568 lines
15 KiB
568 lines
15 KiB
* *
* *
* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1989. *
* All Rights reserved. *
* *
* *
* Module Intent *
* This code compresses and decompresses bitmap bits, as well as the code *
* to expand Help 3.0 format bitmaps from disk image to the memory structure.*
* *
* *
* Testing *
* *
* *
* Current Owner: Larry Powelson *
* *
* *
* Historical comments (optional):
* 26-Jan-1991 RussPJ Made hbma's originally non-discardable, though
* many routines make the discardable after first use.
* *
* *
* Released by Development: 11/13/90 *
* *
#include "help.h"
#include "inc\_bitmap.h"
* *
* Defines *
* *
#define fRLEBit 0x80
#define cbMaxRun 127
- Name HbmhExpandQv
* Purpose
* This function decompresses the bitmap from its disk format to an
* in memory bitmap header, including bitmap and hotspot data.
* Arguments
* A pointer to a buffer containing the bitmap data as read off disk.
* Returns
* A handle to the bitmap header. Returns hbmhOOM on out of memory.
* Note that this is the same as NULL. Also returns hbmhInvalid on
* invalid format. This handle is non-discardable, but the code that
* deals with qbmi->hbmh can deal with discardable blocks, so after
* initialization this can be made discardable.
* +++
* Notes
#ifdef _X86_
HBMH STDCALL HbmhExpandQv(LPVOID qv, int isdff)
HBMH hbmh;
QBMH qbmh;
BMH bmh;
LPBYTE qbBase;
LONG lcbBits, lcbUncompressedBits;
BYTE HUGE * rbDest;
qbBase = qv;
#ifdef _X86_
bmh.bmFormat = *((BYTE *) qv);
qv = RFromRCb( qv, sizeof( BYTE ));
bmh.fCompressed = *((BYTE *) qv);
qv = RFromRCb( qv, sizeof( BYTE ));
qv = RFromRCb( qv, LcbQuickMapSDFF(isdff, TE_BYTE, &bmh.bmFormat, qv));
qv = RFromRCb( qv, LcbQuickMapSDFF(isdff, TE_BYTE, &bmh.fCompressed, qv));
switch(bmh.bmFormat) {
case bmWbitmap:
case bmDIB:
#ifdef _X86_
qv = QVSkipQGB(qv, (&bmh.w.dib.biXPelsPerMeter));
qv = QVSkipQGB(qv, (&bmh.w.dib.biYPelsPerMeter));
qv = QVSkipQGA(qv, (&bmh.w.dib.biPlanes));
qv = QVSkipQGA(qv, (&bmh.w.dib.biBitCount));
qv = QVSkipQGB(qv, (&bmh.w.dib.biWidth));
qv = QVSkipQGB(qv, (&bmh.w.dib.biHeight));
qv = QVSkipQGB(qv, (&bmh.w.dib.biClrUsed));
qv = QVSkipQGB(qv, (&bmh.w.dib.biClrImportant));
qv = QVSkipQGB(qv, (&bmh.lcbSizeBits));
qv = QVSkipQGB(qv, (&bmh.lcbSizeExtra));
bmh.lcbOffsetBits = *((DWORD *) qv);
qv = RFromRCb(qv, sizeof(DWORD));
bmh.lcbOffsetExtra = *((DWORD *) qv);
qv = RFromRCb(qv, sizeof(DWORD));
qv = RFromRCb( qv, LcbQuickMapSDFF(isdff, TE_GB,
&bmh.w.dib.biXPelsPerMeter, qv));
qv = RFromRCb( qv, LcbQuickMapSDFF(isdff, TE_GB,
&bmh.w.dib.biYPelsPerMeter, qv));
qv = RFromRCb( qv, LcbQuickMapSDFF(isdff, TE_GA,
&bmh.w.dib.biPlanes, qv) );
qv = RFromRCb( qv, LcbQuickMapSDFF(isdff, TE_GA,
&bmh.w.dib.biBitCount, qv));
qv = RFromRCb( qv, LcbQuickMapSDFF(isdff, TE_GB, &bmh.w.dib.biWidth, qv)) ;
qv = RFromRCb( qv, LcbQuickMapSDFF(isdff, TE_GB, &bmh.w.dib.biHeight, qv) );
qv = RFromRCb( qv, LcbQuickMapSDFF(isdff, TE_GB,
&bmh.w.dib.biClrUsed, qv ));
qv = RFromRCb( qv, LcbQuickMapSDFF(isdff, TE_GB,
&bmh.w.dib.biClrImportant, qv));
qv = RFromRCb( qv, LcbQuickMapSDFF(isdff, TE_GB, &bmh.lcbSizeBits, qv));
qv = RFromRCb( qv, LcbQuickMapSDFF(isdff, TE_GB, &bmh.lcbSizeExtra, qv));
qv = RFromRCb( qv, LcbQuickMapSDFF(isdff, TE_DWORD,
&bmh.lcbOffsetBits, qv));
qv = RFromRCb( qv, LcbQuickMapSDFF(isdff, TE_DWORD,
&bmh.lcbOffsetExtra, qv));
// Fix up constant fields in DIB structure:
bmh.w.dib.biSize = cbFixNum;
bmh.w.dib.biCompression = 0L;
bmh.w.dib.biSizeImage = 0L;
// Determine size of bitmap header plus all data
if (bmh.fCompressed)
lcbBits = LAlignLong(bmh.w.dib.biWidth * bmh.w.dib.biBitCount) *
else // +5 is a fudge factor for possible alignment ^
lcbBits = bmh.lcbSizeBits;
hbmh = GhAlloc(GPTR, LcbSizeQbmh(&bmh) + lcbBits + bmh.lcbSizeExtra);
if (!hbmh)
return hbmhOOM;
qbmh = (QBMH) PtrFromGh(hbmh);
// Copy header and color table:
MoveMemory(qbmh, &bmh, sizeof(BMH) - 2 * sizeof(RGBQUAD));
MoveMemory(qbmh->rgrgb, qv, sizeof(RGBQUAD) *
// Copy bits, decompressing if necessary:
qbmh->lcbOffsetBits = LcbSizeQbmh(qbmh);
if (bmh.fCompressed == BMH_COMPRESS_30) {
qbmh->lcbSizeBits = LcbUncompressHb(qbBase + bmh.lcbOffsetBits,
QFromQCb(qbmh, qbmh->lcbOffsetBits), bmh.lcbSizeBits);
ASSERT(qbmh->lcbSizeBits <= lcbBits);
else if (bmh.fCompressed == BMH_COMPRESS_ZECK) {
qbmh->lcbSizeBits = LcbUncompressZeck(
RFromRCb (qbBase, bmh.lcbOffsetBits),
RFromRCb (qbmh, qbmh->lcbOffsetBits), bmh.lcbSizeBits);
ASSERT(qbmh->lcbSizeBits <= lcbBits);
// New to WinHelp 4.0
// REVIEW: this has not been tested!
else if (bmh.fCompressed == BMH_COMPRESS_RLE_ZECK) {
DWORD cbBits;
* We allocate as much memory as is needed to decompress the
* Zeck block into the RLE block. The biYPelsPerMeter value is
* used to save this information created by the help compiler.
HGLOBAL gh = GhAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, bmh.w.dib.biYPelsPerMeter);
bmh.w.dib.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
// First decompress Zeck
cbBits = LcbUncompressZeck(
RFromRCb(qbBase, bmh.lcbOffsetBits),
PtrFromGh(gh), bmh.lcbSizeBits);
// Now decompress RLE
qbmh->lcbSizeBits = LcbUncompressHb(PtrFromGh(gh),
RFromRCb(qbmh, qbmh->lcbOffsetBits), cbBits);
ASSERT(qbmh->lcbSizeBits <= lcbBits);
MoveMemory(QFromQCb(qbmh, qbmh->lcbOffsetBits),
qbBase + bmh.lcbOffsetBits,
qbmh->fCompressed = BMH_COMPRESS_NONE; // bits are no longer compressed
// Copy extra info:
qbmh->lcbOffsetExtra = qbmh->lcbOffsetBits + qbmh->lcbSizeBits;
MoveMemory(RFromRCb (qbmh, qbmh->lcbOffsetExtra),
RFromRCb (qbBase, bmh.lcbOffsetExtra), bmh.lcbSizeExtra);
case bmWmetafile:
#ifdef _X86_
qv = QVSkipQGA(qv, (&bmh.w.mf.mm));
bmh.w.mf.xExt = *(INT16 *) qv;
qv = RFromRCb(qv, sizeof(INT16));
bmh.w.mf.yExt = *(INT16 *) qv;
qv = RFromRCb(qv, sizeof(INT16));
qv = QVSkipQGB(qv, &lcbUncompressedBits);
qv = QVSkipQGB(qv, (&bmh.lcbSizeBits));
qv = QVSkipQGB(qv, (&bmh.lcbSizeExtra));
bmh.lcbOffsetBits = *((DWORD *) qv);
qv = RFromRCb(qv, sizeof(DWORD));
bmh.lcbOffsetExtra = *((DWORD *) qv);
qv = RFromRCb(qv, sizeof(DWORD));
{ SHORT shortTmp;
qv = RFromRCb( qv, LcbQuickMapSDFF(isdff, TE_GA, &shortTmp, qv));
bmh.w.mf.mm = shortTmp;
qv = RFromRCb( qv, LcbQuickMapSDFF(isdff, TE_SHORT, &shortTmp, qv));
bmh.w.mf.xExt = shortTmp;
qv = RFromRCb( qv, LcbQuickMapSDFF(isdff, TE_SHORT, &shortTmp, qv));
bmh.w.mf.yExt = shortTmp;
qv = RFromRCb( qv, LcbQuickMapSDFF(isdff, TE_GB, &lcbUncompressedBits, qv));
qv = RFromRCb( qv, LcbQuickMapSDFF(isdff, TE_GB, &bmh.lcbSizeBits, qv));
qv = RFromRCb( qv, LcbQuickMapSDFF(isdff, TE_GB, &bmh.lcbSizeExtra, qv));
qv = RFromRCb( qv, LcbQuickMapSDFF(isdff, TE_DWORD, &bmh.lcbOffsetBits, qv)) ;
qv = RFromRCb( qv, LcbQuickMapSDFF(isdff, TE_DWORD, &bmh.lcbOffsetExtra, qv) );
hbmh = GhAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(BMH) + bmh.lcbSizeExtra);
if (hbmh == NULL)
return hbmhOOM;
qbmh = (QBMH) PtrFromGh(hbmh);
*qbmh = bmh;
qbmh->lcbOffsetExtra = sizeof( BMH );
MoveMemory(RFromRCb(qbmh, qbmh->lcbOffsetExtra),
RFromRCb(qbBase, bmh.lcbOffsetExtra), bmh.lcbSizeExtra);
qbmh->w.mf.hMF = HmfAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, lcbUncompressedBits);
if (qbmh->w.mf.hMF == NULL) {
return hbmhOOM;
rbDest = (PBYTE) PtrFromGh(qbmh->w.mf.hMF);
switch (bmh.fCompressed) {
MoveMemory (rbDest, QFromQCb (qbBase, bmh.lcbOffsetBits),
LcbUncompressHb(qbBase + bmh.lcbOffsetBits, rbDest,
LcbUncompressZeck(QFromQCb (qbBase, bmh.lcbOffsetBits), rbDest,
// Invalidate this field, as the bits are in a separate handle:
qbmh->lcbOffsetBits = 0L;
qbmh->lcbSizeBits = lcbUncompressedBits;
qbmh->fCompressed = BMH_COMPRESS_NONE;
return hbmhInvalid;
return hbmh;
- Name: FreeHbmh
* Purpose:
* This function frees a bitmap handle, whether it was created in
* FWritePbitmap() or HbmhExpandQv(). In the first case, metafile
* bits will be stored at the end of the bitmap handle, while in
* the second case, they will be stored in a separate handle.
* Arguments:
* hbmh -- handle to a bitmap.
* Returns:
* nothing.
void STDCALL FreeHbmh(HBMH hbmh)
QBMH qbmh;
qbmh = (QBMH) PtrFromGh(hbmh);
// The bmh has not been discarded.
if (qbmh->bmFormat == bmWmetafile && qbmh->lcbOffsetBits == 0L) {
// Get rid of the current description of the metafile.
if (qbmh->w.mf.hMF != NULL)
- Name LcbUncompressHb
* Purpose
* Decompresses the bits in hbSrc.
* Arguments
* hbSrc: Huge pointer to compressed bits.
* hbDest: Buffer to copy decompressed bits to.
* lcbSrc: Number of bytes in hbSrc.
* Returns
* Number of bytes copied to hbDest. This can only be used for
* real mode error checking, as the maximum size of hbDest must
* be determined before decompression.
* +++
* Notes
LONG STDCALL LcbUncompressHb( hbSrc, hbDest, lcbSrc )
BYTE HUGE * hbSrc;
BYTE HUGE * hbDest;
LONG lcbSrc;
BYTE HUGE * hbStart;
WORD cbRun;
BYTE ch;
hbStart = hbDest;
while (lcbSrc-- > 0)
cbRun = *hbSrc++;
if (cbRun & fRLEBit)
cbRun -= fRLEBit;
lcbSrc -= cbRun;
while (cbRun-- > 0)
*hbDest++ = *hbSrc++;
ch = *hbSrc++;
while (cbRun-- > 0)
*hbDest++ = ch;
return (hbDest - hbStart);
- Name LcbOldUncompressHb
* Purpose
* This function is used only to decompress Help 2.5 bitmaps.
* Arguments
* hbSrc: Huge pointer to source bits.
* hbDest: Huge pointer to beginning of destination buffer.
* lcbSrc: Number of compressed bytes in source.
* lcbDest: Size of destination buffer.
* Returns
* Actual number of bytes copied to destination buffer, or -1 if
* buffer is too small.
* +++
* Notes
LONG STDCALL LcbOldUncompressHb( hbSrc, hbDest, lcbSrc, lcbDest )
BYTE HUGE * hbSrc;
BYTE HUGE * hbDest;
LONG lcbSrc;
LONG lcbDest;
BYTE HUGE * hbStart;
WORD cbRun;
BYTE ch;
/* Move pointers to the end of the buffers: */
hbSrc += lcbSrc;
hbDest += lcbDest;
hbStart = hbDest;
while (lcbSrc-- > 0)
cbRun = *(--hbSrc);
lcbDest -= (cbRun & ~fRLEBit);
if (lcbDest < 0)
return -1;
if (cbRun & fRLEBit)
cbRun -= fRLEBit;
lcbSrc -= cbRun;
while (cbRun-- > 0)
*(--hbDest) = *(--hbSrc);
ch = *(--hbSrc);
while (cbRun-- > 0)
*(--hbDest) = ch;
return (hbStart - hbDest);
#if 0
- Name LcbCompressHb
* Purpose
* Compresses bitmap bits using RLE.
* Arguments
* hbSrc: Huge pointer to source bits.
* hbDest: Huge pointer to destination bits.
* lcbSrc: Number of bytes in source.
* Returns
* Number of bytes in the destination. Guaranteed not to be
* more than 128/127 times lcbSrc.
* +++
* Notes
* This function is used by bmconv, hc, and shed, but not by
* winhelp.
* Also, until LcbDiffHb is written to work correctly, this
* function will not work in protect mode with bitmaps over 64K.
LONG STDCALL LcbCompressHb( hbSrc, hbDest, lcbSrc )
BYTE HUGE * hbSrc;
BYTE HUGE * hbDest;
LONG lcbSrc;
BYTE HUGE * hbStart;
LONG lcbRun, lcb;
BYTE ch;
hbStart = hbDest;
while (lcbSrc > 0)
/* Find next run of dissimilar bytes: */
lcbRun = 0;
if (lcbSrc <= 2)
lcbRun = lcbSrc;
while ( hbSrc[lcbRun] != hbSrc[lcbRun + 1] ||
hbSrc[lcbRun] != hbSrc[lcbRun + 2] )
if (++lcbRun >= lcbSrc - 2)
lcbRun = lcbSrc;
lcbSrc -= lcbRun;
// Output run of dissimilar bytes:
while (lcbRun > 0) {
lcb = min( lcbRun, cbMaxRun );
*hbDest++ = (BYTE) ((DWORD) lcb | fRLEBit);
lcbRun -= lcb;
while (lcb-- > 0)
*hbDest++ = *hbSrc++;
if (lcbSrc == 0)
/* Find next run of identical bytes: */
ch = *hbSrc;
lcbRun = 1;
while (lcbRun < lcbSrc && ch == hbSrc[lcbRun])
lcbSrc -= lcbRun;
hbSrc += lcbRun;
/* Output run of identical bytes: */
while (lcbRun > 0)
lcb = min( lcbRun, cbMaxRun );
*hbDest++ = (BYTE) lcb;
*hbDest++ = ch;
lcbRun -= lcb;
return LcbDiffHb( hbDest, hbStart );