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/*** inf.h - Diamond INF generation definitions
* Microsoft Confidential
* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1994
* All Rights Reserved.
* Author:
* Benjamin W. Slivka
* History:
* 23-Feb-1994 bens Initial version
* 24-Feb-1994 bens Remove PSESSION dependency
* 02-Mar-1994 bens Add function header comments
#define INCLUDED_INF 1
#include "types.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "glist.h"
#include "dfparse.h"
#define cbINF_LINE_MAX 512 // Maximum INF line length
#define cbPARM_NAME_MAX 32 // Maximum parameter name length
#ifdef ASSERT
#define sigLINEINFO MAKESIG('L','I','N','E') // LINEINFO signature
#define AssertLinfo(p) AssertStructure(p,sigLINEINFO);
#else // !ASSERT
#define AssertLinfo(p)
#endif // !ASSERT
/*** LINEINFO - Info for a line
* This is stored in a GENLIST with a NULL key.
typedef struct {
#ifdef ASSERT
SIGNATURE sig; // structure signature sigLINEINFO
INFAREA inf; // Area of INF to write line to
char *pszLine; // Line to write to INF
} LINEINFO; /* linfo */
typedef LINEINFO *PLINEINFO; /* plinfo */
#ifdef ASSERT
#define sigFILEINFO MAKESIG('F','I','N','F') // FILEINFO signature
#define AssertFinfo(p) AssertStructure(p,sigFILEINFO);
#else // !ASSERT
#define AssertFinfo(p)
#endif // !ASSERT
/*** fifXXX - flags for FILEINFO.flags field
#define fifWRITTEN_TO_INF 0x0001 // File has been written to INF
#define fifREFERENCED 0x0002 // File has been referenced in INF section
#define fifDATE_SET 0x0004 // Explicit file date has been set in .fta
#define fifTIME_SET 0x0008 // Explicit file date has been set in .fta
#define fifATTR_SET 0x0010 // Explicit file date has been set in .fta
/*** FILEINFO - Info associated with a file
* The destination file name is used as the key in a GENLIST, and a
* pointer to this structure is stored in the user pointer in the GENLIST
* item.
typedef struct {
#ifdef ASSERT
SIGNATURE sig; // structure signature sigFILEINFO
long cbFile; // File size
char *pszDDF; // DDF file name with file copy command
int ilineDDF; // Line in DDF of file copy command
int iDisk; // Disk number (1-based)
int iCabinet; // Cabinet number (1-based, 0=> not in cab)
int iFile; // File number (1-based)
int flags; // fifXxxx flags
FILETIMEATTR fta; // date/time/attributes
HGENLIST hglistParm; // Parameter list
HGENLIST hglistInfLines; // Lines to add to INF after this file
ULONG checksum; // 32-bit checksum of file contents
ULONG verMS; // Most significant 32-bits of file ver
// (0 if no value).
ULONG verLS; // Least significant 32-bits of file ver
// (0 if no value).
char *pszVersion; // String version via VER.DLL (NULL if no
// value).
// NOTE: Can be different from verMS/LS,
// due to sloppy build procedures!
char *pszLang; // Language via VER.DLL API (NULL if no
// value)
} FILEINFO; /* finfo */
typedef FILEINFO *PFILEINFO; /* pfinfo */
#define idiskBAD -1 // Unitialized value for finfo.iDisk
#define icabBAD -1 // Unitialized value for finfo.iCabinet
/*** HINF - handle to INF context
typedef void *HINF; /* hinf */
/*** DestroyFileInfo - Destroy a file info structure
* Entry:
* pv - pointer to a FILEINFO (may be NULL, which is a NOP)
* Exit:
* FILEINFO destroyed;
/*** DestroyLineInfo - Destroy a line info structure
* Entry:
* pv - pointer to a LINEINFO (may be NULL, which is a NOP)
* Exit:
* LINEINFO destroyed;
/*** infCreate - Create INF context
* Entry:
* psess - SESSION structure
* perr - ERROR structure
* Exit-Success:
* returns handle to INF context
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns NULL; perr filled in with error.
HINF infCreate(PSESSION psess, PERROR perr);
/*** infAddLine - Add a line to an INF area
* Entry:
* hinf - handle to INF context
* inf - INF area
* pszLine - Line to add
* perr - ERROR structure
* Exit-Success:
* Returns TRUE; line added to INF
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns FALSE; perr filled in with error.
BOOL infAddLine(HINF hinf, INFAREA inf, char *pszLine, PERROR perr);
/*** infAddCabinet - Add information for a new cabinet to the INF context
* Entry:
* psess - Session
* iCabinet - cabinet number being added
* iDisk - disk number where cabinet resides
* pszCab - cabinet file name
* perr - ERROR structure
* Exit-Success:
* Returns TRUE; cabinet info added to INF context
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns FALSE; perr filled in with error.
BOOL infAddCabinet(PSESSION psess,
int iCabinet,
int iDisk,
char *pszCab,
PERROR perr);
/*** infAddDisk - Add information for a new disk to the INF context
* Entry:
* psess - Session
* iDisk - disk number begin added
* pszDisk - printed label for disk
* perr - ERROR structure
* Exit-Success:
* Returns TRUE; disk info added to INF context
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns FALSE; perr filled in with error.
BOOL infAddDisk(PSESSION psess, int iDisk, char *pszDisk, PERROR perr);
/*** infAddFile - Add information for a new file to the INF context
* Entry:
* psess - Session
* pszFile - Destination file name
* pfinfo - File information
* hglistParm - Parameter list
* perr - ERROR structure
* Exit-Success:
* Returns TRUE; cabinet info added to INF context
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns FALSE; perr filled in with error.
BOOL infAddFile(PSESSION psess,
char *pszFile,
HGENLIST hglistParm,
PERROR perr);
/*** infGenerate - Generate INF file
* NOTE: See inf.h for entry/exit conditions.
BOOL infGenerate(HINF hinf,
char *pszInfFile,
time_t *ptime,
char *pszVer,
PERROR perr);
/*** infDestroy - Destroy INF context
* Entry:
* hinf - handle to INF context to destroy
* perr - ERROR structure
* Exit-Success:
* Returns TRUE; INF context destroyed.
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns FALSE; perr filled in with error.
BOOL infDestroy(HINF hinf, PERROR perr);
/*** ValidateParms - Validate list of file parameters
* Entry:
* psess - Session
* hglist - List of FILEPARMs
* pfinfo - Fileinfo structure to modify (if appropriate)
* perr - ERROR structure
* Exit-Success:
* Returns TRUE; All parameters are valid, *pfinfo modified if
* appropriate (for date, time, attr, size, ...)
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns FALSE; perr filled in with error.
* NOTE: This must be called *before* CheckForInfVarOverrides(), so that
* any parms specified on the file copy command have precedence
* over the values of InfDate, InfTime, and InfAttr variables!
BOOL ValidateParms(PSESSION psess,
HGENLIST hglist,
PERROR perr);
/*** CheckForInfVarOverrides - Apply any InfXxxx overrides to FILEINFO
* Entry:
* psess - Session
* pfinfo - Fileinfo structure to modify (if indicated)
* perr - ERROR structure
* Exit-Success:
* Returns TRUE; All parameters are valid, *pfinfo modified if
* appropriate (for date, time, attr) *only* if pfinfo->flags
* indicates the values have not yet been set.
* Exit-Failure:
* Returns FALSE; perr filled in with error.
* NOTE: This must be called *after* ValidateParms(), so that
* it will not override parms specified on the file copy
* command!
BOOL CheckForInfVarOverrides(PSESSION psess,
PERROR perr);
#endif // !INCLUDED_INF