7088 lines
261 KiB
7088 lines
261 KiB
// real0.s
// Zeroth-level interrupt handling code for PowerPC Little-Endian.
// This code must reside in real storage beginning at location 0.
.file "real0.s"
// Author: Rick Simpson
// IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
// Yorktown Heights, NY
// simpson@watson.ibm.com
// Peter Johnston
// IBM - Kirkland Programming Center
// 3600 Carillon Point
// Kirkland, WA 98033
// plj@vnet.ibm.com
// Mark Mergen
// IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
// Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
// mergen@watson.ibm.com
// Pat Carr
// RISC Software, Motorola SPS
// Austin TX 78735
// patcarr@pets.sps.mot.com
// Ying Chan
// RISC Software, Motorola SPS
// Austin TX 78735
// zulc@pets.sps.mot.com
// Fixed mapping of low storage,
// from PowerPC Operating Environment Architecture
// 0x0000 - 0x00FF (reserved)
// 0x0100 - 0x01FF System Reset interrupt handler
// 0x0200 - 0x02FF Machine Check interrupt handler
// 0x0300 - 0x03FF Data Storage interrupt handler
// 0x0400 - 0x04FF Instruction Storage interrupt handler
// 0x0500 - 0x05FF External interrupt handler
// 0x0600 - 0x06FF Alignment interrupt handler
// 0x0700 - 0x07FF Program interrupt handler (a.k.a. program check)
// 0x0800 - 0x08FF Floating Point Unavailable interrupt handler
// 0x0900 - 0x09FF Decrementer interrupt handler
// 0x0A00 - 0x0BFF (reserved)
// 0x0C00 - 0x0CFF System Call interrupt handler
// 0x0D00 - 0x0DFF Trace interrupt handler
// 0x0E00 - 0x0EFF Floating Point Assist interrupt handler
// 0x0F00 - 0x0FFF PMI handler
// The next several handlers are specific to the 603:
// 0x1000 - 0x10FF Instruction Translation Miss handler
// 0x1100 - 0x11FF Data Store Translation Miss handler -- Load
// 0x1200 - 0x12FF Data Store Translation Miss handler -- Store
// 0x1300 - 0x13FF Instruction Address Breakpoint handler
// 0x1400 - 0x14FF System Management Interrupt handler
// 0x1500 - 0x2FFF (reserved)
// This module is loaded into low-storage at real memory address 0.
// System memory's address space begins at address 0x80000000 which
// is mapped to real memory address 0 (see KiSystemInitialization()).
// This module is designed to be entered in real mode and to switch
// to virtual mode asap. Code is compiled to run at VMA 0x80000000.
#define mtbatl mtibatl
#define mtbatu mtibatu
#include "ksppc.h"
// Symbolic names for SPRG registers
.set sprg.0, 0
.set sprg.1, 1
.set sprg.2, 2
.set sprg.3, 3
// Names for the four bits of a CR field
.set LT, 0
.set GT, 1
.set EQ, 2
.set OV, 3
// 601 special purpose register names
.set hid1, 1009
// special purpose register names (601, 603 and 604)
.set hid0, 1008
.set iabr, 1010
// special purpose register names (601, 604)
.set dabr, 1013
// 603 special purpose register names
.set dmiss, 976
.set imiss, 980
.set icmp, 981
.set rpa, 982
// 604 hid0 bits
.set h0_604_ice, 0x8000 // I-Cache Enable
.set h0_604_dce, 0x4000 // D-Cache Enable
.set h0_604_icl, 0x2000 // I-Cache Lock
.set h0_604_dcl, 0x1000 // D-Cache Lock
.set h0_604_icia, 0x0800 // I-Cache Invalidate All
.set h0_604_dcia, 0x0400 // D-Cache Invalidate All
.set h0_604_sse, 0x0080 // Super Scalar Enable
.set h0_604_bhte, 0x0004 // Branch History Table enable
.set h0_604_prefered, h0_604_ice+h0_604_dce+h0_604_sse+h0_604_bhte
// 613 hid0 bits
.set h0_613_ice, 0x8000 // I-Cache Enable
.set h0_613_dce, 0x4000 // D-Cache Enable
.set h0_613_icia, 0x0800 // I-Cache Invalidate All
.set h0_613_dcia, 0x0400 // D-Cache Invalidate All
.set h0_613_sge, 0x0080 // Store Gathering enable
.set h0_613_dcfa, 0x0040 // Data Cache Flush Assist
.set h0_613_btic, 0x0020 // Branch Target Instr enable
.set h0_613_bhte, 0x0004 // Branch History Table enable
// What we're really going to want in hid0 is
// h0_613_ice+h0_613_dce+h0_613_sge+h0_613_dcfa+h0_613_btic+h0_613_bhte
// but these are untried features with currently unknown performance impact,
// so for now use
// h0_613_ice+h0_613_dce++h0_613_btic+h0_613_bhte
.set h0_613_preferred, h0_613_ice+h0_613_dce+h0_613_btic+h0_613_bhte
// 620 hid0 bits
.set h0_620_ice, 0x8000 // I-Cache Enable
.set h0_620_dce, 0x4000 // D-Cache Enable
.set h0_620_icia, 0x0800 // I-Cache Invalidate All
.set h0_620_dcia, 0x0400 // D-Cache Invalidate All
.set h0_620_sse, 0x0080 // Super Scalar Enable
.set h0_620_bpm, 0x0020 // Dynamic branch prediction
.set h0_620_ifm, 0x0018 // Allow off-chip Instr. fetch
.set h0_620_prefered, h0_620_ice+h0_620_dce+h0_620_sse+h0_620_bpm+h0_620_ifm
// Known PPC versions:
.set PV601, 1
.set PV603, 3
.set PV604, 4
.set PV603p, 6 // 603e, Stretch
.set PV603pp, 7 // 603ev, Valiant
.set PV613, 8 // 613, aka Arthur
.set PV604p, 9 // 604+
.set PV620, 20
// Globally-used constants and variables
// external variables
.extern KdpOweBreakpoint
.extern KeGdiFlushUserBatch
.extern KeServiceDescriptorTable
.extern KeTickCount
.extern KiBreakPoints
.extern PsWatchEnabled
// external procedures in ntoskrnl
.extern ..DbgBreakPoint
.extern ..KdSetOwedBreakpoints
.extern ..KeBugCheck
.extern ..KeBugCheckEx
.extern ..KiDeliverApc
.extern ..KiDispatchException
.extern ..KiDispatchSoftwareIntDisabled
.extern ..KiIdleLoop
.extern ..KiInitializeKernel
.extern ..MmAccessFault
.extern ..PsConvertToGuiThread
.extern ..PsWatchWorkingSet
.extern ..RtlpRestoreContextRfiJump
// Beginning of fixed-storage area (real page 0)
// Zeroth-Level Interrupt Handlers
// These routines are located at hardware-mandated addresses. Each
// one is the target of a particular interrupt: the hardware saves
// the current instruction address in SRR0, the MSR (or most of it)
// in SRR1, and branches to the start of one of these routines.
// When entered, each of these routines is running with Instruction
// Relocate OFF, Data Relocate OFF, and External Interrupts disabled.
// It is the task of each Zeroth-Level Interrupt Handler to get back
// into "relocate on" (both IR and DR) as soon as possible. Turning
// on IR is tricky because the kernel is not mapped V=R. The "ZLIHs"
// must be in Real Page 0, but Virtual Page 0 belongs to user space;
// the kernel resides at Virtual address 0x80000000. If the ZLIH
// just turns on IR and DR, it will suddenly start executing code at
// address 0x100 or so in user space (in supervisor state!). On the
// other hand, the ZLIH can't branch to the kernel at 0x80000000,
// because that address doesn't even exist while IR is off.
// The trick is to save the incoming SRR0 and SRR1, load up SRR0 and
// SRR1 with a "new PSW" pointing to a First-Level Interrupt Handler
// in the kernel's virtual space, and use "return from interrupt" to
// both set IR (and DR) to 1 and branch to the proper virtual address
// all in one go.
// The code assembled here must reside at Real Address 0, and also in
// the kernel's virtual space (presumably at 0x80000000, but that is
// not required).
// The following macros, zlih() and short_zlih(), generate the body of the
// code for the Zeroth-Level Interrupt Handlers.
// Each must be preceeded by an ".org" to the proper machine-mandated
// address. The ".org" can be followed by special fast-path interrupt
// handling code, if appropriate, before the zlih() or short_zlih() is
// coded. (Only System Call and D/I Storage interrupts do this at present.)
// zlih(code)
// short_zlih(code)
// code: constant identifying the exception type
// on Entry
// MSR: External interrupts disabled
// Instruction Relocate OFF
// Data Relocate OFF
// SRR0: Next instruction address at time of interrupt
// SRR1: MSR at time of interrupt
// Exits to First-Level Interrupt Handler, with
// MSR: External interrupts disabled
// Instruction Relocate ON
// Data Relocate ON
// GP registers:
// r.2: Constant identifying the interrupt type
// r.3: Saved SRR0 (interrupt address)
// r.4: Saved SRR1 (MSR value)
// r.5: -available-
// r.11: -available-
// In the PCR:
// PcGprSave[0]: Saved r.2
// PcGprSave[1]: Saved r.3
// PcGprSave[2]: Saved r.4
// PcGprSave[3]: Saved r.5
// PcGprSave[5]: Saved r.11
// Nothing is left in the SPRG's
.set PCR_SAVE2, PcGprSave + 0
.set PCR_SAVE3, PcGprSave + 4
.set PCR_SAVE4, PcGprSave + 8
.set PCR_SAVE5, PcGprSave + 12
.set PCR_SAVE6, PcGprSave + 16
.set PCR_SAVE11, PcGprSave + 20
.set FLIH_MSR, 0x00013031 // ILE, FP, ME, IR, DR, LE bits in MSR
.set INT_ENA, MASK_SPR(MSR_EE,1) // MSR External Interrupt Enable
// Note: propagate MSR[PM] bit into the MSR we load.
#define zlih(code) \
mtsprg sprg.2, r.5 ;\
mfsprg r.5, sprg.0 ;\
stw r.4, PCR_SAVE4 (r.5) ;\
lwz r.4, common_exception_entry.ptr - real0 (0) ;\
stw r.3, PCR_SAVE3 (r.5) ;\
mfsrr0 r.3 ;\
mtsrr0 r.4 ;\
mfsrr1 r.4 ;\
stw r.2, PCR_SAVE2 (r.5) ;\
lis r.2, FLIH_MSR >> 16 ;\
ori r.2, r.2, FLIH_MSR & 0xFFFF ;\
rlwimi r.2, r.4, 0, MSR_PM, MSR_PM ;\
mtsrr1 r.2 ;\
stw r.11, PCR_SAVE11 (r.5) ;\
mfsprg r.11, sprg.2 ;\
li r.2, code ;\
stw r.11, PCR_SAVE5 (r.5) ;\
#define zlih(code) \
mtsprg sprg.2, r.5 ;\
mfsprg r.5, sprg.0 ;\
stw r.4, PCR_SAVE4 (r.5) ;\
stw r.3, PCR_SAVE3 (r.5) ;\
DBGSTORE_I_R(r3,r4,code) ;\
lwz r.4, common_exception_entry.ptr - real0 (0) ;\
mfsrr0 r.3 ;\
mtsrr0 r.4 ;\
mfsrr1 r.4 ;\
stw r.2, PCR_SAVE2 (r.5) ;\
lis r.2, FLIH_MSR >> 16 ;\
ori r.2, r.2, FLIH_MSR & 0xFFFF ;\
rlwimi r.2, r.4, 0, MSR_PM, MSR_PM ;\
mtsrr1 r.2 ;\
stw r.11, PCR_SAVE11 (r.5) ;\
mfsprg r.11, sprg.2 ;\
li r.2, code ;\
stw r.11, PCR_SAVE5 (r.5) ;\
#define short_zlih(code) \
mtsprg sprg.3, r.2 ;\
li r.2, code ;\
b short_zlih_continue
#define short_zlih(code) \
mtsprg sprg.3, r.2 ;\
mtsprg sprg.2, r.3 ;\
DBGSTORE_I_R(r2,r3,code) ;\
mfsprg r.3, sprg.2 ;\
li r.2, code ;\
b short_zlih_continue
// List of internal codes used to distinguish types of interrupts
// within real0.s, before converting to standard Windows NT
// "STATUS_..." code for KiDispatchException.
// These values are offsets into a branch table in common_exception_entry.
// That table MUST be updated if any entries here are added/deleted/changed.
.set CODE_STORAGE_ERROR, 12 // after dsi or isi tests
.set CODE_PAGE_FAULT, 16 // after dsi or isi hpt miss code
.set CODE_TRACE, 40
.set CODE_RUN_MODE, 48
.set CODE_PANIC, 52
.set CODE_PMI, 64
// Code from here thru end_of_code_to_move is copied to low memory
// at system initialization. This code is declared in the INIT
// section so the space can be used for other purposes after system
// initialization.
.new_section INIT,"rcx6" // force 64 byte alignment
// for text in this module.
.section INIT,"rcx6"
.globl real0
.org 0
.asciiz "PowerPC"
// Machine Check Interrupt
// Machine check zeroth level interrupt handler is the same
// as handlers using the macro EXCEPT that we don't reenable
// machine check exceptions.
.org 0x200
mtsprg sprg.2, r.5
mfsprg r.5, sprg.0
stw r.4, PCR_SAVE4 (r.5)
lwz r.4, common_exception_entry.ptr - real0 (0)
stw r.3, PCR_SAVE3 (r.5)
stw r.3, PCR_SAVE3 (r.5)
lwz r.4, common_exception_entry.ptr - real0 (0)
mfsrr0 r.3
mtsrr0 r.4
mfsrr1 r.4
stw r.2, PCR_SAVE2 (r.5)
LWI(r.2,(FLIH_MSR&~MASK_SPR(MSR_ME,1))) // don't reenable machine check
rlwimi r.2, r.4, 0, MSR_PM, MSR_PM // Preserve MSR[PM] bit
mtsrr1 r.2
stw r.11, PCR_SAVE11 (r.5)
mfsprg r.11, sprg.2
stw r.11, PCR_SAVE5 (r.5)
// Data Storage Interrupt
.set K_BASE,0x8000 // virtual address of kernel
.set SREG_INVAL,0x80 // software invalid sreg bit (really 0x00800000)
.set PTE_VALID,4 // software pte valid bit
.set HPT_LOCK,0x04fc // real addr of hpt lock word
.set HPT_MASK,0x2100 // real addr of hpt masks for 64-bit
.set PTE_CHANGE, 0x0080 // TLB Change bit
.set PTE_COHERENCY, 0x0010 // Coherency required (WIMG(M)=1)
.set PTE_GUARDED, 0x8 // Guarded Storage (WIMG[G] == 1)
.org 0x300
mtsprg sprg.2,r.1 // save gpr 1
mfsprg r.1,sprg.0 // get addr of processor ctl region
stw r.4,PcSiR4(r.1) // save gpr 4
stw r.2,PcSiR2(r.1) // save gpr 2
mfcr r.4 // save condition reg
mfdsisr r.2 // get data stg int status reg
stw r.0,PcSiR0(r.1) // save gpr 0
andis. r.0,r.2,0x8cf0 // dsi other than page translation?
mfdar r.0 // get failing addr in data addr reg
rlwimi r.0,r.2,7,0x00000001 // save st/l in low failing addr bit
bne- dsioth // branch if yes
dsi10: b tpte // goto test page table entry
dsi20: b tpte64
// Instruction Storage Interrupt
.org 0x400
mtsprg sprg.2,r.1 // save gpr 1
mfsprg r.1,sprg.0 // get addr of processor ctl region
stw r.4,PcSiR4(r.1) // save gpr 4
stw r.2,PcSiR2(r.1) // save gpr 2
mfcr r.4 // save condition reg
mfsrr1 r.2 // get save/restore reg 1
stw r.0,PcSiR0(r.1) // save gpr 0
andis. r.0,r.2,0x1820 // isi other than page translation?
mfsrr0 r.0 // get failing addr in sav/res reg 0
bne isioth // branch if yes
isi10: b tpte // goto test page table entry
isi20: b tpte64
.org 0x4fc // HPT_LOCK in real0.s, miscasm.s
.long 0 // hash page table lock word
// External Interrupt
.org 0x500
// Alignment Interrupt
.org 0x600
mtsprg sprg.2,r.2 // save r2
mtsprg sprg.3,r.1 // save r1
mfsprg r.1,sprg.0 // get PCR addr
mfdar r.2 // save DAR
stw r.2,PcSavedV0(r.1) // in PCR
mfdsisr r.2 // save DSISR
stw r.2,PcSavedV1(r.1) // in PCR
mfsprg r.2,sprg.2 // reload r2
mfsprg r.1,sprg.3 // reload r1
// Program Interrupt
.org 0x700
// The following word contains the absolute address of
// an instruction in the routine SwapContext. It is
// here so we can find it while we have almost no GPRs
// available during the early stage of exception processing.
.extern KepSwappingContext
.long KepSwappingContext
// Floating Point Unavailable Interrupt
.org 0x800
// For now, we don't attempt to lock the floating point unit.
// If a floating point instruction is issued with FP unavailable,
// it will interrupt to this location. We turn on the FP availability
// bit and resume execution.
mtsprg sprg.2, r.3
mtsprg sprg.3,r4
mfsprg r4,sprg.3
mfsrr1 r.3
ori r.3, r.3, 0x2000
mtsrr1 r.3
mfsprg r.3, sprg.2
// Decrementer Interrupt
.org 0x900
// Direct Store Interrupt
.org 0xA00
// System Call Interrupt
// Since System Call is really a "call", we need not preserve
// volatile registers as the other interrupt handlers must.
// Also, return from system call is to address in Link Register
// so no need to save srr0 (exception address).
// However, arguments are in r.3 thru r.10 so don't trash them.
// Incoming value in r.2 (normally the TOC pointer) indicates
// the system service being requested.
.org 0xC00
lwz r.0, system_service_dispatch.ptr-real0(0)
mfsrr1 r.12 // save previous mode
li r.11, FLIH_MSR & 0xffff // set low 16 bits of kernel mode
rlwimi r.11, r.12, 0, MSR_PM, MSR_PM // propagate MSR[PM]
mtsrr1 r.11
mtsrr0 r.0 // set kernel entry address
extrwi. r.11, r.12, 1, MSR_PR // extract user mode
rfi // enter kernel
// Trace Interrupt
.org 0xD00
// Floating Point Assist Zeroth-Level Interrupt Handler (optional; not 601)
.org 0xE00
// PMI Interrupt (604)
// N.B. Some versions of the 604 do not turn off ENINT in MMCR0 when
// signaling the PM interrupt. Therefore interrupts must not be
// enabled before the spot in the (external) PM interrupt handler
// where ENINT is turned off. This implies that one must not set
// breakpoints or make calls to DbgPrint anywhere along the path
// from here to the PM interrupt handler.
.org 0xF00
// Instruction Translation Miss (603 only)
.org 0x1000
mfsprg r.1,sprg.0 // get physical address of PCR
mfspr r.0,imiss // get faulting address
lwz r.2,PcPgDirRa(r.1) // get process' PDE page
mfsrin r.3,r.0 // get sreg of failing addr
andis. r.3,r.3,SREG_INVAL // sreg invalid?
bne stgerr603 // branch if yes
rlwimi r.2,r.0,12,0x00000ffc // calculate effective PDE address
lwz r.2,0(r.2) // get effective PDE
andi. r.3,r.2,PTE_VALID // check for valid PDE
beq pgf603 // invalid --> can't just load TLB
rlwinm r.2,r.2,0,0xfffff000 // get real addr of page table page
rlwimi r.2,r.0,22,0x00000ffc // calculate effective PTE address
lwz r.2,0(r.2) // get effective PTE
andi. r.3,r.2,PTE_VALID // check for valid PTE
beq pgf603 // invalid --> can't just load TLB
mtspr rpa,r.2 // present translation information
mfsrr1 r.2
tlbli r.0 // set translation for fault addr
mtcrf 0x80,r.2 // restore CR0 at time of miss
// Data Load Translation Miss (603 only)
.org 0x1100
mfsprg r.1,sprg.0 // get physical address of PCR
mfspr r.0,dmiss // get faulting address
lwz r.2,PcPgDirRa(r.1) // get process' PDE page
mfsrin r.3,r.0 // get sreg of failing addr
andis. r.3,r.3,SREG_INVAL // sreg invalid?
bne dstgerr603 // branch if yes
rlwimi r.2,r.0,12,0x00000ffc // calculate effective PDE address
lwz r.2,0(r.2) // get effective PDE
andi. r.3,r.2,PTE_VALID // check for valid PDE
beq pgf603 // invalid --> can't just load TLB
rlwinm r.2,r.2,0,0xfffff000 // get real addr of page table page
rlwimi r.2,r.0,22,0x00000ffc // calculate effective PTE address
lwz r.2,0(r.2) // get effective PTE
andi. r.3,r.2,PTE_VALID // check for valid PTE
beq pgf603 // invalid --> can't just load TLB
// Blindly set the change bit in the PTE so the h/w won't feel obliged
// to interrupt to let us know a page has been written to. Also, set
// the Coherency required bit (WIMG(M)=1) because it should be set.
// 603e/ev Errata 19 work around. The following instruction is modified
// at init time to include PTE_GUARDED if this is a 603e/ev.
mtspr rpa,r.2 // present translation information
mfsrr1 r.2
tlbld r.0 // set translation for fault addr
mtcrf 0x80,r.2 // restore CR0 at time of miss
// Data Store Translation Miss or Change Bit == 0 Exception (603 only)
.org 0x1200
b dtlbmiss
// Instruction Address Breakpoint (603 only)
.org 0x1300
// System Management Interrupt (603 only) -- Power Management
.org 0x1400
// Run Mode Zeroth-Level Interrupt Handler (601 specific)
.org 0x2000
// HPT mask array for 64-bit memory management model
.org 0x2100
.long 0x00000000
.long 0x00000001
.long 0x00000003
.long 0x00000007
.long 0x0000000f
.long 0x0000001f
.long 0x0000003f
.long 0x0000007f
.long 0x000000ff
.long 0x000001ff
.long 0x000003ff
.long 0x000007ff
.long 0x00000fff
.long 0x00001fff
.long 0x00003fff
.long 0x00007fff
.long 0x0000ffff
.long 0x0001ffff
.long 0x0003ffff
.long 0x0007ffff
.long 0x000fffff
.long 0x001fffff
.long 0x003fffff
.long 0x007fffff
.long 0x00ffffff
.long 0x01ffffff
.long 0x03ffffff
.long 0x07ffffff
.long 0x0fffffff
.long 0x1fffffff
.long 0x3fffffff
.long 0x7fffffff
.long 0xffffffff
// Reserved space from end of FLIHs to location 0x3000
.org 0x3000
// Address constants needed in low memory (ie memory which can
// be addressed absolutely without difficulty).
.align 6 // ensure cache line alignment
.long common_exception_entry
.long system_service_dispatch
.double 0 // doubleword of 0's for clearing FP regs
// End fixed-storage area
// Beyond this point nothing need appear at machine-dictated addresses
// Continuation of Data Storage and Instruction Storage interrupts
tpte: stw r.3,PcSiR3(r.1) // save gpr 3
stw r.5,PcSiR5(r.1) // save gpr 5
lwz r.2,PcPgDirRa(r.1) // get real addr of page dir page
mfsrin r.1,r.0 // get sreg of failing addr
andis. r.3,r.1,SREG_INVAL // sreg invalid?
bne stgerr // branch if yes
rlwimi r.2,r.0,12,0x00000ffc // insert pde index in pd page addr
lwz r.2,0(r.2) // get page directory entry
andi. r.3,r.2,PTE_VALID // pde valid?
rlwinm r.5,r.2,0,0xfffff000 // get real addr of page table page
beq pfault // branch if not
rlwimi r.5,r.0,22,0x00000ffc // insert pte index in pt page addr
lwz r.2,0(r.5) // get page table entry
andi. r.3,r.2,PTE_VALID // pte valid?
beq pfault // branch if not
mtsprg sprg.3,r.6 // save gpr 6
rlwinm r.3,r.0,20,0x0000ffff // align failing vpi with vsid
ori r.2,r.2,0x190 // force RC and M bits in PTE
xor r.3,r.1,r.3 // hash - exclusive or vsid with vpi
rlwimi r.1,r.0,3,0x7e000000 // insert api into reg with vsid
rlwinm r.1,r.1,7,0xffffffbf // align vsid,api as 1st word hpte
mfsdr1 r.6 // get storage description reg
oris r.1,r.1,0x8000 // set valid bit in 1st word hpte
rlwinm r.0,r.6,10,0x0007fc00 // align hpt mask with upper hash
ori r.0,r.0,0x03ff // append lower one bits to mask
and r.0,r.0,r.3 // take hash modulo hpt size
rlwinm r.0,r.0,6,0x01ffffc0 // align hash as hpt group offset
#if !defined(NT_UP)
li r.3,HPT_LOCK // get hpt lock address
getlk: lwarx r.5,0,r.3 // load and reserve lock word
cmpwi r.5,0 // is lock available?
mfsprg r.5,sprg.0 // get processor ctl region addr
bne- getlk_spin // loop if lock is unavailable
stwcx. r.5,0,r.3 // store conditional to lock word
bne- getlk_spin // loop if lost reserve
isync // context synchronize
#endif // NT_UP
rlwinm r.3,r.6,0,0xffff0000 // get real addr of hash page table
or r.3,r.0,r.3 // or with offset to get group addr
ori r.3,r.3,0x38 // point to last entry in group
li r.6,0 // set no invalid hpte found
b thpte // goto test hash page table entry
#if !defined(NT_UP)
lwz r.5,0(r.3)
cmpwi r.5,0
beq+ getlk
b getlk_spin
ori r.6,r.3,0 // remember invalid hpte address
phpte: andi. r.0,r.3,0x003f // tested all hptes in prim group?
subi r.3,r.3,8 // decrement to previous hpte
beq sinom // branch if yes
thpte: lwz r.0,4(r.3) // get 1st(be) word of hpte
andis. r.5,r.0,0x8000 // hpte valid?
beq sirem // jump if no to remember
cmplw r.1,r.0 // does hpte match search arg?
bne phpte // loop if no to previous hpte
#if 0
lwz r2,0x3900(0)
addi r2,r2,1
stw r2,0x3900(0)
b skiphpte // hpte already present -- nothing to do
thpte: lwz r.0,4(r.3) // get 1st(be) word of hpte
andis. r.5,r.0,0x8000 // hpte valid?
beq siinv // jump if no
cmplw r.1,r.0 // does hpte match search arg?
bne sisto // jump if no
b skiphpte // hpte already present -- nothing to do
clrlwi r.0,r.0,1 // turn off valid bit
stw r.0,4(r.3) // invalidate 1st(be) wd victim hpte
sync // ensure 1st word stored
stw r.2,0(r.3) // store pte as 2nd(be) wd hpte
sync // ensure 2nd word stored
stw r.1,4(r.3) // store vsid,api as 1st(be) wd hpte
cmplwi r.6,0 // was an invalid hpte found?
beq primov // branch if not
shpte: stw r.2,0(r.6) // store pte as 2nd(be) wd hpte
sync // ensure 2nd word stored
stw r.1,4(r.6) // store vsid,api as 1st(be) wd hpte
#if !defined(NT_UP)
li r.0,0 // get a zero value
sync // ensure all previous stores done
stw r.0,HPT_LOCK(0) // store zero in hpt lock word
#endif // NT_UP
mfsprg r.6,sprg.3 // reload saved gpr 6
mfsprg r.1,sprg.0 // get addr of processor ctl region
mtcrf 0xff,r.4 // reload condition reg
lwz r.5,PcSiR5(r.1) // reload saved gpr 5
lwz r.4,PcSiR4(r.1) // reload saved gpr 4
lwz r.3,PcSiR3(r.1) // reload saved gpr 3
lwz r.2,PcSiR2(r.1) // reload saved gpr 2
lwz r.0,PcSiR0(r.1) // reload saved gpr 0
mfsprg r.1,sprg.2 // reload saved gpr 1
rfi // return from interrupt
primov: mfdec r.5 // get decrementer
addi r.6,r.3,8 // recompute primary hpt group addr
rlwimi r.6,r.5,28,0x00000038 // choose 1 of 8 hptes as victim
li r.0,0
lwz r.0,4(r.6) // get 1st(be) word of victim hpte
clrlwi r.0,r.0,1 // turn off valid bit
stw r.0,4(r.6) // invalidate 1st(be) wd victim hpte
sync // ensure 1st word stored
b shpte
dsioth: rlwinm r.2,r.2,16,0x0000ffff // rotate dsisr bits into low half
cmplwi r.2,0x0a00 // dsi from protect against store?
beq+ sfault // branch if yes
andi. r.2,r.2,0x40 // check for data store bkp
bne dsbkp // branch if data store bkp
b isioth // goto join other error processing
clrrwi r.3,r.0,PAGE_SHIFT // get page address of fault
mfsprg r.2,sprg.0 // get phys addr of processor ctl region
cmpwi r.3,0xffffd000 // is fault in PCR page?
ori r.2, r.2, 1 // user readonly
beq lpte // branch if yes
bne stgerr_not_pcr
ori r.2, r.2, 1 // user readonly
b lpte
clrrwi r.2, r.2, 1 // get PCR address back
lwz r.2, PcPcrPage2(r.2) // get phys addr of PCR2
cmpwi r.3,0xffffe000 // is fault in PCR2 page?
ori r.2, r.2, 1 // user readonly
beq lpte // branch if yes
bne stgerr_not_pcr2
mfsprg r.2,sprg.0 // get phys addr of processor ctl region
lwz r.2, PcPcrPage2(r.2) // get phys addr of PCR2
ori r.2, r.2, 1 // user readonly
b lpte
mfsprg r.2,sprg.0 // get phys addr of PCR
rlwinm r.3, r.3, 4, 0xf // Check sreg #
lwz r.2, PcPgDirRa(r.2) // Page Directory addr
cmpwi r.3, 0xf // sreg 15
beq s15ok
mfsprg r.1,sprg.0 // get addr of processor ctl region
lwz r.3,PcSiR3(r.1) // reload saved gpr 3
lwz r.5,PcSiR5(r.1) // reload saved gpr 5
isioth: stw r.0,PcBadVaddr(r.1) // save failing addr and st/l bit
mtcrf 0xff,r.4 // reload condition reg
lwz r.4,PcSiR4(r.1) // reload saved gpr 4
lwz r.2,PcSiR2(r.1) // reload saved gpr 2
lwz r.0,PcSiR0(r.1) // reload saved gpr 0
mfsprg r.1,sprg.2 // reload saved gpr 1
pfault: mfsprg r.1,sprg.0 // get addr of processor ctl region
lwz r.3,PcSiR3(r.1) // reload saved gpr 3
lwz r.5,PcSiR5(r.1) // reload saved gpr 5
sfault: stw r.0,PcBadVaddr(r.1) // save failing addr and st/l bit
mtcrf 0xff,r.4 // reload condition reg
lwz r.4,PcSiR4(r.1) // reload saved gpr 4
lwz r.2,PcSiR2(r.1) // reload saved gpr 2
lwz r.0,PcSiR0(r.1) // reload saved gpr 0
mfsprg r.1,sprg.2 // reload saved gpr 1
dsbkp: stw r.0,PcBadVaddr(r.1) // save failing addr and st/l bit
mtcrf 0xff,r.4 // reload condition reg
lwz r.4,PcSiR4(r.1) // reload saved gpr 4
lwz r.2,PcSiR2(r.1) // reload saved gpr 2
lwz r.0,PcSiR0(r.1) // reload saved gpr 0
mfsprg r.1,sprg.2 // reload saved gpr 1
// Continuation of 64-bit memory management implementation
tpte64: stw r.3,PcSiR3(r.1) // save gpr 3
stw r.5,PcSiR5(r.1) // save gpr 5
lwz r.2,PcPgDirRa(r.1) // get real addr of page dir page
mfsrin r.1,r.0 // get sreg of failing addr
andis. r.3,r.1,SREG_INVAL // sreg invalid?
bne stgerr64 // branch if yes
rlwimi r.2,r.0,12,0x00000ffc // insert pde index in pd page addr
lwz r.2,0(r.2) // get page directory entry
andi. r.3,r.2,PTE_VALID // pde valid?
rlwinm r.5,r.2,0,0xfffff000 // get real addr of page table page
beq pfault // branch if not
rlwimi r.5,r.0,22,0x00000ffc // insert pte index in pt page addr
lwz r.2,0(r.5) // get page table entry
andi. r.3,r.2,PTE_VALID // pte valid?
beq pfault // branch if not
mtsprg sprg.3,r.6 // save gpr 6
rlwinm r.3,r.0,20,0x0000ffff // align failing vpi with vsid
ori r.2,r.2,0x190 // force RC and M bits in PTE
xor r.3,r.1,r.3 // hash - exclusive or vsid with vpi
mfsdr1 r.6 // get storage descriptor reg
li r.5,1 // construct valid PTE part 1
rldimi r.5,r.1,12,28 // insert VSID from SR into PTE
rlwimi r.5,r.0,16,20,24 // insert API from virtual addr arg
ori r.1,r.5,0 // stash in r.1
rlwinm r.5,r.6,2,25,29 // extract htabsize and multiply by 4
addi r.5,r.5,HPT_MASK // add real addr of hpt mask array base
lwz r.0,0(r.5) // have hptmask in r.0
rlwinm r.0,r.0,11,0x001ff800 // align hpt mask with upper hash
ori r.0,r.0,0x07ff // append lower one bits to mask
and r.0,r.0,r.3 // take hash modulo hpt size
rlwinm r.0,r.0,7,0xffffff80 // align hash as hpt group offset
#if !defined(NT_UP)
li r.3,HPT_LOCK // get hpt lock address
getlk64:lwarx r.5,0,r.3 // load and reserve lock word
and. r.5,r.5,r.5 // is lock available?
mfsprg r.5,sprg.0 // get processor ctl region addr
bne- getlk64_spin // loop if lock is unavailable
stwcx. r.5,0,r.3 // store conditional to lock word
bne- getlk64_spin // loop if lost reserve
isync // context synchronize
#endif // NT_UP
rldicr r.3,r.6,0,45 // get real addr of hash page table
or r.3,r.0,r.3 // or with offset to get group addr
ori r.3,r.3,0x70 // point to last entry in group
li r.6,0 // set no invalid hpte found
b thpte64 // goto test hash page table entry
#if !defined(NT_UP)
lwz r.5, 0(r.3)
cmpwi r.5, 0
beq+ getlk64
b getlk64_spin
mr r.6,r.3 // remember invalid hpte address
phpte64:andi. r.0,r.3,0x007f // tested all hptes in prim group?
subi r.3,r.3,16 // decrement to previous hpte
beq- si64nom // branch if yes
thpte64:ld r.0,0(r.3) // get 1st(be) word of hpte
andi. r.5,r.0,0x1 // hpte valid?
beq si64rem // jump if no to remember
cmplw r.1,r.0 // does hpte match search arg?
bne phpte64 // loop if no to previous hpte
b skiphpte64 // hpte already present -- nothing to do
cmplwi r.6,0 // was an invalid hpte found?
beq primov64 // branch if not
shpte64:std r.2,8(r.6) // store pte as 2nd(be) wd hpte
sync // ensure 2nd word stored
std r.1,0(r.6) // store vsid,api as 1st(be) wd hpte
#if !defined(NT_UP)
li r.0,0 // get a zero value
sync // ensure all previous stores done
stw r.0,HPT_LOCK(0) // store zero in hpt lock word
#endif // NT_UP
mfsprg r.6,sprg.3 // reload saved gpr 6
mfsprg r.1,sprg.0 // get addr of processor ctl region
mtcrf 0xff,r.4 // reload condition reg
lwz r.5,PcSiR5(r.1) // reload saved gpr 5
lwz r.4,PcSiR4(r.1) // reload saved gpr 4
lwz r.3,PcSiR3(r.1) // reload saved gpr 3
lwz r.2,PcSiR2(r.1) // reload saved gpr 2
lwz r.0,PcSiR0(r.1) // reload saved gpr 0
mfsprg r.1,sprg.2 // reload saved gpr 1
rfi // return from interrupt
mfdec r.5 // get decrementer
addi r.6,r.3,16 // recompute primary hpt group addr
rlwimi r.6,r.5,27,0x00000070 // choose 1 of 8 hptes as victim
ld r.0,0(r.6) // get 1st(be) word of victim hpte
clrrdi r.0,r.0,1 // turn off valid bit
std r.0,0(r.6) // invalidate 1st(be) wd victim hpte
sync // ensure 1st word stored
b shpte64
clrrwi r.3,r.0,PAGE_SHIFT // get page address of fault
mfsprg r.2,sprg.0 // get phys addr of processor ctl region
cmpwi r.3,0xffffd000 // is fault in PCR page?
ori r.2, r.2, 1 // user readonly
beq lpte64 // branch if yes
bne stgerr64_not_pcr
ori r.2, r.2, 1 // user readonly
b lpte64
clrrwi r.2, r.2, 1 // get PCR address back
lwz r.2, PcPcrPage2(r.2) // get phys addr of PCR2
cmpwi r.3,0xffffe000 // is fault in PCR2 page?
ori r.2, r.2, 1 // user readonly
beq lpte64 // branch if yes
bne stgerr64_not_pcr2
mfsprg r.2,sprg.0 // get phys addr of processor ctl region
lwz r.2, PcPcrPage2(r.2) // get phys addr of PCR2
ori r.2, r.2, 1 // user readonly
b lpte64
mfsprg r.2,sprg.0 // get phys addr of PCR
rlwinm r.3, r.3, 4, 0xf // Check sreg #
lwz r.2, PcPgDirRa(r.2) // Page Directory addr
cmpwi r.3, 0xf // sreg 15
beq s15ok64
b report_stgerr
// Continuation of Translation Miss interrupts (603)
mfsrr1 r.2
rlwimi r.0,r.2,16,0x00000001 // stuff in S/L bit
stw r.0,PcBadVaddr(r.1) // save fault address and st/l bit
mtcrf 0x80,r.2 // restore CR0
mfmsr r.2 // turn off use of temporary regs
rlwinm r.2,r.2,0x0,0xfffdffff // clear bit 14, MSR[TGPR]
mtmsr r.2 // now have access to "real" GPRs
clrrwi r.3,r.0,PAGE_SHIFT // get page address of fault
ori r.2,r.1,0 // copy PCR physical address
cmpwi r.3,0xffffd000 // is fault in PCR page?
ori r.2, r.2, 1 // user readonly
beq tlbld603 // branch if yes
lwz r.2, PcPcrPage2(r.1) // get phys addr of PCR2
cmpwi r.3,0xffffe000 // is fault in PCR2 page?
ori r.2, r.2, 1 // user readonly
beq tlbld603 // branch if yes
lwz r.2, PcPgDirRa(r.1) // Page Directory addr
rlwinm r.3, r.3, 4, 0xf // Check sreg #
cmpwi r.3, 0xf // sreg 15
beq s15ok603
mfsrr1 r.2
rlwimi r.0,r.2,16,0x00000001 // stuff S/L bit in fault address
stw r.0,PcBadVaddr(r.1) // save fault address and st/l bit
mtcrf 0x80,r.2 // restore CR0
mfmsr r.2 // turn off use of temporary regs
rlwinm r.2,r.2,0x0,0xfffdffff // clear bit 14, MSR[TGPR]
mtmsr r.2 // now have access to "real" GPRs
// Short Zero Level Interrupt Continue (short_zlih_continue)
// Branched-to by zhort_zlih() macro, with:
// MSR: External interrupts disabled
// Instruction Relocate OFF
// Data Relocate OFF
// SRR0: Next instruction address at time of interrupt
// SRR1: MSR at time of interrupt
// SPRG3: Saved r.2
// r.2: Code number indicating type of interrupt
// Exits to common_exception_entry, with
// MSR: External interrupts disabled
// Instruction Relocate ON
// Data Relocate ON
// GP registers:
// r.2: Constant identifying the exception type
// r.3: Saved SRR0 (interrupt address)
// r.4: Saved SRR1 (MSR value)
// r.5: -available-
// r.11: -available-
// In the PCR:
// PcGprSave[0]: Saved r.2
// PcGprSave[1]: Saved r.3
// PcGprSave[2]: Saved r.4
// PcGprSave[3]: Saved r.5
// PcGprSave[5]: Saved r.11
// Nothing is left in the SPRG's
mtsprg sprg.2, r.5 // stash r.5 temporarily
mfsprg r.5, sprg.0 // r.5 -> KiPcr (real address)
stw r.4, PCR_SAVE4 (r.5) // save r.4 in PCR
lwz r.4, common_exception_entry.ptr - real0 (0) // load virt addr of common code **TEMP**
stw r.3, PCR_SAVE3 (r.5) // save r.3 in PCR
mfsrr0 r.3 // save SRR0 (interrupt addr) in r.3
mtsrr0 r.4 // set branch address into SRR0
mfsrr1 r.4 // save SRR1 (MSR) in r.4
stw r.11, PCR_SAVE11 (r.5) // save r.11 in PCR
lis r.11, FLIH_MSR >> 16 // load new value for
ori r.11, r.11, FLIH_MSR & 0xFFFF // MSR
rlwimi r.11, r.4, 0, MSR_PM, MSR_PM // propagate MSR[PM]
mtsrr1 r.11 // set new MSR value into SRR1
mfsprg r.11, sprg.2 // fetch stashed r.5 value
stw r.11, PCR_SAVE5 (r.5) // save r.5 in PCR
mfsprg r.11, sprg.3 // fetch stashed r.2 value
stw r.11, PCR_SAVE2 (r.5) // save r.2 in PCR
rfi // turn on address translation,
// branch to common code
// End of low memory code. Code from the start of this module to here
// must all be relocated together if relocation is required. Switch
// code section to .text as remaining code in this module must exist
// for the life of the system.
.org 0x3800
.org 0x4000 // gen warning if above overflows.
// Code from here thru Kseg0CodeEnd is copied to KSEG0 at system
// initialization. This code is declared in the INIT section so the
// space can be used for other purposes after system initialization.
.align 6
ori r.31, r.3, 0 // save address of LPB
lis r.30, 0 // load address of KiStartProcessor
ori r.30, r.30, 0 // (actual address filled in at
// init time by processor 0)
mfmsr r.11 // get current state
rlwinm r.11, r.11, 0, ~INT_ENA // clear interrupt enable
mtmsr r.11 // disable interrupts
rlwinm r.11, r.11, 0, ~(MASK_SPR(MSR_IR,1)|MASK_SPR(MSR_DR,1))
mtsrr1 r.11 // desired initial state
mtsrr0 r.30 // desired return address
rfi // switch to real mode and jump
// to KiStartProcessor
.align 6
mtsrr0 r.4 // set target address
mtsrr1 r.5 // set target state
lwz r.4, PCR_SAVE4 (r.6) // reload r.4, 5 and 6 from PCR
lwz r.5, PCR_SAVE5 (r.6)
lwz r.6, PCR_SAVE6 (r.6)
rfi // resume thread
.align 6
mtsrr0 r.11 // move caller's IAR to SRR0
mtsrr1 r.10 // move caller's MSR to SRR1
rfi // return from interrupt
.align 6
mtsrr0 r.11 // move caller's IAR to SRR0
mtsrr1 r.10 // move caller's MSR to SRR1
li r.9, 0 // clear the last few
li r.12, 0
li r.11, 0
li r.10, 0 // volatile GP regs
rfi // return from interrupt
.align 6
mtsrr0 r.7 // set target address
mtsrr1 r.3 // set target state
lwz r.3, PCR_SAVE4 (r.8) // reload r.3, 7 and 8 from PCR
lwz r.7, PCR_SAVE5 (r.8)
lwz r.8, PCR_SAVE6 (r.8)
rfi // resume thread
// KiFlushSingleTb (
// IN BOOLEAN Invalid,
// IN PVOID Virtual
// )
// Routine Description:
// This function flushes a single entry from the translation buffer.
// Arguments:
// Invalid (r3) - Supplies a boolean variable that determines the reason
// that the TB entry is being flushed.
// Virtual (r4) - Supplies the virtual address of the entry that is to
// be flushed from the translation buffer.
// Return Value:
// None.
.align 6
flst0: b flnhpt // default to no hpt
mfsrin r.5,r.4 // get sreg of virtual addr arg
rlwinm r.6,r.4,20,0x0000ffff // align arg vpi with vsid
xor r.6,r.5,r.6 // hash - exclusive or vsid with vpi
rlwimi r.5,r.4,3,0x7e000000 // insert api into reg with vsid
rlwinm r.5,r.5,7,0xffffffbf // align vsid,api as 1st word hpte
oris r.5,r.5,0x8000 // set valid bit in 1st word hpte
mfsdr1 r.7 // get storage description reg
rlwinm r.8,r.7,10,0x0007fc00 // align hpt mask with upper hash
ori r.8,r.8,0x03ff // append lower one bits to mask
and r.6,r.8,r.6 // take hash modulo hpt size
rlwinm r.6,r.6,6,0x01ffffc0 // align hash as hpt group offset
rlwinm r.7,r.7,0,0xffff0000 // get real addr of hash page table
oris r.7,r.7,K_BASE // or with kernel virtual address
or r.6,r.7,r.6 // or with offset to get group addr
#if !defined(NT_UP)
li r.9,HPT_LOCK // get hpt lock real address
oris r.9,r.9,K_BASE // or with kernel virtual address
DISABLE_INTERRUPTS(r.10,r.11) // disable ints while lock held
flglk: lwarx r.7,0,r.9 // load and reserve lock word
cmpwi r.7,0 // is lock available?
mfsprg r.7,sprg.0 // get processor ctl region addr
bne- flglkw // loop if lock is unavailable
stwcx. r.7,0,r.9 // store conditional to lock word
bne- flglkw // loop if lost reserve
isync // context synchronize
#endif // NT_UP
b fltst // goto test hash page table entry
#if !defined(NT_UP)
lwz r.7,0(r.9)
cmpwi r.7,0
bne- flglkws
mtmsr r.11
cror 0,0,0 // N.B. 603e/ev Errata 15
b flglk
flnxt: addi r.6,r.6,8 // increment to next hpte
andi. r.7,r.6,0x003f // tested all hptes in prim group?
beq flinv // branch if yes
fltst: lwz r.7,4(r.6) // get 1st(be) word of hpte
cmplw r.5,r.7 // does hpte match search arg?
bne flnxt // loop if no to next hpte
fltst: lwz r.7,4(r.6) // get 1st(be) word of hpte
cmplw r.5,r.7 // does hpte match search arg?
bne flinv // loop if no to next hpte
clrlwi r.8,r.7,1 // turn off valid bit
stw r.8,4(r.6) // invalidate 1st(be) wd match hpte
sync // ensure 1st word stored
flinv: tlbie r.4 // invalidate tlb entry
sync // ensure invalidate done
#if !defined(NT_UP)
flst1: tlbsync // ensure broadcasts done
flst2: sync // ensure tlbsync done
li r.7,0 // get a zero value
stw r.7,0(r.9) // store zero in hpt lock word
ENABLE_INTERRUPTS(r.10) // restore interrupt status
#endif // NT_UP
blr // return
flnhpt: tlbie r.4 // invalidate tlb entry
sync // ensure invalidate done
blr // return
// KiFlushSingleTb64 (
// IN BOOLEAN Invalid,
// IN PVOID Virtual
// )
// Routine Description:
// This function is the analog of KiFlushSingleTb
// for processors using the 64-bit memory management model.
// Arguments:
// Invalid (r3) - Supplies a boolean variable that determines the reason
// that the TB entry is being flushed.
// Virtual (r4) - Supplies the virtual address of the entry that is to
// be flushed from the translation buffer.
// Return Value:
// None.
.align 6
mfsrin r.8,r.4 // get sreg of virtual addr arg
rlwinm r.6,r.4,20,0x0000ffff // align arg vpi with vsid
xor r.6,r.8,r.6 // hash -- exclusive or vsid with vpi
mfsdr1 r.7 // get storage description reg
li r.5,1 // construct valid PTE part 1
rldimi r.5,r.8,12,28 // insert VSID from SR into PTE
rlwimi r.5,r.4,16,20,24 // insert API from virtual addr arg
rlwinm r.8,r.7,2,25,29 // extract htabsize and multiply by 4
li r.9,HPT_MASK // real address of HPT masks array
oris r.9,r.9,K_BASE // convert to kernel virtual
lwzx r.8,r.9,r.8 // get hpt mask in use
rlwinm r.8,r.8,11,0x001ff800 // align hpt mask with upper hash
ori r.8,r.8,0x7ff // append lower one bits to mask
and r.6,r.8,r.6 // take hash modulo hpt size
rlwinm r.6,r.6,7,0xffffff80 // align hash as hpt group offset
rldicr r.7,r.7,0,45 // get real base addr of hpt
oris r.7,r.7,K_BASE // convert to kernel virtual addr
or r.6,r.7,r.6 // or with offset to get group addr
#if !defined(NT_UP)
li r.9,HPT_LOCK // get hpt lock real address
oris r.9,r.9,K_BASE // or with kernel virtual address
DISABLE_INTERRUPTS(r.10,r.11) // disable ints while lock held
lwarx r.7,0,r.9 // load and reserve lock word
cmpwi r.7,0 // is lock available?
mfsprg r.7,sprg.0 // get processor ctl region addr
bne- flglk64w // loop if lock is unavailable
stwcx. r.7,0,r.9 // store conditional to lock word
bne- flglk64w // loop if lost reserve
isync // context synchronize
#endif // NT_UP
b fltst64 // goto test hash page table entry
#if !defined(NT_UP)
lwz r.7,0(r.9)
cmpwi r.7,0
bne- flglk64ws
mtmsr r.11
b flglk64
addi r.6,r.6,16 // increment to next hpte
andi. r.7,r.6,0x007f // tested all hptes in prim group?
beq flinv64 // branch if yes
ld r.7,0(r.6) // get 1st(be) word of hpte
cmpld r.5,r.7 // does hpte match search arg?
bne flnxt64 // loop if no to next hpte
ld r.7,0(r.6) // get 1st(be) word of hpte
cmpld r.5,r.7 // does hpte match search arg?
bne flinv64 // loop if no to next hpte
clrrdi r.8,r.7,1 // turn off valid bit
li r.8,0 // which turns off bit 63 (valid bit)
std r.8,0(r.6) // invalidate 1st(be) wd match hpte
sync // ensure 1st word stored
tlbie r.4 // invalidate tlb entry
sync // ensure invalidate done
#if !defined(NT_UP)
tlbsync // ensure broadcasts done
sync // ensure tlbsync done
li r.7,0 // get a zero value
stw r.7,0(r.9) // store zero in hpt lock word
ENABLE_INTERRUPTS(r.10) // restore interrupt status
#endif // NT_UP
blr // return
// KeFillEntryTb (
// IN PVOID Virtual,
// IN BOOLEAN Invalid
// )
// Routine Description:
// This function fills a translation buffer entry. If the entry is already
// in the translation buffer, then the entry is overwritten. Otherwise, a
// random entry is overwritten.
// Arguments:
// Pte (r3) - Supplies a pointer to the page table entry that is to be
// written into the TB.
// Virtual (r4) - Supplies the virtual address of the entry that is to
// be filled in the translation buffer.
// Invalid (r5) - Supplies a boolean value that determines whether the
// TB entry should be invalidated.
// Return Value:
// None.
.align 6
fiet0: b finhpt // default to no hpt
lwz r.3,0(r.3) // get page table entry
mfsrin r.5,r.4 // get sreg of virtual addr arg
ori r.3,r.3,0x0190 // set CR and M
#if DBG
andi. r.6,r.3,PTE_VALID // pte valid?
bne fiptev // branch if yes
twi 31,0,KERNEL_BREAKPOINT // break into kernel debugger
rlwinm r.6,r.4,20,0x0000ffff // align arg vpi with vsid
xor r.6,r.5,r.6 // hash - exclusive or vsid with vpi
rlwimi r.5,r.4,3,0x7e000000 // insert api into reg with vsid
rlwinm r.5,r.5,7,0xffffffbf // align vsid,api as 1st word hpte
oris r.5,r.5,0x8000 // set valid bit in 1st word hpte
mfsdr1 r.7 // get storage description reg
rlwinm r.8,r.7,10,0x0007fc00 // align hpt mask with upper hash
ori r.8,r.8,0x03ff // append lower one bits to mask
and r.6,r.8,r.6 // take hash modulo hpt size
rlwinm r.6,r.6,6,0x01ffffc0 // align hash as hpt group offset
rlwinm r.7,r.7,0,0xffff0000 // get real addr of hash page table
oris r.7,r.7,K_BASE // or with kernel virtual address
or r.6,r.7,r.6 // or with offset to get group addr
ori r.6,r.6,0x38 // point to last entry in group
li r.8,0 // set no invalid hpte found
DISABLE_INTERRUPTS(r.10,r.11) // disable interrupts
#if !defined(NT_UP)
li r.9,HPT_LOCK // get hpt lock real address
oris r.9,r.9,K_BASE // or with kernel virtual address
lwarx r.7,0,r.9 // load and reserve lock word
cmpwi r.7,0 // is lock available?
mfsprg r.7,sprg.0 // get processor ctl region addr
bne- figlkw // loop if lock is unavailable
stwcx. r.7,0,r.9 // store conditional to lock word
bne- figlkw // loop if lost reserve
isync // context synchronize
#endif // NT_UP
b fitst // goto test hash page table entry
#if !defined(NT_UP)
lwz r.7,0(r.9)
cmpwi r.7,0
bne- figlkws
mtmsr r.11
cror 0,0,0 // N.B. 603e/ev Errata 15
b figlk
ori r.8,r.6,0 // remember invalid hpte address
andi. r.7,r.6,0x003f // tested all hptes in prim group?
subi r.6,r.6,8 // decrement to previous hpte
beq finom // branch if yes
lwz r.7,4(r.6) // get 1st(be) word of hpte
andis. r.11,r.7,0x8000 // hpte valid?
beq firem // jump if no to remember
cmplw r.5,r.7 // does hpte match search arg?
bne fiprv // loop if no to previous hpte
stw r.3,0(r.6) // store pte 2nd(be) wd match hpte
sync // ensure 2nd word stored
lwz r.7,4(r.6) // get 1st(be) word of hpte
andis. r.11,r.7,0x8000 // hpte valid?
beq fiinv // jump if no
clrlwi r.7,r.7,1 // turn off valid bit
stw r.7,4(r.6) // invalidate hpte
sync // ensure update done
stw r.3,0(r.6) // store pte as 2nd(be) wd hpte
sync // ensure 2nd word stored
stw r.5,4(r.6) // store vsid,api as 1st(be) wd hpte
tlbie r.4 // invalidate tlb entry
sync // ensure invalidate done
#if !defined(NT_UP)
fiet1: tlbsync // ensure broadcasts done
fiet2: sync // ensure tlbsync done
li r.7,0 // get a zero value
stw r.7,0(r.9) // store zero in hpt lock word
#endif // NT_UP
ENABLE_INTERRUPTS(r.10) // enable interrupts
blr // return
cmplwi r.8,0 // was an invalid hpte found?
beq fipov // branch if not
stw r.3,0(r.8) // store pte as 2nd(be) wd hpte
sync // ensure 2nd word stored
stw r.5,4(r.8) // store vsid,api as 1st(be) wd hpte
b fiexi
mfdec r.7 // get decrementer
addi r.8,r.6,8 // recompute primary hpt group addr
rlwimi r.8,r.7,28,0x00000038 // choose 1 of 8 hptes as victim
li r.6,0
lwz r.6,4(r.8) // get 1st(be) word of victim hpte
clrlwi r.6,r.6,1 // turn off valid bit
stw r.6,4(r.8) // invalidate 1st(be) wd victim hpte
sync // ensure 1st word stored
b fisto // goto store new hpte
andi. r.6,r.5,1 // is Invalid == TRUE?
beqlr // return if Invalid == FALSE
tlbie r.4 // invalidate tlb entry
sync // ensure invalidate done
blr // return
// KeFillEntryTb64 (
// IN PVOID Virtual,
// IN BOOLEAN Invalid
// )
// Routine Description:
// This function is the analog to KeFillEntryTb
// for processors which use the 64-bit memory management model.
// Arguments:
// Pte (r3) - Supplies a pointer to the page table entry that is to be
// written into the TB.
// Virtual (r4) - Supplies the virtual address of the entry that is to
// be filled in the translation buffer.
// Invalid (r5) - Supplies a boolean value that determines whether the
// TB entry should be invalidated.
// Return Value:
// None.
.align 6
lwz r.3,0(r.3) // get page table entry
mfsrin r.8,r.4 // get sreg of virtual addr arg
ori r.3,r.3,0x0190 // set CR and M
#if DBG
andi. r.6,r.3,PTE_VALID // pte valid?
bne fiptev64 // branch if yes
twi 31,0,KERNEL_BREAKPOINT // break into kernel debugger
rlwinm r.6,r.4,20,0x0000ffff // align arg vpi with vsid
xor r.6,r.8,r.6 // hash -- exclusive or vsid with vpi
mfsdr1 r.7 // get storage description reg
li r.5,1 // construct valid PTE part 1
rldimi r.5,r.8,12,28 // insert VSID from SR into PTE
rlwimi r.5,r.4,16,20,24 // insert API from virtual addr arg
rlwinm r.8,r.7,2,25,29 // extract htabsize and multiply by 4
li r.9,HPT_MASK // real address of HPT masks array
oris r.9,r.9,K_BASE // convert to kernel virtual
lwzx r.8,r.9,r.8 // get hpt mask in use
rlwinm r.8,r.8,11,0x001ff800 // align hpt mask with upper hash
ori r.8,r.8,0x7ff // append lower one bits to mask
and r.6,r.8,r.6 // take hash modulo hpt size
rlwinm r.6,r.6,7,0xffffff80 // align hash as hpt group offset
rldicr r.7,r.7,0,45 // get real base addr of hpt
oris r.7,r.7,K_BASE // convert to kernel virtual addr
or r.6,r.7,r.6 // or with offset to get group addr
ori r.6,r.6,0x70 // point to last entry in group
li r.8,0 // set no invalid hpte found
DISABLE_INTERRUPTS(r.10,r.11) // disable interrupts
#if !defined(NT_UP)
li r.9,HPT_LOCK // get hpt lock real address
oris r.9,r.9,K_BASE // or with kernel virtual address
lwarx r.7,0,r.9 // load and reserve lock word
cmpwi r.7,0 // is lock available?
mfsprg r.7,sprg.0 // get processor ctl region addr
bne- figlk64w // loop if lock is unavailable
stwcx. r.7,0,r.9 // store conditional to lock word
bne- figlk64w // loop if lost reserve
isync // context synchronize
#endif // NT_UP
b fitst64 // goto test hash page table entry
#if !defined(NT_UP)
lwz r.7,0(r.9)
cmpwi r.7,0
bne- figlk64ws
mtmsr r.11
b figlk64
ori r.8,r.6,0 // remember invalid hpte address
andi. r.7,r.6,0x007f // tested all hptes in prim group?
subi r.6,r.6,16 // decrement to previous hpte
beq finom64 // branch if yes
ld r.7,0(r.6) // get 1st(be) word of hpte
andi. r.11,r.7,0x0001 // hpte valid?
beq firem64 // loop if no to remember
cmpld r.5,r.7 // does hpte match search arg?
bne fiprv64 // loop if no to next hpte
std r.3,8(r.6) // store pte 2nd(be) wd match hpte
sync // ensure 2st word stored
ld r.7,0(r.6) // get 1st(be) word of hpte
andi. r.11,r.7,0x0001 // hpte valid?
beq fiinv64 // loop if no to remember
clrrdi r.7,r,7,1 // turn off valid bit
std r.7,0(r.6) // invalidate hpte
sync // ensure update done
std r.3,8(r.6) // store pte 2nd(be) word of hpte
sync // ensure 2nd word stored
std r.5,0(r.6) // store pte 1st(be) word of hpte
tlbie r.4 // invalidate tlb entry
sync // ensure invalidate done
#if !defined(NT_UP)
tlbsync // ensure broadcasts done
sync // ensure tlbsync done
li r.7,0 // get a zero value
stw r.7,0(r.9) // store zero in hpt lock word
#endif // NT_UP
ENABLE_INTERRUPTS(r.10) // enable interrupts
blr // return
cmplwi r.8,0 // was an invalid hpte found?
beq fipov64 // branch if not
std r.3,8(r.8) // store pte as 2nd(be) wd hpte
sync // ensure 2nd word stored
std r.5,0(r.8) // store vsid,api as 1st(be) wd hpte
b fiexi64
mfdec r.7 // get decrementer
addi r.8,r.6,16 // recompute primary hpt group addr
rlwimi r.8,r.7,29,0x00000070 // choose 1 of 8 hptes as victim
li r.7,0
ld r.6,0(r.8) // get 1st(be) word of victim hpte
clrrdi r.7,r.6,1 // turn off valid bit
stw r.7,0(r.8) // invalidate 1st(be) wd victim hpte
sync // ensure 1st word stored
b fisto64 // goto store new hpte
// KeFlushCurrentTb (
// )
// Routine Description:
// This function flushes the entire translation buffer.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
.align 6
flct0: li r.6, 128 // default to MAX num congruence
// classes.
#if !defined(NT_UP)
flct1: b felk // default to no hpt.
flct1: b feloop // default to no hpt.
fehpt: mfsdr1 r.5 // get storage description reg
addi r.0,r.5,1 // add one to hpt mask
rlwinm r.0,r.0,10,0x000ffc00 // align as number of hpt groups
rlwinm r.5,r.5,0,0xffff0000 // get real addr of hash page table
mtctr r.0 // put number groups in count reg
oris r.5,r.5,K_BASE // or with kernel virtual address
#if DBG
lbz r.3,KiPcr+PcDcacheMode(r.0) // get dcache mode information
#if !defined(NT_UP)
felk: li r.9,HPT_LOCK // get hpt lock real address
oris r.9,r.9,K_BASE // or with kernel virtual address
DISABLE_INTERRUPTS(r.10,r.11) // disable ints while lock held
feglk: lwarx r.7,0,r.9 // load and reserve lock word
cmpwi r.7,0 // is lock available?
li r.7,-1 // lock value - hpt clear
bne feglkw // jif lock is unavailable (wait)
feglks: stwcx. r.7,0,r.9 // store conditional to lock word
bne- feglkw // loop if lost reserve
isync // context synchronize
flct2: b feloop // default to no hpt
#endif // NT_UP
// Zero the Hashed Page Table
li r.0, 0
stw r.0,4(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 1st hpte
stw r.0,12(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 2nd hpte
stw r.0,20(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 3rd hpte
stw r.0,28(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 4th hpte
stw r.0,36(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 5th hpte
stw r.0,44(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 6th hpte
stw r.0,52(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 7th hpte
stw r.0,60(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 8th hpte
lwz r.0,4(r.5) // get 1st(be) wd 1st hpte
lwz r.7,12(r.5) // get 1st(be) wd 2nd hpte
lwz r.8,20(r.5) // get 1st(be) wd 3rd hpte
lwz r.11,28(r.5) // get 1st(be) wd 4th hpte
clrlwi r.0,r.0,1 // turn off valid bit
clrlwi r.7,r.7,1 // turn off valid bit
clrlwi r.8,r.8,1 // turn off valid bit
clrlwi r.11,r.11,1 // turn off valid bit
stw r.0,4(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 1st hpte
stw r.7,12(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 2nd hpte
stw r.8,20(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 3rd hpte
stw r.11,28(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 4th hpte
lwz r.0,36(r.5) // get 1st(be) wd 5th hpte
lwz r.7,44(r.5) // get 1st(be) wd 6th hpte
lwz r.8,52(r.5) // get 1st(be) wd 7th hpte
lwz r.11,60(r.5) // get 1st(be) wd 8th hpte
clrlwi r.0,r.0,1 // turn off valid bit
clrlwi r.7,r.7,1 // turn off valid bit
clrlwi r.8,r.8,1 // turn off valid bit
clrlwi r.11,r.11,1 // turn off valid bit
stw r.0,36(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 5th hpte
stw r.7,44(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 6th hpte
stw r.8,52(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 7th hpte
stw r.11,60(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 8th hpte
lwz r.0,4(r.5) // get 1st(be) wd 1st hpte
clrlwi r.0,r.0,1 // turn off valid bit
stw r.0,4(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 1st hpte
addi r.5,r.5,64 // increment to next hpt group addr
bdnz fenxg // loop through all groups
sync // ensure all stores done
// Invalidate all TLB entries
feloop: mtctr r.6 // put number classes in count reg
fenxt: tlbie r.6 // invalidate tlb congruence class
addi r.6,r.6,4096 // increment to next class address
bdnz fenxt // loop through all classes
sync // ensure all invalidates done
#if !defined(NT_UP)
flct3: tlbsync // ensure broadcasts done
flct4: sync // ensure tlbsync done
li r.7,0 // get a zero value
stw r.7,0(r.9) // store zero in hpt lock word
ENABLE_INTERRUPTS(r.10) // restore previous interrupt state
blr // return
// We come here if the hpt lock is held by another processor
// when we first attempt to take it. If the lock value is < 0
// then the lock is held by a processor that is clearing the entire
// hpt (other processor is in KeFlushCurrentTb). If this happens
// then all we need do is waitfor the lock to become available (we
// don't actually need to take it) and return.
crmove 4,0 // move -ve bit to cr.1
fegwt: lwz r.7,0(r.9) // load lock word
cmpwi r.7,0 // is lock available?
bne- fegwt // if not available, try again
li r.7,-1 // lock value - hpt clear
bt 4,feglk_done // jif already cleared
mtmsr r.11
cror 0,0,0 // N.B. 603e/ev Errata 15
b feglk
sync // wait till tlb catches up
#endif // NT_UP
blr // return
// KeFlushCurrentTb64 (
// )
// Routine Description:
// This function flushes the entire translation buffer,
// for processors which use the 64-bit memory management model.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
.align 6
mfsdr1 r.7 // get storage description reg
li r.8,HPT_MASK // real addr of HPT masks array
oris r.8,r.8,K_BASE // convert to kernel virtual addr
rlwinm r.5,r.7,2,25,29 // extract htabsize and multiply by 4
lwzx r.5,r.8,r.5 // get mask in use
li r.0,0 // calculate number of groups in hpt
ori r.0,r.0,0x8000 // least number of groups possible
slw r.0,r.0,r.5 // actual number of groups in hpt
rldicr r.5,r.7,0,45 // get real base addr of hpt
mtctr r.0 // put number of groups in count reg
oris r.5,r.5,K_BASE // kernel virtual addr of hpt
#if !defined(NT_UP)
li r.9,HPT_LOCK // get hpt lock real address
oris r.9,r.9,K_BASE // or with kernel virtual address
DISABLE_INTERRUPTS(r.10,r.11) // disable ints while lock held
lwarx r.7,0,r.9 // load and reserve lock word
cmpwi r.7,0 // is lock available?
li r.7,-1 // lock value - hpt clear
bne feglk64w // jif lock is unavailable (wait)
stwcx. r.7,0,r.9 // store conditional to lock word
bne- feglk64w // loop if lost reserve
isync // context synchronize
#endif // NT_UP
// Zero the Hashed Page Table
li r.0, 0
std r.0, 0(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 1st hpte
std r.0, 16(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 2nd hpte
std r.0, 32(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 3rd hpte
std r.0, 48(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 4th hpte
std r.0, 64(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 5th hpte
std r.0, 80(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 6th hpte
std r.0, 96(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 7th hpte
std r.0, 112(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 8th hpte
ld r.0, 0(r.5) // get 1st(be) wd 1st hpte
ld r.7, 16(r.5) // get 1st(be) wd 1st hpte
ld r.8, 32(r.5) // get 1st(be) wd 1st hpte
ld r.11, 48(r.5) // get 1st(be) wd 1st hpte
clrrdi r.0, r.0, 1 // turn off valid bit
clrrdi r.7, r.7, 1 // turn off valid bit
clrrdi r.8, r.8, 1 // turn off valid bit
clrrdi r.11, r.11, 1 // turn off valid bit
std r.0, 0(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 1st hpte
std r.7, 16(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 1st hpte
std r.8, 32(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 1st hpte
std r.11, 48(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 1st hpte
// Second cache line
ld r.0, 64(r.5) // get 1st(be) wd 1st hpte
ld r.7, 80(r.5) // get 1st(be) wd 1st hpte
ld r.8, 96(r.5) // get 1st(be) wd 1st hpte
ld r.11,112(r.5) // get 1st(be) wd 1st hpte
clrrdi r.0, r.0, 1 // turn off valid bit
clrrdi r.7, r.7, 1 // turn off valid bit
clrrdi r.8, r.8, 1 // turn off valid bit
clrrdi r.11, r.11, 1 // turn off valid bit
std r.0, 64(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 1st hpte
std r.7, 80(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 1st hpte
std r.8, 96(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 1st hpte
std r.11,112(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 1st hpte
ld r.0, 0(r.5) // get 1st(be) wd 1st hpte
clrrdi r.0, r.0, 1 // turn off valid bit
std r.0, 0(r.5) // invalidate 1st(be) wd 1st hpte
addi r.5,r.5,128 // increment to next hpt group addr
bdnz fenxg64 // loop through all groups
sync // ensure all stores done
b feloop
// We come here if the hpt lock is held by another processor
// when we first attempt to take it. If the lock value is < 0
// then the lock is held by a processor that is clearing the entire
// hpt (other processor is in KeFlushCurrentTb). If this happens
// then all we need do is waitfor the lock to become available (we
// don't actually need to take it) and return.
#if !defined(NT_UP)
crmove 4,0 // move -ve bit to cr.1
lwz r.7,0(r.9) // load lock word
cmpwi r.7,0 // is lock available?
bne- fegwt64 // if not available, try again
li r.7,-1 // lock value - hpt clear
bt 4,feglk64_done // jif already cleared
mtmsr r.11
cror cr.7,cr.7,cr.7
b feglk64
sync // wait till tlb catches up
#endif // NT_UP
blr // return
// KiSystemStartup()
// This is the system entry point for processor 0. It will copy the
// exception vectors to low real memory, re-initialize memory mapping
// for KSEG0 (via BAT0), call the routine to initialize the kernel and
// fall thru into the idle loop.
// Arguments:
// r3 - supplies address of loader parameter block.
// Return values:
// None. There is no return from this function.
// Remarks:
// ntoskrnl is assumed to be in memory covered by KSEG0.
stwu r.sp, -(STK_MIN_FRAME+8) (r.sp) // This code is never
mflr r.0 // executed, it is here
stw r.0, -(STK_MIN_FRAME+8) (r.sp) // so the unwinder can
// have a good time.
ori r.31, r.3, 0 // save address of LPB
// Disable translation prior to initializing the BAT registers.
bl ki.real // disable address translation
c0start: // this address in r.30
// Move the kernel trap handlers. They need to start at physical
// memory address zero.
// The trap handlers do NOT use relative branches outside of the
// area bounded by the labels real0 thru end_of_code_to_move.
li r.8, -4 // target address - 4
li r.9, (end_of_code_to_move-real0+3)/4 // num words to move
mtctr r.9
subi r.7, r.30, c0start-real0+4 // source address - 4
// Get physical address of ntoskrnl's TOC
lwz r.toc, rm_toc_pointer-c0start(r.30) // get v address of toc
rlwinm r.toc, r.toc, 0, 0x7fffffff // cvt to phys addr
// Set the bit mask identifying the available breakpoint registers.
// 601 = 1 data, 1 instr.
// 603 = 1 instr.
// 604 = 1 data, 1 instr.
// 613 = 1 data, 1 instr.
// 620 = 1 data (instr. too coarse).
// All others = 0 breakpoint registers.
mfpvr r.17 // get processor type & rev
rlwinm r.17, r.17, 16, 0xffff // isolate processor type
lis r.4,0x0100 // 0 = data addr bkpt register
// 1 = instruction addr bkpt register
cmpwi r.17, PV603 // 603?
cmpwi cr.1, r.17, PV603p // 603+?
cmpwi cr.7, r.17, PV603pp // 603++?
li r.6, 4 // Offset for 603 branch
beq setbkp // jif we are on a 603
beq cr.1,setbkp // jif we are on a 603+
beq cr.7,setbkp // jif we are on a 603++
oris r.4, r.4, 0x1000 // Add data bkpt
li r.6, 0 // Assume 601 branches (default)
cmpwi r.17, PV601
beq setbkp // jif 601
li r.6, 8 // Offset for 604 branch
cmpwi r.17, PV604
cmpwi cr.1, r.17, PV604p
beq setbkp // jif 604
beq cr.1,setbkp // jif 604+
cmpwi r.17, PV613
beq setbkp // jif 613
li r.6, 12 // Offset for 620 branch
lis r.4, 0x1000 // Data only (instr too coarse)
cmpwi r.17, PV620
beq setbkp // jif 620
li r.4, 0 // Not a known chip. No DRs
li r.6, 16 // Offset for not supported branch
setbkp: lwz r.5, [toc]KiBreakPoints(r.toc)
rlwinm r.5, r.5, 0, 0x7fffffff // get phys address of KiBreakPoints
stw r.4, 0(r.5)
cmpwi r.6, 0
lwz r.28, addr_common_exception_entry-c0start(r.30)
rlwinm r.28, r.28, 0, 0x7fffffff // base addr = common_exception_entry
beq kicopytraps // 601 branch is the default
// Processor is not a 601, change each of the Debug Register branch
// tables for the appropriate processor.
la r.5, BranchDr1-common_exception_entry(r.28) // 1st
lhzx r.4, r.5, r.6 // Load appropriate branch instruction
add r.4, r.4, r.6 // Modify branch relative to table
sth r.4, 0(r.5) // Replace 601 branch
la r.5, BranchDr2-common_exception_entry(r.28) // 2nd
lhzx r.4, r.5, r.6 // Load appropriate branch instruction
add r.4, r.4, r.6 // Modify branch relative to table
sth r.4, 0(r.5) // Replace 601 branch
la r.5, BranchDr3-common_exception_entry(r.28) // 3rd
lhzx r.4, r.5, r.6 // Load appropriate branch instruction
add r.4, r.4, r.6 // Modify branch relative to table
sth r.4, 0(r.5) // Replace 601 branch
la r.5, BranchDr4-common_exception_entry(r.28) // 4th
lhzx r.4, r.5, r.6 // Load appropriate branch instruction
add r.4, r.4, r.6 // Modify branch relative to table
sth r.4, 0(r.5) // Replace 601 branch
lwzu r.10, 4(r.7) // copy trap handler to low
stwu r.10, 4(r.8) // memory (word by word)
bdnz kicopytraps
// 603e/ev Errata 19 work around.
// r.17 has the (shifted) PVR in it. If this is a 603e/603ev, turn on guarded
// storage for data TLB entries by modifying the TLB miss handler.
cmpwi r.17, PV603p // 603e?
beq do_errata_19_tlb // modify instruction if so
cmpwi r.17, PV603pp // 603ev?
bne skip_errata_19_tlb // skip modification if not
lwz r.10, tlbld603-real0(0) // load TLB handler instruction
ori r.10, r.10, PTE_GUARDED // turn on guarded storage
stw r.10, tlbld603-real0(0) // store TLB handler instruction
// Force sdr1 (address of HPT) to 0 until HPT allocated. This is necessary
// because some HALs use sdr1 to get an address in KSEG0 to use for cache
// flushing. Setting it to 0 ensures that the calculated address will be
// in KSEG0.
li r.3, 0
mtsdr1 r.3
// Move the code that needs to be in KSEG0.
rlwinm r.3, r.31, 0, 0x7fffffff // get real address of LPB
lwz r.8, LpbKernelKseg0PagesDescriptor(r.3)
clrlwi r.8, r.8, 1
lwz r.8, MadBasePage(r.8)
slwi r.8, r.8, PAGE_SHIFT
ori r.6, r.8, 0 // save KSEG0 code address
subi r.8, r.8, 4
li r.9, (Kseg0CodeEnd-Kseg0CodeStart+3) >> 2 // num words to move
mtctr r.9
subi r.7, r.30, c0start-Kseg0CodeStart+4 // source address - 4
lwzu r.10, 4(r.7) // copy trap handler to low
stwu r.10, 4(r.8) // memory (word by word)
bdnz kicopykseg0
// Fix the branches into KSEG0 code. These are built as relative
// branches with an offset from Kseg0CodeStart, so we need to add the
// offset from the instruction to the base of the KSGE0 code to the
// offset in the instruction.
la r.7, KiPriorityExitRfiJump1-common_exception_entry(r.28)
lwz r.4, 0(r.7)
rlwinm r.5, r.4, 0, 0x03fffffc
add r.5, r.5, r.6
sub r.5, r.5, r.7
rlwimi r.4, r.5, 0, 0x03fffffc
stw r.4, 0(r.7)
la r.7, KiPriorityExitRfiJump2-common_exception_entry(r.28)
lwz r.4, 0(r.7)
rlwinm r.5, r.4, 0, 0x03fffffc
add r.5, r.5, r.6
sub r.5, r.5, r.7
rlwimi r.4, r.5, 0, 0x03fffffc
stw r.4, 0(r.7)
la r.7, KiServiceExitKernelRfiJump-common_exception_entry(r.28)
lwz r.4, 0(r.7)
rlwinm r.5, r.4, 0, 0x03fffffc
add r.5, r.5, r.6
sub r.5, r.5, r.7
rlwimi r.4, r.5, 0, 0x03fffffc
stw r.4, 0(r.7)
la r.7, KiServiceExitUserRfiJump-common_exception_entry(r.28)
lwz r.4, 0(r.7)
rlwinm r.5, r.4, 0, 0x03fffffc
add r.5, r.5, r.6
sub r.5, r.5, r.7
rlwimi r.4, r.5, 0, 0x03fffffc
stw r.4, 0(r.7)
lwz r.7, addr_RtlpRestoreContextRfiJump-c0start(r.30)
clrlwi r.7, r.7, 1
lwz r.4, 0(r.7)
li r.5, RtlpRestoreContextRfi-Kseg0CodeStart
add r.5, r.5, r.6
sub r.5, r.5, r.7
rlwimi r.4, r.5, 0, 0x03fffffc
stw r.4, 0(r.7)
// Change the function descriptor for KiStartProcessor so that it points
// to Kseg0Code.StartProcessor. Fix up the instructions in
// Kseg0Code.StartProcessor that load the address of the real
// KiStartProcessor.
// N.B. The only reference to KiStartProcessor is in KeStartAllProcessors,
// which references through the function descriptor. There are no
// direct calls to KiStartProcessor.
lwz r.5, [toc]KiStartProcessor(r.toc)
clrlwi r.5, r.5, 1
addi r.4, r.6, StartProcessor-Kseg0CodeStart
oris r.4, r.4, K_BASE
stw r.4, 0(r.5)
la r.7, cnstart-c0start(r.30)
addi r.4, r.6, StartProcessor.LoadKiStartProcessorAddress-Kseg0CodeStart
lwz r.5, 0(r.4)
rlwimi r.5, r.7, 16, 0xffff
stw r.5, 0(r.4)
lwz r.5, 4(r.4)
rlwimi r.5, r.7, 0, 0xffff
stw r.5, 4(r.4)
// Fix up the KiFlushSingleTb, KeFillEntryTb, and KeFlushCurrentTb functions.
// The first thing in KeFlushCurrentTb is a load immediate of the
// number of TLB congruence classes for this procesor. It is set
// to a default of 128, we adjust that to the correct value now.
lhz r.4, LpbNumberCongruenceClasses(r.3)
lwz r.7, flct0-Kseg0CodeStart(r.6) // load current li instruction
rlwimi r.7, r.4, 0, 0x0000ffff // merge number congruence classes
// into li instruction
stw r.7, flct0-Kseg0CodeStart(r.6) // replace instruction
lis r.7, 0x6000 // r.7 now contains a no-op
// Determine memory management model: 32-bit (default) or 64-bit.
lbz r.5, LpbMemoryManagementModel(r.3)
cmpwi r.5, 64 // 64-bit support?
beq ikms64 // jif 64-bit support needed
// Is this a 601? If so, the upper 16 bits of the PVR would contain
// 0x0001 and we don't care about the lower 16 bits. By checking to
// see if any of the upmost bits are non-zero we can determine if it
// is (or is not) a 601. If if is not a 601, the result of the follow-
// ing struction (in cr.0) will be "not equal". If this processor is
// a 601 we remove the tlbsync/sync sequences in KiFlushSingleTb,
// KeFillEntryTb and KeFlushCurrentTb.
#if !defined(NT_UP)
cmpwi r.17, PV601
bne ikms10 // jif not a 601
stw r.7, flst1-Kseg0CodeStart(r.6) // nop KiFlushSingleTb tlbsync
stw r.7, flst2-Kseg0CodeStart(r.6) // sync
stw r.7, fiet1-Kseg0CodeStart(r.6) // nop KeFillEntryTb tlbsync
stw r.7, fiet2-Kseg0CodeStart(r.6) // sync
stw r.7, flct3-Kseg0CodeStart(r.6) // nop KeFlushCurrentTb tlbsync
stw r.7, flct4-Kseg0CodeStart(r.6) // sync
// Fix KiFlushSingleTb, KeFillEntryTb and KeFlushCurrentTb HPT usage
lhz r.5, LpbHashedPageTableSize(r.3)
cmpwi r.5, 0 // does this processor use a HPT?
beq ikms20 // if processor does not use an
// HPT, leave branches alone
stw r.7, flst0-Kseg0CodeStart(r.6) // allow fall-thru to HPT case.
stw r.7, fiet0-Kseg0CodeStart(r.6) // allow fall-thru to HPT case.
stw r.7, flct1-Kseg0CodeStart(r.6) // no-op branch around hpt clear
#if !defined(NT_UP)
stw r.7, flct2-Kseg0CodeStart(r.6) // no-op branch around hpt clear
// Modify the branch instructions at KiFlushSingleTb, KeFillEntryTb, and
// KeFlushCurrentTb so that they point to the real routines in KSEG0.
// Also, modify the function descriptors for KiFlushSingleTb,
// KeFillEntryTb, and KeFlushCurrentTb so that they point to the real
// routines in KSEG0.
la r.7, FlushSingleTbJump-common_exception_entry(r.28)
lwz r.4, 0(r.7)
rlwinm r.5, r.4, 0, 0x03fffffc
add r.5, r.5, r.6
sub r.5, r.5, r.7
rlwimi r.4, r.5, 0, 0x03fffffc
stw r.4, 0(r.7)
la r.7, FillEntryTbJump-common_exception_entry(r.28)
lwz r.4, 0(r.7)
rlwinm r.5, r.4, 0, 0x03fffffc
add r.5, r.5, r.6
sub r.5, r.5, r.7
rlwimi r.4, r.5, 0, 0x03fffffc
stw r.4, 0(r.7)
la r.7, FlushCurrentTbJump-common_exception_entry(r.28)
lwz r.4, 0(r.7)
rlwinm r.5, r.4, 0, 0x03fffffc
add r.5, r.5, r.6
sub r.5, r.5, r.7
rlwimi r.4, r.5, 0, 0x03fffffc
stw r.4, 0(r.7)
oris r.5, r.6, K_BASE
lwz r.7, [toc]KiFlushSingleTb(r.toc)
clrlwi r.7, r.7, 1
la r.4, FlushSingleTb-Kseg0CodeStart(r.5)
stw r.4, 0(r.7)
lwz r.7, [toc]KeFillEntryTb(r.toc)
clrlwi r.7, r.7, 1
la r.4, FillEntryTb-Kseg0CodeStart(r.5)
stw r.4, 0(r.7)
lwz r.7, [toc]KeFlushCurrentTb(r.toc)
clrlwi r.7, r.7, 1
la r.4, FlushCurrentTb-Kseg0CodeStart(r.5)
stw r.4, 0(r.7)
// KeZeroPage defaults to using an FP store loop which is faster than
// a dcbz loop on 603 class processors. If this is not one of those
// processors, replace the branch at kzp.repl with an ISYNC instruction.
// N.B. The caches will get flushed (explicitly) before KeZeroPage is
// ever used so we don't worry about it here.
cmpwi cr.0, r.17, PV603
cmpwi cr.1, r.17, PV603p
cmpwi cr.7, r.17, PV603pp
beq cr.0, kzp.adjust.end // jif 603
beq cr.1, kzp.adjust.end // jif 603e
beq cr.7, kzp.adjust.end // jif 603ev
lis r.12, 0x4c00 // generate an isync instruction
ori r.12, r.12, 0x012c // 4c00012c.
stw r.12, kzp.repl-common_exception_entry(r.28)
// Set address of Processor Control Region for Kernel (KiPcr).
lwz r.12, LpbPcrPage(r.3) // Get PCR page number
slwi r.12, r.12, PAGE_SHIFT // convert to real byte address
mtsprg sprg.0, r.12 // Real addr of KiPcr in SPRG 0
oris r.11, r.12, K_BASE // Virt addr of KiPcr in kernel
mtsprg sprg.1, r.11 // virtual space in SPRG 1.
// Initialize first process PD address, PDEs for PD and hyper PT.
lwz r.1, LpbPdrPage(r.3) // pnum of PD,hyPT left by OS Ldr
slwi r.1, r.1, PAGE_SHIFT // make it a real address
stw r.1, PcPgDirRa(r.12) // store in PCR for HPT misses
b set_segment_registers
// Set up for 64 bit memory management model
// Modify the branch instructions at KiFlushSingleTb, KeFillEntryTb,
// KeFlushCurrentTb so that they point to the real routines in KSEG0.
// Also, modify the function descriptors for KiFlushSingleTb,
// KeFillEntryTb, and KeFlushCurrentTb so that they point to the real
// routines in KSEG0.
// Finally, fix up the DSI and ISI code to use correct "tail".
la r.7, FlushSingleTbJump-common_exception_entry(r.28)
lwz r.4, 0(r.7)
rlwinm r.5, r.4, 0, 0x03fffffc
add r.5, r.5, r.6
addi r.5, r.5, FlushSingleTb64-FlushSingleTb
sub r.5, r.5, r.7
rlwimi r.4, r.5, 0, 0x03fffffc
stw r.4, 0(r.7)
la r.7, FillEntryTbJump-common_exception_entry(r.28)
lwz r.4, 0(r.7)
rlwinm r.5, r.4, 0, 0x03fffffc
add r.5, r.5, r.6
addi r.5, r.5, FillEntryTb64-FillEntryTb
sub r.5, r.5, r.7
rlwimi r.4, r.5, 0, 0x03fffffc
stw r.4, 0(r.7)
la r.7, FlushCurrentTbJump-common_exception_entry(r.28)
lwz r.4, 0(r.7)
rlwinm r.5, r.4, 0, 0x03fffffc
add r.5, r.5, r.6
addi r.5, r.5, FlushCurrentTb64-FlushCurrentTb
sub r.5, r.5, r.7
rlwimi r.4, r.5, 0, 0x03fffffc
stw r.4, 0(r.7)
oris r.5, r.6, K_BASE
lwz r.7, [toc]KiFlushSingleTb(r.toc)
clrlwi r.7, r.7, 1
la r.4, FlushSingleTb64-Kseg0CodeStart(r.5)
stw r.4, 0(r.7)
lwz r.7, [toc]KeFillEntryTb(r.toc)
clrlwi r.7, r.7, 1
la r.4, FillEntryTb64-Kseg0CodeStart(r.5)
stw r.4, 0(r.7)
lwz r.7, [toc]KeFlushCurrentTb(r.toc)
clrlwi r.7, r.7, 1
la r.4, FlushCurrentTb64-Kseg0CodeStart(r.5)
stw r.4, 0(r.7)
// Set up branch to tpte64 instead of tpte -- done this way in consideration
// of cache line size
// First handle DSI
li r.7, 0x300
lwz r.4, dsi20-dsientry(r.7)
addi r.4, r.4, dsi20-dsi10
stw r.4, dsi10-dsientry(r.7)
// Now handle ISI
li r.7, 0x400
lwz r.4, isi20-isientry(r.7)
addi r.4, r.4, isi20-isi10
stw r.4, isi10-isientry(r.7)
b ikms30
// KiStartProcessor()
// This is the system entry point for processors other than processor 0.
// It will re-initialize memory mapping for KSEG0 (via BAT0), call the
// routine to initialize the kernel and fall thru into the idle loop.
// Arguments:
// r3 - supplies address of loader parameter block.
// r4 - supplies the per-processor virtual address of the PCR (not 0xffffd000)
// Return values:
// None. There is no return from this function.
// Remarks:
// ntoskrnl is assumed to be in memory covered by KSEG0.
cnstart: // this address in r.30
lwz r.toc, rm_toc_pointer-cnstart(r.30)// get kernel toc pointer
rlwinm r.toc, r.toc, 0, 0x7fffffff // cvt to phys addr
// Set address of Processor Control Region for Kernel (KiPcr)
rlwinm r.3, r.31, 0, 0x7fffffff// get real address of LPB
lwz r.12, LpbPcrPage(r.3) // Get PCR page number
slwi r.12, r.12, PAGE_SHIFT // convert to real byte address
mtsprg sprg.0, r.12 // physical addr of KiPcr in SPRG 0
mtsprg sprg.1, r.4 // virtual addr of KiPcr in SPRG 1.
// Initialize PageDirectory address in this PCR.
lwz r.1, LpbPdrPage(r.3) // pnum of PD,hyPT left by OS Ldr
slwi r.1, r.1, PAGE_SHIFT // make it a real address
stw r.1, PcPgDirRa(r.12) // store in PCR for HPT misses
// The following code is executed at startup on ALL processors.
// Set the Storage Descriptor Register (address of the Hashed Page
// Table) for this processor.
// Note: This implementation requires the HPT be allocated at an
// address < 4GB on 64 bit PowerPC implementations. As it is
// (currently) required that the HPT be addressable in KSEG0
// this should not be of significant concern.
lhz r.10, LpbHashedPageTableSize(r.3)
slwi r.10, r.10, PAGE_SHIFT
subi r.10, r.10, 1
lwz r.1, LpbHashedPageTable(r.3)
rlwimi r.1, r.10, 16, 0x1ff
mtsdr1 r.1
// Invalidate most segment registers.
lis r.0, SREG_INVAL // invalid segment register value
mtsr 0, r.0
mtsr 1, r.0
mtsr 2, r.0
mtsr 3, r.0
mtsr 4, r.0
mtsr 5, r.0
mtsr 6, r.0
mtsr 7, r.0
mtsr 11, r.0
mtsr 15, r.0 // temp set 15 invalid
// Initialize segment register 12. Assume initial PID = 0.
li r.10, 12 // T=0, Ks,Kp=0, VSID=PID,12
mtsr 12, r.10
// Initialize the global segment registers 8, 9, 10, 13, 14
li r.10, 8
oris r.10, r.10, 0x2000 // T=0 Ks=0 Kp=1 VSID=14
mtsr 8, r.10
li r.10, 9 // T=0 Ks,Kp=0 VSID=9
mtsr 9, r.10
li r.10, 10 // T=0 Ks,Kp=0 VSID=10
mtsr 10, r.10
li r.10, 13 // T=0 Ks,Kp=0 VSID=13
mtsr 13, r.10
li r.10, 14
oris r.10, r.10, 0x2000 // T=0 Ks=0 Kp=1 VSID=14
mtsr 14, r.10
// Set BAT0 so we have block address translation for the low part of KSEG0
// Virtual address layout is as follows
// 4GB --------------------------------- FFFFFFFF
// | Non Paged Pool |
// | |
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// | Paged Pool |
// | | 90000000 *
// -- ---------------------------------
// | | |
// BAT0 | | Kernel and HAL |
// | | | 80000000 **
// 2GB -- ---------------------------------
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | User Space |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | | 0
// 0GB ---------------------------------
// * On MIPS this is C0000000, however, we can cover only
// 256MB with a BAT and why not allocate that space to
// the paged pool?
// ** Mapped to physical address 0.
// WARNING: 601 BAT registers are incompatible with other 60x
// BAT registers.
// Set BAT0 to virtual 0x80000000, physical 0 for max size.
// (max size = 8MB for 601, 256MB for other 60x processors).
// BAT effective page size = 128KB, so, BEPI = 2^31 / 2^17
// = 2^(31-17) = 2^14 = 16K entries,..... but this field is
// left justified, ie left shift 17 bits to position in reg ...
// in other words, just take the base address and slam into BLPI
// without adjusting.
// Set the following control bits
// W Write Thru 0
// I Inhibit Caching 0
// M Memory Coherency 1
// want key = 0 for supervisor mode, 1 for user mode, so
// Ks = 0
// Ku = 1
// want all access in supervisor mode, none in user mode, so
// PP = 0b00
lwz r.11, LpbKseg0Top(r.3) // Get VA of byte above KSEG0
stw r.11, PcKseg0Top(r.12) // Copy into PCR
mfpvr r.6 // check processor type
rlwinm r.6,r.6,16,16,31 // extract processor version
cmpwi r.6,PV601
bne bat_not_601
li r.10, 0b0010100 // WIM | Ks | Ku | PP
oris r.10, r.10, K_BASE // set BLPI
// Set BSM all 1s and Valid bit.
// PBN (Physical Block Number) = 0.
clrlwi r.11, r.11, 1 // get size of KSEG0 (turn off 0x80000000)
subi r.11, r.11, 1 // convert to mask
rlwinm r.11, r.11, 32-17, 0x3f // mask >> 17 == block length mask
ori r.11, r.11, 0x40 // set V
mtbatl 0, r.11 // set BAT0
mtbatu 0, r.10
// Clear Valid bit in BATs 1, 2 and 3
li r.0, 0
mtbatl 1, r.0
mtbatl 2, r.0
mtbatl 3, r.0
b skip_bat_not_601
// Clear Valid bits in ALL BATs prior to setting any of them.
li r.0, 0
mtdbatu 0, r.0
mtdbatl 0, r.0
mtdbatu 1, r.0
mtdbatl 1, r.0
mtdbatu 2, r.0
mtdbatl 2, r.0
mtdbatu 3, r.0
mtdbatl 3, r.0
mtibatu 0, r.0
mtibatl 0, r.0
mtibatu 1, r.0
mtibatl 1, r.0
mtibatu 2, r.0
mtibatl 2, r.0
mtibatu 3, r.0
mtibatl 3, r.0
// Set BAT0 to cover KSEG0.
// Set Block Effective Page Index (ie effective address) to 2GB,
// BL to 8MB, Valid Supervisor mode, not Valid Problem mode.
clrlwi r.11, r.11, 1 // get size of KSEG0 (turn off 0x80000000)
subi r.11, r.11, 1 // convert to mask
rlwinm r.11, r.11, 32-15, 0x1ffc // mask >> 17 << 2 == block length mask
ori r.11, r.11, 2 // set Vs (Vp is off)
oris r.11, r.11, K_BASE // set BEPI (0x80000000)
// BRPN (Block Real Page Number) = 0. PP for Supervisor
// read/write.
// ------- W - Write thru 0
// |------ I - Inhibit Cache 0
// ||----- M - Memory Coherency REQUIRED
// |||---- G - Guard bit 0
// ||||--- Reserved
// |||||
li r.10, 0b0010010 // BRPN | WIMG | PP
mtibatl 0, r.10 // set IBAT0
mtibatu 0, r.11
// 603e/ev Errata 19 work around.
// r.6 has the (shifted) PVR in it. If this is a 603e/603ev, turn on guarded
// storage for the DBAT. It is illegal to set G=1 for the IBAT.
cmpwi r.6, PV603p // 603e?
beq do_errata_19_bat // modify instruction if so
cmpwi r.6, PV603pp // 603ev?
bne skip_errata_19_bat // skip modification if not
ori r.10, r.10, PTE_GUARDED // turn on guarded storage
mtdbatl 0, r.10 // set DBAT0
mtdbatu 0, r.11
// Initialize the Processor Control Region (PCR).
li r.11, PCR_MINOR_VERSION // set minor version number
sth r.11, PcMinorVersion(r.12)
li r.11, PCR_MAJOR_VERSION // set major version number
sth r.11, PcMajorVersion(r.12)
#if DBG
lhz r.11, LpbIcacheMode(r.3) // get,set cache modes
stb r.11, PcIcacheMode(r.12)
rlwinm r.11, r.11, 0x18, 0x18, 0x1f
stb r.11, PcDcacheMode(r.12)
lwz r.11, LpbPcrPage2(r.3) // Get PCR2 page number
slwi r.11, r.11, PAGE_SHIFT // convert to real byte address
stw r.11, PcPcrPage2(r.12) // Store in PCR
// Initialize the addresses of various data structures that are
// referenced from the exception and interrupt handling code.
// N.B. The panic stack is a separate stack that is used when
// the current kernel stack overlfows.
// N.B. The interrupt stack is a separate stack and is used to
// process all interrupts that run at IRQL 3 and above.
lwz r.11, LpbPrcb(r.3) // set processor block address
stw r.11, PcPrcb(r.12)
lwz r.1, LpbKernelStack(r.3) // set initial stack address
stw r.1, PcInitialStack(r.12)
lwz r.11, LpbPanicStack(r.3) // set panic stack address
stw r.11, PcPanicStack(r.12)
lwz r.11, LpbInterruptStack(r.3) // set interrupt stack address
stw r.11, PcInterruptStack(r.12)
lwz r.11, LpbThread(r.3) // set current thread address
stw r.11, PcCurrentThread(r.12)
// Get the first level data and instruction cache values from the loader
// parameter block and move them into the PCR.
lwz r.23, LpbFirstLevelDcacheSize(r.3)
lwz r.24, LpbFirstLevelDcacheFillSize(r.3)
lwz r.25, LpbFirstLevelIcacheSize(r.3)
lwz r.26, LpbFirstLevelIcacheFillSize(r.3)
stw r.23, PcFirstLevelDcacheSize(r.12)
addi r.23, r.24, -1
stw r.24, PcFirstLevelDcacheFillSize(r.12)
stw r.24, PcDcacheFillSize(r.12)
stw r.23, PcDcacheAlignment(r.12)
addi r.23, r.26, -1
stw r.25, PcFirstLevelIcacheSize(r.12)
stw r.26, PcFirstLevelIcacheFillSize(r.12)
stw r.26, PcIcacheFillSize(r.12)
stw r.23, PcIcacheAlignment(r.12)
// Set the second level data and instruction cache fill size and size.
lwz r.23, LpbSecondLevelDcacheSize(r.3)
lwz r.24, LpbSecondLevelDcacheFillSize(r.3)
lwz r.25, LpbSecondLevelIcacheSize(r.3)
lwz r.26, LpbSecondLevelIcacheFillSize(r.3)
stw r.23, PcSecondLevelDcacheSize(r.12)
stw r.24, PcSecondLevelDcacheFillSize(r.12)
stw r.25, PcSecondLevelIcacheSize(r.12)
stw r.26, PcSecondLevelIcacheFillSize(r.12)
// Set current IRQL to highest value
li r.11, HIGH_LEVEL
stb r.11, PcCurrentIrql(r.12)
// Compute address of Loader Parameter Block into r.8 where it will
// remain for the call to KiInitializeKernel.
oris r.8, r.3, K_BASE // LoaderBlock |= KSEG0_BASE
// Get processor into mapped mode
bl ki.virtual
// For the remainder of this module, register usage is compliant with the
// standard linkage conventions for little-endian PowerPC.
// Get virtual address of ntoskrnl's TOC
oris r.toc, r.toc, K_BASE // TOC is in KSEG0
// Buy stack frame
subi r.1, r.1, STK_MIN_FRAME+8
li r.13, 0 // zero back chain and friends
stw r.13, 0(r.1) // initialize teb
stw r.13, 4(r.1)
stw r.13, 8(r.1)
// Setup arguments and call kernel initialization procedure
// KiInitializeKernel(
// IdleProcess,
// IdleThread,
// IdleStack,
// Prcb,
// CpuNumber,
// LoaderParameterBlock
// )
lwz r.3, LpbProcess(r.8) // get idle process address
lwz r.4, LpbThread(r.8) // get idle thread address
lwz r.5, LpbKernelStack(r.8) // get idle thread stack address
lwz r.6, LpbPrcb(r.8) // get processor block address
lbz r.7, PbNumber(r.6) // get processor number
// Set segment register 15 to a unique vsid for this processor. This vsid
// also has the SREG_INVAL bit set so a dmiss or dtlb miss to any address
// will be shunted to the storage error path rather than filling the entry
// from the "shared" NT page tables.
lis r.0, SREG_INVAL|(SREG_INVAL>>1) // special marker for segment f
or r.0, r.0, r.7 // VSID = 0b11,procnum
oris r.0, r.0, 0x2000 // T=0 Ks=0 Kp=1
mtsr 15, r.0
bl ..KiInitializeKernel
bl ..KiIdleLoop
DUMMY_EXIT (KiSystemBegin)
// ki.virtual switch kernel from unmapped instructions and data to
// mapped.
// Kernel is loaded into memory at real address 0,
// virtual address 0x80000000.
// On exit, MSR_IR and MSR_DR must be set and the return
// address must have been adjusted such that execution
// continues at the virtual address equivalent to the real
// address in LR on entry.
// The change of state and transfer are accomplished atomically
// by setting the target address and state for return from
// interrupt then using rfi to put these changes into effect.
// Entry Requirements:
// Processor executing in supervisor state.
// Returns to next instruction in caller.
// MSR: Instruction Relocate ON
// Data Relocate ON
mflr r.0 // save return address
#if DBG
// This section of code determines the caching mode for the kernel.
// Based on processor type and values in the PCR, either set HID0 to
// turn off the caches (603/604), or do nothing (601).
mfpvr r.11 // get processor type
lhz r.12, PcIcacheMode(r.12) // get I/D caching information
srwi r.11, r.11, 16 // extract processor version
cmpli cr.6, 0, r.11, PV601 // cr.6 -> is this a 601?
rlwinm r.4, r.12, 0x0, 0x18, 0x1f // r.4 -> i-cache mode
rlwinm r.5, r.12, 0x18, 0x18, 0x1f // r.5 -> d-cache mode
beq- cr.6, cache_done // branch if on 601, nothing to do
// Set cache bits for HID0 on 603/604 family chips and 620
cmpli cr.6, 0, r.4, 0 // cr.6 -> any bits set for icache?
addi r.6, r.0, 0 // r.6 -> 0
ori r.6, r.6, 0xc000 // r.6 -> 0xc000 (I/D caches on)
beq+ cr.6, cache_d // branch if no bits set for icache
xori r.6, r.6, 0x8000 // r.6 -> 0x4000 (I cache off)
cmpli cr.6, 0, r.5, 0 // cr.6 -> any bits set for dcache?
beq+ cr.6, cache_done // branch if no bits set
xori r.6, r.6, 0x4000 // r.6 -> 0x[80]000 (turn off dcache)
// At this point r.6 has the bits to or into the register that we are
// going to place in HID0. Possible values are:
// 0xc000 : I cache ON, D cache ON
// 0x8000 : I cache ON, D cache OFF
// 0x4000 : I cache OFF, D cache ON
// 0x0000 : I cache OFF, D cache OFF
// N.B. r.6 is NOT set for 601
// Acquire the HPT lock to ensure that tlbie/tlbsync is done on
// only one processor at a time.
#if !defined(NT_UP)
li r.10,HPT_LOCK // get hpt lock address
lwarx r.11,0,r.10 // load and reserve lock word
cmpwi r.11,0 // is lock available?
mfsprg r.11,sprg.0 // get processor ctl region addr
bne- kv.getlk_spin // loop if lock is unavailable
stwcx. r.11,0,r.10 // store conditional to lock word
bne- kv.getlk_spin // loop if lost reserve
isync // context synchronize
b kv.getlk_got
lwz r.11,0(r.10)
cmpwi r.11,0
beq+ kv.getlk
b kv.getlk_spin
#endif // NT_UP
// before switching, flush L1 cache just to be sure everything that was
// loaded is really in memory. We flush the data cache and invalidate
// the instruction cache. Currently the largest D cache is the unified
// I/D cache on the 601 at 32KB. We flush the D-Cache by loading 256KB
// worth of data. This is more than can be contained in the largest
// anticipated cache.
// The HAL can't be used for this function yet because mapping isn't
// enabled.
// N.B. We do the cache flushing/invalidation in blocks of 32 bytes
// which is the smallest PowerPC cache block size.
li r.11, 256*1024/32 // amount to load, in blocks
mtctr r.11
li r.10, -32 // start address - sizeof cache block
// Touch 256 K bytes
lbzu r.11, 32(r.10)
bdnz lcache
// Invalidate the TLB. We just outright invalidate 256 congruence classes,
// the largest known number is currently the 601 which has 128. 256 will
// hopefully allow for expansion.
li r.7,256 // default num congruence classes
mtctr r.7
tlbi: tlbie r.7 // invalidate entry
addi r.7,r.7, 0x1000 // bump to next page
bdnz tlbi
sync // wait tlbie completion
// Depending on processor type, invalidate the instruction cache and
// enable both instruction and data caches.
mfpvr r.12 // check processor type
srwi r.12, r.12, 16 // extract processor version
cmpwi cr.1, r.12, PV601 // is this a 601?
cmpwi cr.6, r.12, PV603 // is this a 603?
cmpwi cr.7, r.12, PV603p // perhaps a 603+?
cmpwi cr.0, r.12, PV603pp // perhaps a 603++?
beq cr.1, go_virtual // branch is 601
// not a 601, on MP systems, wait for tlb propagation.
#if !defined(NT_UP)
beq cr.6, caches_603 // branch if 603
beq cr.7, caches_603 // branch if 603+
beq cr.0, caches_603 // branch if 603++
cmpwi cr.6, r.12, PV604 // is this a 604?
cmpwi cr.7, r.12, PV604p // is this a 604+?
beq cr.6, caches_604 // branch if 604
beq cr.7, caches_604 // branch if 604+
cmpwi cr.0, r.12, PV613 // is this a 613?
cmpwi cr.7, r.12, PV620 // is this a 620?
beq cr.0, caches_613 // branch if 613
beq cr.7, caches_620 // branch if 620
b caches_unknown // branch to handle unknown cases
mfspr r.12, hid0 // get hid0
rlwinm r.12, r.12, 0, 0x0fff // clear ICE, DCE, ILOCK, DLOCK
ori r.11, r.12, 0xc00 // flash instruction and data caches
mtspr hid0, r.11 // set ICFI and DCFI
mtspr hid0, r.12 // clear ICFI and DCFI
#if !DBG
ori r.12, r.12, 0xc000 // enable instruction and data caches
or r.12, r.12, r.6 // set established cache inhibit bits
mtspr hid0, r.12
b go_virtual // switch modes
// THIS IS 604/604+ SPECIFIC ...
mfspr r.12,hid0 // get hid0
#if DBG
rlwinm r.12,r.12,0x0,0x12,0xf // clear cache enables
ori r.12,r.12,h0_604_sse+h0_604_bhte+h0_604_icia+h0_604_dcia
or r.12,r.12,r.6 // or in cache modes
ori r.12,r.12,h0_604_prefered// enable all the things we want
ori r.12,r.12,h0_604_icia+h0_604_dcia // and invalidate both
// caches. 604 clears ICIA and DCIA
// automatically.
mtspr hid0,r.12
b go_virtual // fall thru to switch modes
mfspr r.12,hid0 // get hid0
#if DBG
rlwinm r.12,r.12,0x0,0x12,0xf // clear cache enables
ori r.12,r.12,h0_613_sge+h0_613_btic+h0_613_bhte+h0_613_icia+h0_613_dcia
or r.12,r.12,r.6 // or in cache modes
ori r.12,r.12,h0_613_preferred // enable all the things we want
ori r.12,r.12,h0_613_icia+h0_613_dcia // and invalidate both
// caches. 613 clears ICIA and DCIA
// automatically.
mtspr hid0,r.12
b go_virtual // fall thru to switch modes
mfspr r.12,hid0 // get hid0
#if DBG
rlwinm r.12,r.12,0x0,0x12,0xf // clear cache enables
ori r.12,r.12,h0_620_sse+h0_620_bpm+h0_620_ifm
ori r.12,r.12,h0_620_icia+h0_620_dcia
or r.12,r.12,r.6 // or in cache modes
ori r.12,r.12,h0_620_prefered// enable all the things we want
ori r.12,r.12,h0_620_icia+h0_620_dcia // and invalidate both
// caches. 620 clears ICIA and DCIA
// automatically.
mtspr hid0,r.12
b go_virtual // fall thru to switch modes
// Ensure the interrupt/exception vectors are not stale in the I-Cache
// by invalidating all cache lines in the region that was copied to low
// memory.
// Note that as soon as we are able to do so, we should use the hal to
// do a full, machine dependent, I-Cache invalidate.
li r.11, 0 // target address
li r.10, (end_of_code_to_move-real0+31)/32 // num blocks to inval
mtctr r.10
icbi 0, r.11
addi r.11, r.11, 32
bdnz invalidate_icache
// Now invalidate all code in *this* module, some of which may have
// been modified during initialization.
bl invalidate_real0
mflr r.10 // address of invalidate_real0 to r.10
li r.12, (invalidate_real0-end_of_code_to_move)/32
mtctr r.12 // number if blocks to invalidate
subi r.10, r.10, invalidate_real0-end_of_code_to_move
icbi 0, 10
addi r.10, r.10, 32
bdnz invalidate_real0_loop
#if !defined(NT_UP)
li r.10,0 // get a zero value
sync // ensure all previous stores done
stw r.10,HPT_LOCK(0) // store zero in hpt lock word
#endif // NT_UP
// Done. Now get system into virtual mode. (return address is in r.0)
// N.B. rfi does not load the MSR ILE bit from SRR1, so we need to turn
// ILE on explicitly before the rfi.
mfmsr r.10 // get current MSR
rlwimi r.10, r.10, 0, MASK_SPR(MSR_ILE,1) // turn on ILE
mtmsr r.10 // set new MSR
LWI(r.10, FLIH_MSR) // initialize machine state
oris r.0, r.0, K_BASE // set top bit of address
mtsrr0 r.0 // set rfi target address
mtsrr1 r.10 // set rfi target machine state
rfi // return
// ki.real switch kernel from mapped instructions and data to
// unmapped.
// On exit, MSR_IR and MSR_DR will be clear and the return
// address adjusted such that execution continues at the
// real address equivalent to the address in lr on entry.
// Interrupts are disabled by clearing bit MSR_EE.
// Note: this depends on the return address being in the
// range covered by KSEG0.
// The change of state and transfer are accomplished atomically
// by setting the target address and state for return from
// interrupt then using rfi to put these changes into effect.
// Entry Requirements:
// Processor executing in supervisor state.
// Returns to next instruction in caller.
// MSR: Instruction Relocate OFF
// Data Relocate OFF
// Interrupts Disabled
// r.30 return address (in real mode)
mflr r.30
mfmsr r.8 // get current state
rlwinm r.8, r.8, 0, ~INT_ENA // clear interrupt enable
mtmsr r.8 // disable interrupts
rlwinm r.8, r.8, 0, ~(MASK_SPR(MSR_IR,1)|MASK_SPR(MSR_DR,1))
mtsrr1 r.8 // desired initial state
rlwinm r.30, r.30, 0, 0x7fffffff // physical return addrress
mtsrr0 r.30
rfi // return
// Address of toc and common_exception_entry, available to init code.
.long .toc // address of kernel toc
.long common_exception_entry
.long ..RtlpRestoreContextRfiJump
// Remaining code in this module exists for the life of the system.
.new_section .text,"rcx6" // force 64 byte alignment
// for text in this module.
.align 2
.long .toc // address of kernel toc
// common_exception_entry
// This is the common entry point into kernel for most exceptions/
// interrupts. The processor is running with instruction and data
// relocation enabled when control reaches here.
// on Entry:
// MSR: External interrupts disabled
// Instruction Relocate ON
// Data Relocate ON
// GP registers:
// r.2: Constant identifying the exception type
// r.3: Saved SRR0 (interrupt address)
// r.4: Saved SRR1 (MSR value)
// r.5: -available-
// r.11: -available-
// In the PCR:
// PcGprSave[0]: Saved r.2
// PcGprSave[1]: Saved r.3
// PcGprSave[2]: Saved r.4
// PcGprSave[3]: Saved r.5
// PcGprSave[5]: Saved r.11
// All other registers still have their contents as of the time
// of interrupt
// Our stack frame header must contain space for 16 words of arguments, the
// maximum that can be specified on a system call. Stack frame header struct
// defines space for 8 such words.
// We'll build a structure on the stack like this:
// low addr | |
// | |
// / |--------------------| <-r.1 at point we call
// | | Stack Frame Header | KiDispatchException
// | | (back chain, misc. |
// | | stuff, 16 words of |
// | | parameter space) |
// / |--------------------|
// | Trap Frame |
// STACK_DELTA | (volatile state) |
// | <------ includes ExceptionRecord, imbedded within
// \ |--------------------|
// | | Exception Frame |
// | | (non-volatile |
// | | state) |
// | | |
// | |--------------------|
// | | Slack space, |
// | | skipped over to |
// | | avoid stepping on |
// | | data used by leaf |
// | | routines |
// \ |--------------------| <-r.1 at point of interrupt, if interrupted
// | | kernel code, or base of kernel stack if
// high addr | | interrupted user code
// This stack frame format is defined a KEXCEPTION_STACK_FRAME in ppc.h.
#define DeliverApcSaveTrap 0xc // Save trap frame address in reserved
// (offset 12) Stack Frame Header
// location for possible call out
.text // resume .text section
// An Exception Record is embedded within the Trap Frame
.set ER_BASE, TF_BASE + TrExceptionRecord
.set DR_BASE, PbProcessorState + PsSpecialRegisters
// The following is never executed, it is provided to allow virtual
// unwind to restore register state prior to an exception occuring.
// This is a common prologue for the various exception handlers.
stwu r.sp, -STACK_DELTA (r.sp)
stw r.0, TrGpr0 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
mflr r.0
stw r.0, TrLr + TF_BASE (r.sp)
mflr r.0
stw r.0, EfLr (r.sp)
mfcr r.0
stw r.0, EfCr (r.sp)
stw r.2, TrGpr2 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.3, TrGpr3 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.4, TrGpr4 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.5, TrGpr5 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.6, TrGpr6 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.7, TrGpr7 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.8, TrGpr8 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.9, TrGpr9 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.10, TrGpr10 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.11, TrGpr11 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.12, TrGpr12 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
mfctr r.6 // Fixed Point Exception
mfxer r.7 // registers
stfd f.0, TrFpr0 + TF_BASE(r.sp) // save volatile FPRs
lis r.12, K_BASE // base addr of KSEG0
stfd f.1, TrFpr1 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
lfd f.1, FpZero-real0(r.12) // get FP 0.0
stfd f.2, TrFpr2 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
mffs f.0 // get Floating Point Status
// and Control Register (FPSCR)
stfd f.3, TrFpr3 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.4, TrFpr4 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.5, TrFpr5 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.6, TrFpr6 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.7, TrFpr7 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.8, TrFpr8 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.9, TrFpr9 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.10, TrFpr10 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.11, TrFpr11 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.12, TrFpr12 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.13, TrFpr13 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.6, TrCtr + TF_BASE(r.sp) // save Count register
stw r.7, TrXer + TF_BASE(r.sp) // save Fixed Point Exception rg
stfd f.0, TrFpscr + TF_BASE(r.sp) // save FPSCR register.
mtfsf 0xff, f.1 // clear FPSCR
// \PROLOGUE_END(KiCommonExceptionEntry)
.set KiCommonExceptionEntry.body, $+1 // so the debugger can see
// difference between this
// and normal prologues.
.align 6 // ensure the following is
// cache block aligned (for
// performance) (cache line
// for 601)
mfcr r.5 // save CR at time of interrupt
stw r.6, KiPcr+PCR_SAVE6(r.0) // save r.6 in PCR
// Code here and below frequently needs to test whether the previous mode
// was "kernel" or "user". We isolate the PR (problem state, i.e., user mode)
// bit from the previous MSR into Condition Reg bit 19 (in cr.4), where it will
// stay. Subsequently we can just branch-if-true (for user mode) or
// branch-if-false (for kernel mode) on CR bit WAS_USER_MODE.
.set WAS_USER_MODE, 19 // CR bit number
mtcrf 0b00001000, r.6 // PR to cr.4 WAS_USER_MODE
lwz r.6, KiPcr+PcInitialStack(r.0) // kernel stack addr for thread
bt WAS_USER_MODE, cee.20 // branch if was in user state
// Get stack lower bound.
lwz r.11, KiPcr+PcStackLimit(r.0) // get current stack limit
// Processor was in supervisor state. We'll add our stack frame to the stack
// whose address is still in r.1 from the point of interrupt. First, make sure
// that the stack address is valid.
cmplw cr.1, r.sp, r.6 // test for underflow, into cr.1
// Make sure that stack hasn't overflowed, underflowed, or become misaligned
subi r.6, r.sp, STACK_DELTA // allocate stack frame; ptr into r.6
cmplw cr.2, r.6, r.11 // test for overflow, into cr.2
andi. r.11, r.sp, 7 // test r.sp for 8-byte align into cr.0
bgt- cr.1, cee.10 // branch if stack has underflowed
bne- cr.0, cee.10 // branch if stack is misaligned
bge+ cr.2, cee.30 // branch if stack has not overflowed
// stack overflow/underflow/misalign
// Allow for the possibility that we're actually changing from
// one thread's stack to another,... this is a two instruction
// window during which interrupts are disabled but might be that
// someone is single stepping thru that code ... The address of
// the second instruction is 'global' for the benefit of this
// test. If that is what happened, we must actually execute
// the second instruction so that the correct stack is in use
// because we would fail the stack check if any other exception
// occurs while we are in this state and also because the old
// stack may not be mapped any longer.
// That instruction is a
// ori r.sp, r.22, 0
// (we can't check this because the instruction has been replaced
// by a breakpoint).
// We KNOW that r.22 contains what we should use as a stack pointer!!
// Available registers
// r.6 contains what we had hoped would be the new stack address,
// r.11
li r.6, KepSwappingContextAddr-real0// dereference pointer to
oris r.6, r.6, K_BASE // word containing addr of
lwz r.6, 0(r.6) // KepSwappingContext
cmplw r.6, r.3
bne cee.15 // jif that wasn't it.
// Ok, that seems to be the problem, do the stack switch and try
// to validate again. (can't branch up as if we fail, we'll be
// in a loop).
lwz r.11, KiPcr+PcStackLimit(r.0) // get current stack limit
lwz r.6, KiPcr+PcInitialStack(r.0) // kernel stack addr for thread
cmplw cr.1, r.22, r.6 // test for underflow, into cr.1
subi r.6, r.22, STACK_DELTA // allocate stack frame; ptr into r.6
cmplw cr.2, r.6, r.11 // test for overflow, into cr.2
andi. r.11, r.22, 7 // test r.22 for 8-byte align into cr.0
bgt- cr.1, cee.15 // branch if stack has underflowed
bne- cr.0, cee.15 // branch if stack is misaligned
bge+ cr.2, cee.30 // branch if stack has not overflowed
// It really is a problem (underflow, overflow or misalignment).
lwz r.11, KiPcr+PcStackLimit(r.0) // refetch old stack limit
lwz r.6, KiPcr+PcPanicStack(r.0) // switch to panic stack
lwz r.2, KiPcr+PcInitialStack(r.0) // refetch old initial stack
stw r.11, TF_BASE-8-STACK_DELTA_NEWSTK(r.6) // save old StackLimit as
// if it was 15th parameter
subi r.11, r.6, KERNEL_STACK_SIZE // compute stack limit
stw r.6, KiPcr+PcInitialStack(r.0) // so we don't repeat ourselves
// ie, avoid overflowing because
// we went to the panic stack
stw r.11, KiPcr+PcStackLimit(r.0) // set stack limit
subi r.6, r.6, STACK_DELTA_NEWSTK // allocate stack frame
stw r.2, TF_BASE-4(r.6) // save old InitialStack as
// if it was 16th parameter
li r.2, CODE_PANIC // set exception cause to panic
b cee.30 // process exception
// Previous state was user mode
// Segment registers 9, 10, 12 and 13 need to be setup for kernel mode.
// In user mode they are set to zero as no access is allowed to these
// segments, and there are no combinations of Ks Kp and PP that allow
// kernel both read-only and read/write pages that are user no-access.
mfsr r.6, 0 // get PID from SR0
ori r.6, r.6, 12 // T=0 Ks,Kp=0 VSID=pgdir,12
mtsr 12, r.6
li r.6, 9 // T=0 Ks,Kp=0 VSID=9
mtsr 9, r.6
li r.6, 10 // T=0 Ks,Kp=0 VSID=10
mtsr 10, r.6
li r.6, 13 // T=0 Ks,Kp=0 VSID=13
mtsr 13, r.6
isync // context synchronize
lbz r.6, KiPcr+PcDebugActive(r.0)
cmpwi cr.1, r.6, 0 // Hardware debug register set?
lwz r.6, KiPcr+PcInitialStack(r.0) // kernel stack addr for thread
subi r.6, r.6, STACK_DELTA_NEWSTK // allocate stack frame
// Stack address in r.6
beq+ cr.1, cee.30 // jif no debug registers set
// Yuck! There aren't any registers but this is the best place.
// Save r.3 and reload it after debug register processing.
stw r.3, TrIar + TF_BASE (r.6) // we need some registers
stw r.4, TrMsr + TF_BASE (r.6) // save SRR1 (MSR)
stw r.5, TrCr + TF_BASE (r.6) // save Condition Register
stw r.7, TrGpr7 + TF_BASE (r.6)
stw r.8, TrGpr8 + TF_BASE (r.6)
li r.3, 0 // Initialize Dr7
lwz r.5, KiPcr+PcPrcb(r.0) // get processor block address
lwz r.4, DR_BASE + SrKernelDr7(r.5) // Kernel DR set?
rlwinm r.4, r.4, 0, 0xFF
cmpwi cr.7, r.4, 0
stw r.3, TrDr7 + TF_BASE(r.6) // No DRs set
lwz r.7, DR_BASE + SrKernelDr0(r.5) // Get kernel IABR
lwz r.8, DR_BASE + SrKernelDr1(r.5) // Get kernel DABR
ori r.7, r.7, 0x3 // Sanitize IABR (Dr0)
ori r.8, r.8, 0x4 // Sanitize DABR (Dr1)
// WARNING: Don't rearrange this branch table. The first branch is overlayed
// with the correct branch instruction (modified) based on the processor
// during system initialization. The correct order is 601, 603, 604, skip.
b cee.21 // 601
b cee.23 // 603
b cee.24 // 604/613 - common path with 601
b cee.220 // 620
b cee.27 // unknown
cee.21: // 601 SPECIFIC
li r.3, 0x0080 // Normal run mode
rlwinm r.7, r.7, 0, 0xfffffffc // Sanitize IABR (Dr0)
rlwinm r.8, r.8, 0, 0xfffffff8 // Sanitize DABR (Dr1)
bne cr.7, cee.24 // Leave hid1 set for full cmp
mtspr hid1, r.3
mfspr r.3, iabr // Load the IABR (Dr0)
rlwinm. r.3, r.3, 0, 0xfffffffc // IABR(DR0) set?
li r.4, 0 // Initialize Dr7
stw r.3, TrDr0 + TF_BASE(r.6)
mfspr r.3, dabr // Load the DABR (Dr1)
beq noiabr.1 // jiff Dr0 not set
li r.4, 0x1 // Set LE0 in Dr7
rlwimi r.4, r.3, 19, 11, 11 // Interchange R/W1 bits
rlwimi r.4, r.3, 21, 10, 10 // and move to Dr7
rlwinm. r.3, r.3, 0, 0xfffffff8 // Sanitize Dr1
stw r.3, TrDr1 + TF_BASE(r.6) // Store Dr1 in trap frame
beq nodabr.1 // jiff Dr1 not set
ori r.4, r.4, 0x4 // Set LE1 in Dr7
ori r.4, r.4, 0x100 // Set LE bit in Dr7
stw r.4, TrDr7 + TF_BASE(r.6)
li r.4, 0
beq cr.7, nokdr.1
lwz r.3, DR_BASE + SrKernelDr7(r.5)
rlwinm. r.4, r.3, 0, 0x0000000c // LE1/GE1 set?
beq nodr1.1 // jiff Dr1 not set
rlwimi r.8, r.3, 13, 30, 30 // Interchange R/W1 bits
rlwimi r.8, r.3, 11, 31, 31
mtspr dabr, r.8
rlwinm. r.3, r.3, 0, 0x00000003 // LE0/GE0 set?
beq cee.27
mtspr iabr, r.7
b cee.27
cee.23: // 603 SPECIFIC
mfspr r.3, iabr // Load the IABR (Dr0)
rlwinm. r.3, r.3, 0, 0xfffffffc // Sanitize Dr0
li r.4, 0x101 // Initialize Dr7
stw r.3, TrDr0 + TF_BASE(r.6)
stw r.4, TrDr7 + TF_BASE(r.6)
li r.4, 0
beq cr.7, nokdr.2 // jif no kernel DR set
rlwinm r.7, r.7, 0, 0xfffffffc // Sanitize IABR
ori r.7, r.7, 0x2
mtspr iabr, r.7
b cee.27
cee.220: // 620 SPECIFIC
mfspr r.3, dabr // Load the DABR (Dr1)
b noiabr.1
mtspr iabr, r.4
b cee.27
mtspr dabr, r.4
mtspr iabr, r.4
lwz r.8, TrGpr8 + TF_BASE (r.6) // Reload all the registers
lwz r.7, TrGpr7 + TF_BASE (r.6) // the debug code clobbered
lwz r.5, TrCr + TF_BASE (r.6)
lwz r.4, TrMsr + TF_BASE (r.6)
lwz r.3, TrIar + TF_BASE (r.6)
// Save Trap Frame (volatile registers)
stw r.3, TrIar + TF_BASE (r.6) // save SRR0 (IAR) in Trap Frame
stw r.3, ErExceptionAddress + ER_BASE (r.6) // and in Exception Record
stw r.3, EfLr (r.6) // and for unwind
stw r.4, TrMsr + TF_BASE (r.6) // save SRR1 (MSR)
stw r.5, TrCr + TF_BASE (r.6) // save Condition Register
stw r.5, EfCr (r.6) // and for unwind
stw r.0, TrGpr0 + TF_BASE (r.6) // save volatile GPRs, fetching some
stw r.sp, TrGpr1 + TF_BASE (r.6) // of them from their temporary save
lwz r.0, KiPcr+PCR_SAVE2 (r.0) // area in the PCR
lwz r.5, KiPcr+PCR_SAVE3 (r.0)
stw r.0, TrGpr2 + TF_BASE (r.6)
stw r.5, TrGpr3 + TF_BASE (r.6)
lwz r.0, KiPcr+PCR_SAVE4 (r.0)
lwz r.5, KiPcr+PCR_SAVE5 (r.0)
stw r.0, TrGpr4 + TF_BASE (r.6)
stw r.5, TrGpr5 + TF_BASE (r.6)
li r.5, 0 // Init DR6 (DR status) to zero
lwz r.0, KiPcr+PCR_SAVE6 (r.0)
stw r.7, TrGpr7 + TF_BASE (r.6)
lbz r.7, KiPcr+PcCurrentIrql (r.0)
stw r.0, TrGpr6 + TF_BASE (r.6)
lwz r.0, KiPcr+PCR_SAVE11 (r.0)
stw r.8, TrGpr8 + TF_BASE (r.6)
stw r.9, TrGpr9 + TF_BASE (r.6)
stw r.10, TrGpr10 + TF_BASE (r.6)
stw r.0, TrGpr11 + TF_BASE (r.6)
stw r.12, TrGpr12 + TF_BASE (r.6)
stb r.7, TrOldIrql + TF_BASE (r.6) // save current Irql in tf
stw r.5, TrDr6 + TF_BASE (r.6)
// We've pulled everything out of the PCR that needs saving.
// Set up r.1 as our stack pointer so that we can take another interrupt now if need be.
stw r.sp, CrBackChain (r.6) // set chain to previous stack frame
ori r.sp, r.6, 0 // move new stack frame pointer to r.sp
// Save rest of trap frame
cmpwi r2, CODE_DECREMENTER // does this interrupt save volatile FPRs?
mflr r.5 // get Link, Count, and
mfctr r.6 // Fixed Point Exception
mfxer r.7 // registers
ble skip_float // if le, don't save volatile FPRs
stfd f.0, TrFpr0 + TF_BASE (r.sp) // save volatile FPRs
lis r.12, K_BASE // base address of KSEG0
stfd f.1, TrFpr1 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
lfd f.1, FpZero-real0(r.12) // get FP 0.0
stfd f.2, TrFpr2 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stfd f.3, TrFpr3 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stfd f.4, TrFpr4 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stfd f.5, TrFpr5 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
mffs f.0 // get Floating Point Status
// and Control Register (FPSCR)
stfd f.6, TrFpr6 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stfd f.7, TrFpr7 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stfd f.8, TrFpr8 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stfd f.9, TrFpr9 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stfd f.10, TrFpr10 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stfd f.11, TrFpr11 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stfd f.12, TrFpr12 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stfd f.13, TrFpr13 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stfd f.0, TrFpscr + TF_BASE (r.sp)
mtfsf 0xff, f.1
stw r.5, TrLr + TF_BASE (r.sp) // save Link,
stw r.6, TrCtr + TF_BASE (r.sp) // Count,
stw r.7, TrXer + TF_BASE (r.sp) // Fixed Point Exception
// End of save Trap Frame
// Volatile registers (r.0 thru r.12) are now available for use.
// r.2 holds code number identifying interrupt
// r.3 holds interrupt SRR0
// r.4 holds interrupt SRR1
// Perform processing specific to the type of PowerPC interrupt,
// including deciding just what Windows NT exception code ("STATUS_...")
// value should be associated with this interrupt/exception.
// The internal code number in r.2 is an index into the following branch table.
bl next
mflr r.12
la r.12, branch_table - next (r.12)
// leave r.12 pointing to branch_table; used as base for data addressing
// in code below
add r.2, r.12, r.2
mtlr r.2
lwz r.2, toc_pointer - branch_table (r.12) // load the kernel's TOC address
blr // thru branch table
// Note that no "validation" of the code is done; this table must match
// the set of CODE_... values defined above, or all bets are off.
b process_machine_check // 0
b process_external // 4
b process_decrementer // 8
b process_storage_error // 12
b process_page_fault // 16
b process_alignment // 20
b process_program // 24
b process_fp_unavail // 28
b process_direct_store // 32
b process_system_call // 36
b process_trace // 40
b process_fp_assist // 44
b process_run_mode // 48
b process_panic // 52
// Added for PPC603:
b process_system_management // 56
// 601, 604 data address breakpoint
b process_data_breakpoint // 60
// 604 Performance Monitor Interupt
b process_pmi // 64
// Register contents at this point are:
// r.0 -scratch-
// r.1 (r.sp) Our stack pointer
// r.2 (r.toc) Kernel's TOC pointer
// r.3 SRR0 (interrupt address)
// r.4 SRR1 (MSR at time of interrup)
// r.5--r.11 -scratch-
// r.12 Address of branch_table, above
// r.13--r.31 Non-volatile state, STILL UNSAVED
// This follows standard linkage conventions, with SRR0 and SRR1 as the
// two parameters of a call.
// Storage Error and Page Fault after DS and IS interrupts --
// The code immediately below is never executed. It is present to
// allow for unwinding the stack through process_storage_error or
// process_page_fault, for exception handling.
DUMMY_ENTRY (KiStorageFaultDispatch)
b common_exception_entry // use common prologue for unwind
PROLOGUE_END (KiStorageFaultDispatch)
lwz r.4,KiPcr+PcBadVaddr(r.0) // get failing addr, st/l bit
rlwinm r.3,r.4,0,0x00000001 // isolate st/l indicator
stw r.3,ErExceptionInformation+ER_BASE(r.1) // st/l to er
stw r.4,ErExceptionInformation+4+ER_BASE(r.1) // fail to er
LWI (r.3,STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION) // access violation status
li r.4,2 // there are 2 er parms
b seter // goto setup rest of er
mfmsr r.0
rlwinm r.5,r.4,18,0x00000001 // 3rd arg - processor mode
lwz r.4,KiPcr+PcBadVaddr(r.0) // 2nd arg - failing addr
rlwinm r.3,r.4,0,0x00000001 // 1st arg - st/l indicator
stw r.3,ErExceptionInformation+ER_BASE(r.1) // st/l to er
stw r.4,ErExceptionInformation+4+ER_BASE(r.1) // fail to er
ori r.0,r.0,INT_ENA
mtmsr r.0 // enable interrupts
cror 0,0,0 // N.B. 603e/ev Errata 15
bl ..MmAccessFault // call mem mgmt fault subr
// Check if working set watch is enabled.
lwz r.5,[toc]PsWatchEnabled(r.2) // get &working set watch enable
cmpwi r.3,STATUS_SUCCESS // mem mgmt handled fault?
lbz r.5,0(r5) // get working set watch enable flag
blt xcptn // branch if fault not handled
cmpwi r.5,0 // watch enabled?
lwz r.5,ErExceptionInformation+4+ER_BASE(r.1)// set bad addr
beq owdbkp // jif watch disabled
lwz r.4,TrIar+TF_BASE(r.1) // set failing PC
bl ..PsWatchWorkingSet // record working set information
// Check if the debugger has any owed breakpoints.
lwz r.4,[toc]KdpOweBreakpoint(r.2)
lbz r.4,0(r.4) // get owed breakpoint flag
cmpwi r.4,0
beq KiAlternateExit // jif no owed breakpoints
bl ..KdSetOwedBreakpoints // call insrt breakpts subr
b KiAlternateExit // goto resume thread
xcptn: LWI (r.0,(STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR|0x10000000)) // was code for
cmplw r.3,r.0 // irql too high returned?
beq irqlhi // branch if yes
li r.4,2 // assume 2 er parms
cmplw r.3,r.0 // access violation?
beq seter // branch if yes
cmplw r.3,r.0 // guard page violation?
beq seter // branch if yes
cmplw r.3,r.0 // stack overflow?
beq seter // branch if yes
stw r.3,ErExceptionInformation+8+ER_BASE(r.1) // stat to er
LWI (r.3,STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR) // use in page error status
li r.4,3 // now there are 3 er parms
seter: stw r.3,ErExceptionCode+ER_BASE(r.1) // set er xcptn code
stw r.4,ErNumberParameters+ER_BASE(r.1) // set er num parms
li r.0,0 // zero
stw r.0,ErExceptionFlags+ER_BASE(r.1) // er flags
stw r.0,ErExceptionRecord+ER_BASE(r.1) // er record ptr
b exception_dispatch // goto dispatch exception
irqlhi: li r.3,IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL // get irql too high code
lwz r.4,ErExceptionInformation+4+ER_BASE(r.1) // fail addr
lbz r.5,KiPcr+PcCurrentIrql(r.0) // get current irql from pcr
lwz r.6,ErExceptionInformation+ER_BASE(r.1) // st/l indic
lwz r.7,ErExceptionAddress+ER_BASE(r.1) // get int addr
bl ..KeBugCheckEx // call bug check subroutine
b $
// Alignment interrupt --
// Must be for data. It's not possible to cause the machine
// to branch to an address that isn't a multiple of 4, hence
// there is no "misaligned instruction" exception
// This array of bits, indexed by the 7-bit "index" value from
// the DSISR, indicates whether the offending instruction is
// a load or a store. "1" indicates store. See alignem.c for
// an indication of how the 7-bit index value maps to the set
// of load/store instructions.
// The code immediately below is never executed. It is present to allow
// for unwinding the stack through process_alignment, for exception
// handling.
DUMMY_ENTRY (KiAlignmentFaultDispatch)
b common_exception_entry // use common prologue for unwind
PROLOGUE_END (KiAlignmentFaultDispatch)
.align 2
.long 0x44624460, 0x40004000, 0x60440402, 0x44624460
lwz r.4, KiPcr+PcSavedV1 (r.0) // get DSISR (align status)
lwz r.0, KiPcr+PcSavedV0 (r.0) // get DAR (offending address)
rlwinm r.5, r.4, 19, 0b1100 // isolate table word number
la r.6, al_table - branch_table (r.12) // load address of table
lwzx r.6, r.6, r.5 // load word from table
rlwinm r.5, r.4, 22, 0x1f // isolate bit number within word
rlwnm r.6, r.6, r.5, 0x1 // isolate load/store bit
cmpwi r.0, 0 // test for user vs. system address
// put load/store indicator, DAR, and DSISR in exception record
stw r.6, ErExceptionInformation + ER_BASE (r.sp)
stw r.0, ErExceptionInformation + 4 + ER_BASE (r.sp)
stw r.4, ErExceptionInformation + 8 + ER_BASE (r.sp)
crand 0, cr.0 + LT, WAS_USER_MODE // test for system addr AND user mode
LWI (r.0, STATUS_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT) // load most probable status value
bf+ 0, al_1 // branch if not an access violation
LWI (r.0, STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION) // load access viol. status value
stw r.0, ErExceptionCode + ER_BASE (r.sp) // store status value in excep. record
li r.0, 0
stw r.0, ErExceptionFlags + ER_BASE (r.sp)
stw r.0, ErExceptionRecord + ER_BASE (r.sp)
li r.0, 3
stw r.0, ErNumberParameters + ER_BASE (r.sp)
b exception_dispatch
DUMMY_EXIT (KiAlignmentFaultDispatch)
// Program interrupt --
// SRR0 contains the failing instruction address
// SRR1 contains bits indicating the reason for interrupt
// Floating-point enabled exception (SRR1 bit 11)
// Illegal instruction (SRR1 bit 12)
// Privileged instruction executed in problem state (SRR1 bit 13)
// Trap instruction (SRR1 bit 14)
// In addition, SRR1 bit 15 is set if this is an
// IMPRECISE floating point interrupt
// On entry to this code, the interrupt-time SRR0 value is in
// r.3, and the SRR1 value is in r.4
// The code immediately below is never executed. It is present to allow
// for unwinding the stack through process_program, for exception
// handling.
DUMMY_ENTRY (KiProgramFaultDispatch)
b common_exception_entry // use common prologue for unwind
PROLOGUE_END (KiProgramFaultDispatch)
// This code is rather poorly scheduled, but that doesn't matter.
// None of this is performance-critical.
.set PR_FPE, 0 // locations of the indicator bits (above)
.set PR_ILL, 1 // after moving them to CR field 0
.set PR_PRIV, 2
.set PR_TRAP, 3
.set TO_BKP, 0b11111 // trap BREAKPOINT
.set TO_DIV0, 0b00110 // trap Integer DIV by zero
.set TO_DIV0U, 0b00111 // trap unconditional DIV by 0
rlwinm r.0, r.4, 11, 0xF0000000 // move the 4 bits to high end
mtcrf 0x80, r.0 // insert them into bits 0..3 of CR
bt PR_ILL, pr_2 // branch if illegal instruction
li r.0, 0 // fill in common info in
stw r.0, ErExceptionFlags + ER_BASE (r.sp) // exception record
stw r.0, ErExceptionRecord + ER_BASE (r.sp)
lwz r.4, 0 (r.3) // pick up the instruction itself
li r.0, 1
stw r.0, ErNumberParameters + ER_BASE (r.sp) // show 1 parameter
stw r.4, ErExceptionInformation + ER_BASE (r.sp) // save instr as 1st "info" word
bt PR_FPE, pr_1 // branch if float exception
bt PR_PRIV, pr_3 // branch if privileged instruction
// fall thru if trap instruction
// Trap instruction.
// If the instruction has 0b11111 as the trap condition field,
// then it's a "breakpoint". Otherwise it's an array bounds
// violation.
// The instruction itself is in r.4 at this point.
rlwinm r.5, r.4, 11, 0b11111 // isolate the "TO" field
cmpwi r.5, TO_BKP // breakpoint?
LWI (r.0, STATUS_BREAKPOINT) // assume breakpoint status
beq pr_0 // branch if correct
// Integer divide by zero is implemented as a trap. The TO equal bit is set
// and the immediate field must be zero. To differentiate from other possible
// uses of trap on zero, the logically less than bit is also set. (in a comp
// against zero this will NEVER cause the trap so is useful just as a flag).
// The compiler may also set the logically greater than bit if this in an
// unconditional divide by zero. In the following check, "or" in the logically
// greater than bit then check that both the TO field is TO_DIV0U AND the
// immediate field is zero.
ori r.5, r.5, TO_DIV0^TO_DIV0U // |= "logically greater than"
rlwimi r.5, r.4, 16, 0xffff0000 // |= immediate field ( << 16)
cmpwi r.5, TO_DIV0U
beq pr_0
LWI (r.0, STATUS_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED) // assume bounds check trap
stw r.0, ErExceptionCode + ER_BASE (r.sp) // store proper status in excep. record
b exception_dispatch
// Floating-point enabled exception.
// Pass all thru under the code "FLOAT_STACK_CHECK" at this point;
// subdivide them further later.
stw r.0, ErExceptionCode + ER_BASE (r.sp)
b exception_dispatch
// Illegal instruction.
#if 0
// Save the contents of the HPT group for the failing address.
mfsrin r.5,r.3 // get sreg of virtual addr arg
stw r.5, 28 + ErExceptionInformation + ER_BASE (r.sp)
rlwinm r.6,r.3,20,0x0000ffff // align arg vpi with vsid
xor r.6,r.5,r.6 // hash - exclusive or vsid with vpi
rlwimi r.5,r.3,3,0x7e000000 // insert api into reg with vsid
rlwinm r.5,r.5,7,0xffffffbf // align vsid,api as 1st word hpte
stw r.5, 32 + ErExceptionInformation + ER_BASE (r.sp)
mfsdr1 r.7 // get storage description reg
rlwinm r.8,r.7,10,0x0007fc00 // align hpt mask with upper hash
ori r.8,r.8,0x03ff // append lower one bits to mask
and r.6,r.8,r.6 // take hash modulo hpt size
rlwinm r.6,r.6,6,0x01ffffc0 // align hash as hpt group offset
rlwinm r.7,r.7,0,0xffff0000 // get real addr of hash page table
oris r.7,r.7,K_BASE // or with kernel virtual address
or r.6,r.7,r.6 // or with offset to get group addr
stw r.6, 36 + ErExceptionInformation + ER_BASE (r.sp)
li r7,0x37fc
oris r7,r7,K_BASE
subi r6,r6,4
li r8,16
mfctr r0
mtctr r8
lwzu r8,4(r6)
stwu r8,4(r7)
bdnz loadloop1
mtctr r0
subi r6,r6,60
// Turn the data cache off.
mfspr r9, 1008
ori r7, r9, 0x4000
mtspr 1008, r7
// Dump the HPT group again.
li r7,0x383c
oris r7,r7,K_BASE
subi r6,r6,4
li r8,16
mfctr r0
mtctr r8
lwzu r8,4(r6)
stwu r8,4(r7)
bdnz loadloop2
mtctr r0
subi r6,r6,60
// Get the instruction word from memory.
lwz r4, 0(r3)
stw r.4, 4 + ErExceptionInformation + ER_BASE (r.sp)
// Dump the HPT group again.
li r7,0x387c
oris r7,r7,K_BASE
subi r6,r6,4
li r8,16
mfctr r0
mtctr r8
lwzu r8,4(r6)
stwu r8,4(r7)
bdnz loadloop3
mtctr r0
subi r6,r6,60
// Turn the data cache on.
mtspr 1008, r9
li r.0, 0 // fill in common info in
stw r.0, ErExceptionFlags + ER_BASE (r.sp) // exception record
stw r.0, ErExceptionRecord + ER_BASE (r.sp)
lwz r.4, 0 (r.3) // pick up the instruction itself
li r.0, 1
stw r.0, ErNumberParameters + ER_BASE (r.sp) // show 1 parameter
stw r.4, ErExceptionInformation + ER_BASE (r.sp) // save instr as 1st "info" word
stw r.0, ErExceptionCode + ER_BASE (r.sp)
#if 0
// The following is normally left out,... but it can be useful when
// debugging coherency problems so I've left the code around for future
// use. plj
// Dump the HPT group again.
li r7,0x38bc
oris r7,r7,K_BASE
subi r6,r6,4
li r8,16
mfctr r0
mtctr r8
lwzu r8,4(r6)
stwu r8,4(r7)
bdnz loadloop4
mtctr r0
subi r6,r6,60
// Look for a matching entry (valid or invalid) in the HPT for the instruction address.
lwz r.7,4(r.6) // get 1st(be) word of hpte
lwz r.8,0(r.6) // get 2nd(be) word of hpte
clrlwi r.11,r.7,1 // mask off valid bit
cmplw r.5,r.11 // does hpte match search arg?
beq found // break if eq
addi r.6,r.6,8 // increment to next hpte
andi. r.7,r.6,0x003f // tested all hptes in prim group?
bne nexthpte // loop if not
li r.6,0 // no match found
li r.7,0
li r.8,0
stw r.6, 16 + ErExceptionInformation + ER_BASE (r.sp)
stw r.7, 20 + ErExceptionInformation + ER_BASE (r.sp)
stw r.8, 24 + ErExceptionInformation + ER_BASE (r.sp)
// Go get the instruction from memory (the load we just did got it from
// the data cache). Try to do this by "invalidating" the data cache block
// containing the instruction.
dcbf 0, r.3 // invalidate d cache block
lwz r.4, 0(r.3) // refetch the instruction
stw r.4, 8 + ErExceptionInformation + ER_BASE (r.sp)
// Now be even harsher about getting the instruction from memory.
dcbf 0, r.3 // invalidate d cache block
tlbie r.3 // invalidate TLB entry
lwz r.4, 0(r.3) // refetch the instruction
li r.0, 10 // bump parameter count
stw r.0, ErNumberParameters + ER_BASE (r.sp)
stw r.4, 12 + ErExceptionInformation + ER_BASE (r.sp)
// Write to the FirePower scratch pad register, in case they're watching
// with a logic analyzer.
LWI (r.4,0xb0900024)
stw r.3, 0(r.4)
//twi 31,0,0x16
b exception_dispatch
// Privileged instruction executed in user mode (problem state).
stw r.0, ErExceptionCode + ER_BASE (r.sp)
b exception_dispatch
DUMMY_EXIT (KiProgramFaultDispatch)
b common_exception_entry // use common prologue for unwind
li r.4, 2 // Dr1 Breakpoint register
LWI (r.0, STATUS_SINGLE_STEP) // assume breakpoint status
stw r.0, ErExceptionCode + ER_BASE (r.sp)
stw r.4, TrDr6 + TF_BASE(r.sp) // Save data breakpoint address
li r.0, 1
stw r.0, ErNumberParameters + ER_BASE (r.sp) // show 1 parameter
li r.0, 0
stw r.0, ErExceptionInformation + ER_BASE (r.sp) // parm = 0
b exception_dispatch
// Floating Point Unavailable interrupt --
// The code immediately below is never executed. It is present to allow
// for unwinding the stack through process_fp_unavail, for exception
// handling.
DUMMY_ENTRY (KiFloatingPointUnavailableDispatch)
b common_exception_entry // use common prologue for unwind
PROLOGUE_END (KiFloatingPointUnavailableDispatch)
bl ..KeBugCheck
b $
DUMMY_EXIT (KiFloatingPointUnavailableDispatch)
// Machine Check, Decrementer Interrupt and External Interrupt are bundled
// into somewhat common code as all three are handled by the HAL.
// The code immediately below is never executed. It is present to allow
// for unwinding the stack through process_machine_check, process_decrementer
// and process_external for exception handling.
.struct 0
.space StackFrameHeaderLength
IntTOC: .space 4 // saved TOC
IntOIS: .space 4 // saved On Interrupt Stack indicator
IntIRQL:.space 1 // saved IRQL
.align 3 // 8 byte align
FN_TABLE (KiInterruptException,0,0)
DUMMY_ENTRY (KiInterruptException)
b common_exception_entry // use common prologue for unwind
stwu r.sp, -IntFrame(r.sp)
PROLOGUE_END (KiInterruptException)
// Machine Check --
// Machine check is treated just like an interrupt, we let
// the HAL handle it.
// Load offset to PCR->InterruptRoutine[MACHINE_CHECK_VECTOR]
// and branch to KiInterruptException to handle dispatch.
li r.3, PcInterruptRoutine + IrMachineCheckVector
b KiInterruptException10
// Performance Monitor --
// The 604 (and follow-ons) Performance Monitor interrupt is
// handled like an external interrupt. Some PMI agent registers
// to handle the interrupt. Load offset to PMI handler and
// branch to KiInterruptException to handle.
// N.B. Some versions of the 604 do not turn off ENINT in MMCR0 when
// signaling the PM interrupt. Therefore interrupts must not be
// enabled before the spot in the (external) PM interrupt handler
// where ENINT is turned off. This implies that one must not set
// breakpoints or make calls to DbgPrint anywhere along the path
// from here to the PM interrupt handler.
li r.3, PcInterruptRoutine + IrPmiVector
b KiInterruptException10
// Decrementer interrupt --
// Load offset to PCR->InterruptRoutine[DECREMENT_VECTOR]
// and branch to KiInterruptException to handle dispatch.
li r.3, PcInterruptRoutine + IrDecrementVector
b KiInterruptException10
// External (I/O) interrupt --
// Load offset to PCR->InterruptRoutine[EXTERNAL_VECTOR]
// and fall thru to KiInterruptException to handle dispatch.
li r.3, PcInterruptRoutine + IrDeviceVector
// b KiInterruptException10
// KiInterruptException
// This code switches to the interrupt stack (if not already
// on the interrupt stack) and dispatches the appropriate handler
// for the interrupt.
// On return from the handler, we switch back to the previous
// stack and check for and run dpc interrupts if IRQL is below
// On entry r.3 contains the offset into the PCR of the address
// of the handler.
// r.sp current stack pointer
// Interrupts are disabled.
// Calls the handler with
// r.3 Address of Interrupt Object
// r.4 Address of Service Context
// r.5 Address of Trap Frame
// Exits to KiAlternateExit.
lwz r.7, KiPcr(r.3) // get address of fn descr
lwz r.8, KiPcr+PcPrcb(r.0) // get processor block address
lwz r.12,KiPcr+PcOnInterruptStack(r.0) // get stack indicator
stw r.sp,KiPcr+PcOnInterruptStack(r.0) // set new stack indicator
addi r.5, r.sp, TF_BASE // set 3rd parm = &Trap Frame
lwz r.6, 0(r.7) // get addr of entry point
lwz r.9, PbInterruptCount(r.8) // get current interrupt count
cmpwi r.12,0 // check already on intrpt stk
subi r.3, r.7, InDispatchCode // compute addr of Intr Object
lwz r.4, InServiceContext(r.3) // get addr of Service Context
mtlr r.6 // service proc entry point.
li r.6, -IntFrame // size of stack frame
bne kie20 // jif already on interrupt stk
lwz r.10,KiPcr+PcInitialStack(r.0) // get old initial stack addr
lwz r.11,KiPcr+PcStackLimit(r.0) // get old stack limit
lbz r.0, KiPcr+PcCurrentIrql(r.0) // get current IRQL
lwz r.6, KiPcr+PcInterruptStack(r.0) // get interrupt stack
stw r.10,KiPcr+PcSavedInitialStack(r.0) // save old initial stack addr
stw r.11,KiPcr+PcSavedStackLimit(r.0) // save old stack limit
subi r.11, r.6, KERNEL_STACK_SIZE // compute new stack limit
stw r.6, KiPcr+PcInitialStack(r.0) // set new initial stack
stw r.11, KiPcr+PcStackLimit(r.0) // set new stack limit
subi r.6, r.6, IntFrame
stb r.0, IntIRQL(r.6) // save old IRQL (on new stack)
sub r.6, r.6, r.sp // diff needed for new sp
bge kie20 // jif IRQL >= DISPATCH_LEVEL
// IRQL is below DISPATCH_LEVEL, raise to DISPATCH_LEVEL to avoid context
// switch while on the interrupt stack.
li r.0, DISPATCH_LEVEL // raise IRQL
stb r.0, KiPcr+PcCurrentIrql(r.0)
kie20: stwux r.sp, r.sp, r.6 // buy stack frame
stw r.toc, IntTOC(r.sp) // save our toc
stw r.12, IntOIS(r.sp) // save On Int Stk indicator
lwz r.toc, 4(r.7) // get callee's toc
addi r.9, r.9, 1 // increment interrupt count
stw r.9, PbInterruptCount(r.8)
blrl // call service proc
// Back from the service proc. If we switched stacks on the way in we
// need to switch back.
mfmsr r.7
lwz r.9, IntOIS(r.sp) // get saved stack indicator
lwz r.toc, IntTOC(r.sp) // restore our toc
cmpwi r.9, 0 // if eq, must switch stacks
rlwinm r.7,r.7,0,~INT_ENA
mtmsr r.7 // disable interrupts
cror 0,0,0 // N.B. 603e/ev Errata 15
lbz r.6, IntIRQL(r.sp) // get previous IRQL
stw r.9, KiPcr+PcOnInterruptStack(r.0) // restore stack indicator
lwz r.sp, 0(r.sp) // switch stacks back
la r.3, TF_BASE(r.sp) // compute trap frame address
bne KiPriorityExit // jif staying on interrupt stk
lwz r.8, KiPcr+PcSavedInitialStack(r.0) // get old initial stack
lwz r.9, KiPcr+PcSavedStackLimit(r.0) // get old stack limit
cmpwi cr.3, r.6, APC_LEVEL // check current IRQL
stw r.8, KiPcr+PcInitialStack(r.0) // restore thread initial stack
stw r.9, KiPcr+PcStackLimit(r.0) // restore thread stack limit
// If previous IRQL is below DISPATCH_LEVEL, restore current IRQL to its
// correct value, check for pending DPC interrupts and deliver them now.
// N.B. We used cr.3 for the comparison against APC_LEVEL. This cr
// is non-volatile but we know we are going to exit thru a path that
// will restore it so we're bending the rules a little. We use it
// so that it will be intact after calling KiDispatchSoftwareInterrupt.
bgt cr.3, KiPriorityExit // exit interrupt state
blt cr.3, kie25 // below APC_LEVEL, no matter
// what, we need to go the
// interrupt enable path
// We are at APC level, if no DPC pending, get out the fast way without
// enabling interrupts.
lbz r.5, KiPcr+PcDispatchInterrupt(r.0) // is there a DPC int pending?
cmpwi r.5, 0 // s/w int pending?
bne kie25
stb r.6, KiPcr+PcCurrentIrql(r.0) // set correct IRQL
b KiPriorityExit
// The only reason to enable interrupts before exiting interrupt state
// is to run pending DPCs and APCs. In the following, we enable interrupts
// BEFORE resetting current IRQL to its correct value which is below
// DISPATCH_LEVEL. This (and the following sync) should cause any pending
// interrupts to be taken immediately with IRQL set to DISPATCH_LEVEL.
// When exiting from the second (nested) interrupt we will not enable
// interrupts early (because previous IRQL is DISPATCH_LEVEL) so we
// will not run out of stack if we are being swamped with interrupts.
// This guarantees the maximum number of interrupt contexts on the
// kernel stack at any point is 2. (The first which is below DISPATCH
// and the second which is taken at DISPATCH LEVEL).
// plj programming note: If the mtmsr/sync combo isn't enough to force
// pending interrupts at precisely the right time switch, to an rfi
// sequence. Currently all PowerPC implementations will take a pending
// interrupt prior to execution of the first instruction pointed to
// by srr0 if interrupts are enabled as a result of the rfi. (processors
// include 601, 601+, 603, 603+, 604, 604+ and 620).
// Solution to overflowing stack for devices that interrupt at a high rate.
// Close the window to dispatching software interrupts and don't enable
// until we determine there is a pending software interrupt. Return
// from dispatching software interrupts disabled until we determine that
// we are resuming to user mode and at an IRQL < APC_LEVEL. The only time
// this should occur is when we are no longer running a nested interrupt.
lhz r.5, KiPcr+PcSoftwareInterrupt(r.0) // is there a s/w int pending?
stb r.6, KiPcr+PcCurrentIrql(r.0) // restore previous IRQL
cmpwi cr.1, r.5, 0
bne cr.1, kie30 // if ne, s/w int pending
lwz r.8, TF_BASE+TrMsr(r.sp) // load saved MSR value
extrwi. r.8, r.8, 1, MSR_PR // see if resuming user mode
beq KiPriorityExit // jif kernel mode
beq cr.3, KiPriorityExit // skip user mode APC check
// if at APC level.
lwz r.6, KiPcr+PcCurrentThread(r.0) // get address of current thread
stb r.5, ThAlerted(r.6) // clear kernel mode alerted
lbz r.6, ThApcState+AsUserApcPending(r.6)
cmpwi r.6, 0 // user mode APC pending?
beq KiPriorityExit // if eq, none pending
// Either a software interrupt is pending, or the current thread has a
// user mode APC pending. We need to save the volatile floating point
// state before we can proceed.
stfd f.0, TrFpr0 + TF_BASE(r.sp) // save volatile FPRs
stfd f.1, TrFpr1 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.2, TrFpr2 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.3, TrFpr3 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.4, TrFpr4 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.5, TrFpr5 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
mffs f.0 // get Floating Point Status
// and Control Register (FPSCR)
stfd f.6, TrFpr6 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.7, TrFpr7 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.8, TrFpr8 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.9, TrFpr9 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.10, TrFpr10 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.11, TrFpr11 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.12, TrFpr12 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.13, TrFpr13 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.0, TrFpscr + TF_BASE(r.sp)
beq cr.1, kie40 // if eq, no s/w int pending
// Software interrupt pending. Dispatch it.
stwu r.sp, -IntFrame(r.sp) // buy stack frame
li r.3, 0 // Tell dispatch routines to
// not enable interrupts when
// returning to IRQL 0.
ori r.7,r.7,INT_ENA // Set up for interrupts to be enabled (r7 is
// input arg to KiDispatchSoftwareIntDisabled)
bl ..KiDispatchSoftwareIntDisabled // run pending DPCs and
// if applicable APCs.
addi r.sp, r.sp, IntFrame // return stack frame
la r.3, TF_BASE(r.sp) // compute trap frame address
// Having dispatched the software interrupt, we now need to check whether
// the current thread has a user mode APC pending.
lwz r.8, TF_BASE+TrMsr(r.sp) // load saved MSR value
extrwi. r.8, r.8, 1, MSR_PR // see if resuming user mode
beq ae.restore // jif kernel mode
beq cr.3, ae.restore // skip user mode APC check
// if at APC level.
li r.5, 0
lwz r.6, KiPcr+PcCurrentThread(r.0) // get address of current thread
stb r.5, ThAlerted(r.6) // clear kernel mode alerted
lbz r.6, ThApcState+AsUserApcPending(r.6)
cmpwi r.6, 0 // user mode APC pending?
beq ae.restore // if eq, none pending
mfmsr r.7
ori r.7,r.7,INT_ENA
mtmsr r.7 // enable interrupts
sync // flush pipeline
// A user mode APC is pending. Branch to common code to deliver it.
b ae.apc_deliver // join common code
DUMMY_EXIT (KiInterruptException)
// Direct-Store Error interrupt --
// Treat this as a bus error.
// The code immediately below is never executed. It is present to allow
// for unwinding the stack through process_direct_store, for exception
// handling.
DUMMY_ENTRY (KiDirectStoreFaultDispatch)
b common_exception_entry // use common prologue for unwind
PROLOGUE_END (KiDirectStoreFaultDispatch)
li r.3, DATA_BUS_ERROR // should define a PPC specific
// code, for now borrow from MIPS.
bl ..KeBugCheck
b $
DUMMY_EXIT (KiDirectStoreFaultDispatch)
// Trace exception --
// The code immediately below is never executed. It is present to allow
// for unwinding the stack through process_trace, for exception handling.
DUMMY_ENTRY (KiTraceExceptionDispatch)
b common_exception_entry // use common prologue for unwind
PROLOGUE_END (KiTraceExceptionDispatch)
li r.3, TRAP_CAUSE_UNKNOWN // should define a PPC specific
// code, for now borrow from MIPS.
bl ..KeBugCheck
b $
DUMMY_EXIT (KiTraceExceptionDispatch)
// Floating-Point Assist interrupt --
// The code immediately below is never executed. It is present to allow
// for unwinding the stack through process_fp_assist, for exception
// handling.
DUMMY_ENTRY (KiFpAssistExceptionDispatch)
b common_exception_entry // use common prologue for unwind
PROLOGUE_END (KiFpAssistExceptionDispatch)
li r.3, TRAP_CAUSE_UNKNOWN // should define a PPC specific
// code, for now borrow from MIPS.
bl ..KeBugCheck
b $
DUMMY_EXIT (KiFpAssistExceptionDispatch)
// System Management interrupt --
// This is the power management handler for the PowerPC 603.
// The code immediately below is never executed. It is present to allow
// for unwinding the stack through process_system_management, for exception
// handling.
DUMMY_ENTRY (KiSystemManagementExceptionDispatch)
b common_exception_entry // use common prologue for unwind
PROLOGUE_END (KiSystemManagementExceptionDispatch)
li r.3, TRAP_CAUSE_UNKNOWN // will need PowerMgmt specific code
bl ..KeBugCheck
b $
DUMMY_EXIT (KiSystemManagementExceptionDispatch)
// Run-Mode interrupt --
// The code immediately below is never executed. It is present to allow
// for unwinding the stack through process_run_mode, for exception
// handling.
DUMMY_ENTRY (KiRunModeExceptionDispatch)
b common_exception_entry // use common prologue for unwind
PROLOGUE_END (KiRunModeExceptionDispatch)
LWI (r.0, STATUS_SINGLE_STEP) // assume breakpoint status
stw r.0, ErExceptionCode + ER_BASE (r.sp)
li r.0, 1 // Dr0 breakpoint register
stw r.0, TrDr6 + TF_BASE(r.sp) // Save instr. breakpoint address
stw r.0, ErNumberParameters + ER_BASE (r.sp) // show 1 parameter
li r.0, 0
stw r.0, ErExceptionInformation + ER_BASE (r.sp) // parm = 0
b exception_dispatch
DUMMY_EXIT (KiRunModeExceptionDispatch)
// We've panic'd, call KeBugCheck
// The code immediately below is never executed. It is present to allow
// for unwinding the stack through process_panic, for exception
// handling.
DUMMY_ENTRY (KiStackOvflDispatch)
b common_exception_entry // use common prologue for unwind
PROLOGUE_END (KiStackOvflDispatch)
bl ..KeBugCheck
b $
DUMMY_EXIT (KiStackOvflDispatch)
// System Call entry via common_exception_entry ??? Can't happen.
// The code immediately below is never executed. It is present to allow
// for unwinding the stack through process_run_mode, for exception
// handling.
DUMMY_ENTRY (KiSystemCallEntryError)
b common_exception_entry // use common prologue for unwind
PROLOGUE_END (KiSystemCallEntryError)
li r.3, TRAP_CAUSE_UNKNOWN // should define a PPC specific
// code, for now borrow from MIPS.
bl ..KeBugCheck
b $
DUMMY_EXIT (KiSystemCallEntryError)
// We are about to call KiDispatchException, as follows:
// KiDispatchException (& Exception Record, [r.3]
// & Exception Frame, [r.4]
// & Trap Frame, [r.5]
// Previous Mode (0=kernel, 1=user), [r.6]
// First Chance flag (1)); [r.7]
// The code immediately below is never executed. It is present to allow
// for unwinding the stack through exception_dispatch, for exception
// handling.
DUMMY_ENTRY (KiExceptionDispatch)
b common_exception_entry // use common prologue for unwind
stw r.13, ExGpr13 + EF_BASE(r.sp) // save non-volatile GPRs
stw r.14, ExGpr14 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.15, ExGpr15 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.16, ExGpr16 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.17, ExGpr17 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.18, ExGpr18 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.19, ExGpr19 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.20, ExGpr20 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.21, ExGpr21 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.22, ExGpr22 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.23, ExGpr23 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.24, ExGpr24 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.25, ExGpr25 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.26, ExGpr26 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.27, ExGpr27 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.28, ExGpr28 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.29, ExGpr29 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.30, ExGpr30 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.31, ExGpr31 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.14, ExFpr14 + EF_BASE(r.sp) // save non-volatile FPRs
stfd f.15, ExFpr15 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.16, ExFpr16 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.17, ExFpr17 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.18, ExFpr18 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.19, ExFpr19 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.20, ExFpr20 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.21, ExFpr21 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.22, ExFpr22 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.23, ExFpr23 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.24, ExFpr24 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.25, ExFpr25 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.26, ExFpr26 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.27, ExFpr27 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.28, ExFpr28 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.29, ExFpr29 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.30, ExFpr30 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
stfd f.31, ExFpr31 + EF_BASE(r.sp)
PROLOGUE_END (KiExceptionDispatch)
mfmsr r.0
ori r.0,r.0,INT_ENA
mtmsr r.0 // enable interrupts
// The first argument (r.3) to KiDispatchException is the address
// of the Exception Record.
la r.3, ER_BASE (r.sp)
// The second argument (r.4) is the address of the Exception Frame.
// Generate Exception Frame (save the non-volatile state)
la r.4, EF_BASE (r.sp) // address of Exception Frame
stw r.13, ExGpr13 (r.4) // save non-volatile GPRs
stw r.14, ExGpr14 (r.4)
stw r.15, ExGpr15 (r.4)
stw r.16, ExGpr16 (r.4)
stw r.17, ExGpr17 (r.4)
stw r.18, ExGpr18 (r.4)
stw r.19, ExGpr19 (r.4)
stw r.20, ExGpr20 (r.4)
stw r.21, ExGpr21 (r.4)
stw r.22, ExGpr22 (r.4)
stw r.23, ExGpr23 (r.4)
stw r.24, ExGpr24 (r.4)
stw r.25, ExGpr25 (r.4)
stw r.26, ExGpr26 (r.4)
stw r.27, ExGpr27 (r.4)
stw r.28, ExGpr28 (r.4)
stw r.29, ExGpr29 (r.4)
stw r.30, ExGpr30 (r.4)
stw r.31, ExGpr31 (r.4)
stfd f.14, ExFpr14 (r.4) // save non-volatile FPRs
stfd f.15, ExFpr15 (r.4)
stfd f.16, ExFpr16 (r.4)
stfd f.17, ExFpr17 (r.4)
stfd f.18, ExFpr18 (r.4)
stfd f.19, ExFpr19 (r.4)
stfd f.20, ExFpr20 (r.4)
stfd f.21, ExFpr21 (r.4)
stfd f.22, ExFpr22 (r.4)
stfd f.23, ExFpr23 (r.4)
stfd f.24, ExFpr24 (r.4)
stfd f.25, ExFpr25 (r.4)
stfd f.26, ExFpr26 (r.4)
stfd f.27, ExFpr27 (r.4)
stfd f.28, ExFpr28 (r.4)
stfd f.29, ExFpr29 (r.4)
stfd f.30, ExFpr30 (r.4)
stfd f.31, ExFpr31 (r.4)
// End of Exception Frame
// The third argument (r.5) to KiDispatch Exception is the address
// of the Trap Frame.
la r.5, TF_BASE (r.sp)
// The fourth argument (r.6) is the previous mode: 0 for kernel mode,
// 1 for user mode. We have this value in bit WAS_USER_MODE of the CR.
mfcr r.6
rlwinm r.6, r.6, 32+WAS_USER_MODE-31, 1
// The fifth argument (r.7) is the "first chance" flag.
li r.7, 1 // First Chance = TRUE
// Call KiDispatchException(
// &ExceptionRecord,
// &Exception Frame,
// &Trap Frame,
// Previous Mode,
// First Chance = TRUE)
bl ..KiDispatchException
// Load registers required by KiExceptionExit:
// r.3 points to Exception Frame
// r.4 points to Trap Frame
la r.3, EF_BASE (r.sp)
la r.4, TF_BASE (r.sp)
b ..KiExceptionExit
// Fall thru ...
DUMMY_EXIT (KiExceptionDispatch)
// KiCommonFakeMillicode() -- This code is never executed. It is provided
// to allow virtual unwind to restore register state
// prior to an exception.
// This is fake register save millicode "called" during a fake prologue.
// The reverse execution of the fake prologue establishes r.12 to point
// to the Exception Frame.
// Arguments:
// r.12 -- address of Exception Frame to restore from.
// Return values:
// Only non-volatile registers are restored by the virtual unwinder.
FN_TABLE(KiCommonFakeMillicode, 0, 1)
stfd f.14, ExFpr14 (r.12) // restore non-volatile FPRs
stfd f.15, ExFpr15 (r.12)
stfd f.16, ExFpr16 (r.12)
stfd f.17, ExFpr17 (r.12)
stfd f.18, ExFpr18 (r.12)
stfd f.19, ExFpr19 (r.12)
stfd f.20, ExFpr20 (r.12)
stfd f.21, ExFpr21 (r.12)
stfd f.22, ExFpr22 (r.12)
stfd f.23, ExFpr23 (r.12)
stfd f.24, ExFpr24 (r.12)
stfd f.25, ExFpr25 (r.12)
stfd f.26, ExFpr26 (r.12)
stfd f.27, ExFpr27 (r.12)
stfd f.28, ExFpr28 (r.12)
stfd f.29, ExFpr29 (r.12)
stfd f.30, ExFpr30 (r.12)
stfd f.31, ExFpr31 (r.12)
stw r.14, ExGpr14 (r.12) // restore non-volatile GPRs
stw r.15, ExGpr15 (r.12)
stw r.16, ExGpr16 (r.12)
stw r.17, ExGpr17 (r.12)
stw r.18, ExGpr18 (r.12)
stw r.19, ExGpr19 (r.12)
stw r.20, ExGpr20 (r.12)
stw r.21, ExGpr21 (r.12)
stw r.22, ExGpr22 (r.12)
stw r.23, ExGpr23 (r.12)
stw r.24, ExGpr24 (r.12)
stw r.25, ExGpr25 (r.12)
stw r.26, ExGpr26 (r.12)
stw r.27, ExGpr27 (r.12)
stw r.28, ExGpr28 (r.12)
stw r.29, ExGpr29 (r.12)
stw r.30, ExGpr30 (r.12)
stw r.31, ExGpr31 (r.12)
// KiExceptionExit() -- Control is transferred to this routine to exit
// from an exception. The state contained in the
// specified Trap Frame and Exception Frame is
// reloaded, and execution is resumed.
// Note: This transfer of control occurs from
// 1. a fall thru from the above code
// 2. an exit from the continue system service
// 3. an exit from the raise exception system service
// 4. an exit into user mode from thread startup.
// Arguments:
// r.1 -- a valid stack pointer
// r.2 -- kernel's TOC pointer
// r.3 -- address of Exception Frame
// r.4 -- address of Trap Frame
// Return values:
// There is no return from this routine.
FN_TABLE(KiExceptionExit_, 0, 0)
// The following is never executed, it is provided to allow virtual
// unwind to restore register state prior to an exception occuring.
rfi // tell unwinder to update establisher
// frame address using sp
stw r.sp, TrGpr1 (r.sp) // Load r.1
stw r.12, TrGpr12 (r.sp) // Load r.12
bl ..KiCommonFakeMillicode // Restore the Exception Frame
stw r.0, TrGpr0 (r.sp)
mflr r.0 // Sets only Lr
stw r.0, TrLr (r.sp)
mflr r.0 // Sets Iar and Lr
stw r.0, TrIar (r.sp)
mfcr r.0
stw r.0, TrCr (r.sp)
stw r.2, TrGpr2 (r.sp)
stw r.3, TrGpr3 (r.sp)
stw r.4, TrGpr4 (r.sp)
stw r.5, TrGpr5 (r.sp)
stw r.6, TrGpr6 (r.sp)
stw r.7, TrGpr7 (r.sp)
stw r.8, TrGpr8 (r.sp)
stw r.9, TrGpr9 (r.sp)
stw r.10, TrGpr10 (r.sp)
stw r.11, TrGpr11 (r.sp)
mfctr r.6 // Fixed Point Exception
mfxer r.7 // registers
stfd f.0, TrFpr0 (r.sp) // save volatile FPRs
stfd f.1, TrFpr1 (r.sp)
stfd f.2, TrFpr2 (r.sp)
stfd f.3, TrFpr3 (r.sp)
stfd f.4, TrFpr4 (r.sp)
stfd f.5, TrFpr5 (r.sp)
stfd f.6, TrFpr6 (r.sp)
stfd f.7, TrFpr7 (r.sp)
stfd f.8, TrFpr8 (r.sp)
stfd f.9, TrFpr9 (r.sp)
stfd f.10, TrFpr10 (r.sp)
stfd f.11, TrFpr11 (r.sp)
stfd f.12, TrFpr12 (r.sp)
stfd f.13, TrFpr13 (r.sp)
mffs f.0 // get Floating Point Status
// and Control Register (FPSCR)
stw r.6, TrCtr (r.sp) // Count,
stw r.7, TrXer (r.sp) // Fixed Point Exception,
stfd f.0, TrFpscr (r.sp) // and FPSCR registers.
stw r.sp, 12 (r.sp) // Load the Trap Frame
stw r.12, 4 (r.sp) // Load the Exception Frame
.align 6 // cache line align
stw r.3, 4(r.sp) // store r.3 + r.4 for use
stw r.4, 12(r.sp) // by virtual unwinder
lbz r.8, KiPcr+PcCurrentIrql(r.0) // check if an APC could be
cmplwi r.8, APC_LEVEL // delivered now.
bge ee.apc_skip
lwz r.15, TrMsr(r.4) // load saved MSR value
lbz r.7, KiPcr+PcApcInterrupt(r.0)
extrwi r.15, r.15, 1, MSR_PR // extract problem state bit
or. r.6, r.7, r.15 // user mode || intr pending
beq ee.apc_skip // jif neither
addic. r.7, r.7, -1
beq ee.apc_intr // apc interrupt
// no interrupt pending but going to user mode, check for user mode apc
// pending.
lwz r.6, KiPcr+PcCurrentThread(r.0) // get address of current thread
li r.7, 0
stb r.7, ThAlerted(r.6) // clear kernel mode alerted
lbz r.6, ThApcState+AsUserApcPending(r.6)
cmplwi r.6, 0
beq ee.apc_skip // jif none pending
b ee.apc_deliver
stb r.7, KiPcr+PcApcInterrupt(r.0)
lwz r.6, KiPcr+PcPrcb(r.0) // get address of PRCB
ori r.16, r.3, 0 // save incoming Exception
ori r.14, r.4, 0 // and Trap Frame addreses
lwz r.7, PbApcBypassCount(r.6) // get APC bypass count
li r.5, APC_LEVEL // raise Irql to APC_LEVEL
stb r.5, KiPcr+PcCurrentIrql(r.0)
// Call to KiDeliverApc requires three parameters:
// r.3 Previous Mode
// r.4 addr of Exception Frame
// r.5 addr of Trap Frame
addi r.7, r.7, 1 // increment APC bypass count
ori r.5, r.4, 0 // trap frame addr to r.5
ori r.4, r.3, 0 // exception frame addr to r.4
ori r.3, r.15, 0 // previous mode
stw r.7, PbApcBypassCount(r.6) // store new APC bypass count
bl ..KiDeliverApc // process pending apc
li r.5, 0 // lower Irql to < APC_LEVEL
stb r.5, KiPcr+PcCurrentIrql(r.0)
ori r.3, r.16, 0 // restore saved frame
ori r.4, r.14, 0 // pointers
b ee.apc_recheck // check again
// Restore state from Exception Frame
lfd f.14, ExFpr14 (r.3) // restore non-volatile FPRs
lfd f.15, ExFpr15 (r.3)
lfd f.16, ExFpr16 (r.3)
lfd f.17, ExFpr17 (r.3)
lfd f.18, ExFpr18 (r.3)
lfd f.19, ExFpr19 (r.3)
lfd f.20, ExFpr20 (r.3)
lfd f.21, ExFpr21 (r.3)
lfd f.22, ExFpr22 (r.3)
lfd f.23, ExFpr23 (r.3)
lfd f.24, ExFpr24 (r.3)
lfd f.25, ExFpr25 (r.3)
lfd f.26, ExFpr26 (r.3)
lfd f.27, ExFpr27 (r.3)
lfd f.28, ExFpr28 (r.3)
lfd f.29, ExFpr29 (r.3)
lfd f.30, ExFpr30 (r.3)
lfd f.31, ExFpr31 (r.3)
lwz r.14, ExGpr14 (r.3) // restore non-volatile GPRs
lwz r.15, ExGpr15 (r.3)
lwz r.16, ExGpr16 (r.3)
lwz r.17, ExGpr17 (r.3)
lwz r.18, ExGpr18 (r.3)
lwz r.19, ExGpr19 (r.3)
lwz r.20, ExGpr20 (r.3)
lwz r.21, ExGpr21 (r.3)
lwz r.22, ExGpr22 (r.3)
lwz r.23, ExGpr23 (r.3)
lwz r.24, ExGpr24 (r.3)
lwz r.25, ExGpr25 (r.3)
lwz r.26, ExGpr26 (r.3)
lwz r.27, ExGpr27 (r.3)
lwz r.28, ExGpr28 (r.3)
lwz r.29, ExGpr29 (r.3)
lwz r.30, ExGpr30 (r.3)
lwz r.31, ExGpr31 (r.3)
ori r.3, r.4, 0 // now r.3 points to Trap Frame
b ae.restore2 // we already checked for apcs
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Entry here is only from other routines in real0.s
// On entry, r.1 (r.sp) points to stack frame containing Trap Frame
// and space for Exception Frame.
// Non-volatile state is in regs, not in Exception Frame.
// Trap Frame and Exception Frame are addressed via stack pointer.
FN_TABLE(KiAlternateExit_, 0, 0)
// The following is never executed, it is provided to allow virtual
// unwind to restore register state prior to an exception occuring.
rfi // tell unwinder to update establisher
// frame address using sp
stw r.sp, TrGpr1 + TF_BASE (r.sp) // Load r.1
stw r.0, TrGpr0 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
mflr r.0 // Sets only Lr
stw r.0, TrLr + TF_BASE (r.sp)
mflr r.0 // Sets Iar and Lr
stw r.0, TrIar + TF_BASE (r.sp)
mfcr r.0
stw r.0, TrCr + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stw r.2, TrGpr2 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stw r.3, TrGpr3 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stw r.4, TrGpr4 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stw r.5, TrGpr5 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stw r.6, TrGpr6 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stw r.7, TrGpr7 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stw r.8, TrGpr8 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stw r.9, TrGpr9 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stw r.10, TrGpr10 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stw r.11, TrGpr11 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stw r.12, TrGpr12 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
mfctr r.6 // Fixed Point Exception
mfxer r.7 // registers
stfd f.0, TrFpr0 + TF_BASE (r.sp) // save volatile FPRs
stfd f.1, TrFpr1 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stfd f.2, TrFpr2 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stfd f.3, TrFpr3 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stfd f.4, TrFpr4 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stfd f.5, TrFpr5 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stfd f.6, TrFpr6 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stfd f.7, TrFpr7 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stfd f.8, TrFpr8 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stfd f.9, TrFpr9 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stfd f.10, TrFpr10 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stfd f.11, TrFpr11 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stfd f.12, TrFpr12 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
stfd f.13, TrFpr13 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
mffs f.0 // get Floating Point Status
// and Control Register (FPSCR)
stw r.6, TrCtr + TF_BASE (r.sp) // Count,
stw r.7, TrXer + TF_BASE (r.sp) // Fixed Point Exception,
stfd f.0, TrFpscr + TF_BASE (r.sp) // and FPSCR registers.
.align 6 // cache line align
lbz r.8, KiPcr+PcCurrentIrql(r.0) // level which could be
cmplwi r.8, APC_LEVEL // delivered now.
bge ae.restore
lwz r.8, TF_BASE+TrMsr(r.sp) // load saved MSR value
lbz r.7, KiPcr+PcApcInterrupt(r.0)
extrwi r.8, r.8, 1, MSR_PR // extract problem state bit
or. r.6, r.7, r.8 // user mode || intr pending
beq ae.restore // jif neither
addic. r.7, r.7, -1
beq ae.apc_intr // apc interrupt
// no interrupt pending but going to user mode, check for user mode apc
// pending.
lwz r.6, KiPcr+PcCurrentThread(r.0) // get address of current thread
li r.7, 0
stb r.7, ThAlerted(r.6) // clear kernel mode alerted
lbz r.6, ThApcState+AsUserApcPending(r.6)
cmplwi r.6, 0
beq ae.restore // jif none pending
b ae.apc_deliver
cmplwi r.8, 0 // check previous mode
stb r.7, KiPcr+PcApcInterrupt(r.0) // clear pending intr flag
beq ae.apc_kernel // if previous mode == kernel
// Call KiDeliverApc() for pending APC, previous mode == user. Before doing
// so, we must store the non-volatile state into the Exception Frame, for
// KiDeliverApc() takes Trap Frame and Exception Frame as input.
la r.4, EF_BASE (r.sp) // addr of Exception Frame
stw r.13, ExGpr13 (r.4) // store non-volatile GPRs
stw r.14, ExGpr14 (r.4)
stw r.15, ExGpr15 (r.4)
stw r.16, ExGpr16 (r.4)
stw r.17, ExGpr17 (r.4)
stw r.18, ExGpr18 (r.4)
stw r.19, ExGpr19 (r.4)
stw r.20, ExGpr20 (r.4)
stw r.21, ExGpr21 (r.4)
stw r.22, ExGpr22 (r.4)
stw r.23, ExGpr23 (r.4)
stw r.24, ExGpr24 (r.4)
stw r.25, ExGpr25 (r.4)
stw r.26, ExGpr26 (r.4)
stw r.27, ExGpr27 (r.4)
stw r.28, ExGpr28 (r.4)
stw r.29, ExGpr29 (r.4)
stw r.30, ExGpr30 (r.4)
stw r.31, ExGpr31 (r.4)
stfd f.14, ExFpr14 (r.4) // save non-volatile FPRs
stfd f.15, ExFpr15 (r.4)
stfd f.16, ExFpr16 (r.4)
stfd f.17, ExFpr17 (r.4)
stfd f.18, ExFpr18 (r.4)
stfd f.19, ExFpr19 (r.4)
stfd f.20, ExFpr20 (r.4)
stfd f.21, ExFpr21 (r.4)
stfd f.22, ExFpr22 (r.4)
stfd f.23, ExFpr23 (r.4)
stfd f.24, ExFpr24 (r.4)
stfd f.25, ExFpr25 (r.4)
stfd f.26, ExFpr26 (r.4)
stfd f.27, ExFpr27 (r.4)
stfd f.28, ExFpr28 (r.4)
stfd f.29, ExFpr29 (r.4)
stfd f.30, ExFpr30 (r.4)
stfd f.31, ExFpr31 (r.4)
// The call to KiDeliverApc requires three parameters:
// r.3 Previous Mode
// r.4 addr of Exception Frame
// r.5 addr of Trap Frame
li r.3, APC_LEVEL // raise Irql
stb r.3, KiPcr+PcCurrentIrql(r.0)
lwz r.6, KiPcr+PcPrcb(r.0) // get address of PRCB
la r.5, TF_BASE (r.sp) // r.5 = addr of trap frame
lwz r.3, TrMsr(r.5) // load saved MSR value
la r.4, EF_BASE (r.sp) // r.4 = addr of except. frame
lwz r.7, PbApcBypassCount(r.6) // get APC bypass count
extrwi r.3, r.3, 1, MSR_PR // r.3 = previous mode
addi r.7, r.7, 1 // increment APC bypass count
stw r.7, PbApcBypassCount(r.6) // store new APC bypass count
bl ..KiDeliverApc // process pending apc
lbz r.7, KiPcr+PcApcInterrupt(r.0)
addic. r.7, r.7, -1
bne ae.apc_done // none pending, continue
stb r.7, KiPcr+PcApcInterrupt(r.0)
b ae.apc_again
li r.3, 0 // lower Irql < APC_LEVEL
stb r.3, KiPcr+PcCurrentIrql(r.0)
la r.3, TF_BASE (r.sp) // addr of Trap Frame
// Restore state from Trap Frame and control information
lfd f.13, TrFpscr (r.3) // get FP status
lfd f.0, TrFpr0 (r.3) // restore volatile FPRs
lfd f.1, TrFpr1 (r.3)
lfd f.2, TrFpr2 (r.3)
lfd f.3, TrFpr3 (r.3)
lfd f.4, TrFpr4 (r.3)
lfd f.5, TrFpr5 (r.3)
lfd f.6, TrFpr6 (r.3)
lfd f.7, TrFpr7 (r.3)
lfd f.8, TrFpr8 (r.3)
lfd f.9, TrFpr9 (r.3)
lfd f.10, TrFpr10 (r.3)
mtfsf 0xff, f.13 // move FP status to FPSCR
lfd f.11, TrFpr11 (r.3)
lfd f.12, TrFpr12 (r.3)
lfd f.13, TrFpr13 (r.3) // restore f.13
mfmsr r.10 // get current MSR
lwz r.9, TrCtr (r.3) // get XER, LR, CTR
lwz r.8, TrLr (r.3)
lwz r.7, TrXer (r.3)
lwz r.5, TrMsr (r.3) // get resume MSR
rlwinm r.10, r.10, 0, ~INT_ENA // turn off EE bit
lwz r.4, TrGpr4 (r.3) // get GPRs 4, 5 and 6 and
lwz r.0, TrGpr5 (r.3) // save them in the PCR
lwz r.6, TrGpr6 (r.3)
li r.11, TrMsr // offset to MSR in TF
lwz r.2, TrGpr2 (r.3)
mtctr r.9 // restore XER, LR, CTR
mtlr r.8
lwz r.9, TrGpr9 (r.3)
mtxer r.7
lwz r.8, TrGpr8 (r.3)
lwz r.7, TrGpr7 (r.3)
// WARNING: Cannot tolerate page fault or interrupt. TLB/HPT miss ok.
mtmsr r.10 // disable interrupts
cror 0,0,0 // N.B. 603e/ev Errata 15
stwcx. r.5, r.11, r.3 // clear outstanding reserves.
lwz r.1, TrGpr1 (r.3) // restore stack pointer
extrwi. r.11, r.5, 1, MSR_PR // test resume PR bit
stw r.4, KiPcr+PCR_SAVE4 (r.0) // save r.4, 5, 6 in PCR
stw r.0, KiPcr+PCR_SAVE5 (r.0)
stw r.6, KiPcr+PCR_SAVE6 (r.0)
lwz r.6, TrCr (r.3) // get resume CR
lwz r.4, TrIar (r.3) // get resume IAR
lwz r.12, TrGpr12 (r.3)
// This should not be needed,.... but it is.
// Why? plj 6/1/95.
lwz r.13, KiPcr+PcTeb (r.0)
bne kee.usermode // jif resuming user mode
lwz r.11, TrGpr11 (r.3)
lwz r.0, TrGpr0 (r.3)
mtcrf 0xff, r.6 // restore CR
lwz r.10, TrGpr10 (r.3)
lwz r.3, TrGpr3 (r.3)
// WARNING: Cannot tolerate TLB/HPT miss from mtsrr0 thru rfi. On an MP
// system, the TLB/HPT could be flushed by another processor, so
// we use the BAT0 address of the PCR.
mfsprg r.6, sprg.1 // get BAT0 addr of PCR
b $+(KiPriorityExitRfi-Kseg0CodeStart)
lwz r.4, KiPcr+PcCurrentThread(r.0) // get address of current thread
lbz r.0, ThDebugActive(r.4) // Debug only but has to be here
cmpwi cr.1, r.0, 0 // Hardware debug register set?
bne- cr.1, ke.debug // jif debug registers set
lwz r.4, TrIar (r.3) // get resume IAR (again)
lwz r.10, TrGpr10 (r.3)
lwz r.11, TrGpr11 (r.3)
lwz r.0, TrGpr0 (r.3)
mtcrf 0xff,r.6 // restore CR
lwz r.3, TrGpr3 (r.3)
// WARNING: The following removes access to the system paged pool
// address space. The kernel stack is no longer addressable.
lis r.6, SREG_INVAL // invalidate segment registers
mtsr 9, r.6 // 9, 10, 12, 13
mtsr 10, r.6
mtsr 12, r.6
mtsr 13, r.6
// WARNING: Cannot tolerate TLB/HPT miss from mtsrr0 thru rfi. On an MP
// system, the TLB/HPT could be flushed by another processor, so
// we use the BAT0 address of the PCR.
mfsprg r.6, sprg.1 // get BAT0 addr of PCR
b $+(KiPriorityExitRfi-Kseg0CodeStart)
// The following code is out of line for efficiency. It is only
// executed when we are resuming to user mode in a thread that has
// h/w breakpoints set.
// Registers 0, 4, 10 and 11 are available.
lwz r.4, TrDr1 (r.3) // Get kernel DABR
lwz r.11, TrDr7 (r.3)
lwz r.10, TrDr0 (r.3) // Get kernel IABR
rlwinm r.4, r.4, 0, 0xfffffff8 // Sanitize DABR (Dr1)
ori r.10, r.10, 0x3 // Sanitize IABR (Dr0) 604
ori r.4, r.4, 0x4 // Sanitize DABR 604
// WARNING: Don't rearrange this branch table. The first branch is overlayed
// with the correct branch instruction (modified) based on the processor
// during system initialization. The correct order is 601, 603, 604/613, 620, skip.
b ke.601 // 601
b ke.603 // 603
b ke.604 // 604/613
b ke.604 // 620 -- common with 604/613
b ke.09 // unknown
ke.601: // 601 SPECIFIC
lis r.0, 0x6080 // Full cmp., trace mode except.
rlwinm r.10, r.10, 0, 0xfffffffc // Sanitize IABR (Dr0)
rlwinm r.4, r.4, 0, 0xfffffff8 // Sanitize DABR (Dr0) undo 604
mtspr hid1, r.0
rlwinm. r.0, r.11, 0, 0x0000000c // LE1/GE1 set?
beq kedr1.1 // jiff Dr1 not set
rlwimi r.4, r.11, 13, 30, 30 // Interchange R/W1 bits
rlwimi r.4, r.11, 11, 31, 31
mtspr dabr, r.4
rlwinm. r.11, r.11, 0, 0x00000003 // LE0/GE0 set?
beq ke.09
mtspr iabr, r.10
b ke.09
ke.603: // 603 SPECIFIC
rlwinm r.10, r.10, 0, 0xfffffffc // Sanitize IABR
ori r.10, r.10, 0x2
mtspr iabr, r.10
b ke.09
// System Call interrupt -- system_service_dispatch
// This is the kernel entry point for System Service calls.
// The processor is running with instruction and data relocation
// enabled when control reaches here.
// Invocation of a "system service" routine
// Calls to the system service "stubs" (Zw<whatever>, Nt<whatever>) are
// always call-thru-function-descriptor, like this:
// Calling procedure:
// get addr of descriptor
// save TOC pointer, if not already saved
// load entry point addr from TOC, (gets addr of ..ZwSysCallInstr)
// move to LR
// load callee's TOC addr from TOC (gets system service code)
// branch-and-link via LR
// ..ZwSysCallInstr:
// <system call> instr
// return
// The function descriptors for the system services are specially built.
// All of them point to the same entry point in the first word,
// ..ZwSysCallInstr. Instead of a TOC address, the system call code is
// in the second word.
// on Entry:
// MSR: External interrupts disabled
// Instruction Relocate ON
// Data Relocate ON
// GP registers:
// r.0: Address of entry point
// r.2: System Service number
// r.3: thru r.10 system call paramaters
// r.12: Previous mode (saved srr1)
// cr.0 eq set if previous mode was kernel
// Available registers:
// r.0
// All other registers still have their contents as of the time
// of interrupt
// Our stack frame header must contain space for 16 words of arguments, the
// maximum that can be specified on a system call. Stack frame header struct
// defines space for 8 such words.
// We'll build a structure on the stack like this:
// low addr | |
// | |
// / |--------------------| <-r.1 at point we call
// | | Stack Frame Header | KiDispatchException
// | | (back chain, misc. |
// | | stuff, 16 words of |
// | | parameter space) |
// / |--------------------|
// | Trap Frame |
// STACK_DELTA | (volatile state) |
// | <------ includes ExceptionRecord, imbedded within
// \ |--------------------|
// | | Exception Frame | Exception frame only if previous
// | | (non-volatile | mode == User mode
// | | state) |
// | | |
// \ |--------------------| <-r.1 at point of interrupt, if interrupted
// | | kernel code, or base of kernel stack if
// high addr | | interrupted user code
// The following is never executed, it is provided to allow virtual
// unwind to restore register state prior to an exception occuring.
// This is a common prologue for the various exception handlers.
stwu r.sp, -STACK_DELTA (r.sp)
mflr r.0
stw r.0, TrLr + TF_BASE (r.sp)
.align 6 // ensure the following is
// cache block aligned (for
// performance) (cache line
// for 601)
// We need another register, trash r.13 which contains the Teb pointer
// and reload it later. (r.13 might not be TEB if was kernel mode).
lwz r.11, KiPcr+PcInitialStack(r.0) // kernel stack addr for thread
lwz r.13, KiPcr+PcCurrentThread(r.0)// get current thread addr
beq ssd.20 // branch if was in kernel state
// Previous state was user mode
// Segment registers 9, 10, 12, and 13 need to be setup for kernel mode.
// In user mode they are set to zero as no access is allowed to these
// segments, and there are no combinations of Ks Kp and PP that allow
// kernel both read-only and read/write pages that are user no-access.
mfsr r.0, 0 // get PID from SR0
ori r.0, r.0, 12 // T=0 Ks,Kp=0 VSID=pgdir,12
mtsr 12, r.0
li r.0, 9 // T=0 Ks,Kp=0 VSID=9
mtsr 9, r.0
li r.0, 10 // T=0 Ks,Kp=0 VSID=10
mtsr 10, r.0
li r.0, 13 // T=0 Ks,Kp=0 VSID=13
mtsr 13, r.0
isync // context synchronize
// Allocate stack frame and save old stack pointer and other volatile
// registers in trap frame (needed if user mode APC needs to be run
// on exit).
lbz r.0, ThDebugActive(r.13) // get h/w debug flag
stw r.sp, TrGpr1 + TF_BASE - USER_SYS_CALL_FRAME(r.11)
stw r.sp, CrBackChain - USER_SYS_CALL_FRAME(r.11)
stw r.2, TrGpr2 + TF_BASE - USER_SYS_CALL_FRAME(r.11)
subi r.sp, r.11, USER_SYS_CALL_FRAME
stw r.3, TrGpr3 + TF_BASE - USER_SYS_CALL_FRAME(r.11)
stw r.4, TrGpr4 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.5, TrGpr5 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.6, TrGpr6 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
cmpwi cr.1, r.0, 0 // Hardware debug register set?
stw r.7, TrGpr7 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.8, TrGpr8 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.9, TrGpr9 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.10, TrGpr10 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
bne- cr.1, ssd.dbg_regs // jif debug registers set
b ssd.30 // join common code
// Processor was in supervisor state. We'll add our stack frame to the stack
// whose address is still in r.1 from the point of interrupt.
// Test stack (r.sp) for 8 byte alignment, overflow or underflow.
andi. r.0, r.sp, 7 // 8-byte align into cr.0
lwz r.0, KiPcr+PcStackLimit(r.0) // get current stack limit
cmplw cr.1, r.sp, r.11 // underflow, into cr.1
subi r.11, r.sp, KERN_SYS_CALL_FRAME // allocate stack frame; ptr into r.11
cmplw cr.5, r.11, r.0 // test for overflow, into cr.2
bgt- cr.1, ssd.stk_err // jif stack has underflowed
bne- cr.0, ssd.stk_err // jif stack is misaligned
blt- cr.5, ssd.stk_err // jif stack has overflowed
// Stack looks ok, use it. First, save the old stack pointer in the
// back chain. Also, we need an additional scratch register, save r.10
// now (already done in user mode case).
stw r.sp, CrBackChain(r.11) // save old stack pointer
stw r.10,TrGpr10+TF_BASE(r.11) // save r.10
ori r.sp, r.11, 0 // set new stack pointer
// The following code is common to both user mode and kernel mode entry.
// Stack address in r.sp, Save Trap Frame volatile registers.
mflr r.0 // get return address
mffs f.0 // get FPSCR
lbz r.11, KiPcr+PcCurrentIrql(r.0) // get old (current) irql
stw r.12, TrMsr + TF_BASE(r.sp) // save SRR1 (MSR)
stw r.0, TrIar + TF_BASE(r.sp) // save return addr in TrapFrame
stw r.0, TrLr + TF_BASE(r.sp) // save Link register
stfd f.0, TrFpscr + TF_BASE(r.sp) // save FPSCR
stb r.11, TrOldIrql + TF_BASE(r.sp) // save current Irql in tf
// Use the service code as an index into the thread's service table, and call
// the routine indicated.
// At this point-
// r.0 (scratch)
// r.1 contains the current stack pointer.
// r.2 contains the service code (still).
// r.3 - r.10 are untouched (r.10 saved in trap frame)
// r.11 is available
// r.12 contains the old MSR value
// r.13 contains the current thread address
// r.14 - r.31 are untouched
// Warning, don't enable interrupts until you (at least) don't care what's
// in r.13
lbz r.0, ThPreviousMode(r.13) // get old previous mode
lwz r.11, ThTrapFrame(r.13) // get current trap frame address
extrwi r.12, r.12, 1, MSR_PR // extract user mode bit
stb r.12, ThPreviousMode(r.13) // set new previous mode
stb r.0, TrPreviousMode+TF_BASE(r.sp) // save old previous mode
stw r.11, TrTrapFrame+TF_BASE(r.sp) // save current trap frame address
la r.0, TF_BASE(r.sp) // get trap frame address
lwz r.12, ThServiceTable(r.13) // get service descriptor table address
stw r.0, ThTrapFrame(r.13) // store trap frame address
#if DBG
lbz r.0, ThKernelApcDisable(r.13) // get current APC disable count
stb r.0, TrSavedKernelApcDisable+TF_BASE(r.sp) // save APC disable count
lbz r.13, ThApcStateIndex(r.13) // get current APC state index
stb r.13, TrSavedApcStateIndex+TF_BASE(r.sp) // save APC state index
mfmsr r.0 // fetch the current MSR
lwz r.13, KiPcr+PcTeb(r.0) // restore Teb (ok enable ints)
ori r.0, r.0, INT_ENA // enable interrupts
mtmsr r.0 // external interrupts enabled
cror 0,0,0 // N.B. 603e/ev Errata 15
add r.12, r.12, r.10 // compute service descriptor address
cmpwi cr.7, r.10, SERVICE_TABLE_TEST // is this a GUI service? (checking
// service descriptor offset)
lwz r.11, SdLimit(r.12) // get service number limit
rlwinm r.0, r.2, 0, SERVICE_NUMBER_MASK // isolate service table offset
cmplw r.0, r.11 // check service number against limit
bge ssd.convert_to_gui // jump if service number too high
slwi r.0, r.0, 2 // compute system service offset value
#if DBG
lwz r.11, SdCount(r.12) // get service count table address
cmpwi r.11, 0 // does table exist?
beq ssd.100 // if not, skip update
lwzux r.2, r.11, r.0 // get count and addr of count
addi r.2, r.2, 1 // increment service count
stw r.2, 0(r.11) // store new count
lwz r.11, SdBase(r.12) // get service table address
lwz r.2, -4(r.11) // get toc for this service table
lwzx r.11, r.11, r.0 // get address of service routine
// If the system service is a GUI service and the GDI user batch queue is
// not empty, then call the appropriate service to flush the user batch.
bne cr.7, ssd.115 // if ne, not GUI system service
lwz r.10, TeGdiBatchCount(r.13) // get number of batched GDI calls
stw r.11, TrGpr11+TF_BASE(r.sp) // save service routine address
cmpwi r.10, 0 // check number of batched GDI calls
stw r.3, TrGpr3+TF_BASE(r.sp) // save arguments (r10 already saved)
beq ssd.115 // if eq, no batched calls
bl ssd.113 // get a base address to use to load toc
stw r.2, TrGpr2+TF_BASE(r.sp) // save service table TOC
mflr r.2 // get &ssd.113
stw r.4, TrGpr4+TF_BASE(r.sp)
lwz r.2, toc_pointer-ssd.113(r.2) // load toc address
stw r.5, TrGpr5+TF_BASE(r.sp)
lwz r.2, [toc]KeGdiFlushUserBatch(r.2) // get address of flush routine
stw r.6, TrGpr6+TF_BASE(r.sp)
lwz r.2, 0(r.2) // get address of descriptor
stw r.7, TrGpr7+TF_BASE(r.sp)
lwz r.3, 0(r.2) // get address of flush routine
stw r.8, TrGpr8+TF_BASE(r.sp)
lwz r.2, 4(r.2) // get TOC for flush routine
mtctr r.3
stw r.9, TrGpr9+TF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.0, TrGpr0+TF_BASE(r.sp) // save locals in r0 and r12
stw r.12, TrGpr12+TF_BASE(r.sp)
bctrl // call GDI user batch flush routine
lwz r.11,TrGpr11+TF_BASE(r.sp) // restore service routine address
lwz r.3,TrGpr3+TF_BASE(r.sp) // restore arguments (except r10)
lwz r.4,TrGpr4+TF_BASE(r.sp)
lwz r.5,TrGpr5+TF_BASE(r.sp)
lwz r.6,TrGpr6+TF_BASE(r.sp)
lwz r.7,TrGpr7+TF_BASE(r.sp)
lwz r.8,TrGpr8+TF_BASE(r.sp)
lwz r.9,TrGpr9+TF_BASE(r.sp)
lwz r.0,TrGpr0+TF_BASE(r.sp) // restore locals in r0 and r12
lwz r.12,TrGpr12+TF_BASE(r.sp)
lwz r.2,TrGpr2+TF_BASE(r.sp) // restore service table TOC
// Low-order bit of service table entry indicates presence of in-memory
// arguments. Up to 8 args are passed in GPRs; any additional are passed
// in memory in the caller's stack frame.
// note: we put the entry in the link register anyway, the bottom two bits
// are ignored as a branch address.
mtlr r.11 // set service routine address
andi. r.11, r.11, 1 // low-order bit set?
lwz r.10,TrGpr10+TF_BASE(r.sp) // restore r10
beq+ ssd.150 // jif no in-memory arguments
// Capture arguments passed in memory in caller's stack frame, to ensure that
// caller does not modify them after they are probed and, in kernel mode,
// because a trap frame has been allocated on the stack.
// For PowerPC, space for all the passed arguments is allocated in the caller's
// stack frame. The first 8 words are actually passed in GPRs, but space is
// allocated for them in case the called routine needs to take the address of
// any of the arguments. Arguments past the 8th word are passed in storage.
// The "in-memory arguments" flag means that at least 9 words of parameters
// are passed on this call, the first 8 being in GPRs 3 through 10. Since
// we will call the system call target using our own stack frame, we must
// copy our caller's in-memory arguments into our frame so that our callee
// can find them.
// It is thought that the loop below, using 0-cycle branch-on-count, will be
// faster on average than a straight branch-free copy of 8 words, but only
// time will tell.
srwi r.0, r.0, 2 // compute argument count offset value
lwz r.11, SdNumber(r.12) // get pointer to argument count table
lwz r.12, 0(r.sp) // load caller's stack pointer
lbzx r.0, r.11, r.0 // load count of bytes to copy
addi r.11, r.sp, CrParameter7 // point to target, less 1 word
srwi r.0, r.0, 2 // compute count of words to copy
mtctr r.0 // move count to CTR
addi r.12, r.12, CrParameter7 // point to source, less 1 word
lwzu r.0, 4(r.12) // copy one word from source to
stwu r.0, 4(r.11) // target, updating pointers
bdnz ssd.120 // decrement count, jif non-zero
// Call the system service.
// Note that the non-volatile state is still in GPRs 13..31 and FPRs 14..31;
// it is the called service routine's responsibility to preserve it.
// In keeping with the assembler code in mips/x4trap.s, we put the
// Trap Frame address in r.12 so that NtContinue() can find it, just
// in case it happens to be the target.
la r.12, TF_BASE(r.sp) // mips code passes this in s8
blrl // call the target
// Exit point for system calls
ALTERNATE_ENTRY (KiSystemServiceExit)
// Increment count of system calls and see if an APC interrupt should be
// generated now.
// Restore old trap frame address from the current trap frame.
lwz r.4, KiPcr+PcPrcb(r.0) // get processor block address
la r.12, TF_BASE(r.sp) // get trap frame address
lwz r.6, KiPcr+PcCurrentThread(r.0) // get current thread address
lbz r.8, KiPcr+PcCurrentIrql(r.0) // get current IRQL
lwz r.5, PbSystemCalls(r.4) // get count of system calls
lwz r.9, TrTrapFrame(r.12) // get old trap frame address
lwz r.10, TrMsr(r.12) // load saved MSR value
addi r.5, r.5, 1 // bump count of system calls
stw r.9, ThTrapFrame(r.6) // restore old trap frame address
stw r.5, PbSystemCalls(r.4) // store new count of system calls
// KiServiceExit is an alternate entry referenced by KiCallUserMode in callout.s.
// On entry:
// r6 -- current thread
// r8 -- contains current IRQL
// r10 -- contains saved MSR
// r12 -- points to trap frame
// NOTE: r.sp CANNOT BE USED FROM THIS POINT ON, except on paths that cannot have come from KiCallUserMode.
// This is because the stack pointer is different when this is a normal system service than when this is a user mode callout.
#if DBG
lbz r.5, ThKernelApcDisable(r.6) // get current APC disable count
lbz r.7, ThApcStateIndex(r.6) // get current APC state index
lbz r.4, TrSavedKernelApcDisable(r.12) // get previous APC disable count
lbz r.9, TrSavedApcStateIndex(r.12) // get previous APC state index
xor r.4, r.4, r.5 // compare APC disable count
xor r.7, r.9, r.7 // compare APC state index
or. r.7, r.7, r.4 // merge comparison value
bne ssd.badapc // if ne, invalid state or count
cmplwi r.8, APC_LEVEL // APC deliverable?
bge ssd.190 // not at APC level, continue
lbz r.7, KiPcr+PcApcInterrupt(r.0)
extrwi r.8, r.10, 1, MSR_PR // extract problem state bit
or. r.0, r.7, r.8 // user mode || intr pending
beq+ ssd.190 // jif neither
addic. r.7, r.7, -1
beq ssd.160 // apc interrupt
// no interrupt pending but going to user mode, check for user mode apc
// pending.
li r.7, 0
stb r.7, ThAlerted(r.6) // clear kernel mode alerted
lbz r.6, ThApcState+AsUserApcPending(r.6)
cmplwi r.6, 0
beq+ ssd.190 // none pending, continue
la r.4, EF_BASE - TF_BASE (r.12) // addr of Exception Frame
b ssd.170
la r.4, EF_BASE (r.sp) // addr of Exception Frame
la r.12, TF_BASE (r.sp) // addr of Trap Frame
b ssd.170
cmplwi r.8, 0 // check previous mode
stb r.7, KiPcr+PcApcInterrupt(r.0) // clear pending intr flag
la r.4, EF_BASE - TF_BASE (r.12) // addr of Exception Frame
beq ssd.180 // if previous mode == kernel
// Call KiDeliverApc() for pending APC, previous mode == user. Before doing
// so, we must store the non-volatile state into the Exception Frame, for
// KiDeliverApc() takes Trap Frame and Exception Frame as input.
stw r.13, ExGpr13 (r.4) // store non-volatile GPRs
stw r.14, ExGpr14 (r.4)
stw r.15, ExGpr15 (r.4)
stw r.16, ExGpr16 (r.4)
stw r.17, ExGpr17 (r.4)
stw r.18, ExGpr18 (r.4)
stw r.19, ExGpr19 (r.4)
stw r.20, ExGpr20 (r.4)
stw r.21, ExGpr21 (r.4)
stw r.22, ExGpr22 (r.4)
stw r.23, ExGpr23 (r.4)
stw r.24, ExGpr24 (r.4)
stw r.25, ExGpr25 (r.4)
stw r.26, ExGpr26 (r.4)
stw r.27, ExGpr27 (r.4)
stw r.28, ExGpr28 (r.4)
stw r.29, ExGpr29 (r.4)
stw r.30, ExGpr30 (r.4)
stw r.31, ExGpr31 (r.4)
stfd f.14, ExFpr14 (r.4) // save non-volatile FPRs
stfd f.15, ExFpr15 (r.4)
stfd f.16, ExFpr16 (r.4)
stfd f.17, ExFpr17 (r.4)
stfd f.18, ExFpr18 (r.4)
stfd f.19, ExFpr19 (r.4)
stfd f.20, ExFpr20 (r.4)
stfd f.21, ExFpr21 (r.4)
stfd f.22, ExFpr22 (r.4)
stfd f.23, ExFpr23 (r.4)
stfd f.24, ExFpr24 (r.4)
stfd f.25, ExFpr25 (r.4)
stfd f.26, ExFpr26 (r.4)
stfd f.27, ExFpr27 (r.4)
stfd f.28, ExFpr28 (r.4)
stfd f.29, ExFpr29 (r.4)
stfd f.30, ExFpr30 (r.4)
stfd f.31, ExFpr31 (r.4)
// Also, clear volatile state within the trap frame that will be restored
// by NtContinue when the APC completes that has not already been set to
// reasonable values. (ie what wasn't saved on entry).
li r.0, 0
stw r.0, TrGpr11(r.12)
stw r.0, TrGpr12(r.12)
stw r.0, TrGpr0 (r.12)
stw r.0, TrXer (r.12)
// Call to KiDeliverApc requires three parameters:
// r.3 Previous Mode
// r.4 addr of Exception Frame
// r.5 addr of Trap Frame
bl ssd.185 // get a base address to
ssd.185: // use to load kernel toc
lwz r.6, KiPcr+PcPrcb(r.0) // get address of PRCB
li r.5, APC_LEVEL // raise Irql
stw r.3, TrGpr3(r.12) // save sys call return value
lwz r.0, TrMsr (r.12) // load user's MSR value from trap frame
stb r.5, KiPcr+PcCurrentIrql(r.0)
ori r.5, r.12, 0 // r.5 <- trap frame addr
lwz r.7, PbApcBypassCount(r.6) // get APC bypass count
mflr r.2 // get &ssd.185
extrwi r.3, r.0, 1, MSR_PR // r.3 <- prev. state
addi r.7, r.7, 1 // increment APC bypass count
stw r.12, DeliverApcSaveTrap(r.sp) // save trap frame addr
lwz r.2, toc_pointer-ssd.185(r.2) // load toc address
stw r.7, PbApcBypassCount(r.6) // store new APC bypass count
bl ..KiDeliverApc // process pending apc
lwz r.12, DeliverApcSaveTrap(r.sp) // restore trap frame addr
li r.8, 0
stb r.8, KiPcr+PcCurrentIrql(r.0) // restore old IRQL
lwz r.10, TrMsr(r.12) // get caller's MSR value
lwz r.3, TrGpr3(r.12) // restore sys call result
// Return to the caller, in the proper mode.
// As this is like an ordinary call, we need not restore the volatile
// registers. We must preserve r.3, the possible return value from
// the system service routine.
// If we are returning to user state, we zero the rest of the volatile
// state to prevent unauthorized viewing of left-over information.
// The non-volatile state has been preserved by our callee, as for all calls.
// We get the caller's stack frame pointer out of the back chain field
// in our stack frame header, not by incrementing our stack pointer, because
// the caller's stack may be user while ours is known to be kernel.
// We must reload these:
// caller's TOC pointer (r.2)
// caller's stack pointer (r.1)
// caller's instruction address
// We already have
// caller's MSR value (r.10)
// We can use (and must clear) these:
// r.0
// r.4 - r.9, r.11, r.12
// f.0 - f.13
// XER
// CR
lfd f.0, TrFpscr(r.12) // get saved FPSCR
lwz r.7, KiPcr+PcCurrentThread(r.0) // get current thread address
extrwi. r.0, r.10, 1, MSR_PR // see if resuming user mode
lbz r.6, TrPreviousMode(r.12) // get old previous mode
mfmsr r.8 // fetch the current MSR value
lwz r.11, TrIar(r.12) // get caller's resume address
rlwinm r.8, r.8, 0, ~(INT_ENA) // clear int enable
stb r.6, ThPreviousMode(r.7) // restore old previous mode
mtfsf 0xff, f.0 // restore FPSCR
mtmsr r.8 // disable interrupts
cror 0,0,0 // N.B. 603e/ev Errata 15
bne ssd.200 // branch if resuming user mode
// Resuming kernel mode -- don't bother to clear the volatile state
lwz r.sp, 0(r.sp) // reload caller's stack pointer
// WARNING: Cannot tolerate a TLB/HPT miss from here thru rfi.
b $+(KiServiceExitKernelRfi-Kseg0CodeStart)
// Resuming user mode -- clear the volatile state
lbz r.6, ThDebugActive(r.7)
lis r.5, K_BASE // base address of KSEG0
lfd f.0, FpZero-real0(r.5) // load FP 0.0
li r.0, 0 // clear a GP reg
lwz r.toc, TrGpr2(r.12) // reload caller's TOC pointer
cmpwi cr.1, r.6, 0 // Hardware debug register set?
lwz r.8, TrLr(r.12) // get saved LR
mtxer r.0 // clear the XER
bne cr.1, ssd.220 // jif no debug registers set
fmr f.1, f.0 // clear remaining volatile FPRs
lwz r.5, TrGpr5(r.12)
mtctr r.0 // clear the CTR
fmr f.2, f.0
lwz r.6, TrGpr6(r.12)
lis r.9, SREG_INVAL // invalid segment reg value
fmr f.3, f.0
lwz r.4, TrGpr4(r.12)
fmr f.4, f.0
lwz r.sp, TrGpr1(r.12) // reload caller's stack pointer
fmr f.5, f.0
li r.7, 0
fmr f.6, f.0
fmr f.7, f.0
fmr f.8, f.0
mtlr r.8 // restore saved LR
fmr f.9, f.0
li r.8, 0
fmr f.10, f.0
mtsr 9, r.9 // invalidate sregs 9, 10, 12, 13
fmr f.11, f.0
mtsr 10, r.9
fmr f.12, f.0
mtsr 12, r.9
fmr f.13, f.0
mtsr 13, r.9
// WARNING: Cannot tolerate a TLB/HPT miss from here thru rfi.
b $+(KiServiceExitUserRfi-Kseg0CodeStart)
// We get here from above if we are going to user mode and the h/w debug
// registers are being used. This is where we renable them for this
// processor. The code is out of line on the theory that it isn't used
// all that often.
lwz r.4, TrDr1 (r.12) // Get kernel DABR
lwz r.5, TrDr7 (r.12)
lwz r.6, TrDr0 (r.12) // Get kernel IABR
rlwinm r.4, r.4, 0, 0xfffffff8 // Sanitize DABR (Dr1)
ori r.6, r.6, 0x3 // Sanitize IABR (Dr0) 604
ori r.4, r.4, 0x4 // Sanitize DABR 604
// WARNING: Don't rearrange this branch table. The first branch is overlayed
// with the correct branch instruction (modified) based on the processor
// during system initialization. The correct order is 601, 603, 604, skip.
b ssd.201 // 601
b ssd.203 // 603
b ssd.204 // 604/613
b ssd.204 // 620 -- common with 604/613
b ssd.210 // unknown
ssd.201: // 601 SPECIFIC
lis r.9, 0x6080 // Full cmp., trace mode except.
rlwinm r.4, r.4, 0, 0xfffffff8 // Sanitize DABR (Dr1)
rlwinm r.6, r.6, 0, 0xfffffffc // Sanitize IABR (Dr0)
mtspr hid1, r.9
rlwinm. r.9, r.5, 0, 0x0000000c // LE1/GE1 set?
beq ssddr11.1 // jiff Dr1 not set
rlwimi r.4, r.5, 13, 30, 30 // Interchange R/W1 bits
rlwimi r.4, r.5, 11, 31, 31
mtspr dabr, r.4
rlwinm. r.5, r.5, 0, 0x00000003 // LE0/GE0 set?
beq ssd.210
mtspr iabr, r.6
b ssd.210
ssd.203: // 603 SPECIFIC
rlwinm r.6, r.6, 0, 0xfffffffc // Sanitize IABR
ori r.6, r.6, 0x2
mtspr iabr, r.6
b ssd.210
.align 5
// The specified system service number is not within range. Attempt to
// convert the thread to a GUI thread if specified system service is
// not a base service and the thread has not already been converted to
// a GUI thread.
// N.B. The argument registers r3-r10 and the system service number in r2
// must be preserved if an attempt is made to convert the thread to
// a GUI thread.
// At this point:
// r.0 contains masked service number (scratch)
// r.1 contains the current stack pointer
// r.2 contains the service code
// r.3 - r.9 are untouched
// r.10 contains the offset into the service descriptor table
// r.11 contains the service number limit for the r.12 table (scratch)
// r.12 contains the service descriptor address
// r.13 contains the current TEB address
// r.14 - r.31 are untouched
// cr.7 is the result of comparing r.10 with 0 (if eq, service is a base service)
// On return to SystemServiceRepeat:
// r.0 is undefined
// r.1 contains the current stack pointer
// r.2 contains the service code
// r.3 - r.9 are untouched
// r.10 is undefined
// r.11 is undefined
// r.12 contains the service descriptor table address (ThWin32Thread)
// r.13 contains the current TEB address
// r.14 - r.31 are untouched
bne cr.7, ssd.inv_service // if ne, not GUI system service
stw r.2,TrFpr0+TF_BASE(r.sp) // save system service number
stw r.3,TrGpr3+TF_BASE(r.sp) // save argument registers (except r10)
stw r.4,TrGpr4+TF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.5,TrGpr5+TF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.6,TrGpr6+TF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.7,TrGpr7+TF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.8,TrGpr8+TF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.9,TrGpr9+TF_BASE(r.sp)
bl ssd.221 // load system toc address
ssd.221: //
mflr r.2 //
lwz r.2, toc_pointer-ssd.221(r.2) //
bl ..PsConvertToGuiThread // attempt to convert to GUI thread
ori r.11,r.3, 0 // save completion status
la r.0, TF_BASE(r.sp) // get trap frame address
stw r.0, ThTrapFrame(r.13) // store trap frame address
lwz r.2,TrFpr0+TF_BASE(r.sp) // restore system service number
lwz r.3,TrGpr3+TF_BASE(r.sp) // restore argument registers (except r10)
lwz r.4,TrGpr4+TF_BASE(r.sp)
lwz r.5,TrGpr5+TF_BASE(r.sp)
lwz r.6,TrGpr6+TF_BASE(r.sp)
lwz r.7,TrGpr7+TF_BASE(r.sp)
lwz r.8,TrGpr8+TF_BASE(r.sp)
lwz r.9,TrGpr9+TF_BASE(r.sp)
lwz r.12,KiPcr+PcCurrentThread(r.0) // get current thread address
lwz r.12,ThServiceTable(r.12) // get service dispatcher table address
cmpwi r.11,0 // did conversion work?
beq SystemServiceRepeat // if yes, retry
// Invalid system service code number found in r.2
b ..KiSystemServiceExit
#if DBG
// An attempt is being made to exit a system service while kernel APCs are
// disabled, or while attached to another process and the previous mode is
// not kernel.
// r5 - Supplies the APC disable count.
// r6 - Supplies the APC state index.
mflr r.0 // save LR
bl ssd.badapc.1 // get a base address to
ssd.badapc.1: // use to load kernel toc
mflr r.2 // get &ssd.badapc.1
lwz r.2, toc_pointer-ssd.badapc.1(r.2) // load toc address
mtlr r.0 // restore LR
li r.3, SYSTEM_EXIT_OWNED_MUTEX // set bug check code
li r.4, 0 // mutex levels have been removed
bl ..KeBugCheckEx // call bug check routine
b $
// stack overflow/underflow/misalign on system call
// We need to convert this system call into a code panic trap, saving
// state information such that common_exception_entry's handler can
// deal with it. We have already trashed a certain amount of info
// but what still exists we will set up in the manner common_exception_
// entry's handler expects.
stw r.2, KiPcr+PCR_SAVE2(r.0) // save service code
stw r.3, KiPcr+PCR_SAVE3(r.0) // save gprs 3 thru 6
stw r.4, KiPcr+PCR_SAVE4(r.0)
stw r.5, KiPcr+PCR_SAVE5(r.0)
stw r.6, KiPcr+PCR_SAVE6(r.0)
mfcr r.5 // preserved CR
mflr r.3 // fake up srr0
ori r.4, r.12, 0 // srr1
lis r.12, 0xdead // mark those we already
stw r.12, KiPcr+PCR_SAVE11(r.0) // lost
ori r.13, r.12, 0
lwz r.6, KiPcr+PcPanicStack(r.0) // switch to panic stack
li r.2, CODE_PANIC // set exception cause to panic
subi r.11, r.6, KERNEL_STACK_SIZE // compute stack limit
stw r.6, KiPcr+PcInitialStack(r.0) // so we don't repeat ourselves
// ie, avoid overflowing because
// we went to the panic stack.
stw r.11, KiPcr+PcStackLimit(r.0) // set stack limit
subi r.6, r.6, STACK_DELTA_NEWSTK // allocate stack frame
b cee.30 // process exception
// The following code is used to clear the hardware debug registers in
// the event that we have just come from user mode and they are set.
// This code is out of line because it is expected to be executed
// infrequently.
li r.3, 0 // Initialize DR7
lwz r.5, KiPcr+PcPrcb(r.0) // get processor block address
lwz r.4, DR_BASE + SrKernelDr7(r.5) // Kernel DR set?
rlwinm r.4, r.4, 0, 0xFF
cmpwi cr.7, r.4, 0
stw r.3, TrDr7 + TF_BASE(r.sp) // No DRs set
stw r.3, TrDr6 + TF_BASE(r.sp) // Not a DR breakpoint
lwz r.7, DR_BASE + SrKernelDr0(r.5) // Get kernel IABR
lwz r.8, DR_BASE + SrKernelDr1(r.5) // Get kernel DABR
ori r.7, r.7, 0x3 // Sanitize IABR (Dr0)
ori r.8, r.8, 0x4 // Sanitize DABR (Dr1)
// WARNING: Don't rearrange this branch table. The first branch is overlayed
// with the correct branch instruction (modified) based on the processor
// during system initialization. The correct order is 601, 603, 604/613, 620, skip.
b ssd.dbg_10 // 601
b ssd.dbg_30 // 603
b ssd.dbg_20 // 604/613
b ssd.dbg_40 // 620
b ssd.30 // unknown - back into mainline
ssd.dbg_10: // 601 SPECIFIC
li r.3, 0x0080 // Normal run mode
rlwinm r.7, r.7, 0, 0xfffffffc // Sanitize IABR (Dr0)
rlwinm r.8, r.8, 0, 0xfffffff8 // Sanitize DABR (Dr1)
bne cr.7, ssd.dbg_20 // Leave hid1 set for full cmp
mtspr hid1, r.3
ssd.dbg_20: // 601/604 SPECIFIC
mfspr r.3, iabr // Load the IABR (Dr0)
rlwinm. r.3, r.3, 0, 0xfffffffc // IABR(DR0) set?
li r.4, 0 // Initialize Dr7
stw r.3, TrDr0 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
mfspr r.3, dabr // Load the DABR (Dr1)
beq ssiabr.1 // jiff Dr0 not set
li r.4, 0x1 // Set LE0 in Dr7
rlwimi r.4, r.3, 19, 11, 11 // Interchange R/W1 bits
rlwimi r.4, r.3, 21, 10, 10 // and move to Dr7
rlwinm. r.3, r.3, 0, 0xfffffff8 // Sanitize Dr1
stw r.3, TrDr1 + TF_BASE(r.sp) // Store Dr1 in trap frame
beq ssdabr.1 // jiff Dr1 not set
ori r.4, r.4, 0x4 // Set LE1 in Dr7
ori r.4, r.4, 0x100 // Set LE bit in Dr7
stw r.4, TrDr7 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
li r.4, 0
beq cr.7, sskdr.1 // jif no kernel DR set
lwz r.3, DR_BASE + SrKernelDr7(r.5)
rlwinm. r.4, r.3, 0, 0x0000000c // LE1/GE1 set?
beq ssdr1.1 // jiff Dr1 not set
rlwimi r.8, r.3, 13, 30, 30 // Interchange R/W1 bits
rlwimi r.8, r.3, 11, 31, 31
mtspr dabr, r.8
rlwinm. r.3, r.3, 0, 0x00000003 // LE0/GE0 set?
beq ssd.dbg_90
mtspr iabr, r.7
b ssd.dbg_90
ssd.dbg_30: // 603 SPECIFIC
mfspr r.3, iabr // Load the IABR (Dr0)
rlwinm. r.3, r.3, 0, 0xfffffffc // Sanitize Dr0
li r.4, 0x101 // Initialize Dr7
stw r.3, TrDr0 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
stw r.4, TrDr7 + TF_BASE(r.sp)
li r.4, 0
beq cr.7, sskdr.2 // jif no kernel DR set
rlwinm r.7, r.7, 0, 0xfffffffc // Sanitize IABR
ori r.7, r.7, 0x2
mtspr iabr, r.7
b ssd.dbg_90
ssd.dbg_40: // 620 SPECIFIC
mfspr r.3, dabr // Load the DABR (Dr1)
b ssiabr.1
mtspr iabr, r.4
b ssd.dbg_90
mtspr dabr, r.4
mtspr iabr, r.4
lwz r.8, TrGpr8 + TF_BASE(r.sp) // reload registers that
lwz r.7, TrGpr7 + TF_BASE(r.sp) // we clobbered
lwz r.5, TrGpr5 + TF_BASE (r.sp) // including cr.0
lwz r.4, TrGpr4 + TF_BASE (r.sp) // set cr.0 again
lwz r.3, TrGpr3 + TF_BASE (r.sp)
cmpwi r.2, 0
b ssd.30 // go back to main line
// Define the size of a cache block. This is 32 bytes on all currently
// supported processors, it is 64 bytes on some of the newer processors
// including 620.
#define PAGE_SIZE (1 << PAGE_SHIFT)
#define BLOCK_SZ 32
// KeZeroPage(
// ULONG PageFrame
// );
// Routine Description:
// Zero a page of memory using the fastest means possible.
// Arguments:
// PageFrame Page Number (in physical memory) of the page to
// be zeroed.
// Return Value:
// None.
// There are a number of 603 errata related to the dcbz instruction.
// It turns out that using dcbz on 603 class processors is also slow
// (601/604 are considerably faster). So, rather than applying h/w
// workarounds to the 603 problems, we use a simple loop.
.align 5
mfmsr r.9 // get current MSR value
li r.6, PAGE_SIZE/BLOCK_SZ // number of blocks to zero
li r.7, 0 // starting offset
mtctr r.6 // set iteration count
rlwinm r.8, r.9, 0, 0xffff7fff // disable interrupts
rlwinm r.8, r.8, 0, 0xffffffef // disable data translation
mtmsr r.8 // disable ints and data xlate
cror 0,0,0 // N.B. 603e/ev Errata 15
slwi r.3, r.3, PAGE_SHIFT // chg page number to phys address
// If the processor is NOT a member of the 603 family (603, 603e, 603ev)
// the following instruction will have been replaced at init time with an
// ISYNC instruction which is required to stop the processor from looking
// ahead and doing address translation while we're turning it off.
// N.B. We use a dbnz because the 603 code does one less iteration (see
// below).
bdnz+ KeZeroPage603 // use 603 code unless this inst
// has been replaced with an isync.
dcbz r.3, r.7
addi r.7, r.7, BLOCK_SZ
bdnz zero_block
mtmsr r.9 // restore old interrupt and xlate
// settings
// The following code is used for 603 class machines. The loop is
// unrolled but part of the first and last blocks are done seperately
// in order to init f.1 which is used for the actual code.
// N.B. On a 601 or 604, the loop is faster if it is NOT unrolled.
isync // allow no look ahead
stw r.7, 0(r.3) // zero first 8 bytes and reload
stw r.7, 4(r.3) // into an FP reg for rest of loop.
li r.5, 32 // size of cache block
lfd f.1, 0(r.3)
dcbtst r.5, r.3 // touch 32 bytes ahead
stfd f.1, 8(r.3)
stfd f.1,16(r.3)
stfd f.1,24(r.3)
stfdu f.1,32(r.3)
bdnz zero_block603
// Three 8 byte blocks to go.
stfdu f.1, 8(r.3)
stfdu f.1, 8(r.3)
stfdu f.1, 8(r.3)
mtmsr r.9 // restore old interrupt and xlate
// settings
// The code for this routine really exists at label FlushSingleTb in this module.
b $+(FlushSingleTb-Kseg0CodeStart)
// The code for this routine really exists at label FillEntryTb in this module.
b $+(FillEntryTb-Kseg0CodeStart)
// The code for this routine really exists at label FillEntryTb in this module.
b $+(FlushCurrentTb-Kseg0CodeStart)