/*** deblex.c - lexer module for expression evaluator * Lexer routines for expression evaluator. */ #include "debexpr.h" #include #include "ldouble.h" #include "locale.h" ulong ParseOp (uchar *, token_t *); ulong CanonOp (uchar *, ptoken_t); ulong ParseIntConst (uchar *, ptoken_t, uint, UQUAD *); ulong ParseFloatConst (uchar *, ptoken_t); ulong ParseIdent (uchar *, ptoken_t, bool_t); ulong ParseChar (uchar *, ptoken_t); ulong ParseString (uchar *, ptoken_t); ulong FakeIdent (uchar *pb, ptoken_t pTok); bool_t FInRadix (char, uint); struct Op { char str[5]; } SEGBASED (_segname("_CODE")) OpStr[] = { {"\x003""->*"}, {"\x003"">>="}, {"\x003""<<="}, {"\x002""+="}, {"\x002""-="}, {"\x002""*="}, {"\x002""/="}, {"\x002""%="}, {"\x002""^="}, {"\x002""&="}, {"\x002""|="}, {"\x002""<<"}, {"\x002"">>"}, {"\x002""=="}, {"\x002""!="}, {"\x002""<="}, {"\x002"">="}, {"\x002""&&"}, {"\x002""||"}, {"\x002""++"}, {"\x002""--"}, {"\x002""->"}, {"\x001""+"}, {"\x001""-"}, {"\x001""*"}, {"\x001""/"}, {"\x001""%"}, {"\x001""^"}, {"\x001""&"}, {"\x001""|"}, {"\x001""~"}, {"\x001""!"}, {"\x001""="}, {"\x001""<"}, {"\x001"">"}, {"\x001"","}, }; #define OPCNT (sizeof (OpStr)/sizeof (struct Op)) /*** GetDBToken - Fetch next token from expression string * status = GetDBToken (pbExpr, ptoken, radix, oper) * Entry pbExpr = far pointer to expression string * ptoken = pointer to token return location * radix = default radix for numeric conversion * oper = previous operator * Exit *ptoken = token as lexed from input string. If an * error occurred, the token will be of type OP_badtok. * If the token is a constant, its value will be determined and * placed in the token's 'val' field, and its type * (e.g., T_USHORT) will be placed in the token's 'typ' field. * If the previous operator is ., ->, ::, then ~ as the next * character is taken to be part of an identifier * Returns ERR_NONE if no error * ERR_... if error encountered in parse * Calls the appropriate routine to lex the input string. Handles: * foo Identifiers OP_ident * +, -, etc. Operators OP_... * 345 Decimal constants OP_const * 0123 Octal constants OP_const * 0xABCD Hexadecimal constants OP_const * 'a', '\n' Character constants OP_const * "foo" String constants OP_const * L"foo" Wide string constants OP_const * 3.45 Floating point constants OP_const * HSYM_MARKER handle to symbol follows OP_ident * The handle to symbol is a hack to make sure that an expression * can be generated from and locked to the handle to symbol that is * passed to EEGetTMFromHSYM by the kernel */ ulong GetDBToken (uchar *pbExpr, ptoken_t pTok, uint radix, op_t oper) { uchar c; uchar *pbSave = pbExpr; ulong error; uint tokLen; memset (pTok, 0, sizeof (token_t)); pTok->opTok = OP_badtok; pTok->pbTok = (char *)pbExpr; c = *pbExpr; if (c == '~') { switch (oper) { case OP_dot: case OP_pointsto: case OP_uscope: case OP_bscope: case OP_pmember: case OP_dotmember: error = ParseIdent (pbExpr, pTok, TRUE); tokLen = (uint) (pTok->pbEnd - pTok->pbTok); if ( tokLen > 255 ) // { error = ERR_SYNTAX; } else { pTok->cbTok = (uchar)tokLen; } return (error); } } if (_istdigit (c)) { error = ParseConst (pbExpr, pTok, radix); } else if ((c == '\'') || ((c == 'L') && (pbExpr[1] == '\''))) { error = ParseChar (pbExpr, pTok); } else if (((c == 'L') && (pbExpr[1] == '"')) || (c == '"')) { error = ParseString (pbExpr, pTok); } else if ((_istcsymf(c)) || (c == '?') || (c == '$') || (c == '@')) { error = ParseIdent (pbExpr, pTok, FALSE); } else if (c == '.') { c = *(pbExpr+1); if ( (c == 0) || (c == '+') || (c=='-') || (c==')')) { error = ParseIdent (pbExpr, pTok, FALSE); } else if (_istdigit(c) ) { error = ParseConst (pbExpr, pTok, radix); } else { error = ParseOp (pbExpr, pTok); } } else if (c == HSYM_MARKER) { error = FakeIdent (pbExpr, pTok); } else { error = ParseOp (pbExpr, pTok); } tokLen = (uint) (pTok->pbEnd - pTok->pbTok); if ( tokLen > 255 ) // { error = ERR_SYNTAX; } else { pTok->cbTok = (uchar)tokLen; } // note that caller must compute index of token return (error); } /** ParseConst - Parse an integer or floating point constant string * error = ParseConst (pb, pTok, radix); * Entry pb = far pointer to string * pTok = pointer to return token * radix = default radix for numeric conversion * Exit *pTok initialized for constant * pTok->pbEnd = end of token * Returns ERR_NONE if no error * ERR_... if error encountered */ ulong ParseConst (uchar *pb, ptoken_t pTok, uint radixin) { uint radix = radixin; bool_t fUSuffix = FALSE; bool_t fLSuffix = FALSE; bool_t fFitsInt = FALSE; bool_t fFitsUint = FALSE; bool_t fFitsLong = FALSE; bool_t fFitsULong = FALSE; bool_t fFitsQuad = FALSE; UQUAD value; CV_typ_t typ; ulong error; // check beginning of constant for radix specifiers if ((*pb == '0') && (*(pb + 1) != '.')) { pb++; if (_totupper (*pb) == 'X') { // Hex constant 0x....... radix = 16; ++pb; } else if (_totupper (*pb) == 'N') { // Decimal constant 0n....... radix = 10; ++pb; } else { // Octal constant 0........ radix = 8; --pb; } } // handle 0.xxx first: if (*pb == '.') { return (ParseFloatConst (pb, pTok)); // Handle asm constants [0-9]xxxh } else if (FInRadix(*pb, 10) && (error = ParseIntConst (pb, pTok, 16, &value)) == ERR_NONE && *pTok->pbEnd == 'h') { // it worked: keep it and skip over the U and L check. pb = pTok->pbEnd + 1; goto SkipUL; } else if (!FInRadix (*pb, radix)) { return (ERR_SYNTAX); } else if ((error = ParseIntConst (pb, pTok, radix, &value)) != ERR_NONE) { // error parsing as integer constant return (error); } else if ((*pTok->pbEnd == '.') || (_totupper (*pTok->pbEnd) == 'E')) { // Back up and reparse string as floating point return (ParseFloatConst (pb, pTok)); } // Check for the 'u' and 'l' modifiers. pb = (uchar *) pTok->pbEnd; if (_totupper(*pb) == 'U') { ++pb; fUSuffix = TRUE; if (_totupper(*pb) == 'L') { ++pb; fLSuffix = TRUE; } } else if (_totupper(*pb) == 'L') { ++pb; fLSuffix = TRUE; if (_totupper(*pb) == 'U') { ++pb; fUSuffix = TRUE; } } SkipUL: // ANSI spec, section // The type of an integer constant is the first of the corresponding // list in which its value can be represented. Unsuffixed decimal: // int, long int, unsigned long int; unsuffixed octal or hexadecimal: // int, unsigned int, long int, unsigned long int; suffixed by the // letter u or U: unsigned int, unsigned long int; suffixed by the // letter l or L: long int, unsigned long int; suffixed by both the // letters u or U and l or L: unsigned long int. if (value < 0x8000L) { fFitsInt = TRUE; } if (value < 0x10000L) { fFitsUint = TRUE; } if (value < 0x80000000L) { fFitsLong = TRUE; } if (value < (UQUAD) 0x100000000) { fFitsULong = TRUE; } if (value < (UQUAD) 0x800000000) { fFitsQuad = TRUE; } if (fFitsULong) { typ = T_ULONG; if ((fUSuffix) && (fLSuffix)) { ; } else if (pExState->state.f32bit) { if (fUSuffix) { typ = T_UINT4; } else if (fLSuffix) { if (fFitsLong) { typ = T_LONG; } } else { if (fFitsLong) { typ = T_INT4; } else if (radix != 10) { typ = T_UINT4; } } } else if (fUSuffix) { if (fFitsUint) { typ = T_UINT2; } } else if (fLSuffix) { if (fFitsLong) { typ = T_LONG; } } else { if (fFitsInt) { typ = T_INT2; } else if ((fFitsUint) && (radix != 10)) { typ = T_UINT2; } else if (fFitsLong) { typ = T_LONG; } } } else { // we have a 64 bit integral value. This can only // be T_QUAD or T_UQUAD, since "really 64bit int types" // i.e., T_INT8, T_UINT8, etc. are not supported by // the compiler (ints are 32 bits long in the 32 bit // world, and 16 bits long in the 16 bit world). typ = T_UQUAD; if (fFitsQuad && !fUSuffix) { typ = T_QUAD; } } pTok->typ = typ; pTok->opTok = OP_const; pTok->pbEnd = (char *) pb; VAL_UQUAD (pTok) = value; return (ERR_NONE); } /*** ParseIntConst - Parse an integer constant * error = ParseIntConst (pb, pTok, radix, pval) * Entry pb = pointer to pointer to input string * pTok = pointer to token return * radix = radix (8, 10, 16) * pval = pointer to ulong for value of constant * Exit pTok updated to reflect token * Returns ERR_NONE if the input string was successfully parsed as an integer * constant with the given radix * ERR_... if error. */ ulong ParseIntConst ( uchar *pb, ptoken_t pTok, uint radix, UQUAD *pval ) { uchar c; uint nextDigit ; UQUAD maxvalue = _UI64_MAX / radix; *pval = 0L; for (;;) { c = *pb; if (((radix > 10) && !_istxdigit (c)) || ((radix <= 10) && !_istdigit (c))) { // Must have reached the end break; } if (*pval > maxvalue) { // number will overflow return (ERR_CONSTANT); } if (!FInRadix(c, radix)) { return (ERR_SYNTAX); } *pval *= radix; if (_istdigit (c = *pb)) { nextDigit = (c - '0'); } else { nextDigit = (_totupper(c) - 'A' + 10); } if (( _UI64_MAX - *pval ) < nextDigit ) { // [cuda:3093 9th Apr 93 sanjays] - additional overflow chk reqd. // number will overflow. return (ERR_CONSTANT); } else { *pval += nextDigit ; } pb = (uchar *) _tcsinc((_TXCHAR *)pb); } pTok->pbEnd = (char *) pb; return (ERR_NONE); } /** ParseFloatConst - Parse a floating-point constant * fSuccess = ParseFloatConst (pb, pTok); * Entry pb = pointer to input string * pTok = pointer to parse token structure * Exit pTok updated to reflect floating point number if one * is found. * Returns ERR_NONE if no error encountered * ERR_... error */ ulong ParseFloatConst ( uchar *pb, ptoken_t pTok ) { char *pEnd; char chSave; CV_typ_t typ; int cbbuf; // check for a single '.' - strtold returns 0 in such a case if (((*pb == '.') && (!_istdigit (*(pb + 1)))) || ((cbbuf = _tcslen ((TCHAR *)pb)) >= 100)) { return (ERR_SYNTAX); } // Call strtold () to figure out the value. This will also // return a pointer to the first character which is not // part of the value -- this allows us to check for an // 'f' or 'l' suffix character: // ANSI, Section // "An unsuffixed floating constant has type double. // If suffixed by the letter f or F, it has type float. // If suffixed by the letter l or L, it has type long double." // always parse numbers in English (especially periods) setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "C" ); #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(_MIPS_) && !defined(_ALPHA_) && !defined(_IA64_) VAL_LDOUBLE(pTok) = LdFromSz (pb, &pEnd); #else #if defined(_MIPS_) || defined(_ALPHA_) || defined(_IA64_) VAL_DOUBLE(pTok) = _tcstod(pb, &pEnd); #else VAL_LDOUBLE(pTok) = _strtold (pb, &pEnd); #endif #endif setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "" ); // revert back to user locale if (pEnd == pb) { // Call to strtold () failed return (ERR_SYNTAX); } // Save and check char pb += pEnd - pb; chSave = *pb; if (_totupper (chSave) == 'F') { pb++; typ = T_REAL32; #if defined(_MIPS_) || defined(_ALPHA_) VAL_FLOAT(pTok) = (float) VAL_DOUBLE(pTok); #else VAL_FLOAT(pTok) = FloatFromFloat10 ( VAL_LDOUBLE(pTok) ); #endif } else if (_totupper(chSave) == 'L') { pb++; #if defined(_MIPS_) || defined(_ALPHA_) typ = T_REAL64; #else typ = T_REAL80; #endif } else { typ = T_REAL64; #if !defined(_MIPS_) && !defined(_ALPHA_) VAL_DOUBLE(pTok) = DoubleFromFloat10 ( VAL_LDOUBLE(pTok) ); #endif } pTok->opTok = OP_const; pTok->typ = typ; pTok->pbEnd = (char *) pb; return (ERR_NONE); } /*** FakeIdent - Fake an identifier from handle to symbol * error = FakeIdent (pb, pTok); * Entry pb = far pointer to string * pTok = pointer to return token * Exit *pTok initialized for identifier fro handle to symbol * pTok->pbEnd = end of token (first non-identifier character) * Returns ERR_NONE */ ulong FakeIdent (uchar *pb, ptoken_t pTok) { pTok->opTok = OP_hsym; pTok->pbEnd = (char *) (pb + sizeof (char) + HSYM_CODE_LEN); return (ERR_NONE); } /*** ParseIdent - Parse an identifier * error = ParseIdent (pb, pTok, fTilde); * Entry pb = far pointer to string * pTok = pointer to return token * fTilde = TRUE if ~ acceptable as first character * Exit *pTok initialized for identifier * pTok->pbEnd = end of token (first non-identifier character) * Returns ERR_NONE if no error * ERR_... if error encountered * Also handles the 'sizeof', 'by', 'wo' and 'dw' operators, since these * look like identifiers. */ ulong ParseIdent (uchar *pb, ptoken_t pTok, bool_t fTilde) { int len; if ( *pb == '.' ) { ++pb; pTok->opTok = OP_ident; pTok->pbEnd = (char*)pb; } else if ((_istcsymf(*pb)) || (*pb == '?') || (*pb == '$') || (*pb == '@') || ((*pb == '~') && (fTilde == TRUE))) { ++pb; while ((_istcsym(*pb)) || (*pb == '?') || (*pb == '$') || (*pb == '@')) { ++pb; } pTok->opTok = OP_ident; pTok->pbEnd = (char *) pb; } // Check for the 'operator', 'sizeof', 'by', 'wo' and 'dw' operators. if ((len = (int) (pTok->pbEnd - pTok->pbTok)) == 6) { if (_tcsncmp (pTok->pbTok, "sizeof", 6) == 0) { pTok->opTok = OP_sizeof; } } else if (len == 8) { if (_tcsncmp (pTok->pbTok, "operator", 8) == 0) { // allow for operator op return (CanonOp (pb, pTok)); } } else if (len == 2) { // Could be 'by', 'wo' or 'dw'... if (_tcsnicmp (pTok->pbTok, "BY", 2) == 0) { pTok->opTok = OP_by; } else if (_tcsnicmp (pTok->pbTok, "WO", 2) == 0) { pTok->opTok = OP_wo; } else if (_tcsnicmp (pTok->pbTok, "DW", 2) == 0) { pTok->opTok = OP_dw; } } // check for special token denoting return value of the // current function else if (len == 12) { if (_tcsnicmp (pTok->pbTok, "$ReturnValue", 12) == 0) { pTok->opTok = OP_retval; } } return (ERR_NONE); } /** CanonOp - canonicalize operator string * error = CanonOp (pb, pTok) * Entry pb = pointer to first character after "operator" * Exit string rewritten to ripple excess white space to the right * pTok updated to reflect total function name * pb points to '(' of function call * Returns ERR_NONE if no error * ERR_... if error */ ulong CanonOp (uchar *pb, ptoken_t pTok) { uchar *pOp = pb; uchar *pTemp; int i; while (_istspace (*pb)) { pb++; } if (*pb == 0) { return (ERR_SYNTAX); } if (_istalpha (*pb)) { // process new, delete // process // {[const &| volatile] id [const &| volatile]} // [{\*[const &| volatile]}*[{\&[const &| volatile]}]] // Note that the current code only processes a single id // new (), delete () and type () will pass. All others will // cause a syntax error later. pTemp = pb; while (_istalpha (*pTemp)) { // skip to end of alpha string pTemp++; } *pOp++ = ' '; memmove (pOp, pb, (size_t) (pTemp - pb)); pOp += pTemp - pb; pb = pTemp; } else if (*pb == '(') { // process "( )" pb++; while (*pb++ != ')') { if (!_istspace (*pb)) { return (ERR_SYNTAX); } } *pOp++ = '('; *pOp++ = ')'; } else if (*pb == '[') { // process "[ ]" pb++; while (*pb++ != ']') { if (!_istspace (*pb)) { return (ERR_SYNTAX); } } *pOp++ = '['; *pOp++ = ']'; } else { // process operator strings for ( i = 0; i < OPCNT; i++) { if (_tcsncmp (OpStr[i].str + 1, (_TXCHAR *) pb, OpStr[i].str[0]) == 0) { break; } } if (i == OPCNT) { return (ERR_SYNTAX); } memmove (pOp, OpStr[i].str + 1, OpStr[i].str[0]); pOp += OpStr[i].str[0]; pb += OpStr[i].str[0]; } // blank out moved characters pTok->pbEnd = (char *) pOp; while (pOp < pb) { *pOp++ = ' '; } // skip to the next token and check to make sure it is a ( // the zero check is to allow "bp operator +" while (_istspace (*pb)) { pb++; } if ((*pb == '(') || (*pb == 0)) { return (ERR_NONE); } else { return (ERR_SYNTAX); } } /** GetEscapedChar - Parse an escaped character * error = GetEscapedChar (ppb, pVal); * Entry ppb = far pointer to far pointer to string. ppb points to * character after the \ * Exit ppb updated to end of escaped character constant * *pVal = value of escaped character constant * Returns ERR_NONE if no error * ERR_... if error encountered */ ulong GetEscapedChar ( char * *ppb, ulong *pcbChar, ushort *pVal ) { char c; uint nval = 0; char *pbT = *ppb; c = (char)(**(TCHAR **)ppb); *ppb = _tcsinc (*ppb); *pcbChar = (ulong) (*ppb - pbT); switch (c) { case 'n': if (TargetMachine == mptmppc) *pVal = '\r'; else *pVal = '\n'; break; case 't': *pVal = '\t'; break; case 'b': *pVal = '\b'; break; case 'r': if (TargetMachine == mptmppc) *pVal = '\n'; else *pVal = '\r'; break; case 'f': *pVal = '\f'; break; case 'v': *pVal = '\v'; break; case 'a': *pVal = '\a'; break; case 'x': c = (char)(**(TCHAR **)ppb); if (!FInRadix (c, 16)) { return (ERR_SYNTAX); } for (;;) { c = (char)(**(TCHAR **)ppb); if (!FInRadix (c, 16)) { break; } nval *= 16; if (_istdigit ((_TUCHAR)c)) { nval += c - '0'; } else { nval += _totupper((_TUCHAR)c) - 'A' + 10; } if (nval > 255) { return (ERR_CONSTANT); } *ppb = _tcsinc (*ppb); } *pVal = (uchar)nval; break; default: if (FInRadix (c, 8)) { // Octal character constant nval = (c - '0'); for (;;) { c = (char)(**(TCHAR **)ppb); if (!_istdigit ((_TUCHAR)c)) { break; } if (!FInRadix (c, 8)) { return (ERR_SYNTAX); } nval = nval * 8 + (c - '0'); if (nval > 255) { return (ERR_CONSTANT); } *ppb = _tcsinc (*ppb); } *pVal = (uchar)nval; } else { *pVal = c; } break; } return (ERR_NONE); } /** ParseChar - Parse an character constant * error = ParseChar (pb, pTok); * Entry pb = far pointer to string * pTok = pointer to return token * Exit *pTok initialized for character constant * pTok->pbEnd = end of token * Returns ERR_NONE if no error * ERR_... if error encountered */ ulong ParseChar ( uchar *pb, ptoken_t pTok ) { unsigned int value = 0; ulong cbTotal = 0; ulong retval; if (*(TCHAR *)pb == _T('L') ) { // skip initial L if L' pb = (uchar *) _tcsinc ((_TXCHAR *) pb); } DASSERT( *(TCHAR *)pb == _T('\'') ); pb = (uchar *) _tcsinc ((_TXCHAR *)pb); if ((*(TCHAR *)pb == _T('\'') ) || (*(TCHAR *)pb == 0)) { return (ERR_SYNTAX); } while ((*(TCHAR *)pb != _T('\'') ) && (*(TCHAR *)pb != 0)) { uint c = 0; uchar * pbT; ulong cbChar; pbT = pb; pb = (uchar *) _tcsinc ((_TXCHAR *)pb); cbChar = (ulong) (pb - pbT); switch ( cbChar ) { case 1: c = *(uchar *)pbT; break; case 2: c = *(ushort *)pbT; break; default: pTok->opTok = OP_badtok; return ( ERR_CONSTANT ); } if ( c == _T('\\') ) { ushort escVal; // Escaped character constant if ((retval = GetEscapedChar ((_TXCHAR **)&pb, &cbChar, &escVal)) != ERR_NONE) { return (retval); } c = (TCHAR)escVal; } value = (value << (cbChar * 8)) | (ushort)c; cbTotal += cbChar; } if ( *(TCHAR *)pb != _T('\'') ) { return (ERR_MISSINGSQ); } pb = (uchar *) _tcsinc ((_TXCHAR *) pb); pTok->opTok = OP_const; switch ( cbTotal ) { case 1: VAL_CHAR(pTok) = (char) value; pTok->typ = T_RCHAR; break; case 2: VAL_SHORT(pTok) = (short)value; pTok->typ = T_SHORT; break; case 3: case 4: VAL_LONG(pTok) = (long)value; pTok->typ = T_LONG; break; default: pTok->opTok = OP_badtok; return ( ERR_CONSTANT ); } pTok->pbEnd = (char *) pb; return (ERR_NONE); } /** ParseString - Parse a string constant "..." or L"..." * error = ParseString (pb, pTok, fWide); * Entry pb = far pointer to string * pTok = pointer to return token * Exit *pTok initialized for string constant * pTok->pbEnd = end of token * Returns ERR_NONE if no error * ERR_... if error encountered * Note The string pointer will point to the initial " or L" * and the byte count will include beginning " or L" and the * ending ". The evaluator will have to adjust for the extra * characters and store the proper data. */ ulong ParseString (uchar *pb, ptoken_t pTok) { if (*pb =='L') { // skip initial L if L" pb++; } // skip initial " DASSERT (*pb == '"'); pb++; // search for ending double quote while ((*pb != 0) && (*pb != '"')) { if (*pb == '\\' && *(pb + 1) == '"') { pb++; } pb = (uchar *) _tcsinc((_TXCHAR *) pb); } if (!*pb) { // reached end of string return (ERR_MISSINGDQ); } pTok->opTok = OP_const; if (pExState->state.f32bit) { pTok->typ = T_32PRCHAR; } else { pTok->typ = T_PRCHAR; } pTok->pbEnd = (char *) (pb + 1); return (ERR_NONE); } /*** FInRadix - Is character appropriate for radix? * fOK = FInRadix (ch, radix) * Entry ch = character to check * radix = 8, 10, 16 * Exit none * Returns TRUE if character is in radix * FALSE if not. */ bool_t FInRadix (char ch, uint radix) { switch (radix) { case 8: if (ch >= '8' || ch < '0') { return (FALSE); } // Fall through case 10: return (_istdigit((_TUCHAR)ch)); case 16: return (_istxdigit((_TUCHAR)ch)); default: DASSERT (FALSE); return (FALSE); } }