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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
* Copyright (C) 1992-93, Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
* Information Contained Herein Is Proprietary and Confidential.
* This file contains a debug implementation of the IMalloc interface.
* This implementation is basically a simple wrapping of the C runtime,
* with additional work to detect memory leakage, and memory overwrite.
* Leakage is detected by tracking each allocation in an address
* instance table, and then checking to see if the table is empty
* when the last reference to the allocator is released.
* Memory overwrite is detected by placing a signature at the end
* of every allocated block, and checking to make sure the signature
* is unchanged when the block is freed.
* This implementation also has additional param validation code, as
* well as additional check make sure that instances that are passed
* to Free() were actually allocated by the corresponding instance of the allocator.
* Creating an instance of this debug allocator that uses the default
* output interface would look like the following,
* BOOL init_application_instance()
* {
* HRESULT hresult;
* IMalloc FAR* pmalloc;
* pmalloc = NULL;
* if((hresult = CreateDbAlloc(DBALLOC_NONE, NULL, &pmalloc)) != NOERROR)
* goto LReturn;
* hresult = OleInitialize(pmalloc);
* LReturn:;
* if(pmalloc != NULL)
* pmalloc->Release();
* return (hresult == NOERROR) ? TRUE : FALSE;
* }
* CONSIDER: could add an option to force error generation, something
* like DBALLOC_ERRORGEN, that works along the lines of OB's
* DebErrorNow.
* CONSIDER: add support for heap-checking. say for example,
* DBALLOC_HEAPCHECK would do a heapcheck every free? every 'n'
* calls to free? ...
*Revision History:
* [00] 25-Feb-92 bradlo: Created.
* [01] 03-Mar-93 rajivk: Added to ebapp.
*Implementation Notes:
* The method IMalloc::DidAlloc() is allowed to always return
* "Dont Know" (-1). This method is called by Ole, and they take
* some appropriate action when they get this answer. UNDONE -- elaborate.
#ifdef DEBUG // entire file
#if 0
#include "pch.c"
#pragma hdrstop(PCHNAME)
#else //0
#include "mktyplib.h"
#ifdef MAC
#define OE_MAC TRUE
#ifdef WIN32
#define OE_WIN32 TRUE
#if defined(_MIPS_) || defined(_ALPHA_) || defined(_PPC_)
#define OE_RISC TRUE
#ifdef WIN16
#define OE_WIN16 TRUE
#endif //0
#if OE_MAC
#include <macos\osutils.h>
#include <macos\sysequ.h>
#endif // OE_MAC
// Note: this file is designed to be stand-alone; it includes a
// carefully chosen, minimal set of headers.
// For conditional compilation we use the ole2 conventions,
// _MAC = mac
// WIN32 = Win32 (NT really)
// <nothing> = defaults to Win16
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef _DEBUG
#define _DEBUG 1
#if !OE_WIN32
#include "ole2.h"
#if !OE_MAC
#include "compobj.h"
#endif //!OE_WIN32
#if OE_MAC
// include Mac stuff
#include "macos\memory.h"
#include "macos\errors.h"
typedef VOID* HSYS;
#define HSYS_Nil ((HSYS)NULL)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <limits.h>
#if 0
#include "ebapp.h"
#include "dimalloc.hxx"
// This global is defined in bind.c and contains the name of the
// log file specified by -o, if there is one.
extern "C" {
CHAR g_szLogFile[];
#else //0
// UNDONE: RISC [jeffrob] Currently use same alignment for ALL risc
// UNDONE: platforms.
#define cbAlign 8
#endif // OE_RISC
#if OE_MAC
#include "macos\menus.h"
#include "macos\dialogs.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "macos\files.h"
#include "macos\lists.h"
#endif // OE_MAC
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Assertion macro.
#define DebAssert(fExpr, szComment) \
if (!(fExpr)) \
DebAssertShow(__FILE__, __LINE__, szComment); \
else 0 /* useless statement */
void DebAssertShow(LPSTR szFileName, UINT uLine, LPSTR szComment);
#define DebAssertNum(fExpr, szComment, nErr) \
if (!(fExpr)) \
DebAssertShow(__FILE__, __LINE__, szComment); \
else 0 /* useless statement */
#if 0
// Macros for error checking:
#define IfErrExit(s) { if (eberr = (s)) goto Exit; }
#define IfNullExit(s) { if ( !(s) ) { eberr = EBERR_OutOfMemory; goto Exit;} }
#define IfErrGo(s) { if (eberr = (s)) goto Error; }
#define IfErrGoTo(s, label) { if (eberr = (s)) goto label; }
#endif //0
#ifndef WIN32
#ifndef _INC_WINDOWS
#define LOWORD(l) ((WORD)(DWORD)(l))
#define HIWORD(l) ((WORD)((((DWORD)(l)) >> 16) & 0xFFFF))
#endif //_INC_WINDOWS
#endif //!WIN32
#if 0
// Maintains the hproj/docfile/project substorage relationship.
typedef struct STGREC {
IStorage FAR* pstgFile;
IStorage FAR* pstgProj;
HPROJECT hproj; // The hproject associated with this storage if known.
LPSTR bstrName; // The name of the file.
BOOL isTemp; // TRUE if this is a temp file that should be deleted
// when closed.
STGREC FAR* CreateTmpStorage(void);
EBERR CopyTmpFileToDest(HPROJECT hproj, LPSTR lpstrFileName);
void PASCAL FreeStorage(void);
STGREC FAR* FindStgRecByName(LPSTR szName);
void CloseProjectStorage(HPROJECT hproj);
#if OE_WIN
extern HINSTANCE g_hInst; // host-app instance handle
extern HWND g_hwndSrchDlg; // modeless search dialog
extern HWND g_hwndMDISpace; // window handle of host app's MDI space
extern HWND g_hwndParent; // this instance's top-level window.
extern char g_szProject[]; // project window class name
extern char g_szDebugWnd[]; // debug window class name
extern char g_szPolyWnd[]; // polygon window class name
#endif //OE_WIN
#if OE_MAC
extern BOOL fMacHelpLoaded; //TRUE if the mac help file is laoded
extern FSSpec fsHelpFile; //FSSpec for the help file
extern char* g_szTitleText; // default title bar text
extern HWND g_hwndEbActive; // Active O.B. window.
extern BOOL g_fAppActive; // is this application active?
extern BOOL g_fParentActive; // is the parent (frame) window active?
extern LPSTR g_lpszHelpFile; // help file if F1 pressed
extern DWORD g_dwHelpContext; // help context if F1 pressed
extern UINT g_cMsgLoop; // How many nested message loops?
extern INT g_fNoAllocs; // Are allocations allowed?
extern int g_cxScroll; // width of scrollbar
extern int g_cyScroll; // heigth of scrollbar
// Errros Used by Ebapp only.
#define EBERR_IdNotFound 0xffff
extern int g_fDbcs; // is DBCS support enabled?
LPDISPATCH EBCALL GetProjCollection(void);
void AppObjTerm();
void CallEbNotifyWindow(HWND hwnd, EBMSG ebmsg, LONG lparam);
void QuitEbApp();
void DebAssertWrite(char* szFileName, char* szMsg);
LPVOID EBCALL CreateNewObject(LPSTR szProjName, LPSTR szClassName);
BOOL GetDebIMalloc(IMalloc FAR* FAR* ppmalloc);
VOID FAR* EBCALL CreateInstance(BSTR szTlibName, UINT uIndex);
VOID FAR* CreateInst(BSTR szTlibName, UINT uIndex);
BOOL GetStringDlg(char** pszString);
BOOL RenameDlg(char** pszNewName);
#if OE_MAC
Boolean CheckMacHelpEvent(EventRecord* evtPtr);
OSErr GetWDInfoTemp(short wdRefNum, short* pvRefNum, long* pdirid);
BOOL MacGetFullPath(long dirid, short vRefNum, LPSTR szPath);
void InitializeGrafport();
BOOL FCalcTextHeight(CHAR* szText, SHORT cx, SHORT* cy);
void RectToRECT(const Rect* prcm, RECT* prc);
void RECTToRect(const RECT* prc, Rect* prcm);
BOOL PaintWindow(EventRecord* pevt);
#endif // OE_MAC
DEFINE_GUID(IID_CVARCOLLECT, 0x2d736941, 0xc370, 0x1068, 0xb3, 0x69, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2b, 0x2b, 0x37, 0x87);
#endif //0
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if OE_MAC
#ifdef _fstrcpy
#undef _fstrcpy
#ifdef _fstrncpy
#undef _fstrncpy
#ifdef _fstrncat
#undef _fstrncat
#ifdef _fstrcat
#undef _fstrcat
#ifdef _fstrchr
#undef _fstrchr
#define _fstrcpy strcpy
#define _fstrncpy strncpy
#define _fstrncat strncat
#define _fstrcat strcat
#define _fstrchr strchr
#endif //OE_MAC
#if OE_MAC
#define STDOLE_FILE "mstdole.tlb"
#define APPOBJ_FILE "mappobj"
#else //!OE_MAC
#if OE_WIN32
#define STDOLE_FILE "stdole32.tlb"
#define APPOBJ_FILE "apo"
#else //OE_WIN16
#define STDOLE_FILE "stdole.tlb"
#define APPOBJ_FILE "apobj"
#endif //OE_WIN16
#endif //!OE_MAC
#define VBAOLB_FILE "vba"
#ifndef DBALLOC_H_INCLUDED /* { */
interface IDbOutput : public IUnknown
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID riid, void FAR* FAR* ppv) PURE;
STDMETHOD_(void, Printf)(THIS_ char FAR* szFmt, ...) PURE;
STDMETHOD_(void, Assertion)(THIS_
BOOL cond,
char FAR* szExpr,
char FAR* szFile,
UINT uLine,
char FAR* szMsg) PURE;
STDAPI CreateDbAlloc(ULONG options, IDbOutput FAR* pdbout, IMalloc FAR* FAR* ppmalloc);
// dballoc option flags - these are set at create time.
#define DBALLOC_NONE 0
#endif /* } DBALLOC_H_INCLUDED */
#define OOB_SELECTOROF(p) ((USHORT) ((ULONG) (p) >> 16))
#define DIM(X) (sizeof(X)/sizeof((X)[0]))
#define UNREACHED 0
static char szSigMsg[] = "Signature Check Failed";
// This defn switches in array handling code that knows how to
// handle non-aligned & non-power-of-2 arrays.
// Defined & used in hugearry.asm, dimalloc.cxx & exvarg.cxx
// In dimalloc.cxx it enables signature prefixing for huge
// arrays thus allowing testing of the array-adjust code in VBA.
#if OE_WIN16
#define MAX_SIZE 64000
#define Max
VOID FAR* HugeAlloc(DWORD bch);
VOID FAR* HugeRealloc(VOID FAR* pv, DWORD bchNew);
VOID FAR* HugeFree(VOID FAR* pv);
#if defined(WIN32)
# define MEMCMP(PV1, PV2, CB) memcmp((PV1), (PV2), (CB))
# define MEMCPY(PV1, PV2, CB) memcpy((PV1), (PV2), (CB))
# define MEMSET(PV, VAL, CB) memset((PV), (VAL), (CB))
# define MALLOC(CB) malloc(CB)
# define REALLOC(PV, CB) realloc((PV), (CB))
# define FREE(PV) free(PV)
# define MSIZE(PV) _msize(PV)
//UNDONE: NT has no heapmin() function?
//# define HEAPMIN() _heapmin()
#elif OE_MAC
#define MEMCPY memcpy
// #define REALLOC(PV, CB) SetPtrSize((char _near *)(PV), (CB))
// #define MALLOC(CB) NewPtr(CB)
// #define FREE(PV) DisposPtr((char _near *)(PV))
#define REALLOC(PV, CB) realloc((PV), (CB))
#define MALLOC(CB) malloc(CB)
#define FREE(PV) free(PV)
#define MEMCMP(PV1, PV2, CB) memcmp((PV1), (PV2), (CB))
#define MEMSET(PV, VAL, CB) memset((PV), (VAL), (CB))
// #define MSIZE(PV) GetPtrSize((char _near *)(PV))
#define MSIZE(PV) _msize(PV)
#define HEAPMIN() _heapmin()
# define MEMCMP(PV1, PV2, CB) _fmemcmp((PV1), (PV2), (CB))
# define MEMCPY(PV1, PV2, CB) _fmemcpy((PV1), (PV2), (CB))
# define MEMSET(PV, VAL, CB) _fmemset((PV), (VAL), (CB))
# define MALLOC(CB) _fmalloc(CB)
# define REALLOC(PV, CB) _frealloc(PV, CB)
# define FREE(PV) _ffree(PV)
# define MSIZE(PV) _fmsize(PV)
# define HEAPMIN() _fheapmin()
class FAR CStdDbOutput : public IDbOutput {
static IDbOutput FAR* Create();
// IUnknown methods
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID riid, void FAR* FAR* ppv);
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)(void);
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)(void);
// IDbOutput methods
STDMETHOD_(void, Printf)(char FAR* szFmt, ...);
STDMETHOD_(void, Assertion)(BOOL cond, char FAR* szExpr, char FAR* szFile, UINT uLine, char FAR* szMsg);
void FAR* operator new(size_t cb) {
return MALLOC(cb);
void operator delete(void FAR* pv) {
CStdDbOutput() {
m_refs = 0;
ULONG m_refs;
char m_rgch[128]; // buffer for output formatting
//implementation of the debug allocator
class FAR CAddrNode
void FAR* m_pv; // instance
ULONG m_cb; // size of allocation in BYTES
ULONG m_nAlloc; // the allocation pass count
CAddrNode FAR* m_next;
void FAR* operator new(size_t cb) {
return MALLOC(cb);
void operator delete(void FAR* pv) {
class FAR CDbAlloc : public IMalloc
static HRESULT Create(ULONG options, IDbOutput FAR* pdbout, IMalloc FAR* FAR* ppmalloc);
// IUnknown methods
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID riid, void FAR* FAR* ppv);
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)(void);
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)(void);
// IMalloc methods
STDMETHOD_(void FAR*, Alloc)(ULONG cb);
STDMETHOD_(void FAR*, Realloc)(void FAR* pv, ULONG cb);
STDMETHOD_(void, Free)(void FAR* pv);
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, GetSize)(void FAR* pv);
STDMETHOD_(int, DidAlloc)(void FAR* pv);
STDMETHOD_(void, HeapMinimize)(void);
VOID IMallocHeapChecker();
VOID MemInstance();
void FAR* operator new(size_t cb) {
return MALLOC(cb);
void operator delete(void FAR* pv) {
ULONG m_refs;
ULONG m_cAllocCalls; // total count of allocation calls
IDbOutput FAR* m_pdbout; // output interface
CAddrNode FAR* m_rganode[64]; // address instance table
// instance table methods
void AddInst(void FAR* pv, ULONG nAlloc, ULONG cb);
void DelInst(void FAR* pv);
CAddrNode FAR* GetInst(void FAR* pv);
BOOL IsEmpty(void);
void DumpInstTable(void);
void DumpInst(CAddrNode FAR* pn);
inline UINT HashInst(void FAR* pv) const {
return ((UINT)((ULONG)pv >> 4)) % DIM(m_rganode);
// output method(s)
inline void Assertion(BOOL cond, char FAR* szExpr, char FAR* szFile, UINT uLine, char FAR* szMsg)
m_pdbout->Assertion(cond, szExpr, szFile, uLine, szMsg);
#define ASSERT(X) Assertion(X, #X, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL)
#define ASSERTSZ(X, SZ) Assertion(X, #X, __FILE__, __LINE__, SZ)
char m_rgchSig[cbAlign];
char m_rgchSig[4];
#endif // !(OE_RISC)
CDbAlloc() {
m_refs = 1;
m_pdbout = NULL;
m_cAllocCalls = 0;
MEMSET(m_rganode, 0, sizeof(m_rganode));
m_rgchSig[0] = m_rgchSig[2] = (char)0xBA;
m_rgchSig[1] = m_rgchSig[3] = (char)0xBE;
#if (cbAlign == 8)
m_rgchSig[4] = m_rgchSig[6] = (char)0xBA;
m_rgchSig[5] = m_rgchSig[7] = (char)0xBE;
#error Invalid cbAlign value.
#endif // cbAlign
#endif // OE_RISC
*HRESULT CreateDbAlloc(ULONG, IDbOutput*, IMalloc**)
* Create an instance of CDbAlloc -- a debug implementation
* of IMalloc.
* pdbout = optional IDbOutput interface to use for ouput
* (if NULL, then the default debug output interface will be used)
* options =
* return value = HRESULT
* *ppmalloc = pointer to an IMalloc interface
STDAPI CreateDbAlloc(ULONG options, IDbOutput FAR* pdbout, IMalloc FAR* FAR* ppmalloc)
return CDbAlloc::Create(options, pdbout, ppmalloc);
HRESULT CDbAlloc::Create(ULONG options, IDbOutput FAR* pdbout, IMalloc FAR* FAR* ppmalloc)
HRESULT hresult;
CDbAlloc FAR* pmalloc;
// default the instance of IDbOutput if the user didn't supply one
if (pdbout == NULL && ((pdbout = CStdDbOutput::Create()) == NULL)) {
hresult = ResultFromScode(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
goto LError0;
if ((pmalloc = new FAR CDbAlloc()) == NULL) {
hresult = ResultFromScode(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
goto LError1;
pmalloc->m_pdbout = pdbout;
*ppmalloc = pmalloc;
return NOERROR;
return hresult;
STDMETHODIMP CDbAlloc::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void FAR* FAR* ppv)
HRESULT hresult;
#if OE_MAC
long a5Save = SetA5(*((long*)(long)CurrentA5));
#endif // OE_MAC
if (riid == IID_IUnknown) {
*ppv = this;
hresult = NOERROR;
} else
hresult = ResultFromScode(E_NOINTERFACE);
#if OE_MAC
#endif // OE_MAC
return hresult;
return ++m_refs;
// FILE *pfileLog; // UNDONE stevenl -- not used right now
if (--m_refs == 0) {
#if OE_MAC
long a5Save = SetA5(*((long*)(long)CurrentA5));
#endif // OE_MAC
// check for memory leakage
if (!IsEmpty()) {
m_pdbout->Printf("Memory Leak Detected,\n");
ASSERTSZ(FALSE, "Memory leaked");
} else {
// No memory has leaked. If we're running a test script,
// we want the line "No Memory Leaks." at the end of the
// script, so that there will be a baseline failure if
// memory has leaked. The global g_szLogFile has the name
// of the file, if there is one.
#if 0
if (strlen(g_szLogFile)) {
#if 0
// UNDONE 20-May-93 stevenl:
// This is #ifdef'ed out until we feel like
// messing with all the baselines again.
pfileLog = fopen(g_szLogFile, "at");
if (pfileLog) {
fprintf(pfileLog, "No Memory Leaks.");
} // if
#endif //0
} // else
delete this;
#if OE_MAC
#endif // OE_MAC
return 0;
return m_refs;
CDbAlloc::Alloc(ULONG cb)
ULONG size;
#if OE_MAC
long a5Save = SetA5(*((long*)(long)CurrentA5));
#endif // OE_MAC
#if 0
// If allocations have been disabled (probably because we're in
// the middle of a save), just return NULL.
if (g_fNoAllocs)
return NULL;
#endif //0
MemInstance();// ++m_cAllocCalls;
size = (ULONG)cb;
// Support for Huge Arrays
if ((cb + 2 * sizeof(m_rgchSig)) < MAX_SIZE) {
if ((pv = MALLOC((size_t)(size + 2 * sizeof(m_rgchSig)))) == NULL)
goto Error;
} else {
if ((pv = (VOID FAR*)HugeAlloc(size + 2 * sizeof(m_rgchSig))) == NULL)
goto Error;
// set allocated block to some non-zero value
MEMSET(pv, -1, (size_t)(size + 2 * sizeof(m_rgchSig)));
if ((cb + 2 * sizeof(m_rgchSig)) < MAX_SIZE) {
// put signature at end of allocated block
MEMCPY((char FAR*)pv + size + sizeof(m_rgchSig), m_rgchSig, (size_t)sizeof(m_rgchSig));
// put signature at the head of the allocated block
MEMCPY((char FAR*)pv, m_rgchSig, sizeof(m_rgchSig));
pv = (char FAR*)pv + sizeof(m_rgchSig);
// We do not put the signature for huge memory allocation
if ((cb + 2 * sizeof(m_rgchSig)) < MAX_SIZE) {
// put signature at end of allocated block
MEMCPY((char FAR*)pv + size + sizeof(m_rgchSig), m_rgchSig, (size_t)sizeof(m_rgchSig));
// put signature at the head of the allocated block
MEMCPY((char FAR*)pv, m_rgchSig, sizeof(m_rgchSig));
// For Huge allocation return the pointer to the beginnig of the seg.
if ((cb + 2 * sizeof(m_rgchSig)) < MAX_SIZE) {
// return the pointer to the beginning of the block to be returned
pv = (char FAR*)pv + sizeof(m_rgchSig);
// save the address returned and it's size also.
AddInst(pv, m_cAllocCalls, size);
#if OE_MAC
#endif // OE_MAC
return pv;
CDbAlloc::Realloc(void FAR* pv, ULONG cb)
ULONG size;
ULONG sizeToFree;
CAddrNode FAR* pn;
if (pv == NULL) {
return Alloc(cb);
#if OE_MAC
long a5Save = SetA5(*((long*)(long)CurrentA5));
#endif // OE_MAC
// ++m_cAllocCalls;
pn = GetInst(pv);
sizeToFree = pn->m_cb;
if (cb == 0) {
pv = NULL;
goto Done;
#if 0
// If allocations have been disabled (probably because we're in
// the middle of a save) and we're trying to increase the size of
// the allocated block, just return NULL. We allow decreases, since
// that can't cause an out of memory error in a real allocator.
if (cb > sizeToFree&& g_fNoAllocs)
return NULL;
#endif //0
size = cb;
// UNDONE : This does not handle the case when we mix the huge alloc and
// and realloc.
if (((sizeToFree + 2 * sizeof(m_rgchSig)) < MAX_SIZE) && ((size + 2 * sizeof(m_rgchSig)) < MAX_SIZE)) {
// we delete the instance from the table using the address passed in.
// get the address of the original memory allocated
pv = (char FAR*)pv - sizeof(m_rgchSig);
// allocte enough memory to put the signature also.
if ((pv = REALLOC(pv, (size_t)(size + 2 * sizeof(m_rgchSig)))) == NULL)
goto Done;
} else {
if (((sizeToFree + 2 * sizeof(m_rgchSig)) >= MAX_SIZE) &&
((size + 2 * sizeof(m_rgchSig)) >= MAX_SIZE)) {
// we delete the instance from the table using the address passed in.
// get the address of the original memory allocated
pv = (char FAR*)pv - sizeof(m_rgchSig);
// allocte enough memory to put the signature also.
if ((pv = HugeRealloc(pv, size + 2 * sizeof(m_rgchSig))) == NULL)
goto Done;
} else {
VOID FAR* pvNew;
ULONG cbCopy;
if ((pvNew = Alloc(size)) == NULL) {
// if the memory to be free is < MAX_SIZE then adjust the pointer
if ((sizeToFree + 2 * sizeof(m_rgchSig)) < MAX_SIZE) {
// get the address of the original memory allocated
pv = (char FAR*)pv - sizeof(m_rgchSig);
pv = NULL;
goto Done;
cbCopy = (sizeToFree < size) ? sizeToFree : size;
// copy the original contents
MEMCPY((char FAR*)pvNew, (char FAR*)pv, (size_t)cbCopy);
pv = (char FAR*)pv - sizeof(m_rgchSig);
// if the memory to be free is < MAX_SIZE then adjust the pointer
if ((sizeToFree + 2 * sizeof(m_rgchSig)) < MAX_SIZE) {
// get the address of the original memory allocated
pv = (char FAR*)pv - sizeof(m_rgchSig);
Free((char FAR*)pv + sizeof(m_rgchSig));
pv = pvNew;
goto Done;
// We do not put the signature at the tail for huge memory allocation
if ((size + 2 * sizeof(m_rgchSig)) < MAX_SIZE) {
// put signature at end of allocated block
// NOTE:- the signature for the header is already there.
MEMCPY((char FAR*)pv + size + sizeof(m_rgchSig), m_rgchSig, sizeof(m_rgchSig));
pv = (char FAR*)pv + sizeof(m_rgchSig);
// For Huge allocation return the pointer to the beginnig of the seg.
if ((cb + 2 * sizeof(m_rgchSig)) < MAX_SIZE) {
// return the pointer to the beginning of the block (to be used
// by the caller).
pv = (char FAR*)pv + sizeof(m_rgchSig);
// save the address returned and it's size also.
AddInst(pv, m_cAllocCalls, size);
#if OE_MAC
#endif // OE_MAC
return pv;
STDMETHODIMP_(void) CDbAlloc::Free(void FAR* pv)
CAddrNode FAR* pn;
ULONG sizeToFree;
#if OE_MAC
long a5Save = SetA5(*((long*)(long)CurrentA5));
#endif // OE_MAC
// STORAGE.DLL Calls Free(NULL) alot
if (pv == NULL)
goto Done;
pn = GetInst(pv);
// check for attempt to free an instance we didnt allocate
if (pn == NULL) {
ASSERTSZ(FALSE, "pointer freed by wrong allocator");
goto Done;
// We do not put the signature at the tail for huge memory allocation
if ((pn->m_cb + 2 * sizeof(m_rgchSig)) < MAX_SIZE) {
// verify the signature at the tail
if (MEMCMP((char FAR*)pv + pn->m_cb, m_rgchSig, sizeof(m_rgchSig)) != 0) {
m_pdbout->Printf(szSigMsg); m_pdbout->Printf("\n");
// verify the signature at the head
if (MEMCMP((char FAR*)pv - sizeof(m_rgchSig), m_rgchSig, sizeof(m_rgchSig)) != 0) {
m_pdbout->Printf(szSigMsg); m_pdbout->Printf("\n");
sizeToFree = pn->m_cb;
pv = (char FAR*)pv - sizeof(m_rgchSig);
if ((sizeToFree + 2 * sizeof(m_rgchSig)) < MAX_SIZE) {
// get the address of the original memory allocated
pv = (char FAR*)pv - sizeof(m_rgchSig);
// stomp on the contents of the block
MEMSET(pv, 0xCC, (size_t)(sizeToFree + 2 * sizeof(m_rgchSig)));
if ((sizeToFree + 2 * sizeof(m_rgchSig)) < MAX_SIZE) {
} else {
#if OE_MAC
#endif // OE_MAC
CDbAlloc::GetSize(void FAR* pv)
CAddrNode FAR* pn;
ASSERT((pn = GetInst(pv)) != NULL);
// dont count extra signature bytes in size
return pn->m_cb;
VOID CDbAlloc::MemInstance()
* Answer if the given address belongs to a block allocated by
* this allocator.
* pv = the instance to lookup
* return value = int
* 1 - did alloc
* 0 - did *not* alloc
* -1 - dont know (according to the ole2 spec it is always legal
* for the allocator to answer "dont know")
CDbAlloc::DidAlloc(void FAR* pv)
return -1; // answer "I dont know"
#if !OE_WIN32 //UNDONE: what does HeapMinimize mean for WIN32?
#if OE_MAC
long a5Save = SetA5(*((long*)(long)CurrentA5));
#if OE_MAC
// instance table methods
void CDbAlloc::AddInst(void FAR* pv, ULONG nAlloc, ULONG cb)
*PRIVATE CDbAlloc::AddInst
* Add the given instance to the address instance table.
* pv = the instance to add
* nAlloc = the allocation passcount of this instance
UINT hash;
CAddrNode FAR* pn;
pn = (CAddrNode FAR*)new FAR CAddrNode();
pn->m_pv = pv;
pn->m_cb = cb;
pn->m_nAlloc = nAlloc;
hash = HashInst(pv);
pn->m_next = m_rganode[hash];
m_rganode[hash] = pn;
void CDbAlloc::DelInst(void FAR* pv)
* Remove the given instance from the address instance table.
* pv = the instance to remove
CAddrNode FAR* FAR* ppn, FAR* pnDead;
for (ppn = &m_rganode[HashInst(pv)]; *ppn != NULL; ppn = &(*ppn)->m_next) {
if ((*ppn)->m_pv == pv) {
pnDead = *ppn;
*ppn = (*ppn)->m_next;
delete pnDead;
// make sure it doesnt somehow appear twice
ASSERT(GetInst(pv) == NULL);
ASSERT(UNREACHED);// didnt find the instance
CAddrNode FAR* CDbAlloc::GetInst(void FAR* pv)
CAddrNode FAR* pn;
for (pn = m_rganode[HashInst(pv)]; pn != NULL; pn = pn->m_next) {
if (pn->m_pv == pv)
return pn;
return NULL;
void CDbAlloc::DumpInst(CAddrNode FAR* pn)
m_pdbout->Printf("[%lp] nAlloc=%ld size=%ld\n", pn->m_pv, pn->m_nAlloc, GetSize(pn->m_pv));
BOOL CDbAlloc::IsEmpty()
* Answer if the address instance table is empty.
* return value = BOOL, TRUE if empty, FALSE otherwise
for (u = 0; u < DIM(m_rganode); ++u) {
if (m_rganode[u] != NULL) {
#if OE_MAC
// UNDONE: (dougf) temporary code to work around bug in OleInitialize.
// UNDONE: OleInitialize in the OLE2 Beta 1 build allocs 42 bytes of
// UNDONE: memory in it's first alloc, and never frees it. It
// UNDONE: also randomly fails to dealloc 39 bytes in WriteClassStg.
// UNDONE: Rip this code when we upgrade to a newer Mac OLE that has
// UNDONE: these bugs fixed.
CAddrNode FAR* pn;
pn = m_rganode[u];
cb = GetSize(pn->m_pv);
if (pn->m_nAlloc == 1 && cb == 42)
continue; // ignore OleInitialize's memory leak
if (cb == 39)
continue; // ignore the random OLE memory leak in WriteClassStg
// (happens when running cl\tbmacole.scr)
#endif //OE_MAC
#if OE_WIN32 && 0
// UNDONE: (dougf) temporary code to work around bug in OleInitialize.
// UNDONE: OleInitialize allocs 320 bytes of memory in it's first
// UNDONE: alloc, and 60 bytes in it's 3rd alloc, and never frees them.
// UNDONE: OleUnitialize allocs 68 & 172 bytes and never frees them.
// UNDONE: Rip this code when we upgrade
// UNDONE: to a newer NT OLE that has these bugs fixed.
CAddrNode FAR* pn;
pn = m_rganode[u];
cb = GetSize(pn->m_pv);
if (pn->m_nAlloc == 1 && cb == 320)
continue;// ignore OleInitialize's first memory leak
if (pn->m_nAlloc == 3 && cb == 60)
continue;// ignore OleInitialize's second memory leak
if (cb == 68)
continue;// ignore OleUninitialize's first memory leak
if (cb == 172)
continue;// ignore OleUninitialize's second memory leak
#endif //OE_WIN32
#if !FV_UNICODE_OLE // UNDONE: temporary (ignore the dstrmgr leaks)
return FALSE;// some other leak
#endif //!FV_UNICODE_OLE
return TRUE;
void CDbAlloc::DumpInstTable()
*PRIVATE CDbAlloc::Dump
* Print the current contents of the address instance table,
CAddrNode FAR* pn;
for (u = 0; u < DIM(m_rganode); ++u) {
for (pn = m_rganode[u]; pn != NULL; pn = pn->m_next) {
* GetDebIMalloc()
* Purpose : Walks the Heap and verifies that the heap is not corrupted
VOID CDbAlloc::IMallocHeapChecker()
CAddrNode FAR* pn;
for (u = 0; u < DIM(m_rganode); ++u) {
for (pn = m_rganode[u]; pn != NULL; pn = pn->m_next) {
// Verify that the signature are the foot and the head of this
// instance is correct.
// We do not put the signature at the tail for huge memory allocation
if ((pn->m_cb + 2 * sizeof(m_rgchSig)) < MAX_SIZE) {
// verify the signature at the tail
if (MEMCMP((char FAR*)pn->m_pv + pn->m_cb, m_rgchSig, sizeof(m_rgchSig)) != 0) {
m_pdbout->Printf(szSigMsg); m_pdbout->Printf("\n");
// verify the signature at the head
if (MEMCMP((char FAR*)pn->m_pv - sizeof(m_rgchSig), m_rgchSig, sizeof(m_rgchSig)) != 0) {
m_pdbout->Printf(szSigMsg); m_pdbout->Printf("\n");
//implementation of CStdDbOutput
IDbOutput FAR* CStdDbOutput::Create()
return (IDbOutput FAR*)new FAR CStdDbOutput();
CStdDbOutput::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void FAR* FAR* ppv)
if (riid == IID_IUnknown) {
*ppv = this;
return NOERROR;
return ResultFromScode(E_NOINTERFACE);
return ++m_refs;
if (--m_refs == 0) {
delete this;
return 0;
return m_refs;
CStdDbOutput::Printf(char FAR* szFmt, ...)
va_list args;
char* pn, FAR* pf;
char rgchFmtBuf[128];
char rgchOutputBuf[128];
// copy the 'far' format string to a near buffer so we can use
// a medium model vsprintf, which only supports near data pointers.
pn = rgchFmtBuf, pf = szFmt;
while (*pf != '\0')
*pn++ = *pf++;
*pn = '\0';
va_start(args, szFmt);
vsprintf(rgchOutputBuf, rgchFmtBuf, args);
#if !OE_MAC
strcat(rgchOutputBuf, ";g");
DebugStr((const unsigned char*)c2pstr(rgchOutputBuf));
CStdDbOutput::Assertion(BOOL cond, char FAR* szExpr, char FAR* szFile, UINT uLine, char FAR* szMsg)
if (cond)
// following is from compobj.dll (ole2)
// FnAssert(szExpr, szMsg, szFile, uLine);
DebAssert(0, szMsg);
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* GetDebIMalloc()
* Purpose : Creates a debug version of IMalloc
BOOL GetDebIMalloc(IMalloc FAR* FAR* ppmalloc)
// For Debug version we want to provide our own implementation of
// IMalloc. But for release version we use the default.
HRESULT hresult;
IMalloc FAR* pmalloc;
pmalloc = NULL;
hresult = CreateDbAlloc(DBALLOC_NONE, NULL, &pmalloc);
if (hresult != NOERROR)
return FALSE;
*ppmalloc = pmalloc;
return TRUE;
#ifdef __cplusplus
VOID FAR* HugeAlloc(DWORD bch)
Allocate a system memblock of given size and return its handle.
Note: on Win16 dereferences handle and produce 32-bit
address = selector:offset=0.
bch Allocation request. Can be >64K.
Returns an HSYS. NULL if unsuccessful.
#if OE_WIN16
if (((hMem = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, bch)) == NULL)) {
return NULL;
} else if ((pv = (VOID FAR*) GlobalLock(hMem)) == NULL) {
return NULL;
} else {
return (VOID FAR*)pv;
Handle hMemBlock;
THz pCurrZone;
OSErr oserr;
// The following is a work-around to our bogus code that
// caches pointers to moveable memory. The basic idea
// is that we allocate all such memory out of a sub-heap
// inside the host application (or inside our own heap when
// a .DLL). The zone is switched in briefly to allocate,
// then switched back to avoid the OS or CODE seg loads
// from allocating there-in.
// The practice of caching pointers to moveable memory on
// the mac should be fixed to gain optimal use of available
// memory. The sub-heap scheme pools available memory
// and keeps it from being used for loading code when data
// is small. Visa-versa, we cannot flush more code out
// when the data expands to the heap limit. (jwc)
DebAssert(g_pOBZone != NULL, "OB Zone used before being allocated.");
pCurrZone = GetZone(); // save current heap zone.
SetZone(g_pOBZone); // set to OB's zone.
// Allocate moveable mac memblock.
hMemBlock = NewHandle(bch);
// get the error before calling SetZone. 'Cos SetZone can
// change the memory error.
oserr = MemError();
SetZone(pCurrZone); // always restore zone.
if (oserr) {
return NULL;
} else {
return (HSYS)hMemBlock;
#elif OE_MAC
Handle hMemBlock;
OSErr oserr;
// Allocate moveable mac memblock.
hMemBlock = NewHandle(bch);
oserr = MemError();
if (oserr) {
return NULL;
} else {
return (VOID FAR*)hMemBlock;
#elif OE_WIN32
return (VOID FAR*)VirtualAlloc(pv, bch, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
#error Bad OE
VOID FAR* HugeRealloc(VOID FAR* pv, DWORD bchNew)
Reallocate a system memblock given handle to new size.
Shrinking won't move block.
hsys Handle to sys memblock they want to realloc.
bchNew New size they want. Can be >64K.
Returns an HSYS. NULL if unsuccessful.
#if OE_WIN16
HANDLE hMem, hMemNew;
VOID FAR* pvNew;
DWORD dwMem;
DWORD dwNewSize = bchNew;
ULONG cbOld;
usSel = OOB_SELECTOROF((void FAR*)pv);// Get selector
if ((dwMem = GlobalHandle((WORD)usSel)) == NULL) {
return NULL;
} else {
hMem = (HANDLE)LOWORD(dwMem);// Extract the handle.
cbOld = GlobalSize(hMem);// get the size of the old block
if (((hMemNew = GlobalReAlloc(hMem, bchNew, GMEM_MOVEABLE)) == NULL)) {
return NULL;
} else if ((pvNew = GlobalLock(hMemNew)) == NULL) {
return NULL;
} else {
return (VOID FAR*)pvNew;
Handle hMemBlock;
THz pCurrZone;
OSErr oserr;
ULONG cbOld;
hMemBlock = (Handle)hsys;
cbOld = GetHandleSize(hMemBlock);// get the size of the old block
pCurrZone = GetZone(); // save current zone
SetZone(HandleZone((Handle)hsys)); // must set proper zone or
SetHandleSize(hMemBlock, bchNew); // handle will likely
// jump to curr zone if it moves.
oserr = MemError();
SetZone(pCurrZone); // restore current zone.
if (oserr == memFullErr) {
return NULL;// Out of memory
DebAssert((MemError() != nilHandleErr), "HsysReallocHsys: NIL master pointer ");
DebAssert((MemError() != memWZErr), "HsysReallocHsys: Attempt to operate on free Block");
// anything else would be an undocumented error
DebAssert(MemError() == noErr, "HsysReallocHsys: undocumented Mac error");
return (VOID FAR*)hMemBlock;
#elif OE_MAC
Handle hMemBlock;
OSErr oserr;
ULONG cbOld;
hMemBlock = (Handle)hsys;
cbOld = GetHandleSize(hMemBlock);// get the size of the old block
SetHandleSize(hMemBlock, bchNew); // realloc
oserr = MemError();
if (oserr == memFullErr) {
return NULL;// Out of memory
DebAssert((MemError() != nilHandleErr), "HsysReallocHsys: NIL master pointer ");
DebAssert((MemError() != memWZErr), "HsysReallocHsys: Attempt to operate on free Block");
// anything else would be an undocumented error
DebAssert(MemError() == noErr, "HsysReallocHsys: undocumented Mac error");
return (HSYS)hMemBlock;
#elif OE_WIN32
// UNDONE...
DebHalt("HsysReallocHsys: UNDONE for OE_WIN32");
return NULL;
#error Bad OE
#endif // TEMPORARY
return NULL;
VOID FAR* HugeFree(VOID FAR* pv)
Free the sys memblock given a handle.
On Win16, get selector part of hsys,
get its handle, unlock and finally free.
On Mac: Just use DisposHandle
hsys Handle to memblock they want to free.
Returns NULL if successful, otherwise on failure
returns the input param.
#if OE_WIN16
DWORD dwMem;
dwMem = GlobalHandle((WORD)usSel);
if (dwMem == NULL) {
// error
return pv;
} else {
hMem = (HANDLE)LOWORD(dwMem);
GlobalUnlock(hMem); // Can't fail cos nondiscardable.
if (GlobalFree(hMem) != NULL) {
return pv;// error
} else {
return NULL;// ok
THz pCurrZone;
OSErr oserr;
pCurrZone = GetZone(); // save current zone
SetZone(HandleZone((Handle)hsys)); // must set to proper zone to correctly update free list.
oserr = MemError(); // SetZone() will destroy MemError() result.
SetZone(pCurrZone); // restore zone.
DebAssert(oserr != memWZErr, "FreeHsys: attempt to operate on already free block.");
DebAssert(oserr == noErr, "FreeHsys: unexpected error.");
return NULL;
#elif OE_MAC
HSYS hsys = (HSYS)pv;
OSErr oserr;
oserr = MemError(); // SetZone() will destroy MemError() result.
DebAssert(oserr != memWZErr, "FreeHsys: attempt to operate on already free block.");
DebAssert(oserr == noErr, "FreeHsys: unexpected error.");
return NULL;
#elif OE_WIN32
// UNDONE...
DebAssert(FALSE, "FreeHsys: UNDONE for OE_WIN32");
return NULL;
#error Bad OE
#endif // OE_WIN16
return NULL;
#endif //DEBUG