842 lines
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842 lines
26 KiB
// (c) Copyright Wang Laboratories, Inc. 1993 All rights reserved.
// Project: Norway - Image Editor
// Component: CIEditDoc
// File Name: docviews.cpp
// Class: CIEditDoc
// Functions:
// Remarks: This file is the continuation of the ieditdoc.cpp.
// Maintenance Log:
$Header: S:\products\msprods\norway\iedit95\docviews.cpv 1.49 22 May 1996 08:49:08 GSAGER $
$Log: S:\products\msprods\norway\iedit95\docviews.cpv $
Rev 1.49 22 May 1996 08:49:08 GSAGER
fix for 6442 moved set selected to after display for thumbnails
Rev 1.48 08 May 1996 14:45:50 GMP
put TRY/CATCH around ocx display calls.
Rev 1.47 01 May 1996 12:50:56 GSAGER
update for thumbnail bugs 6341,6381,6375
Rev 1.46 05 Apr 1996 15:10:44 PXJ53677
Use new scan status flag to NOT CLEAR the iedit control, during a scan.
Rev 1.45 11 Mar 1996 13:12:02 GMP
set the thumbnail window size if opened by automation in page and thumbnail
Rev 1.44 11 Mar 1996 10:41:18 GMP
if app is started by automation in thumbnail only mode, force edit ocx to
create the image edit window.
Rev 1.43 16 Feb 1996 07:16:18 GSAGER
cast paramater for setImagePalette to long
Rev 1.42 15 Feb 1996 11:12:04 GSAGER
added change to sizeocxitems only when comming from a null view
Rev 1.41 13 Feb 1996 10:03:00 GSAGER
called ole show verb when switching from thumbnails only to page and thumbnls
needed for automation
Rev 1.40 09 Feb 1996 09:56:12 GMP
in thumbnail view, make sure image has been registered with edit ocx.
Rev 1.39 02 Feb 1996 10:41:24 GSAGER
when sitching to one page from thumbnails don't resize
the Ocx.
Rev 1.38 19 Jan 1996 12:49:58 GSAGER
added code to create splitterwindow when entering thumbna
and page and thumbnail mode.
Rev 1.37 12 Jan 1996 13:01:32 GSAGER
Rev 1.36 11 Jan 1996 08:34:24 GSAGER
added code to onepage view to create splitter
Rev 1.34 06 Dec 1995 11:08:22 LMACLENNAN
back from VC++2.2
Rev 1.34 06 Dec 1995 10:26:02 LMACLENNAN
use inputs from setonepage & pageandthumb views to control setting
of flag to DoZoom to prevent double paints
Rev 1.33 29 Nov 1995 12:09:56 LMACLENNAN
SetNull take Enum Now to control flow
Rev 1.32 24 Nov 1995 14:51:20 MMB
add clear of image to Admin OCX on SetNullView
Rev 1.31 15 Nov 1995 11:38:16 JPRATT
changed setonepageview to resize ocx to fit app window before
calling display
Rev 1.30 09 Nov 1995 15:17:08 LMACLENNAN
from VC++4.0
Rev 1.30 09 Nov 1995 14:42:54 LMACLENNAN
use GetImageDisplayed in OnePageView for perfoamance
Rev 1.29 31 Oct 1995 17:30:32 GMP
clear image when going from thumbnail view to one page or page and thumbnail
view in case we changed the page we were on.
Rev 1.28 09 Oct 1995 10:33:52 LMACLENNAN
use finishpastenow on view changes, no else after m_olerefresh
Rev 1.27 04 Oct 1995 11:45:28 MMB
in thumb view show the thumb ocx first and then hide the IE OCX
Rev 1.26 28 Sep 1995 16:34:12 MMB
oops! right fix for the previous bug
Rev 1.25 28 Sep 1995 15:08:16 MMB
fixed bug# 4682
Rev 1.24 25 Sep 1995 16:35:36 MMB
make common pal only if in 8 bit or less mode
Rev 1.23 20 Sep 1995 13:43:12 MMB
added bMustDisplay
Rev 1.22 12 Sep 1995 11:41:50 MMB
bullets instead of checkmarks
Rev 1.21 08 Sep 1995 15:37:22 LMACLENNAN
rename a variable
Rev 1.20 05 Sep 1995 14:51:24 LMACLENNAN
disable thumb picks if OLE embedded
Rev 1.19 30 Aug 1995 17:00:16 MMB
add code to display RGB24 when on > 256 color monitor
Rev 1.18 29 Aug 1995 15:16:12 MMB
added dynamic view mode & fixed zoom bugs
Rev 1.17 28 Aug 1995 13:56:40 LMACLENNAN
logic error from earlier checkin m_OleRefresh
Rev 1.16 28 Aug 1995 10:27:20 LMACLENNAN
use m_OleRefersh
Rev 1.15 25 Aug 1995 15:07:46 MMB
change back to CUSTOM_PALETTE
Rev 1.14 25 Aug 1995 10:26:32 MMB
move to document model
Rev 1.13 22 Aug 1995 16:45:28 MMB
changed from using CUSTOM_PALETTE to RGB24_PALETTE
Rev 1.12 14 Aug 1995 13:53:46 LMACLENNAN
use GetAppToolbar
Rev 1.11 11 Aug 1995 17:17:12 MMB
add code to position the thumbnail that is selected in the middle
Rev 1.10 10 Aug 1995 14:49:08 MMB
some performance enhancements
Rev 1.9 07 Aug 1995 11:42:02 MMB
added code to change to CUSTOM & COMMON palette appropriately
Rev 1.8 04 Aug 1995 09:33:18 LMACLENNAN
remove srvritem.h
Rev 1.7 01 Aug 1995 16:12:10 MMB
remove posting of error messages from the SetXXXView functions
Rev 1.6 19 Jul 1995 11:35:36 MMB
added graying of zoom & page box in toolbar in SetNullView
Rev 1.5 07 Jul 1995 09:32:20 LMACLENNAN
fixed SetNullView - dont reset currpagenumber here
Rev 1.4 28 Jun 1995 17:48:20 MMB
added code to handle SetNullView better- now clears the image name & page
and status information
Rev 1.3 28 Jun 1995 17:13:48 LMACLENNAN
error display
Rev 1.2 22 Jun 1995 14:55:54 LMACLENNAN
SetNullView uses CLearDOcument
Rev 1.1 21 Jun 1995 07:00:42 LMACLENNAN
from miki
Rev 1.0 16 Jun 1995 07:21:42 LMACLENNAN
Initial entry
// ----------------------------> Includes <-------------------------------
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "IEdit.h"
#include "IEditdoc.h"
#include "cntritem.h"
#include "ocxitem.h"
#include "items.h"
#include "pagerang.h"
#define E_15_CODES // limits error defines to ours..
#include "error.h"
#include "wangiocx.h"
extern "C"
#include "oierror.h"
// ----------------------------> Globals <-------------------------------
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
// works with definition in ieditetc.h
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define MYTRCENTRY(str) TRACE1("In CIeDOC::%s\r\n", str);
// CIEditDoc the 3 Views functionality
* VIEWS FUNCTIONALITY SECTION - these routines will handle the different views
* requested by the user - One Page, Page & Thumbnails, Thumbnails only
// Function: OnUpdateWhichView(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
// This UI function applies for all three menu items...
void CIEditDoc::OnUpdateWhichView(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
BOOL enab = TRUE; // default.... enable
// no doc - not enabled...
if (m_eCurrentAppDocStatus == No_Document)
enab = FALSE;
// ELSE if its NOT the One page ( one of the thumbs)
// then disable for OLE INPLACE....
else if (ID_VIEW_ONEPAGE != pCmdUI->m_nID)
if (IsitEmbed())
if (m_isInPlace)
enab = FALSE;
// set it one way or the other
pCmdUI->Enable (enab);
// if did it, then may need a check..
if (enab)
if ((UINT)((UINT)m_eCurrentView + ID_VIEW_ONEPAGE) == pCmdUI->m_nID)
pCmdUI->SetCheck (1);
CMenu* pMenu = theApp.m_pMainWnd->GetMenu ();
pCmdUI->SetCheck (0);
// Function: OnUpdateWhichView(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
void CIEditDoc::OnViewOnepage()
if (m_eCurrentAppDocStatus == No_Document || m_eCurrentView == One_Page)
// we must be going from either thumbnail only or page and thumbnail view
// to this one - no need to ask the user to save the modifications on switch
SetOnePageView ();
// Function: OnUpdateWhichView(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
void CIEditDoc::OnViewPageandthumbnails()
if (m_eCurrentAppDocStatus == No_Document || m_eCurrentView == Thumbnail_and_Page)
// we must be going from either page only or thumbnails only view
// to this one - no need to ask the user to save the modifications on switch
SetThumbnailAndPageView ();
// Function: OnUpdateWhichView(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
void CIEditDoc::OnViewThumbnails()
if (m_eCurrentAppDocStatus == No_Document || m_eCurrentView == Thumbnails_only)
// save any modifications that the user may have made to this page before
// switching views
#ifndef THUMBGEN
// if (!InternalSaveModified ())
// return;
// Function: SetOnePageView ()
// LDM NOTE 12/06/95:
// NOTE: the input, bForceRefresh is only used from DIsplayImageFile now.
// we'll use this information to optionally set the bRefresh flag to DoZoom.
// This is to prevent double paints when opening files with our default set to
// fit-to-width. We already Zoomed back in DisplayImageFile, no need to refresh the
// display again here
BOOL CIEditDoc::SetOnePageView (BOOL bForceRefresh)
// if we are already in one page view - do nothing
if (m_eCurrentView == One_Page && !bForceRefresh)
return TRUE;
BOOL needsize = TRUE;
TheViews eOldView = m_eCurrentView;
// if the splitter window hasn't been created then create it
if(theApp.m_pSplitterWnd == NULL && m_pInPlaceFrame == NULL)
POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition();
CView* pView = GetNextView (pos);
if (pView == NULL)
g_pErr->PutErr (ErrorInApplication, E_15_NOCVIEWFOUND);
return (FALSE);
if (m_eCurrentView == Thumbnails_only || m_eCurrentView == Null_View)
CIEMainToolBar* pToolBar = GetAppToolBar();
// enable the scale box if disabled
pToolBar->EnableScaleBox (TRUE);
CRect rcRect;
pView->GetClientRect (rcRect);
// Zap any previous pasted data before updating the view
// show the ImageEdit Ocx
_DImagedit* pIedDisp = g_pAppOcxs->GetIeditDispatch();
if (m_eCurrentView == Thumbnails_only || m_eCurrentView == Null_View)
// Special case! If coming from scanning then don't clear
if ( !(m_nScanStatus & SCANSTATUS_DONTCLEAR) )
if (pIedDisp->GetImageDisplayed())
(g_pAppOcxs->GetOcx(IEDIT_OCX))->DoVerb(OLEIVERB_SHOW, pView);
CDC* pDC = theApp.m_pMainWnd->GetDC();
int numColors = ::GetDeviceCaps (pDC->m_hDC, BITSPIXEL);
if (numColors <= 8)
pIedDisp->SetImagePalette ((long)CUSTOM_PALETTE);
pIedDisp->SetImagePalette ((long)RGB24_PALETTE);
// used below... would be set in DipsGroupEvent in response to the Display call
m_OleRefresh = FALSE;
if (m_eCurrentView == Thumbnails_only || m_eCurrentView == Null_View || bForceRefresh)
if (m_bMustDisplay)
pIedDisp->Display ();
m_bMustDisplay = FALSE;
// update Image Edit Ocx since it was not showing previously
else if (m_eCurrentAppDocStatus == Dynamic_Document)
pIedDisp->Refresh ();
else if (!m_szCurrObjDisplayed.IsEmpty())
pIedDisp->Refresh ();
// size the OCX BEFORE you display it!!! not needed with splitter
m_eCurrentView = One_Page;
if(eOldView == Null_View)
g_pAppOcxs->SizeOcxItems (rcRect);
needsize = FALSE;
// update Image Edit Ocx since it was not showing previously
if (m_eCurrentAppDocStatus == Dynamic_Document)
pIedDisp->Display ();
else if (!m_szCurrObjDisplayed.IsEmpty())
pIedDisp->Display ();
CATCH (COleDispatchException, e)
m_eCurrentView = eOldView;
g_pErr->PutErr (ErrorInImageEdit);
return (FALSE);
if (needsize)
m_eCurrentView = One_Page;
g_pAppOcxs->SizeOcxItems (rcRect);
// LDM Note: This logic for zoom/Ole Refresh is also in Thumb & PAge View.
// Also see Comment at top of onepageview
// If sent from DIsplayImageFile, no forced refresh for zoom
BOOL bZoomRefresh = TRUE; // default for function anyway
if (bForceRefresh)
bZoomRefresh = FALSE;
// in order to assign the third param, we send in the '0' for zoom factor,
// knowing that DoZoom does not use that for the escalefactor sent in.
if (m_eFitTo != Custom && m_eFitTo != Preset_Factors)
DoZoom (m_eFitTo,(float)0.0,bZoomRefresh);
// no need for OLE refresh if just did refresh with the zoom
if (bZoomRefresh)
m_OleRefresh = FALSE;
// special case for resizing OLE item larger.... See DispGroupEvent
if (m_OleRefresh == TRUE)
m_OleRefresh = FALSE;
if(theApp.m_pSplitterWnd != NULL)
return (TRUE);
// Function: SetThumbnailView ()
BOOL CIEditDoc :: SetThumbnailView (BOOL bForceRefresh)
if (m_eCurrentView == Thumbnails_only && !bForceRefresh)
return TRUE;
// if the splitter window hasn't been created then create it
if(theApp.m_pSplitterWnd == NULL && m_pInPlaceFrame == NULL)
if (!InternalSaveModified ())
return FALSE;
_DImagedit* pIedDisp = g_pAppOcxs->GetIeditDispatch();
POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition();
CView* pView = GetNextView (pos);
if (pView == NULL)
g_pErr->PutErr (ErrorInApplication, E_15_NOCVIEWFOUND);
return (FALSE);
// Zap any previous pasted data before updating the view
// we want only Thumbnail View so hide the Image Edit OCX
if (m_eCurrentView == One_Page || m_eCurrentView == Thumbnail_and_Page)
g_pAppOcxs->GetOcx(IEDIT_OCX)->DoVerb(OLEIVERB_HIDE, pView);
CRect rcRect;
pView->GetClientRect (rcRect);
m_eCurrentView = Thumbnails_only;
g_pAppOcxs->SizeOcxItems (rcRect);
CIEMainToolBar* pToolBar = GetAppToolBar();
pToolBar->EnableScaleBox (FALSE);
// select the current page
if(theApp.m_pSplitterWnd != NULL)
// select the current page
if (theApp.m_piThumb != NULL)
VARIANT Page, Option;
Page.vt = VT_I4; Page.lVal = m_lCurrPageNumber;
Option.vt = VT_I2;
theApp.m_piThumb->DisplayThumbs (Page, Option);
if(!theApp.m_piThumb->GetThumbSelected (m_lCurrPageNumber))
theApp.m_piThumb->SetThumbSelected (m_lCurrPageNumber, TRUE);
CATCH (COleDispatchException, e)
g_pErr->PutErr (ErrorInThumbnail);
return (FALSE);
// lastly get rid of the annotation palette - if it is showing
if (m_bAnnotationPaletteShowing)
pIedDisp->HideAnnotationToolPalette (); // must succeed - ???
m_bAnnotationPaletteShowing = FALSE;
//make sure image has been registered with iedit control.
if (!pIedDisp->GetImageDisplayed())
//if started by automation in thumbnail only mode, the image window
//has never been created. Force the edit ocx to create it now.
if( theApp.m_olelaunch == LAUNCHTYPE_AUTOMAT )
g_pAppOcxs->GetOcx(IEDIT_OCX)->DoVerb(OLEIVERB_SHOW, pView);
TRY //start GMP
CATCH (COleDispatchException, e)
g_pErr->PutErr (ErrorInImageEdit);
return (FALSE);
return (TRUE);
// Function: SetThumbnailAndPageView ()
// See comment in SetOnePage View about use of input parm.
BOOL CIEditDoc :: SetThumbnailAndPageView (BOOL bForceRefresh,BOOL bThumbnailSize)
if (m_eCurrentView == Thumbnail_and_Page && !bForceRefresh)
return TRUE;
// if the splitter window hasn't been created then create it
if(theApp.m_pSplitterWnd == NULL && m_pInPlaceFrame == NULL)
POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition();
CView* pView = GetNextView (pos);
if (pView == NULL)
g_pErr->PutErr (ErrorInApplication, E_15_NOCVIEWFOUND);
return (FALSE);
CRect rcRect;
pView->GetClientRect (rcRect);
_DImagedit* pIedDisp = g_pAppOcxs->GetIeditDispatch();
if (m_eCurrentView == Thumbnails_only || m_eCurrentView == Null_View)
if (pIedDisp->GetImageDisplayed())
(g_pAppOcxs->GetOcx(IEDIT_OCX))->DoVerb(OLEIVERB_SHOW, pView);
if (!pIedDisp->GetImageDisplayed() && !bForceRefresh)
TRY //start GMP
CATCH (COleDispatchException, e)
g_pErr->PutErr (ErrorInImageEdit);
return (FALSE);
CDC* pDC = theApp.m_pMainWnd->GetDC();
int numColors = ::GetDeviceCaps (pDC->m_hDC, BITSPIXEL);
if (numColors <= 8)
pIedDisp->SetImagePalette ((long)COMMON_PALETTE);
pIedDisp->SetImagePalette ((long)RGB24_PALETTE);
// Zap any previous pasted data before updating the view
// used below... would be set in DipsGroupEvent in response to the Display call
m_OleRefresh = FALSE;
if (m_eCurrentView == Thumbnails_only || m_eCurrentView == Null_View || bForceRefresh)
// show the ImageEdit OCX first !
(g_pAppOcxs->GetOcx(IEDIT_OCX))->DoVerb(OLEIVERB_SHOW, pView);
if (m_bMustDisplay)
m_bMustDisplay = FALSE;
pIedDisp->Refresh ();
CATCH (COleDispatchException, e)
g_pErr->PutErr (ErrorInImageEdit);
return FALSE;
CIEMainToolBar* pToolBar = GetAppToolBar();
pToolBar->EnableScaleBox (TRUE);
TheViews eOldView = m_eCurrentView;
m_eCurrentView = Thumbnail_and_Page;
// size the different ocxs on the screen
g_pAppOcxs->SizeOcxItems (rcRect);
// LDM Note: This logic for zoom/Ole Refresh is also in OnePage View.
// Also see Comment at top of onepageview
// If sent from DIsplayImageFile, no forced refresh for zoom
BOOL bZoomRefresh = TRUE; // default for function anyway
if (bForceRefresh)
bZoomRefresh = FALSE;
// in order to assign the third param, we send in the '0' for zoom factor,
// knowing that DoZoom does not use that for the escalefactor sent in.
if (m_eFitTo != Custom && m_eFitTo != Preset_Factors)
DoZoom (m_eFitTo,(float)0.0,bZoomRefresh);
// no need for OLE refresh if just did refresh with the zoom
if (bZoomRefresh)
m_OleRefresh = FALSE;
// special case for resizing OLE item larger.... See DispGroupEvent
if (m_OleRefresh == TRUE)
m_OleRefresh = FALSE;
// tell the Thumb OCX do to the work
if(theApp.m_pSplitterWnd != NULL && (!bThumbnailSize || (theApp.m_olelaunch == LAUNCHTYPE_AUTOMAT))) //GMP
long pos = theApp.m_pSplitterWnd->m_SplitterPos;
if(pos ==0)
pos = theApp.m_minThumbSize;
// tell the Thumb OCX do to the work
if (theApp.m_piThumb != NULL)
VARIANT Page, Option;
Page.vt = VT_I4; Page.lVal = m_lCurrPageNumber;
Option.vt = VT_I2;
theApp.m_piThumb->DisplayThumbs (Page, Option);
if(!theApp.m_piThumb->GetThumbSelected (m_lCurrPageNumber))
theApp.m_piThumb->SetThumbSelected (m_lCurrPageNumber, TRUE);
CATCH (COleDispatchException, e)
g_pErr->PutErr (ErrorInThumbnail);
return FALSE;
return (TRUE);
// Function: SetNullView
// Input: BOOL to command to also clear out the OCX (set ONLY from ClearDocument)
// This function is the KEY to allowing us to come down out of the OLE INPLACE
// session. PLease do not add any code here to alter the status of the document,
// displayed image, etc. When we hide the OCX's durung InPlace deactivation, they
// may be called upon again to show themselves when the InPlace Session re-activates.
// If you must add code or functionality here, please check with Larry or
// Test the In-Place Activation/Deactivation yourself before doing so.
// LDM NOTE: from the header definition
// for SetNullView.
// typedef enum
// {
// CLEAR_NOTHING = 0, // just hide the OCX's (in-place deactivate)
// CLEAR_OCX_ONLY, // Normal document closing scenario
// CLEAR_ALL // cleardocument usage
// }
BOOL CIEditDoc::SetNullView (NULLVIEWOPT option) // Only set from ClearDocument....
BOOL retval = FALSE;
// THese two are set based upon the input option
BOOL ClearOcx = FALSE;
BOOL Cleanup = FALSE;
CString szTmp = (LPCTSTR) NULL;
// test the input and set controlling flags for below
if (CLEAR_ALL == option)
ClearOcx = Cleanup = TRUE;
if (CLEAR_OCX_ONLY == option)
ClearOcx = TRUE;
// BOOL FALSE input to GetxxxDispatch here prevents OCX creation if it
// did not exist prior to this. This compliments the role used in
// cleardocument, and prevents Thumb creation for OLE Inplace Deactivation
POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition();
CView* pView = GetNextView (pos);
// only try if we have view...
if (pView != NULL)
if (theApp.m_piThumb != NULL)
// If we had the thumbnail OCX clear it & hide it
// This is enough to make the THUMB let go of the IMAGE
if (ClearOcx)
theApp.m_piThumb->SetImage (szTmp);
_DImagedit* pIedDisp = g_pAppOcxs->GetIeditDispatch(FALSE);
if (pIedDisp != NULL)
// If we had the ImageEdit OCX clear it & hide it
// In order to clear it, we must explicitly do that...
if (ClearOcx)
// Special case! If coming from scanning then don't clear
if ( !(m_nScanStatus & SCANSTATUS_DONTCLEAR) )
if (pIedDisp->GetImageDisplayed())
pIedDisp->SetImage (szTmp);
g_pAppOcxs->GetOcx(IEDIT_OCX)->DoVerb(OLEIVERB_HIDE, pView);
_DNrwyad* pAdminDisp = g_pAppOcxs->GetAdminDispatch (FALSE);
if (pAdminDisp != NULL)
// clear the name from the admin control
if (ClearOcx)
pAdminDisp->SetImage (szTmp);
retval = TRUE;
// set the view back to a Null_View
m_eCurrentView = Null_View;
// Special processing when used from ClearDocument.....
// Please See note above in header....
// Add any code specific to role in ClearDocument in here
if (Cleanup)
// do the rest only if the frame window is created
if (theApp.m_pMainWnd == NULL)
return (retval);
SetTitle (szTmp); // set document title to NULL
CString szTmp2 = (LPCTSTR)NULL;
szTmp.LoadString (IDR_MAINFRAME);
// extract into szTmp2 the name of the application
AfxExtractSubString (szTmp2, szTmp, 0);
// set the application caption to contain NO document name
theApp.m_pMainWnd->SetWindowText (szTmp2);
// reset the toolbar - zoom box = 100% & page number edit = 1 box - both are grayed out
CIEMainToolBar* pToolBar = GetAppToolBar();
pToolBar->EnableScaleBox (FALSE);
pToolBar->ShowSelectionInZoomBox ((float)100.00, Preset_Factors);
// update page number in the page box
pToolBar->SetPageNumberInPageBox (1);
pToolBar->EnablePageBox (FALSE);
return (retval);