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// (c) Copyright Wang Laboratories, Inc. 1995 All rights reserved.
// Project: Norway - Image Editor
// Component: CIEditMainStatusBar
// File Name: maintbar.cpp
// Class: CIEMainStatusBar
// Functions:
// Maintenance Log:
$Header: S:\norway\iedit95\stsbar.cpv 1.15 01 Dec 1995 14:43:48 LMACLENNAN $
$Log: S:\norway\iedit95\stsbar.cpv $
Rev 1.15 01 Dec 1995 14:43:48 LMACLENNAN
back from VC++2.2
Rev 1.12 01 Dec 1995 13:50:14 MMB
popup menu for zoom now shows bullets
Rev 1.11 10 Nov 1995 15:46:26 GSAGER
added code to flip the total page number to the first field for international
Rev 1.10 08 Nov 1995 13:14:40 GMP
Replaced comments around PreCreateWindow code with #ifndef IMG_MFC_40.
Rev 1.9 02 Nov 1995 12:26:38 LMACLENNAN
from VC++4.0
Rev 1.12 19 Oct 1995 15:13:46 JPRATT
fixed debug_new
Rev 1.11 19 Oct 1995 07:24:56 LMACLENNAN
Rev 1.10 17 Oct 1995 07:45:04 JPRATT
added overloaded meber function for DrawItem
to paint bitmap in status bar
Rev 1.9 10 Oct 1995 13:46:58 JPRATT
VC++ 4.0 updates
Rev 1.8 21 Sep 1995 09:21:56 MMB
transparent bmp
Rev 1.7 13 Sep 1995 14:08:34 PAJ
Move the SCAN_PANE and ZOOM_PANE defines to the include file.
Rev 1.6 30 Aug 1995 16:56:38 MMB
do not allow custom zoom dlg box to come up when in thumbnails only mode
Rev 1.5 17 Aug 1995 12:30:20 MMB
made change from 50 to 63
Rev 1.4 14 Aug 1995 13:55:56 LMACLENNAN
remove headers; in ieditdoc now
Rev 1.3 07 Aug 1995 16:08:24 MMB
move context menu popup's from lbutton down to rbutton down
Rev 1.2 25 Jul 1995 17:30:34 MMB
fixed bug in bug db
Rev 1.1 14 Jul 1995 09:35:18 MMB
double click on Zoom status brings up the zoom dlg box
Rev 1.0 31 May 1995 09:28:34 MMB
Initial entry
// ----------------------------> Includes <-------------------------------
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "stsbar.h"
#include "iedit.h"
#include "ieditetc.h" // DEBUG MACROS
#include "ieditdoc.h"
#include "items.h"
// ----------------------------> Globals <-------------------------------
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
// This will help detect memory Leaks from "new" - "delete" mismatches
#define new DEBUG_NEW
// arrays of IDs used to initialize control bars
static UINT BASED_CODE StatusBarPanes[] =
#ifndef QA_RELEASE_1
ID_SEPARATOR, // status line indicator
ID_ZOOM_FACTOR_STATUS, // the zoom factor status pane
ID_PAGE_NUMBER_STATUS // the current page displayed status pane
// ----------------------------> Message Map <-------------------------------
// Global help commands
// Function: CIEMainStatusBar
CIEMainStatusBar::CIEMainStatusBar ()
WangSplashBitmap.LoadBitmap (IDB_STATUSBAR_WANGLOGO);
// Function: ~CIEMainStatusBar
CIEMainStatusBar::~CIEMainStatusBar ()
// Function: Create
BOOL CIEMainStatusBar::Create (CIEditMainFrame* pIEFrame)
// load the status bar pane identifiers & create the status bar
if (!(((CStatusBar*)this)->Create(pIEFrame)) ||
!SetIndicators(StatusBarPanes, sizeof(StatusBarPanes)/sizeof(UINT)))
return (FALSE);
// TODO : depending on the current font do we need to increase the size of these
// panes ?
#ifndef QA_RELEASE_1
UINT nStyle;
int cxWidth;
GetPaneInfo (0, nID, nStyle, cxWidth);
nStyle &= ~SBPS_STRETCH;
SetPaneInfo (0, nID, nStyle, 63);
GetPaneInfo (1, nID, nStyle, cxWidth);
SetPaneInfo (1, nID, nStyle, cxWidth);
return (TRUE);
// Function: PreCreateWindow (CREATESTRUCT &cs)
// We need to override this function since the base MFC classes does not support
// double click in the any of the control bars. We needed the functionlity whereby
// double clicking on the zoom & page number status panes would bring up the
// Zoom & the Goto Page dialog boxes respectively.
#ifndef IMG_MFC_40
BOOL CIEMainStatusBar::PreCreateWindow (CREATESTRUCT &cs)
if (!CStatusBar::PreCreateWindow(cs))
return FALSE;
// add the double click style - we need this style
cs.lpszClass = AfxRegisterWndClass (CS_DBLCLKS|CS_HREDRAW|CS_VREDRAW,
return TRUE;
// CIEMainStatusBar message handlers
// Function: OnLButtonDblClk (UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
// This function will check where the mouse pointer is when this message is
// received - then depending on the pane it will either do nothing, display the
// zoom dialog box or the goto page dialog box
void CIEMainStatusBar::OnLButtonDblClk (UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
CIEditDoc* pDoc = g_pAppOcxs->GetOcxDoc ();
if (pDoc == NULL)
CRect paneRect;
// first check if the mouse is in the zoom pane
GetItemRect (ZOOM_PANE, &paneRect);
if (paneRect.PtInRect (point))
TheViews eView = pDoc->GetCurrentView ();
if (pDoc->GetAppDocStatus () != No_Document &&
(eView == One_Page || eView == Thumbnail_and_Page))
// show the zoom dialog box
pDoc->DoZoomWithDlg ();
// first check if the mouse is in the page pane
GetItemRect (PAGE_PANE, &paneRect);
if (paneRect.PtInRect (point))
// show the goto page dialog box
pDoc->DoPageGotoDlg ();
// Function: DoPaint(CDC* pDC)
void CIEMainStatusBar::DoPaint(CDC* pDC)
// Paints Wang Logo in StatusBar if using VC++ 2.2
// DrawItem is used for VC++ 4.0
#ifndef QA_RELEASE_1
CRect rect;
GetItemRect(0, &rect); // get pane rect
pDC->ExcludeClipRect(&rect); // exclude pane rect from paint
CStatusBar::DoPaint(pDC); // paint remainder of status bar
#ifndef QA_RELEASE_1
// okay ! - draw the WANG bitmap in the status bar now
CRgn paneRgn;
pDC->SelectClipRgn(&paneRgn); // set clip region to pane rect
WangSplashBitmap.DrawTrans (pDC, rect.left, rect.top);
// Derived class is responsible for implementing all of these handlers
// for owner/self draw controls. Use to draw Wang Logo in Status Bar
void CIEMainStatusBar::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lp)
CRgn paneRgn;
CRect rect;
pDC = new CDC;
GetItemRect(0, &rect); // get pane rect
pDC->SelectClipRgn(&paneRgn); // set clip region to pane rect
WangSplashBitmap.DrawTrans (pDC, rect.left, rect.top);
if (NULL != pDC)
delete pDC;
// Function: SetPageText (long lCPage, long lMaxPage, CString &szRetStr)
BOOL CIEMainStatusBar :: SetPageText (long lCPage, long lMaxPage, CString &szRetStr)
CString szTmp1, szPageTxt,szTotalPageFirst;
long lFirstVal;
long lSecondVal;
// TBD - Page % of % - formatting
szTotalPageFirst.LoadString (IDS_TOTAL_PAGE_FIRST);
if(szTotalPageFirst == "Y")
lFirstVal = lMaxPage;
lSecondVal = lCPage;
lFirstVal = lCPage;
lSecondVal = lMaxPage;
int nPos = szTmp1.Find (_T('%'));
szPageTxt = szTmp1.Left (nPos);
char szTmp[10];
_ltoa (lFirstVal, szTmp, 10);
szPageTxt += szTmp;
int nPos1 = szTmp1.ReverseFind (_T('%'));
for (int i = nPos + 1; i < nPos1; i++)
szPageTxt += szTmp1[i];
_ltoa (lSecondVal, szTmp, 10);
szPageTxt += szTmp;
szRetStr = szPageTxt;
return (TRUE);
// Function: OnRButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
void CIEMainStatusBar::OnRButtonUp (UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
CMenu ctxtMenu;
CRect paneRect;
CMenu* pPopup;
unsigned int uid;
// first check if the mouse is in the zoom pane
GetItemRect (ZOOM_PANE, &paneRect);
if (paneRect.PtInRect (point))
// it is, it is - show the zoom context menu
if (ctxtMenu.LoadMenu (IDR_ZOOM_STATUS_CTXT_MENU) == NULL)
goto bail_out;
CIEditDoc* pDoc = g_pAppOcxs->GetOcxDoc ();
if (pDoc == NULL) goto show_menu;
if (pDoc->GetAppDocStatus () != No_Document)
float fZoom = pDoc->GetCurrentZoomFactor();
if (pDoc->m_eFitTo == Preset_Factors)
if (fZoom == 25.00) uid = ID_ZOOM_25;
else if (fZoom == 50.00) uid = ID_ZOOM_50;
else if (fZoom == 75.00) uid = ID_ZOOM_75;
else if (fZoom == 100.00) uid = ID_ZOOM_100;
else if (fZoom == 200.00) uid = ID_ZOOM_200;
else if (fZoom == 400.00) uid = ID_ZOOM_400;
else if (pDoc->m_eFitTo == FitToWidth) uid = ID_ZOOM_FITTOWIDTH;
else if (pDoc->m_eFitTo == FitToHeight) uid = ID_ZOOM_FITTOHEIGHT;
else if (pDoc->m_eFitTo == BestFit) uid = ID_ZOOM_BESTFIT;
else if (pDoc->m_eFitTo == ActualSize) uid = ID_ZOOM_ACTUALSIZE;
else uid = ID_ZOOM_CUSTOM;
CheckMenuRadioItem (ctxtMenu.GetSafeHmenu(), ID_ZOOM_FITTOHEIGHT, ID_ZOOM_CUSTOM, uid, MF_BYCOMMAND);
goto show_menu;
// okay so it wasn't in the zoom pane - is it in the page status pane ?
GetItemRect (PAGE_PANE, &paneRect);
if (paneRect.PtInRect (point))
// yup! show the page context menu
if (ctxtMenu.LoadMenu (IDR_PAGE_STATUS_CTXT_MENU) == NULL)
goto bail_out;
goto show_menu;
goto bail_out;
show_menu :
ClientToScreen (&point);
pPopup = ctxtMenu.GetSubMenu (0);
if (pPopup != NULL)
pPopup->TrackPopupMenu (TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, point.x, point.y, theApp.m_pMainWnd);
bail_out :
CStatusBar::OnRButtonDown(nFlags, point);