2020-09-30 17:12:29 +02:00

449 lines
13 KiB

// (c) Copyright Wang Laboratories, Inc. 1995 All rights reserved.
// Project: Norway - Image Editor
// Component: CCmdLine
// File Name: cmdline.cpp
// Class: CCmdLine
// Functions:
// Maintenance Log:
$Header: S:\norway\iedit95\cmdline.cpv 1.16 25 Oct 1995 17:33:08 GMP $
$Log: S:\norway\iedit95\cmdline.cpv $
Rev 1.16 25 Oct 1995 17:33:08 GMP
check for valid size values.
Rev 1.15 28 Sep 1995 15:49:04 JPRATT
force app into view mode for PrintTo command
Rev 1.14 21 Sep 1995 14:46:28 GMP
test for min zoom of 2 instead of 4 on command line.
Rev 1.13 20 Sep 1995 18:31:02 MMB
fixed bug# 4537 - size info on command line was not being parsed correctly
Rev 1.12 11 Aug 1995 09:02:26 MMB
added error processing to the commandline stuff
Rev 1.11 19 Jul 1995 11:35:04 MMB
fix bug for /view mode
Rev 1.10 12 Jul 1995 09:10:22 MMB
process zoom as float
Rev 1.9 11 Jul 1995 14:45:18 MMB
added /pt processing
Rev 1.8 11 Jul 1995 12:02:46 MMB
once AGAIN!!
Rev 1.7 11 Jul 1995 11:42:26 MMB
fixed extract of filename
Rev 1.6 11 Jul 1995 11:27:40 MMB
/p on cmd line must have filename in double quotes
Rev 1.4 10 Jul 1995 15:11:02 MMB
fix command line extraction process
Rev 1.3 07 Jul 1995 09:38:40 MMB
added /p processing to the command line
Rev 1.2 29 Jun 1995 15:23:32 LMACLENNAN
comment out error.h for now
Rev 1.1 16 Jun 1995 07:20:04 LMACLENNAN
from miki
Rev 1.0 31 May 1995 09:28:04 MMB
Initial entry
Rev 1.0 24 Apr 1995 14:04:38 MMB
Initial entry
// ----------------------------> Includes <-------------------------------
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ieditetc.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "cmdline.h"
#include "iedit.h"
//#define E_10_CODES // limits error defines to ours..
//#include "error.h"
// ----------------------------> Globals <-------------------------------
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
// ---------------------------> Message Maps <----------------------------
// Function: CCmdLine ()
CCmdLine::CCmdLine ()
m_szCmdLine = (const char*) NULL;
// Function: CCmdLine (CString& )
CCmdLine::CCmdLine (CString& szCmdLine)
m_szCmdLine = szCmdLine;
ProcessCmdLine ();
// Function: CCmdLine (const char* )
CCmdLine::CCmdLine (LPCTSTR szCmdLine)
m_szCmdLine = szCmdLine;
ProcessCmdLine ();
// Function: SetCommandLine (LPCTSTR szCmdLine)
BOOL CCmdLine::SetCommandLine (LPCTSTR szCmdLine)
m_szCmdLine = szCmdLine;
return (ProcessCmdLine ());
// Function: ~CCmdLine ()
CCmdLine::~CCmdLine ()
m_szCmdLine = (const char*) NULL;
// Function: GetPageNumber (int& pagenum)
BOOL CCmdLine::GetPageNumber (int& pagenum)
if (m_nPageNum != 0)
pagenum = m_nPageNum;
return TRUE;
pagenum = 1;
return (FALSE);
// Function: GetWindowSize (CRect& rect)
BOOL CCmdLine::GetWindowSize (CRect& rect)
if (!m_WindowPos.IsRectEmpty())
rect = m_WindowPos;
return (TRUE);
return (FALSE);
// Function: GetZoomFactor (float& fZoom)
BOOL CCmdLine::GetZoomFactor (float& fZoom)
if (m_fZoom == -1.0)
return (FALSE);
fZoom = m_fZoom;
return (TRUE);
// Function: GetFileName ()
CString& CCmdLine::GetFileName ()
return (m_szFileName);
// Function: IsAppInEditMode ()
BOOL CCmdLine::IsAppInEditMode ()
return (m_bIsInEdit);
// Function: ProcessCmdLine ()
BOOL CCmdLine::ProcessCmdLine ()
// set up the defaults
m_WindowPos.SetRectEmpty ();
m_nPageNum = 0;
m_fZoom = (float)-1.0;
m_bIsInEdit = TRUE;
m_szFileName = (LPCTSTR) NULL;
m_bDoPrintOnly = FALSE;
m_bDoPrintToOnly = FALSE;
int i = 0, nLen;
CString szTmp;
// if the command line is NULL so much the better; this baby is going to fly
if (m_szCmdLine.IsEmpty ())
return (TRUE);
if (ExtractFromCmdLine (_T("/pt"), szTmp, TRUE))
m_bDoPrintToOnly = TRUE;
m_bIsInEdit = FALSE; // always set to view mode when printto i.e. fax
goto Extract_FileName;
// get VIEW or EDIT mode flag - default is EDIT mode
if (ExtractFromCmdLine (_T("/view"), szTmp, TRUE))
m_bIsInEdit = FALSE;
// get PAGE number - default page number returned will be 1
if (ExtractFromCmdLine (_T("/page="), szTmp))
m_nPageNum = atoi (szTmp);
if (m_nPageNum <= 0)
g_pErr->PutErr (ErrorInApplication, IDS_E_CMDLINE_PAGEERROR);
return (FALSE);
// are we being called to do print only ?
if (ExtractFromCmdLine (_T("/p"), szTmp, TRUE))
m_bDoPrintOnly = TRUE;
// get the zoom factor
if (ExtractFromCmdLine (_T("/zoom="), szTmp))
m_fZoom = (float)atof (szTmp);
if (m_fZoom < 2.00 || m_fZoom > 6500.00)
g_pErr->PutErr (ErrorInApplication, IDS_E_CMDLINE_ZOOMERROR);
return (FALSE);
// get the initial WINDOW POSITION
if (ExtractFromCmdLine (_T("/size="), szTmp))
i = 0;
int j = szTmp.GetLength(), comma_cnt = 0;
CString szTmp1 = (LPCTSTR) NULL;
while (i < j)
if (szTmp[i++] == ',') comma_cnt++;
if (comma_cnt != 3)
g_pErr->PutErr (ErrorInApplication, IDS_E_CMDLINE_WINDOWPOSERROR);
return (FALSE);
CWnd *pTopWnd = theApp.m_pMainWnd->GetDesktopWindow();
CRect rTopRect;
i = 0;
if( !pTopWnd )//GMP
g_pErr->PutErr (ErrorInApplication, IDS_E_CMDLINE_WINDOWPOSERROR);
return (FALSE);
pTopWnd->GetWindowRect( &rTopRect );
// extract x, y, cx, cy from szTmp
while (szTmp[i] != ',') szTmp1 += szTmp[i++];
m_WindowPos.left = atoi (szTmp1);
i++; szTmp1 = (LPCTSTR) NULL;
while (szTmp[i] != ',') szTmp1 += szTmp[i++];
m_WindowPos.top = atoi (szTmp1);
i++; szTmp1 = (LPCTSTR) NULL;
while (szTmp[i] != ',') szTmp1 += szTmp[i++];
m_WindowPos.right = atoi (szTmp1);
i++; szTmp1 = (LPCTSTR) NULL;
LPCTSTR lpszTmp = szTmp.GetBuffer (szTmp.GetLength());
m_WindowPos.bottom = atoi (lpszTmp + i);
szTmp.ReleaseBuffer ();
if (rTopRect.left > m_WindowPos.left || rTopRect.left > m_WindowPos.right ||
rTopRect.top > m_WindowPos.top || rTopRect.top > m_WindowPos.bottom ||
rTopRect.right < m_WindowPos.right || rTopRect.right < m_WindowPos.left ||
rTopRect.bottom < m_WindowPos.bottom || rTopRect.bottom < m_WindowPos.top)
g_pErr->PutErr (ErrorInApplication, IDS_E_CMDLINE_WINDOWPOSERROR);
return (FALSE);
Extract_FileName :
// look for double quotes - the filename might be in there
int FirstQuote = m_szCmdLine.Find (_T('"')),
LastQuote = m_szCmdLine.ReverseFind (_T('"'));
if (m_bDoPrintOnly)
// we are going to do print ONLY - there must be quotes around the filename
if (FirstQuote == LastQuote || FirstQuote == -1 || LastQuote == -1)
// valid filename not supplied
return TRUE;
m_szFileName = m_szCmdLine.Mid (FirstQuote + 1, LastQuote - (FirstQuote + 1));
return TRUE;
if (m_bDoPrintToOnly)
i = FirstQuote + 1;
while (m_szCmdLine[i] != _T('"'))
m_szFileName += m_szCmdLine[i++];
return (TRUE);
if (FirstQuote != -1 || LastQuote != -1)
// there are quotes in the remainder of the command line
if (FirstQuote == LastQuote) return TRUE; // invalid file name
// else - extract the filename and return
m_szFileName = m_szCmdLine.Mid (FirstQuote + 1, LastQuote - (FirstQuote + 1));
return TRUE;
// the filename is NOT within quotes
i = 0;
nLen = m_szCmdLine.GetLength ();
while (i < nLen)
if (m_szCmdLine[i] != ' ')
m_szFileName = m_szCmdLine.Right(nLen - i);
if (!m_szFileName.IsEmpty())
LPTSTR lpStr = m_szFileName.GetBuffer (m_szFileName.GetLength ());
int nlen = m_szFileName.GetLength () - 1;
while (lpStr[nlen] == _T(' '))
lpStr[nlen] = NULL;
m_szFileName.ReleaseBuffer ();
if (nlen > 0)
return (TRUE);
// if no filename is given then reset the rest of the initial variables
// as they do not apply
m_WindowPos.SetRectEmpty ();
m_nPageNum = 0;
m_fZoom = (float)-1.0;
return (TRUE);
// Function: ExtractFromCmdLine (...)
BOOL CCmdLine::ExtractFromCmdLine (LPCTSTR lpszOption, CString& szExtracted, BOOL bJustRemove)
// find the option first
int nStartFrom = m_szCmdLine.Find (lpszOption);
if (nStartFrom == -1)
// not found
return (FALSE);
szExtracted = (LPCTSTR) NULL;
int nGetFrom = lstrlen (lpszOption) + nStartFrom;
if (!bJustRemove)
// lets extract the stuff after the '=' to sign first
int nMax = m_szCmdLine.GetLength ();
while (nGetFrom < nMax)
if (m_szCmdLine[nGetFrom] != ' ')
szExtracted += m_szCmdLine[nGetFrom];
goto DO_MORE;
// remove the option from the command line
int nGotThese = lstrlen (lpszOption) + szExtracted.GetLength();
LPTSTR lpStr = m_szCmdLine.GetBuffer (m_szFileName.GetLength ());
for (int n = nStartFrom; n < (nStartFrom + nGotThese); lpStr[n++] = _T(' '));
m_szCmdLine.ReleaseBuffer ();
return (TRUE);
// Function: GetPrintToParms (...)
BOOL CCmdLine::GetPrintToParms (LPCTSTR szCmdLine, CString& szPrinterName, CString& szDriverName, CString& szPortName)
m_szCmdLine = szCmdLine;
szPrinterName = (LPCTSTR) NULL;
szDriverName = (LPCTSTR) NULL;
szPortName = (LPCTSTR) NULL;
int FirstQuote = m_szCmdLine.Find (_T('"'));
if (FirstQuote == -1) return FALSE;
int i = FirstQuote + 1;
while (m_szCmdLine[i++] != _T('"')); // skip the filename
while (m_szCmdLine[i++] != _T('"'));
while (m_szCmdLine[i] != _T('"'))
szPrinterName += m_szCmdLine[i++];
while (m_szCmdLine[i++] != _T('"'));
while (m_szCmdLine[i] != _T('"'))
szDriverName += m_szCmdLine[i++];
while (m_szCmdLine[i++] != _T('"'));
while (m_szCmdLine[i] != _T('"'))
szPortName += m_szCmdLine[i++];
return TRUE;