239 lines
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239 lines
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// Class Definitions for TextView windows
// Created 5 August 1992 by Ron Murray
#ifndef __TEXTVIEW_H__
#define __TEXTVIEW_H__
#include "ByteVect.h"
// #include "TheApp.h"
#include "TextSet.h"
// CTextView -- a view onto a text data object.
class CTextView : public CTextDisplay
// Creators:
static CTextView *NewTextView();
static CTextView *NewTextView(PSZ pszWindowName, RECT *prc, HINSTANCE hinst, HWND hwndParent);
static CTextView *NewTextView(CTextMatrix * ptdm);
static CTextView *NewTextView(CTextMatrix * ptdm, PSZ pszWindowName, RECT *prc, HINSTANCE hinst, HWND hwndParent);
// Destructor:
// Interface:
void RawDataEvent(UINT uEventType);
HWND GetHWnd() { return m_hwnd; }
HWND OpenWindow(PSZ pszWindowName, RECT *prc, HINSTANCE hinst, HWND hwndParent);
BOOL SubclassDlgItem(UINT nId, HWND hwndParent);
void SetTextDatabase(CTextMatrix * ptdm); // Connect to data
void SetFont(HFONT hFont);
HGDIOBJ ReleaseFont();
void Invalidate() { ::InvalidateRect(m_hwnd, NULL, TRUE); }
void InvalidateImage(long row , long col, // Data has changed...
long cRows, long cCols
void RepaintFrom(long row, long col);
LONG TopRow() { return m_lTopLine; }
LONG LeftColumn() { return long(m_iLeftCol); }
UINT FullRows() { return m_cImageFullRows; }
UINT FullColumns() { return m_cImageFullCols; }
LONG DataRows() { return m_clFileRows; }
LONG DataColumns() { return m_clFileCols; }
UINT CharHeight() { return m_nCyChar; }
UINT CharWidth() { return m_nCxChar; }
UINT TopGap() { return TopMargin; }
void EnableCheckboxes(BOOL bState) {
m_bUseCheck = bState;
m_LeftMargin = (m_nCxChar >> 1) + (m_bUseCheck ? m_iCheckWidth : 0);
void SwallowMouseActivates(BOOL fSwallow)
{ m_fSwallowMouseActivate = fSwallow; }
void MoveTo(long rowTop, long colLeft, BOOL fNotify= TRUE);
void ScrollTo(int rowTop, int colLeft,
int cRows, int cCols
void PaddedScrollTo(long rowTop, long colLeft,
unsigned short cRows, unsigned short cCols
void MoveToRow(long row, BOOL fForceUpdate = TRUE,
BOOL fNotify = TRUE);
void MoveToCol(long col, BOOL fForceUpdate = TRUE,
BOOL fNotify = TRUE);
int GetScrollContext(int cLines)
{ return m_cLinesScrollContext; }
void SetScrollContext(int cLines)
{ m_cLinesScrollContext= cLines; }
void Unsubclass()
// Shouldn't need to unsubclass the actual window
BOOL OnEraseBkgnd(HDC hdc);
void OnPaint();
void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
void OnSizeChar(int cx,int cy);
void OnWindowPosChanged( WINDOWPOS FAR* lpwndpos );
void OnSetFocus (HWND hwndOld);
void OnKillFocus(HWND hwndNew);
void OnLButtonDown(UINT nflags, POINTS point);
void OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nflags, POINTS point);
void OnLButtonUp (UINT nflags, POINTS point);
void OnMouseMove (UINT nflags, POINTS point);
UINT OnNcHitTest(POINTS point);
BOOL OnSetCursor(HWND hwnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message);
void OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent);
void OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
void OnKeyUp(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
int OnMouseActivate(HWND hFrameWnd, UINT nHitTest,
UINT message
return (hFrameWnd==GetActiveWindow())
: m_fSwallowMouseActivate? MA_ACTIVATEANDEAT
static BOOL RegisterWndClass(HINSTANCE hInstance);
static LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam);
// Constructors:
HWND m_hwnd;
int m_cLinesScrollContext;
BOOL m_fSwallowMouseActivate;
CTextMatrix *m_ptdm;
BOOL m_fGotFocus;
BOOL m_fMouseCaptured;
BOOL m_fTimerActive;
UINT m_hTimer;
WNDPROC m_fpOldWndProc;
TEXTMETRIC m_FontMetrics; // Metrics for the font used to draw text.
HFONT m_hFontAlternate;
HFONT m_hFontDefault;// Handle to the default font Must match metrics!
HFONT m_hFont; // Handle to the current font Must match metrics!
HBITMAP m_hCheck;
HBITMAP m_hNoCheck;
BOOL m_bUseCheck;
PSTR m_pbText;
int m_cbText;
void Init();
void Init(CTextMatrix * ptdm);
void InitState();
void MatchBuffToWindow();
void FillBuff();
void RedrawFocusBar();
void SetupMarquee ();
void InvalidateMarquee();
void StartMarquee (HDC hdc= NULL);
void CycleMarquee (HDC hdc= NULL);
void RemoveMarquee (HDC hdc= NULL);
void RepaintMarquee(HDC hdc);
void DrawMarquee(HDC hdcWnd, DWORD dwRop);
void ColorTextOut(HDC hdc, int x, int y,
PWCHAR lpChar, int row, int cChar, //rmk
void CharacterMouseEvent(UINT nFlags, POINTS point,
long &row, long &col
CByteVector *m_pba;
UINT m_cHighlightsAllocated;
UINT m_cHighlightsActive;
CHighlight *m_pHighlights;
int m_cImageFullRows;
int m_cImageFullCols;
int m_cImageRows;
int m_cImageCols;
PUINT m_pCharsets;
int m_cCharsets;
UINT m_iCharset;
UINT m_iCharsetAlternate;
int m_lTopLine;
int m_iLeftCol;
int m_clFileRows;
int m_clFileCols;
int m_iPitch;
int m_iFamily;
int m_nCxChar;
int m_nCyChar;
COLORREF m_clrfg;
COLORREF m_clrbg;
int m_rowFocus;
int m_colFocus;
int m_cRowsFocus;
int m_cColsFocus;
int m_iHeight;
int m_iCheckHeight;
int m_iCheckWidth;
int m_LeftMargin;
BOOL m_fMarquee;
BOOL m_fMarqueePhase;
RECT m_rcMarquee;
BOOL m_fMarqueeActive;
BOOL m_fMarqueeTimerOn;
UINT m_idTimer;
enum { MOUSE_TIMER_ID = 6 };
enum { MARQUEE_TIMER_ID = 7 };
enum { MARQUEE_TIMER_SPAN = 100 };
enum { TopMargin = 0 }; // Previously 4
enum { LeftMargin = 12}; // 8
enum { FocusMargin = 0 }; // 3
enum { MouseTimer = 17 };
UINT DefaultCharacterSet();
#endif // __TEXTVIEW_H__