@echo off @echo Remove the Font Support diskette from the diskette drive. @echo The Control Panel International applet will be started now. Please @echo select the Country, Language and Keyboard which you would like to have @echo set as the system defaults. Once you have made the appropriate @echo selections, choose the "Close" button. Once the International applet @echo is closed, please close the Control Panel window for completion of @echo the Font Support installation. pause call %systemroot%\system32\control INTERNATIONAL pause call %systemroot%\system32\sublocal -userdef @echo Application fonts for the additional locales have been placed @echo in directories under %systemroot%\system\appfonts. You may install @echo these fonts using the Control Panel Fonts applet, choosing "Add" @echo and choosing the correct directory. The subdirectories are: @echo %systemroot\system\appfonts\Cyrillic @echo \TURKISH @echo \EasternEurope @echo The Font Support installation is now complete. @echo Please reboot at this time for the new locale to be activated. pause exit