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#ifndef _AAPP_H_
#define _AAPP_H_
// (c) Copyright Wang Laboratories, Inc. 1995 All rights reserved.
// Project: Norway - Image Viewer
// Component: Automation Application Object
// File Name: aapp.h
// Class: CAAppObj
// Functions:
// Maintenance Log:
$Header: S:\norway\iedit95\aapp.h_v 1.18 04 Oct 1995 09:31:28 JPRATT $
$Log: S:\norway\iedit95\aapp.h_v $
* Rev 1.18 04 Oct 1995 09:31:28 JPRATT
* changed annotationvisible property to bool from variant
* added maximize property (undocumented used for performance analysis)
* Rev 1.17 01 Sep 1995 10:32:24 JPRATT
* updated OBJ_REGKEY with correct CLASSID
* Rev 1.16 18 Aug 1995 16:31:02 JPRATT
* bug fixes for ImageView Property
* Rev 1.15 03 Aug 1995 16:52:06 JPRATT
* added exception error codes
* Rev 1.14 28 Jul 1995 13:30:32 JPRATT
* added pagerange object as friend
* Rev 1.13 27 Jul 1995 17:28:52 JPRATT
* removed temporary strings
* Rev 1.12 20 Jul 1995 15:13:38 JPRATT
* added page range class as friend to app class
* Rev 1.11 17 Jul 1995 18:25:20 JPRATT
* removed setupprint statuscode
* Rev 1.10 10 Jul 1995 15:11:32 JPRATT
* removed parameters from help
* Rev 1.9 10 Jul 1995 09:36:16 JPRATT
* updated statusbar,toolbar amd annotation bar
* Rev 1.8 30 Jun 1995 19:51:52 JPRATT
* added member for saving document class
* Rev 1.7 28 Jun 1995 13:25:08 JPRATT
* add TopWindow Property
* Rev 1.5 21 Jun 1995 08:14:02 JPRATT
* completed automation object model
* Rev 1.4 19 Jun 1995 07:43:30 JPRATT
* updated image file class
* Rev 1.3 14 Jun 1995 16:09:34 JPRATT
* updated application property
* Rev 1.2 14 Jun 1995 10:51:48 JPRATT
* No change.
* Rev 1.1 14 Jun 1995 07:54:52 JPRATT
* added stubs for app class
// aapp.h : header file
#include "ieditdoc.h"
//-----------------------------> Declarations <-------------------------------------
class CAAppObj;
class CAImageFileObj;
// ----------------------------> Defines <---------------------------
//registry entries
#define APPOBJ_REGNAME "WangImage.Application"
#define APPOBJ_REGKEY "CLSID\\{7D252A20-A4D5-11CE-8BF1-00608C54A1AA}"
// object types
#define OBJCLASS_IMGFILE 0x0001
#define OBJCLASS_APP 0x0004
// automation defaults
#define AUTODEFAULT_ZOOM (float) 100.0
// Automation error range 1175-1199.
// Fits in with control ranges for
// Norway.
#define IEA_E_OLEAUTO 1175
// CAAppObj command target
class CAAppObj : public CCmdTarget
CAAppObj(); // protected constructor used by dynamic creation
// Attributes
// Operations
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
virtual void OnFinalRelease();
friend class CAImageFileObj;
friend class CAAppObj;
friend class CAPageObj;
friend class CAPageRangeObj;
friend HRESULT SetAutoError( const SCODE scode,
VARIANT FAR * const pVar,
CAAppObj FAR * const pAppObj );
friend HRESULT GetImageFileObjSetVar( CAAppObj FAR * const pAppObj,
VARIANT FAR * const pVar );
// Implementation
virtual ~CAAppObj();
// Generated message map functions
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here.
// Generated OLE dispatch map functions
afx_msg VARIANT GetActiveDocument();
afx_msg VARIANT GetApplication();
afx_msg short GetDisplayScaleAlgorithm();
afx_msg void SetDisplayScaleAlgorithm(short nNewValue);
afx_msg BOOL GetEdit();
afx_msg void SetEdit(BOOL bNewValue);
afx_msg short GetImagePalette();
afx_msg void SetImagePalette(short nNewValue);
afx_msg short GetImageView();
afx_msg void SetImageView(short nNewValue);
afx_msg VARIANT GetParent();
afx_msg BOOL GetScrollBarsVisible();
afx_msg void SetScrollBarsVisible(BOOL bNewValue);
afx_msg BOOL GetStatusBarVisible();
afx_msg void SetStatusBarVisible(BOOL bNewValue);
afx_msg BOOL GetToolBarVisible();
afx_msg void SetToolBarVisible(BOOL bNewValue);
afx_msg float GetZoom();
afx_msg void SetZoom(float newValue);
afx_msg BOOL GetVisible();
afx_msg VARIANT GetHeight();
afx_msg void SetHeight(const VARIANT FAR& newValue);
afx_msg VARIANT GetLeft();
afx_msg void SetLeft(const VARIANT FAR& newValue);
afx_msg VARIANT GetTop();
afx_msg void SetTop(const VARIANT FAR& newValue);
afx_msg VARIANT GetWidth();
afx_msg void SetWidth(const VARIANT FAR& newValue);
afx_msg BOOL GetTopWindow();
afx_msg void SetTopWindow(BOOL bNewValue);
afx_msg VARIANT GetFullName();
afx_msg VARIANT GetName();
afx_msg VARIANT GetPath();
afx_msg BOOL GetAnnotationPaletteVisible();
afx_msg void SetAnnotationPaletteVisible(BOOL bNewValue);
afx_msg BOOL GetMaximize();
afx_msg void SetMaximize(BOOL bNewValue);
afx_msg VARIANT CreateImageViewerObject(const VARIANT FAR& ObjectClass);
afx_msg VARIANT FitTo(short ZoomOption);
afx_msg VARIANT Quit();
afx_msg VARIANT Help();
private: // Private =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
// Member Data ------------------------
CAImageFileObj FAR * m_pActiveDoc;
BOOL m_bIsVisible;
short m_sDisplayScaleAlgorithm;
short m_sImagePalette;
float m_fZoom;
short m_sView;
long m_Left;
long m_Top;
long m_Right;
long m_Bottom;
BOOL m_bAnnotationPaletteVisible;
BOOL m_bEdit;
BOOL m_bScrollBarsVisible;
BOOL m_bStatusBarVisible;
BOOL m_bToolBarVisible;
BOOL m_bTopWindow;
CIEditDoc* m_pDoc;
BOOL m_bIsDocOpen;
short m_sFitTo;
BOOL m_Maximize;