98 lines
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98 lines
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* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1988.
* All Rights reserved.
* Module Description: Include file defining basic types and constants.
* Windows/PM version.
* Revision History: Created 12/3/88 by Robert Bunney
* 2/15/89 johnsc munged
* 3/24/89 johnsc reorganized
* 3/28/89 johnsc added GH
* 3/28/89 w-philip Moved PT, RCT & friends here from hungary.h
* 3/28/89 w-philip Moved HDE here from de.h...will probably move again.
* 3/28/89 w-philip Added HDS (Handle to 'Display Surface')
* 3/28/89 w-philip Changed PT from POINT (needs winspecific stuff) to
* bona fide structure
* 3/28/89 w-philip Added typedef for HWIN.
* 3/28/89 w-philip Did to RCT what was done to PT.
* 3/28/89 w-philip Also to LPRECT, LPPOINT.
* 4/19/89 Maha Defined BMK type for bookmark.
* 5/22/89 larrypo Added Unreferenced() macro.
* 21-Jun-90 RussPJ Re-added support for windows-only builds.
* 25-Jul-90 t-AlexC Moved string typedefs here from SZ.h
* 6 Aug 90 t-AlexC Added SHORT, changed UWORD to WORD
* 02/04/91 maha Added short and UINT macros
* Known Bugs: None
* General Defines
#define MAX_NAME 256 // 128 in 16-bit code
#include "inc\helpwin.h"
typedef HANDLE GH;
typedef HANDLE LH;
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
// pointer types
typedef BYTE * QB;
typedef VOID * QV;
typedef short * QI;
typedef WORD * QW;
typedef LONG * QL;
typedef UINT16 * QUI;
typedef DWORD * QUL;
typedef DWORD * QDW;
typedef VOID * PV;
typedef short * PI;
typedef WORD * PW;
typedef LONG * PL;
// function pointer types
typedef short (*QFI)();
typedef VOID (*QFV)();
typedef UINT16 (*QFW)();
typedef short (*PFI)();
typedef VOID (*PFV)();
typedef UINT16 (*PFW)();
//typedef struct _fd {
// char rgchName[_MAX_FNAME];
//} FD;
// points and rectangles
typedef POINT PT;
#define OOM() Error(wERRS_OOM, wERRA_DIE)
#define BOOM(id) Error(id, wERRA_DIE)
//** misc ***/
#define Unreferenced(var) (var) // Get rid of compiler warnings