195 lines
5.7 KiB
195 lines
5.7 KiB
/*** command.h - Definitions for Commands derived from a directives file
* Microsoft Confidential
* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1993-1994
* All Rights Reserved.
* Author:
* Benjamin W. Slivka
* History:
* 14-Aug-1993 bens Initial version
* 20-Aug-1993 bens Added new commands
* 22-Aug-1993 bens Added ctCOMMENT, fleshed out COMMAND structure
* 08-Feb-1994 bens Add details to COMMAND structure
* 10-Feb-1994 bens Added COMMAND asserts, more complete union
* 12-Mar-1994 bens Add .Dump and .Define directives
* 22-Apr-1994 bens Add list of parameters to cmd.file
* 25-Apr-1994 bens Add customizable INF stuff
* 02-May-1994 bens Removed commands we won't implement
* 03-Jun-1994 bens Add .Option command
#include "fileutil.h" // get cbFILE_NAME_MAX
#include "glist.h" // get generic list support
#include "variable.h" // get variable limits
//BUGBUG 25-Apr-1994 bens Copy definition to avoid nested include hell
//#include "inf.h" // Get cbINF_LINE_MAX
#define cbINF_LINE_MAX 512 // Maximum INF line length
/*** COMMANDTYPE - enumeration of parsed DDF commands
typedef enum {
ctBAD, // bad command
ctCOMMENT, // a comment line
ctDEFINE, // Define
ctDELETE, // Delete
ctDUMP, // Dump
ctFILE, // a file specification
ctINF_BEGIN, // Begin INF lines
ctINF_END, // End INF lines
ctINF_WRITE, // Write a line to an area of the INF file
ctINF_WRITE_CAB, // InfWriteCabinet
ctINF_WRITE_DISK, // InfWriteDisk
ctOPTION, // Option
ctNEW, // New
ctREFERENCE, // an INF file reference
ctSET, // Set
} COMMANDTYPE; /* ct */
/*** NEWTYPE - modifier for ctNEW (.New command)
typedef enum {
newBAD, // bad object
newFOLDER, // make a new folder
newCABINET, // make a new cabinet
newDISK, // make a new disk
} NEWTYPE; /* nt */
/*** OPTFLAGS - modifier for ctOPTION (.Option command)
typedef unsigned short OPTFLAGS; /* of */
#define optEXPLICIT 0x0001 // .Option [No]Explicit
/*** INFAREA - modifier for ctINF_WRITE
typedef enum {
infBAD, // bad INF area
infDISK, // Write to disk area of INF file
infCABINET, // Write to cabinet area of INF file
infFILE, // Write to file area of INF file
} INFAREA; /* inf */
#ifdef ASSERT
#define sigCOMMAND MAKESIG('C','M','D','$') // COMMAND signature
#define AssertCmd(pcmd) AssertStructure(pcmd,sigCOMMAND);
#else // !ASSERT
#define AssertCmd(pcmd)
#endif // !ASSERT
typedef struct {
#ifdef ASSERT
SIGNATURE sig; // structure signature sigCOMMAND
COMMANDTYPE ct; // Command to perform
union {
struct cmdDiskLabel { // .DiskLabel
int nDisk; // Disk number (0 if not specified)
char *pszLabel; // Name printed on sticky disk label
} label;
struct cmdDelete { // .Delete
char achVarName[cbVAR_NAME_MAX]; // Variable name
} delete;
struct cmdFile { // {Copy File Command}
char achSrc[cbFILE_NAME_MAX]; // Source file name
char achDst[cbFILE_NAME_MAX]; // Destination (or NULL)
HGENLIST hglist; // List of /X=Y parameters
BOOL fRunFlag; // Run upon extraction
} file;
struct cmdInfWrite {
INFAREA inf; // Area of INF to write to
char achLine[cbINF_LINE_MAX]; // Line to write to INF
} inf;
struct cmdNew {
NEWTYPE nt; // Type of object boundary
} new;
struct cmdOption {
OPTFLAGS of; // Option flags
OPTFLAGS ofMask; // Mask for *of* to indicate changed bits
} opt;
struct cmdReference { // {INF File Reference}
char achDst[cbFILE_NAME_MAX]; // Destination
HGENLIST hglist; // List of /X=Y parameters
} ref;
struct cmdSet { // .Set and .Define
char achVarName[cbVAR_NAME_MAX]; // Variable name
char achValue[cbVAR_VALUE_MAX]; // New value
} set;
struct cmdOther { // Used by all other commands
char *psz;
} other;
//BUGBUG 14-Aug-1993 bens COMMAND is incomplete
} COMMAND; /* cmd */
typedef COMMAND *PCOMMAND; /* pcmd */
#ifdef ASSERT
#define sigFILEPARM MAKESIG('F','P','A','R') // FILEPARM signature
#define AssertFparm(p) AssertStructure(p,sigFILEPARM);
#else // !ASSERT
#define AssertFparm(p)
#endif // !ASSERT
/*** FILEPARM - Value (Y) of "/X=Y" parameter from a file copy line
typedef struct {
#ifdef ASSERT
SIGNATURE sig; // structure signature sigFILEPARM
char *pszValue; // Parameter value
} FILEPARM; /* fparm */
typedef FILEPARM *PFILEPARM; /* pfparm */
/*** DestroyFileParm - Function to destroy a file parameter
* Entry:
* pv - pointer to a FILEPARM (may be NULL, which is a NOP)
* Exit:
* FILEPARM destroyed;
/*** DuplicateFileParm - Function to duplicate a file parameter
* Entry:
* pv - pointer to a FILEPARM
* Exit-Success:
* Returns pointer to duplicated FILEPARM
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns NULL;