!IF 0 Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: sources. Abstract: This file specifies the target component being built and the list of sources files needed to build that component. Also specifies optional compiler switches and libraries that are unique for the component being built. Author: Jim Schaad (jimsch) !ENDIF !IFDEF DEBUGVER USE_RTTI=1 !ENDIF USECXX_FLAG=/TP MAJORCOMP=windbg MINORCOMP=windbg !IF 0 BUGBUG 64 bit - windbg needs to be loaded into 32 bit space LINKER_FLAGS=$(LINKER_FLAGS) /LARGEADDRESSAWARE:NO !ENDIF TARGETNAME=windbg TARGETPATH=obj TARGETTYPE=PROGRAM # # wrkspace.c needs to be the first file compiled. # If it isn't, the C++ classes will not yet be constructed, # and all code that references workspace variables will be # assigned 0 plus an offset. # ie. ".opt" # SOURCES= \ windbg.rc \ wrkspace.c \ old_wksp.c \ apisupp.c \ arrange.c \ breakpts.c \ brkpt0.c \ callswin.c \ cmdexec0.c \ cmdexec1.c \ cmdexec2.c \ cmdwin.c \ codemgr.c \ colors.c \ confirm.c \ cp.c \ cpuwin.c \ cvextras.c \ data.c \ dbgext.c \ dbugdll.c \ dbugexcp.c \ disasm.c \ docfile.c \ document.c \ edit.c \ editutil.c \ environ.c \ find.c \ findnext.c \ findrep.c \ fonts.c \ function.c \ init.c \ line.c \ linklist.c \ kdopt.c \ localwin.c \ makeeng.c \ memory.c \ memwin.c \ menu.c \ ncmdwin.c \ newrem.c \ ntexpr.c \ ntsdsup.c \ optsheet.c \ panemgr.c \ paneopt.c \ paneuser.c \ pidtid.c \ pipeex.c \ process.c \ program.c \ quickw.c \ re_mi.c \ reparse.c \ replace.c \ setbreak.c \ status.c \ tasklist.c \ thread.c \ toolbar.c \ undoredo.c \ userctrl.c \ userdll.c \ util.c \ util2.c \ vib.c \ watch.c \ watchwin.c \ wcrash.c \ windbg.c UMTYPE=windows #INCLUDES=..\osdebug\include;include;obj\$(TARGET_DIRECTORY) !include ..\common.src INCLUDES=.\include; \ .\obj\$(TARGET_DIRECTORY); \ ..\include; \ $(LANGAPI)\debugger; \ $(LANGAPI)\include; \ $(VCTOOLS)\debugger\od\include; \ $(VCTOOLS)\debugger\wrkspc; \ $(VCTOOLS)\debugger\include C_DEFINES = $(C_DEFINES) -DOSDEBUG -DOSDEBUG4 UMLIBS= $(MORE_LIBS) \ $(BASEDIR)\private\windbg64\lib\obj\*\mathlib.lib \ $(VCTOOLS)\debugger\lib\*\odnt.lib \ $(VCTOOLS)\debugger\lib\*\wslib.lib \ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\shell32.lib \ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\comdlg32.lib \ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\version.lib \ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\mpr.lib \ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\dbghelp.lib \ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\comctl32.lib \ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\crashlib.lib NTTARGETFILES= NTKEEPRESOURCETMPFILES=1 SUBSYSTEM_VERSION=4.00 #WIN32_IE_VERSION=0x0300 #WIN32_WINNT=0x0400 PRECOMPILED_INCLUDE=precomp.h PRECOMPILED_PCH=precomp.pch PRECOMPILED_OBJ=precomp.obj MISCFILES = windbg.hlp windbg.cnt