!message NOTE: Must be running on NT-J for correct compilation of Japanese resources ! !IFNDEF DEBUG DEBUG=1 !ENDIF !IFNDEF JDATE JDATE=1 !ENDIF !IFNDEF CODEVIEW CODEVIEW=1 !ENDIF !IFNDEF TRANSLATE TRANSLATE=1 !ENDIF !IF "$(TRANSLATE)" == "1" # if build under NT-US, use "rt -h -cCOMMAND ...." # if build under NT-J, use "rt -cCOMMAND ...." J_RC=$(LOCALIZEDIR)\rt $(LOCALIZEDIR)\japan.lng debmsg.cr debmsg.rc !ELSE J_RC=copy debmsgj.rc debmsg.rc !ENDIF all: attrib -r debmsg.rc copy debmsg.rc debmsg.cr $(J_RC) copy debmsg.rc rc.out nmake DEBUG=$(DEBUG) CODEVIEW=$(CODEVIEW) copy debmsg.cr debmsg.rc