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar \f7\fs16 \sbasedon34\snext34 table top;}{\s34\fi-302\li418\ri86\sa120\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar \f7\fs16
\sbasedon0\snext34 oem button;}{\s35\li115\ri2160\sb160\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar \f7\fs16 \sbasedon0\snext35 oem popup;}{\s36\fi-302\li418\ri86\sb160\sa120\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar\tx720 \f7\fs16 \sbasedon34\snext36 oem button1;}{
\s37\fi-187\li302\ri2160\sb160\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar\tx302 \f7\fs16 \sbasedon31\snext37 oem popup Lb1;}{\s38\ri2160\nowidctlpar \f7\fs12 \sbasedon35\snext38 oem popup end;}{\s39\li115\ri130\sb120\sa40\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar \b\f7\fs16 \snext24
proc head;}{\s40\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar \f7\fs16 \sbasedon0\snext0 Tech Rev;}{\s41\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar \f7\fs16 \sbasedon0\snext0 Context;}{\s42\li58\sb280\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar \f7\fs16
\sbasedon33\snext43 table top 2;}{\s43\li58\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar \f7\fs16 \sbasedon42\snext43 oem tb text 2;}{\s44\li58\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar \f7\fs16 \sbasedon33\snext44 vertrule;}{\s45\fi-187\li245\sb80\sl-240\slmult1
\nowidctlpar\tx245\tx302 \f7\fs16 \sbasedon24\snext45 oem tb text 2 Lb1;}{\s46\fi-187\li245\sb48\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar\tx245\tx302 \f7\fs16 \sbasedon23\snext46 oem tb text 2 Lb2;}{\s47\fi-158\li403\sb48\sl-240\slmult1\nowidctlpar\tx403\tx461
\f7\fs16 \sbasedon26\snext47 oem tb text 2 Lb3;}{\s48\fi-187\li274\ri130\sl-120\slmult1\nowidctlpar\tx302 \f7\fs16 \sbasedon27\snext48 oem a/k link;}}{\info{\title # @ Opens the file with the name, file type, and location you specified.}
{\author Ann Walker}{\operator Preferred Customer}{\creatim\yr1996\mo3\dy27\hr15\min51}{\revtim\yr1996\mo6\dy21\hr11\min24}{\printim\yr1996\mo3\dy28\hr13\min18}{\version2}{\edmins2}{\nofpages95}{\nofwords1618}{\nofchars9224}{\*\company }{\vern57431}}
\widowctrl\ftnbj\aenddoc\hyphhotz0\noextrasprl\prcolbl\cvmme\sprsspbf\brkfrm\swpbdr\hyphcaps0 \fet0\sectd \linex0\endnhere {\*\pnseclvl1\pnucrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl2\pnucltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}
{\*\pnseclvl3\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl4\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl5\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl6\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}
{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl7\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl8\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl9\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}\pard\plain
\s39\li115\ri130\sb120\sa40\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \b\f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hid_ocx_dboxes}} {\cs17\up6 ${\footnote \pard\plain
\s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 $} To use this help file}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @} Contents explanation in wangocx.cnt file}}
To use this help file
\par \pard\plain \li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 This help file contains explanations for dialog box fields and is not intended for browsing.
\par \pard\plain \s21\li115\ri130\sb80\widctlpar \f7\fs16 \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_thumb_size_thumbbox}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain
\s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @} Thumbnail area on the View/Options/Thumbnail Size dbox idd_view_options_thumbnailsize}} Displays a thumbnail for sizing. To change the size, drag the corner.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_thumb_size_thumbboxlabel}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Adjust Thumbnail to Desired Size text for thumbnail drag area on the View/Options/Thumbnail Size dbox idd_view_options_thumbnailsize}} Displays a thumbnail for sizing. To change the size, drag the corner.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_thumb_size_aspectlabel}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Aspect Ratio text for Aspect Ratio box on the View/Options/Thumbnail Size dbox idd_view_options_thumbnailsize}} Specifies the proportion of the thumbnail.
\par Each option defines a set width-to-height relationship. If you click Unconstrained, you can then specify both a width and height value.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_thumb_size_aspect}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Aspect Ratio box on the View/Options/Thumbnail Size dbox idd_view_options_thumbnailsize}} Specifies the proportion of the thumbnail.
\par Each option defines a set width-to-height relationship. If you click Unconstrained, you can then specify both a width and height value.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_thumb_size_width}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Width box on the View/Options/Thumbnail Size dbox idd_view_options_thumbnailsize}} Specifies the width of the thumbnail in pixels.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_thumb_size_widthlabel}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Width text on the Width box on the View/Options/Thumbnail Size dbox idd_view_options_thumbnailsize}} Specifies the width of the thumbnail in pixels.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_thumb_size_heightlabel}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Height text on the Height box on the View/Options/Thumbnail Size dbox idd_view_options_thumbnailsize}} Specifies the height of the thumbnail in pixels.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_thumb_size_height}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Height box on the View/Options/Thumbnail Size dbox idd_view_options_thumbnailsize}} Specifies the height of the thumbnail in pixels.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_thumb_size_ok}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
OK button on the View/Options/Thumbnail Size dbox idd_view_options_thumbnailsize}} Closes this dialog box and saves any changes you have made.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_thumb_size_cancel}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Cancel button on the View/Options/Thumbnail Size dbox idd_view_options_thumbnailsize}} Closes this dialog box without saving any changes you have made.
\par \page {\b Annotation dbox controls follow
\par }\page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} helpid_oiprint_option}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Options button on Print dbox}} Provides annotation printing and print format options.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} helpid_oiprint_anno}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Print Displayed Annotations label and checkbox on the Print Options dbox}} Specifies whether or not to print annotations. If this box is checked, annotations are printed.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} helpid_oiprint_format}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Print Format label and selection box on the Print Options dbox}} Lists formats you can specify for a printed page or document.
\par \pard\plain \s24\fi-187\li302\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar\tx302 \f7\fs16 \{bmc bullet.bmp\}\tab Fit to page: Fits the page contents to the page size that you specified in your printer properties.
\par \pard\plain \s23\fi-187\li302\ri130\sb48\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar\tx302 \f7\fs16 \{bmc bullet.bmp\}\tab Actual size: Prints the page contents at the same size as the physical scanned or faxed page. Output that extends beyond the paper size is cropped.
\par \{bmc bullet.bmp\}\tab
Pixel to pixel: Prints one pixel of output for each pixel of input. For example, if the input resolution is 200 dots per inch (dpi), and the output resolution is 100 dpi, the output will be two times as wide and two times as long as the i
nput. Printing that extends beyond the page size is cropped.
\par \pard\plain \s21\li115\ri130\sb80\widctlpar \f7\fs16 \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} helpid_oi_linewidthlbl}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain
\s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @} Line width label for annotation dboxes}} Specifies the line width in pixels, and shows a sample of the line width and color specified for this annotation.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} helpid_oi_linewidthbox}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Currently specified line width and color box on annotation dboxes}} Shows a sample of the line width and color specified for this annotation.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} helpid_oi_updownspin}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Up/down spin box for line width on annotation dboxes}} Increases and decreases the line width. Click up to widen the line; click down to make it narrower.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} helpid_oi_updown}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Line width edit box on annotation dboxes}} Specifies the line width in pixels.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} helpid_oi_colorlbl}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Text label for color selection on annotation dboxes}} Shows the colors that are already defined for this annotation tool. Click a color to select it. To specify other colors, click Palette.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} helpid_oi_user1}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Colors available box on annotation dboxes}} Shows the colors that are already defined for this annotation tool. Click a color to select it. To specify other colors, click Palette.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} helpid_oi_color_trans}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Transparent text and checkbox}} Specifies whether the color you use for your annotation is transparent (see-through) or opaque (solid). If this box is checked, the annotation is transparent.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} helpid_oi_delcmd}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Delete button on stamp annotation dbox}} Deletes the stamp you selected.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} helpid_oi_editcmd}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Edit button on the Rubber Stamp Properties dbox}} Displays information about the stamp so you can change it.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} helpid_oi_browsecmd}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Browse button on annotation dboxes}} Displays your folders and files. Click on the file you want to use for your stamp.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} helpid_oi_fontcmd}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Font button on annotation dboxes}} Lists the available fonts, font styles, and colors.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} helpid_oi_palettecmd}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Palette button on annotation dboxes}} Shows the basic and custom colors available, and lets you define additional custom colors.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} helpid_oi_datecmd}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Date button on annotation dboxes}} Includes today\rquote s date in your stamp. You can redefine the date format in your system settings.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} helpid_oi_timecmd}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Time button on annotation dboxes}} Includes the time of day in your stamp. You can redefine the time format in your system settings.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} helpid_oi_refnamelbl}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Stamp name text on Edit/Create Rubber Stamp Text/Image dboxes}} Displays the name of the stamp you specified. If you are creating a new stamp, specify the name here.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} helpid_oi_refnamelist}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Stamps name list box on Rubber Stamp Properties dbox}} Lists the available stamps.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} helpid_oi_refnamelistlbl}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Stamps text on Rubber Stamp Properties dbox}} Lists the available stamps.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} helpid_oi_refnametext}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Stamp name box on annotation dboxes}} Displays the name of the stamp you specified. If you are creating a new stamp, specify the name here.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} helpid_oi_create_text_stamp}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Create Text (stamp) button on annotation dbox}} Creates a new text stamp.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} helpid_oi_create_image_stamp}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Create Image (stamp) button on annotation dbox}} Creates a new image stamp.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} helpid_oi_stamp_cntnts_text}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Stamp Text or Image Stamp File box on annotation dboxes}} Shows the file path of an image stamp or the text of a text stamp. A text stamp may include today\rquote
s date, %x; and the time, %X. If you are creating or editing a stamp, specify the text or file path here.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} helpid_oi_stamp_cntnts_lbl} @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Stamp Text or Image Stamp File text on annotation dboxes}} Shows the file path of an image stamp or the text of a text stamp. A text stamp may include today\rquote
s date, %x; and the time, %X. If you are creating or editing a stamp, specify the text or file path here.
\par \page {\b Page options follow
\par File Type tab
\par }\page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_radio_tiff}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
TIFF button on Page Options/File Type dbox idd_page_filetype} }Specifies the standard file format for color, grayscale, and black and white images. You can display, edit, and annotate TIFF files, and you can compress them to save disk storage space.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_radio_bmp}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @} BMP button on Page O
ptions/File Type dbox idd_page_filetype} }Specifies the standard file format for bitmap graphics files. You can display, edit, and annotate BMP files; you cannot compress them.
\par \page {\b Page options/Color tab
\par }\page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_color_bw}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Black and White button on Page Options/Color dbox idd_page_color} }Specifies a palette that contains two colors, black and white.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_color_gray4}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
16 Shades of Gray button on Page Options/Color dbox idd_page_color} }Specifies a palette that contains 16 shades of gray. You cannot compress files of this color type.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_color_gray8}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
256 Shades of Gray button on Page Options/Color dbox idd_page_color} }Specifies a palette that contains 256 shades of gray. You can compress files of this color type to save disk storage space.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_color_pal4}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
16 Colors button on Page Options/Color dbox idd_page_color} }Specifies a palette that contains 16 colors. You can display files of this color type, but you cannot compress them.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_color_pal8}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
256 Colors button on Page Options/Color dbox idd_page_color} }Specifies a palette that contains 256 colors. You cannot compress files of this color type.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_color_rgb24}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
True Color (24 bit) button on Page Options/Color dbox idd_page_color} }Specifies a palette that contains up to 16 million colors. Displaying files of this color type to full effect depends on the display hardware you have.
\par \page {\b Page options/Compression tab
\par }\page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_comptype_text}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Compression text on the Page Options/Compression dbox idd_page_comp}}
Specifies a method of reducing data so your document uses less disk storage space. The available compression methods depend on the file type and color you specify for the document. Do not change the default unless you have special compression requirement
\par {\b \page }{\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_comp_combo}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Compression edit box on the Page Options/Compression dbox idd_page_comp} }Specifies a method of reducing data so your document uses less disk storage space. The a
vailable compression methods depend on the file type and color you specify for the document. Do not change the default unless you have special compression requirements.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_options_box}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Options text area on the Page Options/Compression dbox idd_page_comp}} Displays the available compression options for the compression method you specify.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_comp_rbo}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Reversed Bit Order check box on the Page Options/Compression dbox idd_page_comp} }Compresses black and white image data in reverse bit order. Do not change the default unless you have special requirements for data export.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_lbl_jpegres}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
JPEG Resolution text on the Page Options/Compression dbox idd_page_comp} }
Specifies the clarity of your document. The higher the resolution, the higher the display quality of the document. High resolution with low compression results in the best quality image, but also the largest file size.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_comp_jpegres}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
JPEG Resolution edit box on the Page Options/Compression dbox idd_page_comp} }Specifies the
clarity of your document. The higher the resolution, the higher the display quality of the document. High resolution with low compression results in the best quality image, but also the largest file size.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_lbl_jpegcomp}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
JPEG Compression text on the Page Options/Compression dbox idd_page_comp} }
Specifies the relative file size of your document. The higher the compression, the less disk space the file occupies. High compression with low resolution results in the smallest size file, but also the most degraded image display.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_comp_jpegcomp}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
JPEG Compression edit box on the Page Options/Compression dbox idd_page_comp}}
Specifies the relative file size of your document. The higher the compression, the less disk space the file occupies. High compression with low resolution results in the smallest size file, but also the most degraded image display.
\par \page {\b Page options/Size tab
\par }\page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_size_text}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Size text on the Page Options/Size dbox idd_page_size}} Specifies the size of the page. If you click Custom, you can then specify both a width and height value.
\par {\b \page }{\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_size_combo}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Size edit box on the Page Options/Size dbox idd_page_size} }Specifies the size of the page. If you click Custom, you can then specify both a width and height value.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_width_text}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Width text on the Page Options/Size dbox idd_page_size}} Specifies the horizontal dimension of the page.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_size_width}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Width edit box on the Page Options/Size dbox idd_page_size} }Specifies the horizontal dimension of the page.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_height_text}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Height text on the Page Options/Size dbox idd_page_size}} Specifies the vertical dimension of the page.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_size_height}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Height edit box on the Page Options/Size dbox idd_page_size} }Specifies the vertical dimension of the page.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_units_text}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Units text on the Page Options/Size dbox idd_page_size}} Specifies the units of measurement for the size of the page. If you specify pixels, the number of pixels for width and height depend on the resolution you define.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_size_units}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Units edit box on the Page Options/Size dbox idd_page_size}} Specifies the units of measurement for the size of the page. If you specify pixels, the number of pixels for width and height depend on the resolution you define.
\par \page {\b Page options/Resolution tab
\par }\page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_res_text}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Resolution text on the Page Options/Resolutions dbox idd_page_resolution}} Specifies the number of dots per inch (dpi) for displaying or printing a page. In general, higher resolution provides better image quality, but also larger file size.
\par {\b \page }{\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_res_combo}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Resolution edit box on the Page Options/Resolutions dbox idd_page_resolution} }Specifies the number of dots per inch (dpi) for displaying or printing a page. In general, higher resolution provides better image quality, but also larger file size.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_xres_text}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
X text on the Page Options/Resolutions dbox idd_page_resolution}} Specifies the number of horizontal pixels per inch.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_res_x}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
X axis edit box on the Page Options/Resolutions dbox idd_page_resolution} }Specifies the number of horizontal pixels per inch.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_yres_text}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Y text on the Page Options/Resolutions dbox idd_page_resolution}} Specifies the number of vertical pixels per inch.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_res_y}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Y axis edit box on the Page Options/Resolutions dbox idd_page_resolution} }Specifies the number of vertical pixels per inch.
\par \page {\b Scan dialog boxes for app and OCX.
\par \page }{\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_scan_scanprompt_label_scanpage}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Text area at top of OCX Scan Page dbox, a subset of Scan New dbox idd_scan_prompt} }
Indicates whether you are appending, inserting, or replacing pages, and specifies the document name. If you are inserting or replacing pages, also specifies where in the document the pages are inserted, or which pages are overwritten.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_scan_scanprompt_label_scanto}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Scan To text on the OCX Scan New dbox idd_scan_prompt} }Defines the destination of the scanned document.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_scan_scanprompt_combo_scanto}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @} S
can To edit box on the OCX Scan New dbox idd_scan_prompt} }Lists the possible destinations for a scanned page or document.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_scan_scanprompt_label_name}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Name text on the OCX Scan New dbox idd_scan_prompt} }Defines the name of the document that will contain the scanned pages.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_scan_scanprompt_edit_filename}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Name edit box on the OCX Scan New dbox idd_scan_prompt} }Defines the name of the document that will contain the scanned pages.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_scan_scanprompt_label_filetype}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
File Type text on the OCX Scan New/Scan Page dbox idd_scan_prompt}} Defines the file type of the document you are scanning.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_scan_scanprompt_combo_filetype}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
File Type edit box on the OCX Scan New/Scan Page dbox idd_scan_prompt} }Defines the file type of the document you are scanning. You can specify a TIFF or BMP file type.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_scan_scanprompt_label_scanner}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Scanner list box on the application Select Scanner dbox and Scanner text on the OCX Scan New/Scan Page dbox idd_scan_prompt}} Specifies the scanner you are using. To change scanners, click on the scanner you want.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_scan_scanprompt_text_scanner}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Scanner list box on the application Select Scanner dbox and Scanner edit box on the OCX Scan New/Scan Page dbox idd_scan_prompt} }Specifies the scanner you are using. To change scanners, click on the scanner you want.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_scan_scanprompt_cancel}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Close button on the OCX Scan New/Scan Page dbox idd_scan_prompt} }Closes this dialog box.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_scan_scanprompt_button_scan}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Scan button on the OCX Scan New/Scan Page dbox idd_scan_prompt} }
Scans pages into the document with the name, file type, and scanner you specified. If you are scanning one page at a time, each click on Scan scans an additional page into the same document. If you are using a document feeder, each click scans all of the
pages in the feeder.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_scan_scanprompt_button_rescan}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Rescan button on the OCX Scan New/Scan Page dbox idd_scan_prompt} }Repeats the scan operation, overwriting the page or set of pages you just scanned.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_scan_scanprompt_button_stop}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Stop button on the OCX Scan New/Scan Page dbox idd_scan_prompt} }Provides various options, depending on the state of the scanning process. Button captions change to reflect the current function.
\par \pard\plain \s24\fi-187\li302\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar\tx302 \f7\fs16 \{bmc bullet.bmp\}\tab Stop: Halts the scanning operation after the page in the scanner is scanned.
\par \pard\plain \s23\fi-187\li302\ri130\sb48\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar\tx302 \f7\fs16 \{bmc bullet.bmp\}\tab New: Starts a new scanning operation so you can specify a different destination or document name.
\par \{bmc bullet.bmp\}\tab Fax: Sends all scanned pages in the document to the Microsoft fax wizard.
\par \pard\plain \s21\li115\ri130\sb80\widctlpar \f7\fs16 \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_scan_scanprompt_button_browse}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain
\s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @} Browse button on the OCX Scan New dbox idd_scan_prompt} }Displays your folders and files. Click on the path you want for the new document, then type the new document name.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_scan_scanprompt_button_opts}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Settings button on the application Scan Preferences dbox and Options button on the OCX Scan New/Scan Page dbox idd_scan_prompt} }Displays existing scan preferences for scanned documents.
\par \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_scan_scanprompt_button_setup}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Setup button on the OCX Scan New/Scan Page dbox idd_scan_prompt} }Displays scanner properties so you can verify or change the settings.
\par \pard\plain \s39\li115\ri130\sb120\sa40\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \b\f7\fs16 \page {\cs17\b0\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_scan_scanpref_label}}{\b0 }{\cs17\b0\up6 @{\footnote
\pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @} Compress Scanned Images for: text on application Scan Preferences dbox}}{\b0 For more help on an item, click \{bmc q.bmp\}
at the top of the dialog box, and then click the item.
\par }\pard\plain \s21\li115\ri130\sb80\widctlpar \f7\fs16 \page {\cs17\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_scan_scanpref_best}} {\cs17\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain
\s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @} Best display option on application Scan Preferences dbox}} Specifies compression of scanned documents without loss of data.
\par \page {\cs17\b\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_scan_scanpref_good}} {\cs17\b\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Good display, small file size option on application Scan Preferences dbox}} Specifies optimal file compression combined with optimal image clarity.
\par Compression determines the relative file size of your document. The higher the compression, the less disk space the file occupies. High compression may result in discarded non-recoverable data, low image resolution, and degraded document display.
\par \page {\cs17\b\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_scan_scanpref_smallfile}} {\cs17\b\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Smallest file size option on application Scan Preferences dbox}} Specifies high compression for scanned documents.
\par Compression determines the relative file size of your document. The higher the compression, the less disk space the file occupies. High compression may result in discarded non-recoverable data, low image resolution, and degraded document display.
\par \page {\cs17\b\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_scan_scanpref_custom}} {\cs17\b\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Custom option on application Scan Preferences dbox}} Custom settings let you specify detailed scan preferences, such as compression, bit order, and resolution, for different color-type documents.
\par \page {\cs17\b\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 #} hidc_scan_scanpref_help_text}} {\cs17\b\up6 @{\footnote \pard\plain \s18\li115\ri130\sb80\sl-240\slmult1\widctlpar \f7\fs16 {\cs17\up6 @}
Text box for summary of each option on application Scan Preferences dbox}} Summarizes each compression option. For more help on an item, click \{bmc q.bmp\} at the top of the dialog box, and then click the item.
\par } |