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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
/*** DEBPARSE.C - Main parser module for C expression evaluator
* Operator precedence parser for parsing arbitrary (almost)
* C expressions.
/* The parser deals with nearly all C operators, with the exception of ?:
* operator.
* The parser is an operator precedence parser; because of the large
* number of operators, an operator precedence function has been designed,
* and is used instead of the precedence matrix. See "Compilers, principles,
* techniques, and tools" (the 'Dragon' book) by Aho, Sethi and Ullman,
* section 4.6.
* Five operators (::, +, -, & and *) are ambiguous; they can be used in
* either the unary or binary sense. Again, the main parsing loop cannot
* tell the difference; therefore, we keep track of the previous token: if it
* is id, const, ) or ], an ambiguous token is interpreted as being binary;
* otherwise, it is unary. Note that the lexer will always claim to have
* found the unary version of these three ops: '*' will always be returned
* as OP_fetch, and the parser will convert to OP_mult if necessary.
#include "debexpr.h"
#ifndef _SBCS
#include <tchar.h>
// Size of shift-reduce stack, below.
#define SRSTACKSIZE 30
#define SRSTACKGROW 10
#define FCNDEPTH 5
// Macros for pushes and pops from the shift-reduce stack.
#define SRPUSH(tok) (pSRStack[--SRsp] = (tok))
#define SRCUR() (pSRStack[SRsp])
// SRPOP() has been turned into a function
#define SRPREV() (pSRStack[SRsp+1])
#define SRPPREV() (pSRStack[SRsp+2])
#define SRSIZE() (maxSRsp - SRsp)
// Precedence function arrays.
uchar SEGBASED(_segname("_CODE")) F[COPS_EXPR] =
#define OPCNT(name, val)
#define OPCDAT(opc)
#define OPDAT(op, opfprec, opgprec, opclass, opbind, opeval) opfprec,
#include "debops.h"
#undef OPDAT
#undef OPCDAT
#undef OPCNT
uchar SEGBASED(_segname("_CODE")) G[COPS_EXPR] =
#define OPCNT(name, val)
#define OPCDAT(opc)
#define OPDAT(op, opfprec, opgprec, opclass, opbind, opeval) opgprec,
#include "debops.h"
#undef OPDAT
#undef OPCDAT
#undef OPCNT
typedef enum PTN_flag {
PTN_error, // error encountered
PTN_nottype, // not a type
PTN_typestr, // type string (type...)
PTN_typefcn, // (type)(....
PTN_formal // ...type, or ...type)
} PTN_flag;
HDEP hSRStack = 0;
ulong maxSRsp = SRSTACKSIZE;
token_t FAR *pSRStack;
ulong SRsp;
ulong argcnt[FCNDEPTH];
int fdepth;
ulong CvtOp (ptoken_t, ptoken_t, ulong );
ulong CheckErr (op_t, op_t, ulong );
bool_t GrowSR (void);
EESTATUS FParseExpr (uint, bool_t);
PTN_flag ParseTypeName (ptoken_t, char FAR *, uint, EESTATUS FAR *);
void ParseContext (ptoken_t, EESTATUS FAR *);
EESTATUS XFormExpr (uint);
ulong GetToken (uchar FAR*, ptoken_t, uint, op_t);
static uchar SEGBASED(_segname("_CODE")) SimpleTypeName[][11] = {
token_t ptoken_t = pSRStack[SRsp];
ZeroMemory(&pSRStack[SRsp], sizeof(token_t));
return ptoken_t;
/** Parse - parse expression string to abstract syntax tree
* ulong Parse (szExpr, radix, fCase, phTM);
* Entry szExpr = pointer to expression string
* radix = default number radix for conversions
* fCase = case sensitive search if TRUE
* fXForm = allow transforming template names to canonical form
* phTM = pointer to handle of expression state structure
* pEnd = pointer to ulong for index of char that ended parse
* Exit *phTM = handle of expression state structure if allocated
* *phTM = 0 if expression state structure could not be allocated
* *pEnd = index of character that terminated parse
* Returns EENOERROR if no error in parse
* EECATASTROPHIC if unable to initialize
* error number if error
const char *szExpr,
uint radix,
ulong *pEnd
ulong len = 0;
/* DBPrintf("Parsing %s\r\n", szExpr); [debug helper] */
if ((*phTM = MemAllocate (sizeof (struct exstate_t))) == 0) {
// lock expression state structure, clear and allocate components
pExState = (pexstate_t)MemLock (*phTM);
memset (pExState, 0, sizeof (exstate_t));
// allocate buffer for input string and copy
#ifdef NEVER
// Diabled. HSYM binary data are now embedded in encoded ascii form,
// so no special treatment is required to find the string length
for (; *p != 0; p++) {
if (*p == HSYM_MARKER) {
p += sizeof (HSYM);
pExState->ExLen = _tcslen (szExpr);
if ((pExState->hExStr = MemAllocate (pExState->ExLen + 1)) == 0) {
// clean up after error in allocation of input string buffer
MemUnLock (*phTM);
EEFreeTM (phTM);
memcpy (MemLock (pExState->hExStr), szExpr, pExState->ExLen + 1);
MemUnLock (pExState->hExStr);
MemUnLock (*phTM);
return (DoParse (phTM, radix, fCase, fXForm, pEnd));
/*** DoParse - parse expression
* error = DoParse (phTM, radix, fCase, pEnd)
* Entry phTM = pointer to handle to TM
* radix = numberic radix for conversions
* fCase = case sensitive search if TRUE
* fXForm = allow transforming template names to canonical form
* pEnd = pointer to ulong for index of char that ended parse
* Exit expression parsed
* pExState->hExStr = handle of expression string
* pExState->ExLen = length of expression string
* *pEnd = index of character that terminated parse
* Returns EENOERROR if expression parsed without error
* EECATASTROPHIC if parser was unable to initialize
* EEGENERAL if syntax error in expression
DoParse (
uint radix,
bool_t fCase,
bool_t fXForm,
ulong *pEnd
ulong len;
DTI dti;
pExState = (pexstate_t)MemLock (*phTM);
pExState->radix = radix;
pExState->state.fCase = fCase;
pExState->state.f32bit = TRUE;
len = sizeof (stree_t) + NODE_DEFAULT + NSTACK_MAX * sizeof (bnode_t);
if ((pExState->hSTree = MemAllocate (len)) == 0) {
// clean up if error in allocation of syntax tree buffer
MemUnLock (*phTM);
EEFreeTM (phTM);
else {
memset ((pTree = (pstree_t) MemLock (pExState->hSTree)), 0, len);
pTree->size = len;
pTree->stack_base = sizeof (stree_t) + NODE_DEFAULT;
// note that stack_next is zero from memset above
pTree->node_next = pTree->start_node = offsetof (stree_t, nodebase);
// call the parser
// note that the expression state structure and the abstract syntax tree
// buffers are locked.
if ((error = FParseExpr (radix, fXForm)) == EECATASTROPHIC) {
// clean up if parser unable to initialize
MemUnLock (pExState->hSTree);
MemUnLock (*phTM);
EEFreeTM (phTM);
// compute the correct size of the abstract syntax tree buffer and
// reallocate the buffer to that size
len = pTree->node_next;
pTree->size = len;
MemUnLock (pExState->hSTree);
pExState->hSTree = MHMemReAlloc (pExState->hSTree, len);
*pEnd = pExState->strIndex;
MemUnLock (*phTM);
return (error);
/*** FParseExpr - Parse a C expression
* fSuccess = FParseExpr (radix);
* Entry radix = default numeric radix
* fXForm = allow transforming template names to canonical form
* Exit expression state structure updated
* Returns EENOERROR if expression was successfully parsed
* EENOMEMORY if out of memory
* EEGENERAL if parse error
* Description
* Lexes and parses the expression string into an abstract
* syntax tree.
FParseExpr (
uint radix,
bool_t fXForm
token_t tokOld;
token_t tokNext;
token_t tokT;
int pdepth = 0;
char *szExpr;
// allocate memory for shift-reduce stack if not already allocated
if (hSRStack == 0) {
UINT uSize = maxSRsp * sizeof (token_t);
if ((hSRStack = MemAllocate(uSize)) == 0) {
// unable to allocate space for shift reduce stack
} else {
// Zero the memory out
PVOID pv = MemLock(hSRStack);
if (pv) {
memset(pv, 0, uSize);
pSRStack = (token_t *)MemLock (hSRStack);
SRsp = maxSRsp;
// lock the expression buffer. Note that all exits from this
// routine must unlock the expression buffer and unlock
// the shift-reduce stack
pExStr = (char *) MemLock (pExState->hExStr);
// transform expression so that possible template names follow
// predefined naming conventions
if (fXForm && (error = XFormExpr(radix)) != EENOERROR) {
MemUnLock (hSRStack);
MemUnLock (pExState->hExStr);
return error;
szExpr = pExStr;
fdepth = 0;
// push the lowest-precedence terminal token on the shift-reduce stack
tokOld.opTok = OP_lowprec;
SRPUSH (tokOld);
// Fetch first token
while ((*szExpr == ' ') || (*szExpr == '\t')) {
if (*szExpr == 0) {
lexerr = ERR_SYNTAX;
tokNext.opTok = OP_badtok;
else if ((lexerr = GetToken ((uchar *)szExpr, &tokNext, radix,
SRCUR().opTok)) == ERR_NONE) {
// compute the index of the start of the first token from
// the beginning of the input
tokNext.iTokStart = (ulong)(tokNext.pbTok - pExStr);
// process tokens from the input string until either a bad token is
// encountered, an illegal combination of operators and operators occurrs
// or the end of string is found.
for (;;) {
if (tokNext.opTok == OP_badtok) {
if (lexerr != ERR_NONE) {
pExState->err_num = lexerr;
else {
pExState->err_num = ERR_SYNTAX;
error = EEGENERAL;
if (error != EENOERROR) {
if (pExState->err_num == ERR_NONE) {
pExState->err_num = ERR_SYNTAX;
if (SRsp == 0) {
// shift/reduce stack overflow
if (!GrowSR ()) {
pExState->err_num = ERR_TOOCOMPLEX;
error = EEGENERAL;
// Change increment and decrement operators to pre or post form.
// process opening parenthesis that is beginning of a function,
// cast expression or sizeof expression
if (tokNext.opTok == OP_incr) {
if (F[SRCUR().opTok] <= G[OP_incr]) {
tokNext.opTok = OP_preinc;
else {
tokNext.opTok = OP_postinc;
else if (tokNext.opTok == OP_decr) {
if (F[SRCUR().opTok] <= G[OP_decr]) {
tokNext.opTok = OP_predec;
else {
tokNext.opTok = OP_postdec;
else if (tokNext.opTok == OP_lcurly) {
ParseContext (&tokNext, &error);
else if ((tokNext.opTok == OP_lparen) &&
((SRCUR().opTok == OP_ident) ||
(tokOld.opTok == OP_rparen))) {
// If the next token is a left parenthesis and the
// shift/reduce top is an identifier or the previous
// token was a right paren "(*pfcn)(...)
tokNext.opTok = OP_function;
else if ((tokNext.opTok == OP_by || tokNext.opTok == OP_wo ||
tokNext.opTok == OP_dw) &&
(tokOld.opTok == OP_dot || tokOld.opTok == OP_pointsto)) {
// by, wo, dw following a '.' or '->' are probably struct
// members, not operators, so treat them as such (dolphin #977)
tokNext.opTok = OP_ident;
else if ((tokNext.opTok == OP_lparen) ||
((tokNext.opTok == OP_ident) &&
(SRCUR().opTok == OP_arg) && (fdepth > 0))) {
// we possibly have either a type string of the form (type) or an
// identifier which is the first token of an argument
switch (ParseTypeName (&tokNext, szExpr, radix, &error)) {
case PTN_nottype:
case PTN_error:
case PTN_typestr:
if (SRCUR().opTok == OP_sizeof) {
// sizeof (type string)
tokNext.opTok = OP_typestr;
else {
// OP_cast is a unary op. However, we will treat it as
// a binary op and put the type string onto the tree
// and change the current token to an OP_cast
tokT = tokNext;
tokT.opTok = OP_typestr;
if ((error = PushToken (&tokT)) != 0) {
tokNext.opTok = OP_cast;
case PTN_typefcn:
if (SRCUR().opTok == OP_sizeof) {
// sizeof (type string)(.... is an error
pExState->err_num = ERR_NOOPERAND;
error = EEGENERAL;
else {
// we have something of the form (type string)(....
// which is a cast. We will treat this as in the
// case above.
tokT = tokNext;
tokT.opTok = OP_typestr;
if ((error = PushToken (&tokT)) != 0)
tokNext.opTok = OP_cast;
case PTN_formal:
// let parser push as an argument
pExState->err_num = ERR_INTERNAL;
error = EEGENERAL;
if (error != 0) {
if ((tokOld.opTok == OP_function) || (tokOld.opTok == OP_lparen)) {
// increment paren depth to detect proper nesting
if (tokOld.opTok == OP_function) {
// increment function depth to allow comma terminated typestring
// arguments. Also initialize function argument counter
argcnt[fdepth++] = 0;
if (fdepth == FCNDEPTH) {
error = EEGENERAL;
if (tokNext.opTok != OP_rparen) {
// insert token for first argument onto stack
tokOld.opTok = OP_arg;
argcnt[fdepth - 1]++;
// this allows foo(const class &... and similar forms
goto kludge;
// Convert unary op to binary if necessary
if ((pExState->err_num =
CvtOp (&tokOld, &tokNext, pdepth)) != ERR_NONE) {
error = EEGENERAL;
if (tokNext.opTok == OP_execontext) {
// there is an identifier on top of the stack
// discard the identifier and keep the string in this token.
DASSERT(SRCUR().opTok == OP_ident);
tokNext.pbTok = SRCUR().pbTok;
tokNext.iTokStart = SRCUR().iTokStart;
tokNext.cbTok = (uchar)(tokNext.pbEnd - tokNext.pbTok);
szExpr = pExStr + tokNext.iTokStart;
// check for scan termination
if (((SRCUR().opTok == OP_lowprec) && (tokNext.opTok == OP_lowprec))) {
if ((pTree->stack_next != 1) || (SRsp != (ulong)(maxSRsp - 1)) ||
(pdepth != 0) || (fdepth != 0)) {
// statement did not reduce to a single node
pExState->err_num = ERR_SYNTAX;
error = EEGENERAL;
else {
pExState->strIndex = (ulong)(szExpr - pExStr);
pExState->state.parse_ok = TRUE;
if (pExState->hExStrSav) {
// compute value of strIndex for the saved string
pExState->strIndexSav = pExState->strIndex +
(pExState->ExLenSav - pExState->ExLen);
// process ) as either end of function or end of grouping
if (tokNext.opTok == OP_rparen) {
if ((SRCUR().opTok == OP_function) &&
(argcnt[fdepth - 1] == 0)) {
// For a function with no arguments, shift the end of
// arguments token onto the stack and convert the right
// parenthesis into the end of function token
tokOld.opTok = OP_endofargs;
tokNext.opTok = OP_fcnend;
else if (((SRCUR().opTok != OP_lparen) && (SRCUR().opTok != OP_arg))
&& ((SRSIZE() > 1) && SRPREV().opTok == OP_arg)) {
// For a function with one or more arguments, pop the last
// argument, shift the end of arguments token onto the stack
// and then convert the right parenthesis into the end of function
tokT = SRPOP();
if (tokT.opTok != OP_grouped) {
if ((error = PushToken (&tokT)) != 0) {
tokOld.opTok = OP_endofargs;
tokNext.opTok = OP_fcnend;
else if ( ((SRSIZE() > 1) && (SRPREV().opTok == OP_function)) &&
(SRCUR().opTok == OP_arg)) {
tokOld.opTok = OP_endofargs;
tokNext.opTok = OP_fcnend;
else if (
// Decide if we are really at the end of a nested
// function call. To do so we need to check the
// top 3 stack elements and see if the OP_function
// node is preceded by an OP_arg node (i.e., if the
// current function serves as an argument to another
// function call).
// Improper check generated internal error (dolphin 3404)
(SRSIZE() >= 3) &&
(SRPPREV().opTok == OP_arg) &&
(SRPREV().opTok == OP_function) &&
(SRCUR().opTok == OP_fcnend)) {
// handle nested function calls of the
// form fun1(arg1, fun2(arg2)) --caviar #3678
// treat this as a special case, otherwise
// the nested function call will reduce and the
// OP_arg node will become the stack top and
// OP_endofargs will *not* be pushed on the stack.
DASSERT (fdepth > 0); // must be a nested fcn call
// "reduce" the inner function call and
// push the function token on the parse tree
tokT = SRPOP();
tokT = SRPOP();
if ((error = PushToken (&tokT)) != 0) {
// "shift" the OP_endofargs token on the stack
tokOld.opTok = OP_endofargs;
tokNext.opTok = OP_fcnend;
if ((pExState->err_num =
CheckErr (SRCUR().opTok, tokNext.opTok, pdepth)) != ERR_NONE) {
error = EEGENERAL;
if (F[SRCUR().opTok] <= G[tokNext.opTok]) {
// Shift next token onto stack since it has higher precedence than token
// on top of the stack. Note that f values larger than g values mean higher
// precedence
if((SRCUR().opTok == OP_lparen) && (tokNext.opTok == OP_rparen)) {
// change the left paren on the stack to a grouping operator
// which will be discarded later. This is to solve the problem
// of (id)++ becoming a preincrement
SRCUR().opTok = OP_grouped;
else {
if ((tokNext.opTok == OP_rparen) || (tokNext.opTok == OP_fcnend)) {
if (pdepth-- < 0) {
pExState->err_num = ERR_MISSINGLP;
error = EEGENERAL;
// Skip token and trailing spaces in string
szExpr += tokNext.cbTok;
while ((*szExpr == ' ') || (*szExpr == '\t')) {
// save contents of next token in old token for later
tokOld = tokNext;
if (*szExpr) {
// If not at end of input
if ((lexerr = GetToken ((uchar *)szExpr, &tokNext, radix, SRCUR().opTok)) == ERR_NONE) {
tokNext.iTokStart = (ulong) (tokNext.pbTok - pExStr);
else {
tokNext.opTok = OP_lowprec;
tokNext.cbTok = 0;
else {
// Reduce ...
// This loop pops tokens off the stack while the token removed has
// lower precedence than the token remaining on the top of the stack.
// This has the effect of throwing away the right parenthesis of
// () and the right bracket of [] and pushing only the left paren or
// left bracket;
do {
// Pop off stack (struct copy)
tokT = SRPOP();
while (F[SRCUR().opTok] >= G[tokT.opTok]);
// Push onto RPN stack or whatever
if (tokT.opTok != OP_grouped) {
if ((error = PushToken (&tokT)) != 0) {
// unlock and free the shift-reduce stack and unlock the
// input string
MemUnLock (hSRStack);
MemUnLock (pExState->hExStr);
return (error);
bool_t GrowSR ()
ulong oldSRsp = maxSRsp;
HDEP hNew;
MemUnLock (hSRStack);
if ((hNew = MHMemReAlloc (hSRStack, (maxSRsp + SRSTACKGROW) * sizeof (token_t))) == 0) {
pSRStack = (ptoken_t) MemLock (hSRStack);
return (FALSE);
hSRStack = hNew;
pSRStack = (ptoken_t) MemLock (hSRStack);
memmove (((char *)pSRStack) + SRSTACKGROW * sizeof (token_t),
pSRStack, oldSRsp * sizeof (token_t));
return (TRUE);
/*** CvtOp - Convert a token from unary to binary if necessary
* error = CvtOp (ptokPrev, ptokNext, pdepth)
* Entry ptokPrev = pointer to previously fetched token
* ptokNext = pointer to token just fetched
* pdepth = parenthesis depth
* Exit ptokNext->opTok = binary form of operator if necessary
* Returns 0 if no error
* error index if error
* Because operator precedence parsing can't deal with ambiguous
* operators (such as '-': is it unary or binary?), this routine
* looks at the previous token to determine whether the operator
* is unary or binary.
* Note that ALL tokens come through here; this routine ignores
* tokens that have no ambiguity. The lexer will always return
* the unary form of the operator; thus, OP_fetch instead of
* OP_mult for '*'.
CvtOp (
ptoken_t ptokOld,
ptoken_t ptokNext,
ulong pdepth
if (ptokNext->opTok == OP_comma) {
if (pdepth == 0) {
ptokNext->opTok = OP_lowprec;
else {
if (ptokOld->opTok == OP_arg) {
// error if OP_arg followed immediately by a comma
pExState->err_num = ERR_SYNTAX;
return (EEGENERAL);
else {
ptokNext->opTok = OP_arg;
argcnt[pdepth - 1]++;
switch (ptokOld->opTok) {
case OP_ident:
case OP_hsym:
case OP_retval:
case OP_const:
case OP_rparen:
case OP_fcnend:
case OP_rbrack:
case OP_postinc:
case OP_postdec:
case OP_typestr:
// If the previous token was an identifier, a constant, or
// a right parenthesis or bracket, and the token is ambiguous,
// it is taken to be of the binary form.
switch (ptokNext->opTok) {
case OP_fetch:
ptokNext->opTok = OP_mult;
case OP_uplus:
ptokNext->opTok = OP_plus;
case OP_negate:
ptokNext->opTok = OP_minus;
case OP_addrof:
ptokNext->opTok = OP_and;
case OP_uscope:
ptokNext->opTok = OP_bscope;
case OP_bang:
if (ptokOld->opTok == OP_ident) {
ptokNext->opTok = OP_execontext;
return (ERR_NONE);
/*** CheckErr - Check for syntax errors which parser won't find
* err = CheckErr (op1, op2, pdepth)
* Entry op1 = (OP_...) token at top of shift-reduce stack
* op2 = (OP_...) token at head of input string
* pdepth = parenthesis nesting depth
* Returns error index
* Checks for errors which the parser is incapable of finding
* (since we use precedence functions rather than a matrix).
* Simple code, could probably be optimized.
CheckErr (
op_t op1,
op_t op2,
ulong pdepth
switch (op1) {
// Top token on shift-reduce stack
case OP_ident:
case OP_const:
case OP_retval:
if ((op2 == OP_ident) || (op2 == OP_const) || (op2 == OP_retval)) {
if ((op2 == OP_bang) || (op2 == OP_tilde)) {
return (ERR_SYNTAX);
case OP_lparen:
if (op2 == OP_rbrack) {
return (ERR_SYNTAX);
else if (op2 == OP_lowprec) {
case OP_rparen:
if ((op2 == OP_bang) || (op2 == OP_tilde)) {
return (ERR_SYNTAX);
case OP_lbrack:
if (op2 == OP_rparen) {
return (ERR_SYNTAX);
else if (op2 == OP_lowprec) {
case OP_rbrack:
if ((op2 == OP_ident) || (op2 == OP_lparen) || (op2 == OP_retval)) {
if ((op2 == OP_bang) || (op2 == OP_tilde)) {
return (ERR_SYNTAX);
case OP_lowprec:
if (op2 == OP_rparen) {
else if (op2 == OP_rbrack) {
else if (op2 == OP_rcurly) {
else if ((op2 == OP_lowprec) && (pdepth != 0)) {
return (ERR_SYNTAX);
return (ERR_NONE);
/** ParseTypeName - Parse a type name (e.g., "(int)")
* value = ParseTypeName (pn, szExpr, radix, perror)
* Entry pn = pointer to initial token
* szExpr = pointer to expression
* radix = radix for numeric constants
* perror = pointer to error return
* Exit pExState->err-num = ERR_MISSINGRP if end of string encountered
* *perror = EEGENERAL if end of string encountered
* token pointers in pn updated if valid type name
* Returns PTN_error if error
* PTN_nottype if not a type string
* PTN_typefcn if (type string)(......
* PTN_typestr if (type string){ident | constant | op}
* PTN_formal if ...typestring, or ...typestring)
* Examines string for possible type strings
* Note that the actual type flags are not set in the node.
* This is left to the bind phase.
ParseTypeName (
ptoken_t ptokEntry,
char *szExpr,
uint radix,
EESTATUS *perror
enum {
token_t tokNext;
char *pParen;
bool_t ParenReq;
ulong state = PT_S0;
op_t tokTerm;
char *pId = 0;
ulong lenId = 0;
// Save entry token for later update if this is a type string
tokNext = *ptokEntry;
// if the initial character is a ( then the termination must be a )
ParenReq = (*szExpr == '(')? TRUE: FALSE;
// check tokens up to next right parenthesis or comma. There are the
// following cases:
// 1. (token)
// token can be either an identifier or a type name.
// If opprev is OP_sizeof, call it an identifier and let the
// binder detect that is a type string. If the token after the
// ')' is a constant, identifier or '(' then '(token)' must be a
// cast.
// 2. (token op token)
// This can only be an expression
// 3. (token token...)
// This can only be a type. Let the binder evaluate it to a type
// 4. (token op)
// if op is * or & then it is a type. Otherwise, it is an expression
// 5. (op token)
// This can only be an expression
for (;;) {
// Skip token and trailing spaces in string
if ((state != PT_S0) || (ParenReq == TRUE)) {
// skip the previous token or skip the initial paren if
// this is the first time through the loop
szExpr += tokNext.cbTok;
while ((*szExpr == ' ') || (*szExpr == '\t')) {
if (*szExpr != 0) {
if ((GetToken ((uchar *)szExpr, &tokNext, radix, OP_lowprec) != ERR_NONE) ||
(tokNext.opTok == OP_badtok)) {
pExState->err_num = ERR_SYNTAX;
*perror = EEGENERAL;
return (PTN_error);
else {
// flag end of statement
tokNext.opTok = OP_lowprec;
switch (state) {
case PT_S0:
// state 0 looks at the first token and and if it is an
// identifier, continues the scan
switch (tokNext.opTok) {
case OP_ident:
//save id name and length
pId = tokNext.pbTok;
lenId = tokNext.cbTok;
case OP_hsym:
// 'token' can be either type or expression
state = PT_S1;
// let parser handle everything else
return (PTN_nottype);
case PT_S1:
// state 1 looks at the token after the initial identifier
switch (tokNext.opTok) {
case OP_rparen:
if (ParenReq) {
// go to state that will examine token after ')'
// to see if (token) is a cast or expression.
// save location of ')'
pParen = szExpr;
state = PT_S3;
else {
// we have ...token) which must be an argument
return (PTN_nottype);
case OP_comma:
if (ParenReq) {
// if the opening character was a '(', then
// a ',' is an error
return (PTN_error);
else {
// if we have "...token," then it must be an expression
return (PTN_nottype);
case OP_ident:
case OP_hsym:
// '(token token...' must be a type string
// enter the state that is looking for the terminating
// ')' or ','
state = PT_S4;
case OP_fetch:
case OP_addrof:
// '(token *' or '(token &' can be expression or type
// go to state where we are looking for ident, ')'
// or ','
state = PT_S2;
case OP_bscope:
case OP_uscope:
// '(token::'
// this may be a nested class name in a type string
state = PT_S6;
// '(token op' must be an expression
return (PTN_nottype);
case PT_S2:
// state 2 looks at the token after an ambiguous operator
// if the token is '*' or '&', then the string is a type string
switch (tokNext.opTok) {
case OP_rparen:
// '...token *)' or '...token &)' is a type string
pParen = tokNext.pbTok;
tokTerm = tokNext.opTok;
state = PT_S5;
case OP_comma:
if (ParenReq) {
// an string of the form '(token *,' is an error
// because the function processing has already
// processed the opening paren
return (PTN_error);
// 'token *,' or 'token &,' is a type string
ptokEntry->pbEnd = szExpr;
ptokEntry->cbTok = (uchar)(ptokEntry->pbEnd - ptokEntry->pbTok);
return (PTN_formal);
// '(token * ...' or '(token & ...' must be an expr
return (PTN_nottype);
case PT_S3:
// we have found '(token)...' We now look at the next
// token to determine if we have type string or the parenthesized
// name of a function call or pointer to function
if (pId) {
// if token is a simple type treat is as a type cast
// (caviar #3836 --gdp 10/4/92)
uchar (*p)[11];
bool_t cmpflag;
cmpflag = 1;
for (p = SimpleTypeName; p[0][0] != 0; p++) {
if ((p[0][0] == (uchar)lenId) &&
((cmpflag = _tcsncmp ((char *)&p[0][1], pId, lenId)) == 0)) {
if (cmpflag == 0) {
// reset parse to ')' at end of type string
ptokEntry->pbEnd = ++pParen;
ptokEntry->cbTok = (uchar)(ptokEntry->pbEnd - ptokEntry->pbTok);
return (PTN_typestr);
switch (tokNext.opTok) {
case OP_const:
case OP_ident:
case OP_hsym:
case OP_lparen:
case OP_sizeof:
case OP_bang:
case OP_tilde:
case OP_uscope:
case OP_context:
// reset parse to ')' at end of type string
ptokEntry->pbEnd = ++pParen;
ptokEntry->cbTok = (uchar)(ptokEntry->pbEnd - ptokEntry->pbTok);
if (tokNext.opTok == OP_lparen) {
return (PTN_typefcn);
else {
return (PTN_typestr);
// '(token) op ...' is an expression not a type
// note that we for the operators + - * &
// we assume the binary forms. If the user wants
// to cast these then the operand must be in (...)
// for example (type)(+var)
return (PTN_nottype);
case PT_S4:
// state 4 looks for the terminating ')' or ',' at the end
// of a type string
switch (tokNext.opTok) {
case OP_lowprec:
// end of statement without ')' or ','
pExState->err_num = ERR_MISSINGRP;
*perror = EEGENERAL;
return (PTN_error);
case OP_rparen:
// save location of ')' and set state to look
// the next token
pParen = szExpr;
tokTerm = tokNext.opTok;
state = PT_S5;
case OP_comma:
ptokEntry->pbEnd = szExpr;
ptokEntry->cbTok = (uchar)(ptokEntry->pbEnd - ptokEntry->pbTok);
return (PTN_formal);
// loop to closing )
case PT_S5:
// we know we have a type string. Set the end of string
// to the closing ). If the next token is ( then the type
// string is functional style, i.e. (type)(....). Otherwise,
// it is a normal typestring '(type)token.....' or '(token)\0'
if (ParenReq) {
ptokEntry->pbEnd = ++pParen;
else {
ptokEntry->pbEnd = pParen;
ptokEntry->cbTok = (uchar)(ptokEntry->pbEnd - ptokEntry->pbTok);
switch (tokNext.opTok) {
case OP_lparen:
// (typestr)(...
return (PTN_typefcn);
if (ParenReq) {
return (PTN_typestr);
else {
return (PTN_formal);
case PT_S6:
// state PT_S6 accepts only identifiers
// that follow a "token::token:: ... token::' string
// which may represent a nested class name in a type
// string
switch (tokNext.opTok) {
case OP_ident:
case OP_hsym:
state = PT_S1;
// let the parser handle this case
return PTN_nottype;
/** XFormExpr -- Transform expression for template support
* value = XFormExpr (radix)
* Entry radix = radix for numeric constants
* pExStr = locked pointer to expression string
* Exit pExStr transformed and reallocated if necessary
* pExStrSav points to original string if pExStr was transformed
* Reurns
* Examines string for potential template class names. It is
* considered adequate to look for matching <>'s that are
* preceded by an identifier and do not contain operators like
* && and ||.
* If it finds substrings that satisfy these criteria it transforms
* them as follows:
* -strips spaces
* -changes radix of int constants to decimal
* -removes suffixes from constants
* -converts character literals to decimal constants
* -reallocates the string buffer if necessary
* The original expression string may be saved if necessary (so that
* it can be used by EEGetExprFromTM)
#define MAXBUFSZ 255 /* size of static buffer for template parsing */
#define MAXDIG (1+10) /* max number of digits for a long in the form <sign><abs_val> */
enum {
XFormExpr (
uint radix
token_t tokNext;
TCHAR *szExpr;
TCHAR *szTmpl;
int ndepth;
int nBuf;
static TCHAR buf[MAXBUFSZ+1];
BOOL fFound = FALSE;
BOOL fUnsigned;
int count;
int state = XF_S0;
QUAD val;
UQUAD uval;
op_t opTokPrev;
tokNext.opTok = (op_t) 0;
for (szExpr = pExStr; *szExpr ; szExpr += tokNext.cbTok) {
// Skip token and trailing spaces in string
while ((*szExpr == _T(' ')) || (*szExpr == _T('\t'))) {
opTokPrev = tokNext.opTok;
if (((GetDBToken ((uchar *)szExpr, &tokNext, radix, OP_lowprec) != ERR_NONE) ||
tokNext.opTok == OP_badtok)) {
//if something goes wrong do not continue transformation
//let the actual parsing catch the error
switch (state) {
BOOL fCopyToBuf;
case XF_S0:
// state 0 looks at the first token and and if it is an
// identifier, moves to state S1
if (tokNext.opTok == OP_ident) {
state = XF_S1;
case XF_S1:
// state 1 checks if the token after the initial identifier
// is a '<'
if (tokNext.opTok == OP_lt) {
TCHAR *pch;
// mark the beginning of the template name
szTmpl = szExpr;
// include preceding spaces in szTmpl
while (pExStr < szTmpl && *(pch = _tcsdec(pExStr, szTmpl)) == _T(' '))
szTmpl = pch;
nBuf = 0;
buf[nBuf++] = _T('<');
ndepth = 1;
state = XF_S2;
else {
state = XF_S0;
case XF_S2:
// state 2 checks for matching '>'
fCopyToBuf = FALSE;
switch (tokNext.opTok) {
case OP_ident:
if (opTokPrev == OP_ident) {
if (nBuf + 1 > MAXBUFSZ)
state = XF_S0;
buf[nBuf++] = _T(' ');
fCopyToBuf = TRUE;
case OP_gt:
// in this case we should put '>' to buf
// but we should avoid putting two '>'
// without a space between them because
// they would form the rshift operator
if (nBuf + 2 > MAXBUFSZ) {
// expression too long
// assume it is not a template
state = XF_S0;
else {
if (buf[nBuf-1] == _T('>')) {
buf[nBuf++] = _T(' ');
buf[nBuf++] = _T('>');
if (--ndepth == 0) {
// we have found a potential template class name
int diff = (int)(nBuf - (szExpr - szTmpl + 1));
int nExpr = (int)(szExpr - pExStr);
int nTmpl = (int)(szTmpl - pExStr);
HDEP hStr;
if (! fFound) {
char *pExStrSav;
// keep a copy of the original string
// in order to preserve the template class name
// (to be used by routines lile EEGetExprFromTM)
if ((pExState->hExStrSav = MemAllocate ((pExState->ExLenSav = pExState->ExLen) + 1)) == 0) {
pExState->err_num = ERR_NOMEMORY;
return (EEGENERAL);
pExStrSav = (char *) MemLock (pExState->hExStrSav);
memcpy (pExStrSav, pExStr, pExState->ExLen+1);
pExStrSav[pExState->ExLen] = 0;
MemUnLock (pExState->hExStrSav);
fFound = TRUE;
buf[nBuf] = '\0';
if (diff != 0) {
int newsz = _tcslen(pExStr) * sizeof(TCHAR) + diff +1;
szExpr = pExStr + nExpr;
szTmpl = pExStr + nTmpl;
if (diff < 0) {
memmove (szExpr+diff, szExpr, (_tcslen(szExpr)+1) * sizeof (TCHAR));
memmove (szTmpl, buf, nBuf * sizeof(TCHAR));
szExpr += diff;
MemUnLock (pExState->hExStr);
hStr = MHMemReAlloc (pExState->hExStr, newsz);
if (hStr == 0){
// restore pExStr
pExStr = (char *) MemLock (pExState->hExStr);
pExState->err_num = ERR_NOMEMORY;
return (EEGENERAL);
pExState->hExStr = hStr;
pExState->ExLen += diff;
pExState->strIndex += diff;
pExStr = (char *) MemLock (pExState->hExStr);
szExpr = pExStr + nExpr;
szTmpl = pExStr + nTmpl;
if (diff > 0) {
memmove (szExpr+diff, szExpr, (_tcslen(szExpr)+1) * sizeof (TCHAR));
memmove (szTmpl, buf, nBuf * sizeof (TCHAR));
szExpr += diff;
else { // diff == 0
memmove (szTmpl, buf, nBuf * sizeof (TCHAR));
state = XF_S0;
case OP_const:
// put constant in buffer using base10 representation
fUnsigned = FALSE;
switch (tokNext.typ) {
case T_CHAR:
case T_RCHAR:
val = (QUAD) tokNext.val.vchar;
case T_INT2:
case T_SHORT:
val = (QUAD) tokNext.val.vshort;
case T_INT4:
case T_LONG:
val = (QUAD) tokNext.val.vlong;
case T_INT8:
case T_QUAD:
val = tokNext.val.vquad;
case T_UCHAR:
uval = (UQUAD) tokNext.val.vuchar;
fUnsigned = TRUE;
case T_UINT2:
case T_USHORT:
uval = (UQUAD) tokNext.val.vushort;
fUnsigned = TRUE;
case T_UINT4:
case T_ULONG:
uval = (UQUAD) tokNext.val.vulong;
fUnsigned = TRUE;
case T_UINT8:
case T_UQUAD:
uval = tokNext.val.vuquad;
fUnsigned = TRUE;
// floating point constants, strings, etc
// copy as is
fCopyToBuf = TRUE;
if (!fCopyToBuf) {
// we have a constant that should be transformed
char localBuf[MAXDIG+1]; // use local buf for sprintf
if (nBuf > MAXBUFSZ - MAXDIG) {
// assume expression too complex to be
// a template
state = XF_S0;
szExpr = szTmpl;
count = fUnsigned?
sprintf(localBuf,"%I64d", val);
memcpy(buf+nBuf, localBuf, count);
if (count > 0)
nBuf += count;
case OP_oror:
case OP_andand:
// We do not allow these operators in
// canonicalized template names
state = XF_S0;
case OP_lt:
fCopyToBuf = TRUE;
if (fCopyToBuf) {
// copy token to template buffer
if (nBuf + tokNext.cbTok > MAXBUFSZ) {
// expression too long
// assume it is not a template
state = XF_S0;
else {
memcpy (buf+nBuf,szExpr, tokNext.cbTok);
nBuf += tokNext.cbTok;
pExState->err_num = ERR_INTERNAL;
/** ParseContext - Parse a context description {...}
* flag = ParseContext (pn, perror)
* Entry pn = Pointer to token containing {
* Exit perror = ERR_BADCONTEXT if end of string encountered
* token pointers in pn updated if valid context
* Returns none
* Examines type string for primitive types such as "int", "long",
* etc. Also checks for "struct" keyword. Note that the actual type
* flags are not set in the node. This is left to the evaluation phase.
ParseContext (
ptoken_t ptokNext,
EESTATUS *perror
char *pb;
char *pbSave;
char *pbCurly;
BOOL fInQuote = FALSE;
// Initialization.
pb = pbSave = ptokNext->pbTok + 1 - ptokNext->cbTok;
#ifndef _SBCS
while (_istspace( *(_TUCHAR *)pb )) {
pb = (char *)_tcsinc( (TCHAR *)pb );
#else // !_SBCS
while (isspace(*pb))
#endif // !_SBCS
DASSERT (*pb == '{');
// Save position and skip '{'
pbCurly = pb++;
// skip to closing }
while ( (*pb != 0) && ((*pb != '}') || fInQuote) )
if (*pb == '\"')
fInQuote = !fInQuote;
#ifndef _SBCS
pb = (char *)_tcsinc( (TCHAR *)pb );
#else // !_SBCS
#endif // !_SBCS
ptokNext->cbTok = (uchar)(pb - pbCurly + 1);
ptokNext->opTok = OP_context;
if (*pb != '}' || fInQuote) {
pExState->err_num = ERR_BADCONTEXT;
*perror = EEGENERAL;
/*** GetToken - Fetch next token from expression string and support
* parsing of template class names.
* status = GetToken (pbExpr, ptoken, radix, oper)
* Entry pbExpr = far pointer to expression string
* ptoken = pointer to token return location
* radix = default radix for numeric conversion
* oper = previous operator
* Exit *ptoken = token as lexed from input string. If an
* error occurred, the token will be of type OP_badtok.
* If the token is a constant, its value will be determined and
* placed in the token's 'val' field, and its type
* (e.g., T_USHORT) will be placed in the token's 'typ' field.
* If the previous operator is ., ->, ::, then ~ as the next
* character is taken to be part of an identifier
* If the token is an identifier and the next token is OP_lt
* it looks for a matching OP_gt that would form a template
* class name.
* Returns ERR_NONE if no error
* ERR_... if error encountered in parse
* This is a wrapper of GetDBToken in order to facilitate
* template support.
GetToken (
uchar *pbExpr,
ptoken_t pTok,
uint radix,
op_t oper
ulong error;
uchar * szExpr = pbExpr;
token_t tokNext;
char prev;
if ( (error = GetDBToken (szExpr, pTok, radix, oper)) != ERR_NONE ||
pTok->opTok != OP_ident) {
return error;
szExpr += pTok->cbTok;
if (*szExpr &&
GetDBToken (szExpr, &tokNext, radix, OP_lowprec) == ERR_NONE &&
tokNext.opTok == OP_lt) {
int ndepth = 1;
szExpr += tokNext.cbTok;
// find matching '>'
while ((prev = *szExpr) != 0) {
szExpr = (uchar *) _tcsinc( (TCHAR *) szExpr );
switch (*szExpr) {
case '>':
if (--ndepth == 0) {
// we have found a potential template class name
pTok->pbEnd = (char *) szExpr + 1;
pTok->cbTok = (uchar)(pTok->pbEnd - pTok->pbTok);
return ERR_NONE;
case '<':
case '|':
// We do not allow this operator in
// canonicalized template class names
goto end;
case '&':
// We do not allow the && operator in
// canonicalized template class names
if (prev == '&')
goto end;
return error;
/*** AEParseRule - Parse auto-expansion rule
* AE_t = AEParseRule (lsz)
* Entry lsz = null terminated pointer to a string describing
* the kind of expansion to be performed
* Returns AE_t
LSZ lsz
if (!_tcscmp (lsz, ",t")) {
// <,t> corresponds to a special specifier denoting
// derived-most class type display
return AE_downcasttype;
} else {
// regular case: lsz does not point to a special
// string, so the expansion rule defaults to creating
// a child TM
return AE_childTM;