518 lines
20 KiB
518 lines
20 KiB
/*++ BUILD Version: 0003 // Increment this if a change has global effects
// Copyright (c) 1990-1996 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// kxmips.h
// Abstract:
// This module contains the nongenerated part of the MIPS assembler
// header file. In general, it contains processor architecture constant
// information, however some assembler macros are also included.
// Author:
// David N. Cutler (davec) 23-Mar-1990
// Revision History:
// Define soft reset vector address for nonhandled cache parity errors.
#define SOFT_RESET_VECTOR 0xbfc00300 // default parity error routine address
// Define low memory transfer vector address and TB index address (temporary).
#define TRANSFER_VECTOR (KSEG1_BASE + 0x400) // exception handler address
// Define standard integer registers.
#define zero $0 // read zero, writes ignored
#define AT $1 // assembler temporary
#define v0 $2 // return value
#define v1 $3 //
#define a0 $4 // argument registers
#define a1 $5 //
#define a2 $6 //
#define a3 $7 //
#define t0 $8 // caller saved registers
#define t1 $9 //
#define t2 $10 //
#define t3 $11 //
#define t4 $12 //
#define t5 $13 //
#define t6 $14 //
#define t7 $15 //
#define s0 $16 // callee saved registers
#define s1 $17 //
#define s2 $18 //
#define s3 $19 //
#define s4 $20 //
#define s5 $21 //
#define s6 $22 //
#define s7 $23 //
#define t8 $24 // caller saved registers
#define t9 $25 //
#define k0 $26 // kernel reserved registers
#define k1 $27 //
#define gp $28 // global pointer
#define sp $29 // stack pointer
#define s8 $30 // callee saved register
#define ra $31 // return address register
// Define standard floating point registers.
#define f0 $f0 // caller saved registers
#define f1 $f1 //
#define f2 $f2 //
#define f3 $f3 //
#define f4 $f4 //
#define f5 $f5 //
#define f6 $f6 //
#define f7 $f7 //
#define f8 $f8 //
#define f9 $f9 //
#define f10 $f10 //
#define f11 $f11 //
#define f12 $f12 //
#define f13 $f13 //
#define f14 $f14 //
#define f15 $f15 //
#define f16 $f16 //
#define f17 $f17 //
#define f18 $f18 //
#define f19 $f19 //
#define f20 $f20 // callee saved registers
#define f21 $f21 //
#define f22 $f22 //
#define f23 $f23 //
#define f24 $f24 //
#define f25 $f25 //
#define f26 $f26 //
#define f27 $f27 //
#define f28 $f28 //
#define f29 $f29 //
#define f30 $f30 //
#define f31 $f31 //
// Define R4000/R10000 system coprocessor registers.
#define index $0 // TB index register
#define random $1 // TB random register
#define entrylo0 $2 // TB entry low 0 register
#define entrylo1 $3 // TB entry low 1 register
#define context $4 // TB context register
#define pagemask $5 // Page mask register
#define wired $6 // Wired TB entries register
#define badvaddr $8 // TB bad virtual address register
#define count $9 // Timer count register
#define entryhi $10 // TB entry high register
#define compare $11 // Timer compare register
#define psr $12 // Processor status register
#define cause $13 // Exception cause register
#define epc $14 // Exception PC register
#define prid $15 // Processor id register
#define config $16 // Configuration register
#define lladdr $17 // Load linked address register
#define watchlo $18 // Watch low address register
#define watchhi $19 // Watch high address register
#define xcontext $20 // extended context register
#define framemask $21 // Frame mask register
#define ecc $26 // S-cache ECC and primary parity register
#define cacheerr $27 // Cache error and status register
#define taglo $28 // Cache tag low register
#define taghi $29 // Cache tag high register
#define errorepc $30 // Error exception PC register
// Define R4000 system coprocessor register bit field offsets.
#define INDEX_INDEX 0x0 // TLB specified index <5:0>
#define INDEX_PROBE 0x1f // TLB probe failure <31>
#define RANDOM_INDEX 0x0 // TLB random index <5:0>
#define ENTRYLO_G 0x0 // Global <0>
#define ENTRYLO_V 0x1 // Valid <1>
#define ENTRYLO_D 0x2 // Dirty <2>
#define ENTRYLO_C 0x3 // Cache control <5:3>
#define ENTRYLO_PFN 0x6 // Page Frame <29:6>
#define PAGEMASK_PAGEMASK 0xd // Page mask <24:13>
#define WIRED_NUMBER 0x0 // Wired entries <5:0>
#define ENTRYHI_PID 0x0 // Process id <7:0>
#define ENTRYHI_VPN2 0xd // Virtual page <31:13>
#define PID_MASK 0xfff // allow for ample expansion
#define PSR_IE 0x0 // Interrupt enable <0>
#define PSR_EXL 0x1 // Exception level <1>
#define PSR_ERL 0x2 // Error level <2>
#define PSR_KSU 0x3 // Kernel/supervisor/user <4:3>
#define PSR_PMODE (PSR_KSU + 1) // Previous mode bit <4>
#define PSR_UX 0x5 // User extended <5>
#define PSR_SX 0x6 // Supervior extended <6>
#define PSR_KX 0x7 // Kernel extended <7>
#define PSR_INTMASK 0x8 // Interrupt mask <15:8>
#define PSR_DE 0x10 // Disable cache parity and ECC <16>
#define PSR_CE 0x11 // Check enable <17>
#define PSR_CH 0x12 // Cache hit <18>
#define PSR_SR 0x14 // Soft reset <20>
#define PSR_TS 0x15 // TLB shutdown <21>
#define PSR_BEV 0x16 // Bootstrap exception vector <22>
#define PSR_CU0 0x1c // Coprocessor 0 enabled <28>
#define PSR_CU1 0x1d // Coprocessor 1 enabled <29>
#define PSR_CU2 0x1e // Coprocessor 2 enabled <30>
#define PSR_CU3 0x1f // Coprocessor 3 enabled <31>
#define CONFIG_K0 0x0 // Kseg0 cache algorithm <2:0>
#define CONFIG_CU 0x3 // Update on store conditional <3>
#define CONFIG_DB 0x4 // Data cache block size <4>
#define CONFIG_IB 0x5 // Instruction cache block size <5>
#define CONFIG_DC 0x6 // Data cache size <8:6>
#define CONFIG_IC 0x9 // Instruction cache size <11:9>
#define CONFIG_EB 0xd // Block ordering <13>
#define CONFIG_EM 0xe // ECC mode enable <14>
#define CONFIG_BE 0xf // Big endian memory <15>
#define CONFIG_SM 0x10 // Use dirty shared state <16>
#define CONFIG_SC 0x11 // Secondary cache present <17>
#define CONFIG_EW 0x12 // System address port width <19:18>
#define CONFIG_SW 0x14 // Secondary cache port width <20>
#define CONFIG_SS 0x15 // Split secondary cache mode <21>
#define CONFIG_SB 0x16 // Secondary cache block size <23:22>
#define CONFIG_EP 0x18 // Pattern for write back data <27:24>
#define CONFIG_EC 0x1c // System address port clock ratio <30:28>
#define CONFIG_CM 0x1f // Master checker mode <31>
#define ECC_ECC 0x0 // Secondary cache ECC <7:0>
#define CACHEERR_PIDX 0x0 // Primary cache index <2:0>
#define CACHEERR_SIDX 0x3 // Secondary cache index <21:3>
#define CACHEERR_EI 0x18 // ECC error on pimary store miss <24>
#define CACHEERR_EB 0x19 // Data error on instrruction error <25>
#define CACHEERR_EE 0x1a // Error on system address bus <26>
#define CACHEERR_ES 0x1b // Error accessing processor state <27>
#define CACHEERR_ET 0x1c // Error on tag field <28>
#define CACHEERR_ED 0x1d // Error on data field <29>
#define CACHEERR_EC 0x1e // Cache level of error <30>
#define CACHEERR_ER 0x1f // Type of reference <31>
#define TAGLO_P 0x0 // primary tag even parity <0>
#define TAGLO_PSTATE 0x6 // primary cache state <7:6>
#define TAGLO_PTAGLO 0x8 // primary tag low physical address <31:8>
// Define R4000 cause register bit offsets.
#define CAUSE_XCODE 0x2 // Exception code <6:2>
#define CAUSE_INTPEND 0x8 // Interrupt pending <15:8>
#define CAUSE_CE 0x1c // Coprocessor unusable <29:28>
#define CAUSE_BD 0x1f // Branch delay slot <31>
// Define R4000 processor id register field offsets.
#define PRID_REV 0x0 // Revision level <7:0>
#define PRID_IMP 0x8 // Implementation type <15:8>
// Define R4000 exception codes.
#define XCODE_INTERRUPT 0x0 // Interrupt
#define XCODE_MODIFY 0x4 // TLB modify
#define XCODE_READ_MISS 0x8 // TLB read miss
#define XCODE_WRITE_MISS 0xc // TLB write miss
#define XCODE_READ_ADDRESS_ERROR 0x10 // Read alignment error
#define XCODE_WRITE_ADDRESS_ERROR 0x14 // Write alignment error
#define XCODE_INSTRUCTION_BUS_ERROR 0x18 // Instruction bus error
#define XCODE_DATA_BUS_ERROR 0x1c // Data bus error
#define XCODE_SYSTEM_CALL 0x20 // System call
#define XCODE_BREAKPOINT 0x24 // Breakpoint
#define XCODE_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION 0x28 // Illegal instruction
#define XCODE_COPROCESSOR_UNUSABLE 0x2c // Coprocessor unusable
#define XCODE_INTEGER_OVERFLOW 0x30 // Arithmetic overflow
#define XCODE_TRAP 0x34 // Trap instruction
#define XCODE_VIRTUAL_INSTRUCTION 0x38 // Virtual instruction coherency
#define XCODE_FLOATING_EXCEPTION 0x3c // Floating point exception
#define XCODE_WATCHPOINT 0x5c // Watch point
#define XCODE_INVALID_USER_ADDRESS 0x70 // Invalid user address (64-bit)
#define XCODE_PANIC 0x78 // Stack overflow (software)
#define XCODE_VIRTUAL_DATA 0x7c // Virtual data coherency
#define R4000_XCODE_MASK (0x1f << CAUSE_XCODE) // R4000 exception code mask
#define R4000_MISS_MASK (R4000_XCODE_MASK & \
// Define R4000 page mask values.
#define PAGEMASK_4KB 0x0 // 4kb page
#define PAGEMASK_16KB 0x3 // 16kb page
#define PAGEMASK_64KB 0xf // 64kb page
#define PAGEMASK_256KB 0x3f // 256kb page
#define PAGEMASK_1MB 0xff // 1mb page
#define PAGEMASK_4MB 0x3ff // 4mb page
#define PAGEMASK_16MB 0xfff // 16mb page
// Define R4000 primary cache states.
#define PRIMARY_CACHE_INVALID 0x0 // primary cache invalid
#define PRIMARY_CACHE_SHARED 0x1 // primary cache shared (clean or dirty)
#define PRIMARY_CACHE_CLEAN_EXCLUSIVE 0x2 // primary cache clean exclusive
#define PRIMARY_CACHE_DIRTY_EXCLUSIVE 0x3 // primary cache dirty exclusive
// Define R4000 cache instruction operation codes.
#define INDEX_INVALIDATE_I 0x0 // invalidate primary instruction cache
#define INDEX_WRITEBACK_INVALIDATE_D 0x1 // writeback/invalidate primary data cache
#define INDEX_INVALIDATE_SI 0x2 // invalidate secondary instruction cache
#define INDEX_WRITEBACK_INVALIDATE_SD 0x3 // writeback/invalidate secondary data cache
#define INDEX_LOAD_TAG_I 0x4 // load primary instruction tag indexed
#define INDEX_LOAD_TAG_D 0x5 // load primary data tag indexed
#define INDEX_LOAD_TAG_SI 0x6 // load secondary instruction tag indexed
#define INDEX_LOAD_TAG_SD 0x7 // load secondary data tag indexed
#define INDEX_STORE_TAG_I 0x8 // store primary instruction tag indexed
#define INDEX_STORE_TAG_D 0x9 // store primary data tag indexed
#define INDEX_STORE_TAG_SI 0xa // store secondary instruction tag indexed
#define INDEX_STORE_TAG_SD 0xb // store secondary data tag indexed
#define CREATE_DIRTY_EXCLUSIVE_D 0xd // create dirty exclusive primary data cache
#define CREATE_DIRTY_EXCLUSIVE_SD 0xf // create dirty exclusive secondary data cache
#define HIT_INVALIDATE_I 0x10 // invalidate primary instruction cache
#define HIT_INVALIDATE_D 0x11 // invalidate primary data cache
#define HIT_INVALIDATE_SI 0x12 // invalidate secondary instruction cache
#define HIT_INVALIDATE_SD 0x13 // invalidate secondary data cache
#define HIT_WRITEBACK_INVALIDATE_D 0x15 // writeback/invalidate primary data cache
#define HIT_WRITEBACK_INVALIDATE_SD 0x17 // writeback/invalidate secondary data cache
#define HIT_WRITEBACK_D 0x19 // writeback primary data cache
#define HIT_WRITEBACK_SD 0x1b // writeback secondary data cache
#define HIT_SET_VIRTUAL_SI 0x1e // hit set virtual secondary instruction cache
#define HIT_SET_VIRTUAL_SD 0x1f // hit set virtual secondary data cache
// Define enable and disable interrupt macros.
.set noreorder; \
.set noat; \
li AT,1 << PSR_CU1; \
mfc0 reg,psr; \
mtc0 AT,psr; \
nop; \
nop; \
nop; \
.set at; \
.set reorder;
#define ENABLE_INTERRUPTS(reg) \
.set noreorder; \
.set noat; \
mtc0 reg,psr; \
nop; \
nop; \
.set at; \
.set reorder;
// Define floating coprocessor registers
#define fsrid $0 // floating identification register
#define fsr $31 // floating status register
// Define floating status register bit offsets.
#define FSR_RM 0x0
#define FSR_SI 0x2
#define FSR_SU 0x3
#define FSR_SO 0x4
#define FSR_SZ 0x5
#define FSR_SV 0x6
#define FSR_EI 0x7
#define FSR_EU 0x8
#define FSR_EO 0x9
#define FSR_EZ 0xa
#define FSR_EV 0xb
#define FSR_XI 0xc
#define FSR_XU 0xd
#define FSR_XO 0xe
#define FSR_XZ 0xf
#define FSR_XV 0x10
#define FSR_XE 0x11
#define FSR_CC 0x17
#define FSR_FS 0x18
// Define save and restore floating state macros.
.set noreorder; \
jal KiRestoreVolatileFloatState; \
ldc1 f0,TrFltF0(s8); \
.set reorder;
.set noreorder; \
jal KiSaveVolatileFloatState; \
sdc1 f0,TrFltF0(s8); \
.set reorder;
.set noreorder; \
jal KiRestoreNonvolatileFloatState; \
ldc1 f20,ExFltF20(sp); \
.set reorder;
.set noreorder; \
jal KiSaveNonvolatileFloatState; \
sdc1 f20,ExFltF20(sp); \
.set reorder;
// Define TB and cache parameters.
#define PCR_ENTRY 0 // TB entry numbers (2) for the PCR
#define PDR_ENTRY 2 // TB entry number (1) for the PDR
#define LARGE_ENTRY 3 // TB entry number (1) for large entry
#define DMA_ENTRY 4 // TB entry number (1) for DMA/InterruptSource
#define TB_ENTRY_SIZE (3 * 4) // size of TB entry
#define FIXED_BASE 0 // base index of fixed TB entries
#define FIXED_ENTRIES (DMA_ENTRY + 1) // number of fixed TB entries
// Define cache parameters
#define DCACHE_SIZE 4 * 1024 // size of data cache in bytes
#define ICACHE_SIZE 4 * 1024 // size of instruction cache in bytes
#define MINIMUM_CACHE_SIZE 4 * 1024 // minimum size of cache
#define MAXIMUM_CACHE_SIZE 128 * 1024 // maximum size fo cache
// Define subtitle macro
#define SBTTL(x)
// Define global definition macros.
#define END_REGION(Name) \
.globl Name; \
#define START_REGION(Name) \
.globl Name; \
// Define procedure entry macros
#define ALTERNATE_ENTRY(Name) \
.globl Name; \
#define LEAF_ENTRY(Name) \
.text; \
.globl Name; \
.ent Name, 0; \
Name:; \
.frame sp, 0, ra; \
.prologue 0;
#define NESTED_ENTRY(Name, fsize, retrg) \
.text; \
.globl Name; \
.ent Name, 0; \
Name:; \
.frame sp, fsize, retrg;
#define ALTERNATE_ENTRY_S(Name) \
.globl Name; \
#define SYSTEM_ENTRY(Name) \
.text; \
.globl Name; \
.ent Name, 0; \
Name:; \
.frame sp, 0, ra; \
.prologue 0;
#define LEAF_ENTRY_S(Name, Section) \
.text Section; \
.globl Name; \
.ent Name, 0; \
Name:; \
.frame sp, 0, ra; \
.prologue 0;
#define NESTED_ENTRY_S(Name, fsize, retrg, Section) \
.text Section; \
.globl Name; \
.ent Name, 0; \
Name:; \
.frame sp, fsize, retrg;
// Define exception handling macros.
#define EXCEPTION_HANDLER(Handler) \
.edata 1, Handler;
#define PROLOGUE_END .prologue 1;
// Define exception data section and align.
.edata 0