377 lines
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377 lines
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/*** dfparse.h - Definitions for Directives File parser
* Microsoft Confidential
* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1993-1994
* All Rights Reserved.
* Author:
* Benjamin W. Slivka
* History:
* 10-Aug-1993 bens Initial version
* 12-Aug-1993 bens Removed summary of directives file syntax
* 14-Aug-1993 bens Start working on parser proper
* 21-Aug-1993 bens Return HVARLIST from DFPInit()
* 22-Aug-1993 bens Fleshed out directive parsing
* 10-Feb-1994 bens Added SESSION asserts
* 14-Feb-1994 bens Added FCI context information
* 15-Feb-1994 bens Export DFPParseVarAssignment()
* 16-Feb-1994 bens Add file byte count totals to SESSION
* 21-Feb-1994 bens Add wrapper for stdout writes (lineOut)
* 08-Mar-1994 bens Control INF generation
* 30-Mar-1994 bens Keep track of file counts per folder/cabinet/disk
* 25-Apr-1994 bens Add customizable INF stuff
* 27-May-1994 bens Add CompressionXxxx support
* 28-Mar-1995 jeffwe Add ChecksumWidth variable
#include <time.h>
#include "error.h"
#include "textfile.h"
#include "variable.h"
#include "filelist.h"
#include "fileutil.h" // Get cbFILE_NAME_MAX
#include "command.h"
/*** HINF - handle to INF context
* NOTE: Duplication copied from INF.H to avoid chicken-and-egg definition
* problem. INF.H needs PSESSION, and PSESSION needs HINF!
typedef void *HINF; /* hinf */
#ifdef BIT16
#include "chuck\fci.h"
#else // !BIT16
#include "chuck\nt\fci.h"
#endif // !BIT16
//** Random constants
//BUGBUG 21-Feb-1994 bens Hard-coded screen width
#define cchSCREEN_WIDTH 79 // Width of std screen - 1
//** Directive file limits
#define cbMAX_DF_LINE 256 // Maximum length of a directives file line
#define cbMAX_COMMAND_NAME 50 // Maxmimum length of a command name
/*** DDFMODE - Mode of INF generation indicated by DDF
typedef enum {
} DDFMODE; /* ddfmode */
/*** ACTION - What action Diamond command line requested
typedef enum {
actBAD, // Invalid action
actHELP, // Show help
actFILE, // Compress a single file specification
actDIRECTIVE, // Process a directives file
} ACTION; /* act */
/*** VERBOSITY - Verbosity of debug output
typedef enum {
vbNONE, // Minimal output during disk layout
vbSOME, // Only high-level status feedback
vbMORE, // Medium level status feedback
vbFULL, // Lots of feedback!
#ifdef ASSERT
#define sigSESSION MAKESIG('S','E','S','S') // SESSION signature
#define AssertSess(psess) AssertStructure(psess,sigSESSION);
#else // !ASSERT
#define AssertSess(psess)
#endif // !ASSERT
typedef struct {
#ifdef ASSERT
SIGNATURE sig; // structure signature sigSESSION
ACTION act; // Action to perform
HFILELIST hflistDirectives; // Directive file list, or single file
HVARLIST hvlist; // List of variables
HVARLIST hvlistPass2; // List of variables for pass 2
BOOL fPass2; // Doing pass 2 processing
int iDisk; // Current disk number
int iCabinet; // Current cabinet number
int iFolder; // Current folder number
long cbDiskLeft; // Count of bytes left on current disk
long cFilesInFolder; // Count of files in current folder
long cFilesInCabinet; // Count of files in current cabinet
long cFilesInDisk; // Count of files in current disk
long cbCabinetEstimate; // Estimated size of last cabinet
long cbClusterCabEst; // Custer size for estimated cabinet
int cErrors; // Count of errors encountered
int cWarnings; // Count of warnings encountered
VERBOSITY levelVerbose; // Verbosity level
HFCI hfci; // FCI context
ERF erf; // FCI error structure
BOOL fNoLineFeed; // TRUE if last printf did not have \n
int cchLastLine; // Length of last line written to stdout
ULONG cbTotalFileBytes; // Total bytes in files (from pass 1)
ULONG cbFileBytes; // Running total of bytes processed
ULONG cbFileBytesComp; // Running total of compressed bytes
long cFiles; // Total files in directives file(s)
long iCurrFile; // Index of file in DDF; 0 means no
// file copy commands have been
// processed, yet.
HINF hinf; // Inf file info
clock_t clkStart; // Time at start of run
clock_t clkEnd; // Time at end of run
BOOL fGenerateInf; // TRUE => generate INF file
USHORT setID; // Cabinet set ID for FCI
HGENLIST hglistFiles; // List of files in session
HGENERIC hgenFile; // Next file in hglistFiles to be placed
HGENERIC hgenFileLast; // Last file added to hglistFiles
DDFMODE ddfmode; // DDF INF generation mode
BOOL fExpectFileCommand; // TRUE => non-command DDF lines are
// file copy commands;
// FALSE => non-command DDF lines are
// INF reference commands
BOOL fCopyToInf; // TRUE => Copy lines to INF file
INFAREA inf; // if fCopyToInf is true, area of INF
// lines are being copied to.
BOOL fExplicitVarDefine; // TRUE => Vars must be .Define before .Set
BOOL fGetVerInfo; // TRUE => Get file version/lang info
BOOL fGetFileChecksum; // TRUE => Compute file checksum
BOOL fForceNewDisk; // TRUE => Force new disk next time we
// check; get's reset at that time
BOOL fRunSeen; // TRUE => /RUN flag already seen
char achCurrFile[cbFILE_NAME_MAX]; // Last file sent to FCIAddFile
char achMsg[cbMAX_DF_LINE*2]; // Message formatting buffer
char achBlanks[cchSCREEN_WIDTH+1]; // Buffer of spaces
char achCurrDiskLabel[cbFILE_NAME_MAX]; // Current readable disk label
char achCurrOutputDir[cbFILE_NAME_MAX]; // Current output disk directory
int fFailOnIncompressible; // TRUE => Fail if a block is incompressible
} SESSION; /* sess */
typedef SESSION *PSESSION; /* psess */
/*** PFNDIRFILEPARSE - Function type for DFPParse call back
*** FNDIRFILEPARSE - macro to help define DFPParse call back function
* Entry:
* psess - Session
* pcmd - Command to process
* htfDF - Handle to directives file
* pszLine - Line from directives file
* iLine - Line number in directives file
* perr - ERROR structure
* Exit-Success:
* Returns TRUE; continue with parse.
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns FALSE; abort parse
* ERROR structure filled in with details of error.
char *pszLine,
int iLine,
PERROR perr);
#define FNDIRFILEPARSE(fn) BOOL fn(PSESSION psess, \
PCOMMAND pcmd, \
char *pszLine, \
int iLine, \
PERROR perr)
/*** DFPInit - initialize directive file parser
* Entry:
* psess - Session
* perr - ERROR structure
* Exit-Success:
* Returns HVARLIST of standard variables.
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns NULL; perr filled in with error.
/*** DFPParse - Parse a directive file
* Entry:
* psess - Session
* htfDF - Open directive file to parse
* pfndfp - Function to call back after each line is parsed
* perr - ERROR structure
* Exit-Success:
* Returns TRUE; directives file parsed successfully
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns FALSE; perr filled in with error.
PERROR perr);
/*** DFPParseVarAssignment - Parse var=value string
* Entry:
* pcmd - Command to fill in after line is parsed
* psess - Session state
* pszArg - Start of argument string (var=value or var="value")
* perr - ERROR structure
* Exit-Success:
* Returns TRUE; pcmd filled in
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns FALSE; perr filled in with error.
* Syntax:
* var=value
* var="value"
* (1) Any leading spaces (between = operator and first non-whitespace
* character) are removed from value, as are any trailing spaces.
* (2) No variable substition is performed by this function.
BOOL DFPParseVarAssignment(PCOMMAND pcmd,
char * pszArg,
PERROR perr);
/*** IsSpecialDiskSize - Check if supplied size is a standard one
* Entry:
* psess - Session state
* pszDiskSize - String with disk size
* Exit-Success:
* Returns non-zero disk size; Special size specified
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns 0; not a special size
long IsSpecialDiskSize(PSESSION psess,char *pszDiskSize);
/*** BOOLfromPSZ - Get boolean from string value
* Entry:
* psz - String to convert (YES/NO/TRUE/FALSE/1/0)
* Exit-Success:
* Returns BOOL version of string (TRUE or FALSE)
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns -1; perr filled in
BOOL BOOLfromPSZ(char *psz, PERROR perr);
/*** ChecksumWidthFromPSZ - Get Checksum Width from a string
* Entry:
* psz - String to parse
* perr - ERROR structure
* Exit-Success:
* Returns checksum width.
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns -1; perr filled in.
int ChecksumWidthFromPSZ(char *psz, PERROR perr);
/*** CompTypeFromPSZ - Get Compression Type from a string
* Entry:
* psz - String to parse
* perr - ERROR structure
* Exit-Success:
* Returns compression type.
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns -1; perr filled in.
int CompTypeFromPSZ(char *psz, PERROR perr);
/*** CompLevelFromPSZ - Get Compression Level from a string
* Entry:
* psz - String to parse
* perr - ERROR structure
* Exit-Success:
* Returns compression level.
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns -1; perr filled in.
int CompLevelFromPSZ(char *psz, PERROR perr);
/*** CompMemoryFromPSZ - Get Compression Memory from a string
* Entry:
* psz - String to parse
* perr - ERROR structure
* Exit-Success:
* Returns compression memory.
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns -1; perr filled in.
int CompMemoryFromPSZ(char *psz, PERROR perr);
/*** lineOut - write line to stdout with padding
* Entry:
* psess - Current session
* pszLine - Line to write
* fLineFeed - TRUE => write line feed (else, just carriage return)
* Exit:
* Line written to stdout
void lineOut(PSESSION psess, char *pszLine, BOOL fLineFeed);