238 lines
8.4 KiB
238 lines
8.4 KiB
#include "cmd.h"
TCHAR VerMsg[3]; // Either NT or 95
TCHAR CrLf[] = TEXT("\r\n"); // M022
TCHAR DBkSpc[] = TEXT("\b \b"); // M022
#if defined(DBCS)
TCHAR DDBkSpc[] = TEXT("\b\b \b\b");
#endif // defined(DBCS)
// M010 - std_(e)printf format strings
TCHAR Fmt00[] = TEXT(" ");
TCHAR Fmt01[] = TEXT(" ");
TCHAR Fmt02[] = TEXT(" %s ");
TCHAR Fmt03[] = TEXT("%-9s%-4s");
TCHAR Fmt04[] = TEXT("%2d%s%02d%c");
TCHAR Fmt05[] = TEXT("%2d%s%02d%s%02d");
TCHAR Fmt06[] = TEXT("%2d%s%02d%s%02d%s%02d");
TCHAR Fmt07[] = TEXT("%2d%s%02d%s%02d");
TCHAR Fmt08[] = TEXT("%10lu ");
TCHAR Fmt09[] = TEXT("[%s]");
TCHAR Fmt10[] = TEXT("%02d%s%02d%s%02d");
TCHAR Fmt11[] = TEXT("%s ");
TCHAR Fmt12[] = TEXT("%s %s%s ");
TCHAR Fmt13[] = TEXT("(%s) %s ");
TCHAR Fmt14[] = TEXT("%s");
TCHAR Fmt15[] = TEXT("%s %s ");
TCHAR Fmt16[] = TEXT("%s=%s\r\n");
TCHAR Fmt17[] = TEXT("%s\r\n");
TCHAR Fmt18[] = TEXT("%c%c"); // M016 - I/O redirection echo
TCHAR Fmt19[] = TEXT("%c");
TCHAR Fmt20[] = TEXT(">"); // M016 - Additional append symbol
TCHAR Fmt21[] = TEXT(" %03d"); //@@
TCHAR Fmt22[] = TEXT("%s%s %03d"); //@@
TCHAR Fmt23[] = TEXT("LPT%d"); //@@
TCHAR Fmt24[] = TEXT("%5d: %s\r\n"); // @@5 - Format for Keys List display
TCHAR Fmt26[] = TEXT("%04X-%04X"); // for volume serial number
TCHAR Fmt27[] = TEXT("%s>"); // default prompt string
// M010 - command name strings
TCHAR AppendStr[] = TEXT("DPATH"); // @@ - Added APPEND command
TCHAR CallStr[] = TEXT("CALL"); // M005 - Added CALL command
TCHAR CdStr[] = TEXT("CD");
// TCHAR ChcpStr[] = TEXT("CHCP"); // @@ - Added CHCP command
TCHAR ColorStr[] = TEXT("COLOR");
TCHAR TitleStr[] = TEXT("TITLE");
TCHAR ChdirStr[] = TEXT("CHDIR");
TCHAR ClsStr[] = TEXT("CLS");
TCHAR DefinedStr[] = TEXT("DEFINED");
TCHAR CopyStr[] = TEXT("COPY");
TCHAR CPathStr[] = TEXT("PATH");
TCHAR CPromptStr[] = TEXT("PROMPT");
TCHAR PushDirStr[] = TEXT("PUSHD");
TCHAR PopDirStr[] = TEXT("POPD");
TCHAR AssocStr[] = TEXT("ASSOC");
TCHAR DatStr[] = TEXT("DATE");
TCHAR DelStr[] = TEXT("DEL");
TCHAR DirStr[] = TEXT("DIR");
TCHAR DoStr[] = TEXT("DO");
TCHAR EchoStr[] = TEXT("ECHO");
TCHAR ElseStr[] = TEXT("ELSE");
TCHAR EndlocalStr[] = TEXT("ENDLOCAL"); // M004 - For Endlocal command
TCHAR ExitStr[] = TEXT("EXIT");
#if 1
TCHAR BreakStr[] = TEXT("BREAK");
TCHAR ExtprocStr[] = TEXT("EXTPROC"); // M007 - For EXTPROC command
TCHAR ForStr[] = TEXT("FOR");
TCHAR ForHelpStr[] = TEXT("FOR/?");
TCHAR ForLoopStr[] = TEXT("/L");
TCHAR ForDirTooStr[]= TEXT("/D");
TCHAR ForParseStr[] = TEXT("/F");
TCHAR ForRecurseStr[]=TEXT("/R");
TCHAR GotoStr[] = TEXT("GOTO");
TCHAR GotoEofStr[] = TEXT(":EOF");
TCHAR IfStr[] = TEXT("IF");
TCHAR IfHelpStr[] = TEXT("IF/?");
TCHAR InStr[] = TEXT("IN");
CHAR InternalError[] = "\nCMD Internal Error %s\n"; // M028 10,...,10
TCHAR KeysStr[] = TEXT("KEYS"); // @@5 - Keys internal command
TCHAR MkdirStr[] = TEXT("MKDIR");
TCHAR MdStr[] = TEXT("MD");
TCHAR NotStr[] = TEXT("NOT");
TCHAR PausStr[] = TEXT("PAUSE");
TCHAR RdStr[] = TEXT("RD");
TCHAR RemStr[] = TEXT("REM");
TCHAR RemHelpStr[] = TEXT("REM/?");
TCHAR MovStr[] = TEXT("MOVE");
TCHAR RenamStr[] = TEXT("RENAME");
TCHAR RenStr[] = TEXT("REN");
TCHAR RmdirStr[] = TEXT("RMDIR");
TCHAR SetStr[] = TEXT("SET");
TCHAR SetArithStr[] = TEXT("/A");
TCHAR SetlocalStr[] = TEXT("SETLOCAL"); // M004 - For Setlocal command
TCHAR ShiftStr[] = TEXT("SHIFT");
TCHAR StartStr[] = TEXT("START"); // @@ - Start Command
TCHAR TimStr[] = TEXT("TIME");
TCHAR TypStr[] = TEXT("TYPE");
TCHAR VerStr[] = TEXT("VER");
TCHAR VolStr[] = TEXT("VOL");
#ifdef SUDEEPB
BOOLEAN fTsrActive;
// Strings for string compares
TCHAR AutoExec[] = TEXT("\000:\\AUTOEXEC.BAT");
TCHAR BatExt[] = TEXT(".BAT"); // @@ old bat file extionsion
TCHAR CmdExt[] = TEXT(".CMD"); // @@ new bat file extionsion
TCHAR ComSpec[] = TEXT("\\CMD.EXE"); // M017
TCHAR ComExt[] = TEXT(".COM");
TCHAR Delimiters[] = TEXT("=,;");
TCHAR Delim2[] = TEXT(":.+/[]\\ \t\""); // 20H,09H,22H;
TCHAR Delim3[] = TEXT("=,"); // @@ Delimiters - semicolon
TCHAR DevNul[] = TEXT("\\DEV\\NUL");
TCHAR ExeExt[] = TEXT(".EXE");
TCHAR PathStr[] = TEXT("PATH");
TCHAR PathExtDefaultStr[] = TEXT(".COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD");
TCHAR PromptStr[] = TEXT("PROMPT");
TCHAR VolSrch[] = TEXT(" :\\*"); // Vol ID search (ctools1.c) LNS
// Character Definitions
TCHAR BSlash = BSLASH; // M017 - Restored this char
TCHAR CASwitch = TEXT('A');
TCHAR CBSwitch = TEXT('B');
TCHAR CFSwitch = TEXT('F');
TCHAR CVSwitch = TEXT('V');
TCHAR CNSwitch = TEXT('N');
TCHAR CZSwitch = TEXT('Z');
TCHAR DPSwitch = TEXT('P');
TCHAR DWSwitch = TEXT('W');
TCHAR EqualSign = EQ;
TCHAR PathChar = BSLASH; // M000
TCHAR PCSwitch = TEXT('p');
TCHAR BCSwitch = TEXT('k'); // @@ - add /K switch to cmd.exe
TCHAR SCSwitch = TEXT('c');
TCHAR QCSwitch = TEXT('q'); // @@dv - add /Q switch to cmd.exe
TCHAR DCSwitch = TEXT('b'); // add /B switch to cmd.exe
TCHAR UCSwitch = TEXT('u'); // add /U switch to cmd.exe
TCHAR ACSwitch = TEXT('a'); // add /A switch to cmd.exe
TCHAR XCSwitch = TEXT('x'); // add /X switch to cmd.exe
TCHAR YCSwitch = TEXT('y'); // add /Y switch to cmd.exe
TCHAR SwitChar = SWITCHAR; // M000
// TmpBuf is a TMPBUFLEN byte temporary buffer which can be used by any function
// so long as the function's use does not confict with any of the other uses
// of the buffer. It is HIGHLY reccommended that this buffer be used in place
// of mallocing data or declaring new global variables whenever possible.
// Once you have determined that your new use of the buffer does not conflict
// with current uses of the buffer, add an entry in the table below.
// -----------+-------------+---------------------+--------------------------
// 0 - 1024| cparse.c | All of the parser | During parsing and lexing
// | | via TokBuf |
// 0 - 128 | cinit.c | SetUpEnvironment() | During init
// | | Init() |
// 0 - 513 | cbatch.c | BatLoop(), SetBat() | During batch processing
// | | eGoTo() | During label search
// 257-512 | ctools1.c | FullPath() | As tmp buffer
// 257-340 | cclock.c | GetVerSetDateTime() | As tmp token buffer
// 260-519 | ctools2.c | argstr1() | Buffer to format messages via MAXPATHLEN
// 520-779 | | argstr2() | Buffer to format messages via MAXPATHLEN*2
// 0 - 141 | cfile.c | DelWork() | Tmp buffer for path
// 0 - 141 | | RenWork() | Tmp buffer for path
// 128-138 | cinfo.c | VolWork() | Tmp buffer for serial num
// 520-780 | cdir.c | DirDrvSetUp() | Tmp buffer for filename
// *** NOTE: In some circumstances it may be beneficial to break up allocation
// of this buffer and intermix other labels in it. In this way, you can
// address a particular portion of the buffer without having to declare
// another variable in your code to do so.
// *** WARNING *** If this buffer is used incorrectly all hell may break
// lose. Bugs which are EXTREMELY difficult to track down could be introduce
// if we are not VERY careful using this buffer.
// *** WARNING *** When referencing TmpBuf in C files, make sure that TmpBuf
// is declared as an array; NOT as a pointer.
TCHAR TmpBuf[TMPBUFLEN]; // The first half 256 bytes, remainder TMPBUFLEN-256
HANDLE mpHandleStdio[10];