1180 lines
38 KiB
1180 lines
38 KiB
// (c) Copyright Wang Laboratories, Inc. 1995 All rights reserved.
// Project: Norway - Image Editor
// Component: CIEditOcxItems
// File Name: items.cpp
// Class: CIEditOcxItems
// Functions:
// Maintenance Log:
$Header: S:\products\msprods\norway\iedit95\items.cpv 1.32 16 May 1996 12:02:46 MMB $
$Log: S:\products\msprods\norway\iedit95\items.cpv $
Rev 1.32 16 May 1996 12:02:46 MMB
modified thumb width & height setting to default to -1 for MS bug
Rev 1.31 11 Apr 1996 14:59:40 GMP
removed multi threading support for OCX.
Rev 1.30 19 Jan 1996 12:55:56 GSAGER
changed how the tumbnail calculated min thumb size it now uses iedit
variable m_minthumbsize.
Rev 1.29 09 Jan 1996 13:59:00 GSAGER
new thumbnail code
Rev 1.28 13 Nov 1995 14:18:46 LMACLENNAN
set m_needsPres flag when inplace size changes
Rev 1.27 17 Oct 1995 14:03:10 GSAGER
added check to see if the dispatch pointers are not null before deleting
the event and dispatch pointers.
Rev 1.26 04 Oct 1995 11:41:30 LMACLENNAN
comment & new logic in SetOleItemSize
Rev 1.25 30 Sep 1995 18:54:04 LMACLENNAN
restrict setting extents to INPLACE sessions
Rev 1.24 28 Sep 1995 10:32:00 LMACLENNAN
Rev 1.23 23 Sep 1995 16:12:10 MMB
add thread wait on GetOcx
Rev 1.22 20 Sep 1995 16:28:36 MMB
add border back to Thumbnail OCX
Rev 1.21 14 Sep 1995 14:22:40 MMB
added InternalCopyFile fn
Rev 1.20 13 Sep 1995 17:22:48 LMACLENNAN
failure code if OCxCreation fails
Rev 1.19 13 Sep 1995 14:40:10 MMB
added abort of app if OCX load fails!
Rev 1.18 12 Sep 1995 11:36:38 MMB
border style changes
Rev 1.17 07 Sep 1995 16:27:50 MMB
move decimal to be localized
Rev 1.16 01 Sep 1995 23:34:30 MMB
change dflt thumbnails size from 100 to 110
Rev 1.15 22 Aug 1995 14:07:00 MMB
changed the sizing order of IE and Thumbnail
Rev 1.14 17 Aug 1995 14:25:18 LMACLENNAN
re-did OCX startup code to delete new'd things on errors
Rev 1.13 02 Aug 1995 11:23:58 MMB
new error processing
Rev 1.12 28 Jul 1995 14:02:08 PAJ
Create the scan ocx with the scan events handler class.
Rev 1.11 20 Jul 1995 14:00:48 MMB
add AutoRefresh to TRUE
Rev 1.10 14 Jul 1995 09:32:56 MMB
added a boolean to add the % sign or not
Rev 1.9 07 Jul 1995 15:55:22 LMACLENNAN
new parm to ShowScrollBars call
Rev 1.8 05 Jul 1995 14:12:50 MMB
changed to the new names of the OCX's
Rev 1.7 28 Jun 1995 17:12:52 LMACLENNAN
fixed error code
Rev 1.6 27 Jun 1995 14:14:56 MMB
fixed bug on call to GetProfileInt now calling the right GetProfileInt
which goes to the registry instead of the ini file
Rev 1.5 12 Jun 1995 11:49:36 MMB
from miki
Rev 1.4 09 Jun 1995 11:10:34 MMB
added creation for SCAN OCX
Rev 1.3 08 Jun 1995 09:39:40 MMB
renamed thumb & scan.h to thumbocx & scanocx.h
Rev 1.2 07 Jun 1995 14:27:04 MMB
changed to include the new include in s:\include
Rev 1.1 06 Jun 1995 13:48:42 MMB
changed the name of the Image Edit OCX control to reflect what is in the
Rev 1.0 31 May 1995 09:28:22 MMB
Initial entry
// ----------------------------> Includes <-------------------------------
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ieditetc.h"
#include "iedit.h"
#include "ieditdoc.h"
#include "srvritem.h"
#include "items.h"
#include "cntritem.h"
#include "ocxitem.h"
#include "thumbocx.h"
#include "wangiocx.h"
#define E_05_CODES // limits error defines to ours..
#include "error.h"
// ----------------------------> Globals <-------------------------------
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
// works with definition in ieditetc.h
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define MYTRCENTRY(str) TRACE1("In IeOcxItem::%s\r\n", str);
#define HIMETRIC_PER_INCH 2540
#define MAP_PIX_TO_LOGHIM(x,ppli) MulDiv(HIMETRIC_PER_INCH, (x), (ppli))
#define MAP_LOGHIM_TO_PIX(x,ppli) MulDiv((ppli), (x), HIMETRIC_PER_INCH)
#define new DEBUG_NEW
// ----------------------------> Message Maps <-------------------------------
// CIEditOcxItems construction & destruction functions
// Function: CIEditOcxItems ()
// Constructor for this class
CIEditOcxItems :: CIEditOcxItems ()
// set the OCX ptrs & the Doc ptr to NULL
m_pImageEditOcx = NULL;
m_pThumbOcx = NULL;
m_pAdminOcx = NULL;
m_pScanOcx = NULL;
m_pAppDoc = NULL;
// Function: ~CIEditOcxItems ()
// Destructor for this class : deletes any OCX's that are not cleaned up!
CIEditOcxItems :: ~CIEditOcxItems ()
// automatically delete the OCX's that this class has created
DeleteIeditOcxItems ();
// Function: RemoveOcxItem ()
// To ensure when items are blown away that we know, also
void CIEditOcxItems :: RemoveIeditOcxItem (COcxItem* pItem)
if (m_pImageEditOcx == pItem)
m_pImageEditOcx = NULL;
if (m_pThumbOcx == pItem)
m_pThumbOcx = NULL;
if (m_pAdminOcx == pItem)
m_pAdminOcx = NULL;
if (m_pScanOcx == pItem)
m_pScanOcx = NULL;
// Function: SetIeditOcxDoc (CIeditDoc* pDoc)
// Arguments : CIeditDoc* pDoc - the document that will contain these OCX's
// This function will establish document associated with OCX's
BOOL CIEditOcxItems :: SetIeditOcxDoc(CIEditDoc* pDoc)
ASSERT (pDoc != NULL);
if (m_pAppDoc != NULL)
if (pDoc != m_pAppDoc)
g_pErr->DisplayError (IDS_E_INTERNALERROR);
// set the internal Doc ptr to the Doc pointer that was passed in
m_pAppDoc = pDoc;
return TRUE;
// Function: CreateIeditOcx ()
// Arguments : OCXTYPE which OCX to create
// LPLPOCXITEM pointer to fill in on success
// This function will create required OCX
// returns TRUE-OK FALSE-bad
BOOL CIEditOcxItems :: CreateIeditOcx (OCXTYPE ocx, LPLPOCXITEM ppOcx)
BOOL retval = FALSE; // bad to start
*ppOcx = NULL; // ditto
COcxItem* pTempOcx = NULL;
COleDispatchDriver* lpDriver = NULL; // Control IDispatch Class
COcxDispatchEvents* lpEvents = NULL; // Control Events Class
// Check to be sure we have a good document pointer
if (NULL == m_pAppDoc)
MYTRC0("NO AppDoc!!");
g_pErr->DisplayError (IDS_E_INTERNALERROR);
ocx = INVALID_OCX; // make it fall thru the switch to FAIL
CRect tmpRect (0, 0, 100, 100);
switch (ocx)
case IEDIT_OCX: // Create the ImageEdit OCX
POSITION pos = m_pAppDoc->GetFirstViewPosition ();
if (pos != NULL)
CView* pView = m_pAppDoc->GetNextView (pos);
pView->GetClientRect (&tmpRect);
if (m_pImageEditOcx != NULL)
// we already have a Image Edit OCX instantiated
pTempOcx = m_pImageEditOcx;
retval = TRUE;
// create all our items for the OCX. ALl must be OK. Cleanup at bottom
if ( (NULL == (pTempOcx = new COcxItem(m_pAppDoc))) ||
(NULL == (lpDriver = new _DImagedit)) ||
(NULL == (lpEvents = new CImageEditOcxEvents)) )
else // lookin good....
pTempOcx->InitItem(ocx, // OCXTYPE
"WangImage.EditCtrl.1", // Name of control
lpDriver, // Control IDispatch Class
lpEvents); // Control Events Class
// At this point the item is created but not connected to its server.
// The CreateNewItem() will connect it to its server.
if ( pTempOcx->CreateNewItem(tmpRect, OLERENDER_DRAW, 0, NULL) )
// now that its OK, set member variable in class
m_pImageEditOcx = pTempOcx;
retval = TRUE;
else // did not get conected...cleanup at end
g_pErr->HandleImageEditOcxInitError ();
if (m_pImageEditOcx != NULL)
// second TRUE tells funct to remember profile setting....
m_pAppDoc->ShowScrollBars (theApp.GetProfileInt (szEtcStr, szScrollBarsStr, TRUE), TRUE);
_DImagedit* pdisp = (_DImagedit*)m_pImageEditOcx->GetDispatchDriver();
pdisp->SetAutoRefresh (TRUE);
m_pAppDoc->SetUserMode (0);
pdisp->SetBorderStyle (0);
m_pAppDoc->SetUserMode (1);
CATCH (COleDispatchException, e)
case THUMB_OCX: // Create the Thumbnail OCX
#ifdef nosplit
// only do it if its empty....
if (m_pThumbOcx != NULL)
pTempOcx = m_pThumbOcx;
retval = TRUE;
// create all our items for the OCX. ALl must be OK. Cleanup at bottom
if ( (NULL == (pTempOcx = new COcxItem(m_pAppDoc))) ||
(NULL == (lpDriver = new _DThumb)) ||
(NULL == (lpEvents = new CThumbOcxEvents)) )
else // lookin good....
pTempOcx->InitItem(ocx, // OCXTYPE
"WangImage.ThumbnailCtrl.1", // Name of control
lpDriver, // Control IDispatch Class
lpEvents); // Control Events Class
// At this point the item is created but not connected to its server.
// The CreateNewItem() will connect it to its server.
if ( pTempOcx->CreateNewItem(tmpRect, OLERENDER_DRAW, 0, NULL) )
// See IEDIT_OCX for old code here
// now that its OK, set member variable in class
m_pThumbOcx = pTempOcx;
retval = TRUE;
else // did not get conected...cleanup at end
g_pErr->HandleThumbnailOcxInitError ();
if (m_pThumbOcx != NULL)
_DThumb* pdisp = (_DThumb*)m_pThumbOcx->GetDispatchDriver();
pdisp->SetThumbCaptionStyle (CTL_THUMB_SIMPLEWITHANN);
// get the thumbnail height & width from the registry & set it !
int nThmbStuff;
nThmbStuff = theApp.GetProfileInt (szThumbnailStr, szThumbWidthStr, -1);
if (nThmbStuff != -1) pdisp->SetThumbWidth (nThmbStuff);
nThmbStuff = theApp.GetProfileInt (szThumbnailStr, szThumbHeightStr, -1);
if (nThmbStuff != -1) pdisp->SetThumbHeight (nThmbStuff);
case ADMIN_OCX: // Create the ADMIN OCX
// only do it if its empty....
if (m_pAdminOcx != NULL)
pTempOcx = m_pAdminOcx;
retval = TRUE;
// create all our items for the OCX. ALl must be OK. Cleanup at bottom
if ( (NULL == (pTempOcx = new COcxItem(m_pAppDoc))) ||
(NULL == (lpDriver = new _DNrwyad)) )
else // lookin good....
pTempOcx->InitItem(ocx, // OCXTYPE
"WangImage.AdminCtrl.1", // Name of control
lpDriver, // Control IDispatch Class
NULL); // NO events for this control
// At this point the item is created but not connected to its server.
// The CreateNewItem() will connect it to its server.
if ( pTempOcx->CreateNewItem(tmpRect, OLERENDER_NONE, 0, NULL) )
// See IEDIT_OCX for old code here
// now that its OK, set member variable in class
m_pAdminOcx = pTempOcx;
retval = TRUE;
else // did not get conected...cleanup at end
g_pErr->HandleAdminOcxInitError ();
case SCAN_OCX: // Create the SCAN OCX
// only do it if its empty....
if (m_pScanOcx != NULL)
pTempOcx = m_pScanOcx;
retval = TRUE;
// create all our items for the OCX. ALl must be OK. Cleanup at bottom
if ( (NULL == (pTempOcx = new COcxItem(m_pAppDoc))) ||
(NULL == (lpDriver = new _DImagscan)) ||
(NULL == (lpEvents = new CScanOcxEvents)) )
else // lookin good....
pTempOcx->InitItem(ocx, // OCXTYPE
"WangImage.ScanCtrl.1", // Name of control
lpDriver, // Control IDispatch Class
lpEvents); // Control Events Class
// At this point the item is created but not connected to its server.
// The CreateNewItem() will connect it to its server.
if ( pTempOcx->CreateNewItem(tmpRect, OLERENDER_NONE, 0, NULL) )
// See IEDIT_OCX for old code here
// now that its OK, set member variable in class
m_pScanOcx = pTempOcx;
_DImagedit* pdisp = GetIeditDispatch();
CString szTmp;
if (m_pImageEditOcx != NULL)
szTmp = pdisp->GetImageControl ();
_DImagscan* pdisp = (_DImagscan*)m_pScanOcx->GetDispatchDriver();
pdisp->SetDestImageControl (szTmp);
retval = TRUE;
else // did not get conected...cleanup at end
g_pErr->HandleScanOcxInitError ();
// if all is good, assign output parameter
// if bad, cleanup any new'd items
if (retval)
*ppOcx = pTempOcx;
// cleanup any we got...
if (NULL != pTempOcx)
if (!pTempOcx->IsDispatchNull(DISPATCH_DRIVER))
if (NULL != lpDriver) delete lpDriver;
if (!pTempOcx->IsDispatchNull(DISPATCH_EVENTS))
if (NULL != lpEvents) delete lpEvents;
delete pTempOcx;
return (retval);
// Function: GetOcx ()
// Helper to return Ocx Pointer
COcxItem* CIEditOcxItems::GetOcx (OCXTYPE ocx, BOOL bDoCreate)
COcxItem* pOcxget = NULL;
// set up pointer to get based on existing conditions
switch (ocx)
pOcxget = m_pImageEditOcx;
pOcxget = m_pThumbOcx;
pOcxget = m_pAdminOcx;
case SCAN_OCX:
pOcxget = m_pScanOcx;
return (NULL);
if (!bDoCreate)
return (pOcxget);
// if existing pointer is not set, load the OCX now
if (pOcxget == NULL)
// Sets pointer NULL if bad - full error reporting within
if (!CreateIeditOcx(ocx, &pOcxget))
// no need for g_Err because Createe.. does it all
MYTRC1("OCX Dead! #%d\r\n", ocx);
// must have the doc pointer to proceed...
if (NULL != m_pAppDoc)
// for OLE, recover to a save area....
// but only if not starting the OCX's
// (this is only for thumbs for now....)
if (m_pAppDoc->IsitEmbed ())
if (!m_pAppDoc->m_bStartOcx)
else // if app has a bad one, kill ourselves???
return (pOcxget);
// Function: GetOcxDoc ()
// Helper to return Ocx Pointer
CIEditDoc* CIEditOcxItems::GetOcxDoc ()
// first, see if we should try to initialize the OCX....
if (m_pAppDoc == NULL)
g_pErr->DisplayError (IDS_E_INTERNALERROR);
return (m_pAppDoc);
// Function: GetIeditDispatch ()
// Helper to return dispatch driver interface
_DImagedit* CIEditOcxItems :: GetIeditDispatch (BOOL bDoCreate)
_DImagedit* pdisp = NULL;
// first, generically get the OCX
COcxItem* pocx = GetOcx(IEDIT_OCX, bDoCreate);
if (NULL != pocx)
pdisp = (_DImagedit*)pocx->GetDispatchDriver();
if (NULL == pdisp)
g_pErr->DisplayError (IDS_E_INTERNALERROR);
// Function: GetThumbDispatch ()
// Helper to return dispatch driver interface
_DThumb* CIEditOcxItems :: GetThumbDispatch (BOOL bDoCreate)
_DThumb* pdisp = (_DThumb*)theApp.m_piThumb;
#ifdef nosplit
// first, generically get the OCX
COcxItem* pocx = GetOcx(THUMB_OCX, bDoCreate);
if (NULL != pocx)
pdisp = (_DThumb*)pocx->GetDispatchDriver();
if (NULL == pdisp)
g_pErr->DisplayError (IDS_E_INTERNALERROR);
// Function: GetAdminDispatch ()
// Helper to return dispatch driver interface
_DNrwyad* CIEditOcxItems :: GetAdminDispatch (BOOL bDoCreate)
_DNrwyad* pdisp = NULL;
// first, generically get the OCX
COcxItem* pocx = GetOcx(ADMIN_OCX, bDoCreate);
if (NULL != pocx)
pdisp = (_DNrwyad*)pocx->GetDispatchDriver();
if (NULL == pdisp)
g_pErr->DisplayError (IDS_E_INTERNALERROR);
// Function: GetAdminDispatch ()
// Helper to return dispatch driver interface
_DImagscan* CIEditOcxItems :: GetScanDispatch (BOOL bDoCreate)
_DImagscan* pdisp = NULL;
// first, generically get the OCX
COcxItem* pocx = GetOcx(SCAN_OCX, bDoCreate);
if (NULL != pocx)
pdisp = (_DImagscan*)pocx->GetDispatchDriver();
if (NULL == pdisp)
g_pErr->DisplayError (IDS_E_INTERNALERROR);
// Function: DeleteIeditOcxItems ()
// This function will delete ALL the OCX items that have been created by the
// CreateIeditOcxItems call above.
BOOL CIEditOcxItems :: DeleteIeditOcxItems ()
// destroy the ImageEdit OCX
if (m_pImageEditOcx != NULL )
MYTRC0("Delete IeditOCX \r\n");
m_pImageEditOcx = NULL;
MYTRC0("After DELETE IEO \r\n");
// destroy the Thumbnail OCX
if (m_pThumbOcx != NULL )
MYTRC0("Delete ThumbOCX \r\n");
m_pThumbOcx = NULL;
MYTRC0("After DELETE THO \r\n");
// destroy the Admin OCX
if (m_pAdminOcx != NULL )
MYTRC0("Delete AdminOCX \r\n");
m_pAdminOcx = NULL;
MYTRC0("After DELETE ADO \r\n");
// destroy the Scan OCX
if (m_pScanOcx != NULL )
MYTRC0("Delete ScanOCX \r\n");
m_pScanOcx = NULL;
MYTRC0("After DELETE SCO \r\n");
return TRUE;
// Function: SizeOcxItems (CRect &SizeEm)
// Arguments :
// CRect &SizeEm - this is the rect in which the OCX live, normally for
// the appln it means the client area of the View
// Sets the sizes of the appropriate OCX items depending on the display mode
// the application is in : Display modes possible are One page, Thumbnail &
// Page, Thumbnail only. Further, the OCX extents are in HIMETRIC so we have
// to play some games to set the sizes appropriately
BOOL CIEditOcxItems :: SizeOcxItems (CRect &SizeEm)
if (m_pAppDoc == NULL)
MYTRC0("NO DOC!! \r\n");
return (TRUE);
HDC hDC = ::GetDC (NULL);
CSize size;
int iXpxls = GetDeviceCaps (hDC, LOGPIXELSX);
int iYpxls = GetDeviceCaps (hDC, LOGPIXELSY);
::ReleaseDC (NULL, hDC);
// even here, in our own class, protect the member variables to ensure
// proper self-initialization of the OCX's
TheViews view = m_pAppDoc->GetCurrentView();
COcxItem* imageOcx = NULL;
COcxItem* thumbOcx = NULL;
// setup the image edit OCX
if (view == One_Page || view == Thumbnail_and_Page)
imageOcx = GetOcx(IEDIT_OCX);
if (NULL == imageOcx)
// setup the Thumb OCX
#ifdef nosplit
if (view == Thumbnails_only || view == Thumbnail_and_Page)
thumbOcx = GetOcx(THUMB_OCX);
if (NULL == thumbOcx)
switch (view)
case One_Page :
// the appln is in One Page mode
MYTRC0("One_Page \r\n");
imageOcx->SetRect (SizeEm);
imageOcx->SetItemRects (SizeEm, SizeEm);
size.cx = MAP_PIX_TO_LOGHIM (SizeEm.right, iXpxls);
size.cy = MAP_PIX_TO_LOGHIM (SizeEm.bottom, iYpxls);
imageOcx->SetExtent (size);
// for OLE, remember the extent of our control up in the
// our serveritem so that all can stay in synch
case Thumbnail_and_Page :
// the appln is in Thumbnail and page mode
MYTRC0("Thumb_and_Page \r\n");
_DThumb* pThmDisp = GetThumbDispatch ();
int nWhere;
// to do : FIX get disposition of the Thumbnail OCX from the ini file
nWhere = theApp.GetProfileInt (szThumbnailStr, "Border", 0);
// currently the real estate is divided up as follows :
// 0.25 of the width or height of the passed in rect goes to the Thumbnail OCX
// 0.75 of the width or height of the passed in rect goes to the ImageEdit OCX
CRect ThumbRect, ImageRect;
switch (nWhere)
case 0 : // LEFT side
ThumbRect.SetRect (SizeEm.left, SizeEm.top, (SizeEm.right >> 2),
case 1 : // RIGHT side
ThumbRect.SetRect (SizeEm.right - (SizeEm.right >> 2),
SizeEm.top, SizeEm.right, SizeEm.bottom);
case 2 : // TOP side
ThumbRect.SetRect (SizeEm.left, SizeEm.top, SizeEm.right,
(SizeEm.bottom >> 2));
case 3 : // BOTTOM side
ThumbRect.SetRect (SizeEm.left, SizeEm.bottom - (SizeEm.bottom >> 2),
SizeEm.right, SizeEm.bottom);
if (nWhere == 0 || nWhere == 1)
// thumb OCX shows up on Left or Right side
if(pThmDisp != NULL)
pThmDisp->SetScrollDirection (1);// CTL_THUMB_VERTICAL
// Get the minimum size needed to display 1 full thumb in ScrollDir = VERT
// long lMinSize = pThmDisp->GetMinimumSize (1, TRUE);
long lMinSize = theApp.m_minThumbSize;
if ((long)(ThumbRect.right - ThumbRect.left) > lMinSize)
// we have too much space : limit it !
ThumbRect.right = ThumbRect.left + (UINT)lMinSize;
// thumb OCX shows up on Top or Bottom side
if(pThmDisp != NULL)
pThmDisp->SetScrollDirection (0); // CTL_THUMB_HORIZONTAL
// Get the minimum size needed to display 1 full thumb in ScrollDir = HORZ
// long lMinSize = pThmDisp->GetMinimumSize (1, TRUE);
long lMinSize = theApp.m_minThumbSize;
if ((long)(ThumbRect.bottom - ThumbRect.top) > lMinSize)
// we have too much space : limit it !
ThumbRect.bottom = ThumbRect.top + (UINT)lMinSize;
// size the ImageEditOCX next
ImageRect = SizeEm;
// ImageRect.SubtractRect (ImageRect, ThumbRect);
imageOcx->SetRect (ImageRect);
size.cx = MAP_PIX_TO_LOGHIM (ImageRect.right - ImageRect.left, iXpxls);
size.cy = MAP_PIX_TO_LOGHIM (ImageRect.bottom - ImageRect.top, iYpxls);
imageOcx->SetExtent (size);
imageOcx->SetItemRects (ImageRect, ImageRect);
// for OLE, remember the extent of our control up in the
// our serveritem so that all can stay in synch
// size the ThumbOCX first
// thumbOcx->SetRect (ThumbRect);
// size.cx = MAP_PIX_TO_LOGHIM (ThumbRect.right - ThumbRect.left, iXpxls);
// size.cy = MAP_PIX_TO_LOGHIM (ThumbRect.bottom - ThumbRect.top, iYpxls);
// thumbOcx->SetExtent (size);
// thumbOcx->SetItemRects (ThumbRect, ThumbRect);
case Thumbnails_only :
// appln is in Thumbnail only mode
MYTRC0("Thumb_only \r\n");
// thumbOcx->SetRect (SizeEm);
// size.cx = MAP_PIX_TO_LOGHIM (SizeEm.right, iXpxls);
// size.cy = MAP_PIX_TO_LOGHIM (SizeEm.bottom, iYpxls);
// thumbOcx->SetExtent (size);
// thumbOcx->SetItemRects (SizeEm, SizeEm);
MYTRC0("Null_View \r\n");
return (TRUE);
// Function: SizeOleServerItem
// Keeps our OLE presentation rectangle up-to-date with the container.
// We end up getting here when IOleInplaceObject::SetObjectRects is called
// which delegates to COleIPFrameWnd::RepositionFrame(lpPosRect, lpClipRect)
// and then Doc->OnSetItemRects is called
// See larger comment below... no longer resetting our extent for "Open" cases
// Plus for normal "open server" cases, this keeps the rects proportional
BOOL CIEditOcxItems :: SizeOleServerItem (CSize &size)
// CSize olesize;
// for OLE, remember the extent of our control up in the
// our serveritem so that all can stay in synch
// This is only done for the Inplace sessions.
// This keeps EXCEL from stretching back to the old size when de-activated.
// He seems to rely on our presentaion extent to re-size the presentation in his window.
// WORD still seems lame and always "snaps back"
// If we do not restrict it to the inplace, then we get kind of cool
// behavior in EXCEL, as we size the APP, and do OleDirtySets to make him
// get new presentations, we always use the extent of the ImageEditOcx for the
// presentation metafile extent (from here). Then Excel seems to honor that
// and re-zise the open hatched object!! But WORD seems to have a lot of
// trouble with this, and he makes things way too big, and it looks lousy.
// I think this is really a bug in Word, EXCEL seems to run so nicely.
// Anyway, the result of this is that if the container calls the
// OleObject::SetExtent, we will remember and use that when we
// send back presentations.
// 10/04/95 UPDATE LDM: All of that above stuff worked because Excel seemed to
// "key off" of the extents set in the metafile returned from SrvrItem::OnDraw()
// We were just using one value, m_sizeExtent which was the value saved in OnSetExtent.
// This is what used to be called here. This still caused Word to behave wierd
// for Inplace. THen , after finding ServerDoc::GetZoomFactor and, MFC Tech notes
// # 40 & 24, and the Tech article from MSDN "Sizing MFC OLE Servers the Microsoft
// Excel Way", we have learned that OnGetExtent and OnSetExtent are talking about
// different things. We seemd to have been on the model of always showing 100% of
// our object as it sizes, or "more or less", with no "zooming" taking place. Again,
// Excel seemed to interact OK with us, but WOrd did not.
// What does this mean? Well, now, we just set value returned from OnGetExtent Here
// and our OnDraw will just use a fixed extent for the metafile. This is the
// best we can do for now. Its really like it was originally, but the foundation is
// laid to try and pick up where we left off, although I dont think we'll fit into
// the OLE Active Object model due to the fact that our "Object" is the OCX, and we
// are not using the MFC View class as it really is meant for the drawing.
// if (m_pAppDoc->IsitEmbed() && m_pAppDoc->m_isInPlace)
// {
// CIEditSrvrItem* pItem =
// (CIEditSrvrItem*)m_pAppDoc->GetEmbeddedItem();
// get current extent
// if they differ, set new and clear state for new update
// pItem->OnGetExtent(DVASPECT_CONTENT, olesize);
// if (olesize != size)
// {
// // 10/04/95 LDM Uset to try OnSetExtent here, then use
// that as the extent set in metafile in OnDraw.
// Now, we'll just set it so if someone does
// OnGetExtent, they'll get it, but dont know where that leads....
// pItem->SetGetExtent(DVASPECT_CONTENT, size);
// Need to give new presentations for the inplace sizing when it goes deactive
// m_pAppDoc->m_needPresentation = TRUE;
// }
// }
return (TRUE);
// Function: GetZoomFactorType (float fZoomFactor)
ScaleFactors CIEditOcxItems::GetZoomFactorType (float fZoomFactor)
// check to see if the zoom factor is one of the predefined ones
if (fZoomFactor == 25.00 || fZoomFactor == 50.00 || fZoomFactor == 75.00 ||
fZoomFactor == 100.00 || fZoomFactor == 200.00 ||
fZoomFactor == 400.00)
return (Preset_Factors);
// is not !
return (Custom);
// Function: GetZoomFactorType (float fZoomFactor)
BOOL CIEditOcxItems::ConvertZoomToString (float fZoomFactor, CString &szZoomStr, BOOL bAddPercent)
int dec, sign, iZoom;
// to do : try using _gcvt instead!!
char* lpBuff = _fcvt (fZoomFactor, 2, &dec, &sign);
CString szTmp1 = (LPCTSTR) NULL;;
// copy the digits before the '.'
for (int i = 0; i < dec; szTmp1 += lpBuff[i], i++);
iZoom = (int)fZoomFactor;
if (fZoomFactor != (float)iZoom)
// I guess the number is NOT XX.00
szTmp1 += _T(".");
szTmp1 += (const char*)&lpBuff[dec];
if (bAddPercent)
szTmp1 += _T("%");
// copy
szZoomStr = szTmp1;
// do this just in case
// voila!
return (TRUE);
// Function: TranslateSelToZoom (eSclFac, fZoom, nSel)
void CIEditOcxItems::TranslateSelToZoom (ScaleFactors &eSclFac, float &fZoom, int nSel)
eSclFac = Preset_Factors; // wishful thinking !
fZoom = 0.0f;
switch (nSel)
case 0 :
fZoom = 25.00f;
case 1 :
fZoom = 50.00f;
case 2 :
fZoom = 75.00f;
case 3 :
fZoom = 100.00f;
case 4 :
fZoom = 200.00f;
case 5 :
fZoom = 400.00f;
case 6 :
eSclFac = FitToWidth;
case 7 :
eSclFac = FitToHeight;
case 8 :
eSclFac = BestFit;
case 9 :
eSclFac = ActualSize;
default :
// Function: ValTransZoomFactor (int bToLocale, CString& szZoom, float& fZoom, BOOL bAddPercent)
BOOL CIEditOcxItems::ValTransZoomFactor (int bToLocale, CString& szZoom, float& fZoom, BOOL bAddPercent)
CString szTmp;
// get the locale specific decimal character
TCHAR szDec [2];
int nLen, i = 0, nPerOrDec = 0;
if (!bToLocale)
// the zoom factor is in the string & is currently localized - validate it & translate it to float
szTmp = szZoom;
nLen = szTmp.GetLength ();
// must have only one % sign
for (; i < nLen; i++)
if (szTmp[i] == _T('%')) nPerOrDec++;
if (nPerOrDec > 1)
return (FALSE);
else if (nPerOrDec > 0)
// okay there is a percent signs in this string
// BUT - it must be the last character in the string
if (szTmp[nLen-1] != _T('%'))
return (FALSE);
// must have only one decimal sign
nPerOrDec = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nLen; i++)
if (szTmp[i] == szDec[0]) nPerOrDec++;
if (nPerOrDec > 1) return (FALSE);
// all set
for (i = 0; i < nLen; i++)
if (szTmp[i] == szDec[0]) szTmp.SetAt(i, _T('.'));
for (i = 0; i < nLen; i++)
if (szTmp[i] == _T('%')) szTmp.SetAt(i, _T(' '));
fZoom = (float)atof (szTmp);
ConvertZoomToString (fZoom, szZoom, FALSE);
nLen = szZoom.GetLength ();
for (; i < nLen; i++)
if (szZoom[i] == _T('.')) szZoom.SetAt (i, szDec[0]);
if (bAddPercent)
szZoom += _T("%");
return (TRUE);
// Function: InternalCopyFile (LPCTSTR szSrcFile, LPCTSTR szDestFile)
BOOL CIEditOcxItems::InternalCopyFile (CString &szSrcFile, CString &szDestFile)
int nPos = szDestFile.Find (_T(':'));
if (nPos != -1)
CString szTmp;
// well we have some kind of drive letter(s?)
szTmp = szDestFile.Left (nPos + 1);
szTmp += _T('\\');
DWORD SecPerClus, BytesPerSec, NumFreeClus, TotalClus;
GetDiskFreeSpace (szTmp, &SecPerClus, &BytesPerSec, &NumFreeClus, &TotalClus);
BytesPerSec = SecPerClus * BytesPerSec * NumFreeClus;
CFile TmpFile (szSrcFile, CFile::modeReadWrite | CFile::typeBinary);
if (BytesPerSec < TmpFile.GetLength ())
return (FALSE);
CATCH (CFileException, e)
BOOL bRet = CopyFile(szSrcFile, szDestFile, FALSE);
if (!bRet)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;