2020-09-30 17:12:29 +02:00

178 lines
4.2 KiB

| frwin.c |
| |
| 1990/02/14 kevynct |
| |
| These are the procedures which layout and display embedded window objects. |
| An embedded window is defined by a rectangle size, a module name, a class |
| name, and data. |
| |
| The module and class names are descriptions of where to get the code which |
| handles the maintainance of the window. Exactly how these are implemented |
| is platform-specific. |
#include "help.h"
#include "inc\frstuff.h"
#ifndef _X86_
#include "inc\frselect.h"
#if 0
#define dxDefault 200
#define dyDefault 200
void STDCALL LayoutWindow(qde, qfcm, qbObj, qolr)
QDE qde;
QFCM qfcm;
QB qbObj;
QOLR qolr;
int ifr;
POINT ptSize;
QFR qfr;
#ifdef _X86_
QMWIN qmwin;
MOBJ mobj;
#if 0
INT16 dx;
INT16 dy;
LPSTR qszModuleName;
LPSTR qszClassName;
LPSTR qszData;
#ifndef _X86_
QCH qszDataSrc;
#if 0
if (qfcm->fExport)
qolr->ifrMax = qolr->ifrFirst;
qolr->objrgMax = qolr->objrgFirst;
ifr = qolr->ifrFirst;
/// !!!!!!!! structures in HC and objects.h should be the same!!!!!!! //
// REVIEW: error checking!!
#ifdef _X86_
qmwin = (QMWIN)(qbObj + CbUnpackMOBJ((QMOBJ)&mobj, qbObj));
{ MWIN mwin;
QB qbSrc;
qbSrc = (qbObj + CbUnpackMOBJ((QMOBJ)&mobj, qbObj, QDE_ISDFFTOPIC(qde)));
qbSrc += LcbMapSDFF(QDE_ISDFFTOPIC(qde), SE_MWIN, (QV)&mwin, qbSrc);
qszDataSrc = (QCH)qbSrc;
qfr = (QFR) QFooInMR((QMR)&qde->mrFr, sizeof(FR), ifr);
qfr->bType = bFrTypeWindow;
qfr->rgf.fHot = FALSE;
qfr->rgf.fWithLine = TRUE; // REVIEW: should this be true?
qfr->xPos = qfr->yPos = 0;
#if 0
// Currently, if the window size is given as 0,0
// we switch it to be the default size.
dx = qmwin->dx;
dy = qmwin->dy;
if (!dx && !dy)
dx = dxDefault;
dy = dyDefault;
// This section will have to change soon. Currently, I have to parse a
// string of the form {a*,b*,c*}. This should really be {a*\0b*\0c*\0}
// A Most Gross Hack indeed: replace commas with nulls.
#ifdef _X86_
LONG lcb = lstrlen(qmwin->szData);
LONG lcb = lstrlen(qszDataSrc);
GH gh;
LPSTR qch;
gh = GhAlloc(GPTR, lcb + 1);
qch = (LPSTR) PtrFromGh(gh);
#ifdef _X86_
MoveMemory(qch, qmwin->szData, lcb + 1);
MoveMemory(qch, qszDataSrc, lcb + 1);
qszModuleName = qszClassName = qch;
// Authorable buttons start with '!'
if (*qszModuleName != '!') {
while (*qszClassName != ',' && *qszClassName != '\0')
++qszClassName; // we know this is SBCS
if (*qszClassName != '\0')
*qszClassName++ = '\0';
while (*qszClassName == ' ')
qszClassName = CharNext(qszClassName);
qszData = qszClassName;
while (*qszData != ',' && *qszData != '\0')
qszData = CharNext(qszData);
if (*qszData != '\0')
*qszData++ = '\0';
while (*qszData == ' ')
qszData = CharNext(qszData);
qfr->u.frw.hiw = HiwCreate(qde, qszModuleName, qszClassName, qszData);
ptSize = PtSizeHiw( qde, qfr->u.frw.hiw );
qfr->yAscent = ptSize.y;
qfr->dxSize = ptSize.x;
qfr->dySize = ptSize.y;
qfr->lHotID = ++(qde->lHotID);
qfr->libHotBinding = libHotNil;
// The entire window gets one region
if (qolr->objrgFront != objrgNil)
qfr->objrgFront = qolr->objrgFront;
qolr->objrgFront = objrgNil;
qfr->objrgFront = qolr->objrgFirst;
qfr->objrgFirst = qolr->objrgFirst;
qfr->objrgLast = qolr->objrgFirst;
qolr->objrgMax = qolr->objrgFirst + 1;
AppendMR((QMR)&qde->mrFr, sizeof(FR));
qolr->ifrMax = ifr;
void STDCALL DrawWindowFrame(QDE qde, QFR qfr, POINT pt)
pt.x += qfr->xPos;
pt.y += qfr->yPos;
DisplayHiwPt( qde, qfr->u.frw.hiw, pt);
void STDCALL DiscardWindowFrame(QDE qde, QFR qfr)
ASSERT(qfr->bType == bFrTypeWindow);
DestroyHiw(qde, &(qfr->u.frw.hiw));