2020-09-30 17:12:29 +02:00

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* *
* *
* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1990. *
* All Rights reserved. *
* *
* *
* Module Intent *
* *
* Contains global variables -- no actual code is used in this module. *
* *
#include "help.h"
HWND hwndTabSub; // tab child dialog box
HWND hwndFocusCur; /* Window that has keybd focus.
* Either hwndTopic or hwndNSR.
* Initialized to hwndNSR.
HWND hwndNote; // Note window handle
HWND hwndHistory; // Path window handle
HWND hwndList; // List window - child of Path
HWND hwndAnimate; // animation window
BOOL fFatalExit; // Set to FALSE in Error upon a DIE
BOOL fNoHide = TRUE; // TRUE=> don't hide; really exit
BOOL fNoQuit = TRUE; // Inhibit self-terminating
BOOL fSaveSettingsOnExit = TRUE;
BOOL fHelpAuthor; // TRUE if user claims to be a help author
BOOL fTableLoaded;
BOOL fSupressErrors;
BOOL fSupressNextError; // TRUE to supress next error message
BOOL fAutoClose; // TRUE if autoclose timer in effect
BOOL fLockPopup;
BOOL fDisableAuthorColors; // TRUE if system window colors have changed
BOOL fMultiPrinting; // TRUE when printing multiple topics
BOOL fNoSwitches; // TRUE if we were called with only a filename
BOOL fSupressErrorJump; // Don't jump to Contents topic on error
BOOL fSequence; // TRUE if Sequential testing
BOOL fInDialog;
BOOL fAbortPrint; // flag for when user aborts printing
BOOL fHiddenSetup; // flag indicating to do a silent setup
BOOL fAniOwner; // TRUE if ani window needs an owner
BOOL fIsThisChicago; // TRUE if Win95
BOOL fIsThisNewShell4; // TRUE if 4.0+ shell
HWND hwndSecondHelp;
COLORREF clrPopup;
int curHelpFileVersion;
PCSTR pszDbcsMenuAccelerator;
PCSTR pszDbcsRomanAccelerator;
#ifdef _DEBUG
BOOL fDebugBreakPoints;
#ifdef BIDI
BOOL IsSetup; // global - true if setup is the shell
BOOL RtoL; // global - true if Hebrew or Arabic UI
DWORD dwSequence; // non-zeror if Sequential testing
RC rcFSError;
HFONT hfontSmallSys;
HFONT hfontDefault;
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_PRIVATE)
int cCharSets;
int fHelp = BOOK_HELP;
HACCEL hndAccel; // accelerator table handle
HWND hwndLatest; // latest app to call us (0=us)
HINSTANCE hinstPrevious; // previous help instance
HMENU hmnuHelp; // Handle of help window menu
HMENU hmnuUser;
HMENU hmenuFloating; // Menu handle for popup menu
HMENU hmenuFont; // Font popup menu
HMENU hmenuOnTop; // On Top popup menu
HMENU hmenuBookmark; // Menu handle for bookmark menu
HCURSOR hcurArrow; // default cursor
HCURSOR hcurIBeam;
HWND hdlgPrint; // Printing dialog
WRECT rctHelp;
RECT rctTopics; // position of topics dialog box
RECT rctTopicsOrg; // original position of topics dialog box
RECT rcWorkArea;
#ifdef _DEBUG
BOOL fAppModal; // used in assertf.c
int iCurWindow; // index into ahwnd of current window
CNT_FLAGS cntFlags;
POS_RECT* pPositions;
BOOL fNoShow; // TRUE to prevent ShowWindow
BOOL fDelayShow; // TRUE to delay showing the main window
PSTR pszIndexSeparators;
HWND aAppHwnd[MAX_APP]; // Array of app windows that called us
int iasMax; // Current number of entries
int iasCur = -1;
int idTabSetting;
// Strings which do not get localized
#ifndef NO_PRAGMAS
#pragma data_seg(".text", "CODE")
const char txtZeroLength[] = "";
const char txtMain[] = "MAIN";
const char txtKEYWORDBTREE[] = "|KWBTREE";
const char txtTTLBTREENAME[] = "|TTLBTREE";
const char txtKWDATA[] = "|KWDATA";
const char txtFNAMES[] = "|FILES";
const char txtCntText[] = "|CntText";
const char txtCntJump[] = "|CntJump";
const char txtFlags[] = "|Flags";
const char txtWinPos[] = "|WinPos";
const char txtTabDlgs[] = "|Tabs";
const char txtViola[] = "|VIOLA"; // topics displayed in specific window
const char txtOle2[] = "ole32.dll";
const char txtCommDlg[] = "comdlg32.dll";
const char txtTopicFs[] = "|TOPIC";
const char txtTmpPrefix[] = "~wh";
const char txtRose[] = "|Rose"; // keyword-macro titles and macros
const char txtAnnoExt[] = ".ANN";
const char txtFormatUnsigned[] = "%u";
const char txtIniHelpSection[] = "Windows Help";
const char txtGidExtension[] = ".GID";
const char txtFtsExtension[] = ".FTS";
const char txtGrpExtension[] = ".FTG";
const char txtCntExtension[] = ".CNT";
const char txtDllExtension[] = ".DLL";
const char txtTmpExtension[] = ".TMP";
const char txtExeExtension[] = ".EXE";
const char txtHlpExtension[] = ".HLP";
const char txtHlpDir[] = "Help";
const char txtWinHelp[] = "WinHelp";
const char txtWinHlp32[] = "WinHlp32";
const char txtHelpOnHelp[] = "WinHlp32.hlp";
const char txtMnuMain[] = "mnu_main";
const char txtCR[] = "\r\n";
#ifndef NO_PRAGMAS
#pragma data_seg()
LCID lcid;
WORD defcharset = (WORD) -1;
DWORD fsCompareI; // case-insensitive flags for CompareString
DWORD fsCompare; // case-sensitive flags for CompareString
POINT ptPopup;
int YAspectMul;
int XAspectMul;
PSTR pszUntitled;
PSTR pszCntFile;
// WIN.INI variable
PSTR pszOutOfMemory;
FM fmCaller;
BOOL fKeyDownSeen;
BOOL fSysKeyDownSeen;
int cxScreen; // screen x size in pixels
int cyScreen; // screen y size in pixels
int cPostErrorMessages;
TLP tlpBackMagic;
| Saves the current command for future reference.
DWORD usCurrentCommand;
/* Review: this is currently a global for expediency. Somewhere there is
* a "right" interface to communicate this tidbit across the layer.
* 04-Aug-1991 LeoN
HPALETTE hpalSystemCopy;
HICON hIconDefault; // Default icon handle.
PCSTR pszCaption;
HWND hwndTCApp; // handle of the app requesting Cue cards
FARPROC lpfnlButtonWndProc;
UINT msgWinHelp;
DWORD tabLparam;
DWORD tabWparam;
FTS_FLAGS ftsFlags;
HFS hfsGid; // Handle to current Gid file
RC rcSearchError;
UINT fDebugState;