2020-09-30 17:12:29 +02:00

595 lines
15 KiB

* *
* BMIO.C *
* *
* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1989. *
* All Rights reserved. *
* *
* *
* Module Intent *
* This module covers reading in bitmaps in various formats, and writing *
* them out in Help 3.0 format. *
* *
* *
* Testing *
* *
* *
* Current Owner: Larry Powelson *
* *
* *
* Released by Development: (date) *
* *
#include "help.h"
#include "inc\_bitmap.h"
#include "inc\shed.h"
* *
* Defines *
* *
/* Signature bytes at the beginning of a pagemaker metafile file.
#define dwMFKey 0x9ac6cdd7
#define wMetafile (WORD) dwMFKey
* *
* Typedefs *
* *
/* Old BITMAPCOREHEADER, minus bcSize field: */
WORD bcWidth;
WORD bcHeight;
WORD bcPlanes;
WORD bcBitCount;
/* Bitmap header from Help 2.5: */
typedef struct tagBITMAP25HEADER
WORD key1;
WORD key2;
WORD dxFile;
WORD dyFile;
WORD ScrAspectX;
WORD ScrAspectY;
WORD PrnAspectX;
WORD PrnAspectY;
WORD dxPrinter;
WORD dyPrinter;
WORD wCheck;
WORD res1;
WORD res2;
WORD res3;
// this is a pagemaker compatible metafile format header
typedef struct tagMFH {
DWORD dwKey; // must be 0x9AC6CDD7
WORD hMF; // handle to metafile
RECT rcBound; // bounding rectangle
WORD wUnitsPerInch; // units per inch
DWORD dwReserved; // reserved - must be zero
WORD wChecksum; // checksum of previous 10
// words (XOR'd)
* *
* Static Variables *
* *
/* Default aspect ratios */
int cxAspectDefault = cxAspectVGA;
int cyAspectDefault = cyAspectVGA;
* *
* Prototypes *
* *
HBMH STDCALL HbmhReadHelp25Fid( FID );
HBMH STDCALL HbmhReadPMMetafileFid( FID );
WORD STDCALL WCalcChecksum (LPMFH lpmfh);
- Name: HbmhReadHelp30Fid
- HbmhReadDibFid
- HbmhReadHelp25Fid
- HbmhReadPMMetafileFid
* Purpose:
* These four functions read in bitmaps of various formats and
* return them in Help 3.0 memory format. (PMMetafile is PageMaker
* metafile format.)
* Arguments:
* fid -- file handle of file being read.
* pibmh -- Pointer to bitmap in bitmap group to read (Help30 only).
* Returns:
* hbmh of bitmap read. hbmhInvalid for bogus bitmap, hbmhOOM for
* out of memory.
* If *pibmh = 0, then *pibmh will be set to the number of bitmaps
* that are in that bitmap file. Otherwise, it will be unaffected.
* (Help30 only).
HBMH STDCALL HbmhReadHelp30Fid(FID fid, PI pibmh)
LH lhbgh;
BGH * pbgh;
LONG lcb;
HBMH hbmh;
QV qv;
lcb = sizeof( BGH ) + ( ( *pibmh + 1 ) * sizeof( DWORD ) );
lhbgh = LhAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, (WORD) lcb );
if ( lhbgh == NULL )
return hbmhOOM;
pbgh = PtrFromGh( lhbgh );
ASSERT( pbgh != NULL );
LSeekFid( fid, 0L, SEEK_SET );
if (LcbReadFid(fid, pbgh, lcb) != lcb) {
return hbmhInvalid;
ASSERT(*pibmh < pbgh->cbmhMac);
if (*pibmh == pbgh->cbmhMac - 1)
lcb = LSeekFid(fid, 0L, SEEK_END) - pbgh->rglcbBmh[ *pibmh ];
lcb = pbgh->rglcbBmh[*pibmh + 1] - pbgh->rglcbBmh[*pibmh];
qv = (void*) LhAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, lcb);
if (!qv) {
return hbmhOOM;
LSeekFid(fid, pbgh->rglcbBmh[*pibmh ], SEEK_SET);
if (LcbReadFid(fid, qv, lcb) != lcb)
hbmh = hbmhInvalid;
#ifdef _X86_
hbmh = HbmhExpandQv(qv);
#else // _X86_
/* If this is ever called on a MAC, the file flag will need
* to be changed to BIGENDIAN.
#ifdef MAC
#else // MAC
#endif // else MAC
hbmh = HbmhExpandQv( qv, isdff );
IDiscardFileSDFF( isdff );
#endif // else _X86_
if (*pibmh == 0)
*pibmh = pbgh->cbmhMac;
return hbmh;
HBMH STDCALL HbmhReadDibFid(FID fid)
BOCH boch;
BMH bmh;
HBMH hbmh;
RBMH rbmh;
LONG lcb;
int iColors;
DWORD cbFix;
lcb = LSeekFid(fid, 0L, SEEK_END);
LSeekFid(fid, 0L, SEEK_SET);
LcbReadFid(fid, &bfh, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER));
lcb -= bfh.bfOffBits;
LcbReadFid(fid, &cbFix, sizeof(DWORD));
switch ((WORD) cbFix) {
case cbOldFixNum:
if (LcbReadFid(fid, &boch, sizeof(BOCH)) != sizeof(BOCH))
return hbmhInvalid;
if (boch.bcBitCount != 24)
bmh.w.dib.biClrUsed = 1 << boch.bcBitCount;
bmh.w.dib.biClrUsed = 0;
hbmh = GhAlloc(GPTR, LcbSizeQbmh(&bmh) + lcb);
if (hbmh == NULL)
return hbmhOOM;
rbmh = PtrFromGh(hbmh);
for (iColors = 0; iColors < (int) bmh.w.dib.biClrUsed; ++iColors)
LcbReadFid(fid, &rbmh->rgrgb[iColors], sizeof(RGBTRIPLE));
// We require zerod memory for some of these fields
rbmh->w.dib.biSize = cbFixNum;
rbmh->w.dib.biWidth = (DWORD) boch.bcWidth;
rbmh->w.dib.biHeight = (DWORD) boch.bcHeight;
rbmh->w.dib.biPlanes = boch.bcPlanes;
rbmh->w.dib.biBitCount = boch.bcBitCount;
rbmh->w.dib.biXPelsPerMeter = cxAspectDefault;
rbmh->w.dib.biYPelsPerMeter = cyAspectDefault;
rbmh->w.dib.biClrUsed = bmh.w.dib.biClrUsed;
case cbFixNum:
if (LcbReadFid( fid, &bmh.w.dib.biWidth,
(LONG) (cbFixNum - sizeof( DWORD )))
!= (LONG) (cbFixNum - sizeof( DWORD )))
return hbmhInvalid;
// We do not support compressed DIBs
// REVIEW: why not?
if (bmh.w.dib.biCompression != 0L)
return hbmhInvalid;
* DIB aspect ratios are pels per meter, while hc bitmaps are
* actually pels per inch.
bmh.w.dib.biXPelsPerMeter =
MulDiv(bmh.w.dib.biXPelsPerMeter, 100, 3937);
bmh.w.dib.biYPelsPerMeter =
MulDiv(bmh.w.dib.biYPelsPerMeter, 100, 3937);
if (bmh.w.dib.biClrUsed == 0 && bmh.w.dib.biBitCount != 24)
bmh.w.dib.biClrUsed = 1 << bmh.w.dib.biBitCount;
hbmh = GhAlloc(GPTR, LcbSizeQbmh(&bmh) + lcb);
if (hbmh == NULL)
return hbmhOOM;
rbmh = PtrFromGh(hbmh);
*rbmh = bmh;
LcbReadFid(fid, rbmh->rgrgb,
sizeof(RGBQUAD) * rbmh->w.dib.biClrUsed);
if (rbmh->w.dib.biXPelsPerMeter == 0 ||
rbmh->w.dib.biYPelsPerMeter == 0) {
rbmh->w.dib.biXPelsPerMeter = cxAspectDefault;
rbmh->w.dib.biYPelsPerMeter = cyAspectDefault;
return hbmhInvalid;
rbmh->bmFormat = bmDIB;
rbmh->lcbOffsetBits = LcbSizeQbmh( rbmh );
rbmh->lcbSizeBits = lcb;
rbmh->w.dib.biSize = cbFixNum;
LSeekFid(fid, bfh.bfOffBits, SEEK_SET);
if (LcbReadFid(fid, QFromQCb(rbmh, rbmh->lcbOffsetBits), lcb)
!= lcb) {
FreeGh( hbmh );
return hbmhInvalid;
return hbmh;
HBMH STDCALL HbmhReadHelp25Fid(FID fid)
HBMH hbmh;
RBMH rbmh;
RB rBits;
GH hBits;
LONG lcbBits, lcbDest;
LSeekFid(fid, 0L, SEEK_SET);
if (LcbReadFid( fid, &bm25h, (LONG)sizeof( BITMAP25HEADER ))
!= (LONG)sizeof( BITMAP25HEADER ) || bm25h.key2 != wBitmapVersion25b)
return hbmhInvalid;
lcbBits = bm25h.dyFile * ((bm25h.dxFile + 15) / 16) * 2;
hbmh = GhAlloc(GPTR, sizeof( BMH ) + lcbBits );
if (hbmh == NULL)
return hbmhOOM;
// We require zerod memory for some of these fields.
rbmh = PtrFromGh(hbmh);
rbmh->bmFormat = bmWbitmap;
rbmh->fCompressed = BMH_COMPRESS_NONE;
rbmh->lcbSizeBits = lcbBits;
rbmh->lcbOffsetBits = LcbSizeQbmh( rbmh );
rbmh->w.dib.biSize = cbFixNum;
rbmh->w.dib.biWidth = bm25h.dxFile;
rbmh->w.dib.biHeight = bm25h.dyFile;
rbmh->w.dib.biPlanes = 1;
rbmh->w.dib.biBitCount = 1;
rbmh->w.dib.biXPelsPerMeter = cxAspectDefault;
rbmh->w.dib.biYPelsPerMeter = cyAspectDefault;
hBits = GhAlloc(GPTR, (LONG) bm25h.res1);
if (hBits == NULL) {
return hbmhInvalid;
rBits = PtrFromGh(hBits);
LcbReadFid(fid, rBits, (LONG) bm25h.res1);
lcbDest = LcbOldUncompressHb(rBits,
QFromQCb(rbmh, rbmh->lcbOffsetBits), (LONG) bm25h.res1, lcbBits);
// Fix up offset if decompression didn't completely fill buffer
rbmh->lcbOffsetBits += (lcbBits - lcbDest);
FreeGh( hBits );
// Check for failed decompression
if (lcbDest == -1) {
FreeGh( hbmh );
return hbmhInvalid;
return hbmh;
HBMH STDCALL HbmhReadPMMetafileFid(FID fid)
MFH mfh;
LONG lcbData;
HBMH hbmh;
QBMH qbmh;
lcbData = LSeekFid(fid, 0, SEEK_END) - sizeof (MFH);
LSeekFid(fid, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (LcbReadFid(fid, &mfh, sizeof(MFH)) != sizeof(MFH))
return hbmhInvalid;
// is the key correct
if (mfh.dwKey != dwMFKey)
return hbmhInvalid;
if (!(hMF = LhAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, lcbData)))
return hbmhOOM;
lpMF = PtrFromGh(hMF);
if (LcbReadFid(fid, lpMF, lcbData) != lcbData)
return hbmhInvalid;
if (!(hbmh = GhAlloc (GPTR, sizeof (BMH)))) {
return hbmhOOM;
qbmh = PtrFromGh(hbmh);
// We require zerod memory for some of these fields.
qbmh->bmFormat = bmWmetafile;
qbmh->lcbSizeBits = lcbData;
qbmh->w.mf.mm = MM_ANISOTROPIC;
qbmh->w.mf.xExt =
MulDiv (mfh.rcBound.right - mfh.rcBound.left, 2540, mfh.wUnitsPerInch);
qbmh->w.mf.yExt =
MulDiv (mfh.rcBound.bottom - mfh.rcBound.top, 2540, mfh.wUnitsPerInch);
qbmh->w.mf.hMF = hMF;
return hbmh;
- Name HbmhReadFid
* Purpose
* Reads in a file containing a Windows resource, DIB, or Help 2.5
* bitmap, and converts it to Help 3.0 format.
* Arguments
* fid: DOS file handle.
* Returns
* A huge global handle to the bitmap, in 3.0 format. Returns hbmhInvalid if
* the file is not an accepted bitmap format. Returns hbmh30 if the bitmap
* is in Help 3.0 format. Returns hbmhOOM on out of memory.
* +++
* Notes
* If the bitmap does not contain aspect ratio information, then
* the values in the globals cxAspectDefault and cyAspectDefault
* are used.
#pragma warning(disable:4309) // 'cast' : truncation of constant value
HBMH STDCALL HbmhReadFid( FID fid )
BMPH bmph;
RBMH rbmh;
LONG lcbBits;
HBMH hbmh;
// Note that no file header structure is smaller than a BMPH
if (LcbReadFid( fid, &bmph, sizeof( BMPH )) != sizeof( BMPH ))
return hbmhInvalid;
if (bmph.bVersion != bBmp) {
switch (*((WORD *) &bmph.bVersion)) {
case wBitmapVersion2:
case wBitmapVersion3:
return hbmh30;
case wDIB:
return HbmhReadDibFid(fid);
case wBitmapVersion25a:
return HbmhReadHelp25Fid(fid);
case wMetafile:
return HbmhReadPMMetafileFid(fid);
return hbmhInvalid;
} // (bmph.bVersion != bBmp)
lcbBits = bmph.cbWidthBytes * bmph.cHeight * bmph.cPlanes;
hbmh = GhAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(BMH) + lcbBits);
if (hbmh == NULL)
return hbmhOOM;
// We require zerod memory for some of these fields
rbmh = PtrFromGh(hbmh);
rbmh->bmFormat = bmWbitmap;
rbmh->lcbSizeBits = lcbBits;
rbmh->lcbOffsetBits = LcbSizeQbmh(rbmh);
rbmh->w.dib.biSize = cbFixNum;
rbmh->w.dib.biWidth = bmph.cWidth;
rbmh->w.dib.biHeight = bmph.cHeight;
rbmh->w.dib.biPlanes = bmph.cPlanes;
rbmh->w.dib.biBitCount = bmph.cBitCount;
rbmh->w.dib.biXPelsPerMeter = cxAspectDefault;
rbmh->w.dib.biYPelsPerMeter = cyAspectDefault;
if (LcbReadFid(fid, QFromQCb(rbmh, rbmh->lcbOffsetBits), lcbBits)
!= lcbBits) {
FreeGh( hbmh );
return hbmhInvalid;
return hbmh;
- Name: FEnumHotspotsLphsh
* Purpose:
* This function enumerates the hotspots in lphsh.
* Arguments:
* lphsh: Pointer to SHED header information.
* lcbData: Total size of hotspot information.
* pfnLphs: Callback function for hotspot processing.
* hData: Handle to information to be passed to callback function.
* Returns:
* TRUE if data is valid, FALSE otherwise.
* +++
* Notes:
* lphsh points to data that can cross a 64K boundary at any
* time, including in the middle of structures.
BOOL STDCALL FEnumHotspotsLphsh(LPHSH lphsh, LONG lcbData, PFNLPHS pfnLphs,
HSH hsh;
HS hs;
MBHS mbhs, HUGE * rmbhs;
RB rbData;
WORD iHotspot, cbT;
if (lphsh->bHotspotVersion != bHotspotVersion1)
return FALSE;
MoveMemory(&hsh, lphsh, sizeof(HSH));
rmbhs = RFromRCb(lphsh, sizeof(HSH));
// Point rbData to SHED data
rbData = RFromRCb(rmbhs, hsh.wcHotspots * sizeof(MBHS) +
// Set lcbData to just the size of the SHED data
lcbData -= (rbData - (RB) lphsh); // REVIEW: Huge pointer difference
for (iHotspot = 0; iHotspot < hsh.wcHotspots; ++iHotspot) {
MoveMemory(&mbhs, rmbhs, sizeof(MBHS));
/* Clever HACK: We set hs.bBindType to 0 here so that the
* string length functions are guaranteed to terminate.
hs.bBindType = 0;
// Copy hotspot name
MoveMemory(hs.szHotspotName, rbData,
(size_t) min((LONG) cbMaxHotspotName, lcbData));
cbT = strlen( hs.szHotspotName ) + 1;
if ( (LONG) cbT > lcbData )
return FALSE;
rbData += cbT;
lcbData -= cbT;
// Copy binding string
MoveMemory(hs.szBinding, rbData,
(size_t) min((LONG) cbMaxBinding, lcbData));
cbT = strlen( hs.szBinding ) + 1;
if ( (LONG) cbT > lcbData )
return FALSE;
rbData += cbT;
lcbData -= cbT;
hs.bBindType = mbhs.bType;
hs.bAttributes = mbhs.bAttributes;
hs.rect.left = mbhs.xPos;
hs.rect.top = mbhs.yPos;
hs.rect.right = mbhs.xPos + mbhs.dxSize;
hs.rect.bottom = mbhs.yPos + mbhs.dySize;
(*pfnLphs) (&hs, hData);
rmbhs = RFromRCb(rmbhs, sizeof(MBHS));
return TRUE;