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** Copyright 1991, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** All Rights Reserved.
** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.;
** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data
** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or
** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished -
** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.
** $Revision: 1.13 $
** $Date: 1993/12/07 00:08:30 $
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
** Material validation routines used to set up matValidate in the methods
** structure.
** Validate vertexes vbuf[0] through v0 (exclusive of v0)
void FASTCALL __glMatValidateVbuf0N(__GLcontext *gc)
__GLvertex *v;
GLuint needs;
needs = gc->vertex.materialNeeds;
for (v = &gc->vertex.vbuf[0]; v < gc->vertex.v0; v++) {
if (~v->has & needs) (*v->validate)(gc, v, needs);
** Validate vbuf[0] and v1.
void FASTCALL __glMatValidateVbuf0V1(__GLcontext *gc)
__GLvertex *v;
GLuint needs;
needs = gc->vertex.materialNeeds;
v = &gc->vertex.vbuf[0];
if (~v->has & needs) (*v->validate)(gc, v, needs);
v = gc->vertex.v1;
if (~v->has & needs) (*v->validate)(gc, v, needs);
** Validate v1 only.
void FASTCALL __glMatValidateV1(__GLcontext *gc)
__GLvertex *v;
GLuint needs;
needs = gc->vertex.materialNeeds;
v = gc->vertex.v1;
if (~v->has & needs) (*v->validate)(gc, v, needs);
** Validate v1 and v2.
void FASTCALL __glMatValidateV1V2(__GLcontext *gc)
__GLvertex *v;
GLuint needs;
needs = gc->vertex.materialNeeds;
v = gc->vertex.v1;
if (~v->has & needs) (*v->validate)(gc, v, needs);
v = gc->vertex.v2;
if (~v->has & needs) (*v->validate)(gc, v, needs);
** Validate v1, v2 and v3.
void FASTCALL __glMatValidateV1V2V3(__GLcontext *gc)
__GLvertex *v;
GLuint needs;
needs = gc->vertex.materialNeeds;
v = gc->vertex.v1;
if (~v->has & needs) (*v->validate)(gc, v, needs);
v = gc->vertex.v2;
if (~v->has & needs) (*v->validate)(gc, v, needs);
v = gc->vertex.v3;
if (~v->has & needs) (*v->validate)(gc, v, needs);
** Validate v2 and v3.
void FASTCALL __glMatValidateV2V3(__GLcontext *gc)
__GLvertex *v;
GLuint needs;
needs = gc->vertex.materialNeeds;
v = gc->vertex.v2;
if (~v->has & needs) (*v->validate)(gc, v, needs);
v = gc->vertex.v3;
if (~v->has & needs) (*v->validate)(gc, v, needs);
** Validate vbuf[0] only.
void FASTCALL __glMatValidateVbuf0(__GLcontext *gc)
__GLvertex *v;
GLuint needs;
needs = gc->vertex.materialNeeds;
v = &gc->vertex.vbuf[0];
if (~v->has & needs) (*v->validate)(gc, v, needs);
** Triangle fan code. The triangle fan machinery keeps the initial vertex
** in gc->vertex.vbuf[0]. As each vertex comes in, the gc->vertex.v0 and
** gc->vertex.v1 pointers are exchanged so that the next new vertex will
** overwrite the previous previous vertex. For example, if five verticies
** are input (named A-E) then this is where the various pointers will point
** when the finish proc is called:
** input v0 v1 new-v0 new-v1 result
** ----- -- -- ------ ------ ------
** begin vbuf[0] n/a
** A A n/a vbuf[1] n/a none
** B B n/a vbuf[2] B none
** C C B B C draw CAB
** D D C C D draw DAC
** E E D D E draw EAD
void FASTCALL OtherTFanVertex(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0)
__GLvertex *v1, *v2;
GLuint orCodes, andCodes;
v1 = gc->vertex.v1;
v2 = &gc->vertex.vbuf[0];
/* Setup to render this triangle */
gc->line.notResetStipple = GL_FALSE;
v0->boundaryEdge = GL_TRUE;
gc->vertex.provoking = v0;
/* Setup for next triangle */
gc->vertex.v1 = v0;
gc->vertex.v0 = v1;
/* Clip check */
orCodes = v0->clipCode | v1->clipCode | v2->clipCode;
if (orCodes) {
/* Some kind of clipping is needed */
andCodes = v0->clipCode & v1->clipCode & v2->clipCode;
if (andCodes) {
/* Trivially reject the triangle */
} else {
/* Clip the triangle */
(*gc->procs.clipTriangle)(gc, v0, v2, v1, orCodes);
} else {
/* Render the triangle */
(*gc->procs.renderTriangle)(gc, v0, v2, v1);
static void FASTCALL SecondTFanVertex(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0)
v0->boundaryEdge = GL_TRUE;
gc->vertex.v0 = v0 + 1;
gc->vertex.v1 = v0;
gc->procs.vertex = OtherTFanVertex;
gc->procs.matValidate = __glMatValidateVbuf0V1;
static void FASTCALL FirstTFanVertex(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0)
v0->boundaryEdge = GL_TRUE;
gc->vertex.v0 = v0 + 1;
gc->procs.vertex = SecondTFanVertex;
void FASTCALL __glBeginTFan(__GLcontext *gc)
gc->vertex.v0 = &gc->vertex.vbuf[0];
gc->procs.vertex = FirstTFanVertex;
gc->procs.matValidate = __glMatValidateVbuf0N;
** Triangle strip vertex machinery. The following table shows what
** happens to the gc->vertex.v0, gc->vertex.v1 and gc->vertex.v2 pointers
** as each vertex is received.
** input v0 v1 v2 new-v0 new-v1 new-v2 result
** ----- -- -- -- ------ ------ ------ ------
** begin vbuf[0] n/a n/a
** A A n/a n/a vbuf[1] n/a A n/a
** B B n/a A vbuf[2] B A n/a
** C C B A A C B draw ABC
** D D C B B D C draw CBD
** E E D C C E D draw DCE
static void FASTCALL OddTStripVertex(__GLcontext*, __GLvertex*);
static void FASTCALL EvenTStripVertex(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0)
__GLvertex *v1, *v2;
GLuint orCodes, andCodes;
v1 = gc->vertex.v1;
v2 = gc->vertex.v2;
/* setup for rendering this triangle */
gc->line.notResetStipple = GL_FALSE;
v0->boundaryEdge = GL_TRUE;
gc->vertex.provoking = v0;
/* Clip check & setup for next triangle */
orCodes = v0->clipCode | v1->clipCode | v2->clipCode;
gc->vertex.v0 = v2;
gc->vertex.v1 = v0;
gc->vertex.v2 = v1;
gc->procs.vertex = OddTStripVertex;
if (orCodes) {
/* Some kind of clipping is needed */
andCodes = v0->clipCode & v1->clipCode & v2->clipCode;
if (andCodes) {
/* Trivially reject the triangle */
} else {
/* Clip the triangle (NOTE: v1, v2, v0) */
(*gc->procs.clipTriangle)(gc, v1, v2, v0, orCodes);
} else {
/* Render the triangle (NOTE: v1, v2, v0) */
(*gc->procs.renderTriangle)(gc, v1, v2, v0);
static void FASTCALL OddTStripVertex(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0)
__GLvertex *v1, *v2;
GLuint orCodes, andCodes;
v1 = gc->vertex.v1;
v2 = gc->vertex.v2;
/* setup for rendering this triangle */
gc->line.notResetStipple = GL_FALSE;
v0->boundaryEdge = GL_TRUE;
gc->vertex.provoking = v0;
/* Clip check & setup for next triangle */
orCodes = v0->clipCode | v1->clipCode | v2->clipCode;
gc->vertex.v0 = v2;
gc->vertex.v1 = v0;
gc->vertex.v2 = v1;
gc->procs.vertex = EvenTStripVertex;
if (orCodes) {
/* Some kind of clipping is needed */
andCodes = v0->clipCode & v1->clipCode & v2->clipCode;
if (andCodes) {
/* Trivially reject the triangle */
} else {
/* Clip the triangle (NOTE: v2, v1, v0) */
(*gc->procs.clipTriangle)(gc, v2, v1, v0, orCodes);
} else {
/* Render the triangle (NOTE: v2, v1, v0) */
(*gc->procs.renderTriangle)(gc, v2, v1, v0);
static void FASTCALL SecondTStripVertex(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0)
v0->boundaryEdge = GL_TRUE;
gc->vertex.v0 = v0 + 1;
gc->vertex.v1 = v0;
gc->procs.vertex = OddTStripVertex;
gc->procs.matValidate = __glMatValidateV1V2;
static void FASTCALL FirstTStripVertex(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0)
v0->boundaryEdge = GL_TRUE;
gc->vertex.v0 = v0 + 1;
gc->vertex.v2 = v0;
gc->procs.vertex = SecondTStripVertex;
void FASTCALL __glBeginTStrip(__GLcontext *gc)
gc->vertex.v0 = &gc->vertex.vbuf[0];
gc->procs.vertex = FirstTStripVertex;
gc->procs.matValidate = __glMatValidateVbuf0N;
** Separate triangle vertex machinery. This is the simplest machine in
** that all that needs doing is to advance the finish proc each time
** until the a third vertex is received. After the third vertex is
** received, a triangle is emitted to the clipper and the finish proc is
** reset to the beginning.
/* forward declaration */
static void FASTCALL FirstTrianglesVertex(__GLcontext*, __GLvertex*);
static void FASTCALL ThirdTrianglesVertex(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0)
__GLvertex *vbuf0 = &gc->vertex.vbuf[0];
__GLvertex *vbuf1 = &gc->vertex.vbuf[1];
GLuint orCodes, andCodes;
/* Setup for this triangle */
gc->line.notResetStipple = GL_FALSE;
v0->boundaryEdge = gc->state.current.edgeTag;
gc->vertex.provoking = v0;
/* Setup for the next triangle */
gc->vertex.v0 = vbuf0;
gc->procs.vertex = FirstTrianglesVertex;
/* Clip check */
orCodes = v0->clipCode | vbuf0->clipCode | vbuf1->clipCode;
if (orCodes) {
/* Some kind of clipping is needed */
andCodes = v0->clipCode & vbuf0->clipCode & vbuf1->clipCode;
if (andCodes) {
/* Trivially reject the triangle */
} else {
/* Clip the triangle */
(*gc->procs.clipTriangle)(gc, v0, vbuf0, vbuf1, orCodes);
} else {
/* Render the triangle */
(*gc->procs.renderTriangle)(gc, v0, vbuf0, vbuf1);
static void FASTCALL SecondTrianglesVertex(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0)
v0->boundaryEdge = gc->state.current.edgeTag;
gc->vertex.v0 = v0 + 1;
gc->procs.vertex = ThirdTrianglesVertex;
static void FASTCALL FirstTrianglesVertex(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0)
v0->boundaryEdge = gc->state.current.edgeTag;
gc->vertex.v0 = v0 + 1;
gc->procs.vertex = SecondTrianglesVertex;
void FASTCALL __glBeginTriangles(__GLcontext *gc)
gc->vertex.v0 = &gc->vertex.vbuf[0];
gc->procs.vertex = FirstTrianglesVertex;
gc->procs.matValidate = __glMatValidateVbuf0N;
** Quad strip vertex machinery.
** In the table below, headings v0 through v3 define what the pointers
** v0-v3 point to before the finish proc is executed (and after the
** vertex has been set by the users glVertex call). v0' through v3'
** define what the pointers point to after the finish proc has executed.
** Result indicates what the consequences of the finish proc were. The
** symbols used for a vertex column indicate which of the users verticies
** (A through H) are pointed to by the vertex pointer, and which buffer
** cell is being used. For example, A0 means that buffer cell zero holds
** the A vertex. The symbol "-2" means that the vertex points to buffer
** cell two, but that it holds no meaningful user vertex.
** The table shows the pointer transitions for 10 verticies which emit
** four quads (or eight triangles).
** input v0 v1 v2 v3 v0' v1' v2' v3' result
** ----- -- -- -- -- --- --- --- --- ------
** begin -- -- -- -- -0 -- -- --
** A A0 -- -- -- -1 -- -- A0
** B B1 -- -- A0 -2 -- B1 A0
** C C2 -- B1 A0 -3 C2 B1 A0
** D D3 C2 B1 A0 -0 C2 D3 C2 draw ABC, CBD
** E E0 C2 D3 C2 -1 E0 D3 C2
** F F1 E0 D3 C2 -2 E0 F1 E0 draw CDE, EDF
** G G2 E0 F1 E0 -3 G2 F1 E0
** H H3 G2 F1 E0 -0 G2 H3 G2 draw EFG, GFH
** I I0 G2 H3 G2 -1 I0 H3 G2
** J J1 I0 H3 G2 -2 I0 J1 I0 draw GHI, IHJ
/* forward declaration */
static void FASTCALL ThirdQStripVertex(__GLcontext*, __GLvertex*);
static void FASTCALL FourthQStripVertex(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0)
__GLvertex *v1, *v2, *v3;
GLuint orCodes, andCodes;
__GLvertex *iv[4];
v1 = gc->vertex.v1;
v2 = gc->vertex.v2;
v3 = gc->vertex.v3;
/* Setup for this quad */
gc->line.notResetStipple = GL_FALSE;
v0->boundaryEdge = GL_TRUE;
gc->vertex.provoking = v0;
/* Setup for next quad */
gc->vertex.v0 = v3;
gc->vertex.v2 = v0;
gc->vertex.v3 = v1;
gc->procs.vertex = ThirdQStripVertex;
gc->procs.matValidate = __glMatValidateV2V3;
/* Clip Check */
orCodes = v0->clipCode | v1->clipCode | v2->clipCode | v3->clipCode;
if (orCodes) {
/* Some kind of clipping is needed */
andCodes = v0->clipCode & v1->clipCode & v2->clipCode & v3->clipCode;
if (andCodes) {
/* Trivially reject the quad */
} else {
/* Clip the quad as a polygon */
iv[0] = v3;
iv[1] = v2;
iv[2] = v0;
iv[3] = v1;
__glDoPolygonClip(gc, &iv[0], 4, orCodes);
} else {
/* Render the quad as two triangles */
v2->boundaryEdge = GL_FALSE;
(*gc->procs.renderTriangle)(gc, v1, v3, v2);
v1->boundaryEdge = GL_FALSE;
v2->boundaryEdge = GL_TRUE;
(*gc->procs.renderTriangle)(gc, v1, v2, v0);
v1->boundaryEdge = GL_TRUE;
static void FASTCALL ThirdQStripVertex(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0)
v0->boundaryEdge = GL_TRUE;
gc->vertex.v0 = v0 + 1;
gc->vertex.v1 = v0;
gc->procs.vertex = FourthQStripVertex;
gc->procs.matValidate = __glMatValidateV1V2V3;
static void FASTCALL SecondQStripVertex(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0)
v0->boundaryEdge = GL_TRUE;
gc->vertex.v0 = v0 + 1;
gc->vertex.v2 = v0;
gc->procs.vertex = ThirdQStripVertex;
static void FASTCALL FirstQStripVertex(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0)
v0->boundaryEdge = GL_TRUE;
gc->vertex.v0 = v0 + 1;
gc->vertex.v3 = v0;
gc->procs.vertex = SecondQStripVertex;
void FASTCALL __glBeginQStrip(__GLcontext *gc)
gc->vertex.v0 = &gc->vertex.vbuf[0];
gc->procs.vertex = FirstQStripVertex;
gc->procs.matValidate = __glMatValidateVbuf0N;
** Separate quad vertex machinery. This is the simplest machine in that
** all that needs doing is to advance the finish proc each time until the
** a fourth vertex is received. After the fourth vertex is received, two
** triangles are emitted to the clipper and the finish proc is reset to
** the beginning.
/* forward declaration */
static void FASTCALL FirstQuadsVertex(__GLcontext*, __GLvertex*);
static void FASTCALL FourthQuadsVertex(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0)
__GLvertex *va, *vb, *vc;
GLuint orCodes, andCodes;
GLboolean saveTag;
__GLvertex *iv[4];
va = &gc->vertex.vbuf[0];
vb = &gc->vertex.vbuf[1];
vc = &gc->vertex.vbuf[2];
/* Setup for this triangle */
v0->boundaryEdge = gc->state.current.edgeTag;
gc->line.notResetStipple = GL_FALSE;
gc->vertex.provoking = v0;
/* Setup for next quad */
gc->vertex.v0 = va;
gc->procs.vertex = FirstQuadsVertex;
/* Clip Check */
orCodes = v0->clipCode | va->clipCode | vb->clipCode | vc->clipCode;
if (orCodes) {
/* Some kind of clipping is needed */
andCodes = v0->clipCode & va->clipCode & vb->clipCode & vc->clipCode;
if (andCodes) {
/* Trivially reject the quad */
} else {
/* Clip the quad as a polygon */
iv[0] = va;
iv[1] = vb;
iv[2] = vc;
iv[3] = v0;
__glDoPolygonClip(gc, &iv[0], 4, orCodes);
} else {
/* Render the quad as two triangles */
saveTag = vb->boundaryEdge;
vb->boundaryEdge = GL_FALSE;
(*gc->procs.renderTriangle)(gc, v0, va, vb);
vb->boundaryEdge = saveTag;
v0->boundaryEdge = GL_FALSE;
(*gc->procs.renderTriangle)(gc, v0, vb, vc);
static void FASTCALL ThirdQuadsVertex(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0)
v0->boundaryEdge = gc->state.current.edgeTag;
gc->vertex.v0 = v0 + 1;
gc->procs.vertex = FourthQuadsVertex;
static void FASTCALL SecondQuadsVertex(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0)
v0->boundaryEdge = gc->state.current.edgeTag;
gc->vertex.v0 = v0 + 1;
gc->procs.vertex = ThirdQuadsVertex;
static void FASTCALL FirstQuadsVertex(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0)
v0->boundaryEdge = gc->state.current.edgeTag;
gc->vertex.v0 = v0 + 1;
gc->procs.vertex = SecondQuadsVertex;
void FASTCALL __glBeginQuads(__GLcontext *gc)
gc->vertex.v0 = &gc->vertex.vbuf[0];
gc->procs.vertex = FirstQuadsVertex;
gc->procs.matValidate = __glMatValidateVbuf0N;
static void FASTCALL PolygonVertex(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0)
v0->boundaryEdge = gc->state.current.edgeTag;
if (v0 == &gc->vertex.vbuf[__GL_NVBUF - 1]) {
__GLvertex *vFirst = &gc->vertex.vbuf[0];
__GLvertex *vPrev = v0 - 1;
GLboolean vPrevTag = vPrev->boundaryEdge;
** This vertex (v0) just filled up the last cell in the vertex
** buffer. Flush out the current polygon state (without this new
** vertex) into the clipper. Mark the closing edge of this
** decomposed polygon as non-boundary because we are
** synthetically generating it.
vPrev->boundaryEdge = GL_FALSE;
(*gc->procs.clipPolygon)(gc, vFirst, __GL_NVBUF - 1);
vPrev->boundaryEdge = vPrevTag;
** Now reset the vertex buffer to contain three verticies:
** vFirst, vPrev, and the new vertex in v0. This is done with
** copies because the decomposer expects the polygon verticies to
** be in sequential memory order. Since this is supposedly
** a very rare event, the copies are probably reasonable.
gc->vertex.vbuf[1] = *vPrev;
gc->vertex.vbuf[2] = *v0;
gc->vertex.v0 = &gc->vertex.vbuf[3];
** Mark the first vertex's edge tag as non-boundary because when
** it gets rendered again it will no longer be a boundary edge.
vFirst->boundaryEdge = GL_FALSE;
} else {
gc->vertex.v0 = v0 + 1;
void FASTCALL __glEndPolygon(__GLcontext *gc)
__GLvertex *v0 = gc->vertex.v0;
__GLvertex *vFirst = &gc->vertex.vbuf[0];
GLint nv = v0 - vFirst;
if (nv >= 3) {
** Decompose polygon remaining in the buffer. The first vertex's
** edge tag will have been set properly if this is the tail part
** of a large polygon that overflowed the internal vertex buffer.
(*gc->procs.clipPolygon)(gc, vFirst, nv);
gc->procs.vertex = __glNopVertex;
gc->procs.endPrim = __glEndPrim;
void FASTCALL __glBeginPolygon(__GLcontext *gc)
gc->line.notResetStipple = GL_FALSE;
gc->vertex.v0 = &gc->vertex.vbuf[0];
gc->procs.vertex = PolygonVertex;
gc->procs.endPrim = __glEndPolygon;
** XXX
** This is pretty stupid. We should pay more attention with polygons
** as to which vertexes have been validated. We don't want to revalidate
** them all of the time if the material keeps changing (there could
** be alot!). However, this should work, so it will do for now.
gc->procs.matValidate = __glMatValidateVbuf0N;