/*++ BUILD Version: 0002 // Increment this if a change has global effects Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: Res_str.h Abstract: This module contains the ids for loadable resource strings. Author: David J. Gilman (davegi) 21-Apr-92 Environment: Win32, User Mode */ #if ! defined( _RES_STR_ ) #define _RES_STR_ // BUGBUG - I'll take these out as soon as the QCQP button class is removed. // -kcarlos //Toolbar : Definitions for button's states #define STATE_NORMAL 0 #define STATE_PUSHED 1 #define STATE_GRAYED 2 #define STATE_ON 3 #ifdef RESOURCES #define RES_STR(a, b, c) b, c STRINGTABLE BEGIN #else enum _RESOURCEIDS { #define RES_STR(a, b, c) a = b, #endif // Error Messages #define ERR_Reserved0 0 #define ERR_Reserved1 1 #define ERR_Reserved2 2 RES_STR(ERR_File_Disk_Full, 1020, "There is not enough space on disk to save '%s' file") RES_STR(ERR_Assertion_Failed, 1021, "Assertion Failed") RES_STR(ERR_Init_Application, 1022, "Windows Debugger cannot be initialized") RES_STR(ERR_File_Name_Too_Long, 1023, "'%s' is too long for a filename") RES_STR(ERR_Internal_Error, 1024, "Internal Error. Please contact Microsoft Technical Support (%s)") RES_STR(ERR_File_Not_Found, 1025, "The file '%s' cannot be found") RES_STR(ERR_File_Open, 1026, "The file '%s' cannot be opened") RES_STR(ERR_File_Create, 1027, "The file '%s' cannot be created") RES_STR(ERR_File_Read, 1028, "The file '%s' cannot be read") RES_STR(ERR_File_Write, 1029, "The file '%s' cannot be written") RES_STR(ERR_TL_Cannot_Be_Overridden, 1030, "The Transport Layer cannot be overridden when debugging the kernel or a crash dump") RES_STR(ERR_TL_Both_Overrides, 1031, "-n and -N are mutually exclusive, and both switches have been ignored. Using the default Transport Layer.") RES_STR(ERR_TL_Cmd_Line_Opt_N, 1032, "-N is only supported by WindbgRM. For Windbg use the <.opt DllTl> from within the command window.") RES_STR(ERR_DumpInvalidFile, 1033, "Invalid dump file. Please run DUMPCHK.EXE.") RES_STR(ERR_DumpWrongPlatform, 1034, "Cross-platform debugging of dump files is not supported. Please run DUMPCHK.EXE.") RES_STR(ERR_File_Not_Open, 1035, "The file is not open") RES_STR(ERR_Ini_File_Read, 1036, "The options file cannot be read") RES_STR(ERR_Ini_File_Write, 1037, "The options file cannot be written") RES_STR(ERR_No_Remote_Pipe_Name, 1038, "The -s option requires a pipe name") RES_STR(ERR_No_TL_Selected, 1039, "No transport layer has been selected.") RES_STR(ERR_Transport_Doesnt_Exist, 1040, "The transport layer [%s] does not exist. Please select a valid transport layer.") RES_STR(ERR_Unable_To_Initialize_WorkSpaces,1041, "Unable to initialize the workspaces") RES_STR(ERR_Please_Select_A_TL, 1042, "Please select a transport layer.") RES_STR(ERR_Too_Many_Opened_Documents, 1045, "The maximum number of open windows has been reached") RES_STR(ERR_Too_Many_Opened_Views, 1046, "The maximum number of open windows has been reached") RES_STR(ERR_Cannot_Allocate_Memory, 1047, "Memory cannot be allocated") RES_STR(ERR_File_Already_Loaded, 1048, "File '%s' already loaded") RES_STR(ERR_Not_A_Text_File, 1049, "'%s' is not a text file") RES_STR(ERR_Change_Directory, 1055, "The current directory cannot be changed to '%s'") RES_STR(ERR_Change_Drive, 1056,"") RES_STR(ERR_Invalid_Command_Line_File, 1070, "The command line filename '%s' is invalid") RES_STR(ERR_Invalid_Command_Line, 1071, "Syntax error in command line") RES_STR(ERR_File_Is_ReadOnly, 1075, "File is read only") RES_STR(ERR_Clipboard_Overflow, 1077, "There is not enough room to paste from the Clipboard") RES_STR(ERR_Cant_Load, 1078, "Cannot load '%s'.") RES_STR(ERR_Line_Too_Long, 1079, "This line contains the maximum number of characters allowed") RES_STR(ERR_Modified_Document_Corrupted, 1080, "This file has been corrupted. Please save it with a new name, then exit and restart Windows Debugger") RES_STR(ERR_Document_Corrupted, 1081, "This file has been corrupted. Please exit and restart Windows Debugger") RES_STR(ERR_UndoRedoBufferTooSmall, 1082, "There is not enough space in the Undo buffer to save this action. Would you like to continue?") RES_STR(ERR_Truncate_Line, 1086, "Line #%u is too long and will be truncated. Do you want to continue?") RES_STR(ERR_Truncate_Doc, 1087, "There are too many lines in this file. The view will be truncated") RES_STR(ERR_Too_Many_Lines, 1088, "This file contains the maximum number of lines allowed") RES_STR(ERR_String_Not_Found, 1089, "The string '%s' was not found") RES_STR(ERR_No_DLL_Caller, 1092, "No Debuggee specified") RES_STR(ERR_Cannot_Load_DLL, 1094, "Cannot load the DLL '%s'\n%s") RES_STR(ERR_DLL_Symbol_Unspecified, 1095, "Symbol handler DLL unspecified") RES_STR(ERR_DLL_Expr_Unspecified, 1096, "Expression evaluator DLL unspecified") RES_STR(ERR_DLL_Transport_Unspecified, 1097, "Transport layer DLL unspecified") RES_STR(ERR_DLL_Exec_Unspecified, 1098, "Execution model DLL unspecified") RES_STR(ERR_No_RegExp_Match, 1099, "The regular expression '%s' was not found") RES_STR(ERR_Close_When_Debugging, 1100, "Debuggee still running. Do you still want to exit?") RES_STR(ERR_Duplicate_File_Name, 1101, "You cannot use the name of an open file.") RES_STR(ERR_RegExpr_Invalid, 1102, "'%s' is not a valid regular expression (invalid parameter).") RES_STR(ERR_RegExpr_Undef, 1103, "'%s' is not a valid regular expression (undefined operator).") RES_STR(ERR_Tabs_OutOfRange, 1104, "'Tab Stops' must be between %i and %i.") RES_STR(ERR_Cannot_Quit, 1107, "Cannot exit Windows Debugger.") RES_STR(ERR_Cannot_Create_Dlg, 1108, "Cannot create the dialog for the following reason:\n%s") RES_STR(ERR_Lost_Default_Font, 1203,"The default font '%s' has been removed from the system. It has been replaced by the font '%s'.") RES_STR(ERR_Lost_Font, 1204,"One or more fonts used are not available. The Default Font will be substitued for them.") RES_STR(ERR_Tab_Too_Big, 1205,"The new Tab Stop setting makes line %i of file '%s' too long. Enter a smaller value.") RES_STR(ERR_Memory_Is_Low, 1206,"The available memory is low. Close other applications or exit from Windows Debugger.") RES_STR(ERR_Memory_Is_Low_2, 1207,"The available memory is low. Please exit.") RES_STR(ERR_Invalid_Debugger_Dll, 1209,"Debugger DLL '%s' is invalid") RES_STR(ERR_Initializing_Debugger, 1210,"Debugger DLL '%s' cannot be initialized") RES_STR(ERR_AddrExpr_Invalid, 1211,"Invalid or unevaluatable address expression") RES_STR(ERR_RangeExpr_Invalid, 1212,"Invalid or unevaluatable range expression") RES_STR(ERR_Breakpoint_Not_Exist, 1214,"There is no breakpoint #%d") RES_STR(ERR_Breakpoint_Already_Used, 1215,"There is already a breakpoint #%d") RES_STR(ERR_Breakpoint_Not_Instantiated, 1216,"Breakpoint not instantiated") RES_STR(ERR_Debuggee_Not_Alive, 1217,"Debuggee is not alive") RES_STR(ERR_Process_Not_Exist, 1218,"Process does not exist") RES_STR(ERR_Exception_Invalid, 1219,"Invalid exception") RES_STR(ERR_Register_Invalid, 1220,"Invalid register") RES_STR(ERR_Command_Error, 1221,"Command Error") RES_STR(ERR_No_Breakpoints, 1222,"There are no breakpoints set") RES_STR(ERR_No_Threads, 1223,"No threads exist") RES_STR(ERR_Edit_Failed, 1224,"Unable to modify memory") RES_STR(ERR_Expr_Invalid, 1225,"Invalid or unevaluatable expression") RES_STR(ERR_Radix_Invalid, 1226,"Radix value must be 8, 10, or 16") RES_STR(ERR_String_Invalid, 1227,"Badly formed string") RES_STR(ERR_Bad_Count, 1228,"Bad count - use a positive decimal number") RES_STR(ERR_Bad_Assembly, 1229,"Cannot assemble input") RES_STR(ERR_Cant_Go_Exception, 1230,"Stopped at exception - use the gh or the gn command") RES_STR(ERR_Already_Running, 1231,"Thread is already running") RES_STR(ERR_Cant_Step_Frozen, 1232,"Cannot step through a frozen thread - only F5 is allowed") RES_STR(ERR_DbgState, 1233,"Debugger is busy...") RES_STR(ERR_Cant_Start_Proc, 1234,"Unable to start debuggee!") RES_STR(ERR_Cant_Cont_Exception, 1235,"INTERNAL ERROR: Exception failed to continue") RES_STR(ERR_Not_At_Exception, 1236,"Thread is not at an exception") RES_STR(ERR_Thread_Wild_Invalid, 1237,"Thread wildcard is invalid here") RES_STR(ERR_Process_Wild_Invalid, 1238,"Process wildcard is invalid here") RES_STR(ERR_Cant_Freeze, 1239,"INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot freeze thread") RES_STR(ERR_Cant_Thaw, 1240,"INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot thaw thread") RES_STR(ERR_Stop_B4_Restart, 1241,"Cannot restart while running") RES_STR(ERR_Thread_Exited, 1243,"Thread has exited") RES_STR(ERR_Cant_Continue_Rip, 1244,"INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot continue from RIP") RES_STR(ERR_Error_Level_Invalid, 1245,"Valid error levels are 0-3") RES_STR(ERR_Thread_Is_Frozen, 1246,"Thread is frozen") RES_STR(ERR_Thread_Not_Frozen, 1247,"Thread is not frozen") RES_STR(ERR_Cant_Step_Rip, 1248,"Only F5 is allowed at RIP") RES_STR(ERR_Cant_Assign_To_Reg, 1250,"You cannot change that register") RES_STR(ERR_Simple_Go_Frozen, 1251,"Only F5 is allowed on frozen thread") RES_STR(ERR_Cant_Run_Frozen_Proc, 1252,"Cannot run frozen process") RES_STR(ERR_Go_Failed, 1253,"Go command failed") RES_STR(ERR_Read_Failed_At, 1254,"Memory read failed at %s") RES_STR(ERR_Write_Failed_At, 1255,"Memory write failed at %s") RES_STR(ERR_No_Thread_With_Wildproc, 1256,"Cannot specify thread with process wildcard") RES_STR(ERR_Invalid_Option, 1257,"Invalid debug option") RES_STR(ERR_True_False, 1258,"Valid values are ON and OFF") RES_STR(ERR_Bad_Context, 1259,"Bad context string") RES_STR(ERR_Process_Cant_Go, 1260,"Cannot complete go command on any threads in that process") RES_STR(ERR_Debuggee_Starting, 1261,"Wait, debuggee is loading.") RES_STR(ERR_Invalid_Process_Id, 1262,"Invalid process ID %ld") RES_STR(ERR_Attach_Failed, 1263,"Attach failed") RES_STR(ERR_Detach_Failed, 1264,"Detach failed") RES_STR(ERR_Kill_Failed, 1265,"Kill failed") RES_STR(ERR_Debuggee_Not_Loaded, 1266,"No debuggee is loaded") RES_STR(ERR_No_ExceptionList, 1267,"Cannot obtain exception list") RES_STR(ERR_Not_Unique_Shortname, 1269,"Short name '%s' duplicates an existing name, and must be unique.") RES_STR(ERR_NoSymbols, 1272,"No Symbolic Info for Debuggee") RES_STR(ERR_Not_Windbg_DLL, 1274,"'%s' is not a valid WinDbg DLL") RES_STR(ERR_Wrong_DLL_Type, 1275,"The DLL '%s' is type '%2.2s', type '%2.2s' was expected") RES_STR(ERR_Wrong_DLL_Version, 1276,"DLL '%s' is release type %d, version %d. %d, %d was expected") RES_STR(ERR_Goto_Line, 1277,"Cannot understand line to go to") RES_STR(ERR_Function_Locate, 1278,"Cannot locate function or address") RES_STR(ERR_Dll_Key_Missing, 1280,"Windows Debugger tried to load %s, which is not listed\r\nas a %s DLL.") RES_STR(ERR_File_Deleted, 1281,"%s No longer exists on disk, use click Save from the File menu to restore it") RES_STR(ERR_Empty_Shortname, 1282,"You must enter a short name") RES_STR(ERR_Exception_Unknown, 1283,"Exception 0x%08lx unknown") RES_STR(ERR_NoCodeForFileLine, 1284,"Code not found, breakpoint not set") RES_STR(ERR_Breakpoint_Not_Set, 1285,"Breakpoint not set") RES_STR(ERR_Wrong_Remote_DLL_Version, 1286,"Remote transport DLL connecting to '%s' is the wrong version") RES_STR(ERR_Cannot_Connect, 1288,"Transport DLL '%s' cannot connect to remote computer") RES_STR(ERR_Cant_Open_Com_Port, 1289,"Remote transport cannot open comm port '%s'") RES_STR(ERR_Bad_Com_Parameters, 1390,"Remote transport cannot set comm parameters '%s'") RES_STR(ERR_Bad_Pipe_Server, 1391,"Remote transport cannot find named pipe server '%s'") RES_STR(ERR_Bad_Pipe_Name, 1392,"Remote transport cannot find named pipe '%s'") RES_STR(ERR_NoModulesFound, 1393,"No modules found") RES_STR(ERR_ModuleNotFound, 1394,"Module '%s' not found") RES_STR(ERR_BP_Edited, 1395,"Breakpoint was edited but was not added.\r\nAre you sure you want to leave without adding it?") RES_STR(ERR_Expclass_No_Members, 1396,"Expanded class with no members ") RES_STR(ERR_No_Funcs_In_Watch, 1397,"Function calls not supported in watch window ") RES_STR(ERR_Unable_To_Complete_Gountil, 1398,"Unable to complete Go-Until command") RES_STR(ERR_Start_Failed, 1399,"Start failed") // Memory win strings RES_STR(ERR_Expression_Not_Parsable, 1400,"Cannot parse expression") RES_STR(ERR_Expression_Not_Bindable, 1401,"Cannot bind expression") RES_STR(ERR_Memory_Context, 1402,"Memory object out of context") RES_STR(ERR_Cant_Modify_BP_While_Running, 1410,"Debuggee must be stopped before breakpoints can be modified.") RES_STR(ERR_Invalid_Crashdump_File, 1411,"Cannot initialize %s for crash dump analysis") RES_STR(ERR_Entries_Cant_be_blank, 1412,"Neither path entry can be blank.") // Error installing windbg as postmortem debugger RES_STR(ERR_Inst_Postmortem_Debugger, 1413,"An error occurred while trying to install Windows Debugger as the postmortem \ debugger. Please make sure [AEDebug] key exists in the registry and your account has permission to modify it.") // Attach to a process RES_STR(ERR_Invalid_Process_Name, 1414,"Invalid Process Name %s") // Error string used when validating a series of path separated by ';' RES_STR(ERR_Path_Too_Long, 1415,"The maximum length for a path is %d characters.\n Please truncate the following path:\n\n%s") RES_STR(ERR_Pipes_Not_Supported_On_Win9x, 1416,"The transport layer <%s> is currently in use, but it uses named pipes, which are not supported on Microsoft Windows 95/98. Windbg may not run correctly. Please select a transport layer that does not use %s.") RES_STR(ERR_Must_Supply_WrkSpc_Name, 1417,"Please specify a name for this work space.") RES_STR(ERR_Deleting_Registry_Key, 1418,"Unable to delete the registry key.") RES_STR(ERR_Not_YetImplemented, 1419,"Not yet implemented.") // System Strings RES_STR(SYS_Main_wTitle, 2000,"Windows Debugger:" VER_PRODUCTVERSION_STR " " ) RES_STR(SYS_Main_wClass, 2001,"QcQpClass") RES_STR(SYS_Child_wClass, 2002,"QcQpChildClass") #if !defined( NEW_WINDOWING_CODE ) RES_STR(SYS_Cmd_wClass, 2003,"CmdClass") RES_STR(SYS_Float_wClass, 2004,"FloatClass") RES_STR(SYS_Memory_wClass, 2005,"MemoryClass") RES_STR(SYS_Edit_wClass, 2006,"EditClass") RES_STR(SYS_Cpu_wClass, 2007,"CpuClass") RES_STR(SYS_Watch_wClass, 2008,"WatchClass") RES_STR(SYS_Locals_wClass, 2009,"LocalsClass") RES_STR(SYS_Disasm_wClass, 2010,"DisasmClass") #else RES_STR(SYS_NewCmd_wClass, 2003,"NewCmdClass") RES_STR(SYS_NewFloat_wClass, 2004,"NewFloatClass") RES_STR(SYS_NewMemory_wClass, 2005,"NewMemoryClass") RES_STR(SYS_NewEdit_wClass, 2006,"NewEditClass") RES_STR(SYS_NewCpu_wClass, 2007,"NewCpuClass") RES_STR(SYS_NewWatch_wClass, 2008,"NewWatchClass") RES_STR(SYS_NewLocals_wClass, 2009,"NewLocalsClass") RES_STR(SYS_NewCalls_wClass, 2010,"NewCallsClass") RES_STR(SYS_NewDocs_wClass, 2011,"NewDocsClass") RES_STR(SYS_NewDisasm_wClass, 2012,"NewDisasmClass") #endif RES_STR(SYS_QCQPCtrl_wClass, 2013,"QCQPCtrlClass") RES_STR(SYS_Driver_FileExt, 2014,"DRV") RES_STR(SYS_Help_FileExt, 2015,"HLP") RES_STR(SYS_Bad_Sym_Col_Hdr1, 2016,"Symbol File") RES_STR(SYS_Bad_Sym_Col_Hdr2, 2017,"Load Message") RES_STR(SYS_Bad_Sym_Col_Hdr3, 2018,"Extended Information") RES_STR(SYS_Image_Col_Hdr1, 2019,"Image File") RES_STR(SYS_Image_Col_Hdr2, 2020,"Time Stamp") RES_STR(SYS_Does_Not_Exist_Create, 2021,"'%s' does not exist.") RES_STR(SYS_Desc_For_TL_Created_From_Cmd_Wnd,2022,"TL created from within the command window") RES_STR(SYS_New_TL_Settings, 2023,"New TL [%s] parameters set: %s %s") RES_STR(SYS_StatusClear, 2024," ") RES_STR(SYS_CpuWin_Title, 2025,"&Registers") RES_STR(SYS_WatchWin_Title, 2026,"&Watch") RES_STR(SYS_LocalsWin_Title, 2027,"&Locals") RES_STR(SYS_DisasmWin_Title, 2028,"&Disassembly") RES_STR(SYS_CmdWin_Title, 2029,"C&ommand") RES_STR(SYS_FloatWin_Title, 2030,"&Floating Point") RES_STR(SYS_MemoryWin_Title, 2031,"Memory") RES_STR(SYS_Nb_Of_Occurrences_Replaced, 2032,"%i occurrence(s) have been replaced") RES_STR(SYS_File_Changed, 2033,"Another application has changed the file '%s'. Do you want to reload it?") RES_STR(SYS_Alt, 2034,"Alt") RES_STR(SYS_Shift, 2035,"Shift") RES_STR(SYS_Save_Changes_To, 2036,"Would you like to save the changes made in '%s'?") RES_STR(SYS_My_String, 2037,"%s") RES_STR(SYS_Warning, 2038,"Warning") RES_STR(SYS_New_Workspace_Prompt, 2039,"Current values in your workspace are about to be replaced by the default values. Do you wish to continue?") RES_STR(SYS_Free_Memory, 2043,"Cannot free memory") RES_STR(SYS_Lock_Memory, 2044,"Cannot lock memory") RES_STR(SYS_Untitled_File, 2049,"UNTITLED %d") RES_STR(SYS_Allocate_Memory, 2051, "") RES_STR(SYS_RedoBufferOverflow, 2052,"Redo Buffer Overflow") RES_STR(SYS_RegExpr_StackOverflow, 2053, "") RES_STR(SYS_RegExpr_CompileAction, 2054, "") RES_STR(SYS_RegExpr_EstimateAction, 2055, "") RES_STR(SYS_Done, 2058,"Done") RES_STR(SYS_Quick_wClass, 2059,"QuickClass") RES_STR(SYS_Untitled_Workspace, 2060,"Untitled") RES_STR(SYS_Calls_wClass, 2061,"CallsClass") RES_STR(SYS_CallsWin_Title, 2062,"&Calls") RES_STR(SYS_TRANSPORT_LAYER_COL_HDR1, 2063,"Name") RES_STR(SYS_TRANSPORT_LAYER_COL_HDR2, 2064,"Description") RES_STR(SYS_TRANSPORT_LAYER_COL_HDR3, 2065,"DLL") RES_STR(SYS_TRANSPORT_LAYER_COL_HDR4, 2066,"Params") RES_STR(SYS_SRC_ROOT_MAPPING_COL_HDR1, 2071,"Source") RES_STR(SYS_SRC_ROOT_MAPPING_COL_HDR2, 2072,"Mapped To") // Debugger strings RES_STR(DBG_Success_Inst_Postmortem_Debugger, 2200, "WinDbg has been installed as the default postmortem application debugger") RES_STR(DBG_Checksum_Mismatch, 2205,"sym 0x%08X img 0x%08X ") RES_STR(DBG_Timestamp_Mismatch, 2206,"sym 0x%08X img 0x%08X ") RES_STR(DBG_Exception1_Occurred, 2207,"First chance exception %08lx (%s) occurred") RES_STR(DBG_Exception2_Occurred, 2208,"Second chance exception %08lx (%s) occurred") RES_STR(DBG_Thread_Stopped, 2209,"Thread stopped.") RES_STR(DBG_Go_When_Frozen, 2210,"(Thread is still frozen)") RES_STR(DBG_Notify_Break_Levels, 2211,"Notify %d, break %d") RES_STR(DBG_Bytes_Copied, 2214,"%u of %u bytes copied") RES_STR(DBG_Symbol_Not_Found, 2215,"No symbol found") RES_STR(DBG_Not_Exact_Fill, 2216,"Range not divisible by object size -\r\nthe last byte will not be filled") RES_STR(DBG_Not_Exact_Fills, 2217,"Range not divisible by object size -\r\nlast %d bytes will not be filled") RES_STR(DBG_Attach_Running, 2218,"Process attached is running") RES_STR(DBG_Attach_Stopped, 2219,"Process attached is stopped") RES_STR(DBG_Bad_DLL_YESNO, 2220,"Invalid debugger DLL '%s'. Do you want to fix it now?") RES_STR(DBG_Deleting_DLL, 2221,"\ Deleting %s DLL configuration '%s'.\r\n\ If a workspace refers to this configuration, you\r\n\ you need to correct it when that workspace is next\r\n\ loaded. Press OK to delete, Cancel to keep it.") RES_STR(DBG_Losing_Command_Line, 2222,"Canceling command line '%s'") RES_STR(DBG_Attach_Deadlock, 2223,"\ The debuggee is deadlocked during startup or attaching\r\n\ to a crashed process. This is probably because the\r\n\ crash occurred in a DllMain function. You will be able\r\n\ to examine variables, the stack, etc., but the debuggee\r\n\ will probably not be able to step or run.") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_DebugInfo, 2224, "The file '%s'\r\n%s\r\n\r\nUse this file anyway?") RES_STR(DBG_Hard_Coded_Breakpoint, 2225, "Hard coded breakpoint hit") RES_STR(DBG_At_Entry_Point, 2226, "Stopped at program entry point") RES_STR(DBG_Default_Exception_Text, 2227, "Debugger will %s first chance exceptions not listed.\r\n") RES_STR(DBG_Default_Exception_Ignore, 2228, "ignore") RES_STR(DBG_Default_Exception_Stop, 2229, "stop for") RES_STR(DBG_Default_Exception_Notify, 2230, "announce and continue") RES_STR(DBG_Restart_With_New_Args, 2231, "Arguments have changed... Restart now with new arguments?") // Status Bar Messages RES_STR(STA_Program_Opened, 6100,"Opened the program %s") RES_STR(STA_Undo, 6160,"Undoing the action #%i") RES_STR(STA_Redo, 6170,"Redoing the action #%i") RES_STR(STA_End_Of_Undo, 6180,"Undo is complete") RES_STR(STA_End_Of_Redo, 6190,"Redo is complete") RES_STR(STA_Open_MRU_File, 6200,"Open this file") RES_STR(STA_Open_MRU_Project, 6210,"Open this project") RES_STR(STA_Open_MDI_Window, 6220,"Activate the window ") RES_STR(STA_Find_Hit_EOF, 6240,"End of file") RES_STR(STA_Loading_Workspace, 6241,"Loading workspace...") RES_STR(STA_Saving_Workspace, 6242,"Saving workspace...") RES_STR(STA_Empty, 6243," ") // Resource Strings // File-box title strings RES_STR(DLG_Open_Filebox_Title, 3200,"Open Source File") RES_STR(DLG_SaveAs_Filebox_Title, 3201,"Save As") RES_STR(DLG_Merge_Filebox_Title, 3202,"Merge") RES_STR(DLG_Browse_Filebox_Title, 3203,"Browse For File ") RES_STR(DLG_Browse_DbugDll_Title, 3204,"Browse For DLL ") RES_STR(DLG_Browse_For_Symbols_Title, 3205,"Open Symbol File For ") RES_STR(DLG_Browse_LogFile_Title, 3206,"Browse For Log File") RES_STR(DLG_Browse_Executable_Title, 3207,"Open Executable") RES_STR(DLG_Browse_CrashDump_Title, 3208,"Open Crash Dump") // Version string RES_STR(DLG_Version, 3210,"%d.%02d.%03d %s") RES_STR(DLG_VersionIni, 3211,"0021") // Dialog Boxes Strings // Dont insert // From here // These ID numbers // must be separated // by one and sorted // ascending // Up to there // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DLG_Cols_SourceWindow, 4001,"Source Window") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DLG_Cols_WatchWindow, 4002,"Watch Window") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DLG_Cols_LocalsWindow, 4003,"Locals Window") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DLG_Cols_CpuWindow, 4004,"Registers Window") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DLG_Cols_DisasmWindow, 4005,"Disassembler Window") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DLG_Cols_CommandWindow, 4006,"Command Window") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DLG_Cols_FloatWindow, 4007,"Floating Point Window") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DLG_Cols_MemoryWindow, 4008,"Memory Window") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DLG_Cols_CallsWindow, 4009,"Calls Window") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DLG_Cols_BreakpointLine, 4010,"Breakpoint Line") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DLG_Cols_CurrentLine, 4011,"Current Line") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DLG_Cols_TaggedLine, 4012,"Tagged Line") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DLG_Cols_Selection, 4013,"Text Selection") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DLG_Cols_Keyword, 4014,"Keyword") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DLG_Cols_Identifier, 4015,"Identifier") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DLG_Cols_Comment, 4016,"Comment") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DLG_Cols_Number, 4017,"Number") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DLG_Cols_Real, 4018,"Real") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DLG_Cols_String, 4019,"String") RES_STR(DLG_Cols_Freeze, 4020,"Free&ze") RES_STR(DLG_Cols_Thaw, 4021,"Tha&w") // Editor : Do not change the order without forcasting consequences // there is a link between the first several colors and the type of // the document in document structure #define DLG_Cols_First 0 // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(Cols_SourceWindow, 0, "") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(Cols_DummyWindow, 1, "") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(Cols_WatchWindow, 2, "") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(Cols_LocalsWindow, 3, "") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(Cols_CpuWindow, 4, "") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(Cols_DisasmWindow, 5, "") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(Cols_CommandWindow, 6, "") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(Cols_FloatWindow, 7, "") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(Cols_MemoryWindow, 8, "") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(Cols_CallsWindow, 9, "") RES_STR(Cols_BreakpointLine, 10,"") RES_STR(Cols_CurrentLine, 11, "") RES_STR(Cols_CurrentBreak, 12, "") RES_STR(Cols_UnInstantiatedBreakpoint, 13, "") RES_STR(Cols_TaggedLine, 14, "") RES_STR(Cols_Selection, 15, "") RES_STR(Cols_Keyword, 16, "") RES_STR(Cols_Identifier, 17, "") RES_STR(Cols_Comment, 18, "") RES_STR(Cols_Number, 19, "") RES_STR(Cols_Real, 20, "") RES_STR(Cols_String, 21, "") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(Cols_ActiveEdit, 22, "") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(Cols_ChangeHistory, 23, "") #define DLG_Cols_Last 23 // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DLG_Cols_Sample_Text, 4030, " -- Sample Text -- ") RES_STR(DLG_CloseText1, 4060,"Save state information for program %s") RES_STR(DLG_CloseText2, 4061,"(Current workspace: %s) ?") RES_STR(DLG_CannotUnload, 4062,"Unable to unload current program") RES_STR(DLG_NoSuchWorkSpace, 4063,"Specified workspace does not exist, loading Common.") RES_STR(DLG_Deleting_DLL_Title, 4064,"Confirm deletion of Transport Layer") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DLG_LoadedDefault, 4065,"Program has no workspace, loaded the Common workspace.") RES_STR(DLG_WorkSpaceSaved, 4066,"Workspace saved.") RES_STR(DLG_WorkSpaceNotSaved, 4067,"Could not save workspace.") RES_STR(DLG_DefaultSaved, 4068,"Common Workspace saved.") RES_STR(DLG_DefaultNotSaved, 4069,"Could not save Common Workspace.") RES_STR(DLG_NoMsg, 4080,"Must select a message") RES_STR(DLG_AddPathToSymSearchPath, 4081,"Would you like to add <%s> to the symbols search path?") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DLG_AlreadyAdded, 4090,"DLL already in list, use MODIFY to change settings") RES_STR(DLG_ResolveBpCaption, 4091,"Ambiguous Breakpoint") RES_STR(DLG_ResolveFuncCaption, 4092,"Ambiguous Expression") RES_STR(DLG_DefaultDoesNotExist, 4093,"Default workspace not found, using Common instead") RES_STR(DLG_ResolveFSCaption, 4094,"Ambiguous Source File Name") RES_STR(DLG_AskToSaveWorkspace, 4095,"Save current workspace?") // Environment text strings RES_STR(ENV_Include_Var_Name, 7010, "") RES_STR(ENV_Library_Var_Name, 7020, "") // Dos Exec Errors (Keep the resource # in accordance with error #) // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DOS_Err_0, 8000,"There is not enough memory to start the application") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DOS_Err_2, 8002,"Cannot find the application") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DOS_Err_3, 8003,"Cannot find the application on the specified path") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DOS_Err_5, 8005,"Cannot dynamically link to a task") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DOS_Err_6, 8006,"Library requires separate data segments for each task") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DOS_Err_10, 8010,"This is the incorrect Windows version for this application") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DOS_Err_11, 8011,"This is an invalid .EXE file (Non-Windows or error in image)") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DOS_Err_12, 8012,"Cannot run an OS/2 application") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DOS_Err_13, 8013,"Cannot run a DOS 4.0 application") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DOS_Err_14, 8014,"The application type is unknown") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DOS_Err_15, 8015,"Cannot run an Old Windows .EXE in protected mode") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DOS_Err_16, 8016,"Cannot run a second instance of an application containing multiple, writeable data segments") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DOS_Err_17, 8017,"Cannot run a second instance of this application in large-frame EMS mode") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DOS_Err_18, 8018,"Cannot run a protected-mode application in real mode") // Debug Menu option strings // Set Breakpoint Action listbox - do not change // numbering without changing the BREAKPOINTACTIONS // enumeration #define DBG_Brk_Start_Actions 9001 RES_STR(DBG_Brk_At_Loc, 9001,"Break at location") RES_STR(DBG_Brk_At_Loc_Expr_True, 9002,"Break at location if expression is true") RES_STR(DBG_Brk_At_Loc_Expr_Chgd, 9003,"Break at location if memory changes") RES_STR(DBG_Brk_Expr_True, 9004,"Break if expression is true") RES_STR(DBG_Brk_Expr_Chgd, 9005,"Break if memory changes") RES_STR(DBG_Brk_At_WndProc, 9006,"Break at window proc") RES_STR(DBG_Brk_At_WndProc_Expr_True, 9007,"Break at window proc if expression is true") RES_STR(DBG_Brk_At_WndProc_Expr_Chgd, 9008,"Break at window proc if memory changes") RES_STR(DBG_Brk_At_WndProc_Msg_Recvd, 9009,"Break at window proc if message received") #define DBG_Brk_End_Actions 9009 // Message strings for the message selection combobox // BUGBUG - Dead code // #define DBG_Msgs_Start 9020 // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_1, DBG_Msgs_Start, "WM_ACTIVATE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_2, DBG_Msgs_Start+1,"WM_ACTIVATEAPP") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_3, DBG_Msgs_Start+2,"WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_4, DBG_Msgs_Start+3,"WM_CANCELMODE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_5, DBG_Msgs_Start+4,"WM_CHANGECBCHAIN") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_6, DBG_Msgs_Start+5,"WM_CHAR") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_7, DBG_Msgs_Start+6,"WM_CHARTOITEM") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_8, DBG_Msgs_Start+7,"WM_CHILDACTIVATE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_9, DBG_Msgs_Start+8,"WM_CLEAR") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_10, DBG_Msgs_Start+9,"WM_CLOSE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_11, DBG_Msgs_Start+10,"WM_COMMAND") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_12, DBG_Msgs_Start+11,"WM_COMPACTING") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_13, DBG_Msgs_Start+12,"WM_COMPAREITEM") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_14, DBG_Msgs_Start+13,"WM_COPY") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_15, DBG_Msgs_Start+14,"WM_CREATE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_16, DBG_Msgs_Start+15,"WM_CTLCOLOR") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_17, DBG_Msgs_Start+16,"WM_CUT") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_18, DBG_Msgs_Start+17,"WM_DEADCHAR") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_19, DBG_Msgs_Start+18,"WM_DELETEITEM") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_20, DBG_Msgs_Start+19,"WM_DESTROY") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_21, DBG_Msgs_Start+20,"WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_22, DBG_Msgs_Start+21,"WM_DEVMODECHANGE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_23, DBG_Msgs_Start+22,"WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_24, DBG_Msgs_Start+23,"WM_DRAWITEM") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_25, DBG_Msgs_Start+24,"WM_ENABLE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_26, DBG_Msgs_Start+25,"WM_ENDSESSION") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_27, DBG_Msgs_Start+26,"WM_ENTERIDLE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_28, DBG_Msgs_Start+27,"WM_ERASEBKGND") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_29, DBG_Msgs_Start+28,"WM_FONTCHANGE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_30, DBG_Msgs_Start+29,"WM_GETDLGCODE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_31, DBG_Msgs_Start+30,"WM_GETFONT") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_32, DBG_Msgs_Start+31,"WM_GETMINMAXINFO") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_33, DBG_Msgs_Start+32,"WM_GETTEXT") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_34, DBG_Msgs_Start+33,"WM_GETTEXTLENGTH") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_35, DBG_Msgs_Start+34,"WM_HSCROLL") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_36, DBG_Msgs_Start+35,"WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_37, DBG_Msgs_Start+36,"WM_ICONERASEBKGND") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_38, DBG_Msgs_Start+37,"WM_INITDIALOG") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_39, DBG_Msgs_Start+38,"WM_INITMENU") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_40, DBG_Msgs_Start+39,"WM_INITMENUPOPUP") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_41, DBG_Msgs_Start+40,"WM_KEYDOWN") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_42, DBG_Msgs_Start+41,"WM_KEYFIRST") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_43, DBG_Msgs_Start+42,"WM_KEYLAST") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_44, DBG_Msgs_Start+43,"WM_KEYUP") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_45, DBG_Msgs_Start+44,"WM_KILLFOCUS") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_46, DBG_Msgs_Start+45,"WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_47, DBG_Msgs_Start+46,"WM_LBUTTONDOWN") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_48, DBG_Msgs_Start+47,"WM_LBUTTONUP") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_49, DBG_Msgs_Start+48,"WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_50, DBG_Msgs_Start+49,"WM_MBUTTONDOWN") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_51, DBG_Msgs_Start+50,"WM_MBUTTONUP") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_52, DBG_Msgs_Start+51,"WM_MDIACTIVATE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_53, DBG_Msgs_Start+52,"WM_MDICASCADE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_54, DBG_Msgs_Start+53,"WM_MDICREATE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_55, DBG_Msgs_Start+54,"WM_MDIDESTROY") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_56, DBG_Msgs_Start+55,"WM_MDIGETACTIVE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_57, DBG_Msgs_Start+56,"WM_MDIICONARRANGE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_58, DBG_Msgs_Start+57,"WM_MDIMAXIMIZE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_59, DBG_Msgs_Start+58,"WM_MDINEXT") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_60, DBG_Msgs_Start+59,"WM_MDIRESTORE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_61, DBG_Msgs_Start+60,"WM_MDISETMENU") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_62, DBG_Msgs_Start+61,"WM_MDITILE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_63, DBG_Msgs_Start+62,"WM_MEASUREITEM") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_64, DBG_Msgs_Start+63,"WM_MENUCHAR") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_65, DBG_Msgs_Start+64,"WM_MENUSELECT") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_66, DBG_Msgs_Start+65,"WM_MOUSEACTIVATE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_67, DBG_Msgs_Start+66,"WM_MOUSEFIRST") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_68, DBG_Msgs_Start+67,"WM_MOUSELAST") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_69, DBG_Msgs_Start+68,"WM_MOUSEMOVE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_70, DBG_Msgs_Start+69,"WM_MOVE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_71, DBG_Msgs_Start+70,"WM_NCACTIVATE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_72, DBG_Msgs_Start+71,"WM_NCCALCSIZE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_73, DBG_Msgs_Start+72,"WM_NCCREATE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_74, DBG_Msgs_Start+73,"WM_NCDESTROY") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_75, DBG_Msgs_Start+74,"WM_NCHITTEST") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_76, DBG_Msgs_Start+75,"WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_77, DBG_Msgs_Start+76,"WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_78, DBG_Msgs_Start+77,"WM_NCLBUTTONUP") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_79, DBG_Msgs_Start+78,"WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_80, DBG_Msgs_Start+79,"WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_81, DBG_Msgs_Start+80,"WM_NCMBUTTONUP") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_82, DBG_Msgs_Start+81,"WM_NCMOUSEMOVE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_83, DBG_Msgs_Start+82,"WM_NCPAINT") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_84, DBG_Msgs_Start+83,"WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_85, DBG_Msgs_Start+84,"WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_86, DBG_Msgs_Start+85,"WM_NCRBUTTONUP") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_87, DBG_Msgs_Start+86,"WM_NEXTDLGCTL") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_88, DBG_Msgs_Start+87,"WM_NULL") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_89, DBG_Msgs_Start+88,"WM_PAINT") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_90, DBG_Msgs_Start+89,"WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_91, DBG_Msgs_Start+90,"WM_PAINTICON") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_92, DBG_Msgs_Start+91,"WM_PALETTECHANGED") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_93, DBG_Msgs_Start+92,"WM_PALETTEISCHANGING") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_94, DBG_Msgs_Start+93,"WM_PARENTNOTIFY") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_95, DBG_Msgs_Start+94,"WM_PASTE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_96, DBG_Msgs_Start+95,"WM_QUERYDRAGICON") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_97, DBG_Msgs_Start+96,"WM_QUERYENDSESSION") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_98, DBG_Msgs_Start+97,"WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_99, DBG_Msgs_Start+98,"WM_QUERYOPEN") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_100, DBG_Msgs_Start+99,"WM_QUEUESYNC") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_101, DBG_Msgs_Start+100,"WM_QUIT") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_102, DBG_Msgs_Start+101,"WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_103, DBG_Msgs_Start+102,"WM_RBUTTONDOWN") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_104, DBG_Msgs_Start+103,"WM_RBUTTONUP") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_105, DBG_Msgs_Start+104,"WM_RENDERALLFORMATS") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_106, DBG_Msgs_Start+105,"WM_RENDERFORMAT") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_107, DBG_Msgs_Start+106,"WM_SETCURSOR") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_108, DBG_Msgs_Start+107,"WM_SETFOCUS") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_109, DBG_Msgs_Start+108,"WM_SETFONT") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_110, DBG_Msgs_Start+109,"WM_SETREDRAW") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_111, DBG_Msgs_Start+110,"WM_SETTEXT") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_112, DBG_Msgs_Start+111,"WM_SHOWWINDOW") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_113, DBG_Msgs_Start+112,"WM_SIZE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_114, DBG_Msgs_Start+113,"WM_SIZECLIPBOARD") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_115, DBG_Msgs_Start+114,"WM_SPOOLERSTATUS") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_116, DBG_Msgs_Start+115,"WM_SYSCHAR") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_117, DBG_Msgs_Start+116,"WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_118, DBG_Msgs_Start+117,"WM_SYSCOMMAND") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_119, DBG_Msgs_Start+118,"WM_SYSDEADCHAR") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_120, DBG_Msgs_Start+119,"WM_SYSKEYDOWN") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_121, DBG_Msgs_Start+120,"WM_SYSKEYUP") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_122, DBG_Msgs_Start+121,"WM_TIMECHANGE") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_123, DBG_Msgs_Start+122,"WM_TIMER") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_124, DBG_Msgs_Start+123,"WM_UNDO") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_125, DBG_Msgs_Start+124,"WM_VKEYTOITEM") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_126, DBG_Msgs_Start+125,"WM_VSCROLL") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_127, DBG_Msgs_Start+126,"WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_128, DBG_Msgs_Start+127,"WM_WININICHANGE") // add messages for IME //RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_129, DBG_Msgs_Start+128,"WM_CONVERTREQUESTEX") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_129, DBG_Msgs_Start+128,"WM_IME_CHAR") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_130, DBG_Msgs_Start+129,"WM_IME_COMPOSITION") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_131, DBG_Msgs_Start+130,"WM_IME_COMPOSITIONFULL") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_132, DBG_Msgs_Start+131,"WM_IME_CONTROL") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_133, DBG_Msgs_Start+132,"WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_134, DBG_Msgs_Start+133,"WM_IME_KEYDOWN") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_135, DBG_Msgs_Start+134,"WM_IME_KEYLAST") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_136, DBG_Msgs_Start+135,"WM_IME_KEYUP") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_137, DBG_Msgs_Start+136,"WM_IME_NOTIFY") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_138, DBG_Msgs_Start+137,"WM_IME_SELECT") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_139, DBG_Msgs_Start+138,"WM_IME_SETCONTEXT") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_140, DBG_Msgs_Start+139,"WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_141, DBG_Msgs_Start+140,"WM_IME_REPORT") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_142, DBG_Msgs_Start+141,"WM_IMEKEYDOWN") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DBG_Msgs_WM_143, DBG_Msgs_Start+142,"WM_IMEKEYUP") // BUGBUG - Dead code // #define DBG_Msgs_End DBG_Msgs_WM_143 // definitions QCQP user control string IDs stored in string table // each controls must be together and must use the states offset. RES_STR(IDS_CTRL_TRACENORMAL, 10100 + STATE_NORMAL, "") RES_STR(IDS_CTRL_TRACEPUSHED, 10100 + STATE_PUSHED, "") RES_STR(IDS_CTRL_TRACEGRAYED, 10100 + STATE_GRAYED, "") RES_STR(IDS_CTRL_STEPNORMAL, 10110 + STATE_NORMAL, "") RES_STR(IDS_CTRL_STEPPUSHED, 10110 + STATE_PUSHED, "") RES_STR(IDS_CTRL_STEPGRAYED, 10110 + STATE_GRAYED, "") RES_STR(IDS_CTRL_BREAKNORMAL, 10120 + STATE_NORMAL, "") RES_STR(IDS_CTRL_BREAKPUSHED, 10120 + STATE_PUSHED, "") RES_STR(IDS_CTRL_BREAKGRAYED, 10120 + STATE_GRAYED, "") RES_STR(IDS_CTRL_GONORMAL, 10130 + STATE_NORMAL, "") RES_STR(IDS_CTRL_GOPUSHED, 10130 + STATE_PUSHED, "") RES_STR(IDS_CTRL_GOGRAYED, 10130 + STATE_GRAYED, "") RES_STR(IDS_CTRL_HALTNORMAL, 10140 + STATE_NORMAL, "") RES_STR(IDS_CTRL_HALTPUSHED, 10140 + STATE_PUSHED, "") RES_STR(IDS_CTRL_HALTGRAYED, 10140 + STATE_GRAYED, "") RES_STR(IDS_CTRL_QWATCHNORMAL, 10150 + STATE_NORMAL, "") RES_STR(IDS_CTRL_QWATCHPUSHED, 10150 + STATE_PUSHED, "") RES_STR(IDS_CTRL_QWATCHGRAYED, 10150 + STATE_GRAYED, "") RES_STR(IDS_CTRL_SMODENORMAL, 10160 + STATE_NORMAL, "") RES_STR(IDS_CTRL_SMODEPUSHED, 10160 + STATE_PUSHED, "") RES_STR(IDS_CTRL_SMODEGRAYED, 10160 + STATE_GRAYED, "") RES_STR(IDS_CTRL_AMODENORMAL, 10170 + STATE_NORMAL, "") RES_STR(IDS_CTRL_AMODEPUSHED, 10170 + STATE_PUSHED, "") RES_STR(IDS_CTRL_AMODEGRAYED, 10170 + STATE_GRAYED, "") RES_STR(IDS_CTRL_FORMATNORMAL, 10180 + STATE_NORMAL, "") RES_STR(IDS_CTRL_FORMATPUSHED, 10180 + STATE_PUSHED, "") RES_STR(IDS_CTRL_FORMATGRAYED, 10180 + STATE_GRAYED, "") // Definitions for status line messages // The '\t' is used to center the text in the status bar rectangle RES_STR(STS_MESSAGE_OVERTYPE, 10201,"\tOVR") RES_STR(STS_MESSAGE_CAPSLOCK, 10203,"\tCAPS") RES_STR(STS_MESSAGE_NUMLOCK, 10204,"\tNUM") RES_STR(STS_MESSAGE_LINE, 10205,"\tLn") RES_STR(STS_MESSAGE_COLUMN, 10206,"Col") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(STS_MESSAGE_SRC, 10207,"\tSRC") RES_STR(STS_MESSAGE_CURPROCID, 10208,"\tProc") RES_STR(STS_MESSAGE_CURTHRDID, 10209,"\tThrd") RES_STR(STS_MESSAGE_ASM, 10210,"\tASM") //) // Title bar strings) //) // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(TBR_Mode_Work, 10300," [edit]") RES_STR(TBR_Mode_Run, 10310," [run]") RES_STR(TBR_Mode_Break, 10320," [break]") //) // Files types description) //) //RES_STR(TYP_File_SOURCE, 11011,"C/C++ Source Files (*.c, *.cxx)") //RES_STR(TYP_File_INCLUDE, 11012,"C/C++ Include Files (*.h)") //RES_STR(TYP_File_ASMSRC, 11013,"ASM Source Files (*.asm, *.s)") RES_STR(TYP_File_SOURCE, 11011,"C/C++ Src (*.c;*.cpp;*.cxx)") RES_STR(TYP_File_INCLUDE, 11012,"C/C++ Inc (*.h)") RES_STR(TYP_File_ASMSRC, 11013,"ASM Src (*.asm;*.s)") RES_STR(TYP_File_INC, 11180,"User Inc (*.inc)") RES_STR(TYP_File_RC, 11100,"Resource (*.rc)") RES_STR(TYP_File_DLG, 11110,"Dialog (*.dlg)") RES_STR(TYP_File_DEF, 11090,"Definition (*.def)") RES_STR(TYP_File_MAK, 11060,"Project (*.mak)") RES_STR(TYP_File_All_SYMS, 11261,"All Symbols (*.pdb;*.dbg;*.sym;*.exe;*.dll)") RES_STR(TYP_File_Cust_SYMS, 11262,"Symbols") RES_STR(TYP_File_DLL, 11220,"Dynamic Library (*.dll)") RES_STR(TYP_File_ALL, 11270,"All Files (*.*)") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(TYP_File_C, 11010,"C Source (*.c)") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(TYP_File_CPP, 11020,"C++ Source (*.cpp)") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(TYP_File_CXX, 11030,"C++ Source (*.cxx)") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(TYP_File_H, 11040,"C Header (*.h)") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(TYP_File_NOEXT, 11050,"No Extension (*.)") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(TYP_File_OBJ, 11080,"Object Code (*.obj)") RES_STR(TYP_File_EXE, 11200,"Executable (*.exe)") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(TYP_File_COM, 11210,"Command (*.com)") RES_STR(TYP_File_ASM, 11250,"Asm Files (*.asm)") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(TYP_File_MIPSASM, 11260,"Mips Asm Files (*.s)") RES_STR(TYP_File_EXE_COM, 11280,"Executable (*.exe;*.com)") RES_STR(TYP_File_LOG, 11281,"Log Files (*.log)") RES_STR(TYP_File_DUMP, 11282,"Crash Dump Files (*.dmp)") RES_STR(DEF_Ext_C, 11300,"*.C") RES_STR(DEF_Ext_SOURCE, 11301,"*.C;*.CPP;*.CXX") RES_STR(DEF_Ext_CPP, 11310,"*.CPP") RES_STR(DEF_Ext_CXX, 11320,"*.CXX") RES_STR(DEF_Ext_INCLUDE, 11321,"*.H;*.HPP;*.HXX") RES_STR(DEF_Ext_H, 11330,"*.H") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DEF_Ext_NOEXT, 11340,"*.") RES_STR(DEF_Ext_MAK, 11350,"*.MAK") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DEF_Ext_OBJ, 11370,"*.OBJ") RES_STR(DEF_Ext_DEF, 11380,"*.DEF") RES_STR(DEF_Ext_RC, 11390,"*.RC") RES_STR(DEF_Ext_DLG, 11400,"*.DLG") RES_STR(DEF_Ext_INC, 11470,"*.INC") RES_STR(DEF_Ext_EXE, 11490,"*.EXE") RES_STR(DEF_Ext_COM, 11500,"*.COM") RES_STR(DEF_Ext_DLL, 11510,"*.DLL") RES_STR(DEF_Ext_ASMSRC, 11511,"*.ASM;*.S") RES_STR(DEF_Ext_ASM, 11540,"*.ASM") // BUGBUG - Dead code // RES_STR(DEF_Ext_MIPSASM, 11550,"*.S") RES_STR(DEF_Ext_All_SYMS, 11551,"*.pdb;*.dbg;*.sym;*.exe;*.dll") RES_STR(DEF_Ext_Cust_SYMS, 11552,".pdb\0.dbg\0.sym\0") RES_STR(DEF_Ext_ALL, 11560,"*.*") RES_STR(DEF_Ext_EXE_COM, 11570,"*.exe;*.com") RES_STR(DEF_Ext_LOG, 11571,"*.log") RES_STR(DEF_Ext_DUMP, 11572,"*.dmp") // Toolbar strings RES_STR(TBR_FILE_OPEN, 12000,"Open source file (Ctrl+O)") RES_STR(TBR_FILE_SAVE_WORKSPACE, 12001,"Save workspace (Ctrl+S)") RES_STR(TBR_EDIT_CUT, 12002,"Cut (Ctrl+X)") RES_STR(TBR_EDIT_COPY, 12003,"Copy (Ctrl+C)") RES_STR(TBR_EDIT_PASTE, 12004,"Paste (Ctrl+V)") RES_STR(TBR_DEBUG_GO, 12005,"Go (F5)") RES_STR(TBR_DEBUG_RESTART, 12006,"Restart (Ctrl+Shift+F5)") RES_STR(TBR_DEBUG_STOPDEBUGGING, 12007,"Stop debugging (Shift+F5)") RES_STR(TBR_DEBUG_BREAK, 12008,"Break (Ctrl+Break)") RES_STR(TBR_DEBUG_STEPINTO, 12009,"Step into (F11 or F8)") RES_STR(TBR_DEBUG_STEPOVER, 12010,"Step over (F10)") RES_STR(TBR_DEBUG_RUNTOCURSOR, 12011,"Run to cursor (Ctrl+F10 or F7)") RES_STR(TBR_EDIT_BREAKPOINTS, 12012,"Insert or remove breakpoint (F9)") RES_STR(TBR_DEBUG_QUICKWATCH, 12013,"Quick watch (Shift+F9)") RES_STR(TBR_VIEW_COMMAND, 12014,"Command (Alt+1)") RES_STR(TBR_VIEW_WATCH, 12015,"Watch (Alt+2)") RES_STR(TBR_VIEW_LOCALS, 12018,"Locals (Alt+3)") RES_STR(TBR_VIEW_REGISTERS, 12019,"Registers (Alt+4)") RES_STR(TBR_VIEW_MEMORY, 12017,"Memory window (Alt+5)") RES_STR(TBR_VIEW_CALLSTACK, 12016,"Call stack (Alt+6)") RES_STR(TBR_VIEW_DISASM, 12020,"Disassembly (Alt+7)") RES_STR(TBR_VIEW_FLOAT, 12021,"Float (Alt+8)") RES_STR(TBR_DEBUG_SOURCE_MODE_ON, 12022,"Source mode on") RES_STR(TBR_DEBUG_SOURCE_MODE_OFF, 12023,"Source mode off") RES_STR(TBR_VIEW_FONT, 12024,"Font") RES_STR(TBR_EDIT_PROPERTIES, 12025,"Properties") RES_STR(TBR_VIEW_OPTIONS, 12026,"Options") RES_STR(IDS_PROCESS_EXCLUSION_LIST, 12100,"smss.exe\0System.exe\0Terminate with two zeros. Not case sensitive.\0") #ifdef RESOURCES // Menu Items Status bar help IDM_FILE, "File operations" IDM_FILE_OPEN, "Open a source file" IDM_FILE_CLOSE, "Close active window" IDM_FILE_OPEN_EXECUTABLE, "Open an executable to debug" IDM_FILE_OPEN_CRASH_DUMP, "Open a crash dump to debug" //IDM_FILE_START_KERNEL_DEBUGGING, "Start kernel debugging" IDM_FILE_NEW_WORKSPACE, "Create a new workspace" IDM_FILE_SAVE_WORKSPACE, "Save the current workspace" IDM_FILE_SAVEAS_WORKSPACE, "Save the current workspace with a new name" IDM_FILE_MANAGE_WORKSPACE, "Delete, create, copy, edit workspaces" IDM_FILE_SAVE_AS_WINDOW_LAYOUTS "Save the current window layout with a new name" IDM_FILE_MANAGE_WINDOW_LAYOUTS "Open, delete, create, copy, edit window layouts" IDM_FILE_EXIT, "Exit Windows Debugger" // Edit IDM_EDIT, "Edit operations" IDM_EDIT_CUT, "Move the selected text to the clipboard" IDM_EDIT_COPY, "Copy the selected text to the clipboard" IDM_EDIT_PASTE, "Paste the clipboard text at the insertion point" IDM_EDIT_FIND, "Find some text" IDM_EDIT_REPLACE, "Find some text and replace it" IDM_EDIT_GOTO_LINE, "Move to a specified line number" IDM_EDIT_GOTO_ADDRESS, "Move to the specified address" IDM_EDIT_BREAKPOINTS, "Edit program breakpoints" IDM_EDIT_PROPERTIES, "Edit properties for Memory, Watch, Locals, and Call Stack windows" // View IDM_VIEW, "File navigation, status and toolbars" IDM_VIEW_COMMAND, "Open the command window" IDM_VIEW_WATCH, "Open the watch window" IDM_VIEW_CALLSTACK, "Open a call stack window" IDM_VIEW_MEMORY, "Open a memory window" IDM_VIEW_LOCALS, "Open the locals window" IDM_VIEW_REGISTERS, "Open the registers window" IDM_VIEW_DISASM, "Open the disassembly window" IDM_VIEW_FLOAT, "Open the floating point window" IDM_VIEW_TOGGLETAG, "Toggle a tag for the current line" IDM_VIEW_NEXTTAG, "Move to the next tagged line" IDM_VIEW_PREVIOUSTAG, "Move to the previous tagged line" IDM_VIEW_CLEARALLTAGS, "Clear all tags in the active file" IDM_VIEW_TOOLBAR, "Toggle the toolbar on or off" IDM_VIEW_STATUS, "Toggle the status bar on or off" IDM_VIEW_FONT, "View or edit the font for the current window" IDM_VIEW_COLORS, "View or edit the current color selection" IDM_VIEW_OPTIONS, "View program options" // Debug IDM_DEBUG, "Debug operatons" IDM_DEBUG_GO, "Run the Program" IDM_DEBUG_RESTART, "Restart the Program" IDM_DEBUG_STOPDEBUGGING, "Stop debugging the current program" IDM_DEBUG_BREAK, "Halt the current program" IDM_DEBUG_STEPINTO, "Trace into the next statement" IDM_DEBUG_STEPOVER, "Step over the next statement" IDM_DEBUG_RUNTOCURSOR, "Run the program to the line containing the cursor" IDM_DEBUG_QUICKWATCH, "Quick watch and modify variables or expressions" IDM_DEBUG_SOURCE_MODE, "Source window" IDM_DEBUG_EXCEPTIONS, "Manage exception handling" IDM_DEBUG_SET_THREAD, "View or set the current thread" IDM_DEBUG_SET_PROCESS, "View or set the current process" IDM_DEBUG_ATTACH, "Attach to a running process" IDM_DEBUG_GO_UNHANDLED, "Do not handle the exception, but continue running" IDM_DEBUG_GO_HANDLED, "Handle the exception and continue running" // Window IDM_WINDOW, "Window arrangement and selection" IDM_WINDOW_NEWWINDOW, "Duplicate the active window" IDM_WINDOW_CASCADE, "Arrange the windows in a cascaded view" IDM_WINDOW_TILE_HORZ, "Tiles the windows so that they are wide rather than tall" IDM_WINDOW_TILE_VERT, "Tiles the windows so that they are tall rather than wide" IDM_WINDOW_ARRANGE, "Arrange the windows" IDM_WINDOW_ARRANGE_ICONS, "Arrange the icons" IDM_WINDOW_SOURCE_OVERLAY, "Overlay the source windows" // Help IDM_HELP, "Help contents and searches" IDM_HELP_CONTENTS, "Open the help table of contents" IDM_HELP_SEARCH, "Open the help search dialog" IDM_HELP_ABOUT, "About Windows Debugger" IDS_SOURCE_WINDOW, "Source window" IDS_DUMMY_WINDOW, "Dummy" //do NOT Remove!!GWK IDS_WATCH_WINDOW, "Watch window" IDS_LOCALS_WINDOW, "Locals window" IDS_CPU_WINDOW, "Registers window" IDS_DISASSEMBLER_WINDOW, "Disassembler window" IDS_COMMAND_WINDOW, "Command window" IDS_FLOAT_WINDOW, "Floating-point window" IDS_MEMORY_WINDOW, "Memory window" IDS_CALLS_WINDOW, "Calls window" IDS_BREAKPOINT_LINE, "Breakpoint line" IDS_CURRENT_LINE, "Current line" IDS_CURRENTBREAK_LINE, "Current line, with breakpoint" IDS_UNINSTANTIATEDBREAK, "Uninstantiated breakpoint" IDS_TAGGED_LINE, "Tagged line" IDS_TEXT_SELECTION, "Text selection" IDS_KEYWORD, "Keyword" IDS_IDENTIFIER, "Identifier" IDS_COMMENT, "Comment" IDS_NUMBER, "Number" IDS_REAL, "Real" IDS_STRING, "String" IDS_ACTIVEEDIT, "Active edit" IDS_CHANGEHISTORY, "Change history" IDS_SELECT_ALL, "Select All" IDS_CLEAR_ALL, "Clear All" #endif #ifdef RESOURCES END #else IDS_REMOVE_WARNING }; #endif #endif // _RES_STR_