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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
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<td style="height=100%; border:solid 1 white; border-right:none;">&nbsp</td>
<td style="vertical-align: middle">
<p style="margin: 5">
<!-- this text changes dynamically --><span id=DescriptionField>
Welcome to Internet Explorer 4.0! Click Start for a quick tour.
<td style="height=100%; border:solid 1 white; border-left: none;">&nbsp</td>
<div style="position:absolute; left: 28; top:171; width:80; height:80; visibility:hidden" id=Div1>
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<span style="position:absolute; left: 5; top: 0" class=BulletNumber>1</span>
<span style="position:absolute; left: 0; top: 23; width:80; color:white" class=BulletText>&nbsp &nbsp Take a Quick Tour</span>
<div style="position:absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width:80; height:80; z-index:10; cursor:hand" id=Bullet1></div>
<div style="position:absolute; left:125; top:171; width:80; height:80; visibility:hidden" id=Div2>
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<span style="position:absolute; left: 10; top: 0" class=BulletNumber>2</span>
<span style="position:absolute; left: 0; top: 23; width:80; color:white" class=BulletText>&nbsp Explore Channels</span>
<div style="position:absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width:80; height:80; z-index:10; cursor:hand" id=Bullet2></div>
<div style="position:absolute; left:222; top:171; width:80; height:80; visibility:hidden" id=Div3>
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<span style="position:absolute; left: 11; top: 0" class=BulletNumber>3</span>
<span style="position:absolute; left: 0; top: 23; width:80; color:white" class=BulletText id=RegText>&nbsp &nbsp Register Online</span>
<div style="position:absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width:80; height:80; z-index:10; cursor:hand" id=Bullet3></div>
<div style="position:absolute; left:358; top:171; width:80; height=80" id=Div4>
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<img style="position:absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width:80; height:80; border:none" src="w-orange.bmp" id=Graphic4></img>
<span style="position:absolute; left: 0; top: 25; width:80; color:white; cursor:hand;visibility=hidden" class=BulletText id=Bullet4Text>Start the Tour</span>
<div style="position:absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width:80; height:80; z-index:10; cursor:hand" id=Bullet4></div>
<div style="position:absolute; left:122; top:256; display:none" id=DivCheck>
<input type=checkbox id=CheckShowAgain>
Show this next time you log in
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<!-- String table (not displayed) -->
<div class=OffScreen>
<span id=Description1 class=OffScreen>Get a head start on new features like single-click, channels, improved Search, Outlook Express, and more.</span>
<span id=Description2 class=OffScreen>Discover Active Channels<sup>TM</sup>, and get the Web the way you want it!</span>
<span id=Description3 class=OffScreen>Register now to find out about special offers, product updates, and Internet Explorer news.</span>
<span id=Description4 class=OffScreen>Click Start for a quick step-by-step tour.</span>
<span id=DescriptionX class=OffScreen>Welcome to Internet Explorer 4.0! Click a link below, or click Close.</span>
<span id=StrFinish class=OffScreen>Close</span>
<span id=StrAlert class=OffScreen>You already have an Internet Explorer window viewing this page. Are you sure you want to open a new window?</span>
<span id=StrConnect class=OffScreen>Click OK to connect to the Internet and start the tour. If you just installed Internet Explorer 4.0, this will start the Internet Connection Wizard. Just follow the instructions on your screen to get connected.</span>
<span id=StrContest class=OffScreen>&nbsp Subscribe to Win!</span>
<span id=Description3c class=OffScreen>Enter the Subscribe to Win sweepstakes and earn chances to win great prizes!</span>
<span id=OnUnloadMsg class=OffScreen>To navigate to a web site or open an HTML document, you should close this window first.</span>
<span id=DescriptionL class=OffScreen>Now loading...</span>
<span id=OnlineURL class=OffScreen>http://www.microsoft.com/ie/ie40/tour</span>
<!-- cached images (not displayed) -->
<div class=OffScreen>
<img src="w-blue.bmp"></img>
<img src="w-orange.bmp"></img>
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<img src="w-reg.bmp"></img>
<img src="w-begin.bmp"></img>
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// first group of functions handles the initial animations
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// The next group of functions handles hot-tracking for bullet items
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// hack/workaround - force a refresh of the description text
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function OnAllDone()
document.AllDone = true;
// kill the timeout behavior
// set the exit prompt
DescriptionField.innerHTML = DescriptionX.innerHTML;
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bullet.onmouseover = OnMouseOverBullet;
bullet.onmouseout = OnMouseOutBullet;
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window.clearTimeout( document.AutoTimeout );
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document.AutoTimeout = window.setTimeout( "OnTimeoutAuto(1);", 30000 );
function InitializeHotTracking()
InitializeBullet( Bullet1 );
InitializeBullet( Bullet2 );
InitializeBullet( Bullet3 );
InitializeBullet( Bullet4 );
DescriptionField.OriginalHTML = DescriptionField.innerHTML;
Graphic1.hotSrc = "w-tour.bmp";
Graphic2.hotSrc = "w-chan.bmp";
Graphic3.hotSrc = "w-reg.bmp";
Graphic4.hotSrc = "w-begin.bmp";
// The following code manages the 'state' of the initial experience
function OpenChild(index)
if( document.isWaitingForChildToLoad )
if( !document.MinimalTour )
if( document.childWindow && !document.childWindow.closed )
alertText = StrAlert.innerText;
if( !confirm(alertText) )
document.isWaitingForChildToLoad = true;
var url = "";
if( document.MinimalTour )
url = OnlineURL.innerText + "/";
url += "tour.htm#TopNav=1#CallParent=1#Section=" + index + "#Contest=" + document.Contest + "#MinimalTour=" + document.MinimalTour;
document.StepNumber = index;
// parameters for how to open the child window
var options = "";
if( index==2 )
options = "channelmode=yes, scrollbars=no";
var screenHeight = window.screen.height - 28; // allow for std taskbar
var screenWidth = window.screen.width;
var width = (screenWidth * 90 / 100) - 10; // allow for window borders
var height = (screenHeight * 90 / 100) - 40; // allow for caption + status bar
var left = (screenWidth - width - 10) / 2;
var top = (screenHeight- height - 40) / 2;
options += "width = "+width+", height = "+height+", top = "+top+", left = "+left+", ";
options += "resizable=yes, status=yes";
if( document.MinimalTour )
alert( StrConnect.innerText );
// timeout 'loading' indicator after reasonable delay
document.body.style.cursor = "wait";
document.LoadingTimeout = window.setTimeout( "OnChildIsInitialized();", 10000 );
// we have to delay this code a bit so trident can let the UI update itself...
window.setTimeout( "document.childWindow = window.open('"+url+"', '', '"+options+"');", 0 );
function CalculateNextChild()
var bullet;
var nextIndex = 0;
for(i=3; i>=1; --i)
bullet = document.all.item("Bullet" + i, 0);
if( !bullet.isStepComplete )
nextIndex = i;
return nextIndex;
function OpenNextChild()
var nextIndex = CalculateNextChild();
if( nextIndex > 0 )
OpenChild( nextIndex );
return nextIndex;
function OnChildIsInitialized()
// called by the child window. they must talk back to us so we can track them.
document.isWaitingForChildToLoad = false;
document.body.style.cursor = "auto";
window.clearTimeout( document.LoadingTimeout );
description = document.all.item( "Description" + document.StepNumber, 0 );
DescriptionField.innerHTML = description.innerHTML;
function OnChildComplete(index)
// called by the child window. they must talk back to us so we can track them.
var bullet = document.all.item("Bullet" + index, 0);
bullet.isStepComplete = true;
if( CalculateNextChild()==0 )
function InitializeStep(elem)
elem.isStepComplete = false;
function OnFocus()
if( !document.childWindow )
// careful! we may get 'permission denied' during the 'closed' check
if( !document.MinimalTour )
if( !document.childWindow.closed )
window.onfocus = null;
function InitializeStateMachine()
window.name = "MSIE4.00-Welcome"
//initialize globals
document.isWaitingForChildToLoad = false;
document.childWindow = null;
document.childChannelWindow = null;
InitializeStep( Bullet1 );
InitializeStep( Bullet2 );
InitializeStep( Bullet3 );
// when we come back from the secondary window, we should report that we're done
window.onfocus = OnFocus;
function OnButtonNext()
if( document.AllDone )
var index = OpenNextChild();
if( index > 0 )
MakeBulletHot( index );
function OnButton(index)
OpenChild( index );
MakeBulletHot( index );
function OnCheck()
RunOnceCheckBox.ShowIE4State = CheckShowAgain.checked;
function GetHashParameter( name )
var hash = location.hash;
var key = "#" + name + "=";
if( ( iLeft=hash.indexOf( key ) )>=0 )
if( ( iRight=hash.indexOf( "#", iLeft+1 ) )<0 )
value = parseInt( hash.substring( iLeft+key.length, iRight ) );
if( !isNaN( value ) )
return value;
return null;
function InitializeNavigation()
// defaults
document.Contest = 0;
document.FirstTime = 0;
document.MinimalTour = 0;
contest = GetHashParameter( "Contest" );
firsttime = GetHashParameter( "FirstTime" );
minimaltour= GetHashParameter( "MinimalTour" );
if( contest!=null ) document.Contest = contest;
if( firsttime!=null ) document.FirstTime = firsttime;
if( minimaltour!=null ) document.MinimalTour = minimaltour;
// check contest expiration date
var today = new Date();
var contestover = new Date( "Nov 1, 1997" );
if( today.getYear() >= contestover.getYear() &&
today.getMonth() >= contestover.getMonth() &&
today.getDay() >= contestover.getDay() )
document.Contest = 0;
if( document.Contest )
// workaround...have to delay load this code
window.setTimeout( "RegText.innerHTML = StrContest.innerHTML", 0 );
window.setTimeout( "Description3.innerHTML = Description3c.innerHTML", 0 );
if( !document.FirstTime )
CheckShowAgain.checked = RunOnceCheckBox.ShowIE4State;
CheckShowAgain.onclick = OnCheck;
// window.onbeforeunload = new Function("return '"+OnUnloadMsg.innerText+"';");
window.onload = InitializeNavigation;