Coding Style Guidelines


  1. Don’t use tabs
  2. Use a 4-space indent instead. Before you start writing code, make sure you enable your editor’s "map tabs to spaces" feature. In MSDEV, you can find this option by clicking "tools"=>"options"=>"tabs."

  3. Don’t use standard C runtime library functions
  4. We’ve got internal API’s for everything. So if you’re about to type "strcmp" ask your mentor or someone else what to use instead.

  5. Use Hungarian prefix notation when naming variables
  6. Any Windows programming book (e.g. Petzold’s Programming Windows 95) should have a discussion of this naming convention. Or you can just look around in the IE code base for examples.

  7. Miscellaneous
  8. Put a space between "if" and "(". Put a space between "switch" and "(". Don’t put a space between "foo" and "(".